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Last active March 6, 2024 11:01
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Save X-Raym/138141d6cdfad742f7a8c7b55e1ee849 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
REAPER Track Routing to Graphviz by Fabian mod by X-Raym
-- TrackRouting2dot, v0.1, M Fabian (Mod by X-Raym
-- Goes through the current project and generates a file (png or gif or jpg or...)
-- that graphically displays the track routing within the project
-- Uses the dot layout engine, available in the Graphviz package from
-- TODO:
-- * DONE! - Add send and receive channels at the respective ends of the arrows
-- * DONE! - Add "implicit" sends from children to parents, hatched lines
-- * Make edges orthogonal (splines=ortho should fix that but doesn't, probably not possible)
-- * DONE! - Make the track colors more like what the colors actually look in Reaper
-- * DONE! - Distinhguish MIDI sends
-- * Allow to graph only selected tracks
-- * Automagically load the generated gif/png/jpg/whatever into Reaper (possible?)
local DOT_PATH="C:\\Program Files\\Graphviz\\bin\\" -- where to find dot, make sure it ends with "\\"
local DOT_OUT = "E:\\Bureau\\graph" -- the name of the file used in the DOT_CMD
local DOT_TYPE = "svg" -- can be gif, png, pdf, bmp, jpg, svg, and more
local DOT_SPLINES = "spline" -- can be spline, line, polyline, ortho
local DOT_TSHAPE = "node [shape=box style=filled]"
local DOT_EXT = ".dot"
local DOT_CMD = "dot.exe -T "..DOT_TYPE.." -o "..DOT_OUT.."."..DOT_TYPE.." "..DOT_OUT..DOT_EXT
local DOT_GRAPH = "graph [fontsize=24 labelloc=\"t\" label=\"_\" splines="..DOT_SPLINES..
" overlap=false rankdir=\"LR\"];"
local rpr = reaper
local GET_SENDS = 0
local MASTER_TRACK = -1
local function formatChanLabel(chanvalue)
-- For src and dest channels:
-- 0 means stereo 1/2, 1 means stereo 2/3, 2 means stereo 3/4, etc. So: (srcchan+1)/(srcchan+2)
-- 1024 means mono 1, 1025 means mono 2, 1026 means mono 3, etc. So: srcchan-1023
-- negative values represent midi channels -17,
if 0 <= chanvalue then
if chanvalue < 1024 then -- stero
return (chanvalue+1).."/"..(chanvalue+2)
else -- mono
return ""..(chanvalue-1023)
else -- negative value means MIDI
return "MIDI" -- simply this for now!
end -- formatChanLabel
local function formatChanLabels(src, dest)
local label = ""
if src < 0 then -- this is MIDI
assert(dest < 0, "Something seriuoly wrong here!")
local midisrc = src + 17
local mididest = dest + 17
if midisrc == mididest then
label = "label=\"MIDI "..midisrc.."\" style=dotted"
label = "label=\"MIDI "..midisrc.." > "..mididest.."\" style=dotted"
elseif src == dest then
label = "label=\""..formatChanLabel(src).."\""
label ="taillabel=\""..formatChanLabel(src)..
"\" headlabel=\""..formatChanLabel(dest).."\"".." labeldistance=2.0"
return label
end -- formatChanLabels
local function getTrackColor(mediatrack)
local color = math.floor(rpr.GetTrackColor(mediatrack))
if color == 0 then
return ""
local R, G, B = rpr.ColorFromNative(color)
-- dot takes colors in rgb hex as "#FF0000" for red, "#00FF00" green, "#0000FF" blue. and all in-between
-- The fourth hex "88" at the end is the alpha channel, without it the colors are a tad too strong
local outstr = string.format("#%02x%02x%02x88", R, G, B)
return outstr
local function getTrackInfo()
local tracks = {} -- collects all the tracks
local numtracks = rpr.GetNumTracks()
if numtracks == 0 then return tracks end
for i = 0, numtracks-1 do
local trackinfo = {} -- mediatrack, num, name, color
local mediatrack = rpr.GetTrack(0, i)
trackinfo.mediatrack = mediatrack
trackinfo.num = math.floor(rpr.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(mediatrack, "IP_TRACKNUMBER"))
_, = rpr.GetTrackName(mediatrack, "")
trackinfo.color = getTrackColor(mediatrack)
table.insert(tracks, trackinfo)
return tracks
end -- getTrackInfo
local function getSends(mediatrack)
local sendstable = {}
-- First handle the explicit sends
local numsends = rpr.GetTrackNumSends(mediatrack, GET_SENDS)
if numsends > 0 then
for i = 0, numsends-1 do
local sendstruct = {}
local targettrack = rpr.GetTrackSendInfo_Value(mediatrack, GET_SENDS, i, "P_DESTTRACK")
local targetnum = rpr.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(targettrack, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
local srcchan = rpr.GetTrackSendInfo_Value(mediatrack, GET_SENDS, i, "I_SRCCHAN")
local destchan = rpr.GetTrackSendInfo_Value(mediatrack, GET_SENDS, i, "I_DSTCHAN")
sendstruct.targetnum = math.floor(targetnum)
sendstruct.srcchan = math.floor(srcchan)
sendstruct.destchan = math.floor(destchan)
-- For src and dest channels:
-- 0 means stereo 1/2, 1 means stereo 2/3, 2 means stereo 3/4, etc. So: (srcchan+1)/(srcchan+2)
-- 1024 means mono 1, 1025 means mono 2, 1026 means mono 3, etc. So: srcchan-1023
-- -1 for src (dest is 0) means none (so there is a send, but not audio, thus MIDI, check "I_MIDIFLAGS")
if sendstruct.srcchan == -1 then
local midichannels = rpr.GetTrackSendInfo_Value(mediatrack, GET_SENDS, i, "I_MIDIFLAGS")
local midisrc = midichannels&0x1F -- lo 5 bits is src channel, 0=all, else 1-16
local mididest = (midichannels&0x3E0)>>5 -- next 5 bits are dest chan, 0=orig, else 1-16
-- These are stored as negative numbers by subtracting 17, which makes -17 mean "all/orig"
-- -16 mean midi channel 1, -15 midi channel 2 etc
sendstruct.srcchan = midisrc - 17
sendstruct.destchan = mididest - 17
table.insert(sendstable, sendstruct)
-- Now handle the implicit sends, to parents and the master
-- The implicit sends have their targettrack num negated to be able to make them hatched
local parentsend = rpr.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(mediatrack, "B_MAINSEND") -- returns 0.0 for false, 1.0 for true
if parentsend > 0 then -- this track sends either to its parent or to the Master
local sendstruct = {}
local parenttrack = rpr.GetParentTrack(mediatrack)
if parenttrack ~= nil then -- this track sends to parent, not the Master
local targetnum = math.floor(rpr.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(parenttrack, "IP_TRACKNUMBER"))
sendstruct.targetnum = -targetnum-1 -- since the Master is num -1, we need to make these start 1 step lower
else -- this track sends to the master
sendstruct.targetnum = MASTER_TRACK
sendstruct.srcchan = 0 -- Don't know yet how to get these
sendstruct.destchan = 0
table.insert(sendstable, sendstruct)
return sendstable
end -- getSends
local function writePreamble(fileh)
fileh:write("digraph ")
local pname = rpr.GetProjectName(0, "")
if pname == "" then pname = "Unnamed project" end
DOT_GRAPH = DOT_GRAPH:gsub("_", pname)
fileh:write("\""..pname.."\" {\n\t"..DOT_GRAPH.."\n\t"..DOT_TSHAPE.."\n\t")
end -- writePreamble
local function writeNodes(fileh, tracks)
for i, track in ipairs( tracks ) do
fileh:write("track"..tracks[i].num.." [fontname=\"Arial\" label=\""..tracks[i].name.."\" fillcolor=\""..tracks[i].color.."\"]\n\t")
fileh:write("Master\n\t") -- Last in the line
end -- writeNodes
local function writeRouting(fileh, tracks)
for t = 1, #tracks do
local mediatrack = tracks[t].mediatrack -- rpr.GetTrack(0, i)
local tracknum = tracks[t].num
local sends = getSends(mediatrack)
for i = 1, #sends do
local sendstruct = sends[i]
local sendtrack = "Master"
local label = ""
if sendstruct.targetnum < 0 then -- implicit send, either to Master or parent
label = "[style=dashed]" -- implicit sends are denoted by dashed lines, no channels
if sendstruct.targetnum < -1 then -- handle parent sends that are not to Master
sendtrack = "track"..-(sendstruct.targetnum+1)
else -- explicit send, include channels label(s)
sendtrack = "track"..sendstruct.targetnum
label = "["..formatChanLabels(sendstruct.srcchan, sendstruct.destchan).."]"
fileh:write("track"..tracknum.." -> "..sendtrack.." "..label.."\n\t")
end -- writeRouting
--------------------------------------------------- Open code starts here
local tracks = getTrackInfo()
local fileh = assert(, "w"), "Error opening file "..DOT_OUT.." for writing")
writeNodes(fileh, tracks)
writeRouting(fileh, tracks)
-- "C:\Program Files\Graphviz\bin\dot.exe -Tsvg -o E:\Bureau\graph.svg E:\Bureau\"
-- "C:\Program Files\Graphviz\bin\dot.exe" -Tsvg "E:\Bureau\" -o "E:\Bureau\graph.svg"
os.execute([["C:\Program Files\Graphviz\bin\dot.exe" -Tsvg E:\Bureau\ -o E:\Bureau\graph.svg]])
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