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Last active December 20, 2019 16:58
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Mass File Renamer
mass file renamer. Obvious prototype but does the job.
Renames files according to extension (EXT0001), unless specified otherwise.
Neku 2019
optional parameters
-h --help: prints this help and exits
-s --specific: specifies a word you want in them, before the
-d --dir: uses directory specified, relative to current dir
-ad --abs: uses Absolute directory, regardless of current dir
-e --extension: only renames files with -e
import os
import sys
from colored import fg, style
def print_red(string: str):
if not "colored" in sys.modules:
print("[-]" + string)
return None
print("%s" %fg(1) + string + style.RESET)
return None
def print_yellow(string: str):
if not "colored" in sys.modules:
print("[/]" + string)
return None
print("%s" %fg(3) + string+style.RESET)
return None
def print_green(string: str):
if not "colored" in sys.modules:
print("[+]" + string)
return None
print("%s" %fg(2) + string+style.RESET)
return None
# I like to specify these because honestly I'm too lazy to remember them.
usage = ('\n'
'\noptional parameters'
'\n-h --help: prints this help and exits'
'\n-s --specific: specifies a word you want in them, before the num'
'\n-d --dir: uses directory specified, relative to current dir'
'\n-ad --abs: uses Absolute directory, regardless of current dir'
'\n-e --extension: only renames files with -e')
class Renamer:
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
self.rel_dir = kwargs.get('dir',None)
self.abs_dir = kwargs.get('a_dir',None)
if self.abs_dir is '':
self.abs_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd()+ self.rel_dir)
self.specific = kwargs.get('specific',None)
self.extension = kwargs.get('extension',None)
# Error handling
if not isinstance(self.rel_dir,str):
raise TypeError('Directory must be of type: String')
if not isinstance(self.extension, str):
raise TypeError('Extension must of type: String')
if self.extension is not '':
self.ext_str = 'Only renaming files with .{0} as an extension'.format(self.extension)
self.ext_str = ''
def rename(self):
except FileNotFoundError:
print_red('Directory: {} could not be found.')
return False
print_yellow('Renaming files in {abs_dir}.\n{ext}'
'\nPress any key to continue. Press e to exit.\n'.format(
continuation = input()
if continuation.lower() == 'e':
return False
final_counter = 0
file_counter = {} # format: {'ext':count}
files = [f for f in os.listdir() if os.path.isfile(f)]
# For future, os.path.getctime() gets Creation time x
for file in files:
file_ext = file.split(".")[-1].upper()
if self.extension and file_ext.lower() != self.extension.lower():
continue # next time ol friend
if self.specific:
count = file_counter.get('all',0)
if not count:
file_counter['all'] = 1
file_counter['all'] += 1
file_name = self.specific+ str(count+1).zfill(4) + '.' + file_ext.lower()
count = file_counter.get(file_ext,0)
if not count: # if it is 0
file_counter[file_ext] = 1
file_counter[file_ext] += 1
file_name = file_ext + str(count+1).zfill(4) + '.' + file_ext.lower()
print_green('Renaming {0} to {1}.'.format(file,file_name))
final_counter += 1
if final_counter:
print_green('\nFinished renaming files.\nNamed {0} in total.'.format(final_counter))
print_yellow('\nDid not rename any files? Check parameters and try again.')
return False
return True
def main(args): # may look like '-s Photos -d /Photos -e png
# could specify default params in kwargs.get, however, this allows me to change them from my args
kwargs = {'dir':'',
for arg in args.replace('--','-').split("-"): # ['s Photos ',d /Photos ', 'png']
arg = arg.strip()
if arg is '':
if arg.lower().startswith('h') or arg.lower().startswith('help'):
elif arg.lower().startswith('s') or arg.lower().startswith('specific'):
kwargs['specific'] = "_".join(arg.split(" ")[1:])
elif arg.lower().startswith('d') or arg.lower().startswith('dir'):
kwargs['dir'] = " ".join(arg.split(" ")[1:])
elif arg.lower().startswith('ad') or arg.lower().startswith('abs'):
kwargs['a_dir'] = " ".join(arg.split(" ")[1:])
elif arg.lower().startswith('e') or arg.lower().startswith('extension'):
kwargs['extension'] = " ".join(arg.split(" ")[1:]).replace('.','')
print_red('ERROR: unsupported argument, will pass over it.\nArgument: {0}\n'.format(arg))
R = Renamer(**kwargs)
if not R.rename():
print_red('Exiting with Exit Code 0.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))
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