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Created February 10, 2024 23:19
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function hijriToCalendars(year, month, day, op={}) {
op.fromCal ??= "islamic-umalqura"; //
let gD = new Date(Date.UTC(2000,0,1));
gD = new Date(gD.setUTCDate(gD.getUTCDate() +
const gY = gD.getUTCFullYear(gD)-2000,
dFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-u-ca-' + op.fromCal, {dateStyle:'short', timeZone:'UTC'});
gD = new Date(( gY < 0 ? "-" : "+")+("00000" + Math.abs(gY)).slice(-6)+"-"+("0" + (gD.getUTCMonth(gD)+1)).slice(-2)+"-" + ("0" + gD.getUTCDate(gD)).slice(-2));
let [iM,iD,iY]= [...dFormat.format(gD).split("/")], i=0;
gD = new Date(gD.setUTCDate(gD.getUTCDate() +
~~(year*354+month*29.53+day-(iY.split(" ")[0]*354+iM*29.53+iD*1)-2)));
while (i < 4) {
[iM,iD,iY] = [...dFormat.format(gD).split("/")];
if (iD == day && iM == month && iY.split(" ")[0] == year) return formatOutput(gD);
gD = new Date(gD.setUTCDate(gD.getUTCDate()+1)); i++;
throw new Error("Invalid "+op.fromCal+" date!");
function formatOutput(gD){
return "toCal"in op ? (op.calendar= op.toCal,
new Intl.DateTimeFormat(op.locale ??= "en", op).format(gD)) : gD;
const tableOfTest = []
const timeTable = [
{"start": "08:00", "end": "10:00"},
{"start": "10:15", "end": "12:15"},
{"start": "12:30", "end": "14:30"},
{"start": "14:45", "end": "16:45"},
{"start": "17:00", "end": "19:00"},
{"start": "19:15", "end": "21:15"}
document.querySelectorAll(".is-active [class*='ROW']").forEach((elem)=> {
const theData = {"thetime": elem.lastElementChild?.childNodes[0]?.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[3].innerText.trim(), "thedate": elem.lastElementChild?.childNodes[0]?.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].innerText.trim(), "thesubject": elem.childNodes[3].innerText.trim()
if(!(Object.values(theData).indexOf(undefined) > -1)){
tableOfTest.push({...theData, ...{"thetime": JSON.stringify(timeTable[parseInt(theData["thetime"]) - 1])}, ...{"thedate": hijriToCalendars( ...theData["thedate"].split('-').map(i => parseInt(i)).reverse()).toString().replace(/\d{2}\:.*?$/g, "")}})
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