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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void main() {
const char *code = (const char *)main;
int oldcount = -1;
while (1) {
int count = 0;
const char *temp = code;
while (temp) {
import angr, claripy, simuvex
b = angr.project.Project("binari", load_options={"auto_load_libs": False})
s = b.factory.blank_state(addr=0x401300)
positions = [] # item positions
for i in range(10):
posl = [claripy.BVS("POSY"+str(i), 32), claripy.BVS("POSX"+str(i),32)]
s.mem[0x6042c0+(0x18*i)].dword = posl[0].reversed
s.mem[0x6042c4+(0x18*i)].dword = posl[1].reversed
import angr, claripy, simuvex
b = angr.project.Project("binari", load_options={"auto_load_libs": False})
s = b.factory.blank_state(addr=0x401300)
positions = [] # item positions
for i in range(10):
posl = [claripy.BVS("POSY"+str(i), 32), claripy.BVS("POSX"+str(i),32)]
s.mem[0x6042c0+(0x18*i)].dword = posl[0].reversed
s.mem[0x6042c4+(0x18*i)].dword = posl[1].reversed
# coding: utf-8
import angr,claripy,simuvex;
b = angr.project.Project("binaro")
s = b.factory.blank_state(addr=0x400dfd)
length = claripy.BVS("strlen", 64) # how long the string is; doesn't matter really
stri = claripy.BVS("str", 8*40) # the actual string
s.regs.rdi = 0x1000 # argument
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
abstract class OSFile implements Serializable {
String file = "";
abstract String getFileName();
class WindowsFile extends OSFile {
# coding: utf-8
import angr, claripy, simuvex
p=b.factory.path(s);pg=b.factory.path_group(p, immutable=Tru
p=b.factory.path(s);pg=b.factory.path_group(p, immutable=True)
p=b.factory.path(s);pg=b.factory.path_group(p, immutable=True)
import dpkt, socket, struct, binascii, sys, time, random
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Usage: pcapfile"
print "PCAP file must contain only the UDP packets of a Steam connection."
capture = dpkt.pcap.Reader(open(sys.argv[1]))
cap_messages_out = []
cap_messages_in = []

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am xmppwocky on github.
  • I am xmppwocky ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAJmqEolo4SEPD0LngKRKMxU0lZSn6MnnrPwUqqXHCvEgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

fn main() {
println!("hello world");
fn main() {
println!("hello world");