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Created May 15, 2016 13:59
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CSSConf Budapest 11 of May notes

CSSConf Budapest (11 of May)

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official site


cool link or something important to take away (or just google it)

[... demo or background story that can't be expressed in text form]

Read before Proceed!

This is the instant notes of the conference flow
Some details are missing (and so do Caps), others just dropped for the sake of brevity
Or in favor of some more important details
If you have something to share - links, pics - comments at your disposal!


David Khourshid - CSS Animations, Orchestrated


animation delay is not your friend, they can't be repeated and create a mess in a loop. this is how CSS works right now.

better use artificial delay which is currentTime/totalTime.

compositions (animations that include groups of animations) are itself a pretty ugly code, but still do the job.

David Berner - Shedding light on the Shadow DOM


cool thing about Shadow DOM is the ability to incapsulate styles.
create component - share with users.

example component - notification with title, message, button, close button and timestamp

var root = component.creareShadowRoot(); // attachShadow
root.innerHTML = '...';

using content is deprecated, replaced with slots
and slots not used anywhere yet...

<slot name="heading"></slot>

for demo purposes content is used

root.innerHTML = ...

	:host {

	:host(.is-active) {

	:host-context(.other-theme) {


styles are scoped to the shadow root

::content // ::slotted
::content h3 {...}
::content p {...}


#component::shadow p
#component / deep / p
#component >>> p


  • chrome
  • opera
  • ff - flag
  • safari in progress
  • edge - nope

Stefan Baumgartner - Super Mario Bros Principle


the game design (Mario Bros) principles sound more like CSS principles:

I can insert anything into system at least it could do something

the interface is JS

web components


[... css custom properties advocacy]

controllable via JS'--myVar', '100px');


  • chrome 49+
  • opera 46+
  • firefox 45+
  • safari 9.1+

it is possible to use polyfill

custom properties is a styling interface
it can be tough since you have to add multiple properties for every new component

the solution:

  • custom properties sets (not there yet)
  • inheritable cascading mixins

don't avoid the cascade, but use it in a tamed manner (very very carefully)
documentation is important in order to keep all custom props meaning

tip from Q&A - sass should be compatible with --custom-props

Rachel Andrew - The new CSS layout


[... from her slides: flex is still considered modern css layout...]

current CSS grid support - chrome with experimental feature flag on
flex is very well supported today!

do separate source and display
grid controversially to flex allows changing order in two dimensions
changing order should only be visual-wise, not logic-wise

use flex shorthands instead of long ones since it is the more intelligent reset according to spec

Flexbox tester

css grid 'fr' stands for the fraction unit

we can finally do the three-column layout!
[... i hope there's something more though]

Estelle Weyl - Simply Accesible

I am the twitter wh%re


a11y and perf with web standards

site sizes increased 339% in size from the dawn of 3G to nowadays

disability can be situational and permanent

[... following demo is about some visa card web application revised by Estelle]

  • 50000 lines of js
  • 41 deps

"my version"

  • 1000 js / 1000 css
  • few deps

label for the input element with name="..." and for="..." - used by screen readers, don't miss them!

[... how to recreate jquery plugin with js and native html5 attributes]

various techniques (thinking outside the box) fix many a11y bugs and data consuming

simple carousel (merry-go-round) recreated with radio buttons and almost no JS

you don't need aria spec if you use native html5 attributes

Glenn Maddern - CSS Modules, CSS Variables & the Future of Reusable CSS


sharing and reusing css is hard - why?

consistency is important
with JS it is much easier

how to build components that can be reused
or at least close to it

semantic ui

3000 theming variables - sort of code smell

make components less responsible and more responsive

idea is to move dimension styling outside of component and put it to the parent

.parent > * + * { ... }

css variables

.component: {
	--size: var(--offset, 2rem);

component could be places in other system and be restyled responsive to environment in a common way

position: relative / absolute still creates bounds

step 2: explicit components

semantic-ui rebass

step 3: resilient components

the component along the long spectrum remains useful

Jonathan Snook - Responsive Web Applications with Container Queries


[... talk about processes not the code]

one of the reasons of inconsistency - different tech stacks

making applications responsive -
designers haven't thinking of it

at yahooo 13000 eployees

every platform had it's own design
designer had vision of the feature across the platforms

at shopify 100 people

mono app with accessible templates

for a long time mobile web was ignored

components can appear in different environment

single page can have dozens (hundreds!) of variations
with media queries you have to know possible interplays of different objects

container queries - interplays within a single object

there is no spec, so we have to use JS to "polyfill" this

different polyfills:

// one
.element:media( min-width: 500px ) { ... }

// two
.element[min-width~=500px] { ... }

// three
@element .element { ... }

didn't use any of it because of the CORS problem with these libs and their CSS

elements = [
		module: ....
		className: ...
		minWidth: 768
		maxWidth: 1024

lessons learned

  • it's about purpose not properties
  • product design is a team sport
  • container queries enable faster development
  • think responsive before they need to

reframed goal:
"evolve design" --> "allow anybody to make product-wide designs changes quickly and easily"

there is no solution - learn from experience

Jackie Balzer- Schrödinger’s Website: Using Sass To Build Indeterminate, User-generated Websites


adobe portfolio

  • wysiwyg builder
  • 5 starter themes (layouts)
  • automatically responsive
  • many things can be changed - tons of customizations


  • everything is customizable
  • immediate result in the editor


  • DRY
  • reusable
  • human written

json to sass maps

map-me function returns key in map in map

css variables still badly supported
so they chose sass maps



	top-header: true
	cover-meta: true
	small-responsive-nav: true

number of columns

smaller images on smaller screens


vertical rhythm

  • calculate dimensions in %%
  • never go below 14px

formula for calculating fonts - spacing

Kevin Lorenz - Visual regression testing for CSS


why we need testing

  • inheritance
  • refactoring
  • complexity
  • responsiveness
  • human flaws

overview of testing tools

  • based on headless browser
  • interaction with browser - selenium or casper
  • tool for regression testing itself
  • software for screenshots

basic setup

  • screen current layout based on setup
  • it runs if no changes it passes
  • if there were changes it will report an error and corresponding screenshot

[... demo]

Andrey Sitnik - The Componentization of the Web


[... didn't attend]

Tim Holman - In the Wild


[... didn't attend]


Thanks for reading!


BONUS - Highly Opinionated TL;DR

  1. go ahead and try CSS animations now; one day you can even draw a foxy!
  2. if you used content for the Shadow DOM, check the spec once again, slots are coming
  3. take a break from SASS to look into CSS custom properties, they kinda cool
  4. while waiting for the grid support, use flexbox at least, support is pretty sufficient
  5. start working with purpose not jQuery; you won't need ARIA if you follow HTML5 specs
  6. make components less responsible and more responsive - move dimensions-business to parent
  7. there are at least 3 container queries polyfills, but you can always create your own
  8. highly customizable project is a hard CSS nut to crack; use sass maps and responsive <picture>
  9. visual regression testing for CSS can nicely accompany your unit and end-to-end tests; start
  10. ?
  11. ?
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