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Last active May 14, 2016 19:15
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JSConf Budapest 12-13 of May notes

JSConf Budapest 12-13 May

official site


Read before Proceed!

This is the instant notes of the conference flow
Some details are missing (and so do Caps), others just dropped for the sake of brevity
Or in favor of some more important details
If you have something to share - links, pics - comments at your disposal!


cool link or something important to take away (or just google it)

[... demo or background story that can't be expressed in text form]


Laurie Voss - What everybody should know about npm


npm has 4 million users
and billion(s) of downloads every week

npm != github
20% users not aware of the local cache

install npm and init project

npm i npm@lts -g
npm init --yes

don't write package.json manually, it's a bad practice


npm init --scope=username

for the big team
overriding npm init procedure


npm init can be re-run
install without dev dependencies

npm i --production


npm i --save --save-bundle

offline installs
default is 10s

npm i --cache-min 999999

default scripts


don't force users to install global tools
don't get conflicts over global tools versions


npm publish


npm version

creates git tag at the same time

... -m "bump to the next version"

npm shrinkwrap

npm will install the exact versions

there is a replacement for this, since it is buggy...


multiple users
(payed feature)

npm team
npm access

useful to work on big projects

npm link

multiple current versions apply at publish time

npm publish --tag
npm dist-tag
npm install pkg@tag

remove tag

npm dist-tag rm pckg tag

list tags

npm dist-tag ls pckg

apply tag on publish

npm dist-tag add pckg@ver tag
npm unpublish

unpublishing after 24 hours via support only!


npm deprecate

still available for install, but user will get a message

npm outdated
npm update

.npmrc files

  • per-project / per-user
  • global
  • built-in

it holds auth token, that used in CI for instance

babel - transpile all the things

webpack and browserify - npm outdated in the cloud (as a service)

node security project check for vulnarable projects as deps

npm i nsp -g
nsp check

Safia Abdalla - The hitchhickers guide to all things memory in javascript



  • forces to be more inventive programmers
  • memory is scarce
  • it helps exercise our empathy muscles

manual memory management in C
huge cognitive load on the engineers

v8 allocates memory into 6 chunks or spaces

  • new space (allocate on creation)
  • old pointer
  • old data space
  • large object space
  • code space (contains executable memory)
  • map space

all about so forth - new and old spaces

GC traverses the memory
things that are not accesible is garbage

one of techniques for allocating garbage:

  • halt the program
  • short GC cycle

collecting in the new space is the scavenging

mark and sweep (blah-blah-blah)

applying things

  • how much memory the application uses? - no certain answer
  • how often GC runs in the application - check dev tools for that

dev tools

  • heap allocation profiler - snapshots
  • npm install heapdump


allows taking snapshot at your instance of the app
and load into dev tools for analysis


Yan Zhu - Encrypt the web for $0


netflix will soon use https to secure video streams
2016 netflix over https and chill

TLS can be faster saving 1 request

motivation for http/2

its like http/1.1. on adderall

  • binary instead of textual
  • header compression
  • servers can push responses

does not have to wait for respond

  • GET index.html
  • GET styles.css, app.js, ...

how upgrade to http/2 - two ways

  • plaintext http
  • http only (chrome and firefox only)

setting up https is kinda painful

CSP - upgrading insecure request (fix the headers)

another way:

Certificate Authority

  • created by: eff, mozilla, michigun university
  • financed: cisco, akamai
  • CA cross-signature IdenTrust

started in November 2015
3 millions certs issued

if you don't have a shell (bulk hosting)

  • integration with akamai, wordpress
  • get a cert old-fashioned way via the browser

hot to build encrypt interface

github/certbot ...


git clone letsencrypt
cd letsencrypt
letsencrypt-auto --help

Denys Mishunov - Why performance matters


1 second performance improvement - 2% of $482 billion increase in revenue

financial times:

  • 2s longer loading - -5.4%
  • 3s longer loading - -7.9%

users click, buy and download more example - webperftest - ~20 seconds
but really about 1-2 seconds

weber-fechner law

Just Noticeable Difference
at least 20% faster makes a difference for the user perception

noticeable !== meaningful

[... audio-visual sync example]

180ms is not noticeable (controversial to 600ms), resolved by brain

preemptive start technique

  • [... for the 916-th time ... baggage handling line in Houston airport...]
  • another example - top hit feature on iOS
  • background preload in Safari

early completion

  • youtube (downloading example)

industry standards for optimization

  • async
  • rel=prefetch
  • service workers
  • etc...

can it be other way to do it?

Princiya Sequeira - Natural UI with JS


we type we click we touch

what's next?

  • gestures
  • speech

interfaces evolve

  • cli
  • gui
  • nui
    • direct
    • intuitive

human computer interaction - more natural and intuitive


JS dominates the web today

[... augmented reality vr interfaces techonology evo]

advanced technology == magic (kinda Arthur C. Clarke)


  • usb controller reads sensor data
  • data is stored in local memory
  • data is streamed to the sdk


webacm-swiper js-objectdetect

there are 2 options two connect the device

  • tcp protocol
  • websockets

[...long demo that finally worked yay! thanks the stage lights!]

zalando is hiring!

Maurice De Beijer - Event-sourcing your react-flux applications


these samples will basically apply to any js application

kickstarter link

simple db

	db - crud - server - http - browser + react

react component for displaying data

command query

	   / read	- query service	  - http \
	db                                     browser + react
	   \ update - command service - http /

all we got is the current state

event sourcing comes in - to answer the question how the things got the way they are


idea of storing events and not the data transactions contain all needed info

[... henceforth follow complex flow diagrams]

	projector service - projections db - read - query service - http - browser + react
	- command service - update - events db - projector service

update the scheme with event pushing

	events db - push service - web socket - browser + react

[... explanation how redux basically works in terms of reducers, stores and connecting state to the component]

Rachel White - Internet of cats


[... mostly inspirational and engaging demo]

Nick Hehr - The Other Side of Empathy


[... code of conduct, github harassment - revised]

Tim Pietrusky / Martin Schuhfuss - We ❤ Music & the Web



[... rocking demo time]


Suz Hinton - the formulARTic spectrum

hangover slot#1


accidental programmer, not caring about semicolon wars;;

book: Carl Sagan - contact

what does sound look like?
how we can visualize that?

find out via art (and web audio API)
recording sounds of NY subway

PCM is:

  • raw audio data
  • samples range from -1 to +1
  • wav aiff au l16 pcm
audio data - hue - hsl to rgb - canvas

now we can see the sound
the problem is the simplest picture is 300k pixels

how to reduce that? what if we made a song?
average value of the 19000 samples

link to the demo of subway synth - haven't found :( - post in comments plz


  • svg
  • markup
  • css animation

[... demo with adruino programmed speaker]

ok. but it's art

creative coding gets you out of the comfort zone
art is about exploration
you deserve a break from being judged

make some art
throw it away
it's just code

Oliver Joseph Ash - building an offline page for

hangover slot#2


web vs native


  • content is cached
  • offline content remains
  • poor or good connection - stale while revalidate


  • offline - nothing
  • server down - nothing
  • poor connection - white screen
  • goood connection - content

[... how it works on]

service workers:

  • run in a background
  • no user interaction
  • listen to push events
  • intercept network requests
  • future
    • background sync
    • geofencing
    • alarms
  • progressive enhancement
  • chrome opera and ff supported

service-worker can be seen in dev tools section

prime the cache:

  • install event
  • cache the assets
  • version the cache

handle requests with fetch

  • default - just fetch
  • override default
  • intercept network request
    • fetch from network
    • read the cache

custom response: use templating to construct a html with json data

2 types of content:

  • mutable: html
  • immutable (sort of): css / js

network first, then cache

for the assets
if it's not html

  • get them from the cache
  • if it's not there try the network


  • check if cache is updated
  • update the cache
  • delete old cache

future plans for the

  • extend the experience - stale content, personalized content
  • offline-first

improves the experience for the poor connection


  • bugs in chrome and firefox
  • interleaving of versions in CDN cache

solution for the versioning bugs:
offline-page.json service worker manifest


Nicolas Bevacqua - Performance in the critical rendering path


making the site load faster on the first run

1st step - measure what's going on

  • dev tools audit
  • pagespeed insights

makes it easier to spot FOIT
also calculates speedindex - how quickly the content is painted (viewable to the user)

  • inspects TCP traffic
  • identifies bottlenecks
  • visualizes progress

recommendation is to automate measurement
not only one-time thing

via gulp

npm i psi -g

more data

npm i webpagetest-api underscore-api

and some more

npm i -D grunt-yslow

set a performance budget
what should I track?

timkadlec // performance-budget-metrics

  • milestone time to first tweet
  • speedindex
  • request count...
  • rule based metrics like yslow etc.

beyond minification

Ilya Grigorik high performance browser networking book

  • optimize TCP - latest version of the OS!
  • disable slow-start restart (SSR)
  • optimize http
    • keep-alive
    • gzip all the text
    • add expires and etag
    • use a CDN
  • https/2 & SPDY features

render server-side!
become a SPA later


  • defer non-critical assets loading
  • a11ble via ARIA
  • inline critical CSS
  • be responsive, avoid
  • follow a style guide


  • load fallback fonts
  • prevent FOIT using JS
  • use fewer fonts
  • cache fonts aggressively


  • defer images below the fold
  • spritesheets
  • inlining tiny images
  • css for simple icons


  • defer all js
  • use small modules
  • cache it all!


  • nginx
  • set up a CDN
  • shared rendering
  • defer assets
  • remove unused CSS
  • inline critical CSS (leave only what is seen)
  • use a font loader (npm i fontfaceonload)
  • optimize images (imagemin)
  • spritesmith for spritesheets
  • inline small images (datauri)
  • module system (babel, browserify)


Anand Vemuri - Offensive and Defensive Strategies for Client-Side JavaScript Security


nvisium company

white-side hacker
senior application consultant

best defense is offence

XSS - cross site scripting

  • attacks users
  • client-side injections
  • bad exploits...

how does it work

  • request from the hacker
  • victim clicks the link
  • scripts executing


[... demo with the localhost app]

how we attack apps on private networks?

CSRF attacks!

cross site request forgery

  • "session riding"
  • attacker send url to submit a form to a 3d party domain
  • victim is tricked to use malicious link

[... demo with the published site]

but the whole logic is handled by the JSON requests, so this is not the issue

JSON POST is not completely safe
because if it's not specified the json format
it can accept other formats too

Browser exploitation framework

[... another demo of CSRF attack using exploitation]

when you come to a coffeeshop and see someone using kali linux pack your stuff and run away

how to fix this

  • CSRF token
  • Origin Header
  • CSP Header

random !== cryptographically secure

problem with CSRF token - it's exposed as GET param

CORS vulnerability:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * <- BAD

useful links for different servers:


Sam Bellen - Changing live audio with the web-audio-api


creating effects using JS

step 1 - get guitar sound into the browser

	audioContext = new AudioContext()
	navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ ... })
	inputNode - audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream)

step 2 - add effect to the guitar




node = audioContext.createWaveShaper()
node.oversample = '4x';
node.curve = math


node = audioContext.createDelay()
node.delayTime.value = 1

dynamic time of delay

node = audioContext.createOscillator()
node.type = 'sine'
node.frequency.value = 1000 // Hz


load the data and work with the buffer

There is a bunch of other nodes

  • analyzer
  • biquadFilter
  • channelSplitter
  • pannerNode
  • compression
  • ...


[... rocking demo time]

Robert Kerr - Science in the Browser: Orchestrating and Visualising Neural Simulations


IBM research

Science backend (PhD stuff), then Ruby on Rails, later Angular...

86 bln neurons in our brains

build a simple tool to visualize how neurons look like > consume the text data

what do neurons do?

[... demo time with the application that illustrates neuron in 3D]

web is changing science in general

  • visualizations
  • cloud-based applications

[... weather application demo]

Stefan Baumgartner - http/2 is coming! Unbundle all the things


the best request is the request not being made

do as few requests as possible

  • 1 js file, 1 css file
  • sprites
  • inlining stuff

http/2 removes multiple TCP connection, thus contracting the summary time of loading

2 is faster than 1.1
and is 2x faster on mobile, since it doesn't fight for latency multiple times

do not block rendering!

http/2 is an Engineering Opportunity

  • get what you really need (only needed js files, only needed icons not the whole sprite)
  • avoid excessive requests

consider frequency of change

  • modules - frequent
  • libs and libraries - time to time

but if the lib is a dependency, it makes more sense to update it as well

consider tree-shaking
import function instead of lib

  • create components
  • create small bundles
  • code duplication is ok if the file stay on the client
  • think about frequency of change and long lasting applications

use tools not rules

conference announcements:

@stahlstadtjs @scriptconf

Claudia Hernandez - Down the rabbit hole - JS in wonderland


collection of oddities


0/0 // NaN
typeof NaN // number

in fact it is a failure Number

NaN === NaN // false

there are many NaNs (> 16 millions)


type of null // object

be aware of different kinds of errors

lexicographical order

numbers = [80, 9]
number.sort() // [80, 9]

what is missing is a sorting function

~ - operator

is basically doing

-( N + 1 )

mainly used in ~myArray.indexOf(...)

for loops

for(;;){} === while(true){}


you can redefine undefined in old browsers
fixed in modern ones

undefined = 123;
console.log(undefined); // ?

non alphanumeric js

![] 	// false
!![] 	// true
+![] 	// 0
+!![]	// 1

+{}		// NaN

js scrabble

"false"[0] // "f"

jQuery Screwed

this creates vulnerability when used in client forms for instance (ebay as an example)

knowledge is power, you should be aware
playing is learning

recommendation: If Hemingway wrote Javascript

Lena Reinhard - Works On My Machine, or the Problem is between Keyboard and Chair


[... didn't attend]


Thanks for reading!


BONUS - (Highly Opinionated) TL;DR

Day 1

  1. keep calm, read docs and wait for shrinkwrap to be fixed
  2. be aware of memory leaks, since GC is auto in JS; use devTools and heapdump for analysis
  3. while preparing for HTTP/2 get a free HTTPS certificate from here
  4. perceivable and meaningful performance is over 20% (of time) value, it's the law
  5. catch the high-speed train of VR and NUI today - leapmotion is a good start
  6. you can use events storing principle on different platforms, but for JS - redux is a way to go
  7. nodebots are pretty cool and feeding your cat over web even cooler
  8. please re-read this and contact Nick
  9. ?

Day 2

  1. creative coding (and js-programmed hardware) gets you out of the comfort zone
  2. building an offline-first page is fun and a good place to start
  3. follow performance best practices, read a book, graduate from perfschool
  4. get to know XSS, CSRF and CORS good parts already
  5. grab a guitar, download these cool js-developed effects and insult your neighbors (or pet)
  6. web is changing science in general, thanks IBM
  7. consider http/2 an engineer opportunity, unbundle responsibly, best request is the one not being made
  8. encrypt web for $0 (this time for real)
  9. ?
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