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Last active December 22, 2016 14:37
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dotCSS 2016 notes

dotCSS 2016, 2nd of December, Paris

dotCSS logo

The über-biased review of the talks

dotCSS official site official feed


Why am I still doing this?

Mostly it's just a (good) habit.
Also, it helps to overview the sessions once again at the slightly different angle (and attitude).

The videos will be available shortly, what is the point?

Well, apart from twitter channels and sort, it will be one of the earliest sources of info, after the conference itself. But more importantly, you'll definitely won't want to watch ALL the videos.
My (slightly biased) recommendations might help you to save couple of hours.

Something else?

Same as usual - the content is provided as is: some names and titles are totally wrong, some links might be missing, some twitter accounts might be lost in the flow and finally - some feelings might be hurt. Sorry!

Varya Stepanova - Living Styleguides


The Living Styleguides topic is so hot lately, I'm glad it gets the proper attention at the conferences.

The talk is divided into 2 parts:

  • comparing Yandex' past and nowadays in terms of components library maintaining
  • handling styleguides and components library documentation with the SC5 tool

To watch: you are into styleguides, but you need a quick intro; you also curious about SC5 application
Not to watch: there are some articles and videos that will guide you through the topic much more engaging

Wenting Zhang - CSS is a drawing tool


The author is the creator of one, only and beautiful
Sadly enough, the 80% of the presentation is a live-coding session of drawing (and animating) the moustache using CSS.

To watch: you are craving the inspiration for CSS drawing techniques, it is a nice way to start
Not to watch: you do not give procrastination a chance and you will never apply this to production code

Philip Walton - Polyfilling CSS


The talks is giving the introduction to the other side of CSS, project Houdini.
Philip references the Smashing Magazine article, featuring it.

If you are in need of supporting some exotic functionality or the regular CSS functionality in the old browsers, probably you may have dealt with polyfills. Perhaps, flexbox is the one worth mentioning.

In 10 minutes Philip demonstrates how to write a polyfill and what (numerous) nuances you would have to face:

  • the actual styles can be found in actual styles, not CSSOM
  • we need to parse CSS and replace target's value with the polyfilled
  • inject the styles back
  • mind the inline styles
  • mind dynamic changes, e.g. reactivity, scrolling, resizing
  • mind the cascade
  • ...
  • oh :(

and this is where Houdini promises to be helpful

To watch: well-structured and professional talk worth seeing
Not to watch: project Houdini is only mentioned occasionally

Chris Liley - Web Fonts


Character is not a Glyph (time to know the difference already!).

This is an overview of some font-variant and font-features CSS rules under the flag, but worth checking out in Firefox.
How can one create and make use of custom font?

  • COLR + CPAL - there is no styling
  • SVG + CPAL - better, but messy
  • CSS4 font palette entries - looking forward this one (though CSS4 is a myth as we know)

Font variables?

To watch: you are interested in everything regarding web typography
Not to watch: you won't find anything practical information about font loading performance

Kevin Mandeville - Mastering Email CSS


Kevin mentions two (email geeks) personas, that are pretty well-known amongst email-developing community:

90% of email clients nowadays are:

  • webkit-based
  • gmail
  • outlook

So fulfilling these shares' interests you are pretty safe.

It is interesting to know the following email-developing techniques:

  • fab-four (based on width / min/max-width calculation priority)
  • punched card (based on multiple checkboxes next to each other)
  • some others

To watch: covers curious aspects of modern email development
Not to watch: you would never use IE conditional comments again

Lea Verou - CSS variables


Rapid and informative intro to the CSS variables from the author of CSS Secrets

Variables can have default values.
Variables are inherited.
They make responsive development easier.
You can create custom longhands.
There are ready-to-use proprietary variables like -mouse-x, -mouse-y, --scroll which can basically replace the JS implementation in various useful cases.
And much much more...

To watch: for some reason you've been refraining from the --variables usage, so this will be a great start
Not to watch: you are already using --variables in production and there is nothing left to learn

Lightning talks session

Sean Gerasht - Translating with CSS

To watch: somewhat curious way to implement crudge multi-language support in production

Matthias Bettl - Diversity in style

To watch: diversity, diversity everywhere

Pixelastic - drawing dotCSS logo in 4 minutes

To watch: tricky pseudo elements / box-shadows application

Val Head - Easing functions in CSS


Penner equations!

To watch: you will find out the origin of the easing functions and learn a new word
Not to watch: you use easing functions and they just work

Håkon Wium Lie - Print a book


Håkon Wium Lie is the co-creator of the web as we know it today with Tim Berns Lee and the author of the CSS.

If you are by occasion keen to print a book using web techniques, this is a great source of inspiration.
There is a quick overview of tools and practical methodics of using CSS to prepare the book for printing.

To watch: some factoids and photos from the pre-web era Not to watch: you are not going to print the PDF book in the nearest future

Thanks for reading!

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