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Last active December 15, 2016 15:55
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#welcome and #bot-management with full formatting
Server ID: 222170363444854786
#welcome channel ID: 227763272789655553
#general channel ID: 222170363444854786
.send 222170363444854786|c:227736744802385920 Howdy, @Bot Manager! :wave:
Thank you for volunteering yourself to be my manager to guide me. The owner of this server is @Xealo#5342 and my bot owner (the one hosting me) is @XP#3814. Both **@admin** and **Bot Manager** roles are supplmentary, solely to mantain me to enhance user experience in this server. They, and you, are not admins or moderators of this server despite being empowered with special server permissions.
:gear: **Commands**
:mega: `.send {input}|c:{input2} {input3}` Sends a message to a channel (1st parameter: **server ID**, 2nd parameter: **channel ID**, 3rd parameter: **message**)
:loudspeaker: `.send {input}|u:{input2} {input3}` Sends a message to a user (1st paramter: **server ID**, 2nd paramter: **channel ID**, 3rd parameter: **message**)
:chatmute: `.chatmute @{input}` Mutes a user from chatting
:loud_sound: `.chatunmute @{input}` Removes the mute role set on the user
:cyclone: `.delmsgoncmd` Toggles auto delete of user's successful command message to reduce chat flood
:no_entry: `.antispam 6 Mute` Stops people from repeating the same message **X** times in a role
:no_entry_sign: `.slowmode 3 10` Toggles slowmode on server. Prevents people from sending **X** messages in **X** seconds.
:repeat: `.repeat {input} {input2}` Repeats a message in a channel every **X** minutes. (1st paramter: **minute**, 2nd paramter: **message**)
:clipboard: `.lsar` Displays a list of all self-assignable roles
`.asar {input}` Adds a role to the list of self-assignables
`.rsar {input}` Removes a role from the list of self-assignables
:incoming_envelope: `.greet` Toggles welcome message in the current channel of the server
:envelope: `.greetmsg Welcome aboard to the Discord train, %user%!` Sets a welcome message for anyone who joins the server.
:radio: `.bye` Toggles goodbye announcement in the current channel of the server
:envelope_with_arrow: `.byemsg %user% has left this channel 😞 .` Sets an announcement whenever anyone leaves the server
`>cleverbot` Toggles *cleverbot* session. Custom reactions require mentioning of me will not work when this is enabled.
**To invite me to your server, use this link: **
**To make me leave the server,** you have to kick me.
Some general information about me:
• I am just a supplmentary to this server, so do my owners and aides. This server can survive without me, my owners and/or my aides.
• In no way are we superior than regular users (except @Xealo#5342 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: ).
• @XP#3814 is my bot owner. This is no choice. Pardon me for my downtime.
• All functions of the bot is cross server. Anyone can invite me to their servers access to most settings as long as him/her and me are empowered with full server permissions.
• I don't log server messages. I only log commands. It's pointless for me to do so.
• Messages sent by me cannot be edited. Hence, #welcome was sent by @XP#3814 instead.
.repeat in #general:
.repeat 1440
:information_source: **Check out #welcome channel to explore this server for its fullest functionalities!**
:exclamation: _**Mute** #botspam channel because it is very spammy!_
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