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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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  • Save XPlantefeve/4c3ca72e7c8b817051f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save XPlantefeve/4c3ca72e7c8b817051f4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Conversion of a Grisbi personal finance file to csv. #Raw
function Convert-Currency ($transaction)
If ($transaction.Exb -eq '1') {
return [math]::Round([decimal]$transaction.Am /
[decimal]$transaction.Exr,2) + $transaction.exf
} else {
return [math]::Round([decimal]$transaction.Am *
[decimal]$transaction.Exr,2) + $transaction.exf
[xml]$comptes = Get-Content -Path "${PSScriptRoot}\file.gsb" -Encoding UTF8
$transactions = $comptes.SelectNodes("//Transaction")
$startingdate = [DateTime]($transactions | Select -Property Dt |
Sort-Object -Property [DateTime]Dt | Select-Object -First 1).Dt
$startingdate = $startingdate.AddDays(1-$startingdate.Day)
# corrections
foreach ($tnb in
{ $comptes.SelectSingleNode("//Transaction[@Nb=${tnb}]").Exb='1' }
$categories = $comptes.SelectNodes("//Category")
$currencies = $comptes.SelectNodes("//Curency")
foreach ($account in ($comptes.SelectNodes("//Account[@Currency!=1]")))
$xpath = "//Transaction[@Ac='$($account.Number)']"
$transactions = $comptes.SelectNodes($xpath)
foreach ($transaction in $transactions)
If ($transaction.Exr -ne '0.00')
$exchr = $transaction.Exr
$exchb = $transaction.Exb
} else {
$transaction.Exr = $exchr
$transaction.Exb = $exchb
$xpath = "//Transaction[@Exr!='0.00']"
$transactions = $comptes.SelectNodes($xpath)
foreach ($transaction in $transactions) { [string]$transaction.Am =
Convert-Currency($t) }
$header = @('date')
foreach ($category in $categories)
$header += $category.Na
$header -join ';'
Out-File -FilePath "${PSScriptRoot}\cmpt.csv" -InputObject $($header -join ';')
while ( $startingdate -lt (Get-Date) )
$line = @($startingdate)
$mymonth = "{0:MM}" -f $startingdate
$myyear = "{0:yyyy}" -f $startingdate
foreach ($category in $categories)
$mymonth = "{0:MM}" -f $startingdate
$myyear = "{0:yyyy}" -f $startingdate
$xpath = "//Transaction[starts-with(@Dt,'$mymonth') and contains(@Dt,'$myyear')]"
$transactions = $comptes.SelectNodes($xpath)
$total = ($transactions | where { [DateTime]$_.Dt -ge $startingdate -and [DateTime]$_.Dt -lt $startingdate.AddMonths(1) -and $_.Ca -eq $category.Nb } | Measure-Object -Property Am -Sum).sum
if (!$total) { $total = '0' }
$line += $total
$line -join ';'
Out-File -FilePath "${PSScriptRoot}\cmpt.csv" -Append -InputObject $($line -join ';')
$startingdate = $startingdate.AddMonths(1)
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