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Last active June 10, 2020 14:03
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.GUID 021fb1d9-6c04-4bea-983b-92e03d14963d
.AUTHOR Xavier Plantefeve
.COPYRIGHT 2020 Xavier Plantefeve
.TAGS ActiveDirectory,Password
Resets the PasswordLastSet Active Directory attribute of an user
The Reset-PwdLastSet cmdlet resets the PasswordLastSet Active Directory attribute
of an user to the current date and time.
The operator needs to have the relevant rights in Active Directory
PS C:\> .\Reset-PwdLastSet.ps1 -Name JohnDoe
Resets JohnDoe's password date
PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMember Resetables | .\Reset-PwdLastSet.ps1 -PassTrhu
Resets the password date for all members of the Resetables group and outputs
the modified user objects
This script only contains and calls one standalone function that can be copy-pasted elsewhere.
[parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
function Reset-PwdLastSet {
Resets the PasswordLastSet Active Directory attribute of an user
The Reset-PwdLastSet cmdlet resets the PasswordLastSet Active Directory attribute
of an user to the current date and time.
The operator needs to have the relevant rights in Active Directory
PS C:\> Reset-PwdLastSet -Name JohnDoe
Resets JohnDoe's password date
PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMember Resetables | Reset-PwdLastSet -PassTrhu
Resets the password date for all members of the Resetables group and outputs
the modified user objects
[parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
# SamAccountName of the user. Actually accepts identity in the Active Directory
# meaning of the term: SamAccountName, DistinguishedName, Guid or SID. AD users
# (Get-ADUser) or objects (Get-ADObject) can be piped too.
# If selected, will output AD users with default properties + PasswordLastSet.
process {
$Name |
Get-ADUser |
Set-ADObject -Replace @{PwdLastSet = 0 } -PassThru |
Set-ADObject -Replace @{PwdLastSet = -1 } -PassThru:$PassThru |
Get-ADUser -Properties PasswordLastSet
$Name | Reset-PwdLastSet -PassThru:$PassThru
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