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Created July 28, 2010 15:56
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This is Guess the Number as a word macro
Sub Log(Text)
Selection.TypeText (Text)
End Sub
Function RandomG(Max)
RandomG = Int(Rnd * Max)
End Function
Sub RandomGame()
Application.StatusBar = "Random Game (c) 2009 by Patrick Lerner"
Dim result As String
' Logging on or off?
Logging = MsgBox("Should the game be logged into a word document?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes
Harcore = MsgBox("Do you want to have the game cursing about wrong results?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes
Game = 0
If Logging Then
With Selection
With .Font
.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
.Bold = msoTrue
.StrikeThrough = msoFalse
.Size = 25
.Name = "Arial"
End With
.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
Log ("RandomGame")
With .Font
.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
.Size = 10
.Bold = msoFalse
.Name = "Times New Roman"
.Italic = msoTrue
End With
Log ("(c) 2009 by Patrick Lerner []")
.Font.Italic = msoFalse
.Font.Size = 12
.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft
End With
End If
Game = Game + 1
If Logging Then
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Log (" GAME " & Game)
Selection.Font.Bold = False
End If
Number = Int(Int(Rnd * 1001) + 1)
Guess = -1
Turns = 0
Do Until Guess = Number
Guess = InputBox("Guess the random number between 1 and 1000:", "RandomGame (Game " & Game & ", Turn " & (Turns + 1) & ")")
If ((Guess = "exit") Or (Guess = "quit") Or (Guess = vbNullString)) Then
Exit Sub
If Guess = "cheat" Then
If Hardcore Then
MsgBox ("Here you go, sucker: " & Number)
MsgBox ("Ok, the number is " & Number)
End If
If Logging Then
If Harcore Then
Select Case RandomG(3)
Case 0
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": You turned out to be a fracking cheater.")
Case 1
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": No way you din't just cheat, did you?")
Case 2
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": You do know what they say about cheaters, don't you?")
End Select
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": You cheated!")
End If
End If
Guess = Int(Guess)
Turns = Turns + 1
result = ""
If ((Guess > 1000) Or (Guess < 1)) Then
If Harcore Then
Select Case RandomG(7)
Case 0
result = "EPIC FAIL!"
Case 1
result = "The number has to be beween 1 and 1000, so way to go, dipshit."
Case 2
result = "Didn't I mention it has to be between 1 and 1000? Hell yeah I did."
Case 3
result = "Are you stupid? I said a number between 1 and 1000."
Case 4
result = "I wonder what would happen if I devided this by zero ... oh shi-"
Case 5
result = "Et tu " & (Environ$("Username")) & "? You failed me. Epically that is - of course."
Case 6
result = "Obviously someone didn't get the 'between 1 and 1000' part of the question..."
End Select
Select Case RandomG(3)
Case 0
result = "The number needs to be beween 1 and 1000."
Case 1
result = "Numbers are only valid beween 1 and 1000."
Case 2
result = "As the text clearly stated you're guess had to be beween 1 and 1000."
End Select
End If
If Guess > Number Then
If Harcore Then
Select Case RandomG(3)
Case 0
result = "Too fracking big, man!"
Case 1
result = "Way to go... it's too big."
Case 2
result = "$MY_NUMBER < $YOUR_STUPID_GUESS" ' wish this was php not frackin' vbs (BSG rules btw, just fyi)
End Select
Select Case RandomG(3)
Case 0
result = "That's too big."
Case 1
result = "We need something smaller here."
Case 2
result = "Not bad, but try something a bit smaller."
End Select
End If
If Guess < Number Then
If Harcore Then
Select Case RandomG(3)
Case 0
result = "You got to be kidding me, that's WAY too small"
Case 1
result = "TOO SMALL! Damn it."
Case 2
result = "Wow, that's too small."
End Select
Select Case RandomG(3)
Case 0
result = "That's too small."
Case 1
result = "You know what they say? The bigger, the better. Try it here!"
Case 2
result = "We need a bigger number here."
End Select
End If
End If
End If
End If
If result <> "" Then
MsgBox (result)
End If
If Logging Then
If result <> "" Then
result = " - " & result
End If
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": You guessed " & Guess & result)
End If
End If
End If
MsgBox ("Yeah, that's it! It took you " & Turns & " turns.")
If Logging Then
If Hardcore Then
Select Case RandomG(4)
Case 0
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": Look at that, you got it ... EVENTUALLY")
Case 1
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": Oh you GOT to be kidding me ... what took you so long?")
Case 2
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": You really let me down back there; how can anyone take so long for such a simple task?")
Case 3
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": Speed up next time.")
End Select
Select Case RandomG(3)
Case 0
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": You got it right!")
Case 1
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": That's it! Good job there, buddy.")
Case 2
Log ("Turn " & Turns & ": That's right, nicely done.")
End Select
End If
Log ("")
End If
Loop Until MsgBox("Game finished. Do you want to play another round?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbNo
If Logging Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to clear the game log?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
End If
End If
End Sub
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