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Created February 9, 2011 16:12
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Save XULRunner42/818727 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
go/mustache+dbi and web.go
# Build script generated by gb:
# gb provides configuration-free building and distributing
echo "Build script generated by gb:"
if [ "$1" = "goinstall" ]; then
echo Running goinstall \
&& echo "goinstall" \
&& goinstall \
&& echo "goinstall" \
&& goinstall \
&& echo "goinstall" \
&& goinstall \
&& echo "goinstall" \
&& goinstall \
echo Building \
&& echo "(in ybookmarks)" && cd ybookmarks && make $1 && cd - > /dev/null \
&& echo "(in websrv)" && cd websrv && make $1 && cd - > /dev/null \
# The makefiles above are invoked in topological dependence order
package ybookmarks
import (
s "strconv"
func params(ctx *web.Context) (setcount int, page int) {
var params = ctx.Request.Params
setcount, err := s.Atoi(params["setcount"])
if err != nil {
setcount = 100
page, err = s.Atoi(params["page"])
if err != nil {
page = 1
func ShowTop(ctx *web.Context) {
toppost := getFirstPost()
posts := Posts{"posts": {toppost}}
out := mustache.Render("{{> calicious}}", posts)
func NumPosts() (max int) {
query := "SELECT count(bookmarks.rowid) FROM bookmarks"
maxstr := getFirst(query)
max, err := s.Atoi(maxstr)
if err != nil {
return 0
return max
func GetTagId(tag string) (tag_id string) {
// BAD : this should be done with parameterized queries
query := "SELECT tags.rowid FROM tags WHERE name LIKE '" + tag + "'"
tag_id = getFirst(query)
log.Printf("tag/tag_id: %s/%s\n", tag, tag_id)
return tag_id
func ShowTagBookmarks(ctx *web.Context, val string) {
bookmark_ids := getTagBookmarkIds(val)
where := "WHERE bookmarks.rowid IN ("
for _, id := range bookmark_ids {
where += id + ", "
where += "0)"
setcount, page := params(ctx)
query := buildQueryWhere(setcount, page, where)
conn, rs := queryDB(query)
defer conn.Close()
defer rs.Close()
posts := consumeRs(rs)
out := mustache.Render("{{> calicious}}", posts)
/** calicious planner
func Calicious(ctx *web.Context, val string) {
setcount, page := params(ctx)
var posts = GetPosts(setcount, page)
log.Printf("Posts: %d\n", NumPosts())
// I believe that the path is in val, and the headers and params are
// in ctx.Request.Headers and ctx.Request.Params!
out := mustache.Render("{{> calicious}}", posts)
package main
import (
dbi ""
// important: import all drivers that need to be supported by your
// application!
_ ""
func main() {
conn, err := dbi.Connect("sqlite:///tmp/test.sq3")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: unable to connect to the database: %s\n", err.String())
defer conn.Close()
err = conn.Execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data" +
"(name STRING, value STRING)")
err = conn.Execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users" +
err = conn.Execute("INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES ('tom')")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: unable to insert user: %s\n", err.String())
rs, err := conn.Query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='tom'")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: unable to fetch users: %s\n", err.String())
defer rs.Close()
for rs.Next() {
// You can scan the current row of values like so ...
var username string
err = rs.Scan(&username)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %s\n", err.String())
} else {
fmt.Printf("rs.Scan(&username): %s\n", username)
// ... or scan by column name.
err = rs.NamedScan("username", &username)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %s\n", err.String())
} else {
fmt.Printf("rs.Scan(\"username\", &username): %s\n", username)
# Makefile generated by gb:
# gb provides configuration-free building and distributing
include $(GOROOT)/src/
# gb: this is the local install
# gb: compile/link against local install
GC+= -I $(GBROOT)/_obj
LD+= -L $(GBROOT)/_obj
# gb: default target is in GBROOT this way
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.cmd
# gb: copy to local install
$(GBROOT)/bin/$(TARG): $(TARG)
mkdir -p $(dir $@); cp -f $< $@
command: $(GBROOT)/bin/$(TARG)
# gb: local dependencies
$(TARG): $(GBROOT)/_obj/ybookmarks.a
# Makefile generated by gb:
# gb provides configuration-free building and distributing
include $(GOROOT)/src/
# gb: this is the local install
# gb: compile/link against local install
GC+= -I $(GBROOT)/_obj
LD+= -L $(GBROOT)/_obj
# gb: copy to local install
$(GBROOT)/_obj/$(TARG).a: _obj/$(TARG).a
mkdir -p $(dir $@); cp -f $< $@
package: $(GBROOT)/_obj/$(TARG).a
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
package ybookmarks
import (
// dbi ""
// _ ""
func GetPage(setcount int, page int) Posts {
return Posts{}
// Connect to all /ybookmarks\.sqlite\.(.*)/ and get a set
// of all posts from all users... order is chronological,
// the Post schema is amended to include the username of
// the tagger, which is represented as $1 with above regex
// Default behavior is to get all pages, and store in cache
// for quick retrieval at once. Stale cache is invalidated
// by a changed sqlite file hash and regenerated at once.
func GetAllPosts() Posts {
var kingdon, xulrunner, yebyen dbi.Connection
package main
import (
type Passthrough func(string)string
type Functor func()Passthrough
func render(text string) string {
return text
func blender(text string)string { return "<b>" + render(text) + "</b>" }
func main() {
var x = func() Passthrough { return blender }
//var x = Functor { return blender }
var container = map[string]interface{} {
"name": "Willy",
"wrapped": x,
y := x()
z := y("Willy")
log.Printf("%s", container["name"])
log.Printf("%s", y("Willy"))
log.Printf("%s", x()("Willy"))
log.Printf("%s", z)
w := container["wrapped"]
v := w.(func ()Passthrough)
u := v()
log.Printf("%s", u(container["name"].(string)))
log.Printf("%s", container["wrapped"].(func ()Passthrough)()(container["name"].(string)))
package ybookmarks
import (
dbi ""
_ ""
s "strconv"
type Post map[string]string
type Posts map[string][]map[string]string
type PostData struct {
name, url, description, datestamp string
hash string
func dmyTime(unixtime int64) string {
return time.SecondsToLocalTime(unixtime).Format("02 Jan 06")
func scanPost(rs dbi.ResultSet) *PostData {
var pd PostData = PostData{}
err := rs.Scan(&, &pd.url, &pd.description, &pd.hash,
if err != nil {
return nil
return &pd
func readPost(rs dbi.ResultSet, lastDate string) (p *Post, date string) {
var post = Post{}
if rs.Next() {
pd := scanPost(rs)
if pd != nil {
post["name"] =
post["url"] = pd.url
post["description"] = pd.description
post["hash"] = pd.hash
unixtime, _ := s.Atoi64(pd.datestamp)
date = dmyTime(unixtime)
if lastDate == date {
//dmy := ""
} else {
post["datestamp"] = strings.ToUpper(date)
} else {
return nil, date
return &post, date
func getFirst(query string) (first string) {
conn, rs := queryDB(query)
defer conn.Close()
defer rs.Close()
if rs.Next() {
err := rs.Scan(&first)
if err != nil {
return ""
return first
func getFirstPost() (first Post) {
query := `SELECT name, url, description, hash, added_date / 1000000 as
datestamp FROM bookmarks ORDER BY added_date ASC LIMIT 1`
conn, rs := queryDB(query)
defer conn.Close()
defer rs.Close()
if rs.Next() {
pd := scanPost(rs)
first = Post{
"url": pd.url,
"description": pd.description,
"hash": pd.hash,
unixtime, _ := s.Atoi64(pd.datestamp)
dmy := dmyTime(unixtime)
first["datestamp"] = strings.ToUpper(dmy)
return first
func getTagBookmarkIds(tag string) []string {
tag_id := GetTagId(tag)
query := `SELECT bookmarks.rowid FROM bookmarks CROSS
JOIN bookmarks_tags ON bookmarks_tags.tag_id=` + tag_id + ` AND
bookmarks.rowid = bookmarks_tags.bookmark_id`
conn, rs := queryDB(query)
defer conn.Close()
defer rs.Close()
var bookmark_ids []string
var bookmark_id = "0"
for {
if rs.Next() {
err := rs.Scan(&bookmark_id)
if err != nil {
return nil
bookmark_ids = append(bookmark_ids, bookmark_id)
} else {
return bookmark_ids
func buildQueryWhere(setcount int, page int, wh string) string {
first := (page - 1) * setcount
query := `SELECT name, url, description, hash, added_date / 1000000 as
datestamp FROM bookmarks ` + wh + ` ORDER BY added_date ASC LIMIT ` +
s.Itoa(first) + "," + s.Itoa(setcount)
return query
func buildQuery(setcount int, page int) string {
first := (page - 1) * setcount
query := `SELECT name, url, description, hash, added_date / 1000000 as
datestamp FROM bookmarks ORDER BY added_date ASC LIMIT ` +
s.Itoa(first) + "," + s.Itoa(setcount)
return query
func consumeRs(rs dbi.ResultSet) Posts {
var date string
var posts = Posts{"posts": []map[string]string{}}
for b, date := readPost(rs, date); b != nil; b, date = readPost(rs, date) {
a := *b
if b != nil {
posts["posts"] = append(posts["posts"], a)
return posts
func queryDB(query string) (conn dbi.Connection, rs dbi.ResultSet) {
conn, err := dbi.Connect("sqlite://./ybookmarks.sqlite")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
rs, err = conn.Query(query)
if err != nil {
//log.Printf("error: unable to fetch bookmarks: %s\n", err.String())
return conn, nil
return conn, rs
func GetPosts(setcount int, page int) Posts {
conn, rs := queryDB(buildQuery(setcount, page))
defer conn.Close()
defer rs.Close()
//log.Printf(" Page %d ##########\n", page)
posts := consumeRs(rs)
return posts
84f9a2f..44a298b master -> origin/master
84f9a2f..44a298b webframework -> origin/webframework
Updating 84f9a2f..44a298b
818727 | 2 +-
toys/ybookmarks/calicious.go | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
~/webfr-go/toys ~/webfr-go
(in ybookmarks) building pkg "ybookmarks"
(in websrv) building cmd "websrv"
Installing pkg "ybookmarks"
Installing cmd "websrv"
Built 2 targets
Installed 2 targets
Removing _obj
Removing bin
Cleaning ybookmarks
Cleaning websrv
Working directory: /home/yebyen/webfr-go
Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
2011/03/04 11:39:10 web.go serving
2011/03/04 11:49:44 GET /jcurry
2011/03/04 11:50:15 GET /jcurry
2011/03/04 11:50:18 GET /jcurry
2011/03/04 11:50:21 GET /headers
2011/03/04 11:50:39 GET /00_intro.html
2011/03/04 12:01:28 GET /jcurry
2011/03/04 13:13:19 GET /
2011/03/04 13:13:22 GET /toc.xml
2011/03/04 13:13:52 GET /jcurry
2011/03/04 13:14:59 GET /01_hello.pdf
2011/03/04 13:15:06 GET /jcurry
2011/03/04 13:15:31 GET /about
2011/03/04 13:15:38 GET /index_src
2011/03/04 13:16:24 GET /headers
2011/03/04 13:16:34 GET /calicious-tags/linux?page=2&setcount=70
2011/03/04 13:16:34 tag/tag_id: linux/55
2011/03/04 13:16:41 GET /calicious-tags/linux?page=2&setcount=70
2011/03/04 13:16:41 tag/tag_id: linux/55
2011/03/04 13:17:04 GET /calicious-tags/csharp
2011/03/04 13:17:04 tag/tag_id: csharp/291
2011/03/04 20:56:16 GET /calicious-tags/linux?page=2&setcount=78
2011/03/04 20:56:16 tag/tag_id: linux/55
2011/03/05 11:43:08 GET /calicious-tags/linux?page=2&setcount=78
2011/03/05 11:43:08 tag/tag_id: linux/55
2011/03/05 12:05:38 GET /favicon.ico
2011/03/05 15:14:13 GET /
2011/03/05 15:19:26 GET /calicious-tags/csharp
2011/03/05 15:19:26 tag/tag_id: csharp/291
2011/03/05 15:19:27 GET /css/del-frontend-tidy.css
2011/03/05 15:19:28 GET /javascript/main.js
2011/03/06 08:24:31 GET /calicious-tags/linux?page=2&setcount=78
2011/03/06 08:24:31 tag/tag_id: linux/55
2011/03/07 13:00:48 GET /
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2011/03/07 13:00:51 GET /title.xml
2011/03/07 13:00:51 GET /xml/class.css
2011/03/07 13:00:51 GET /content.xml
2011/03/07 13:00:51 GET /toc.xml
2011/03/07 13:00:51 GET /main.xml
2011/03/07 13:00:51 GET /xml/cslogo.jpg
2011/03/07 13:00:51 GET /xml/toc2html.xsl
2011/03/07 13:00:52 GET /xml/mail.png
2011/03/07 13:00:53 GET /xml/html.gif
2011/03/07 13:00:53 GET /xml/cal.png
2011/03/07 13:00:53 GET /xml/rss.png
2011/03/07 13:00:53 GET /xml/pdf.gif
2011/03/07 13:00:53 GET /xml/dir.png
2011/03/07 13:00:53 GET /xml/zip.png
2011/03/07 13:00:56 GET /favicon.ico
2011/03/07 13:01:00 GET /jcurry
2011/03/07 13:01:01 GET /css/main.css
2011/03/07 13:01:01 GET /javascript/main.js
2011/03/07 13:01:03 GET /favicon.ico
2011/03/07 13:02:21 GET /calicious
2011/03/07 13:02:21 Posts: 7036
2011/03/07 13:02:22 GET /css/del-frontend-tidy.css
2011/03/07 13:02:23 GET /favicon.ico
2011/03/07 13:02:56 GET /favicon.ico
2011/03/07 13:03:01 GET /favicon.ico
2011/03/07 13:03:07 GET /calicious-tags/business
2011/03/07 13:03:07 tag/tag_id: business/471
2011/03/07 13:03:09 GET /favicon.ico
2011/03/07 13:03:46 GET /calicious-tags/language
2011/03/07 13:03:46 tag/tag_id: language/443
2011/03/07 13:03:48 GET /favicon.ico
2011/03/07 13:03:55 GET /jcurry
2011/03/07 13:03:57 GET /favicon.ico
2011/03/07 13:22:53 GET /calicious-tags/linux?page=2&setcount=78
2011/03/07 13:22:53 tag/tag_id: linux/55
2011/03/08 11:05:59 GET /
2011/03/08 11:05:59 OPTIONS /
2011/03/08 11:06:34 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:03 GET /spiffymcgee.cfm
2011/03/08 11:07:03 GET /spiffymcgee.jsp
2011/03/08 11:07:03 SEARCH /
2011/03/08 11:07:03 PROPFIND /
2011/03/08 11:07:03 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:03 GET /jbossws/
2011/03/08 11:07:03 GET /invoker/
2011/03/08 11:07:03 GET /jbossmq-httpil/
2011/03/08 11:07:03 GET /status/
2011/03/08 11:07:03 GET /servlet/
2011/03/08 11:07:13 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:14 CONNECT /
2011/03/08 11:07:14 CONNECT /
2011/03/08 11:07:16 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:18 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:19 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:20 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:21 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:24 GET /cgi-bin/
2011/03/08 11:07:26 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:27 HEAD /
2011/03/08 11:07:30 POST /
2011/03/08 11:07:30 PROPFIND /
2011/03/08 11:07:31 PROPFIND /
2011/03/08 11:07:32 TRACE /
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /spiffymcgee.nsf
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /spiffymcgee.cfm
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /spiffymcgee.jsp
2011/03/08 11:07:33 SEARCH /
2011/03/08 11:07:33 PROPFIND /
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /jbossws/
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /invoker/
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /jbossmq-httpil/
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /status/
2011/03/08 11:07:33 GET /servlet/
2011/03/08 11:07:43 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:44 CONNECT /
2011/03/08 11:07:45 CONNECT /
2011/03/08 11:07:46 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:48 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:49 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:50 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:51 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:54 GET /cgi-bin/
2011/03/08 11:07:57 GET /
2011/03/08 11:07:57 HEAD /
2011/03/08 11:08:00 POST /
2011/03/08 11:08:01 PROPFIND /
2011/03/08 11:08:01 PROPFIND /
2011/03/08 11:08:02 TRACE /
2011/03/08 11:08:03 SEARCH /
2011/03/08 11:08:03 GET /
2011/03/08 11:08:03 GET /
2011/03/08 11:08:03 GET /spiffymcgee.nsf
2011/03/08 11:08:03 GET /phpmyadmin/
2011/03/08 11:08:03 GET /console/faces/com_sun_web_ui/jsp/version/version_30.jsp
2011/03/08 11:08:03 GET /console/faces/com_sun_web_ui/jsp/version/version_30.jsp
2011/03/08 11:08:03 GET /phpmyadmin/
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /error/..\conf\httpd.conf
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /doc/
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /docs/htdocs
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /welcome.html
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /index.html
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /login.htm
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /login.html
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /login.shtml
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /default.htm
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /default.html
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /default.shtml
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /index.htm
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /index.html
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /index.shtml
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /spiffymcgee.rpd7
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /spiffymcgee.rpd7
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /doc/packages/
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /server-info?mod_info.c
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /server-status?auto
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /server-status?refresh=1;
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /server-status?refresh=1;
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /server-status?refresh=1;
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /server-status?auto
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /server-status?auto
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /server-status?auto
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/printenv
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/rpm_query
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/test-cgi
2011/03/08 11:08:27 PROPFIND /
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=%0A/bin/cat%20/etc/passwd
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /r7.txt
2011/03/08 11:08:27 PUT /r7.txt
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /r7.txt
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /portal/diag/index.jsp
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /cgi-bin/webcgi/login
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /conf/ssl/apache/integrity.key
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /conf/ssl/apache/integrity-smartcenter.key
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /index.htm
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /*<img src="" onerror="alert(42)">
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /*<img src="" onerror="alert(42)">
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /;utf7xss
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /;utf7xss
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/awstats/
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/;
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/awstats/;
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /bb/
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/faxsurvey?/bin/cat%20/etc/passwd
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/faxquery?/bin/cat%20/etc/passwd
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/htsearch?Exclude=%60/etc/passwd%60
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/htgrep/file=index.html&hdr=/etc/passwd
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/htmlscript?../../../../../../../etc/passwd
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /cgi-bin/test-cgi
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"/*\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/view-source?../../../../../../../etc/passwd
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /scripts/tools/newdsn.exe?driver=Microsoft%2BAccess%2BDriver%2B%28*.mdb%29&dsn=Web%20SQL&dbq=c:%5ctemp%5cxyz.mdb&newdb=CREATE_DB&attr=
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /scripts/samples/ctguestb.idc
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /scripts/samples/details.idc?Fname=|shell(%22c:cmd.exe%22)|
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp?ProductType=|shell(%22c:cmd.exe%22)|
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp?ProductType=|shell(%22_:cmd.exe%22)|
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /ASPSamp/AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp?ProductType=|shell(%22c:cmd.exe%22)|
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /ASPSamp/AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp?ProductType=|shell(%22_:cmd.exe%22)|
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /~bin/true
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /cgi-bin/home.tcl
2011/03/08 11:08:27 HEAD /
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /cgi-bin/php.ini
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /xmlrpc.php
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"text/xml\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /serendipity/serendipity_xmlrpc.php
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"text/xml\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /serendipity/xmlrpc.php
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"text/xml\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /drupal/xmlrpc.php
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"text/xml\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /bblog/xmlrpc.php
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"text/xml\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /blogs/xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"text/xml\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"text/xml\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /xmlrpc/xmlrpc.php
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"text/xml\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 POST /script/xmlrpc.php
2011/03/08 11:08:27 Failed to parse form data "unknown Content-Type \"text/xml\""
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /phpmyadmin/
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /README.txt
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /jkstatus/
2011/03/08 11:08:27 TRACE /
2011/03/08 11:08:27 TRACK /
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /crossdomain.xml
2011/03/08 11:08:27 GET /
2011/03/08 22:48:57 GET /
2011/03/09 05:54:42 GET /calicious-tags/linux?page=2&setcount=78
2011/03/09 05:54:42 tag/tag_id: linux/55
2011/03/11 14:57:56 GET /calicious-tags/linux?page=2&setcount=78
2011/03/11 14:57:56 tag/tag_id: linux/55
#!/usr/bin/env bash
##To make your system stay accessible: (if your ssh craps out like mine)
##1) Add the following line to /etc/sudoers with the command visudo:
# %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/ssh restart
##2) Add your web server user to the group sudo by running vigr and
## vigr -s to modify /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
## something like this line (if you are yebyen like me):
# sudo:x:27:yebyen
##3) Add the incantation to crontab for your user with crontab -e to
##launch this script periodically:
# 0 5 * * * $HOME/webfr-go/
## This will restart your sshd and run the commands which update your
## deployment of webfr-go webframework. Do whatever you want with the
## script's output. With this configuration, all updates and restarts
## happen every day at 5:00am. So, if you lose connectivity, you will
## have to wait til 5:00am to see it come back.
## Most cron daemons will mail you the logs every day. So, be sure to
## login via ssh to your account and check your mail for anomalies!
export PS1="$" # Fool crontab into thinking we are running interactively
# Important: PATH is set to include webframework toys in "$GOROOT/bin" --
# The sources are cloned and binaries recompiled when this script runs.
. /home/yebyen/.bashrc
# Set the working directory path and
# Pull the latest sources from unfuddle
cd /home/yebyen/818727
#git pull
export PATH="${HOME}/bin:${GOBIN}:${PATH}"
export HOME
# Visit toys directory:
# Recompile and install webframework toys
pushd ~/818727/toys
gb -ig; gb -c
pushd ~/818727/webroot
echo -n "Working directory: "
# Restart sshd on
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
# Restart websrv on
killall websrv
exec websrv
package main
import (
func main() {
web.Get("/about", about)
web.Get("/index_src", index_src)
web.Get("/jcurry", webfr_jcurry)
web.Get("/headers(.*)", webfr_headers)
web.Get("/webfr-restart", webfr_restart)
web.Get("/top", ybookmarks.ShowTop)
web.Get("/calicious-sqlite", calicious_sqlite)
web.Get("/calicious-objects", calicious_objects)
web.Get("/calicious-tags/(.*)", ybookmarks.ShowTagBookmarks)
web.Get("/calicious(.*)", ybookmarks.Calicious)
web.Get("/(.*)", index)
func about(ctx *web.Context) {
out := mustache.Render("{{> about}}", map[string]string{})
func js_test(ctx *web.Context, val string) {
/** calicious sqlite reader
func calicious_sqlite(ctx *web.Context) {
out := mustache.Render("about sqlite", map[string]string{})
/** calicious objects database
func calicious_objects(ctx *web.Context) {
out := mustache.Render("about objects", map[string]string{})
func error(ctx *web.Context, val string) {
/** directory_index emulation
* - if index.go resolves but no index.mustache exists, display content
* of index.go with a wrapper to format go into colored html output.
* - if an unresolved path is specified, forward to the error handler
func index(ctx *web.Context, val string) {
out := mustache.Render("{{> index}}",
package main
import (
type container map[string][]map[string]string
type dataslice []map[string]string
type dict map[string]string
func index_src(ctx *web.Context) {
out := mustache.Render("{{> index_src}}", dict{})
func webfr_jcurry(ctx *web.Context) {
out := mustache.Render("{{> jcurry}}", dict{})
func webfr_headers(ctx *web.Context, val string) {
headers_obj := ctx.Request.Headers
headers := dataslice{}
params := dataslice{}
for index, value := range headers_obj {
for _, v := range value {
m := dict{"index": index, "value": v}
headers = append(headers, m)
for index, value := range ctx.Request.Params {
m := dict{"index": index, "value": value}
params = append(params, m)
header := container{"headers": headers,
"params": params}
out := mustache.Render("{{> header}}", header)
func webfr_restart(ctx *web.Context) {
err := exec.Command("/home/yebyen/").Run()
if err != nil {
ctx.WriteString("Error restarting webframework!")
ctx.WriteString("Restarting webframework!")
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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