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Created July 11, 2016 18:12
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Example of Interprocess communication in Node.js through a UNIX domain socket
** Example of Interprocess communication in Node.js through a UNIX domain socket
** Usage:
** server> MODE=server node ipc.example.js
** client> MODE=client node ipc.example.js
var net = require('net'),
fs = require('fs'),
connections = {},
server, client, mode
// prevent duplicate exit messages
var SHUTDOWN = false;
// Our socket
const SOCKETFILE = '/tmp/unix.sock';
// For simplicity of demonstration, both ends in this one file
switch(process.env["MODE"] || process.env["mode"]){
case "server": mode = "server"; break;
case "client": mode = "client"; break;
default: console.error("Mode not set"); process.exit(1);
}'Loading interprocess communications test');' Mode: %s \n Socket: %s \n Process: %s',mode,SOCKETFILE,;
function createServer(socket){
console.log('Creating server.');
var server = net.createServer(function(stream) {
console.log('Connection acknowledged.');
// Store all connections so we can terminate them if the server closes.
// An object is better than an array for these.
var self =;
connections[self] = (stream);
stream.on('end', function() {
console.log('Client disconnected.');
delete connections[self];
// Messages are buffers. use toString
stream.on('data', function(msg) {
msg = msg.toString();
if(msg === '__snootbooped'){
console.log("Client's snoot confirmed booped.");
console.log('Client:', msg);
if(msg === 'foo'){
if(msg === 'baz'){
if(msg === 'here come dat boi'){
stream.write('Kill yourself.');
.on('connection', function(socket){
console.log('Client connected.');
console.log('Sending boop.');
return server;
if(mode === "server"){
// check for failed cleanup
console.log('Checking for leftover socket.');
fs.stat(SOCKETFILE, function (err, stats) {
if (err) {
// start server
console.log('No leftover socket found.');
server = createServer(SOCKETFILE); return;
// remove file then start server
console.log('Removing leftover socket.')
fs.unlink(SOCKETFILE, function(err){
// This should never happen.
console.error(err); process.exit(0);
server = createServer(SOCKETFILE); return;
// close all connections when the user does CTRL-C
function cleanup(){
let clients = Object.keys(connections);
let client = clients.pop();
process.on('SIGINT', cleanup);
if(mode === "client"){
// Connect to server.
console.log("Connecting to server.");
client = net.createConnection(SOCKETFILE)
.on('connect', ()=>{
// Messages are buffers. use toString
.on('data', function(data) {
data = data.toString();
if(data === '__boop'){'Server sent boop. Confirming our snoot is booped.');
if(data === '__disconnect'){
console.log('Server disconnected.')
return cleanup();
// Generic message handler'Server:', data)
.on('error', function(data) {
console.error('Server not active.'); process.exit(1);
// Handle input from stdin.
var inputbuffer = "";
process.stdin.on("data", function (data) {
inputbuffer += data;
if (inputbuffer.indexOf("\n") !== -1) {
var line = inputbuffer.substring(0, inputbuffer.indexOf("\n"));
inputbuffer = inputbuffer.substring(inputbuffer.indexOf("\n") + 1);
// Let the client escape
if(line === 'exit'){ return cleanup(); }
if(line === 'quit'){ return cleanup(); }
function cleanup(){
process.on('SIGINT', cleanup);
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jschlesser commented Jun 8, 2018

When you are processing the data events in the client or the server are the events guaranteed to get whole messages and only 1 message? Would you need to keep a buffer around across multiple data calls in case you get '__b' on one event and 'oop' on another and might you get '__boop__disconn' in one data event and 'ect' in another?

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Thanks for the example @Xaekai

I've used it to explore IPC over socket files between Docker containers:

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hinell commented Aug 3, 2018

@bbartolome So, what are results?

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jt3k commented Sep 2, 2020

super! Thanx~!

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Very useful. Thank you.

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ghost commented Jun 7, 2021

this will only work for one client, if there is more than 1 client, the clients will get mixed up, AFAICT.

old school IPC sucks, use network protocols instead - TCP etc.

Only if you have no idea what you are doing ;)

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zinahe commented Mar 14, 2022

Thanks a lot, your helped as a very good starting point to something I wanted to do.

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evonox commented Aug 18, 2023

Thanks a lot. Your sample is a very good starting point for me as well.

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this will only work for one client, if there is more than 1 client, the clients will get mixed up, AFAICT.

old school IPC sucks, use network protocols instead - TCP etc.

unix sockets are not "old school", they're not simply a set of legacy features that has been floating around but are a set of tools that have been constantly updated over the decades. using any form of IP for IPC is lazy and a waist of time and resources within the service your creating.

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Thank you very much! It help me with my project.

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Thank you for an example, just noticed that the client.write doesn't write until I'll call the client.end. I tried find some solution, but it seams I need to end and re-create the client any time I want to write to socket. Any thoughts?

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