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Created August 7, 2020 20:05
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:: File Name:
:: Author:
Jadd -
:: Target:
World of Warcraft x64 - Retail Client 8.0+
World of Warcraft x64 - Classic Client 1.13+
:: Description:
Renames Lua scripting functions within the game client, more specifically
those referencing one of four common "FrameScript" functions. Generates a
function renaming script by outputting the results to in
the IDB's directory.
Updated to Python 3 by Xalcon
:: License:
Free to use under MIT License.
from idc_bc695 import *
def FindBinary(ea, flag, searchstr, radix=16):
return find_binary(ea, flag, searchstr, radix, from_bc695=True)
# o_reg values.
REG_AX = 0; REG_CX = 1; REG_DX = 2; REG_BX = 3;
REG_SP = 4; REG_BP = 5; REG_SI = 6; REG_DI = 7;
REG_R8 = 8; REG_R9 = 9; REG_R10 = 10; REG_R11 = 11;
REG_R12 = 12; REG_R13 = 13; REG_R14 = 14; REG_R15 = 15;
def find_prev_op(ea, operand):
if ea == BADADDR:
return BADADDR
search_end = first_func_chunk(ea)
while ea != BADADDR:
ea = prev_head(ea)
if ea < search_end:
if print_insn_mnem(ea) == operand:
return ea
return BADADDR
def find_next_op(ea, operand):
if ea == BADADDR:
return BADADDR
search_end = find_func_end(ea)
while ea != BADADDR:
ea = next_head(ea)
if ea >= search_end:
if print_insn_mnem(ea) == operand:
return ea
return BADADDR
def search_framescript_function(name):
if name == 'FrameScript_RegisterFunction':
ea = FindBinary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, '48 8B D9 48 8B CF 45 33 C0 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B D3 48 8B CF E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? BA FE FF FF FF')
assert(ea != BADADDR)
ea = first_func_chunk(ea)
return ea
if name == 'FrameScript_RegisterGlobalFunction':
ea = FindBinary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, '49 8B C0 48 8B DA 48 8B F9 48 8B D0 48 8B 09 45 33 C0 E8 ?? ?? ?? ??')
assert(ea != BADADDR)
ea = first_func_chunk(ea)
return ea
if name == 'FrameScript_RegisterTableFunction':
ea = FindBinary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, '41 B8 EE D8 FF FF 4C 8B F1 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 49 8B 0E E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 49 8B 0E')
assert(ea != BADADDR)
ea = first_func_chunk(ea)
return ea
if name == 'FrameScript_RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount':
ea = FindBinary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, 'BA EE D8 FF FF 48 8B CB 48 8B 5C 24 ?? 48 8B 6C 24 ?? 48 8B 74 24 ??')
assert(ea != BADADDR)
ea = first_func_chunk(ea)
return ea
def read_lua_functions(framescript_function):
results = []
reference = get_next_fcref_to(framescript_function, 0)
while reference != BADADDR:
if print_insn_mnem(reference) == "jmp":
ea = prev_head(reference)
rcx = get_operand_value(ea, 1)
ea = prev_head(ea)
rdx = get_operand_value(ea, 1)
function_name = get_strlit_contents(get_qword(rcx), -1, ASCSTR_C).decode('ascii')
function_addr = get_qword(rdx) - get_first_seg()
results.append({'name': function_name, 'address': function_addr})
reference = get_next_fcref_to(framescript_function, reference)
compare = reference
ea = reference
registers = {}
function_count = 1
mnemonic = ''
# Check how it determines the function table length.
while mnemonic != 'cmp' and mnemonic != 'sub':
compare = next_head(compare)
mnemonic = print_insn_mnem(compare)
# Possible operations:
# cmp rbx, ... -> pointer comparison
# cmp rdi, ... -> counter comparison
# sub rdi, 1 -> countdown
comparison = get_operand_value(compare, 0)
countdown = mnemonic == 'sub'
if comparison != REG_BX and comparison != REG_DI:
raise Exception('Invalid comparison at 0x{:016X}'.format(reference))
if comparison == REG_DI and not countdown:
registers[REG_DI] = get_operand_value(compare, 1)
while REG_BX not in registers or REG_DI not in registers:
mnemonic = ''
while mnemonic != 'lea' and mnemonic != 'mov':
ea = prev_head(ea)
mnemonic = print_insn_mnem(ea)
register = get_operand_value(ea, 0)
if register not in registers:
registers[register] = get_operand_value(ea, 1)
if comparison == REG_BX:
function_count = (registers[REG_DI] - registers[REG_BX]) / 0x10
function_count = registers[REG_DI]
for i in range(0, int(function_count)):
entry = registers[REG_BX] + (i * 0x10)
function_name = get_strlit_contents(get_qword(entry), -1, ASCSTR_C).decode('ascii')
function_addr = get_qword(entry + 8) - get_first_seg()
results.append({'name': function_name, 'address': function_addr})
reference = get_next_fcref_to(framescript_function, reference)
return results
def read_lua_global_functions(framescript_function):
results = []
reference = get_next_fcref_to(framescript_function, 0)
while reference != BADADDR:
registers = {}
ea = reference
while REG_DX not in registers or REG_R8 not in registers:
ea = find_prev_op(ea, 'lea')
registers[get_operand_value(ea, 0)] = get_operand_value(ea, 1)
function_name = get_strlit_contents(registers[REG_DX], -1, ASCSTR_C).decode('ascii')
function_addr = registers[REG_R8] - get_first_seg()
results.append({'name': function_name, 'address': function_addr})
reference = get_next_fcref_to(framescript_function, reference)
return results
def read_lua_namespace_functions(framescript_function):
results = []
reference = get_next_fcref_to(framescript_function, 0)
while reference != BADADDR:
registers = {}
ea = reference
while REG_DX not in registers or REG_R8 not in registers or REG_R9 not in registers:
ea = find_prev_op(ea, 'lea')
registers[get_operand_value(ea, 0)] = get_operand_value(ea, 1)
namespace = get_strlit_contents(registers[REG_DX], -1, ASCSTR_C).decode('ascii')
function = get_strlit_contents(registers[REG_R8], -1, ASCSTR_C).decode('ascii')
function_name = '{}.{}'.format(namespace, function)
function_addr = registers[REG_R9] - get_first_seg()
results.append({'name': function_name, 'address': function_addr})
reference = get_next_fcref_to(framescript_function, reference)
return results
def read_lua_namespace_with_count_functions(framescript_function):
results = []
reference = get_next_fcref_to(framescript_function, 0)
while reference != BADADDR:
registers = {}
ea = reference
while REG_CX not in registers or REG_DX not in registers or REG_R8 not in registers:
mnemonic = ''
while mnemonic != 'lea' and mnemonic != 'mov':
ea = prev_head(ea)
mnemonic = print_insn_mnem(ea)
registers[get_operand_value(ea, 0)] = get_operand_value(ea, 1)
namespace = get_strlit_contents(registers[REG_R8], -1, ASCSTR_C).decode('ascii')
for i in range(0, registers[REG_DX]):
function = get_strlit_contents(get_qword(registers[REG_CX] + i * 16), -1, ASCSTR_C).decode('ascii')
function_name = '{}.{}'.format(namespace, function)
function_addr = get_qword(registers[REG_CX] + 8 + i * 16) - get_first_seg()
results.append({'name': function_name, 'address': function_addr})
reference = get_next_fcref_to(framescript_function, reference)
return results
def log_output(file, definitions):
for function in definitions:
file.write('MakeNameEx(baseAddr + 0x{address:016X}, "Script_{name}", SN_NOWARN)\n'.format(**function))
file.write('SetType(baseAddr + 0x{address:016X}, "signed int __fastcall Script_{name}(void *L);")\n'.format(**function))
print('0x{address:016X} Script_{name}'.format(**function))
def define_lua_functions(definitions):
for function in definitions:
MakeNameEx(get_first_seg() + function['address'], 'Script_{name}'.format(**function), SN_NOWARN)
SetType(get_first_seg() + function['address'], 'signed int __fastcall Script_{name}(void *L);'.format(**function))
def main():
FrameScript_RegisterFunction = search_framescript_function('FrameScript_RegisterFunction')
FrameScript_RegisterGlobalFunction = search_framescript_function('FrameScript_RegisterGlobalFunction')
FrameScript_RegisterTableFunction = search_framescript_function('FrameScript_RegisterTableFunction')
FrameScript_RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount = search_framescript_function('FrameScript_RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount')
MakeNameEx(FrameScript_RegisterFunction, 'FrameScript_RegisterFunction', SN_NOWARN)
SetType(FrameScript_RegisterFunction, 'void __fastcall FrameScript_RegisterFunction(const char *name, signed int (__fastcall *function)(void *L))')
MakeNameEx(FrameScript_RegisterGlobalFunction, 'FrameScript_RegisterGlobalFunction', SN_NOWARN)
SetType(FrameScript_RegisterGlobalFunction, 'void __fastcall FrameScript_RegisterGlobalFunction(void* L, const char *name, signed int (__fastcall *function)(void *L))')
MakeNameEx(FrameScript_RegisterTableFunction, 'FrameScript_RegisterTableFunction', SN_NOWARN)
SetType(FrameScript_RegisterTableFunction, 'void __fastcall FrameScript_RegisterTableFunction(void* L, const char *table, const char *name, signed int (__fastcall *function)(void *L))')
MakeNameEx(FrameScript_RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount, 'FrameScript_RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount', SN_NOWARN)
SetType(FrameScript_RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount, 'void __fastcall FrameScript_RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount(__int64* functionTable, int functionCount, const char *table')
lua_functions = read_lua_functions(FrameScript_RegisterFunction)
lua_global_functions = read_lua_global_functions(FrameScript_RegisterGlobalFunction)
lua_namespace_functions = read_lua_namespace_functions(FrameScript_RegisterTableFunction)
lua_namespace_with_count_functions = read_lua_namespace_with_count_functions(FrameScript_RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount)
with open('', 'w') as log:
log.write('baseAddr = idc.get_first_seg()\n\n')
log.write('# Global Lua Functions #\n')
log_output(log, lua_functions)
log_output(log, lua_global_functions)
log.write('# Namespace Lua Functions #\n')
log_output(log, lua_namespace_functions)
log_output(log, lua_namespace_with_count_functions)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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