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Created September 1, 2021 17:31
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MDSvex Global Components
import remarkAbbr from 'remark-abbr'
import rehypeSlug from 'rehype-slug'
import rehypeAutolinkHeadings from 'rehype-autolink-headings'
import md from 'mdsvex'
export const extensions = ['', '.md', '.svx']
export const mdsvex = md.mdsvex({
smartypants: {
dashes: 'oldschool'
remarkPlugins: [remarkAbbr],
rehypePlugins: [
behavior: 'wrap'
import { join, basename, extname } from 'path'
export const defaults = {
extensions: ['', '.md', '.svx'],
dir: `$lib`,
list: []
* Injects global imports in all your mdsvex files
* Specify:
* - the root dir (defaults to `src/lib`)
* - the array list of components (with extension), like `['Component.svelte']`
* - the valid extensions list as an array (defaults to `['', '.md', '.svx']`)
* If you want the component name to be different from the file name, you can specify an array
* of arrays: `['Component.svelte', ['Another', 'AnotherComp.svelte'], 'ThirdComp.svelte']`
* @param {Object} options options described above
* @returns a preprocessor suitable to plug into the `preprocess` key of the svelte config
export const mdsvexGlobalComponents = (options = {}) => {
const { extensions, dir, list } = { ...defaults, ...options }
const extensionsRegex = new RegExp('(' + extensions.join('|').replace(/\./g, '\\.') + ')$', 'i')
if (!list || !list.length || !Array.isArray(list)) {
throw new Error(`"list" option must be an array and contain at least one element`)
const imports = list
.map((entry) => {
let name = ''
if (Array.isArray(entry)) {
name = entry[0]
entry = entry[1]
const ext = extname(entry)
const path = join(dir, entry)
name = name || basename(entry, ext)
return `\nimport ${name} from "${path}"`
const preprocessor = {
script(thing) {
const { content, filename, attributes, markup } = thing
if (!filename.match(extensionsRegex)) {
return { code: content }
const hasModuleContext = /^<script context="module">/.test(markup)
const isModulePass = attributes?.context === 'module'
const isValidPass = (hasModuleContext && isModulePass) || !hasModuleContext
if (!isValidPass) {
return { code: content }
return { code: `${imports}\n${content}` }
return preprocessor
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'
import { mdsvex, extensions } from './svelte-kit/mdsvex.config.js'
import { mdsvexGlobalComponents } from './svelte-kit/mdsvexGlobalComponents.js'
const globalComponents = mdsvexGlobalComponents({
dir: `$lib/components`,
list: ['Note.svelte', 'Youtube.svelte', ['Ref', 'RefLink.svelte']],
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
extensions: ['.svelte', ...extensions],
preprocess: [preprocess(), globalComponents, mdsvex],
kit: {
target: '#svelte',
export default config
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rchrdnsh commented May 2, 2023

oh, no, I meant better for this particular problem of auto importing svelte components into mdsvex files 🤣

I am personally all in on svelte, as I did not like react, as I came from html and css and design first, so svelte feels good to me, but I feel you, esp. if a team is js centric and all :-)

But in any case, hopefully this can work for me, as I am importing at least 50 or so svelte components into every single markdown file, which is no fun to update when I add or change one! 🥵

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Xananax commented May 2, 2023

Oh sorry, I was not very focused 😅

In retrospect your question was evident. To answer it: no, I don't know of anything better, but this should work. If it doesn't, share your repo and I'll probably be able to help!

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