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Last active February 7, 2021 01:26
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  • Save Xananax/83c4a82eb900fa4f4debc5a742789b7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Xananax/83c4a82eb900fa4f4debc5a742789b7d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Directory structure to HTML with collapsible directories
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Ever needed to send a collapsible list of files to someone?
# Boy do I have good news for you
# usage: run it in the dir
# requires tree
read -r -d '' HEAD << EOM
<meta charset="UTF-8" /><style>
details > summary {list-style: none;cursor:pointer}
details > summary::before {content: "🗀 "}
details > summary::-webkit-details-marker {display: none}
li{list-style: none}
li::before{content: "🗎 "}
const data =
read -r -d '' TAIL << EOM
const print = ({ type, name, contents }) => type === "file"
? \`<li>\${name}</li>\`
: \`<details><summary>\${name}/</summary><ul>\${mapData(contents)}</ul></details>\`;
const mapData = (data) => data ?"") : "";
const toggleAll = (t) => document.querySelectorAll("details").forEach( d => = t);
const btn = (n,t) => \`<button onclick="toggleAll(\${t})">\${n}</button>\`;
document.body.innerHTML = btn("open all",true) + btn("close all", false) + mapData(data[0].contents);
#LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 spaces=$(printf "%b" "\U00A0\U1680\U180E\U2000\U2001\U2002\U2003\U2004\U2005\U2006\U2007\U2008\U2009\U200A\U200B\U202F\U205F\U3000\UFEFF")
TREE=$(tree --dirsfirst -q -J -I $FILENAME | tr -s '[:blank:]' ' ' | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\r')
#TREE_CLEAN=${TREE//[$spaces]/ }
echo $HTML > index.html
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