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Created December 14, 2021 13:29
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Fulcro RAD color picker
[ :refer [all-ui-controls]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.mutations :as m]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.timbre-support :refer [console-appender prefix-output-fn]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.application :as rad-app]
[ :as report]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.authorization :as auth]
[ :as datetime]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.routing.html5-history :as hist5 :refer [html5-history]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.routing.history :as history]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.routing :as routing]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.routing.dynamic-routing :as dr]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.http-remote :as net]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.denormalize :as fdn]
[goog.functions :refer [debounce]]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[taoensso.tufte :as tufte :refer [profile]]))
;;; Look at the fulcro-rad-demo for the rest of this file
(defn setup-RAD [app]
(rad-app/install-ui-controls! app all-ui-controls) ;; This is the crucial bit!
(report/install-formatter! app :boolean :affirmation (fn [_ value] (if value "yes" "no"))))
(defn ^:export refresh []
;; hot code reload of installed controls
(log/info "Reinstalling controls")
;;; You need to register your controls here
(setup-RAD app)
(comp/refresh-dynamic-queries! app)
(app/mount! app Root "app"))
(defn ^:export init
"Shadow-cljs sets this up to be our entry-point function.
See shadow-cljs.edn `:init-fn` in the modules of the main build."
(reset! SPA app)
(log/merge-config! {:output-fn prefix-output-fn
:appenders {:console (console-appender)}})
(log/info "Starting App")
;; default time zone (should be changed at login for given user)
(datetime/set-timezone! "Europe/Berlin")
;; Avoid startup async timing issues by pre-initializing things before mount
(app/set-root! app Root {:initialize-state? true})
(dr/initialize! app)
;;; You need to register your controls here
(setup-RAD app)
(dr/change-route! app (prefix-route-segment "landing-page"))
(history/install-route-history! app (html5-history))
(auth/start! app [LoginForm] {:after-session-check `fix-route})
(app/mount! app Root "app" {:initialize-state? false}))
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom :refer [div label input span]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom-server :as dom :refer [div label input span]])
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes :as attr]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.form :as form]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.options-util :refer [?!]]))
(def standard-color-map {:green "#21ba45"
:teal "#3082a7"
:orange "#f2711c"})
(defn render-field
"Two arity version is for RAD.
You can override the onClick behavior with the 3-arity version."
([{::form/keys [form-instance] :as env} attribute]
(render-field env attribute {:onClick (fn [env k value]
(form/input-changed! env k value))}))
([{::form/keys [form-instance] :as env} attribute {:keys [onClick]}]
(let [k (::attr/qualified-key attribute)
props (comp/props form-instance)
user-color-map (?! (form/field-style-config env attribute :color-map) env)
field-label (form/field-label env attribute)
read-only? (form/read-only? form-instance attribute)
current-value (get props k false)
color-map (or user-color-map standard-color-map)
color-map (mapv (fn [[k v]] {:name k :value v}) color-map)]
(div :.field.color-picker--container
(label field-label)
(div :.color-picker--values
(map (fn [{:keys [name value]} x]
(let [field-name (str field-label "--color-picker--" name)]
(div :.color-picker--inner {:key (str k field-name)}
{:type "radio"
:name field-name
:disabled (boolean read-only?)
:value value
:checked (= value current-value)})
(label {:htmlFor field-name
:title name
:role "button"
:className "color-picker--label"
:onClick (fn []
(when (and onClick (not read-only?))
(onClick env k value)))}
(span {:className (:name x)
:style {:background value
:cursor (if read-only?
"pointer")}}))))) color-map))))))
"A rather colorful namespace, full of wonder :)")
(def red "#db2828")
(def red-rgb [219 40 40])
(def orange "#f2711c")
(def orange-rgb [242 113 28])
(def yellow "#fbbd08")
(def yellow-rgb [251 189 8])
(def olive "#b5cc18")
(def olive-rgb [181 204 24])
(def green "#21ba45")
(def green-rgb [33 186 69])
(def teal "#00b5ad")
(def teal-rgb [0 181 178])
(def blue "#2185d0")
(def blue-rgb [33 133 208])
(def violet "#6435c9")
(def violet-rgb [100 53 201])
(def purple "#a333c8")
(def purple-rgb [163 51 200])
(def pink "#e03997")
(def pink-rgb [224 57 151])
(def brown "#a5673f")
(def brown-rgb [165 103 63])
(def grey "#767676")
(def grey-rgb [118 118 118])
(def lightgrey "#e6e6e6")
(def lightgrey-rgb [230 230 230])
(def black "#1b1c1d")
(def black-rgb [27 28 29])
(def all-colors
"A map from keyword to hex color value"
{:red red
:orange orange
:yellow yellow
:olive olive
:green green
:teal teal
:blue blue
:violet violet
:purple purple
:pink pink
:brown brown
:grey grey
:lightgrey lightgrey
:black black})
(defn rand-color
"Returns a vector of random RGB values."
(rand-int 256)
(rand-int 256)
(rand-int 256)))
(ns gmbh.kreativraum.picard-web.controls.controls
[ :as color-picker]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.rendering.semantic-ui.entity-picker :as entity-picker]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.rendering.semantic-ui.text-field :as text-field]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.rendering.semantic-ui.semantic-ui-controls :as sui]))
(defn deep-merge
"Recursively merges maps."
[& maps]
(letfn [(m [& xs]
(if (some #(and (map? %) (not (record? %))) xs)
(apply merge-with m xs)
(last xs)))]
(reduce m maps)))
(defonce all-custom-controls
{:string {:color-picker color-picker/render-field}}})
(defonce all-ui-controls (deep-merge sui/all-controls all-custom-controls))
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes :refer [defattr make-attribute-validator]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes-options :as ao]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.form-options :as fo]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :refer [defsc]]
[ :as ro]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.picker-options :as po]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.form-state :as fs]
[ :as colors]))
;; Declare it like this
(defattr node-color
"The user can pick a color to represent a node.
The color will be saved as a hex-value."
:sil.graph.node/color-hex :string
{ao/identities #{...}
ao/schema :production
fo/field-style-config {:color-map colors/all-colors}
fo/field-style :color-picker
fo/field-label "My Fancy Color"})
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