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Created July 11, 2020 02:33
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-export([eval/2, wrap/2]).
% simple model of arithmetical expressions, like
% {add, {num, 0}, {mul, {num,1}, {var,a2}}}
% environment gives value of a variable:
% [ {a,2}, {b,1} ]
eval(_Env, {num, N}) -> N;
eval(Env, {var, V}) ->
lookup(V, Env);
eval(Env, {mul, E1, E2}) ->
eval(Env, E1) * eval(Env, E2);
eval(Env, {add, E1, E2}) ->
eval(Env, E1) + eval(Env, E2);
eval(Env, {'div', Num, Denom}) ->
N = eval(Env, Num),
D = eval(Env, Denom),
case D of
0 -> throw(div_by_zero);
_NZ -> N div D
wrap(Env, Exp) ->
try eval (Env, Exp) of
Res -> {ok, Res}
throw:div_by_zero -> {error, div_by_zero}
%error:{unbound, Val} -> {error, {unbound, Val}}
% lookup
% this version assumes it doesn't fail …
% … but could use exceptions to deal with failure (exercise!)
lookup(X, []) -> erlang:error({unbound, X});
lookup(X, [{X,N}|_]) -> N;
lookup(X, [_|Rest]) -> lookup(X, Rest).
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