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Last active August 29, 2022 20:13
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git setup
tool = vsdiffmerge
tool = vsdiffmerge
[mergetool "vscode"]
cmd = code --wait $MERGED
[difftool "vscode"]
cmd = code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE
prompt = true
editor = code --wait
prompt = true
[mergetool "vsdiffmerge"]
cmd = \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Community\\Common7\\IDE\\CommonExtensions\\Microsoft\\TeamFoundation\\Team Explorer\\vsdiffmerge.exe\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$BASE\" \"$MERGED\" //m
keepBackup = false
trustExitCode = true
start = "!f() { git checkout -b \"$1\" && git push origin -u \"$1\"; }; f"
cls = !git reset --hard && git clean -fdx && git remote update --prune && git remote prune origin
amend = !git commit -a --amend --no-edit -C HEAD && git push -f
rollback = reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
a = add .
rs = reset --soft HEAD~1
rh = reset --hard HEAD~1
ch = checkout
chb = checkout -
chm = checkout master
chd = checkout develop
r = rebase -i
pick = log --format=%h -S
history = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset %w(180,1,2)%s -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative -n 100
enabled = true
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