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Created April 16, 2021 08:47
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; **git-specific
::gs::git status
::gl::git ll
::glo::git log --oneline
::gsh::git show
::gtg::git tag -a
::gd::git diff
::gdt::git difftool
::gmt::git mergetool
::gpll::git pull
::gpsh::git push
::gc::git commit . -m "
::gcae::git commit --allow-empty
::gch::git checkout
::gchm::git checkout master
::gchd::git checkout develop
::gr::git rebase -i
::gres::git reset --soft HEAD~1
::gb::git branch
::gst::git stash
::ga::git add -p
::gai::git add -i
::gf::git fetch
::gignore::git update-index --assume-unchanged
::gunignore::git update-index --no-assume-unchanged
::gmnff::git merge --no-ff -e -m "" -
::gh::git history
::rvs::Start-Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" -Verb RunAs | cls{enter}
::cdr::cd C:\Users\[user]\source\repos
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