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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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LaTeX - Vorlage Übungsblatt

Further information: see XennisWiki - LaTeX - Vorlage Übungsblatt


Example usage (include the file as praeambel.tex in the parent directory)

    number= 5,
	topic={Specimen of a Title of an Exercise Sheet}
\exercise[ topic={My exercise} ]
\subexercise[ topic={My sub exercise} ]
Sub exercise
Another sub exercise


Example usage of new defined commands


\todo{I have to do this}
% LaTeX_Vorlage_Uebungsblatt.tex
% Source:
% Documentation:
% ------------------------- packages ------------------------------------------
% encoding and language
% font
% hyperlink (URL, etc.)
% citation
% math
% code
% pseudocode
% graphics
\usepackage{tikz} % includes xcolor
% custom
% ------------------------ listings code style settings -----------------------
% define colors
% code style
\lstset{ %
language=JAVA, % the language of the code
%basicstyle=\footnotesize, % the size of the fonts that are used for the code
numbers=left, % where to put the line-numbers
stepnumber=2, % the step between two line-numbers. If it's 1, each line
% will be numbered
numbersep=5pt, % how far the line-numbers are from the code
frame=single, % adds a frame around the code
rulecolor=\color{black}, % if not set, the frame-color may be changed on line-breaks
tabsize=2, % sets default tabsize to 2 spaces
captionpos=b, % sets the caption-position to bottom
breaklines=true, % sets automatic line breaking
breakatwhitespace=false, % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
%keywordstyle=\color{blue}, % keyword style
%commentstyle=\color{dkgreen}, % comment style
%stringstyle=\color{colorNavy}, % string literal style
morekeywords={*,with, where, from, union, all, as},
literate={ä}{{\"{a}}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1,
% ------------------------- commands ------------------------------------------
\newcommand{\todo}[1]{{\em \color{blue}[#1]}\marginpar{{\bf [!!!]}} }
% shortcuts
% ------------------------ exercisesheet class design settings ----------------
\setsheetfont{sheet title}{\sffamily\bfseries\Huge}
\setsheetfont{sheet topic}{\sffamily\bfseries\Huge\color{maincolor}}
\setsheetfont{exercise label}{\sffamily\bfseries\color{maincolor}}
% ------------------------- exercisesheet class text settings -----------------
\setsheettemplate{sheet title (student)}{Mandatory assignment~\thesheet}
% german translation
%\setsheettemplate{sheet title (student)}{Übungszettel~\thesheet}
%\setsheettemplate{exercise name}{Aufgabe}
%\setsheettemplate{subexercise name}{Teilaufgabe}
lecture = Models of Concurrency,
lecturer = Institute of Informatics,
semester = Winter 2013,
author = {Peter Müller 345643, Erwin Piper 349684},
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