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Forked from btarg/crashcreator.bat
Created May 19, 2021 23:19
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Discord Crash Video Creator
@echo off
title Discord Crash Video Creator
color c
echo ========================= NOTE =========================
echo This script creates videos that crash Discord/Chrome.
echo Hardware acceleration must be enabled for it to work.
echo Crash videos will get you banned in some Discord groups!
echo FFmpeg needs to be installed for this to work:
echo ========================================================
WHERE ffmpeg
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 echo ffmpeg wasn't found. Please make sure it is installed correctly. && pause && exit
color 7
set /p filepath=Enter path to video file (or drag and drop the video here):
set timestamp=1
set /p timestamp=How many seconds in should the video crash?:
echo Getting video duration...
ffprobe -i %filepath% -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0" > tmpfile
set /p duration= < tmpfile
del tmpfile
echo Splitting video...
ffmpeg -i %filepath% -ss 0 -t %timestamp% part1.mp4
ffmpeg -i %filepath% -ss %timestamp% -t %duration% part2.mp4
echo Changing video properties...
ffmpeg -i part2.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv444p part2_new.mp4
echo Creating file list...
echo file part1.mp4> file_list.txt
echo file part2_new.mp4>> file_list.txt
echo Creating output file...
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i file_list.txt -codec copy output.mp4
echo Cleaning up old files...
del part1.mp4
del part2.mp4
del part2_new.mp4
del file_list.txt
color a
echo Output video created! It is located at "%CD%\output.mp4"
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