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Created May 31, 2012 09:46
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formats = {
"fe-common/core" = {
own_msg = "{ownmsgnick $2 {ownnick $[!12]0}}$1";
own_msg_channel = "{ownmsgnick $3 {ownnick $[!12]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
own_msg_private = "{ownprivmsg msg $[!12]0}$1";
pubmsg_me = "{pubmsgmenick $2 {menick $[!12]0}}$1";
pubmsg_me_channel = "{pubmsgmenick $3 {menick $[!12]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
pubmsg_hilight = "{pubmsghinick $0 $3 $[!12]1}$2";
pubmsg_hilight_channel = "{pubmsghinick $0 $4 $[!12]1{msgchannel $2}}$3";
#overrided by nickcolor, there is no point to change it
pubmsg = "{pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick $[!12]0}}$1";
pubmsg_channel = "{pubmsgnick $3 {pubnick $[!12]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
msg_private = "{privmsg $[!12]0 $1}$2";
use strict;
use Irssi 20020101.0250 ();
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "1";
%IRSSI = (
authors => "Timo Sirainen, Ian Peters",
contact => "tss\",
name => "Nick Color",
description => "assign a different color for each nick",
license => "Public Domain",
url => "",
changed => "2002-03-04T22:47+0100"
# hm.. i should make it possible to use the existing one..
'pubmsg_hilight', '{pubmsghinick $0 $3 $1}$2'
my %saved_colors;
my %session_colors = {};
my @colors = qw/2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13/;
sub load_colors {
open COLORS, "$ENV{HOME}/.irssi/saved_colors";
while (<COLORS>) {
# I don't know why this is necessary only inside of irssi
my @lines = split "\n";
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my($nick, $color) = split ":", $line;
$saved_colors{$nick} = $color;
close COLORS;
sub save_colors {
open COLORS, ">$ENV{HOME}/.irssi/saved_colors";
foreach my $nick (keys %saved_colors) {
print COLORS "$nick:$saved_colors{$nick}\n";
close COLORS;
# If someone we've colored (either through the saved colors, or the hash
# function) changes their nick, we'd like to keep the same color associated
# with them (but only in the session_colors, ie a temporary mapping).
sub sig_nick {
my ($server, $newnick, $nick, $address) = @_;
my $color;
$newnick = substr ($newnick, 1) if ($newnick =~ /^:/);
if ($color = $saved_colors{$nick}) {
$session_colors{$newnick} = $color;
} elsif ($color = $session_colors{$nick}) {
$session_colors{$newnick} = $color;
# This gave reasonable distribution values when run across
# /usr/share/dict/words
sub simple_hash {
my ($string) = @_;
chomp $string;
my @chars = split //, $string;
my $counter;
foreach my $char (@chars) {
$counter += ord $char;
$counter = $colors[$counter % 11];
return $counter;
# FIXME: breaks /HILIGHT etc.
sub sig_public {
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
my $chanrec = $server->channel_find($target);
return if not $chanrec;
my $nickrec = $chanrec->nick_find($nick);
return if not $nickrec;
my $nickmode = $nickrec->{op} ? "@" : $nickrec->{voice} ? "+" : "";
# Has the user assigned this nick a color?
my $color = $saved_colors{$nick};
# Have -we- already assigned this nick a color?
if (!$color) {
$color = $session_colors{$nick};
# Let's assign this nick a color
if (!$color) {
$color = simple_hash $nick;
$session_colors{$nick} = $color;
$color = "0".$color if ($color < 10);
#original line:
#$server->command('/^format pubmsg {pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick '.chr(3).$color.'$0}}$1');
$server->command('/^format pubmsg {pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick '.chr(3).$color.'$[!12]0}}$1');
sub cmd_color {
my ($data, $server, $witem) = @_;
my ($op, $nick, $color) = split " ", $data;
$op = lc $op;
if (!$op) {
Irssi::print ("No operation given");
} elsif ($op eq "save") {
} elsif ($op eq "set") {
if (!$nick) {
Irssi::print ("Nick not given");
} elsif (!$color) {
Irssi::print ("Color not given");
} elsif ($color < 2 || $color > 14) {
Irssi::print ("Color must be between 2 and 14 inclusive");
} else {
$saved_colors{$nick} = $color;
} elsif ($op eq "clear") {
if (!$nick) {
Irssi::print ("Nick not given");
} else {
delete ($saved_colors{$nick});
} elsif ($op eq "list") {
Irssi::print ("\nSaved Colors:");
foreach my $nick (keys %saved_colors) {
Irssi::print (chr (3) . "$saved_colors{$nick}$nick" .
chr (3) . "1 ($saved_colors{$nick})");
} elsif ($op eq "preview") {
Irssi::print ("\nAvailable colors:");
foreach my $i (2..14) {
Irssi::print (chr (3) . "$i" . "Color #$i");
Irssi::command_bind('color', 'cmd_color');
Irssi::signal_add('message public', 'sig_public');
Irssi::signal_add('event nick', 'sig_nick');
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