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Created November 14, 2020 00:21
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import json
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import requests
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
import io
def loads_and_parse(nums):
parse_f = lambda s : int(s.replace(',', ''))
return list(map(parse_f, json.loads(nums)))
def get_milwaukee_2020():
raw_csv = io.StringIO(requests.get("").text)
return csv.reader(raw_csv)
def get_milwaukee_2016():
lines = [line.split(' ') for line in requests.get("").text.splitlines()]
return list((l[0], l[1]) for l in lines)
mil_data = list(r[2:4] for r in list(get_milwaukee_2020())[1:][:-1])
#mil_data = get_milwaukee_2016()
mil_dict = defaultdict(list)
for (cand, i) in [('bidenj', 0), ('trumpd', 1)]:
for row in mil_data:
def get_data(state_name):
ret = defaultdict(list)
counties = requests.get(f"{state_name}.json").json()['data']['races'][0]['counties']
for county in counties:
for cand, votes in county['results'].items():
return ret
def first_digits_kvs(kvs):
k, vs = kvs
# return (k, Counter(list(map(lambda v: int(str(v)[0]), vs))))
return (k, list(map(lambda v: int(str(v)[0]), vs)))
def all_but_first_kvs(kvs):
k, vs = kvs
return (k, list(i for split_num in map(lambda v: list(map(int, str(v)[1:])), vs) for i in split_num))
# from
def ascii_histogram(seq) -> None:
"""A horizontal frequency-table/histogram plot."""
for k in sorted(seq):
print('{0:5d} {1}'.format(k, '+' * seq[k]))
def heading(h):
print(f"\n\n{h} histogram")
def histogram_state(title, fname, counts, only_two=True, xlabel='leading_digit', bins=None):
if only_two:
counts = dict(bidenj=counts['bidenj'], trumpd=counts['trumpd'])
leg = list(counts.keys())
# print(leg)
zipped_cs = list(map(list, counts.values()))
# print(zipped_cs)
n, n_bins, patches = plt.hist(zipped_cs, None if bins is None else range(bins + 1), density=True, histtype='bar', label=leg, color=['blue', 'red'])
# plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=0.75)
print(f"done {title}")
def print_graph(h, seq):
state = 'milwaukee-2020'
pairs = dict(map(first_digits_kvs, mil_dict.items()))
histogram_state("Milwaukee 2020 - Distribution of leading digits (Benford's Law)", f"{state}-by-precinct", pairs, bins=10, only_two=False)
all_but_first_digits = dict(map(all_but_first_kvs, mil_dict.items()))
histogram_state("Milwaukee 2020 - Distribution of all digits excluding leading", f"{state}-digit-freq-excluding-first-digit", all_but_first_digits, xlabel='digit', bins=10, only_two=False)
for state in ['illinois', 'nevada', 'wisconsin', 'washington', 'new-york', 'florida', 'arizona', 'georgia', 'wyoming', 'california', 'pennsylvania', 'ohio']:
print(f"\n\n ## {state} ##\n")
cand_votes = get_data(state)
pairs = dict(map(first_digits_kvs, cand_votes.items()))
histogram_state(state, pairs)
# for k, v in pairs.items():
# print_graph(k, v)
except Exception as e:
print(f'exception during state: {state}')
raise e
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