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Last active July 2, 2021 15:31
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Octave functions for generating Bezier yacht hull curves using Letcher's method
% Generate yacht hull lines using Letcher's method with all curves defined
% analytically using Bezier curves
% Input(s)
% fName: Name of Excel file containing Bezier points
% Output(s)
% BezStruct:
% BezCurves: Structure of Bezier curves for each of the 6 fundamental curves
% Sheer, Freeboard, Profile, A (homotopy), eta1 and eta2
% sections: Section curves derived from the Bezier functions at nSections
% intervals along the hull
% functions: Symbolically defined functions for each section (eta), and a
% final set for the transom, (trans_x, trans_y, trans_z)
% Boat parameters:
% LOA: Length overall
% Beam: Maximum beam
% Draft: Maximum draft
% Midship: Distance from bow of maximum beam
% <fName>.txt used as input to DelftShip is written to the local directory
% Example:
% pkg load io
% pkg load symbolic
% BezStruct = BezierHull('Letcher curves.xlsx');
% Start DELFTship, click on "New Project" (Ctrl-N)
% Select a blank project (white rectangle in toolstrip) and "Accept"
% Click on "Open" down arrow -> "Import" -> "Surface"
% See also:
% Dependencies: Packages: io, symbolic
% Functions: scale, symBezFunc, funcSolve, write2DelftShip
% Written by: John Peach 26-Sep-2020
% Marakesh Sailing Analysis and Design
% Revisions:
function BezStruct = BezierHull(fName)
% Distances between sections and waterlines
dx = 1; % Section distance
dz = 0.25; % Waterline distance
% Read spreadsheet data
disp('Reading Excel file')
[~,~,df] = xlsread(fName);
% Separate into curve data
crvNames = {'Sheer','Freeboard','Profile','A','eta1','eta2'};
BezCurves = repmat(struct('Curve',[],'x',[],'y',[]),6,1);
crvIdx = zeros(1,6);
for k = 1:size(df,1)
if ~isempty(df{k,1})
i = cellfind(crvNames,df{k,1});
if ~isempty(i)
BezCurves(i).Curve = crvNames{i};
crvIdx(i) = k;
crvIdx = [crvIdx size(df,1)+1];
for k = 1:6
BezCurves(k).x = [df{crvIdx(k):crvIdx(k+1)-1,2}];
BezCurves(k).y = [df{crvIdx(k):crvIdx(k+1)-1,3}];
% Scale the A curve in the y dimension to [0,1]
BezCurves(4).y = scale(BezCurves(4).y,[0, 1]);
% Symbolic expressions for each function
disp('Generating symbolic functions')
p = symBezFunc(BezCurves,'Profile');
f = symBezFunc(BezCurves,'Freeboard');
s = symBezFunc(BezCurves,'Sheer');
A = symBezFunc(BezCurves,'A');
eta1 = symBezFunc(BezCurves,'eta1');
eta2 = symBezFunc(BezCurves,'eta2');
% Positions of section curves. Assumes that the waterlines is at x = 0.
x_max = p.x(1);
x = 0:dx:x_max; % No section curve drawn at waterlines
nSections = numel(x);
% Get values of t for each function at selected sections
p.t = funcSolve(p.x,x);
f.t = funcSolve(f.x,x);
s.t = funcSolve(s.x,x);
A.t = funcSolve(A.x,x);
% Waterline levels
z_min = p.y(fminbnd(p.y,0,1)); % Minimum profile
z_max = f.y(fminbnd(@(t) -f.y(t),0,1)); % Maximum freeboard
zLevels = roundi(z_min,dz,'down'):dz:roundi(z_max,dz,'up');
nWaters = numel(zLevels); % Number of points along each section curve
% Structures. Add one extra section for transom, two extra waterlines for
% profile and sheer curves
functions = repmat(struct('eta',[]),nSections+1,1);
sections = repmat(struct('Pts',[]),nSections+1,1);
% Coordinates for points at each section
disp('Calculating section points')
for k = 1:nSections
% Section sheer
s.Section = s.y(s.t(k));
% Section profile and freeboard
p.Section = p.y(p.t(k));
f.Section = f.y(f.t(k));
% Section function at x(k) parameterized by t
% eta1 defines the forward section curves, eta2 is for aft curves
A.Section = A.y(A.t(k)); % Homotopy function
% Section curves in y and z
eta.y = @(t) s.Section * (A.Section * eta1.x(t) + ...
(1-A.Section) * eta2.x(t));
eta.z = @(t) (f.Section-p.Section) * (A.Section * eta1.y(t) + ...
(1-A.Section) * eta2.y(t)) + p.Section;
% Save section points
t = [0 funcSolve(eta.z,zLevels) 1];
i = find(~isnan(t));
ni = numel(i);
sections(k).Pts = [x(k)*ones(1,ni); eta.y(t(i)); eta.z(t(i))]';
% Section function
functions(k).eta = eta;
% Generate extra section for transom
i = p.y(1) <= zLevels & zLevels <= f.y(1); % Transom waterlevels
trans_x = @(t) (f.x(1)-p.x(1))*t + p.x(1);
trans_y = @(t) s.y(1) * eta2.x(t);
trans_z = @(t) (f.y(1)-p.y(1))*eta2.y(t) + p.y(1);
tt = funcSolve(trans_z,zLevels(i));
transom = [trans_x(tt); trans_y(tt); trans_z(tt)]';
sections(nSections+1).Pts = transom;
functions(end).eta.trans_x = trans_x;
functions(end).eta.trans_y = trans_y;
functions(end).eta.trans_z = trans_z;
% Write data to DelftShip format
disp('Writing points to DELFTship format file')
% Display LOA, Beam, draft
LOA = max([f.x(1) p.x(1)]);
ts = fminbnd(@(t) -s.y(t),0,1);
Beam = s.y(ts);
Midship = s.x(ts);
Draft = p.y(fminbnd(p.y,0,1));
printf('Length: %5.4f \n',LOA)
printf('Beam: %5.4f \n',Beam)
printf('Draft: %5.4f \n',Draft)
printf('Midship: %5.4f \n',Midship)
% Collect everything into a structure
BezStruct.BezCurves = BezCurves;
BezStruct.sections = sections;
BezStruct.functions = functions;
BezStruct.LOA = LOA;
BezStruct.Beam = Beam;
BezStruct.Midship = Midship;
BezStruct.Draft = Draft;
function f = symBezFunc(BezCurves,CrvName)
% Returns Bezier functions generated using the symbolic package
% Inputs:
% BezCurves: Structure of Bezier curve control points
% CrvName: Name of curve to generate symbolically
% Output:
% f: Symbolic representation of selected curve
% Points array
i = cellfind({BezCurves.Curve},CrvName);
P = [BezCurves(i).x; BezCurves(i).y]';
% Initialize symbolic variable t
syms t
% Degree of the curve
n = size(P,1);
% Binomial coefficients
B = binomial(n-1);
% Terms in t
t1 = repmat(1-t,n,1);
t2 = repmat(t,n,1);
% Powers for each term
p = (0:n-1)';
% Raise terms to powers
t1 = t1 .^ flipud(p);
t2 = t2 .^ p;
% Convert Bezier control points to variable precision for symbolic calculations
P = vpa(P);
% Symbolic polynomials of Bezier function
pf = B .* t1 .* t2;
px = sum(P(:,1) .* pf);
py = sum(P(:,2) .* pf);
% Convert to anonymous functions
f.x = function_handle(px);
f.y = function_handle(py);
function t = funcSolve(f,y)
% Returns t such that f(t) = y for input values of y
% Input(s)
% f: Function handle
% y: Values where f(t) are required
% Output(s)
% t: Values such that f(t) = y
% Number of data points
n = numel(y);
% Initialize output vector
t = nan(1,n);
% Loop over each y_k to find t_k
for k = 1:n
s = fminbnd(@(x) (f(x) - y(k)).^2,0,1);
t(k) = s;
% Remove values of t outside [0,1]
t(t < 0) = nan;
t(t > 1) = nan;
function write2DELFTship(sections,fName)
% Input(s)
% Hull: Hull points data structure
% fName: File name of Excel file, will write output to .txt file
% Output(s)
% Text file with hull cross sections
% Units (feet / meters)
Use_feet = 1;
% Open file for writing
delftName = strrep(fName,'xlsx','txt');
delftName = strrep(delftName,' ','_');
fid = fopen(delftName,'w');
% Indicate units used
% Space before hull definition points
% Write section curves
nSections = numel(sections);
for k = 1:nSections
x = sections(k).Pts(:,1);
y = sections(k).Pts(:,2);
z = sections(k).Pts(:,3);
for j = 1:numel(x)
fprintf(fid,'%6.5f %6.5f %6.5f\r\n',x(j),y(j),z(j));
% Write blank line
fprintf(fid,' \r\n');
% Write blank line
% Write EOF at end of file
printf('Section points saved to %s.\n\n', delftName)
function z = scale(v,sc)
% Scales v to values betwen sc(1) and sc(2)
v0 = min(v(:));
v1 = max(v(:));
z = abs(diff(sc))/(v1 - v0) * (v - v0) + min(sc);
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