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Created May 1, 2022 13:38
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Kinetic and potential energy derived from Strava data for bicycle rides
# Bicycle Science
# Analysis of data collected with Strava app
# Load required libraries
# Loads data from spreadsheet, computes distances, speeds
# Parameters
# ----------
# bikeFile: File containing data collected by Strava. Some pre-processing
# is required to get columns:
# Time - Date/time string in format: 2022-03-15T19:41:07Z
# Latitude - Recorded GPS latitude location
# Longitude - Recorded GPS longitude location
# Hours/minutes/seconds - Time data extracted from date/time strings
# Running time - Hours/minutes/seconds converted to seconds
# Corrected time - Running time minus first entry
# Returns
# -------
# bike: Structure with input fields and calculated fields
# ptDist - Distance between successive points on the route
# delta.time - Time between successive points
# Speed - Speed during each time step
# Distance - Cumulative distance along route
dataPrep <- function(bikeFile){
# Read raw data
bike <- read.xlsx(bikeFile,1)
# Distances between points
npts <- length(bike$Latitude)
pts <- matrix(c(bike$Latitude, bike$Longitude), npts, 2)
bike$ptDist <- c(0,distGeo(pts[1:npts-1,],pts[2:npts,]))
# Time between recorded data points
bike$delta.time <- c(1,bike$Corrected.time[2:npts] - bike$Corrected.time[1:npts-1])
# Speed
bike$Speed <- bike$ptDist / bike$delta.time
# Cumulative distance
bike$Distance <- cumsum(bike$ptDist)
# Return bike structure
# Simple rolling average smoothing function for a vector of data
# Data is extended by k-1 means of the first k-1 entries to give output vec the
# same length as input v.
# Parameters
# ----------
# v: Input vector, n x 1
# k: Length of averaging window, k < n
# Returns
# -------
# vec: Smoothed vector
vecSmooth <- function(v,k){
# Extend v by the mean of the first k values
mean_v <- mean(v[1:k-1])
# Replicate the first k-1 averages and attach to the beginning
v <- c(repmat(mean_v,1,k-1), v)
# Apply rolling average smoother over k values
vec <- rollmean(v,k)
# Calculates the kinetic, potential and total energies at each time step
# Parameters
# ----------
# bike: Structure of bike data
# bike_type: Selecte either "mbike" or "ebike"
# mass: Structure of rider mass and masses of each bike
# Returns
# -------
# bike: Bike structure with additional fields KE, PE and Total_energy
calcEnergy <- function(bike,bike_type,mass){
# Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
g <- 9.81
# Combined mass of rider and bike
m <- mass["rider"] + mass[bike_type]
# Kinetic energy
bike$KE <- 1/2 * m * bike$Speed.SG^2
# Subtract minimum elevation from all elevations
h <- bike$Elevation - min(bike$Elevation)
# Potential energy
bike$PE <- m * g * h
# Total energy
bike$Total_energy <- bike$KE + bike$PE
# Plots a histogram of bike speeds grouped by meters/second
# Parameters
# ----------
# bike: Structure of bike data
# bike_type: Selecte either "mbike" or "ebike"
# Returns
# -------
# Histogram of bin counts by speed
histSpeeds <- function(bike,bike_type){
if( bike_type == "ebike"){
plot_title = "Electric Bike"
bar_color = "gray"
bar_fill = "red"
} else {
plot_title = "Motorless Bike"
bar_color = "black"
bar_fill = "gray"
# Plot histograms of speeds
ggplot(bike, aes(x = Speed.smooth)) +
geom_histogram(color = bar_color, fill = bar_fill,binwidth = 1) +
xlab("Speed (m/s)") +
ylab("Counts") +
labs(title = plot_title)
# Line plot of bike speeds at each time step
# Parameters
# ----------
# bike: Structure of bike data
# bike_type: Selecte either "mbike" or "ebike"
plotSpeeds <- function(bike,bike_type){
if( bike_type == "ebike"){
title = "Electric Bike"
} else {
title = "Motorless Bike"
plot(ebike$Corrected.time,ebike$Speed.SG,type = "l",
xlab = "Time (sec)",
ylab = "Speed (m/s)",
main = title)
# Line plot of kinetic, potential and total energy at each time step
# Parameters
# ----------
# bike: Structure of bike data
# bike_type: Selecte either "mbike" or "ebike"
plotEnergy <- function(bike,bike_type){
if( bike_type == "ebike"){
plot_title = "Electric Bike"
} else {
plot_title = "Motorless Bike"
# Data frame of total, kinetic and potential energy
df <- data.frame(bike$Corrected.time,bike$Total_energy,bike$KE,bike$PE)
# Line colors
cols <- c("#D43F3A", "#5CB85C", "#46B8DA")
# Plot energies
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = bike.Corrected.time)) +
geom_line(aes(y = bike.Total_energy), color = cols[1], size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(y = bike.KE), color = cols[2], size = 1) +
geom_line(aes(y = bike.PE), color = cols[3], size = 1) +
xlab("Time (s)") +
ylab("Energy (J)") +
labs(title = plot_title) +
scale_shape_discrete(name = "Energy",
labels = c("Total","KE","PE"))
# Line plot of bike elevation at each time step
# Parameters
# ----------
# bike: Structure of bike data
# bike_type: Selecte either "mbike" or "ebike"
plotElevation <- function(bike,bike_type){
if( bike_type == "ebike"){
plot_title = "Electric Bike"
} else {
plot_title = "Motorless Bike"
xlab = "Time (secs)",
ylab = "Elevation (m)",
main = plot_title)
# Time between any two points on the route
# Convert the GPX data from strava into KML using GPX2KML:
# Load the KML into Google Earth and then create pins at the start and end
# points. Copy the longituded and latitude data into startPoint and endPoint:
# startPoint <- cbind(<start longitude>, <start latitude>)
# endPoint <- cbind(<end longitude>, <end latitude>)
# Start and end points should be close to the route shown in red by the KML path,
# but do not need to be exact. Points used by the function are the closest route
# points to the chosen start/end points.
# Parameters
# ----------
# bike: Structure of bike data
# startPoint: Longitude and latitude at starting point
# endPoint: Longitude and latitude at ending point
# Returns
# -------
# travelTime: Time spent between starting and ending points (seconds)
# Example
# -------
# Houston_start <- cbind(-79.029666, 35.921946)
# Houston_end <- cbind(-79.028441, 35.920813)
# timeBtwnPoints(mbike,Houston_start,Houston_end)
# [1] 152
timeBtwnPoints <- function(bike,startPoint,endPoint){
# Route points array
LLpoints <- cbind(bike$Longitude, bike$Latitude)
# Indices of start and end points
idx_start <- which.min(distm(LLpoints,startPoint))
idx_end <- which.min(distm(LLpoints,endPoint))
# Time between points (seconds)
travelTime <- bike$Corrected.time[idx_end] - bike$Corrected.time[idx_start]
# Read data from spreadsheets
ebike <- dataPrep("ebike_LLH.xlsx")
mbike <- dataPrep("mbike_LLH.xlsx")
# Smooth speeds with simple moving average
ebike$Speed.smooth <- vecSmooth(ebike$Speed,5)
mbike$Speed.smooth <- vecSmooth(mbike$Speed,5)
# Smooth speeds with Savitzky-Golay polynomial filtering
ebike$Speed.SG <- savgol(ebike$Speed,101)
mbike$Speed.SG <- savgol(mbike$Speed,101)
# Masses of rider, motorless and electric bikes
mass <- Dict$new(
rider = 80,
mbike = 15,
ebike = 28)
# Calculate potential, kinetic and total energies
ebike <- calcEnergy(ebike,"ebike",mass)
mbike <- calcEnergy(mbike,"mbike",mass)
# Plot energies
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