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Last active July 2, 2019 20:54
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failing quicksort of mine
import random
import random
generate = lambda length=10, min=0, max=100 : [random.randint(min, max) for _ in range(length)]
def verify(original):
array = list(original)
return array == original
def quicksort(array, recur=0):
# Prints out the array's current statet in a readable format
def repr():
temp = list(map(str, array))
if lm == rm:
temp[lm] = 'LR' + temp[lm]
temp[lm] = 'L' + temp[lm]
temp[rm] = 'R' + temp[rm]
temp[pivot] = 'P' + temp[pivot]
print('[{}]'.format(', '.join(temp)))
def swap(x, y):
array[x], array[y] = array[y], array[x]
if len(array) <= 1:
return array
pivot = (len(array) // 2)
lm = 0
rm = len(array) - 1
while lm != rm:
if array[lm] < array[pivot]:
lm += 1
elif array[rm] >= array[pivot]:
rm -= 1
swap(lm, rm)
print('>', end='')
swap(lm, pivot)
# pivot, lm, rm = lm, pivot, pivot
print('\nLEFT {}'.format(recur + 1))
left = quicksort(array[:pivot], recur=recur+1)
print('\nRIGHT {}'.format(recur + 1))
right = quicksort(array[pivot+1:], recur=recur+1)
return left + [array[pivot]] + right
def sorteth(arr):
return arr
def compare(real, unreal):
temp = [str(num) + '*' if num != real[index] else str(num) for index, num in enumerate(unreal)]
return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(temp))
for _ in range(1):
original = generate()
real = sorteth(list(original))
myquicksort = quicksort(original)
if real != myquicksort:
print('\nOrig: {}\nReal: {}\nMine: {}'.format(original, real, compare(real, myquicksort)))
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