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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from urllib.request import urlopen
import json
import csv
from time import sleep
from pprint import pprint
api_key = sys.argv[1] #read your API key as the first arg in the commandline
ip_limit = 100 #limit number of hosts
ip_list = [] #set up the ip list shell
def get_shodan_3389_webservers(api_key,ip_limit,ip_list):
init_url = '' + api_key + '&query=country:US+port:3389+server:+WebServer&facets=ip:' + str(ip_limit)
#we are gathering a list of ip addresses, this was necessary since you must have a paid account to do actual queries
#fortunately, we can poll the system for content
with urlopen(init_url) as init_resp:
init_content =
init_response = json.loads(init_content)
for ip_index in range(ip_limit): #here we add the individual ips to a list
#opening up the csv file and setting the headers
with open('shodan_data.csv', 'w', newline='') as csv_file:
fieldnames = ['IP Address','Operating System']
write_out = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames)
#iterate through the ip list and pull the data for each host
for ip in ip_list:
req_url = '' + ip + '?key=' + api_key
with urlopen(req_url) as final_resp:
final_content =
sleep(2) #making sure it doesn't walk on itself or make too many requests too quickly
final_response = json.loads(final_content)
#grab the ip and os for each host, writing it to the csv file
ip_str = final_response['ip_str']
op_sys = final_response['os']
write_out.writerow({'IP Address':ip_str,'Operating System':op_sys})
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