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Created December 5, 2016 17:52
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<Query Kind="Program">
<GACReference>CustomMarshalers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a</GACReference>
<GACReference>System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</GACReference>
GuiSession session = SAP.GetSession();
Stack<string> history = new Stack<string>();
void Main()
Util.AutoScrollResults = false;
var id = Util.ReadLine("Enter an control id to inspect", session.ActiveWindow.Id + "/usr");
InspectComponent(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)? session.ActiveWindow.Id : id);
void InspectComponent(string id)
var component = session.FindById(id);
// push id in history if we are not refreshing
if (history.FirstOrDefault() != id)
// Window Title
for (GuiComponent c = component; c != null; c = c.Parent as GuiComponent)
if (c is GuiFrameWindow)
Util.WithStyle((c as GuiFrameWindow).Text, "font-weight: bold;").Dump();
// Navigation bar
BuildInspectLinq(history.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault(), "Back"),
BuildInspectLinq(id, "Refresh"),
BuildInspectLinq((component.Parent as GuiComponent).Id, "Parent"),
Util.OnDemand("History", () => history.Take(5).Select(x => BuildInspectLinq(x)))
if (component is GuiTableControl)
else if (component.ContainerType)
var children = ((component as dynamic).Children as GuiComponentCollection).Cast<GuiComponent>();
if (children.All(x => x is GuiLabel))
children.Select(x => new
x.Type, x.Name,
Selector = new Hyperlinq(() => Clipboard.SetText(string.Format(".FindByName<{0}>(\"{1}\")", x.Type, x.Name)), "Copy"),
Highlight = BuildHighlightLinq(x),
Content = GetContent(x),
Id = BuildInspectLinq(x.Id),
Util.OnDemand("Click to expand", () => component.SmartWrap()).Dump("Properties : " + id);
ExposeMethods(component).OnDemand("Click to expand").Dump("ExposeMethods");
void InspectTable(GuiTableControl table)
.Select((x,i) => new
Index = i,
.Select((x,i) => new
Index = i,
.Dump("Table Headers");
Util.OnDemand("Click to expand", () => {
var datatable = new DataTable();
foreach(var column in table.Columns.Cast<GuiTableColumn>())
foreach(var row in table.AsEnumerable())
var datarow = datatable.NewRow();
for (int i = 0; i < datatable.Columns.Count; i++)
datarow[i] = row.GetCell<dynamic>(i).Text;
return datatable;
}).Dump("Table Content");
void InspectLabelMap(IEnumerable<GuiLabel> labels)
var contents = labels
.Select(x => new
Row = x.CharTop,
Column = x.CharLeft,
.OrderBy(x => x.Row)
.ThenBy(x => x.Column)
var buffer = Enumerable.Repeat(new string(' ', contents.Max(x => x.Column) + 1), contents.Max(x => x.Row) + 1).ToList();
foreach (var content in contents)
buffer[content.Row] = buffer[content.Row].Insert(content.Column, content.Text);
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Count; i++)
buffer[i] = buffer[i].TrimEnd();
Util.WithStyle(buffer, "font-family:consolas").Dump("Label Map");
Hyperlinq BuildHighlightLinq(GuiComponent target)
bool toggle = false;
if (target is GuiVComponent)
return new Hyperlinq(() => (target as GuiVComponent).Visualize(toggle = !toggle), "Highlight");
return null;
Hyperlinq BuildInspectLinq(string id, string description = null)
if (id == null) return null;
return new Hyperlinq(() => InspectComponent(id), description == null ? id : description);
object GetContent(GuiComponent component)
if (component is GuiLabel) return (component as GuiLabel).Text;
if (component is GuiTextField) return (component as GuiTextField).Text;
if (component is GuiCTextField) return (component as GuiCTextField).Text;
if (component is GuiTab) return (component as GuiTab).Text;
if (component is GuiRadioButton) return (component as GuiRadioButton).Text;
if (component is GuiButton) return (component as GuiButton).Text + "\n" + (component as GuiButton).Tooltip;
if (component is GuiComboBox) return string.Format("KeyValuePair[{0}, {1}]", (component as GuiComboBox).Key, (component as GuiComboBox).Value);
if (component is GuiBox) return (component as GuiBox).Text;
if (component is GuiStatusbar) return (component as GuiStatusbar).Text;
if (component is GuiSimpleContainer)
var firstChild = (component as GuiSimpleContainer).Children.Item(0);
return (firstChild is GuiBox)? (firstChild as GuiBox).Text : null;
return null;
public static class Extensions
public static string ToPaddedTable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties()
.Select((x, i) => new
Getter = x.GetGetMethod(),
Index = i
var rows = source.Select(x => properties.Select(p =>
p.Getter.Invoke(x, null).ToString()).ToArray()).ToList();
var columnWidths = properties.ToDictionary(x => x.Name,
p => Math.Max(
rows.Max(x => x[p.Index].Length)));
var format = string.Join(" ", columnWidths.Select((x, i) => string.Format("{{{0},-{1}}}", i, x.Value)));
return string.Format(format, properties.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()) + "\n" +
string.Join("\n", rows.Select(x => string.Format(format, x)));
public static Hyperlinq AsCopyLinq(this string value, string description = "Copy to clipboard")
return new Hyperlinq(() => Clipboard.SetText(value), description);
public class SAP
public static GuiSession GetSession()
var wrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
var rot = wrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
var engine = rot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetSCriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, rot, null);
var app = engine as GuiApplication;
var connection = app.Children.ElementAt(0) as GuiConnection;
return connection.Children.ElementAt(0) as GuiSession;
public static IEnumerable ExposeMethods(object obj)
var typeFormatter = new Dictionary<Type, string>
{ typeof(string), "string" },
{ typeof(int), "int" },
{ typeof(void), "void" },
Func<Type, string> getFamiliarTypeName = t => typeFormatter.ContainsKey(t) ? typeFormatter[t] : t.Name;
/* will block lazy-execution
return DispatchUtility.GetType(obj, true).GetMethods()
.Select(m => string.Format("{0} {1}({2})",
string.Join(", ", m.GetParameters().Select(p => getFamiliarTypeName(p.ParameterType) + " " + p.Name))
DispatchUtility.GetType(obj, true).Name.Dump();
foreach (var method in DispatchUtility.GetType(obj, true).GetMethods())
yield return new
Signature = string.Format("{0} {1}({2})",
string.Join(", ", //args
method.GetParameters().Select(p => getFamiliarTypeName(p.ParameterType) + " " + p.Name))),
Invoke = method.GetParameters().Any() ? null : new Lazy<object>(() => method.Invoke(obj, null))
// credit : Bill Menees @
public static class DispatchUtility
private const int S_OK = 0; //From WinError.h
private const int LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = 2 << 10; //From WinNT.h == 2048 == 0x800
public static bool ImplementsIDispatch(object obj)
bool result = obj is IDispatchInfo;
return result;
public static Type GetType(object obj, bool throwIfNotFound)
RequireReference(obj, "obj");
Type result = GetType((IDispatchInfo)obj, throwIfNotFound);
return result;
public static bool TryGetDispId(object obj, string name, out int dispId)
RequireReference(obj, "obj");
bool result = TryGetDispId((IDispatchInfo)obj, name, out dispId);
return result;
public static object Invoke(object obj, int dispId, object[] args)
string memberName = "[DispId=" + dispId + "]";
object result = Invoke(obj, memberName, args);
return result;
public static object Invoke(object obj, string memberName, object[] args)
RequireReference(obj, "obj");
Type type = obj.GetType();
object result = type.InvokeMember(memberName,
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.GetProperty,
null, obj, args, null);
return result;
private static void RequireReference<T>(T value, string name) where T : class
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(name);
private static Type GetType(IDispatchInfo dispatch, bool throwIfNotFound)
RequireReference(dispatch, "dispatch");
Type result = null;
int typeInfoCount;
int hr = dispatch.GetTypeInfoCount(out typeInfoCount);
if (hr == S_OK && typeInfoCount > 0)
dispatch.GetTypeInfo(0, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, out result);
if (result == null && throwIfNotFound)
// If the GetTypeInfoCount called failed, throw an exception for that.
// Otherwise, throw the same exception that Type.GetType would throw.
throw new TypeLoadException();
return result;
private static bool TryGetDispId(IDispatchInfo dispatch, string name, out int dispId)
RequireReference(dispatch, "dispatch");
RequireReference(name, "name");
bool result = false;
Guid iidNull = Guid.Empty;
int hr = dispatch.GetDispId(ref iidNull, ref name, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, out dispId);
const int DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME = unchecked((int)0x80020006); //From WinError.h
const int DISPID_UNKNOWN = -1; //From OAIdl.idl
if (hr == S_OK)
result = true;
else if (hr == DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME && dispId == DISPID_UNKNOWN)
result = false;
return result;
private interface IDispatchInfo
int GetTypeInfoCount(out int typeInfoCount);
void GetTypeInfo(int typeInfoIndex, int lcid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler,
MarshalTypeRef = typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomMarshalers.TypeToTypeInfoMarshaler))] out Type typeInfo);
int GetDispId(ref Guid riid, ref string name, int nameCount, int lcid, out int dispId);
// NOTE: The real IDispatch also has an Invoke method next, but we don't need it.
#region SapExtension
public static class SapExtension
#region GuiSession
/// Start a new transaction and return the active window
public static GuiFrameWindow BeginTransaction(this GuiSession session, string transactionID, string expectedTitle)
return session.BeginTransaction(transactionID,
x => x.Text == expectedTitle,
x => string.Format("Unable to open transaction : {0}\n\tExpected title : {1}\n\tActive window : {2}",
transactionID, expectedTitle, x.Text));
public static GuiFrameWindow BeginTransaction(this GuiSession session, string transactionID, Predicate<GuiFrameWindow> assumption, Func<GuiFrameWindow, string> formatErrorMessage)
// force end current transaction to prevent any blocking
var window = session.ActiveWindow;
if (!assumption(window))
throw new Exception(formatErrorMessage(window));
return window;
#region GuiFrameWindow
public static TSapControl FindById<TSapControl>(this GuiFrameWindow window, string id)
return (TSapControl)window.FindById(id);
public static TSapControl FindByName<TSapControl>(this GuiFrameWindow window, string name)
return (TSapControl)window.FindByName(name, typeof(TSapControl).Name);
#region GuiTab
public static TSapControl FindByName<TSapControl>(this GuiTab tab, string name)
return (TSapControl)tab.FindByName(name, typeof(TSapControl).Name);
#region GuiTableControl
public static IEnumerable<GuiTableRow> AsEnumerable(this GuiTableControl table)
var container = table.Parent as dynamic;
string name = table.Name, type = table.Type;
int rowCount = table.VerticalScrollbar.Maximum;
Func<GuiTableControl> getTable = () => container.FindByName(name, type) as GuiTableControl;
for(int i = 0; i <= rowCount; i++)
getTable().VerticalScrollbar.Position = i;
yield return getTable().Rows.Item(0) as GuiTableRow;
#region GuiTableRow
public static TSapControl GetCell<TSapControl>(this GuiTableRow row, int column)
return (TSapControl)row.Item(column);
private const string LibraryName = "sapfewse";
public static T Wrap<T>(this object comObject)
return (T)Marshal.CreateWrapperOfType(comObject, typeof(T).Dump());
public static object SmartWrap(this object comObject)
if(comObject == null) return comObject;
var typename = (comObject as GuiComponent).Type;
return Marshal.CreateWrapperOfType(comObject,
typeof(GuiApplication).Assembly.GetType(LibraryName + "." + typename + "Class"));
public static void DumpSap(this object comObject, int level = 3)
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