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Last active October 11, 2018 10:59
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Вопросы в todo и дополнительном файле
import os
import re
from collections import Counter
import fulltext
from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)
# TODO: Что можно использовать вместо global?
extension_file = None # if the user wants a special extension
# TODO: Как можно задать значения конфигурации, которые не удалось получить из Heroku?
] = False # correct display of Russian characters in some browsers
# TODO: нужно ли нам инициализировать данный класс?
class WordInfo:
An object of this class will be created each time we access @app.route('/word=...')
ENGLISH_ALPHABET = set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
RUSSIAN_ALPHABET = set("абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя")
SYMBOLS = set("'-")
VOWELS = set("aeiouаоиеёэыуюя")
CONSONANTS = set("bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzбвгджзйклмнпрстфхцчшщъь")
# TODO: каким декоратором возможно следовало бы пометить данный метод?
def get_number_of_syllables_in_word(self, word):
This function will count the number of syllables in a word
syllableCount = 0
# check the validity of the word
word = word.lower()
for letter in word:
# TODO: как можно иначе оформить длинные строки и конструкции?
if (
letter not in self.ENGLISH_ALPHABET
and letter not in self.RUSSIAN_ALPHABET
and letter not in self.SYMBOLS
raise TypeError
# determine in which language our word is
flag_rus = False
flag_en = False
for letter in word:
if letter in self.ENGLISH_ALPHABET and not flag_rus:
flag_en = True
elif letter in self.RUSSIAN_ALPHABET and not flag_en:
flag_rus = True
elif letter in self.SYMBOLS:
# if the word consists of Russian and English words, then this is not a word, raise TypeError
raise TypeError
# Only one hyphen and one apostrophe is allowed
if word.count("-") > 1 or word.count("'") > 1:
raise TypeError
# If the word contains a hyphen, then we divide it into two
if ("-") in word:
if not word.startswith("-") and not word.endswith("-"):
first_part = word[: word.find("-")]
second_part = word[word.find("-") + 1 :]
count_first_part = self.get_number_of_syllables_in_word(first_part)
count_second_part = self.get_number_of_syllables_in_word(second_part)
total_syllable_count = count_first_part + count_second_part
return total_syllable_count
raise TypeError
# Some words may have contractions such as I've, Let's, Don't
# They have no effect on the number of syllables, so we can drop them
# exception: o'clock
if "'" in word:
if len(word) == 1:
raise TypeError
# 'em, 'cause
if word.startswith("'"):
word = word[1:]
# didn't, don't
elif word.endswith("n't"):
word = word[: word.find("'")]
# exception
elif word == "o'clock":
syllableCount = 2
return syllableCount
# I've Let's
word = word[: word.find("'")]
if flag_en:
vowels = "aeiou"
# Here are the rules for counting syllables:
# Each group of adjacent vowels counts as one syllable
flag = False # make the truth, if the vowel, until the consonant is caught
for index in range(len(word)):
if word[index] in vowels and not flag:
syllableCount += 1
flag = True
elif word[index] not in vowels:
flag = False
# But if there is a suffix 'ing', which is preceded by a vowel, add one (queueing)
if word.endswith("ing") and len(word) >= 4 and word[-4] in vowels:
syllableCount += 1
# The letter 'y' is a consonant that volunteers as a vowel when necessary
# When there is a consonant before 'y' (python, many, sky)
for index in range(1, len(word)):
if word[index] == "y" and word[index - 1] not in vowels:
syllableCount += 1
# An ‘e’ or ‘ed’ at the end of a word does not count as a syllable (validate)
# There are only few words where this rule eliminates actual syllables
# 'ed' after 't' or 'd' is not silent (interested, divided)
if word.endswith("e") or word.endswith("es"):
syllableCount -= 1
# If the rule 'vowel + consonant + silent e' is satisfied, then that's all
if (
and len(word) >= 4
and word[-3] not in vowels
and word[-4] in vowels
elif (
and len(word) >= 3
and word[-2] not in vowels
and word[-3] in vowels
# If word end with 'se' it's always sylent (glimpse, prose, masse)
elif word.endswith("se"):
# But if it has only one vowel or one set of consecutive vowels, then add 1 (cliche, seance)
if word.endswith("e"):
temp_word = word[:-1]
temp_word = word[:-2]
temp_count = 0
flag = (
) # make the truth, if the vowel, until the consonant is caught
for index in range(len(temp_word)):
if temp_word[index] in vowels and not flag:
temp_count += 1
flag = True
elif temp_word[index] not in vowels:
flag = False
if temp_count == 1:
syllableCount += 1
if (
and len(word) >= 3
and (word[-3] != "t" and word[-3] != "d")
syllableCount -= 1
# Words having double ‘e’ at the end do not lose a syllable for their count (comittee)
if word.endswith("ee") or word.endswith("ees"):
# Are there any other vowels? (see) If no, do not add, because we took it into account before
temp_word = word[:-2] if word.endswith("ee") else word[:-3]
for letter in temp_word:
if letter in vowels:
syllableCount += 1
# Subtract 1 only if the letter before the 'le' at the end is vowel (scale, file)
elif word.endswith("le") and len(word) >= 3 and word[-3] in vowels:
syllableCount -= 1
# If word ends with 'ly' after 'e', subtract one (safely, likely)
elif word.endswith("ly") and len(word) >= 3 and word[-3] == "e":
syllableCount -= 1
# If word ends with 'ian', should be counted as two syllables,
# except 'tian' and 'cian' (radian, indian, politician , christian)
elif (
and not word.endswith("tian")
and not word.endswith("cian")
syllableCount += 1
# Each word has at least one syllable
# Even if a word does not contain any vowel, or the previous rules give a count of zero,
# it is still counted as having one syllable (str, she, he, fed, led)
if syllableCount == 0 and len(word) != 0:
syllableCount += 1
return syllableCount
if flag_rus:
# The search for vowels in Russian satisfies the rule: number of syllables is equal to the number of vowels
syllableCount = self.get_number_of_vowels(word)
return syllableCount
def get_number_of_consonants(self, word):
This function calculates the number of consonants in a word
word = word.lower()
countConsonants = 0
for letter in word:
if letter in self.CONSONANTS:
countConsonants += 1
return countConsonants
def get_number_of_vowels(self, word):
This function calculates the number of vowels in a word
word = word.lower()
countVowels = 0
for letter in word:
if letter in self.VOWELS:
countVowels += 1
return countVowels
class FileInfo:
An object of this class will be created each time we access @app.route('/file=...')
def __init__(self, filename):
This function is responsible for the file extension and the correct splitting of the text into words.
if filename.endswith(".docx"):
text = fulltext.get(filename).lower()
# docx has some problems with empty files, catch them
text = open(filename).read().lower()
with open(filename) as f:
text = fulltext.get(f).lower()
# for Russian
except UnicodeDecodeError:
with open(filename, encoding="WINDOWS-1251") as f:
text = fulltext.get(f).lower()
# find all the words in English and Russian that have a hyphen or apostrophe
words_with_extra_symbols = re.compile("[a-zа-я'-]+").findall(text)
# sometimes an apostrophe and a hyphen remain from direct speech; we remove such elements
self.words = [
for value in words_with_extra_symbols
if (value != "'" and value != "''" and value != "-")
] # direct speach
# TODO: как можно оптимизировать данный метод?
def get_most_frequent_and_rarest_words(self, filename):
This function searches for the most frequent and rarest words in text files.
NUMBER_OF_WORDS_DISPLAYED = 13 # display three frequent and three rare words
# TODO: как мы можем фильтровать слова меньше определённой длины?
most_frequent_words = Counter(self.words).most_common(NUMBER_OF_WORDS_DISPLAYED)
most_rarest_words = Counter(self.words).most_common()[
dict_of_freq_words_and_occurrences = {}
dict_of_rare_words_and_occurrences = {}
for index in range(len(most_frequent_words)):
] = most_frequent_words[index][1]
] = most_rarest_words[index][1]
dict_of_freq_and_rare_words = {}
] = dict_of_freq_words_and_occurrences
] = dict_of_rare_words_and_occurrences
return dict_of_freq_and_rare_words
def get_value_of_average_word_length(self):
This function calculates the average word length in text file
average = sum(len(word) for word in self.words) / len(self.words)
# if the file is empty, then the average word length is zero
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0
average = round(average, 2)
return average
def get_syllable_to_words_ratio(self):
This function calculates the ratio of syllables to all words.
count_syllables = 0
for word in self.words:
count_syllables += WordInfo().get_number_of_syllables_in_word(word)
except TypeError:
ratio = count_syllables / len(self.words)
# if the file empty, ratio is zero
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0
ratio = round(ratio, 2)
return ratio
def get_number_of_vowels_and_consonants(self):
This function counts the number of vowels and consonants in a file.
numberVowels = 0
numberConconants = 0
for word in self.words:
numberConconants += WordInfo().get_number_of_consonants(word)
numberVowels += WordInfo().get_number_of_vowels(word)
dict_of_number_vowels_and_consonants = {}
dict_of_number_vowels_and_consonants["NUMBER OF VOWELS"] = numberVowels
dict_of_number_vowels_and_consonants["NUMBER OF CONSONANTS"] = numberConconants
return dict_of_number_vowels_and_consonants
class FolderInfo:
An object of this class will be created each time we access @app.route('/')
def __init__(self):
Checking for the existence of a directory
raise FileExistsError
def get_list_of_files(self, extension=None):
This function displays all files in the default folder of the server.
files = {}
index = 0
# TODO: как ещё можно получить список всех файлов?
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.SERVER_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY):
# print path to all filenames
for filename in filenames:
name = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
# if the user specified the desired file extension when displaying
if extension:
if name.endswith("." + extension):
files[index] = name
index += 1
files[index] = name
index += 1
return files
def get_list_of_subfolders(self):
This function displays all directories in the default folder of the server.
directories = []
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.SERVER_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY):
# print path to all subdirectories
for subdirname in dirnames:
directories.append(os.path.join(dirname, subdirname))
return directories
# TODO: как ещё можно организовать обработку ошибок в рамках API? Что мы будем возвращать?
def page_not_found(e):
This function catches failed requests
return render_template("page_not_found.html")
# TODO: зачем используется символ '='?
@app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
@app.route("/ext=<string:ext>", methods=["GET"])
def folder_info(ext=None):
This function responds to the request and displays a list of folders and files.
global extension_file
# if user specified extension, all functions should be aware of this
if ext:
extension_file = ext
extension_file = None
folder_info = FolderInfo()
return render_template("folder_not_exists.html")
list_of_subfolders = folder_info.get_list_of_subfolders()
list_of_files = folder_info.get_list_of_files(ext)
dict_folder_info = {
"Directories": list_of_subfolders,
"Files": list_of_files,
"Number of files": len(list_of_files),
return jsonify({"Folder Info": dict_folder_info})
# request.get('/file/42').json()
# TODO: как можно было бы оформить и организовать работу с ресурсом "файл" по REST'у?
@app.route("/file=<int:index>", methods=["GET"])
def file_info(index):
global extension_file
supported_file_extensions = [".txt", "docx", ".html"]
# if the extension is set, then we work with the dictionary of files of this extension
if extension_file:
list_of_files = FolderInfo().get_list_of_files(extension_file)
# if not, then we work with all files
list_of_files = FolderInfo().get_list_of_files()
# does the file exist under such key...
file = list_of_files[index]
except KeyError:
return render_template("index_error_file.html")
# does the file support any of the valid extensions...
if not file.endswith(tuple(supported_file_extensions)):
return render_template("extension_error_file.html")
file_info = FileInfo(file)
return render_template("wrong_content_in_file.html")
dict_of_most_frequent_and_rarest_words = file_info.get_most_frequent_and_rarest_words(
value_of_average_word_length = file_info.get_value_of_average_word_length()
syllable_to_words_ratio = file_info.get_syllable_to_words_ratio()
ratio_of_vowels_to_consonants = file_info.get_number_of_vowels_and_consonants()
dict_file_info = {
"Frequent and rare words in file": dict_of_most_frequent_and_rarest_words,
"Average length of words in file": value_of_average_word_length,
"Ratio of syllables to words": syllable_to_words_ratio,
"Number of vowels and consonants": ratio_of_vowels_to_consonants,
return jsonify({"File Info about " + file: dict_file_info})
# TODO: как можно сделать, чтоб информация выдавалась для слова в контексте существующих файлов?
@app.route("/word=<string:word>", methods=["GET"])
def word_info(word):
word_info = WordInfo()
dict_word_info = {}
number_of_syllables = word_info.get_number_of_syllables_in_word(word)
except TypeError:
return render_template("bad_word.html")
number_of_vowels = word_info.get_number_of_vowels(word)
number_of_consonants = word_info.get_number_of_consonants(word)
# TODO: как можно иначе форматировать эту строку?
dict_word_info[word] = (
+ str(number_of_syllables)
+ "; "
+ str(number_of_vowels)
+ "; "
+ str(number_of_consonants)
return jsonify({"Word Info": dict_word_info})
if __name__ == "__main__":
# TODO: как можно получить статистику по вызываемым функциям (времени выполнения) данного приложения?
# TODO: как упростить данный файл и структурировать проект?

Почти все вопросы оформлены как TODO в самом коде.


  • какие приёмы можно использовать для создания правил обработки текстовых данных?
  • как можно иначе построить архитектуру и логику приложения, чтобы классы выступали именно в качестве объектов, нежели оборачивали набор близких по логике методов?
  • каким образом можно задействовать сеты при работе с проверкой выходных данных?
  • как выглядели бы маршруты при построении API согласно принципам rest?
  • как тогда бы могла измениться работа с ресурсами?
  • что необходимо реализовать для получения статистики по отдельно взятым ресурсам, при этом не прогоняя анализ всех файлов вновь и вновь?
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