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Last active December 23, 2021 23:17
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The numerical gradient check
disp("The numerical gradient check......");
function W = randWeights(in, out)
epsilon_init = sqrt(6) / sqrt(in + out);
W = rand(in, out) * 2 * epsilon_init - epsilon_init;
function numericalGrads = applyNumericalGradients(costFunc, nn_params)
% Apply partial derivative of costFunc with respect to the
% i-th input argument.
% All parameters flattened in the network.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% nn_params:
% 1
% 2
% 3
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
m = size(nn_params, 1);
mask = eye(m, m);
e = 1e-4;
nn_params = repmat(nn_params, 1, m); % Repeat parameters to columns.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% Prepare deviation for each input
% e 0 0
% 0 e 0
% 0 0 e
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
deviation = mask .* e;
iter = 1:m;
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% Perform deviation on each position.
% nn_params pepeated -/+ deviation:
% 1 1 1 e 0 0
% 2 2 2 -/+ 0 e 0 -> diff1, diff2
% 3 3 3 0 0 e
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
diff1 = nn_params - deviation;
% Perfom the partial derivative respect to each input.
loss1 = arrayfun(@(i)costFunc(diff1(:, i)), iter, 'UniformOutput', false); %
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% loss is 1xm vector: [loss#1, loss#2, loss#3]
% Return to matrix:
% loss#1 0 0
% 0 loss#2 0
% 0 0 loss#3
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
loss1 = [loss1{:}] .* mask;
diff2 = nn_params + deviation;
loss2 = arrayfun(@(i)costFunc(diff2(:, i)), iter, 'UniformOutput', false);
loss2 = [loss2{:}] .* mask;
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% Return the list of partial derivative respect to each input.
% loss#1 0 0 loss#1
% 0 loss#2 0 -> loss#2
% 0 0 loss#3 loss#3
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
numericalGrads = sum((loss2 - loss1), 2);
numericalGrads = numericalGrads ./ (2 * e);
function [hX, loss, X] = hypothesis(X, Y, m, n, units, nn_params)
nn_params = reshape(nn_params(1:units * (n + 1)), units, (n + 1));
X = [ones(m, 1) X]; % Add "1" column to consume bias.
hX = X * nn_params';
loss = hX - Y;
function cost = cost(X, Y, m, n, units, nn_params)
[~, loss] = hypothesis(X, Y, m, n, units, nn_params);
cost = (1 / (2 * m)) * sum(sum(loss.^2, 2), 1);
function grads = gradients(X, Y, m, n, units, nn_params)
[~, loss, X] = hypothesis(X, Y, m, n, units, nn_params);
grads = (1 / m) * (X' * loss);
grads = [grads(:)]; %Flatten all layers' gradients.
function nn()
m = 100; % m rows data
n = 5; % input features numbers
X = randWeights(m, n); % Fake input
Y = mode(1:m, randi(100, 1, 1))' + randi(100, 1, 1); % Fake output
assert(size(X, 1) == size(Y, 1));
nn_params = randWeights(1, n + 1); % Ouput only one unit, +1 of the bias.
nn_params = [nn_params(:)]; % Flatten parameters
grads = gradients(X, Y, m, n, 1, nn_params); % Apply one round gradient descent.
costFunc = @(params)cost(X, Y, m, n, 1, params); % Pre-apply cost calculation with input and ground-truth
numericalGrads = applyNumericalGradients(costFunc, nn_params); % Apply gradient descent with respect to each input of nn_params manully.
disp([grads numericalGrads]);
diff = norm(numericalGrads - grads) / norm(numericalGrads + grads);
checkSign = "𐄂";
if (diff < 1e-9)
checkSign = "✓";
printf(['\nGradients check difference(ok if less than 1e-9).: %g (%s)\n'], diff, checkSign);
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