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Created October 13, 2021 11:23
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Odd errors from Cro::LDAP install
===> Testing: Cro::LDAP:ver<0.5.5>:auth<github:Altai-man>
[Cro::LDAP] Invocant of method 'raku' must be an object instance of type 'Mu', not
[Cro::LDAP] a type object of type 'Any'.  Did you forget a '.new'?
[Cro::LDAP]   in sub _is_deeply at /home/cbwood/.rakubrew/versions/moar-blead/install/share/perl6/core/sources/2D4A7CA10695CD2B374573413D261A660E282E2A (Test) line 694
[Cro::LDAP]   in sub is-deeply at /home/cbwood/.rakubrew/versions/moar-blead/install/share/perl6/core/sources/2D4A7CA10695CD2B374573413D261A660E282E2A (Test) line 609
[Cro::LDAP]   in block <unit> at t/02-encoding.t line 46
[Cro::LDAP]     # Failed test 'Got correct result code'
[Cro::LDAP]     # at t/04-client.t line 294
[Cro::LDAP]     # expected: 'compareFalse'
[Cro::LDAP]     #      got: 'success'
[Cro::LDAP]     # Failed test 'Got correct matched DN'
[Cro::LDAP]     # at t/04-client.t line 295
[Cro::LDAP]     # expected: 'moc=cd,elpmaxe=cd,elpoep=uo,nesnejb=diu'
[Cro::LDAP]     #      got: 'uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'
[Cro::LDAP]     # Failed test 'Got correct result code'
[Cro::LDAP]     # at t/04-client.t line 306
[Cro::LDAP]     # expected: 'compareFalse'
[Cro::LDAP]     #      got: 'success'
[Cro::LDAP]     # Failed test 'Got correct matched DN'
[Cro::LDAP]     # at t/04-client.t line 307
[Cro::LDAP]     # expected: 'moc=cd,elpmaxe=cd,elpoep=uo,nesnejb=diu'
[Cro::LDAP]     #      got: 'uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'
[Cro::LDAP]     # You failed 4 tests of 9
[Cro::LDAP] # Failed test 'Controls'
[Cro::LDAP] # at t/04-client.t line 290
[Cro::LDAP] # You failed 1 test of 33
[Cro::LDAP] Failed to import t/fake-keys/server-crt.pem as PEM/ASN1/PKCS12
[Cro::LDAP]   in block  at /home/cbwood/.zef/tmp/IO-Socket-Async-SSL-0.7.8.tar.gz/IO-Socket-Async-SSL/lib/IO/Socket/Async/SSL.pm6 (IO::Socket::Async::SSL) line 480
[Cro::LDAP]   in block  at /home/cbwood/.zef/tmp/IO-Socket-Async-SSL-0.7.8.tar.gz/IO-Socket-Async-SSL/lib/IO/Socket/Async/SSL.pm6 (IO::Socket::Async::SSL) line 459
[Cro::LDAP]   in method start at /home/cbwood/.zef/tmp/cro-core-0.8.6.tar.gz/cro-core-0.8.6/lib/Cro/Service.pm6 (Cro::Service) line 12
[Cro::LDAP]   in block <unit> at t/06-ldaps.t line 17
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