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Created January 4, 2023 06:53
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My Quick 'n' Dirty Editor in GTK4

I wrote up a quick and dirty editor as a test case for some my GTK4 work.

Heres a sample screenie:


And here's what the code looks like:

use v6.c;

use GDK::RGBA;
use GTK::Application;
use GTK::CssProvider;
use GTK::Box;
use GTK::ScrolledWindow;
use GTK::Text::View;
use GTK::Text::Tag;
use GTK::Text::Tag::Table;

my $content;

role TagNotApplied { }

multi sub trait_mod:<is> (Routine $m, :$not-applied is required) {
  $m does TagNotApplied;

my token word         { \w+                               }
my token dc           { '::'                              }
my token cs           { <.ws> ',' <.ws>?                  }
my token class-name   { <word> ** 2..* % <dc>             }
my token string       { "'" .+? "'" | '"' .+? '"'         }
my token int          { <digit>+                          }
my token num          { <digit> '.' <digit>+              }
my token value        { <num> | <int> | <string>          }
my token key          { \w+                               }
my token pair         { <key> <.ws> '=>' <.ws> <value>    }
my token argument     { <num> | <int> | <string> | <pair> }

my token method-call  {
      <.ws>              |
      <argument>+ % <cs> |
      <argument> <.ws>

my @top-rules = <class-name method-call>;

sub apply-color-tag ($n, $m) {
  next if $m ~~ TagNotApplied;
  apply-color-tag(.key, .value) for $m.pairs;
  if $*tv.buffer.tag-table.lookup($n) {
    # cw: Apply colorizations from the bottom-up
    for $m[] {
      say "Applying { $n } from { .from } - { .to }";
      $*tv.buffer.applyTagAtIndexes($n, .from, .to, :tag)

sub colorize-initially ($*tv) {
  my %colors = (
    dc          => => 200),
    word        => => 128, g => 156),
    argument    => => 190),
    method-call => => 128, b => 128)

  for <dc word argument method-call> {
    my $tag =$_);
    $tag.weight = 800;
    $tag.foreground-rgba = %colors{$_} if %colors{$_};

  for @top-rules {
    if $content.match( ::('&' ~ $_), :g) -> $m is copy {
      apply-color-tag($_, $m);

sub MAIN (
  :$file  is copy = $*PROGRAM
) {
  unless $file ~~ IO::Path {
    die "File '$file' does not exist!" unless $file.IO.r;
    $file .= IO;
  $content = $file.slurp;

  my $a =
    title  => 'org.genex.textview.colors',

  $a.Activate.tap( -> *@a {
    my $css = pod => $=pod );

    my $box =;
    $a.window.child = $box;

    my $sw =;
    $sw.min-content-size = (800, 400);

    my $t = text => $content );
    ($sw.child, $t.expand, $ = ($t, True, 'prog');

    $t.margins = 15;

    $t.font-description =$font)
      if $font;




=begin css
#prog text {
  color: #999;
=end css
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Xliff commented Jan 5, 2023

OK, that's correct.

Now, I'm wondering why "Applying key from x - y" or "Applying value from x - y" aren't there. They are supposed to show up since that's what the "P: key value" mean.

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