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Last active August 31, 2019 23:25
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#!/usr/bin/env python2
import json
import random
import copy
import googlemaps
import math
import os.path
import datetime
def distanceFromLarAndLon(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
Compute the distance between 2 GPS points
:param lon1: longitude of the first point
:param lat1: latitude of the first point
:param lon2: longitude of the first point
:param lat2: latitude of the first point
lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(math.radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])
R = 6371000
x = (lon2 - lon1) * math.cos(0.5 * (lat2 + lat1))
y = lat2 - lat1
return R * math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
class loopFinder:
Search for most efficient path among spanws identified by TBTera script
def __init__(self):
self.pointsOfInterest = []
self.currentGPSPosition = {'lat':58.814687, 'lng':12.234803, 'pointType':'CurrentGPSPosition'}
with open('spawns.json') as file:
self.spawns = json.load(file)
for spawn in self.spawns:
spawn['pointType'] = 'spawn'
with open('stops.json') as file:
self.stops= json.load(file)
for stop in self.stops:
stop['pointType'] = 'stop'
self.availableTime = 900 #seconds
self.distances = self.computeDistanceMatrix()
self.N = int(math.sqrt(len(self.distances)))
self.walkSpeed = 4
myPath = dict()
self.startWalkingNow = True
self.closedPath = False
myPath['startTime'] = now.minute*60 +now.second
myPath['steps'] = [0]
self.bestPath = self.SimulatedAnnealing(myPath, self.availableTime, 15000)
self.computePathXPAndDuration(self.bestPath, True)
def loadDistanceMatrix(self):
if os.path.isfile('distances_.json'):
with open('distances.json') as file:
distances = json.load(file)
distances = self.computeDistanceMatrix()
return distances
def askGoogleDistanceMatrix(self, npSpawnsConsidered):
with open('spawns.json') as file:
spawns = json.load(file)
for spawn in spawns:
points.append((spawn['lat'], spawn['lng']))
points = points[:npSpawnsConsidered]
gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
distanceMatrix = gmaps.distance_matrix(points, points)
distances = []
for row in distanceMatrix['rows']:
for element in row['elements']:
f = open('distances.json','w')
return distances
def computeDistanceMatrix(self):
# #spawn file
pointsOfInterest = copy.deepcopy(self.pointsOfInterest)
for pointOfInterest in pointsOfInterest:
points.append((pointOfInterest['lat'], pointOfInterest['lng']))
N = len(pointsOfInterest)
distances = []
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
distanceIJ = distanceFromLarAndLon(points[i][1], points[i][0], points[j][1], points[j][0])
distances.append(distanceIJ )
#and yes, it is a symetrical matrix...
return distances
def distanceIJ(self, i,j):
distances = self.distances
N = int(math.sqrt(len(distances)))
return distances[i*N+j]
def computePathXPAndDuration(self, path, document=False):
distances = self.distances
pointsOfInterest = copy.deepcopy(self.pointsOfInterest)
for pointOfInterest in pointsOfInterest:
pointOfInterest['nextAvailableTime'] = -1
currentXP = 0
currentPoint = path['steps'][0]
currentTime = path['startTime'] #in seconds
loopedPathOrNot =path['steps'][1:]
if not(self.closedPath):
loopedPathOrNot.append(currentPoint) #I want to compute loops : I go back to my starting point
for step in loopedPathOrNot:
currentTime = currentTime + int(float(self.distanceIJ(currentPoint, step)) / (self.walkSpeed * 1000) * 60*60)
availableTime = pointsOfInterest[step]['nextAvailableTime']
if pointsOfInterest[step]['pointType'] == 'spawn':
spawnTime = pointsOfInterest[step]['time']
spanwSinceXsec =(currentTime%3600 - spawnTime) % 3600
if spanwSinceXsec < 900 and availableTime<currentTime:
if document:
print("We are in step {} and the currentTime is {}, you got a pokemon who had spawnTime {}, which spawn {} ago".format(step, currentTime, spawnTime, spanwSinceXsec))
#the spawn is active
currentXP = currentXP+100
pointsOfInterest[step]['nextAvailableTime'] = currentTime - spanwSinceXsec + 3600
if pointsOfInterest[step]['pointType'] == 'stop':
if availableTime < currentTime:
currentXP = currentXP + 50
pointsOfInterest[step]['nextAvailableTime'] = currentTime + 300
if document:
print("We are in step {} and the currentTime is {}, you got a pokestop".format(step, currentTime))
currentPoint = step
return currentXP, currentTime-path['startTime']
def getClosePath(self, path_):
path=copy.deepcopy(path_) #If you do not do that you have path_ mutable !
for i in range(random.randint(1,2)): #I allow 1 to 2 modifications of the path
if self.startWalkingNow:
pathModification = random.randint(2,5)
pathModification = random.randint(1,5)
# 1 -> we change the startTime
# 2 -> we add a point
# 3 -> we delete a point
# 4 -> we replace a point by another
# 5 -> we swap two steps of our path
if pathModification==1: #change startTime
path['startTime'] = random.randint(0,3599)
if pathModification==2: #insert a step
index = random.randint(1,max(len(path['steps'])-1,1)) #I keep step (startPoint as is)
allPlausibleInsertedSteps = range(self.N)
if index<len(path['steps']):
toRemoveFromPossibleNewCommers = path['steps'][index]
if toRemoveFromPossibleNewCommers in allPlausibleInsertedSteps:
if index-1>0:
toRemoveFromPossibleNewCommers = path['steps'][index-1]
if toRemoveFromPossibleNewCommers in allPlausibleInsertedSteps:
stepInserted = random.sample(allPlausibleInsertedSteps,1)[0]
path['steps'].insert(index, stepInserted)
if pathModification==3: #delete a step
if len(path['steps'])>1:
index = random.randint(1,len(path['steps'])-1) #I keep step 0(startPoint as is)
if index<len(path['steps']):
#we ensure there will not be two consecutive steps equal
if path['steps'][index] == path['steps'][index-1]:
if pathModification == 4: # replace a step by another step
index = random.randint(1,max(len(path['steps']) - 1, 1)) # I keep step (startPoint as is)
allPlausibleInsertedSteps = range(self.N)
if index<len(path['steps'])-1:
toRemoveFromPossibleNewCommers = path['steps'][index+1]
if toRemoveFromPossibleNewCommers in allPlausibleInsertedSteps:
if index-1>0:
toRemoveFromPossibleNewCommers = path['steps'][index-1]
if toRemoveFromPossibleNewCommers in allPlausibleInsertedSteps:
if index <len(path['steps']):
path['steps'][index] = random.sample(allPlausibleInsertedSteps, 1)[0]
if pathModification == 5: # swap two steps
if len([path['steps']])>2:
sampledSteps = random.sample(range(1,len(path['steps']))-1)
temp = path['steps'][sampledSteps[0]]
path['steps'][sampledSteps[0]] = path['steps'][sampledSteps[1]]
path['steps'][sampledSteps[1]] = temp
return path
def GetPathEnergy(self, path, timeLimit):
distances = self.distances
PathXP, PathDuration = self.computePathXPAndDuration(path)
return -(float(PathXP) - math.exp(min((PathDuration-timeLimit)/60, 20)) )
def SimulatedAnnealing(self, path, timeLimit, iterations):
distances = self.distances
freeze = 0.99
currentPath = dict(path)
currentEnergy= self.GetPathEnergy(currentPath, timeLimit)
for i in range(iterations):
candidatePath = self.getClosePath(currentPath)
candidatePathEnergy= self.GetPathEnergy(candidatePath, timeLimit)
if candidatePathEnergy<currentEnergy:
currentPath = dict(candidatePath)
currentEnergy = candidatePathEnergy
if random.uniform(0,1)<math.exp(-(candidatePathEnergy-currentEnergy)/T):
currentPath = dict(candidatePath)
currentEnergy = candidatePathEnergy
T = freeze * T
#print ('Iteration : {} \t T : {} \t currentEnergy : {}').format(i, T, currentEnergy)
print currentPath
PathXP, PathDuration = self.computePathXPAndDuration(currentPath)
currentEnergy = self.GetPathEnergy(currentPath, timeLimit)
print ('PathXP : {}, PathDuration : {}, FinalEnergy {} ').format(PathXP, PathDuration, currentEnergy)
if self.closedPath:
return currentPath
def dumpBestPathJson(self):
out = []
pointsOfInterest = self.pointsOfInterest
for step in self.bestPath['steps']:
pointToInsert = dict()
pointToInsert['lat'] = pointsOfInterest[step]['lat']
pointToInsert['lng'] = pointsOfInterest[step]['lng']
f = open('bestPath.json', 'w')
json.dump(out, f)
myLoopFinder = loopFinder()
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