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Created March 6, 2020 04:21
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Script for Google Sheets to track available miniature paints. Extremely unstable and requires specific setup but ‾\_(ツ)_/‾
const SheetNames = { colorsData: 'Colors', availableColors: 'Available' };
const NewColorCell = 'C2';
const PaintTypes = { 'Base': 'B', 'Contrast': 'E', 'Layer': 'H', 'Shade': 'K', 'Dry': 'N', 'Texture': 'Q', 'Technical': 'T', 'Unknown': 'W' };
const FallbackType = 'Unknown';
const CleanColumns = { min: 'B', max: 'X' };
const ListRows = { start: 5, end: 101 };
const EmptyColor = '#FFFFFF';
const FallbackColor = '#FFFFFF';
function test(e) {
const colorsData = getColorsData();
const availableColorsSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(SheetNames.availableColors);
const availableColors = getAvailableColors(availableColorsSheet)
setData(availableColorsSheet, availableColors, colorsData);
function getColorsData() {
// Parse colors
let colorsData = {};
const colorsSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(SheetNames.colorsData);
const colorValues = colorsSheet.getRange('A2:D216').getValues();
for (let i = 0; i < colorValues.length; i++) {
const colorRow = colorValues[i];
const colorName = colorRow[0];
const colorHex = colorRow[2];
const colorType = colorRow[1] ? colorRow[1] : 'Unknown';
if (colorName) {
colorsData[colorName] = { color: colorHex, type: colorType };
return colorsData;
function getAvailableColors(sheet) {
let availableColors = new Set();
const newColor = sheet.getRange(NewColorCell).getValues()[0][0];
if (newColor) availableColors.add(newColor);
for (const [paintType, paintColumn] of Object.entries(PaintTypes)) {
const columnRange = `${paintColumn}${ListRows.start}:${paintColumn}${ListRows.end}`;
const values = sheet.getRange(columnRange).getValues();
values.forEach(value => {
if (value[0])
return availableColors;
function cleanData(sheet) {
const cleanRange = `${CleanColumns.min}${ListRows.start}:${CleanColumns.max}${ListRows.end}`;
function setData(sheet, colors, colorsData) {
let currentIndexes = {};
colors.forEach(colorName => {
const colorData = colorsData[colorName];
const colorType = colorData ? colorData.type : FallbackType;
const colorColor = colorData ? colorData.color : FallbackColor;
const column = colorType in PaintTypes ? PaintTypes[colorType] : PaintTypes[FallbackType];
const row = colorType in currentIndexes ? currentIndexes[colorType] : ListRows.start;
currentIndexes[colorType] = row + 1;
const nameCellRange = column + row;
sheet.getRange(nameCellRange).setValue(colorName + (colorType in PaintTypes ? '' : ` [${colorType}]`));
const colorCellRange = shiftCharacter(column, 1) + row;
if (!colorData || !colorData.color) {
function shiftCharacter(baseCharacter, shift) {
return String.fromCharCode(baseCharacter.charCodeAt(0) + shift)
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