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Ukraine is winning

Andrii Doroshenko Xrayez

Ukraine is winning
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I'm comparing Godot mostly to Unity due to my ~10 years of Unity experience. I'm also primarily working in 3D and C# and that is what I want to use Godot for.


  • by "export" I mean a variable exposed in the inspector, that's how Godot calls them
  • I use the word "prefab" to mean a scene that is intended to be instantiated multiple times, unlike a "level"
  • Godot's Resources == Unity's ScriptableObjects
  • Godot's collision shapes == Unity's colliders


devshgraphicsprogramming /
Created October 23, 2023 22:48
Don't even dream of reprojecting last frame depth for occlusion culling, you will fail!

Originally posted as a reply to:

Turned into a gist due to high likelihood of deletion. Also edited down to not include irrelevant trolling as to be useful to someone else considering Depth Reprojection.

Yes I know SSR and Parallax Corrected Shadowmaps work, but the consequences of errors in those depth tests aren't as high.

Lack of Generality (oh the irony)

You yourself state that this is general purpose engine, how is a technique that will have trouble with:

  • deformables (cloth, vegetation, skinned meshes, etc.)
deyindra / BreadthFirstIterator
Created January 29, 2016 23:52
BFS and DFS Iterator for Graph
import java.util.*;
public class BreadthFirstIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
private Set<T> visited = new HashSet<>();
private Queue<T> queue = new LinkedList<>();
private Graph<T> graph;
public BreadthFirstIterator(Graph<T> g, T startingVertex) {
if(g.isVertexExist(startingVertex)) {
this.graph = g;
ccopsey / gist:9866a0bcb0b39ade04fe
Created January 3, 2015 20:00
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