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Created January 1, 2014 04:32
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Save XuefengWu/8205097 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import com.dius.pact.model.{Request, Pact}
import com.dius.pact.runner.PactFileSource
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import play.api.test.WithServer
import play.api.test.Helpers._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import org.specs2.specification.{FormattingFragments => FF}
class RegisterPactSpec extends Specification {
val basePath = "test/resources"
val testJson = s"$basePath/pacts"
def loadPacts(dir:String):Seq[Pact] = PactFileSource.loadFiles(dir)
def fullUrl(path: String) = WS.url("http://localhost:19001" + path)
def fullUrlJson(path: String) = fullUrl(path).withHeaders(CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/json")
def chooseRequest(path: String,input: String, method: String) = method.toLowerCase() match {
case "get" => fullUrl(path).get()
case "post" => fullUrlJson(path).post(input)
case "put" => fullUrlJson(path).put(input)
private val pacts: Seq[Pact] = loadPacts(testJson) { j =>
addFragments( + " should"){ i =>
i.description >> new WithServer {
val result = {
val request: Request = i.request
Await.result(chooseRequest(request.path,request.body.getOrElse(""),request.method.toString()), Duration(3, SECONDS))
result.status === i.response.status
addFragments(FF.p) { j =>
addFragments( + " should"){ i =>
i.description >> new WithServer {
val result = {
val request: Request = i.request
Await.result(chooseRequest(request.path,request.body.getOrElse(""),request.method.toString()), Duration(3, SECONDS))
result.status === i.response.status
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