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Xymph /
Last active August 21, 2022 10:43
Omgifol ( script to search for a sector in maps and show its sidedefs & linedefs; for
# search maps for a sector's sidedefs/linedefs, by Frans P. de Vries (Xymph)
import sys
from omg import *
def searchmap(wad, name, thesector):
edit = UMapEditor(wad.udmfmaps[name])
except KeyError:
Xymph /
Created February 26, 2022 12:44
Omgifol ( script to set a WAD's map slot from its filename
# set WAD's map slot from filename, by Frans P. de Vries (Xymph)
import sys, re
from omg import *
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("\n Omgifol script: set slot from filename\n")
print(" Usage:")
print(" slot##.wad [-s oldslot]\n")
Xymph /
Last active February 26, 2022 19:44
Omgifol ( script to list a WAD's directory with lump names & sizes, or comprehensive info from the library itself
# list WAD directory with lump names/sizes or verbose info from Omgifol itself, by Frans P. de Vries (Xymph)
import sys, getopt
from omg import *
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("\n Omgifol script: list WAD directory\n")
print(" Usage:")
print(" [-v] source.wad\n")
Xymph /
Last active August 21, 2022 10:43
Omgifol ( script to search maps with no monsters nor secret sectors; for
# search maps for no monsters nor secret sectors, by Frans P. de Vries (Xymph)
import sys
from omg import *
def searchmap(wad, name):
edit = UMapEditor(wad.udmfmaps[name])
except KeyError:
Xymph /
Last active August 21, 2022 10:43
Omgifol ( script to search for secret exit linedefs in maps and show their number/type; for
# search maps for secret exit linedefs, by Frans P. de Vries (Xymph)
import sys, getopt
from omg import *
def searchmap(wad, name, alwys):
edit = UMapEditor(wad.udmfmaps[name])
except KeyError:
Xymph /
Last active August 21, 2022 10:43
Omgifol ( script to search for specific thing type in maps and show their positions; for
# search maps for things of the given type, by Frans P. de Vries (Xymph)
import sys
from omg import *
def searchmap(wad, name, thingtype):
edit = UMapEditor(wad.udmfmaps[name])
except KeyError:
Xymph /
Last active January 30, 2024 20:11
Omgifol ( script to search linedefs/things in maps for an action special and ID; for
# search maps for linedefs and things invoking specials, by Frans P. de Vries (Xymph)
import sys
from omg import *
def searchmap(wad, name, special, theid):
edit = UMapEditor(wad.udmfmaps[name])
except KeyError:
Xymph / playpal_total.php
Last active February 26, 2022 16:40
Process a PLAYPAL lump ( extracted from a Doom-engine WAD and count the number of unique colors, optionally skipping unused palettes and truncating 8-bits colors to 6-bits - see for example results
#!/usr/bin/php -q
// count total number of unique colors used in palettes of Doom-engine games,
// optionally skipping unused palettes and truncating 8-bits colors to 6-bits
// by Frans P. de Vries (Xymph)
define('PALSIZE', 3 * 256);
define('USAGE', "usage: {$argv[0]} [-u] [-t] -d|-h|-x|-s PLAYPAL-file\n");
// check options & file parameter
Xymph / textmapSector.php
Last active February 16, 2022 22:22
Searches an extracted TEXTMAP lump (from a Doom UDMF map) for the vertices belonging to a specified sector number and computes its approximate center position, allowing to hover to that coordinate in the layout in an editor supporting UDMF (which DeePsea doesn't)
// TEXTMAP sector position script for, by Frans P. de Vries (Xymph)
$usage = "Usage: {$argv[0]} [-v] TEXTMAP-file sector-id\n";
// check input parameters
$verbose = false;
if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == '-v') {
$verbose = true;
Xymph /
Last active October 26, 2024 18:17
Omgifol ( script to draw Doom and UDMF maps to PNG images with scale, logging and spawn points support; for
# based on
# original by Fredrik Johansson, 2006-12-11
# updated by Frans P. de Vries, 2016-04-26/2018-09-05/2018-10-04
import sys, getopt
from omg import *
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
verbose = False