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Last active December 7, 2023 00:45
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wmbt exporter for "WarioWare: Get It Together!"
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import os
import re
import struct
import sys
_control_names = {
"0001": "face",
"0002": "size",
"0003": "color",
"0004": "page_break",
"0209": "key"
def export_wmbt(bin):
magic = bin[0x00 : 0x08]
assert magic == b"MsgStdBn"
endianness = bin[0x08 : 0x0a]
assert endianness == b"\xff\xfe"
encoding, version, number_of_blocks = struct.unpack("<BBH", bin[0x0c : 0x10])
file_size, = struct.unpack("<L", bin[0x12 : 0x16])
# assert file_size == len(bin)
pos = 0x20
while pos < len(bin):
type = bin[pos : pos + 0x04]
size, = struct.unpack("<L", bin[pos + 0x04 : pos + 0x08])
data = bin[pos + 0x10 : pos + 0x10 + size]
pos += 0x10 + ((size - 1) // 0x10 + 1) * 0x10
if type == b"LBL1":
keys = block_lbl1(data)
elif type == b"TXTW" or type == b"TXT2":
values = block_txtw(data)
data = dict(zip(keys, values))
return data
def block_lbl1(data):
count, = struct.unpack("<L", data[0x00 : 0x04])
keys = []
for i in range(count):
label_count, start = struct.unpack("<LL", data[0x04 + 0x08 * i : 0x0c + 0x08 * i])
pos = start
for j in range(label_count):
key_length = data[pos]
key = data[pos + 1 : pos + key_length + 1].decode("utf-8")
index, = struct.unpack("<L", data[pos + key_length + 1 : pos + key_length + 5])
pos += key_length + 5
keys.append((key, index))
return map(lambda x: x[0], sorted(keys, key = lambda x: x[1]))
def block_txtw(data):
count, = struct.unpack("<L", data[0x00 : 0x04])
values = []
for i in range(count):
start, = struct.unpack("<L", data[0x04 + 0x04 * i : 0x08 + 0x04 * i])
if i == count - 1:
end = len(data)
end, = struct.unpack("<L", data[0x08 + 0x04 * i : 0x0c + 0x04 * i])
chars = struct.unpack(f"<{(end - start) // 2}H", data[start : end])
txt = parse_txt(chars)
assert txt[-1] == "\0"
values.append(txt[ : -1])
return values
def control_name(tag_group, tag_type):
code = f"{tag_group:02X}{tag_type:02X}"
if code in _control_names:
return _control_names[code], True
return code, False
def parse_txt(chars):
txt = ""
pos = 0
while pos < len(chars):
char = chars[pos]
if char == 0x0e:
tag_group, tag_type, para_size = chars[pos + 0x01 : pos + 0x04]
assert para_size % 2 == 0
para_size = para_size // 2
paras = chars[pos + 0x04 : pos + 0x04 + para_size]
name, is_named = control_name(tag_group, tag_type)
if is_named:
txt += f"{{{name}"
if name == "color":
txt += "[#" + "".join(map(lambda x: f"{x:04X}", paras)) + "]"
elif name == "key":
txt += "["
key_1_len = paras[0] // 2
key_2_len = paras[key_1_len + 1] // 2
txt += "".join(map(chr, paras[1 : key_1_len + 1]))
if key_2_len > 0:
txt += "|"
txt += "".join(map(chr, paras[key_1_len + 2 : key_1_len + key_2_len + 2]))
txt += "]"
elif para_size > 0:
txt += "[" + "".join(map(lambda x: f"{x:04X}", paras)) + "]"
txt += f"{{[{name}"
if para_size > 0:
txt += "|" + "".join(map(lambda x: f"{x:04X}", paras)) + "]"
txt += "}"
pos += para_size + 4
elif char == 0x0f:
tag_group, tag_type = chars[pos + 0x01 : pos + 0x03]
txt += "{/" + control_name(tag_group, tag_type)[0] + "}"
pos += 3
txt += chr(char)
pos += 1
return txt
def parse_path(path, root = ""):
path = path.replace("\\", "/")
root = root.replace("\\", "/")
if path.startswith(root):
path = path[len(root) : ]
path = re.sub(r"^(\.*/)+", "", path)
return path
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = sys.argv
if len(args) > 1:
root = args[1]
root = "./"
if len(args) > 2:
export = args[2]
export = "export.txt"
ext = ".wmbt"
w = os.walk(root)
g = open(export, "w", -1, "utf-8")
for root, dirs, files in w:
for file in files:
if file.endswith(ext):
path = os.path.join(root, file)
with open(path, "rb") as f:
txts = export_wmbt(
g.write(f"{parse_path(path, root)}\n")
for k, v in txts.items():
v = v.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\n", "\\n")
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Can you help about repack this file. Tks for the hard work.

Yep, that would be amazing lmao

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