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Last active June 1, 2019 00:26
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F# 備忘録
open FSharp.Data
let main argv =
let req =
httpMethod = "POST",
headers = [ "Key", "Value"; ],
body = FormValues [ "Key", "Value"; ],
cookies = [ "Key", "Value" ],
timeout = 5000) |> Async.RunSynchronously
match req.Body with
| Binary x -> printfn "response is binary. on size of %d bytes." x.Length
| Text x -> printfn "response is text. on length of %d." x.Length
type FizzBuzzMessage = int * AsyncReplyChannel<int * string>
let fizzbuzzActor = new MailboxProcessor<FizzBuzzMessage>(fun inbox ->
let fizzbuzz = function
| x when x % 15 = 0 -> "FizzBuzz"
| x when x % 3 = 0 -> "Fizz"
| x when x % 5 = 0 -> "Buzz"
| x -> x.ToString()
async {
while true do
let! x, replyChannel = inbox.Receive()
let converted = x |> fizzbuzz
replyChannel.Reply (x, converted)
let main argv =
let result = fizzbuzzActor.PostAndAsyncReply(fun replyChannel -> 3, replyChannel) |> Async.RunSynchronously
type IPerson =
abstract Name: string with get, set
abstract Age: int with get, set
and Person(name, age) =
let mutable _name = ""
let mutable _age = 20
_name <- name
_age <- age
interface IPerson with
member __.Name with get() = _name and set v = _name <- v
member __.Age with get() = _age and set v = _age <- v
let main argv =
let person1: IPerson = Person("タカシ", 20) :> IPerson
let person2: IPerson = Person("タナカ", 23) :> IPerson
type PersonInfo = {
mutable Name: string; (* 可変 *)
Age: int; (* 固定 *)
let main argv =
let info = { Name = "Takashi"; Age = 20 }
info.Name <- "Takahashi"
let info2 = { info with Age = 22 } (* Ageを22で追加定義 *)
type OddOrEven =
| Odd of int
| Even of int
let test x = if x % 2 = 0 then Even x else Odd x
let main argv =
match test(3) with
| Odd x -> printfn "number %d is odd." x
| Even x -> printfn "number %d is even." x
type AbstractPerson() =
abstract Name: string with get
abstract Age: int with get
member this.Greet() =
printfn "Hello, %s" this.Name
type AbstractPersonImplement(name, age) =
inherit AbstractPerson()
override this.Name with get() = name
override this.Age with get() = age
let main argv =
let person: AbstractPerson = AbstractPersonImplement("Takashi", 20) :> AbstractPerson
type String with
member this.ToNumber() = int(this)
let main argv =
let num = "30".ToNumber()
let ``Hello, world Function!``() =
printfn "Hello, World!"
let main argv =
``Hello, world Function!``()
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