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Last active November 18, 2016 22:58
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Observables, RxJS
// Observables (= streams) open up a continuous channel of communication in which multiple values of data can be emitted over time.
// a pattern of dealing with data by using array-like operations to parse, modify and maintain data
// The subscribe pattern
// ----------------------
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
selector: 'app',
template: `
<b>Angular 2 Component Using Observables!</b>
<h6 style="margin-bottom: 0">VALUES:</h6>
<div *ngFor="let value of values">- {{ value }}</div>
<h6 style="margin-bottom: 0">ERRORs:</h6>
<div>Errors: {{anyErrors}}</div>
<h6 style="margin-bottom: 0">FINISHED:</h6>
<div>Finished: {{ finished }}</div>
<button style="margin-top: 2rem;" (click)="init()">Init</button>
export class MyApp {
private data: Observable<Array<string>>;
private value: string;
private subscribed: boolean;
private status: string;
init() { = new Observable(observer => {
let timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {'You will never see this message');
}, 2000);
this.status = 'Started';
return onUnsubscribe = () => { // useless
this.subscribed = false;
this.status = 'Finished';
let subscription =
value => this.value = value,
error => console.log(error),
() => this.status = 'Finished';
this.subscribed = true;
setTimeout(() => { // useless
}, 1000);
// when you call .unsubscribe() you are destroying the subscription object that is listening,
// therefore the on-complete event attached to that subscription object will not get called.
// In most cases we will not need to explicitly call the unsubscribe method
// unless we want to cancel early or our Observable has a longer lifespan than our subscription.
// The default behavior of Observable operators is to dispose of the subscription as soon as .complete() or .error() messages are published.
// The Foreach pattern
// --------------------
// The forEach call only accepts the 'next value' callback as an argument; it then returns a promise instead of a subscription.
Observable.of(1, 2, 3).forEach(doSomething)
// as being semantically equivalent to:
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Observable.of(1, 2, 3).subscribe(
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