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Last active August 23, 2020 14:14
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Tagless Final example with functional streams
import { Do } from 'fp-ts-contrib/lib/Do';
import { array } from 'fp-ts/lib/Array';
import { constUndefined, identity, Lazy } from 'fp-ts/lib/function';
import { Kind, URIS } from 'fp-ts/lib/HKT';
import * as Id from 'fp-ts/lib/Identity';
import { Monad1 } from 'fp-ts/lib/Monad';
import { none, Option } from 'fp-ts/lib/Option';
import { Traversable1 } from 'fp-ts/lib/Traversable';
declare module 'fp-ts/lib/HKT' {
interface URItoKind<A> {
readonly Promise: Promise<A>;
readonly Stream: Stream<URIS, A>;
// ***** Streams *****
// Functional stream is basically an eager "head" with a lazy "tail".
// In fs2 they are implemented a bit differently, in a more comples way, but for this demonstration this is irrelevant.
* Pure stream — an eager head and a lazy tail, consisting of another stream
interface Pure<F extends URIS, O> {
readonly tag: 'Pure';
readonly head: O;
readonly tail: Lazy<Stream<F, O>>;
* Empty stream — you can think of it as a terminal condition for the recursive data type
interface Empty<F extends URIS, O> {
readonly tag: 'Empty';
* Functional stream — either an empty stream or a pure stream.
type Stream<F extends URIS, O> = Pure<F, O> | Empty<F, O>;
// Constructors:
const cons = <F extends URIS, A>(head: A, tail: Lazy<Stream<F, A>>): Stream<F, A> => ({ tag: 'Pure', head, tail });
const empty = <F extends URIS, A>(): Stream<F, A> => ({ tag: 'Empty' });
// Due to `Stream` being a Tagless Final interface, you can specialize it to either sync or async computations:
type SyncStream<O> = Stream<Id.URI, O>;
type AsyncStream<O> = Stream<'Promise', O>; // for this to work, you'll need to define Promise as a HKT (see above).
// cats's Sync mock:
interface Sync<F extends URIS> {
readonly pure: <A>(a: A) => Kind<F, A>;
readonly unit: () => Kind<F, void>;
// ***** Algebras in TF style: *****
interface Item {
readonly name: string; // or Opaque<string, 'ItemName'>
readonly price: BigInt;
interface ItemRepository<F extends URIS, G extends URIS> {
* Here's the "gotcha": you'll have to add explicit parameter to all places,
* whereas in Scala you have those convenient implicits:
readonly findAll: (F: Sync<F>) => () => Kind<G, Item>;
readonly find: (F: Sync<F>) => (name: string) => Kind<F, Option<Item>>;
readonly save: (F: Sync<F>) => (item: Item) => Kind<F, void>;
readonly remove: (F: Sync<F>) => (name: string) => Kind<F, void>;
// ***** Interpreter for PG *****
class PostgreSQLItemRepository<F extends URIS> implements ItemRepository<F, 'Stream'> {
findAll = (F: Sync<F>) => (): Stream<F, Item> => empty();
find = (F: Sync<F>) => (name: string): Kind<F, Option<Item>> => F.pure(none as Option<Item>);
save = (F: Sync<F>) => (item: Item): Kind<F, void> => F.unit();
remove = (F: Sync<F>) => (name: string): Kind<F, void> => F.unit();
// ************************************
// Update: writing program interpreters
type ProgramF<F extends URIS, G extends 'Stream' | 'Array'> = ItemRepository<F, G> & Monad1<F> & Sync<F>;
function doublePrices<F extends URIS, G extends 'Stream' | 'Array'>(PF: ProgramF<F, G>, G: Traversable1<G>) {
return Do(PF)
.bindL('items', () => {
const s = PF.findAll(PF)();
return PF.of(<Item, Item>(s, item => ({ ...item, price: item.price.valueOf() * 2n })),
.bindL('saved', ({ items }) => {
const gfvoid =,; // G<F<void>>
return G.sequence(PF)(gfvoid);
.return(({ saved }) => saved);
const programFId: ProgramF<Id.URI, 'Array'> = {
...Id.identity, ListItemRepository(),
pure: identity,
unit: constUndefined,
const resultsId = doublePrices(programFId, array); // void [] 👌🏻
declare const programFStream: ProgramF<'Promise', 'Stream'>; // TODO
declare const streamTraversable: Traversable1<'Stream'>;
// Warn: the return of the function here is NOT narrowed down to Stream<'Promise', void> due to declaration of HKT at line 9
// The compilation with explicit type annotation succeedes.
const resultsStream: Stream<'Promise', void> = await doublePrices(programFStream, streamTraversable); // 👌🏻
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