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Created October 2, 2021 21:03
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%% Obtain 2 cameras seeing the same scene
clear all;
close all;
PTS= load('pts3D.txt');
count_3d_points = length(PTS);
tmp = ones(count_3d_points,1);
PTS_homogenous = [PTS, tmp];
K1 = [8.0000000005798370e+002 2.5311355782387189e-008 2.5600000001285036e+002;
0.0000000000000000e+000 8.0000000007157689e+002 2.5599999990332944e+002;
0.0000000000000000e+000 0.0000000000000000e+000 1.0000000000000000e+000];
C1 = [1.2000000000891914e+003; 1.2000000000592427e+003; 1.2000000000697091e+003];
theta1 = 180;
beta1 = 0;
alpha1 = 0;
Rz1 = [cosd(alpha1) -sind(alpha1) 0; sind(alpha1) cosd(alpha1) 0; 0 0 1];
Ry1 = [ cosd(theta1) 0 sind(theta1) ;0 1 0; -sind(theta1) 0 cosd(theta1)];
Rx1 = [ 1 0 0; 0 cosd(beta1) -sind(beta1); 0 sind(beta1) cosd(beta1)];
R1 = Rz1*Ry1*Rx1;
T1 = -R1*C1;
Projection_Matrix1 = K1 * [R1, T1];
K2 = [8.0000000005798370e+002 2.5311355782387189e-008 2.5600000001285036e+002;
0.0000000000000000e+000 8.0000000007157689e+002 2.5599999990332944e+002;
0.0000000000000000e+000 0.0000000000000000e+000 1.0000000000000000e+000];
theta2 = 45;
beta2 = 180;
alpha2 = 0;
Rz2 = [cosd(alpha2) -sind(alpha2) 0; sind(alpha2) cosd(alpha2) 0; 0 0 1];
Ry2 = [ cosd(theta2) 0 sind(theta2) ;0 1 0; -sind(theta2) 0 cosd(theta2)];
Rx2 = [ 1 0 0; 0 cosd(beta2) -sind(beta2); 0 sind(beta2) cosd(beta2)];
R2 = Rz2*Ry2*Rx2;
C2 = [2.0000000000891914e+003; 1.0000000000592427e+003; 1.0000000000697091e+003];
T2 = -R2*C2;
Projection_Matrix2 = K2 * [R2, T2];
X = PTS(:,1);
Y = PTS(:,2);
Z = PTS(:,3);
hold on
pose1 = rigid3d(R1,C1');
cam1=plotCamera('AbsolutePose', pose1, 'Opacity', 0, 'size', 50, 'Label', "First_Cam");
set(gca,'CameraUpVector',[0 -1 0]);
pose2 = rigid3d(R2,C2');
cam2=plotCamera('AbsolutePose', pose2, 'Opacity', 0, 'size', 50, 'Label', "Second_Cam");
set(gca,'CameraUpVector',[0 -1 0]);
hold off
%% Project 3D points with 2 different cameras
projected_points1 = zeros(count_3d_points, 3,1);
projected_points2 = zeros(count_3d_points, 3,1);
ProjectedX1 = zeros(count_3d_points, 2,1);
ProjectedY1 = zeros(count_3d_points, 2,1);
ProjectedX2 = zeros(count_3d_points, 2,1);
ProjectedY2 = zeros(count_3d_points, 2,1);
for i=1:1:count_3d_points
projected_points1(i,:,:) = Projection_Matrix1 * PTS_homogenous(i,:)';
ProjectedX1(i) = projected_points1(i,1,:) ./ projected_points1(i,3,:);
ProjectedY1(i) = projected_points1(i,2,:) ./ projected_points1(i,3,:);
for i=1:1:count_3d_points
projected_points2(i,:,:) = Projection_Matrix2 * PTS_homogenous(i,:)';
ProjectedX2(i) = projected_points2(i,1,:) ./ projected_points2(i,3,:);
ProjectedY2(i) = projected_points2(i,2,:) ./ projected_points2(i,3,:);
hold on
hold off
%% BackProject the 3D points using triangulation
for i=1:count_3d_points
u = ProjectedX1(i);
v = ProjectedY1(i);
u_prime = ProjectedX2(i);
v_prime = ProjectedY2(i);
A(1, :) = v * Projection_Matrix1(3, :)' - Projection_Matrix1(2, :)';
A(2, :) = u * Projection_Matrix1(3, :)' - Projection_Matrix1(1, :)' ;
A(3, :) = v_prime * Projection_Matrix2(3, :)' - Projection_Matrix2(2, :)';
A(4, :) = u_prime * Projection_Matrix2(3, :)' - Projection_Matrix2(1, :)';
X=V(:, length(V))/V(end)
% Add to coordinates matrix
coordinates(i, 1)=X(1);
coordinates(i, 2)=X(2);
coordinates(i, 3)=X(3);
scatter3(coordinates(:, 1), coordinates(:, 3), coordinates(:, 2));
hold on
pose1 = rigid3d(R1,C1');
cam1=plotCamera('AbsolutePose', pose1, 'Opacity', 0, 'size', 50, 'Label', "First_Cam");
set(gca,'CameraUpVector',[0 -1 0]);
pose2 = rigid3d(R2,C2');
cam2=plotCamera('AbsolutePose', pose2, 'Opacity', 0, 'size', 50, 'Label', "Second_Cam");
hold off
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