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Last active December 24, 2023 10:23
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Save YDX-2147483647/f8c11c3355f0e9d2aaa8c63926edde08 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get changelog of an app in scoop.

This is a simple script to get changelog of an app in scoop. It fetches changelog from GitHub releases or

Add the following to your PowerShell $PROFILE, and try Get-Changelog <App>.

    Get changelog of an app in scoop
    - [scoop](
    - [gh]( to interact with GitHub API.
    - [glow]( to render markdown.
    Get-Changelog gh

    Get changelog of gh.
    Get-Changelog gh -Verbose

    Get changelog of gh and show the specific source.
    Get-Changelog just -From File

    Get changelog of just from the `` file in its repo.
    Get-Changelog main/glow

    Get changelog of glow in the main bucket.
function Get-Changelog {
    param (
        # An app in scoop. It will be passed to `scoop cat` directly.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $App,
        # Where to fetch the changelog.
        # - Release: From the GitHub release. (default)
        # - File: From the `` in its repo.
        [ValidateSet("Release", "File")]
        [string] $From = "Release"

    $manifest = scoop cat $App | ConvertFrom-Json

    $github_url = if ($manifest.checkver -eq 'github') {
    elseif ($null -ne $manifest.checkver.github) {
    else {
        throw "Cannot find GitHub URL for `“$App`”. You can ``scoop home $App`` to open its homepage for changelog, or ``scoop cat $App`` to debug."

    switch ($From) {
        "Release" {
            Write-Verbose "Fetching changelog of $App v$($manifest.version) from the release of ${github_url}."
            gh release view --repo $github_url
        "File" {
            Write-Verbose "Fetching changelog of $App v$($manifest.version) from in ${github_url}."

            $owner_repo = $github_url.Replace('', '')

            $changelog = gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.raw" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" /repos/${owner_repo}/contents/
            $changelog | glow -
        Default {
            throw "Fetching changelog from `“$From`” is not supported."

You can integrate Get-Changelog into scoop as an alias:

scoop alias add c '"Get-Changelog $args" | Invoke-Expression'

However, PowerShell won't auto complete for you then.

Known issue

Only simple manifests are supported

> Get-Changelog pnpm
Exception: Cannot find GitHub URL for pnpm. You can `scoop home pnpm` to open its homepage for changelog, or `scoop cat pnpm` to debug.

Because pnpm.json uses a script to checkver, which is too complicated for this simple script… I will appreciate it if someone can detect the repo from autoupdate or something.

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