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Created August 9, 2019 14:26
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Cuckoo conf
# If turned on, Cuckoo will delete the original file after its analysis
# has been completed.
delete_original = off
# If turned on, Cuckoo will delete the copy of the original file in the
# local binaries repository after the analysis has finished. (On *nix this
# will also invalidate the file called "binary" in each analysis directory,
# as this is a symlink.)
delete_bin_copy = off
# Specify the name of the machinery module to use, this module will
# define the interaction between Cuckoo and your virtualization software
# of choice.
machinery = kvm
# Enable creation of memory dump of the analysis machine before shutting
# down. Even if turned off, this functionality can also be enabled at
# submission. Currently available for: VirtualBox and libvirt modules (KVM).
memory_dump = off
# When the timeout of an analysis is hit, the VM is just killed by default.
# For some long-running setups it might be interesting to terminate the
# moinitored processes before killing the VM so that connections are closed.
terminate_processes = off
# Enable automatically re-schedule of "broken" tasks each startup.
# Each task found in status "processing" is re-queued for analysis.
reschedule = off
# Enable processing of results within the main cuckoo process.
# This is the default behavior but can be switched off for setups that
# require high stability and process the results in a separate task.
process_results = on
# Limit the amount of analysis jobs a Cuckoo process goes through.
# This can be used together with a watchdog to mitigate risk of memory leaks.
max_analysis_count = 0
# Limit the number of concurrently executing analysis machines.
# This may be useful on systems with limited resources.
# Set to 0 to disable any limits.
max_machines_count = 2
# Limit the amount of VMs that are allowed to start in parallel. Generally
# speaking starting the VMs is one of the more CPU intensive parts of the
# actual analysis. This option tries to avoid maxing out the CPU completely.
max_vmstartup_count = 2
# Minimum amount of free space (in MB) available before starting a new task.
# This tries to avoid failing an analysis because the reports can't be written
# due out-of-diskspace errors. Setting this value to 0 disables the check.
# (Note: this feature is currently not supported under Windows.)
freespace = 64
# Temporary directory containing the files uploaded through Cuckoo interfaces
# (,, Django web interface).
tmppath = /tmp
# Delta in days from current time to set the guest clocks to for file analyses
# A negative value sets the clock back, a positive value sets it forward.
# The default of 0 disables this option
# Note that this can still be overridden by the per-analysis clock setting
# and it is not performed by default for URL analysis as it will generally
# result in SSL errors
daydelta = 0
# Path to the unix socket for running root commands.
rooter = /tmp/cuckoo-rooter
# The Result Server is used to receive in real time the behavioral logs
# produced by the analyzer.
# Specify the IP address of the host. The analysis machines should be able
# to contact the host through such address, so make sure it's valid.
# NOTE: if you set resultserver IP to you have to set the option
# `resultserver_ip` for all your virtual machines in machinery configuration.
ip =
# Specify a port number to bind the result server on.
port = 2042
# Force the port chosen above, don't try another one (we can select another
# port dynamically if we can not bind this one, but that is not an option
# in some setups)
force_port = off
# Should the server write the legacy CSV format?
# (if you have any custom processing on those, switch this on)
store_csvs = off
# Maximum size of uploaded files from VM (screenshots, dropped files, log)
# The value is expressed in bytes, by default 10Mb.
upload_max_size = 10485760
# Set the maximum size of analyses generated files to process. This is used
# to avoid the processing of big files which may take a lot of processing
# time. The value is expressed in bytes, by default 100Mb.
analysis_size_limit = 104857600
# The number of calls per process to process. 0 switches the limit off.
# 10000 api calls should be processed in less than 2 minutes
analysis_call_limit = 0
# Enable or disable DNS lookups.
resolve_dns = on
# Enable or disable reverse DNS lookups
# This information currently is not displayed in the web interface
reverse_dns = off
# Use ram to boost processing speed. You will need more than 20GB of RAM for this feature.
# Please read "performance" section in the documentation.
ram_boost = off
# Enable PCAP sorting, needed for the connection content view in the web interface.
sort_pcap = on
# Specify the database connection string.
# Examples, see documentation for more:
# sqlite:///foo.db
# postgresql://foo:bar@localhost:5432/mydatabase
# mysql://foo:bar@localhost/mydatabase
# If empty, default is a SQLite in db/cuckoo.db.
connection = (Databse is there just not sharing it with the world) :)
# Database connection timeout in seconds.
# If empty, default is set to 60 seconds.
timeout =
# Set the default analysis timeout expressed in seconds. This value will be
# used to define after how many seconds the analysis will terminate unless
# otherwise specified at submission.
default = 200
# Set the critical timeout expressed in (relative!) seconds. It will be added
# to the default timeout above and after this timeout is hit
# Cuckoo will consider the analysis failed and it will shutdown the machine
# no matter what. When this happens the analysis results will most likely
# be lost.
critical = 60
# Maximum time to wait for virtual machine status change. For example when
# shutting down a vm. Default is 300 seconds.
vm_state = 300
# Default network routing mode; "none", "internet", or "vpn_name".
# In none mode we don't do any special routing - the VM doesn't have any
# network access (this has been the default actually for quite a while).
# In internet mode by default all the VMs will be routed through the network
# interface configured below (the "dirty line").
# And in VPN mode by default the VMs will be routed through the VPN identified
# by the given name of the VPN (as per vpn.conf).
# Note that just like enabling VPN configuration setting this option to
# anything other than "none" requires one to run utils/ as root next
# to the Cuckoo instance (as it's required for setting up the routing).
route = none
# Network interface that allows a VM to connect to the entire internet, the
# "dirty line" so to say. Note that, just like with the VPNs, this will allow
# malicious traffic through your network. So think twice before enabling it.
# (For example, to route all VMs through eth0 by default: "internet = eth0").
internet = none
# Routing table name/id for "dirty line" interface. If "dirty line" is
# also default gateway in the system you can leave "main" value. Otherwise add
# new routing table by adding "<id> <name>" line to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
# (e.g., "200 eth0"). ID and name must be unique across the system (refer to
# /etc/iproute2/rt_tables for existing names and IDs).
rt_table = main
# To route traffic through multiple network interfaces Cuckoo uses
# Policy Routing with separate routing table for each output interface
# (VPN or "dirty line"). If this option is enabled Cuckoo on start will try
# to automatically initialise routing tables by copying routing entries from
# main routing table to the new routing tables. Depending on your network/vpn
# configuration this might not be sufficient. In such case you would need to
# initialise routing tables manually. Note that enabling this option won't
# affect main routing table.
auto_rt = no
# Inetsim quick deploy, chose your vm manager if is not kvm
# wget
# tar xvf remnux-6.0-ova-public.ova
# qemu-img convert -O qcow2 REMnuxV6-disk1.vmdk remnux.qcow2
inetsim = off
inetsim_server =
inetsim_dnsport = 53
inetsim_interface = virbr0
# Tor
tor = off
tor_dnsport = 5353
tor_proxyport = 9040
tor_interface = virbr0
# Allows to activate log rotate for cuckoo.log and process.log
enabled = off
# Keep 30 days logs
backupCount = 30
# You should know what are you doing
# mkdir -p /mnt/ramfs
# mount -t tmpfs -o size=50g tmpfs /mnt/ramfs
# vim /etc/fstab
# tmpfs /mnt/ramfs tmpfs nodev,nosuid,noexec,nodiratime,size=50g 0 0
# sudo chown cuckoo:cuckoo /mnt/ramfs
enabled = off
path = /mnt/ramfs/
freespace = 2000
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