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Steps to install and run Mozilla Hubs locally on MacOS with M1 chip

I mainly followed the steps described here by albirrkarim, while referring to README of Mozilla Hubs's each component, including:

and dealed with some minor problems (e.g. puppeteer's chrome path mismatched) not mentioned in these references

This blog by REALITY Inc. GREE VR Studio Laboratory (in Japanese) also helped me a lot!


  • I have tried my best to write these steps as detailedly as possible, and they actually works on my environment, but I cannot ensure that the same steps will also work on yours. Also there is possibility that these steps will fail in the future if their are any official updates by Mozilla, but I will try to catch up and update this gist if that happens.
  • I may also try on Linux in the future



  • Chip: Apple M1
  • Memory: 16GB


  • Node js: v16.16.0
    • v18 for only Dialog
  • npm: 9.1.3
  • postgREST

1. Installation and preparation

1.1 Reticulum

Backend server using elixir and phoenix

1.1.1 Clone

git clone
cd reticulum

1.1.2 Install requirement

Postgres Database

  1. Install Postgres with brew:
brew install postgresql
  1. Check installed version (should be at least 11):
psql --version
  1. Then login to database postgres:
psql postgres
  1. Now create a new user 'postgres' with password 'postgres', and set it as a Superuser:

/* You can list all users to check if user 'postgres' is created as a SUPERUSER */
  1. Finally type \q to quit

Elixir and Erlang

.tool-versions in Reticulum's repository specifies Elixir and Erlang's version to install for this project.

Please follow this tutorial to install Elixir and Erlang in the same version specified in .tool-versions;

1.1.3 Setup Reticulum

  1. Install dependencies
mix deps.get
  1. Create database in Postgres
mix ecto.create

Then you can run psql -l to check whether database ret_dev is sucessfully created.
If step 2 fails, you have to set the password for the postgres role to match the password configured dev.exs (which should be postgres). Run psql postgres to access psql sheel, and then run:

ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';

If you receive an error that the ret_dev database does not exist, (using psql again) enter create database ret_dev;.

  1. Run mkdir -p storage/dev (at the root directory of Reticulum).

  2. Configuration for postgREST

Install postGREST first if you haven't.

Then, open reticulum iex and paste the following to create reticulum-jwk.json in Reticulum repository:

jwk = Application.get_env(:ret, Ret.PermsToken)[:perms_key] |> JOSE.JWK.from_pem(); JOSE.JWK.to_file("reticulum-jwk.json", jwk)

Next, create a file named reticulum.conf at the root folder of Reticulum, and then paste the following. Keep the @ in jwt-secret path.

# reticulum.conf
db-uri = "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/ret_production"
db-schema = "ret0_admin"
db-anon-role = "postgres_anonymous"
jwt-secret = "@/absolute_path_to_your_file/reticulum-jwk.json"
jwt-aud = "ret_perms"
role-claim-key = ".postgrest_role"

1.1.4 Setup Reticulum against a local Dialog instance

  1. Update the Janus host in config/dev.exs:
# Around the top of this file
dev_janus_host = "localhost"
  1. Update the Janus port in config/dev.exs:
# line 216
config :ret, Ret.JanusLoadStatus, default_janus_host: dev_janus_host, janus_port: 4443
  1. Add the Dialog meta endpoint to the CSP rules in lib/ret_web/plugs/add_csp.ex:
# line 107
default_janus_csp_rule =
   if default_janus_host,
      do: "wss://#{default_janus_host}:#{janus_port} https://#{default_janus_host}:#{janus_port} https://#{default_janus_host}:#{janus_port}/meta",
      else: ""

1.2 Dialog

Using mediasoup RTC to handle audio and video real-time communication, such as camera streaming or screen sharing.

1.2.1 Clone and install dependencies:

git clone
cd dialog

/* Switch node version for this project if it is not v18 */
/* Example of using nvm */
nvm use v18

npm ci

/* Run this if `npm ci` failed */
npm install

1.2.2 Setting up RSA encryption for Reticulum to run against Dialog locally

Reticulum uses RSA encryption when running against a Dialog instance, and the keys are saved in the secret repository according to this discussion.

We have to generate new RSA key additionally to run the project locally!

  1. Generate RSA (Public and Private key) with generator online
  2. Inside Dialog's directory, create a file certs/ and fill in the public key
  3. Inside Reticulum's directory, create a bash file scripts/, and then fill in the followings:
PERMS_KEY="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ...copy and paste the secret key here, but remember to add \n in front of every line and then make the whole key into only one line... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
PERMS_KEY="$PERMS_KEY" iex -S mix phx.server

You can also save the private key somewhere else and read its value in scripts/ 4. Then run chmod +x ./scripts/ to make the bash file executable.

1.3 Spoke

GUI to create and edit 3d scenes for Hubs

1.3.1 Clone and install dependencies

git clone
cd Spoke
yarn install

If yarn install failed with the error The chromium binary is not available for arm64, that is because Chrome execution path configured in puppeteer does not match with Apple Silicon M1 (Check this issue).

Do the following to avoid the error:

  1. Install Chromium first if it is not installed on your Mac:
brew install chromium --no-quarantine
  1. yarn install again with correct Chrome execution path:

1.4 Hubs

This repo contains Hubs client and Hubs admin (hubs/admin)

1.4.1 Clone and install dependencies for Hubs client

git clone
cd hubs
npm ci

1.4.2 Move to admin's folder and install dependencies

cd admin

/* Switch node version for this project if it is not v16.16.0 */
/* Example of using nvm */
nvm use v16.16.0

npm ci

/* Run this if `npm ci` failed */
npm install

2. Set domain to localhost

Replace all hubs.local with localhost in all the directories (reticulum, dialog, spoke, hubs and hubs admin)

3. Setting up HTTPS (SSL)

All the servers must serve with HTTPS. You must generate a certificate and key file

3.1 Generating certificate and making it be trusted

Open terminal in reticulum directory

run command

mix phx.gen.cert

It will generate key selfsigned_key.pem and certificate selfsigned.pem in the priv/cert folder

Rename selfsigned_key.pem to key.pem

Rename selfsigned.pem to cert.pem

Now we have key.pem and cert.pem file

In Finder, double-click on the cert.pem to open Keychain Access window.

Find the certificate corresponding to cert.pem and double-click on it, and then expand the Trust section and set the value of When using this certificate to Always Trust.

In Finder, select the cert.pem and key.pem and copy it.

Next step we will distribute those two files into hubs, hubs admin, spoke, dialog, and reticulum.

3.2 Update the paths of certificate and key file in reticulum directory

Inside reticulum/config/dev.exs, change:

# line 19
config :ret, RetWeb.Endpoint,
  https: [
    keyfile: "#{File.cwd!()}/priv/dev-ssl.key",
    certfile: "#{File.cwd!()}/priv/dev-ssl.cert"


# line 19
config :ret, RetWeb.Endpoint,
  https: [
    keyfile: "#{File.cwd!()}/priv/cert/key.pem",
    certfile: "#{File.cwd!()}/priv/cert/cert.pem"

3.3 Setting HTTPS for each repository

  1. Hubs: Paste cert.pem and key.pem from reticulum directory into hubs/certs
  2. Hubs admin: Paste cert.pem and key.pem from reticulum directory into hubs/admin/certs
  3. Spoke: Paste cert.pem and key.pem from reticulum directory into spoke/certs
  4. Dialog: Paste cert.pem and key.pem from reticulum directory file into dialog/certs
  • rename cert.pem to fullchain.pem
  • rename key.pem to privkey.pem

4. Running

Open 5 terminals, each for reticulum, dialog, spoke, hubs, hubs admin.

4.1 Run reticulum

cd reticulum

4.2 Run dialog

Open package.json and edit as follows:

"scripts": {

And then run npm start

You can also choose not to edit package.json and directly run:


If the following error happens:

Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use 7000

inside config.js, change the listen port of adminHttp from 7000 to 7001 or other port:

adminHttp  :
   listenIp   : '',
   listenPort : process.env.ADMIN_LISTEN_PORT || 7001

4.3 Run spoke

cd Spoke

4.4 Run hubs and hubs admin

cd hubs
npm run local
cd hubs/admin
npm run local

4.5 Run postgREST

cd reticulum
postgrest ./reticulum.conf

5. Access Mozilla Hubs on your local environment

Server URL
Hubs https://localhost:4000
Hubs admin https://localhost:4000/admin
Spoke https://localhost:4000/spoke

If Hubs admin page is not accessible, try to change the value of allowedHosts in webpack config file (you can change it to "all" but be careful for security issues).

Copy link

YHhaoareyou commented Dec 10, 2022

5. Access Mozilla Hubs on your local environment and play around

Sign in

Firstly, access https://localhost:4000/ by Google Chrome
Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 46 58

Click the button on the top-right corner, and then use your email address to sign in
Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 47 05

A verification email should be sent to your email address, but it cannot actually because Reticulum is running locally
Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 47 12

Open the terminal where Reticulum is running, and look for the verification link. Copy the link and paste it in a new browser tab
Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 47 27

You can close that tab after verified
Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 48 10

Move back to Hubs home page, and you will see your email address on the top-right corner.
Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 48 15

Set your account as an admin

Open the terminal where Reticulum is running, and press enter to access Elixir's interactive shell (iex)

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 21 08 21

Run this command to set the first account, which is the account you just used to sign in, as an admin

Ret.Account |> Ret.Repo.all() |> |> Ecto.Changeset.change(is_admin: true) |> Ret.Repo.update!()

# '0' in refers to the first account. You can use other numbers to set other accounts as admin

Refresh hubs's window and you will see there are more available links (Scene editor, Admin) on top of the window

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 21 07 13

The Admin link brings you to the admin page, hosted by hubs/admin project. You can also access this page by https://localhost:4000/admin

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 48 21

The Scene editor link brings you to Spoke, the application to create 3D scenes for Hubs. You can also access this page by https://localhost:4000/spoke

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 48 35

Create a scene by Spoke

In Spoke's page, click the New project button to navigate to scene making page.

While loading the scene making page, some assets may not be successfully loaded probably due to CORS problems. You can highlight the link and drag it to the url bar to download the asset. Then you can import it into Spoke from your computer.

Then drag any assets, including the asset you just imported, to the scene. You can edit their position, rotation, or any other attributes on the GUI.

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 50 20

When you are done, click the publish button on the top-right corner to publish your scene. Now you can choose to directly create a room with this new scene by clicking on the 'View Your Scene' button, or choose to go back to Hubs home page https://localhost:4000

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 50 37

Create a room and interact with other accounts

Click the 'Create Room' button

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 50 56

Then you will be navigated to the room's page

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 51 02

Open 'Options' to change the scene (to the one you just created)

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 51 09

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 51 34

Don't forget to scroll to the bottom to click 'Apply' !

Now you can enter the room by 'Join Room' button!

Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 20 51 46

You can open another browser window, accessing https://localhost:4000 , login with another account with the same steps explained above, and access the same url as your newly created room.

After both accounts entering the room, move your avatar by WASD or arrow keys, drag with your mouse to rotate your view, and then say hi to another avatar!

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