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Last active October 4, 2023 13:52
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Bank account details for testing purposes - trigger various IBAN errors

Bank Account Test Details

No Description of test case Sort code Accountnumber Valid flag Response
1 Pass modulus 10 check 089999 66374958 Y
2 Pass modulus 11 check 107999 88837491 Y
3 Pass modulus 11 and double alternate checks. 202959 63748472 Y
4 Exception 10 & 11 where first check passes and second check fails. 871427 46238510 Y
5 Exception 10 & 11 where first check fails and second check passes. 872427 46238510 Y
6 Exception 10 where in the account number ab=09 and the g=9. The first check passes and second check fails. 871427 09123496 Y
7 Exception 10 where in the account number ab=99 and the g=9. The first check passes and the second check fails. 871427 99123496 Y
8 Exception 3, and the sorting code is the start of a range. As c=6 the second check should be ignored. 820000 73688637 Y
9 Exception 3, and the sorting code is the end of a range. As c=9 the second check should be ignored. 827999 73988638 Y
10 Exception 3. As c<>6 or 9 perform both checks pass. 827101 28748352 Y
11 Exception 4 where the remainder is equal to the checkdigit. 134020 63849203 Y
12 Exception 1 – ensures that 27 has been added to the accumulated total and passes double alternate modulus check. 118765 64371389 Y
13 Exception 6 where the account fails standard check but is a foreign currency account 200915 41011166 Y
14 Exception 5 where the check passes. 938611 07806039 Y
15 Exception 5 where the check passes with substitution. 938600 42368003 Y
16 Exception 5 where both checks produce a remainder of 0 and pass. 938063 55065200 Y
17 Exception 7 where passes but would fail the standard check. 772798 99345694 Y
18 Exception 8 where the check passes. 086090 06774744 Y
19 Exception 2 & 9 where the first check passes. 309070 02355688 Y
20 Exception 2 & 9 where the first check fails and second check passes with substitution. 309070 12345668 Y
21 Exception 2 & 9 where a≠0 and g≠9 and passes. 309070 12345677 Y
22 Exception 2 & 9 where a≠0 and g=9 and passes. 309070 99345694 Y
23 Exception 5 where the first checkdigit is correct and the second incorrect. 938063 15764273 N
24 Exception 5 where the first checkdigit is incorrect and the second correct. 938063 15764264 N
25 Exception 5 where the first checkdigit is incorrect with a remainder of 1. 938063 15763217 N
26 Exception 1 where it fails double alternate check 118765 64371388 N
27 Pass modulus 11 check and fail double alternate check. 203099 66831036 N
28 Fail modulus 11 check and pass double alternate check. 203099 58716970 N
29 Fail modulus 10 check. 089999 66374959 N
30 Fail modulus 11 check. 107999 88837493 N
31 Exception 12/13 where passes modulus 11 check (in this example, modulus 10 check fails, however, there is no need for it to be performed as the first check passed). 074456 12345112 Y
32 Exception 12/13 where passes the modulus 11check (in this example, modulus 10 check passes as well, however, there is no need for it to be performed as the first check passed). 070116 34012583 Y
33 Exception 12/13 where fails the modulus 11 check, but passes themodulus 10 check. 074456 11104102 Y
34 Exception 14 where the first check fails and the second check passes. 180002 00000190 Y
35 Valid 8 digit 40-47-84 70872490 Y {"valid":true,"bankDetails": {"branchName": "FIRSTDIRECT LEEDS","sortCode": "404784","accountNumber": "70872490","bankName": "HSBC UK BANK PLC","addressLine1": "40 Wakefield Road","town": "Leeds","postCode": "LS98 1FD","bankSupportsDirectDebit": true}}
36 CLYDESDALE 8 digit 826632 20400952 Y {"valid": true,"bankDetails": {"branchName": "NEW DEER","sortCode": "826632","accountNumber": "20400952","bankName": "CLYDESDALE","addressLine1": "The Square","town": "Peterhead","county": "Aberdeenshire","postCode": "AB42 5EH","bankSupportsDirectDebit": true}}
37 valid 8 digit 20-51-32 13537846 Y {"valid": true,"bankDetails": {"branchName": "LLANELLI","sortCode": "205132","accountNumber": "13537846","bankName": "BARCLAYS BANK UK PLC","town": "Leicester","county": "Leicestershire","postCode": "LE87 2BB","bankSupportsDirectDebit": true}}
38 Modulus check has failed 20-51-32 23537846 N {"valid": false,"error": "Modulus check has failed"}
39 7 digit account 09-01-28 3745521 Y {"valid": true,"bankDetails": {"branchName": "BANK ACCOUNT 3","sortCode": "090128","accountNumber": "03745521","bankName": "Santander","addressLine2": "BRIDLE ROAD","addressLine3": "BOOTLE","town": "MERSEYSIDE","postCode": "L30 4GB","bankSupportsDirectDebit": true}}
40 string in sort code 09-01-2x 13745521 N {"valid": false,"error": "Sort code format is incorrect"}
41 valid 8 digit 56-00-03 13354647 Y {"valid": true,"bankDetails": {"branchName": "ST JAMES & PICCADILLY","sortCode": "560003","accountNumber": "13354647","bankName": "NAT WEST BANK PLC","addressLine1": "Chatham Customer Service Centre","addressLine2": "Western Avenue","addressLine3": "Waterside Court","town": "Chatham","county": "Kent","postCode": "ME4 4RT","bankSupportsDirectDebit": true}}
42 string in account number 56-00-03 string N {"valid": false,"error": "Account number format is incorrect"}
43 unallocated sort codes 22222/565777/482917/262654 any N {"valid": false,"error": "Sort code is not allocated"}
44 Modulus check algorithm is unavailable for these account details 404865 62136016 N {"valid": false,"error": "Modulus check algorithm is unavailable for account details"}
45 foreign curreny account 200000 55779911 Y {"valid": false,"error": "Account is a Foreign Currency account"}
46 valid account no direct debit 200415 38290008 Y {"valid": false,"error": "Account does not support Direct Debit transactions"}
47 valid 8 digit 308088 14457846 Y {"valid": true,"bankDetails": {"branchName": "308/12 CHISWICK HIGH ROAD","sortCode": "308088","accountNumber": "14457846","bankName": "LLOYDS BANK PLC","addressLine1": "PO Box 1000","county": "Essex","postCode": "BX1 1LT","bankSupportsDirectDebit": true}}
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