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Last active November 9, 2019 14:13
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Crosscode Translation Project
const path = require('path')
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This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"assets/data/areas/arid-dng-1.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "G",
"": "Entry Test",
"": "Pit of Time",
"": "Infected Room",
"": "Bombs and Ice",
"": "Shocking Revelation",
"": "Winter Infection",
"": "ERROR 404",
"": "???",
"": "???",
"": "Chasing Rabbits",
"": "Bomb Switch",
"": "Testing Grounds",
"assets/data/areas/arid-dng-2.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "F0",
"": "Center Elevator GF",
"": "Entrance",
"": "Elevator Shaft",
"": "Elevator Shaft",
"": "F1",
"": "Center Elevator F1",
"": "Blazing Storm",
"": "Blazing Blizzard",
"": "Blazing Challenge",
"": "Freezing Groove",
"": "Freezing Storm",
"": "Freezing Challenge",
"": "F2",
"": "Center Elevator F2",
"": "Shocking Blizzard",
"": "Shocking Inferno",
"": "Shocking Challenge",
"": "Waving Flames",
"": "Waving Inferno",
"": "Waving Challenge",
"": "F3",
"": "Center Elevator F3",
"": "F4",
"": "Center Elevator F4",
"": "Top",
"": "Center Elevator F??",
"": "The Final Arena",
"": "The Ultimate Experience",
"": "???",
"": "Server Room Entrance",
"": "Server Room",
"floors.5.handle": "F??"
"assets/data/areas/arid.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "South Challenge B1",
"": "North Challenge B1",
"": "Strange Lobby",
"": "Strange Flat",
"": "Storage Basement",
"": "East Town",
"": "West Town",
"": "Vermillion Tower",
"": "Crimson Lake",
"": "Ebony Forest",
"": "Scarlet River",
"": "River Delta",
"": "Spiral Cliff",
"": "Dormitory Entrance",
"": "Dormitory Floor 1",
"": "Dormitory Room 4",
"": "Quest Hub",
"": "South Challenge",
"": "North Challenge",
"": "Storage Room 1",
"": "Storage Room 2",
"": "Store",
"": "Tradehut"
"assets/data/areas/autumn-area.json": {
"name": "Autumn's Rise",
"": "Entrance",
"": "Pathway 1",
"": "Pathway 2",
"": "Normal Clearing",
"": "Pathway 3",
"": "Off Road 1",
"": "Quiet Passage 1",
"": "Quiet Passage 2",
"": "Hedgehag's Den",
"": "Off Road 2",
"": "Obelisk Lake",
"": "Pathway 4",
"": "Old Observatory",
"": "Pathway 5",
"": "Pathway 6",
"": "Pathway 7",
"": "The Lobster",
"": "Inside Observatory",
"": "Autumn Residences",
"": "First Scholars Home",
"": "Last Minute Heroes Home",
"": "Hillkat Cave",
"": "First Scholars HQ",
"": "Ending Pathway",
"": "Drippy Den",
"": "Ground",
"": "Upper",
"": "First Scholars HQ"
"assets/data/areas/autumn-fall.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "Lake Cave 1",
"": "Lake Cave 2",
"": "Lake Cave 3",
"": "Lake Cave 4",
"": "Para Island Cave",
"": "Southern Exit",
"": "Ruined Path",
"": "Eastern Exit",
"": "Ancient Center",
"": "Northern Exit",
"": "Pillar Isle",
"": "Village Remains",
"": "Secluded Path",
"": "Great Lake",
"": "Villa of Terror",
"": "Para Island 1",
"": "Para Island 2",
"": "Para Island 3",
"": "Densewater Caverns",
"": "Stomping Den",
"": "Ruby Tunnel"
"assets/data/areas/bergen-trails.json": {
"name": "Bergen Trail",
"": "Bergen Basement",
"": "Hermits Basement",
"": "Horncave 1",
"": "Horncave 2",
"": "Horncave 3",
"": "Bergen Trail",
"": "Entrance",
"": "Rising Path 1",
"": "Rising Path 2",
"": "Old Plateau",
"": "Rising Path 3",
"": "Off Road 1",
"": "Off Road 2",
"": "Off Road 3",
"": "Spike Heights",
"": "Bergen Waterfalls",
"": "Rising Path 4",
"": "Windy Climb",
"": "Rising Path 5",
"": "Frozen Cave",
"": "Hermits House",
"": "Icy Cauldron",
"": "Lofty Heights",
"": "Excluded Mountain Top",
"": "Abandoned Ground",
"": "Old Testing Ground",
"": "Pengpeng's Den",
"": "Abandoned Cave "
"assets/data/areas/bergen.json": {
"name": "Bergen Village",
"": "Cellar",
"": "Seeker Hub Cellar",
"": "Miner's Elevator B1",
"": "New Mine #1",
"": "Omni Gilders Basement",
"": "Ground Floor",
"": "Holiday Man Cave",
"": "Bergen South",
"": "Bergen North",
"": "Temple Mine Entrance",
"": "Storage Room",
"": "Bergen Bar",
"": "House 1",
"": "House 2",
"": "Inn",
"": "Omni Gilders Base",
"": "Trader's Den",
"": "Shop",
"": "Seeker Hub",
"": "Diving Railway",
"": "Digging Mates HQ",
"": "Bergen Guard HQ",
"": "Bergen Monastery",
"": "Cave of Aspiration",
"": "Miner's Elevator G",
"": "Cave of Progression"
"assets/data/areas/cargo-ship.json": {
"name": "Cargo Ship",
"": "Cargo Hold",
"": "Teleporter",
"": "Cargo Hold 1",
"": "Cargo Hold 2",
"": "Cargo Hold 3",
"": "Cargo Hold 4",
"": "Cargo Hold 5",
"": "Cargo Hold Elevator",
"": "Deck",
"": "Deck",
"": "Ground Floor Elevator",
"": "Cabins 1",
"": "Cabins 1",
"": "Cabins 2",
"": "Cabins 2",
"": "Bridge",
"": "Bridge",
"": "Deck"
"assets/data/areas/cold-dng.json": {
"name": "Bergen Tempel Mine",
"": "Elevator",
"": "Forgotten Path 1",
"": "Forgotten Path 2",
"": "Forgotten Path 3",
"": "Forgotten Shaft 1",
"": "Forgotten Shaft 2",
"": "Forgotten Shaft 3",
"": "Forgotten Shaft 4",
"": "Forgotten Shaft 5",
"": "Forgotten Test Chamber",
"": "Infested Chamber",
"": "Elevator",
"": "Frozen Shaft 1",
"": "Frozen Shaft 2",
"": "Frozen Shaft 3",
"": "Frozen Shaft 4",
"": "Frozen Shaft 5",
"": "Overrun Chamber",
"": "Chamber of Fire",
"": "Elevator",
"": "Storage Room 1",
"": "Frozen Chamber 1",
"": "Storage Room 3",
"": "Storage Room 4",
"": "Frozen Chamber 2",
"": "Abandoned Chamber 2",
"": "Crossing Funnel",
"": "Old Shaft 1",
"": "Old Shaft 2",
"": "Testing Chamber",
"": "Great Chasm",
"": "Old Chamber",
"": "Elevator",
"": "Control Room A",
"": "Control Room B",
"": "Abandoned Chamber 1",
"": "Elevator",
"": "Temple Chamber 1",
"": "Temple Chamber 2",
"": "Temple Chamber 3",
"": "Elevator Control",
"": "Forbidden Chasm",
"": "Forbidden Storage",
"": "Chamber of the Shade"
"assets/data/areas/fallback.json": {
"name": "Fallback",
"": "Fallback",
"": "Generic Map Name",
"": "Nope"
"assets/data/areas/forest.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "Sapphire Tunnel",
"": "Western Exit",
"": "North West Path",
"": "River Road",
"": "The Cave Inn",
"": "Bamboo Thicket",
"": "North East Path",
"": "Spider Chasm",
"": "Eroded Passage",
"": "Flower Lake",
"": "Carved Pathway",
"": "Narrow Passage",
"": "Henry's Hideout",
"": "Wheel Passage",
"": "High Ground",
"": "Old Dojo",
"": "Cave Inn EG",
"": "Cave Inn Mall",
"": "Cave Inn Store",
"": "Cave Inn Storage",
"": "Tranquil Bamboo",
"": "Nesting Grounds",
"": "Path to Peace",
"": "Cave Waterfall",
"": "Waterfall Backyard",
"": "Old Dojo",
"": "Dojo Tunnel",
"": "Dream Lake",
"": "Meteor Cave",
"": "Hidden Entrance",
"": "Hidden Tunnel West",
"": "Hidden Tunnel Center",
"": "Hidden Tunnel East",
"": "Ascension Temple",
"": "OG",
"": "Cave Inn 1F",
"": "The Cave Inn",
"": "The Cave Inn",
"": "The Cave Inn",
"": "OG",
"": "Owner's Room",
"": "The Cave Inn"
"assets/data/areas/heat-area.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "UG 2",
"": "Treasure Room",
"": "UG",
"": "Maroon Cave 1",
"": "Maroon Cave 2",
"": "Maroon Cave 3",
"": "Cursed Temple",
"": "East Entrance",
"": "Dusty Path",
"": "Crossroad",
"": "Vivid Path",
"": "Maroon Oasis",
"": "Bright Path",
"": "Long Piece",
"": "Barren Land",
"": "Barren Arcs",
"": "Overpass",
"": "Mystery Cave",
"": "River Cliff",
"": "Endless Pit",
"": "Deadly Oasis",
"": "Paw Cliffs",
"": "Torn Road",
"": "Fractured Path",
"": "Great Scar",
"": "West Entrance",
"": "Rising Railway",
"": "Temple Entrance",
"": "Toisecave",
"": "Brigand Cave",
"": "Windless Caverns",
"": "??? Temple 1",
"": "??? Temple 2",
"": "Faj'ro Roof",
"": "Bone Lair"
"assets/data/areas/heat-dng.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "G",
"": "Entry Test",
"": "Balance Room 1",
"": "Left Chamber 1",
"": "Left Chamber 2",
"": "Test of Tri",
"": "Fire and Sand 1",
"": "Fire and Sand 2",
"": "Test of Fire",
"": "Balance Room 2",
"": "Right Chamber 1",
"": "Right Chamber 2",
"": "Test of Vigor",
"": "Test of Memory 1",
"": "Test of Memory 2",
"": "F1",
"": "Balance Room 1",
"": "Balance Room 2",
"": "Left Chamber 1",
"": "Right Chamber 1",
"": "Sand Terror",
"": "Test of Distraction",
"": "F2",
"": "Chamber of Ice",
"": "F3",
"": "Gateway",
"": "Bottom Chamber",
"": "Left Chamber",
"": "Test of Strengh",
"": "Large Fire Chamber",
"": "Right Chamber",
"": "Test of Wisdom",
"": "F4",
"": "Gateway",
"": "West Corridor ",
"": "East Corridor ",
"": "South Corridor",
"": "West Pathway",
"": "Test of Surprise",
"": "Test of Endurance",
"": "Blazing Lair",
"": "West Chamber 1",
"": "West Chamber 2",
"": "East Chamber 2",
"": "Test of Focus",
"": "East Chamber 1",
"": "East Pathway",
"": "Test of Memory",
"": "Chamber of Prosperity"
"assets/data/areas/heat-village.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "Cellar",
"": "Seeker Hub Cellar",
"": "Distillery",
"": "Ground",
"": "Solar Farm",
"": "Market",
"": "Seeker Hub",
"": "Shop",
"": "Shad Home",
"": "Arid Breeze HQ",
"": "Baki Guard HQ",
"": "Bazaar House",
"": "Dusty Home",
"": "Children of Shadoon HQ",
"": "Upper",
"": "Seeker Hub 2nd Floor",
"": "Bazaar House Storage"
"assets/data/areas/hideout.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "Entrance",
"": "Left Path",
"": "Right Path",
"": "Upper Path",
"": "Corridors",
"": "Satoshi's Workstation",
"": "Dinner Room"
"assets/data/areas/jungle-city.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "B1",
"": "Pumpkin Fun Land",
"": "Pumpkin Fun Finale",
"": "Calzone Basement",
"": "G",
"": "Centrum",
"": "The Boosi Business",
"": "Pond Slums",
"": "High Grounds",
"": "Corner Mall",
"": "Calzone Shop",
"": "Seeker Hub 1st Floor",
"": "Clipson Tower 1st Floor",
"": "Basin Police Force HQ",
"": "Woodland Vanguard HQ",
"": "Gaia's Gardeners HQ",
"": "Echelon Tower",
"": "Basin Trade Partnership HQ",
"": "F1",
"": "Corner Mall",
"": "Seeker Hub 2nd Floor",
"": "Majors Office",
"": "Clipson Tower 2nd Floor",
"": "F2",
"": "Clipson Tower Highest Floor",
"": "Roof",
"": "Clipson Tower Roof"
"assets/data/areas/jungle.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "en_US",
"": "Lost Power Room",
"": "en_US",
"": "Infested Cavern Entrance",
"": "Infested Cavern Maze",
"": "Sacred Pond",
"": "Grubby Cave",
"": "Lost Puzzle Room",
"": "Chilled Den",
"": "Frozen Lair",
"": "Temple of Innovation",
"": "Jungle Entrance",
"": "Crossroad",
"": "Overgrown Path",
"": "Drizzle Bosk",
"": "Wet Passage",
"": "Covert Path",
"": "Royal Grove",
"": "Calm Backyard",
"": "River's Bed",
"": "Splitting Stumps",
"": "V'rda Vil West",
"": "V'rda Vil East",
"": "V'rda Vil North",
"": "Chief's Den",
"": "Clinging River",
"": "Ringing River",
"": "Old Timber",
"": "Tying Greens",
"": "Peridot Approach",
"": "Lost Lookout",
"": "Seared Lake",
"": "Infested Marshes South",
"": "Infested Marshes North",
"": "Foul Cavity",
"": "Rite of Passage",
"": "Zir'vitar Temple Entrance",
"": "Basin Keep Entrance",
"": "So'najiz Temple Entrance",
"": "Grand Krys'kajo Entrance",
"": "Dripping Cave",
"": "Tranquility Pond",
"": "K'tara's House",
"": "Chief's House",
"": "Lou's Office",
"": "Infested Heart",
"": "The Descent",
"": "Root",
"": "Lost Shrine Entrance",
"": "Lost Shrine ",
"": "So'najiz Lake Platform",
"": "Zir'vitar Temple Roof"
"assets/data/areas/meta.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "Space"
"assets/data/areas/rhombus-dng.json": {
"name": "Rhombus Dungeon",
"": "1st Floor",
"": "Entrance",
"": "Puzzle Room 1",
"": "Puzzle Room 2",
"": "Ability Room 1",
"": "2nd Floor",
"": "Middle Room",
"": "Upper Path 1",
"": "Upper Path 2",
"": "Upper Path 3",
"": "Lower Path 1",
"": "Lower Path 2",
"": "Lower Path 3",
"": "3rd Floor",
"": "Ability Room 2",
"": "Puzzle Room 3",
"": "Boss Room",
"": "4th Floor",
"": "Final Room"
"assets/data/areas/rhombus-sqr.json": {
"name": "Rhombus Square",
"": "en_US",
"": "Rhombus Arena",
"": "Cross Central",
"": "Residential District",
"": "South Arch",
"": "Lloyd Passage",
"": "Garden Boulevard",
"": "Shopping District",
"": "Old Smith GF",
"": "Boost Lounge",
"": "Gear Store GF",
"": "Buy Land GF",
"": "Vestorovich Mansion ",
"": "Curios Trinkets",
"": "Arena Cafe",
"": "en_US",
"": "Newcomer's Bridge",
"": "Newcomer's Bridge End",
"": "CrossCentral Balcony",
"": "Old Smith 1F",
"": "Gear Store 1F",
"": "Arena Cafe 2nd Floor"
"assets/data/areas/rookie-harbor.json": {
"name": "Rookie Harbor",
"": "Dojo",
"": "Training Arena",
"": "Marketplace",
"": "South Harbor",
"": "Alley Quarters",
"": "Rising Exit",
"": "Item Shop",
"": "Weapon Shop",
"": "Inn",
"": "Info Hub",
"": "Beginners Arc",
"": "Seeker Hub",
"": "Rookie Harbor Guard HQ",
"": "Fruits of Autumn HQ",
"": "Falldivers HQ",
"": "Falling Exit",
"": "Weapon & Backer Shop",
"": "Ocean Patrol",
"": "The Gut Punch",
"": "Traders Kontor",
"": "Dusty Storage",
"": "Tala's Greenhouse",
"": "Shop?",
"": "Seeker Hub 2nd Floor ",
"": "Traders Kontor 2F"
"assets/data/areas/shock-dng.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "G",
"": "Entry Test",
"": "Compressed Waves",
"": "Power Plants",
"": "Sinus Transmit",
"": "Nature Vs. Technic",
"": "Box Transmit",
"": "Hoodwink",
"": "Spinning Transmit",
"": "F1",
"": "Principle of Transmit",
"": "Trial of Transmit",
"": "Moving Transmit",
"": "Trial of Bullets",
"": "Conclusion of Waves",
"": "Haunted Waves",
"": "Wave Maze",
"": "Conclusion of Waves",
"": "F2",
"": "Stacking Blocks",
"": "Endurance of Waves",
"": "Irritating Transmit",
"": "Chamber of Wave",
"": "F3",
"": "Shocking Surprise"
"assets/data/areas/testing-grounds.json": {
"name": "Testing Ground",
"": "Base",
"": "Edgy Test Map"
"assets/data/areas/tree-dng.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "B1",
"": "Sticky Roots",
"": "G",
"": "Entry Test",
"": "Main Stream",
"": "Trial of Trios",
"": "Magnetic Transit ",
"": "Magnetic Attraction",
"": "Block Conveyance",
"": "Geometry ",
"": "F1",
"": "Main Stream",
"": "Ghostly Lumber",
"": "Mana Trees",
"": "F2",
"": "Trial of the West",
"": "Upstream",
"": "Center Branch",
"": "F3",
"": "Center Branch",
"": "West Branch",
"": "East Branch",
"": "Branch Transmit",
"": "Symmetry ",
"": "Branch Conveyance",
"": "Poetry ",
"": "Falling Leaves",
"": "F4",
"": "Crowing Tops",
"": "F5",
"": "Seeker's Conclusion"
"assets/data/areas/wave-dng.json": {
"name": "untitled",
"": "B1",
"": "Principle of Conveyance",
"": "Trial of Fishing",
"": "Principle of Attraction",
"": "Trial of Persistence",
"": "Moving Attraction",
"": "Trial of Attraction",
"": "Slowing Attraction",
"": "Captivated Conveyance",
"": "Trial of Wobble",
"": "Standing Attraction",
"": "Trial of Channels",
"": "Attracting Conveyance",
"": "Chaining Conveyance",
"": "Trial of Base Colors",
"": "Trial of Impulses",
"": "Fast Conveyance",
"": "Standing Conveyance",
"": "Flaming Conveyance",
"": "Trial of Conveyance",
"": "Conveyable Attraction",
"": "Chamber of Shock",
"": "Conclusion of Conveyance",
"": "Trial of Conduct",
"": "Bouncing Surprise",
"": "G",
"": "Entry Test"
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"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers/female-braid-white.json": {
"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers/female-dut-black.json": {
"name": ""
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"name": ""
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"name": ""
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"name": ""
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"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers/male-bald-white.json": {
"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers/male-hat-black.json": {
"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers/male-hat-white.json": {
"name": ""
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"name": ""
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"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers/male-pirate.json": {
"name": "Sperling"
"assets/data/characters/adventurers-jungle/female-leader.json": {
"name": "Madaki"
"assets/data/characters/adventurers-jungle/female-white-hat-pigtails.json": {
"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers-jungle/female-white-hat.json": {
"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers-jungle/leader-female.json": {
"name": "Madaki"
"assets/data/characters/adventurers-jungle/male-black-hat.json": {
"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers-jungle/male-white-hat-monocle.json": {
"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/adventurers-jungle/male-white-ponytail.json": {
"name": ""
"assets/data/characters/advisors/female-nerd-combat.json": {
"name": "Combat"
"assets/data/characters/advisors/female-nerd-scientist.json": {
"name": "Tech"
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"entries.testers.names.2": "Filip Antkowiak",
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"entries.testers.names.31": "Samuel 'Samylots' Beaudoin",
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"entries.testers.names.110": "@remmythical",
"entries.testers.names.111": "Aaron C. Scott",
"entries.testers.names.112": "Adrian 'adiac' Aurnhammer",
"entries.testers.names.113": "Adrian 'Firecrow' Boivin",
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"entries.testers.names.116": "Alexander \"A_Dude\" Eder",
"entries.testers.names.117": "Alexander 'lxndio' Korn",
"entries.testers.names.118": "Alexander [Dewm] Rahemat",
"entries.testers.names.119": "Allen Crimmins",
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"entries.testers.names.126": "Brian Hardison",
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"entries.testers.names.133": "crediar",
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"entries.testers.names.154": "Giovanni Tagliamonte",
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"entries.testers.names.157": "gRuFtY",
"entries.testers.names.158": "HamsterBob",
"entries.testers.names.159": "Hayden McAfee",
"entries.testers.names.160": "Haydon Bakker",
"entries.testers.names.161": "Hendrik Wilka",
"entries.testers.names.162": "Horoneru",
"entries.testers.names.163": "Iker 'Scrivaret' River(Hexa)cast",
"entries.testers.names.164": "itfitz",
"entries.testers.names.165": "Jack 'Czar' Morris",
"entries.testers.names.166": "James 'Jimmeth' Mulholland",
"entries.testers.names.167": "James 'Nazacra' Fryer",
"entries.testers.names.168": "James Gregor",
"entries.testers.names.169": "Jan 'Barney' Schneider",
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"entries.testers.names.181": "Jonathan Goetz",
"entries.testers.names.182": "Joshua 'Xyfero' Findon",
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"entries.testers.names.198": "Lagen Scheit",
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"entries.testers.names.201": "Luna Huizinga (PixelGirl)",
"entries.testers.names.202": "Manuel 'Geeklich' Martinez",
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"entries.testers.names.206": "Matthew Campagna",
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"entries.testers.names.287": "Devon Obrecht",
"entries.testers.names.288": "DFDelta",
"entries.testers.names.289": "Disinterested_",
"entries.testers.names.290": "Dominik 'Enkidu' Freiburg",
"entries.testers.names.291": "Eddie \"VPURecover\" Mitchell",
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"entries.testers.names.305": "Jens 'Assakes' Haarmann",
"entries.testers.names.306": "Jesse Philemon ",
"entries.testers.names.307": "Josh 'Rex705' Clark",
"entries.testers.names.308": "Julian Chan",
"entries.testers.names.309": "Kyle Baadsvik",
"entries.testers.names.310": "Laurent Haan",
"entries.testers.names.311": "Lawrence Shagsworth",
"entries.testers.names.312": "Lucien 'Phundrak' Cartier-Tilet",
"entries.testers.names.313": "Marcel 'CrayveN' Funk",
"entries.testers.names.314": "Mike 'vapier' Frysinger",
"entries.testers.names.315": "Motom",
"entries.testers.names.316": "Mouzi",
"entries.testers.names.317": "Nam 'Blitznae' Le",
"entries.testers.names.318": "Namregog",
"entries.testers.names.319": "Niklas Ley",
"entries.testers.names.320": "Nils Budde ",
"entries.testers.names.321": "Oleg \"Olesch\" Yuschuk",
"entries.testers.names.322": "Orphansmith",
"entries.testers.names.323": "Pat Neeland (Patois)",
"entries.testers.names.324": "Pavel Khlopin",
"entries.testers.names.325": "RenjixD",
"entries.testers.names.326": "Robin Skowronnek",
"entries.testers.names.327": "Samuel \"Sääähm\" Gruber",
"entries.testers.names.328": "Sangmook Lee",
"entries.testers.names.329": "Scaine",
"entries.testers.names.330": "Schaaf dasMaeh",
"entries.testers.names.331": "Scott McKie",
"entries.testers.names.332": "Sebastian 'Paneka' Mauch",
"entries.testers.names.333": "Silas Coldfire",
"entries.testers.names.334": "Smurphicus",
"entries.testers.names.335": "SoundHunter",
"entries.testers.names.336": "Stephen east",
"entries.testers.names.337": "Sylvester Veenstra ",
"entries.testers.names.338": "Tarik Horton",
"entries.testers.names.339": "Teddy 'Gåsen' Sjöström",
"entries.testers.names.340": "Tim 'Kazsh' Hagedorn",
"entries.testers.names.341": "Tim Platzke",
"entries.testers.names.342": "Timbo",
"entries.testers.names.343": "Tobias 'Tobi042' Theobald",
"entries.testers.names.344": "Tony C",
"entries.testers.names.345": "Toyoch",
"entries.testers.names.346": "Tyler Thomas",
"entries.testers.names.347": "WhenChukAttacks",
"entries.testers.names.348": "William O'Neill",
"entries.testers.names.349": "Windsor 'TLG' Kasekende",
"entries.testers.names.350": "Yann 'Sabata' Perrichon"
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"entries.testers.names.3": "Ignacio 'Nnubes256' Gutiérrez",
"entries.testers.names.4": "Josh 'Cheeseness' Bush",
"entries.testers.names.5": "Julian Garn",
"entries.testers.names.6": "J. 'Wervyn' Wert",
"entries.testers.names.7": "C. 'PuellaDocta' Wert",
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"": "PR & Marketing",
"": "John Davis",
"entries.loc-manager.header": "Localization Manager",
"entries.loc-manager.names.0": "Dan Luffey",
"": "Streaming Producer",
"": "Chad Porter",
"entries.advisior.header": "Advisor",
"entries.advisior.names.0": "Ben Judd",
"entries.jap-trans-header.header": "Japanese Localization",
"entries.jap-trans.header": "Translation",
"entries.jap-trans.names.0": "Nana Ito",
"entries.jap-trans.names.1": "Yuta Kurosawa",
"entries.jap-trans.names.2": "Toyofumi Morita",
"entries.jap-trans.names.3": "Yukichika Chayama",
"entries.jap-trans-edit.header": "Editing",
"entries.jap-trans-edit.names.0": "Yuta Kurosawa",
"entries.jap-trans-edit.names.1": "Yukichika Chayama",
"entries.jap-trans-edit.names.2": "Nana Ito",
"entries.jap-trans-qa.header": "QA Tester",
"entries.jap-trans-qa.names.0": "ZON_AEW"
"assets/data/credits/deck13.json": {
"entries.license-1.header": "Published by",
"entries.directors.header": "Managing Director",
"entries.directors.names.0": "Jan Klose",
"entries.directors.names.1": "Mathias Reichert",
"": "PR & Marketing Manager",
"": "Michael Hoss",
"entries.qaLead.header": "QA Lead",
"entries.qaLead.names.0": "Felix Rischbieter",
"entries.qaTester.header": "QA Tester",
"entries.qaTester.names.0": "Vanessa Latzko",
"entries.qaTester.names.1": "Yves Bradt",
"entries.translationST.header": "German Localization Special Thanks",
"entries.translationST.names.0": "Vanessa Holthaus",
"entries.translationST.names.1": "Schai Kabir",
"entries.translationST.names.2": "Maximilian Laue",
"entries.translationST.names.3": "Nico Fröhlich",
"entries.translationST.names.4": "Nicolai Dorfeld",
"entries.translationST.names.5": "Moritz Sachs",
"entries.translationST.names.6": "Oliver Weigelt",
"entries.translationST.names.7": "Gwendolyn Turba",
"entries.translationST.names.8": "Titus Klinge",
"entries.translationST.names.9": "Lorena Lynn Bryant",
"entries.translationST.names.10": "Leif Sick",
"entries.translationST.names.11": "Melchior Mann",
"entries.specialThanks.header": "Special Thanks",
"entries.specialThanks.names.0": "Max Kübler",
"entries.specialThanks.names.1": "Timo Treffer",
"entries.specialThanks.names.2": "Marco Süß",
"entries.specialThanks.names.3": "Manuel Cardenas",
"entries.specialThanks.names.4": "Kevin Hardt"
"assets/data/credits/end.json": {
"entries.header.header": "Thank you for playing."
"assets/data/credits/mayflower.json": {
"entries.license-1.header": "Licensed and published in Korea by",
"entries.loc-director.header": "Localization Director",
"entries.loc-director.names.0": "Youm Jong Myoung",
"": "Project Management",
"": "Park Junbeom ",
"": "Song Young Woo",
"entries.localization.header": "Localization",
"entries.localization.names.0": "Seo Jemin",
"entries.localization.names.1": "Ha Seo-Mi",
"entries.quality.header": "Quality Assurance",
"entries.quality.names.0": "Song Young Woo",
"entries.quality.names.1": "Ha Seo-Mi"
"assets/data/credits/radicalfish-core.json": {
"entries.developed.header": "Developed by",
"entries.creativeDirector.header": "Creative Director",
"entries.creativeDirector.names.0": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.programmers.header": "Main Programmers",
"entries.programmers.names.0": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.programmers.names.1": "Stefan 'R.D.' Lange",
"entries.composers.header": "Music Composer",
"entries.composers.names.0": "Deniz 'Intero' Akbulut",
"entries.sounds.header": "Sound Designer",
"entries.sounds.names.0": "Flora 'Teflora' Valentina Valerius Ben Abdeslam Ben Modeslam Ben Omar Mohammed Abdeslam",
"entries.sounds.names.1": "Airon",
"entries.sounds.names.2": "Deniz 'Intero' Akbulut",
"entries.storyLore.header": "Story & Lore",
"entries.storyLore.names.0": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.storyLore.names.1": "Stefan 'R.D.' Lange",
"entries.storyLore.names.2": "Henning 'GFluegel' Hartmann",
"entries.conceptArt.header": "Concept Art",
"entries.conceptArt.names.0": "Fabrice 'Frece' Magdanz",
"entries.conceptArt.names.1": "Lina",
"entries.conceptArt.names.2": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.conceptArt.names.3": "Stefan 'R.D.' Lange",
"entries.conceptArt.names.4": "Thomas 'T-Free' Fröse",
"entries.levelDesign.header": "Area Level Design",
"entries.levelDesign.names.0": "Stefan 'R.D.' Lange",
"entries.levelDesign.names.1": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.levelDesign.names.2": "Henning 'GFluegel' Hartmann",
"entries.dungeonDesign.header": "Dungeon Level Design",
"entries.dungeonDesign.names.0": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.dungeonDesign.names.1": "Stefan 'R.D.' Lange",
"entries.menuDesign.header": "Menu Design & Programming",
"entries.menuDesign.names.0": "Stefan 'R.D.' Lange",
"entries.menuDesign.names.1": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.enemyDesign.header": "Enemy Design & Programming",
"entries.enemyDesign.names.0": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.enemyDesign.names.1": "Stefan 'R.D.' Lange",
"entries.enemyDesign.names.2": "Henning 'GFluegel' Hartmann",
"entries.questDesign.header": "Quest Design ",
"entries.questDesign.names.0": "Henning 'GFluegel' Hartmann",
"entries.questDesign.names.1": "Stefan 'R.D.' Lange",
"entries.questDesign.names.2": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.worldGraphics.header": "Overworld Graphics",
"entries.worldGraphics.names.0": "Martina Brodehl",
"entries.worldGraphics.names.1": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.worldGraphics.names.2": "Daniel 'The_question' Tillmann",
"entries.worldGraphics.names.3": "Thomas 'T-Free' Fröse",
"entries.worldGraphics.names.4": "Fabrice 'Frece' Magdanz",
"entries.effectsAnimations.header": "Effects & Animations",
"entries.effectsAnimations.names.0": "Thomas 'T-Free' Fröse",
"entries.effectsAnimations.names.1": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.effectsAnimations.names.2": "Fabrice 'Frece' Magdanz",
"entries.faces.header": "Portrait Design & Graphics",
"entries.faces.names.0": "Thomas 'T-Free' Fröse",
"entries.faces.names.1": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.faces.names.2": "Fabrice 'Frece' Magdanz",
"entries.faces.names.3": "Dillon Martin",
"entries.npcSprites.header": "NPC Graphics",
"entries.npcSprites.names.0": "Thomas 'T-Free' Fröse",
"entries.npcSprites.names.1": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.npcSprites.names.2": "Stefan 'R.D.' Lange",
"": "Business Adviser ",
"": "Nico Hecklau",
"": "Stefan 'Xaardas' Gerstberger",
"": "Klaus Klein",
"entries.localization.header": "German Localization",
"entries.localization.names.0": "Roland Wallis",
"entries.localization.names.1": "Henning 'GFluegel' Hartmann",
"entries.localization.names.2": "Streetclaw",
"entries.localization.names.3": "Rowanism",
"entries.localization.names.4": "Dennis 'HerrDekay' Kröner",
"entries.localization.names.5": "Julian Garn",
"entries.localization.names.6": "Julia 'FlareShard' Hartl",
"entries.localization.names.7": "Liferipper",
"entries.promotionalArt.header": "Promotional Art",
"entries.promotionalArt.names.0": "Fabrice 'Frece' Magdanz",
"entries.promotionalArt.names.1": "Felix 'Lachsen' Klein",
"entries.promotionalArt.names.2": "Thomas 'T-Free' Fröse",
"entries.promotionalArt.names.3": "Nemuri",
"entries.promotionalArt.names.4": "Van An Nguyen",
"entries.promotionalArt.names.5": "Mauricio Chavez Murias",
"entries.promotionalArt.names.6": "Josephin 'Hyouto' Rettig",
"entries.specialThanks.header": "Special Thanks",
"entries.specialThanks.names.0": "Alec 'Lob' Pham",
"entries.specialThanks.names.1": "Anna M. Geudert",
"entries.specialThanks.names.2": "Danny 'Seizui' Henderson",
"entries.specialThanks.names.3": "Julia 'FlareShard' Hartl",
"entries.specialThanks.names.4": "S. 'Innocentia' Harlos",
"entries.specialThanks.names.5": "Steven Schäfer",
"entries.specialThanks.names.6": "Supermike",
"entries.specialThanks.names.7": "Leni, Max & Jens",
"entries.specialThanks.names.8": "Luara",
"entries.specialThanks.names.9": "DIE KONFI",
"entries.specialThanks.names.10": "Atlessa",
"entries.specialThanks.names.11": "Celio Hogane",
"entries.specialThanks.names.12": "XDragon",
"entries.specialThanks.names.13": "Urinstein",
"entries.specialThanks.names.14": "KOS-MOS ",
"entries.specialThanks.names.15": "Rowanism",
"entries.specialThanks.names.16": "Adrian 'Firecrow' Boivin",
"entries.specialThanks.names.17": "Streetclaw",
"entries.specialThanks.names.18": "J. 'Wervyn' Wert",
"entries.specialThanks.names.19": "Rusty22",
"entries.specialThanks.names.20": "Dennis 'HerrDekay' Kröner",
"entries.specialThanks.names.21": "iMerody",
"entries.specialThanks.names.22": "IHeartPieGaming",
"entries.specialThanks.names.23": "Charles Clement",
"entries.specialThanks.names.24": "OneTrueMitch",
"entries.specialThanks.names.25": "Imagos Filmworks",
"entries.specialThanks.names.26": "1LeggedSeagull",
"entries.specialThanks.names.27": "PixelFerrets",
"entries.specialThanks.names.28": "MidBoss",
"entries.specialThanks.names.29": "Game Dev Saar",
"entries.specialThanks.names.30": "Multimediaxis & RPG-Atelier",
"entries.specialThanks.names.31": "Indie Arena Staff"
"assets/data/credits/whispergames.json": {
"entries.license-1.header": "Licensed and published in China by"
"assets/data/database.json": {
"": "Chapter 1 Complete",
"achievements.story-01.description": "Completed Chapter 1.",
"": "Chapter 2 Complete",
"achievements.story-02.description": "Completed Chapter 2.",
"": "Chapter 3 Complete",
"achievements.story-03.description": "Completed Chapter 3.",
"": "Chapter 04 Complete",
"achievements.story-04.description": "Completed Chapter 4.",
"": "Chapter 5 Complete",
"achievements.story-05.description": "Completed Chapter 5.",
"": "Chapter 6 Complete",
"achievements.story-06.description": "Completed Chapter 6.",
"": "Chapter 7 Complete",
"achievements.story-07.description": "Completed Chapter 7.",
"": "Chapter 8 Complete",
"achievements.story-08.description": "Completed Chapter 8.",
"": "Chapter 9 Complete",
"achievements.story-09.description": "Completed Chapter 9.",
"": "Chapter 10 Complete",
"achievements.story-10.description": "Completed Chapter 10.",
"": "Rookie Seeker",
"achievements.player-level-01.description": "Reach \\c[3]Level 25\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Seeker",
"achievements.player-level-02.description": "Reach \\c[3]Level 50\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Seeker",
"achievements.player-level-03.description": "Reach \\c[3]Level 75\\c[0].",
"": "Ye 'ol Level Cap",
"achievements.player-level-04.description": "Reach \\c[3]Level 99\\c[0]. Nothing can stop you now.",
"": "Rookie Banker",
"achievements.player-money-01.description": "Amass a \\c[3]total of \\v[misc.localNum.250000] Credits\\c[0] throughout your journey.",
"": "Veteran Banker",
"achievements.player-money-02.description": "Amass a \\c[3]total of \\v[misc.localNum.500000] Credits\\c[0] throughout your journey.",
"": "Legendary Banker",
"achievements.player-money-03.description": "Amass a \\c[3]total of \\v[misc.localNum.750000] Credits\\c[0] throughout your journey.",
"": "Let's swim in my Vault!",
"achievements.player-money-04.description": "Amass a \\c[3]total of \\v[misc.localNum.1000000] Credits\\c[0] throughout your journey.",
"": "Time well spent",
"achievements.playtime-01.description": "Play the game for a \\c[3]total of 10 hours\\c[0]. Don't worry there's no speedrun version.",
"": "I can run for Miles!",
"achievements.steps-taken-01.description": "Make a \\c[3]total of \\v[misc.localNum.50000] Steps\\c[0].",
"": "I'm also good at Plumbing",
"achievements.jumps-done-01.description": "Jump a \\c[3]total of \\v[misc.localNum.1000] times\\c[0].",
"": "Rookie Foodie",
"achievements.items-used-01.description": "Consume a total of \\c[3]25 Consumables\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Foodie",
"achievements.items-used-02.description": "Use a total of \\c[3]50 Consumables\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Foodie",
"achievements.items-used-03.description": "Use at total of \\c[3]100 Consumables\\c[0].",
"": "Need more Buffs!",
"achievements.items-used-04.description": "Use at total of \\c[3]200 Consumables\\c[0].",
"": "Rookie Gourmet",
"achievements.items-used-total-01.description": "\\c[3]Find\\c[0] and use at least \\c[3]25% of all Consumables\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Gourmet",
"achievements.items-used-total-02.description": "\\c[3]Find\\c[0] and use at least \\c[3]50% of all Consumables\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Gourmet",
"achievements.items-used-total-03.description": "\\c[3]Find\\c[0] and use at least \\c[3]75% of all Consumables\\c[0].",
"": "Culinary Connoisseur",
"achievements.items-used-total-04.description": "\\c[3]Find\\c[0] and use \\c[3]100% of all Consumables\\c[0]. Write a book about it!",
"": "The Key Question",
"achievements.chest-key-01.description": "\\c[3]Find the \\v[]\\c[0]. Unlock all the bronze chests! ",
"": "That's really Low Key",
"achievements.chest-key-02.description": "\\c[3]Find the \\v[]\\c[0]. Unlock all the silver chests! ",
"": "The Final Key",
"achievements.chest-key-03.description": "\\c[3]Find the \\v[]\\c[0]. Unlock all the chests! ",
"": "Exponential Sandwiches",
"achievements.expo-sandwich.description": "Obtain \\c[3]4 Cross\\c[0], \\c[3]8 Mega\\c[0], \\c[3]16 Chef\\c[0], \\c[3]32 Hi\\c[0] and \\c[3]64 Normal Sandwiches\\c[0].",
"": "IT CAN'T BE?",
"achievements.metal-gears.description": "Have a \\c[3]total of 99 Metal Gears\\c[0] in your Inventory. Gaming has changed.",
"": "Pierce through the Heaven",
"achievements.old-drill.description": "\\c[3]Obtain the \\v[]\\c[0]. Pass it on to the next generation when the time arrives.",
"": "There is no Cow Level",
"achievements.normal-trees.description": "\\c[3]Visit all perfectly normal landmarks\\c[0] in all areas.",
"": "Peace of Mind",
"achievements.monk-trials.description": "Finish all Trial Caves in Bergen with \\c[3]all handicaps in under 1:45\\c[0].",
"": "I hate Spiders!",
"achievements.spider-cave.description": "Survive \\c[3]5 Minutes\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Ring of Spiders - Endless Mode\\c[0] alone.",
"": "At the Speed of Sound",
"achievements.flawless-emilie.description": "Win \\c[3]every dungeon race against Emilie\\c[0]. ",
"": "True Spheromancer",
"achievements.flawless-apollo.description": "Win \\c[3]every PvP Battle against Apollo without losing a single round\\c[0]. ",
"": "Rookie Zoologists ",
"achievements.enemies-found-01.description": "\\c[3]Find 25% of all enemies\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Veteran Zoologists ",
"achievements.enemies-found-02.description": "\\c[3]Find 50% of all enemies\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Legendary Zoologists ",
"achievements.enemies-found-03.description": "\\c[3]Find 75% of all enemies\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "The Fauna of the World",
"achievements.enemies-found-04.description": "\\c[3]Find 100% of all enemies\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "The Avatar",
"achievements.true-avatar.description": "Execute a \\c[3]Level 3 Combat Art with each Element\\c[0]. ",
"": "I know all the I-Frames",
"achievements.perfect-dashes.description": "\\c[3]Perfect Dodge\\c[0] a total of 100 times. So close.",
"": "You Can't Touch This",
"achievements.perfect-guard.description": "\\c[3]Perfect Guard\\c[0] a total of 200 times. ",
"": "Not today!",
"achievements.guard-counter.description": "Successfully execute a \\c[3]Guard Counter 200 times\\c[0].",
"": "True Survivor",
"achievements.low-health-wins.description": "Survive 50 fights with \\c[3]33% or less of your max health\\c[0]. ",
"": "Nature is Scary",
"achievements.enviro-kills.description": "Defeat \\c[3]100 enemies by using the environment\\c[0] as the final blow.",
"": "Reporting for Duty",
"achievements.reports-found-01.description": "\\c[2]Unlock 76%\\c[0] of all Enemy Reports. We're all Reporters now.",
"": "ONE PUNCH!",
"": "Deal \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.50000] Damage with a single hit\\c[0]. A punch that echoed throughout history.",
"": "One Shot, One Kill",
"": "Defeat \\c[3]500 enemies\\c[0] with \\c[3]a single attack\\c[0].",
"": "Real History",
"achievements.kill-boss-crab.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[]\\c[0] on the Cargo Ship.",
"": "Master of Turrets",
"achievements.kill-boss-turret.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[]\\c[0] in the Rhombus Dungeon.",
"": "The bigger they are...",
"achievements.kill-boss-driller.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[]\\c[0] in the \\v[].",
"": "They have 5 Hearts",
"achievements.kill-boss-worm.description": "\\c[3]Defeat \\v[]\\c[0] below the Maroon Tree in \\v[].",
"": "Kill it with Fire!",
"achievements.kill-boss-moth.description": "\\c[3]Defeat \\v[]\\c[0] in the \\v[].",
"": "The Trickster",
"achievements.kill-boss-frobbit.description": "\\c[3]Defeat \\v[]\\c[0] in \\v[].",
"": "Ultimate Power",
"achievements.kill-boss-slug.description": "\\c[3]Defeat \\v[]\\c[0] in \\v[].",
"": "A Shadow from the Past",
"achievements.kill-boss-phantom.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[]\\c[0] in the \\v[].",
"": "The Canonical Enemy",
"achievements.kill-boss-blob.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[]\\c[0] in the \\v[].",
"": "The None-Winged Devil",
"achievements.kill-boss-sloth.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[] in \\v[].",
"": "A Test of Power",
"achievements.kill-boss-ape.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[]\\c[0] in the \\v[].",
"": "Battle on the Crown",
"achievements.kill-boss-apewhale.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[] & the \\v[]\\c[0] in the \\v[].",
"": "The Dawn's Blade",
"achievements.kill-boss-samurai.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[]\\c[0] in \\v[].",
"": "Restless Frustration",
"achievements.kill-boss-shizuka.description": "\\c[3]Defeat \\v[]\\c[0] in \\v[] at least once.",
"": "The Experience",
"achievements.kill-boss-designer.description": "\\c[3]Defeat the \\v[]\\c[0] in \\v[].",
"": "The Ultimate Experience",
"achievements.kill-boss-elephant.description": "\\c[3]Defeat \\v[]\\c[0] in the \\v[].",
"": "Showdown at Bergen",
"achievements.kill-apollo-01.description": "Win the \\c[3]PvP Battle against Apollo\\c[0]. ",
"": "Showdown at Faj'ro",
"achievements.kill-apollo-02.description": "Win the \\c[3]second PvP Battle against Apollo\\c[0]. ",
"": "Showdown at Gaia's Garden",
"achievements.kill-apollo-03.description": "Win the \\c[3]third PvP Battle against Apollo\\c[0]. ",
"": "Gotta go Fast",
"achievements.kill-special-blue.description": "Find and \\c[3]defeat the \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Drop the Beat",
"achievements.kill-special-peng.description": "Find and \\c[3]defeat \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "A cursed Booty",
"achievements.kill-special-shark.description": "Find and \\c[3]defeat \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Old and Mean",
"achievements.kill-special-fish.description": "Find and \\c[3]defeat \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "That was... Unexpected",
"achievements.kill-special-henry.description": "Find and \\c[3]defeat \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Playing with Fire",
"achievements.element-heat.description": "Acquire the \\c[3]Heat Element\\c[0]. It's getting hot in here.",
"": "Feeling Ice-solated",
"achievements.element-cold.description": "Acquire the \\c[3]Cold Element\\c[0]. Can anyone else not feel their fingers?",
"": "Lightning Returns",
"achievements.element-shock.description": "Acquire the \\c[3]Shock Element\\c[0]. This is Shocking!",
"": "What is that anyway?",
"achievements.element-wave.description": "Acquire the \\c[3]Wave Element\\c[0]. Groovy.",
"": "Rookie Artist",
"achievements.combat-arts-01.description": "Execute a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.100] Combat Arts\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Artist",
"achievements.combat-arts-02.description": "Execute a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.250] Combat Arts\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Artist",
"achievements.combat-arts-03.description": "Execute a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.500] Combat Arts\\c[0].",
"": "Ultimate Combat Artisan",
"achievements.combat-arts-04.description": "Execute a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.1000] Combat Arts\\c[0].",
"": "Rookie Huntress",
"achievements.kill-01.description": "Defeat a total of \\c[3]1000 enemies\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Huntress",
"achievements.kill-02.description": "Defeat a total of \\c[3]2000 enemies\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Huntress",
"achievements.kill-03.description": "Defeat a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.4000] Enemies\\c[0].",
"": "Daughter of Artemis",
"achievements.kill-04.description": "Defeat a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.8000] Enemies\\c[0]. At this point you know the drill.",
"": "Rookie Brawler",
"achievements.dmg-01.description": "Deal a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.100000] Damage\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Brawler",
"achievements.dmg-02.description": "Deal a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.250000] Damage\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Brawler",
"achievements.dmg-03.description": "Deal a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.500000] Damage\\c[0].",
"": "Making Rocky Proud",
"achievements.dmg-04.description": "Deal a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.1000000] Damage\\c[0]. It's time to stop now.",
"": "Rookie Streaker",
"achievements.streak-01.description": "Stay in a combo streak for \\c[3]5 minutes\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Streaker",
"achievements.streak-02.description": "Stay in a combo streak for \\c[3]10 minutes\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Streaker",
"achievements.streak-03.description": "Stay in a combo streak for \\c[3]15 minutes\\c[0]. ",
"": "Combo Breaker!",
"achievements.streak-04.description": "Stay in a combo streak for \\c[3]20 minutes\\c[0]. Come on, this is enough.",
"": "Rookie Frenzy",
"achievements.streak-kills-01.description": "Defeat a total of \\c[3]25 enemies doing a combat streak\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Frenzy",
"achievements.streak-kills-02.description": "Defeat a total of \\c[3]50 enemies doing a combat streak\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Frenzy",
"achievements.streak-kills-03.description": "Defeat a total of \\c[3]100 enemies doing a combat streak\\c[0].",
"": "Smokin' Sick Style!!!",
"achievements.streak-kills-04.description": "Defeat a total of \\c[3]200 enemies doing a combat streak\\c[0]. Calm down!",
"": "Rookie Healer",
"achievements.heal-01.description": "Heal a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.50000] HP\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Healer",
"achievements.heal-02.description": "Heal a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.100000] HP\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Healer",
"achievements.heal-03.description": "Heal a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.200000] HP\\c[0].",
"": "I need Healing!",
"achievements.heal-04.description": "Heal a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.400000] HP\\c[0]. 0heals!",
"": "Rookie Flinger",
"achievements.throw-01.description": "Throw and hit a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.1000] Balls\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Flinger",
"achievements.throw-02.description": "Throw and hit a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.5000] Balls\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Flinger",
"achievements.throw-03.description": "Throw and hit a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.10000] Balls\\c[0].",
"": "It's called a VRPit",
"achievements.throw-04.description": "Throw and hit a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.50000] Balls\\c[0]. Your arms must be tired.",
"": "Rookie Assault",
"achievements.melee-01.description": "Sucessfully land \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.1000] close combat attacks\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Assault",
"achievements.melee-02.description": "Sucessfully land \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.5000] close combat attacks\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Assault",
"achievements.melee-03.description": "Sucessfully land \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.10000] close combat attacks\\c[0].",
"": "The Iron Fist",
"achievements.melee-04.description": "Sucessfully land \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.50000] close combat attacks\\c[0]. Mashing to victory!",
"": "Rookie Dancer",
"achievements.dash-01.description": "Dash a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.1000] times\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Dancer",
"achievements.dash-02.description": "Dash a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.5000] times\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Dancer",
"achievements.dash-03.description": "Dash a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.10000] times\\c[0].",
"": "Dashing!",
"achievements.dash-04.description": "Dash a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.20000] times\\c[0]. My head feels dizzy...",
"": "Rookie Defender",
"achievements.guard-01.description": "Successfully guard a \\c[3]total of 250 times\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Defender",
"achievements.guard-02.description": "Successfully guard a \\c[3]total of \\v[misc.localNum.500] times\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Defender",
"achievements.guard-03.description": "Successfully guard a \\c[3]total of \\v[misc.localNum.2000] times\\c[0].",
"": "You Shall not Pass!",
"achievements.guard-04.description": "Successfully guard a \\c[3]total of \\v[misc.localNum.4000] times\\c[0]. Don't touch me!",
"": "Rookie Brute",
"achievements.crits-01.description": "Land a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.1000] critcal hits\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Brute",
"achievements.crits-02.description": "Land a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.5000] critcal hits\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Brute",
"achievements.crits-03.description": "Land a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.10000] critcal hits\\c[0].",
"": "Critical Acclaim",
"achievements.crits-04.description": "Land a total of \\c[3]\\v[misc.localNum.20000] critcal hits\\c[0]. Hit 'em where it hurts.",
"": "Rookie Monger",
"achievements.trader-found-01.description": "\\c[3]Find 25% of all Traders\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Veteran Monger",
"achievements.trader-found-02.description": "\\c[3]Find 50% of all Traders\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Legendary Monger",
"achievements.trader-found-03.description": "\\c[3]Find 75% of all Traders\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "My Star Sign is Libra",
"achievements.trader-found-04.description": "\\c[3]Find 100% of all Traders\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Rookie Botanist",
"achievements.botanics-total-01.description": "Find and analyze \\c[3]25% of all Environmental Objects\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Botanist",
"achievements.botanics-total-02.description": "Find and analyze \\c[3]50% of all Environmental Objects\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Botanist",
"achievements.botanics-total-03.description": "Find and analyze \\c[3]75% of all Environmental Objects\\c[0].",
"": "The Green Thumb",
"achievements.botanics-total-04.description": "Find and analyze \\c[3]100% of all Environmental Objects\\c[0].",
"": "Rookie Scholar",
"achievements.lore-found-01.description": "\\c[3]Find 25% of all Lore Entries\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Veteran Scholar",
"achievements.lore-found-02.description": "\\c[3]Find 50% of all Lore Entries\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Legendary Scholar",
"achievements.lore-found-03.description": "\\c[3]Find 75% of all Lore Entries\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "I know Everything",
"achievements.lore-found-04.description": "\\c[3]Find 100% of all Lore Entries\\c[0] in CrossWorlds. All mysteries solved?",
"": "Rookie Explorer",
"achievements.landmarks-total-01.description": "\\c[3]Find 25% of all Landmarks\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Veteran Explorer",
"achievements.landmarks-total-02.description": "\\c[3]Find 50% of all Landmarks\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Legendary Explorer",
"achievements.landmarks-total-03.description": "\\c[3]Find 75% of all Landmarks\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Lea the Explorer",
"achievements.landmarks-total-04.description": "\\c[3]Find 100% of all Landmarks\\c[0] in CrossWorlds. Did you help?",
"": "Autumn Landmarks",
"achievements.landmarks-autumn.description": "\\c[3]Find all Landmarks\\c[0] in Autumn's Rise, Rookie Harbor and Autumn's Fall.",
"": "Bergen Landmarks",
"achievements.landmarks-bergen.description": "\\c[3]Find all Landmarks\\c[0] in Bergen Trail and Bergen.",
"": "Maroon Landmarks",
"achievements.landmarks-maroon.description": "\\c[3]Find all Landmarks\\c[0] in Maroon Valley & Ba'kii Kum.",
"": "Gaia Landmarks",
"achievements.landmarks-gaia.description": "\\c[3]Find all Landmarks\\c[0] in Gaia's Garden and Basin Keep.",
"": "Sapphire Landmarks",
"achievements.landmarks-forest.description": "\\c[3]Find all Landmarks\\c[0] in Sapphire Ridge.",
"": "Rhombus Landmarks",
"achievements.landmarks-rhombus.description": "\\c[3]Find all Landmarks\\c[0] in Rhombus Square.",
"": "Rookie Treasurer",
"achievements.chests-total-01.description": "\\c[3]Find 25% of all Chests\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Veteran Treasurer",
"achievements.chests-total-02.description": "\\c[3]Find 50% of all Chests\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Legendary Treasurer",
"achievements.chests-total-03.description": "\\c[3]Find 75% of all Chests\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Chest Nut",
"achievements.chests-total-04.description": "\\c[3]Find 100% of all Chests\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Autumn's Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-autumn.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in \\v[], \\v[] and \\v[].",
"": "Bergen Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-bergen.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in \\v[] and \\v[].",
"": "Maroon Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-maroon.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in \\v[] and \\v[].",
"": "Gaia's Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-jungle.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in \\v[] and \\v[].",
"": "Sapphire Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-forest.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in Sapphire-Ridge.",
"": "Rhombus Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-rhombus.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in \\v[] and \\v[].",
"": "Temple Mine Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-cold.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in \\v[].",
"": "Faj'ro Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-heat.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in \\v[].",
"": "Grand Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-shockwave.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in \\v[], \\v[] and \\v[].",
"": "Vermillion Scavenger",
"achievements.chests-arid.description": "\\c[3]Find and open all Chests\\c[0] in \\v[].",
"": "Rookie Adventurer",
"achievements.quests-total-01.description": "Complete \\c[3]25% of all Quests\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Adventurer",
"achievements.quests-total-02.description": "Complete \\c[3]50% of all Quests\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Adventurer",
"achievements.quests-total-03.description": "Complete \\c[3]75% of all Quests\\c[0].",
"": "Gotta help 'em all",
"achievements.quests-total-04.description": "Complete \\c[3]100% of all Quests\\c[0].",
"": "Rookie Solver",
"achievements.quests-tasks-01.description": "Complete a \\c[3]total of 25 Tasks\\c[0].",
"": "Veteran Solver",
"achievements.quests-tasks-02.description": "Complete a \\c[3]total of 50 Tasks\\c[0].",
"": "Legendary Solver",
"achievements.quests-tasks-03.description": "Complete a \\c[3]total of 100 Tasks\\c[0].",
"": "Every Task can be Solved!",
"achievements.quests-tasks-04.description": "Complete a \\c[3]total of 200 Tasks\\c[0].",
"": "VA ROOKIE",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the Venture Alliance [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "VA BERGEN",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the Venture Alliance [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "VA MAROON",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the Venture Alliance [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "VA MAROON",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the Venture Alliance [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the HPD [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the HPD [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the HPD [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the HPD [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the AHA [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the AHA [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the AHA [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the AHA [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the AOB [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the AOB [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the AOB [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "\\c[3]Finish all quests\\c[0] for the AOB [or sub name] in \\v[].",
"": "Vermillion Dungeon",
"areas.arid-dng-1.description": "Your own personal dungeon in Vermillion Wasteland.",
"": "Vermillion Tower",
"areas.arid-dng-2.description": "The final challenge put together by Gautham.",
"": "Vermillion Wasteland",
"areas.arid.shortName": "Ver. Wasteland",
"areas.arid.description": "A deserted and gloomy area of unknown origin.",
"": "Town Center",
"": "Center of the \"Town\".",
"": "Autumn's Rise",
"areas.autumn-area.description": "A bright and lush area painted in the warm colors of autumn. ",
"": "Autumn Residences",
"areas.autumn-area.landmarks.guilds.description": "The small guild village sometimes called \"Hidden Leaf\".",
"": "Old Observatory",
"areas.autumn-area.landmarks.observatory.description": "An abandoned Observatory, now crawling with enemies.",
"": "Western Exit",
"areas.autumn-area.landmarks.start.description": "Western Exit leading to Rookie Harbor.",
"": "Northern Exit",
"areas.autumn-area.landmarks.end.description": "Exit to the rural Bergen Trail area.",
"": "Old Obelisk",
"areas.autumn-area.landmarks.obelisk.description": "A memorial of unknown purpose in the center of Autumn's Rise.",
"": "Autumn's Fall",
"areas.autumn-fall.description": "Known for it's many ponds and ruins this area is the little brother of Autumn's Rise. ",
"": "Eastern Exit",
"areas.autumn-fall.landmarks.east.description": "East Exit of Autumn's Fall leading to the Sapphire Ridge.",
"": "Para Island",
"": "Island of Raids.",
"": "Ruined Village",
"areas.autumn-fall.landmarks.autumn.description": "The remains of an ancient village serve as a second entrance into Autumn's Fall.",
"": "Northern Exit",
"areas.autumn-fall.landmarks.exit.description": "North Exit of Autumn's Fall leading to the Gaia's Garden.",
"": "Southern Exit",
"areas.autumn-fall.landmarks.start.description": "South Exit of Autumn's Fall located near a ruined outpost of the Ancients.",
"": "Bergen Trail",
"areas.bergen-trails.description": "A rural area leading up to the cold town of Bergen.",
"": "Hermit's House",
"areas.bergen-trails.landmarks.hermit.description": "A lonesome house, commonly used as half-way break from the difficult climb.",
"": "Outlook",
"areas.bergen-trails.landmarks.end.description": "This landmark is only a few steps away from Bergen Village! You can do it!",
"": "Resting Spot",
"areas.bergen-trails.landmarks.start.description": "The base of \\v[]. Often used as a preparation spot before the climb.",
"": "Bergen Village",
"areas.bergen.description": "A sleepy village hidden in the snowy heights of Mount Berg.",
"": "Ye Old Inn",
"areas.bergen.landmarks.north.description": "Once an Inn this landmark now serves as library and official bureau. ",
"": "South Checkpoint",
"areas.bergen.landmarks.south.description": "Checkpoint for tired travelers who just finished the climb on \\v[].",
"": "Cargo Ship",
"areas.cargo-ship.description": "One of the many cargo ships belonging to the maintenance crew of CrossWorlds.",
"": "Cargo Hold",
"areas.cargo-ship.landmarks.teleporter.description": "At the Cargo Hold where Lea started her journey.",
"": "Temple Mine",
"areas.cold-dng.description": "A once busy Mine with an uncovered temple crawling with hostile robots.",
"": "Fallback",
"areas.fallback.description": "This is where everything goes that is not wanted.",
"": "Sapphire Ridge",
"areas.forest.description": "The tranquil ridge filled with bamboo structures and hidden paths.",
"": "Ascension Temple",
"areas.forest.landmarks.temple.description": "A mysterious temple said to be the final destination of the Track of the Ancients.",
"": "Old Dojo",
"areas.forest.landmarks.dojo.description": "And old training ground build by early settlers.",
"": "Carved Pathway",
"areas.forest.landmarks.upper.description": "A rough path between caves leading to an old dojo.",
"": "The Cave Inn",
"areas.forest.landmarks.hostel.description": "An Inn designed after temples used to build centuries ago.",
"": "Western Exit",
"areas.forest.landmarks.west.description": "West Exit of \\v[] leading to the \\v[].",
"": "Maroon Valley",
"areas.heat-area.description": "A dusty and barren area where only the fittest survive.",
"": "Faj'ro Balcony",
"areas.heat-area.landmarks.balcony.description": "The Balcony of Faj'ro Temple.",
"": "West Entrance",
"areas.heat-area.landmarks.exit.description": "The western entrance of \\v[] leading to \\v[].",
"": "Hourglass Pillar",
"areas.heat-area.landmarks.dungeon.description": "A single pillar inside the Great Scar from which a temple of the Ancient can be seen.",
"": "Arcing Stones",
"areas.heat-area.landmarks.middle.description": "A landmark located close to the arcing stone structures of Maroon Valley.",
"": "Maroon Tree",
"areas.heat-area.landmarks.oasis.description": "A lush and vivid oasis crowned by a majestic maroon tree.",
"": "East Entrance",
"areas.heat-area.landmarks.entrance.description": "The eastern entrance of \\v[] leading to \\v[].",
"": "Faj'ro Temple",
"areas.heat-dng.description": "An ancient temple whose shape granted it the nickname \"Hourglass\".",
"": "Ba'kii Kum",
"areas.heat-village.description": "A quiet Shad village set in a small ravine in Maroon Valley.",
"": "Plaza",
"": "Right in front of the largest Building in town and only a few steps a way from the market.",
"": "Old Hideout",
"areas.hideout.description": "An uncompleted part of CrossWorld hidden inside \\v[].",
"": "Basin Keep",
"areas.jungle-city.description": "A techno-castle build on an island inside \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0] where it always rains.",
"": "Rainy City Square",
"": "The rainy and shiny center of Basin Keep, home to many traders.",
"": "Gaia's Garden",
"areas.jungle.description": "The great jungle of the north, home to the giant Tree known as \"Gaia\".",
"": "Rite of Passage",
"areas.jungle.landmarks.dungeon.description": "A crossroad leading to the Zir'vitar Temple, So'najiz Temple and the Grand Krys'kajo.",
"": "Infested Marshes",
"areas.jungle.landmarks.infested.description": "These marshes have been infested by the corruption spreading from the north.",
"": "Peridot Approach",
"areas.jungle.landmarks.end.description": "This landmark links the two main paths to the Grand Krys'kajo.",
"": "V'rda Vil",
"areas.jungle.landmarks.clearing.description": "A small Shad settlement using trees as homes and bridges to connect them.",
"": "Royal Grove",
"areas.jungle.landmarks.grove.description": "A covert with a bright lake hidden in the north-west corner of \\v[].",
"": "Southern Entrance",
"areas.jungle.landmarks.entrance.description": "The entrance to \\v[]. A popular place for traders.",
"": "Meta",
"areas.meta.description": "I'm so meta even this acronym",
"": "Rhombus Dungeon",
"areas.rhombus-dng.description": "The final tutorial dungeon teaching players the basics of CrossWorlds.",
"": "Rhombus Square",
"areas.rhombus-sqr.description": "The pulsating heart of CrossWorlds. Only accessible for advanced players.",
"": "Cross Central Balcony",
"areas.rhombus-sqr.landmarks.crosscentralTop.description": "The Balcony right above the main teleportation hub of CrossWorlds.",
"": "Shopping District",
"areas.rhombus-sqr.landmarks.shops.description": "Both shops and cafes call this part of town their home.",
"": "South Arch",
"areas.rhombus-sqr.landmarks.resiSouth.description": "This landmark is close to both the Arena and the Southern Residence District.",
"": "Cross Central",
"areas.rhombus-sqr.landmarks.crosscentralInner.description": "The main teleportation hub of CrossWorlds and the central entrance to Rhombus Square.",
"": "Rookie Harbor",
"areas.rookie-harbor.description": "A bustling city positively bursting with life, start of many adventures for new players.",
"": "Harbor Teleporter",
"areas.rookie-harbor.landmarks.harbor.description": "The entrance to Rookie Harbor from Cross Central.",
"": "Rhombus Fountain",
"": "A beautiful fountain sitting in the center of the busy marketplace.",
"": "Zir'vitar Temple",
"areas.shock-dng.description": "An ancient shad temple, home to many shocking creatures.",
"": "Testing Ground",
"areas.testing-grounds.description": "Hey, how can ye read this? This is not part of the bloody playground, ye dobber!",
"": "Test Landmark",
"areas.testing-grounds.landmarks.landmark_0.description": "Testing a landmark, is like testing a landmark. I have text.",
"": "Grand Krys'kajo",
"areas.tree-dng.description": "Overgrown by a gigantic tree, this temple is guarded by an ancient entity. ",
"": "So'najiz Temple",
"areas.wave-dng.description": "An ancient underwater shad temple, home to many bouncing foes.",
"": "Shizuka",
"chapters.0.prefix": "Prologue",
"": "Awakening",
"": "CrossWorlds",
"": "Into the World",
"": "Dungeons & Guilds",
"": "The Ancient Desert",
"": "Raids and Ruins",
"": "Isolation",
"": "Through the Jungle",
"": "Searching the Night",
"": "The Final Raid",
"": "It seems like they still have not given those average quest NPCs more nuanced responses.",
"": "...",
"": "Well, that is good news for us.",
"": "Otherwise doing sidequests might be problematic with your limited means of communication.",
"": "...",
"": "Yes, I am sorry.\\. I will continue working on it now.",
"": "Aw, an instance? I wanted to do the quest together with you...",
"": "Mon dieu, another instance. Will they let us do any quests together or what?",
"": "Ah, this quest also uses instances? Well, see you on the other side, Lea.",
"": "With all those instanced questrooms this moon must be almost entirely hollow.",
"": "Spheromancer Lea! Where did you teleport to and why can't I follow?! Is this a cheat?!",
"": "Another challenge forces these noble Spheromancers to act independently.",
"": "Mh, I am all alone here. I guess they want us to solve this quest on our own.",
"": "More instances? Makes you wonder why they split you up so much in an MMO.",
"": "Run #1!",
"": "Run #3!",
"": "Run #5!",
"": "Huh... I guess we have to reach those glowing spots, right?",
"": "[nods]",
"": "More glowing spots... all over the place.",
"": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-frobbit.event.1.message": "Bunnies. We're currently fighting cute little bunnies.",
"commonEvents.emilie-hedgehag.event.1.message": "Let's see how those \\v[]s will fare!",
"commonEvents.emilie-snowman.event.0.message": "A snowman? W-Why would it attack us?!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "NOOOO!! NOT THE BUGS! WHY WOULD YOU FIGHT THE BUGS, LEA?!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.1.thenStep.2.message": "WHAT IS THIS? ARE THEY WALKING?!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.1.thenStep.3.message": "ARE THOSE SWORDS?! WHY DO THESE BUGS HAVE SWORDS?!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.1.thenStep.4.message": "I DON'T UNDERSTAND!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.1.thenStep.5.message": "LEA PLEASE! MAKE THEM GO AWAY!!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "NOOOO! NOT THE BUGS AGAIN!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.2.thenStep.1.message": "LEA I HATE THOSE THINGS, PLEASE!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.2.thenStep.2.message": "I THOUGHT I'D SEE THOSE THINGS IN THE JUNGLE. WHY ARE THEY HERE INSTEAD?",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.3.thenStep.0.message": "NOOO! STOP FIGHTING THE BUGS PLEASE! LEA!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.3.thenStep.1.message": "THOSE THINGS ARE TOO CREEPY! AND FAST! AND JUMPY!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "NOO! WHY WON'T YOU STOP FIGHTING THE BUGS?!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "NOOoooo..... Why....",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Damn it, Lea. I can only handle so many bugs per day.",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Lea, please... Again?",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Again with the bugs? Can't we fight something else?",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Alright, I get it! You like fighting those bugs!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "And bug therapy continues...",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Here we go again...",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug.event.12.thenStep.0.message": "Actually... I think I'm truly starting to get used to those... things.",
"commonEvents.emilie-overpowered-active.event.0.0_0.0.message": "This enemy seems strong, better be careful!",
"commonEvents.emilie-overpowered-active.event.0.0_1.0.message": "You do like a challenge, don't you Lea?",
"commonEvents.emilie-overpowered-active.event.0.0_2.0.message": "We may want to level up a bit before taking this one on.",
"commonEvents.emilie-overpowered-passive.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Mon dieu, it's strong and aggressive! I hate those!",
"commonEvents.emilie-overpowered-passive.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Lea, maybe we should, you know... \\c[3]run\\c[0]?!",
"commonEvents.emilie-passive.event.1.0_0.0.message": "Ugh...",
"commonEvents.emilie-passive.event.1.0_1.0.message": "We didn't ask for this battle, or did we?",
"commonEvents.emilie-passive.event.1.0_2.0.message": "I guess someone needs a lesson here!",
"commonEvents.apollo-blobs.event.0.message": "We're sharing blows with the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]! Be aware of their team attacks!",
"commonEvents.apollo-plant.event.0.message": "The fearsome \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] enters the battlefield! Careful, it can instantly switch locations!",
"commonEvents.apollo-sloth.event.0.message": "The mighty \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] approaches us! Slowly, but deadly!",
"commonEvents.apollo-shokats.event.0.message": "The cunning \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] attacks! Careful, close contact quickly leads to a shocking demise!",
"commonEvents.apollo-parrot.event.0.message": "The unlawful \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] aims at us!\\. Agile and heavily armed!",
"commonEvents.apollo-fish.event.0.message": "The atrocious \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] is preparing to attack, shooting and screaming at their victim!",
"commonEvents.apollo-heat-samurai.event.0.message": "The honorable \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] unsheathed its blade! Beware its flaming sweeps!",
"commonEvents.apollo-shock-samurai.event.0.message": "The honorable \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] unsheathed its blade! Beware its lightning fast reflexes!",
"commonEvents.apollo-panda.event.0.message": "The monstrous \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] goes in attack mode, preparing its missiles!",
"commonEvents.apollo-spider.event.0.message": "The horrifying \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] is crawling our way! Watch out for its sticking webs!",
"commonEvents.test-hedgehog.event.0.message": "HEDGEHOG!",
"commonEvents.test-enemy-defeated.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Enemy Defeated 1",
"commonEvents.test-enemy-defeated.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Enemy Defeated 2",
"commonEvents.test-enemy-defeated.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "Enemy Defeated 3",
"commonEvents.lea-post-battle.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Battle End 1",
"commonEvents.lea-post-battle.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Battle End 2",
"commonEvents.lea-post-battle.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "Battle End 3",
"commonEvents.emilie-battle-over-S.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Phew. What a rampage.",
"commonEvents.emilie-battle-over-S.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Would you be the type to run marathons in your spare time, Lea?",
"commonEvents.emilie-battle-over-S.event.0.0_1.1.message": "Just wondering...",
"commonEvents.emilie-battle-over-S.event.0.0_2.0.message": "Phew... Small break? Maybe?",
"commonEvents.ctron-battle-over-S.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Are...\\. are we done?\\. Gosh...",
"commonEvents.ctron-battle-over-S.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Lea...\\. that was both impressive and...\\. frightening.",
"commonEvents.ctron-battle-over-S.event.0.0_2.0.message": "Didn't even break a sweat.",
"commonEvents.ctron-battle-over-S.event.0.0_2.1.message": "I'm kidding!\\. I broke all the sweats!\\. What the heck, Lea...",
"commonEvents.apollo-battle-over-S.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Spheromancer Lea...\\. that was quite an impressive run.",
"commonEvents.apollo-battle-over-S.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Phew...\\. we left quite the trail in the...\\. Trail.",
"commonEvents.apollo-battle-over-S.event.0.0_2.0.message": "J-Justice has been served!",
"commonEvents.apollo-battle-over-S.event.0.0_2.1.message": "Yes, this amount of havoc was...\\. justified.\\. It's our duty as Seekers.",
"commonEvents.apollo-battle-over-S.event.0.0_2.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.joern-battle-over-S.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Please...\\. take it easy, little girl.",
"commonEvents.joern-battle-over-S.event.0.0_1.0.message": "So much... destruction...",
"commonEvents.joern-battle-over-S.event.0.0_2.0.message": "Aren't games supposed to be...\\. like...\\. recreational?\\. Was this recreational to you?",
"commonEvents.test-cooldown-start.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Cool Down 1",
"commonEvents.test-cooldown-start.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Cool Down 2",
"commonEvents.test-cooldown-start.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "Cool Down 3",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.0_0.0.0_0.0.message": "...Lea?\\. I think I need a break.",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.0_0.0.0_1.0.message": "Do you ever plan to stop, Lea?",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.0_0.0.0_2.0.message": "How about some live and let live, Lea?",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.1_0.0.0_0.0.message": "L-Lea...? There is no need to keep fighting, right?",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.1_0.0.0_1.0.message": "Corpses... everywhere...",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.1_0.0.0_2.0.message": "Y-You don't plan to stop anytime soon, do you?",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.1_0.0.0_2.1.message": "...!!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.2_0.0.0_0.0.message": "Spheromancer Lea, you are surprisingly bloodthirsty!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.2_0.0.0_0.1.message": "...!!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.2_0.0.0_1.0.message": "I see you're pushing your Spheromancer skills to the limit!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.2_0.0.0_2.0.message": "Spheromancer Lea, your stamina is quite impressive indeed!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.3_0.0.0_0.0.message": "Boy, what a massacre.",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.3_0.0.0_1.0.message": "I didn't expect to be playing with such a fierce little devil.",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.3_0.0.0_1.1.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-S.event.0.3_0.0.0_2.0.message": "So much killing...\\. Are you trying to make a case for violence in video games, Lea?",
"commonEvents.cooldown-A.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Mon dieu! You just keep going!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-A.event.0.1_0.0.message": "Uhm... anyone up for a break?",
"commonEvents.cooldown-A.event.0.2_0.0.message": "You seem to be in the flow of the Trail, Spheromancer Lea!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-A.event.0.3_0.0.message": "Are we done yet?",
"commonEvents.cooldown-B.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Yeah! We're on a roll!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-B.event.0.1_0.0.message": "You're pretty into fighting, aren't you?",
"commonEvents.cooldown-B.event.0.2_0.0.message": "I see you're up for a challenge today!",
"commonEvents.cooldown-B.event.0.3_0.0.message": "Those were a lot of enemies at once.",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "ARE THEY GONE?! PLEASE TELL ME THEY'RE GONE.",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "IS IT OVER?! PLEASE LET IT BE OVER.",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "So much...\\. jumping...\\. and swords...",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.3.thenStep.0.message": "Are those things supposed to be... Samurai or something? THEY'RE STILL BUGS, THOUGH!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "You won't stop fighting them anytime soon, will you?",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.4.thenStep.1.message": "[shakes head]",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.4.thenStep.2.message": "What is this? Some kind of shock therapy?",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Alright... it's over.",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Stupid bugs...",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Let's fight something else next, d'accord?",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "[shakes head]",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.7.thenStep.2.message": "Lea, please!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Did we fight enough bugs already?",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Wow, I think I'm healed. It's all good, Lea. We can now stop fighting them!",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.9.thenStep.1.message": "[shakes head]",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.9.thenStep.2.message": "Please...",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Bugs dead. Whatever.",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Samurai bugs.",
"commonEvents.emilie-samurai-bug-end.event.11.thenStep.1.message": "Not sure if awesome \nor just creepy.",
"commonEvents.emilie-hedgehog-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Voilà! Simple enough!",
"commonEvents.emilie-hedgehog-end.event.0.elseStep.0.message": "And that was our first hedgehag. Simple enough!",
"commonEvents.emilie-meerkats-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Do you ever wonder what kind of music those things are listening to?",
"commonEvents.emilie-meerkats-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "They do seem very much into it, non?",
"commonEvents.emilie-meerkats-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Pesky things!",
"commonEvents.emilie-meerkats-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "They were cute at first, now they're just annoying.",
"commonEvents.emilie-snowman-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "No, I won't accept this. Snowmen are great.",
"commonEvents.emilie-snowman-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "I love building snowmen. Peaceful snowmen.",
"commonEvents.emilie-snowman-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Bunnies, hedgehogs and now snowmen of all things.",
"commonEvents.emilie-snowman-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "Everything tries to kill you. The Track of the Ancients is messed up.",
"commonEvents.emilie-seahorses-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Aaaand that was a flying seahorse shooting bubbles. D'accord.",
"commonEvents.emilie-penguins-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Oui. Penguins on mountains. That's a thing in CrossWorlds.",
"commonEvents.emilie-penguins-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Well, at least they have some water around here.",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Heh. Goats. Goats are funny.",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "They just defy gravity and climb wherever they please.",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "Well.. at least regular goats won't shoot horns at you.",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "We used to have a zoo with goats at my place, you know?",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "And they kept escaping their compound. Simply climbed over that fence. Pas de problème!",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.1.thenStep.2.message": "So you had goats all over the zoo, that was awesome!",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.1.thenStep.3.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "So yeah, that zoo, right? The one where the goats escaped.",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.2.thenStep.1.message": "Of course they tried to change the fence so the goats couldn't escape.",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.2.thenStep.2.message": "Made it higher and more difficult to climb over.",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.2.thenStep.3.message": "Guess what? The goats still managed to escape using a small building next to the fence.",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.2.thenStep.4.message": "So crafty!",
"commonEvents.emilie-goats-end.event.2.thenStep.5.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.emilie-frobbits-end.event.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.message": "Oui, I take that back. Those bunnies are not cute.",
"commonEvents.emilie-frobbits-end.event.0.thenStep.0.elseStep.0.message": "Those bunnies are not cute. Non.",
"commonEvents.emilie-frobbits-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Small fluffy fighting machines...",
"commonEvents.emilie-frobbits-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Those bunnies have quite the kick!",
"commonEvents.emilie-frobbits-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "But it's nothing compared to the Pentafist's punch, am I right Lea?",
"commonEvents.emilie-frobbits-end.event.1.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.emilie-frobbits-end.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "I think we can safely rename Bergen Trail to \"Bunny Mountain\", non?",
"commonEvents.emilie-frobbits-end.event.2.thenStep.1.message": "Those things are everywhere.",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Huh. Did we just beat up a cow wearing some kind of iron mask?",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "We used to have cows in the neighborhood when I was a child.",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "And another cow gone.",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "I kinda liked the cows in our neighborhood.\\. They were cute.",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.1.thenStep.2.message": "Oui, these buffalos are rough in comparison, but still.\\. Feeling sorta bad about this.",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "I used to see cows every day on my way to school.",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.2.thenStep.1.message": "After some time I think they even started recognizing me!",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.3.thenStep.0.message": "Did you ever drink fresh cow milk? It's délicieux!",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.3.thenStep.1.message": "I actually once milked a cow myself! Sorta weird feeling at the beginning.",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "And another bites the dust.",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.4.thenStep.1.message": "Hey, you're not doing this to mess with me, oui?",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.4.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos-end.event.4.thenStep.3.message": "Wait...\\. Yes.\\. What do you mean by that?",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos2-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Oui, oui, they brought back the cows!",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos2-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Still feeling bad for punching them.",
"commonEvents.emilie-buffalos2-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-hedgehags2-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "The hedgehags have returned, sharper and edgier than ever!",
"commonEvents.emilie-volturbines.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "We finally got birds in CrossWorlds. Très bien.",
"commonEvents.emilie-volturbines.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Other than those space birds, that is.",
"commonEvents.emilie-blob-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Oui, you gotta have blobs.",
"commonEvents.emilie-blob-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "They are pretty fun to punch.\\. Maybe a little bit nasty.",
"commonEvents.emilie-shokat-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "This place really is filled with those purple kitties.",
"commonEvents.emilie-shokat-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "But damn, they sure are fast once you make them angry.",
"commonEvents.emilie-shokat-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Those kitties are surprisingly hard to punch.",
"commonEvents.emilie-shokat-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "It's probably better to fight them from a distance, even if that isn't exactly my style.",
"commonEvents.emilie-sloth-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Those sloth are probably the most chill enemy of the game.",
"commonEvents.emilie-sloth-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Until they do their spinning wheel attack of doom.",
"commonEvents.emilie-parrot-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Seriously, what is it with birds holding guns in this game?!",
"commonEvents.emilie-parrot-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Is there a weapon manufacturer so desperate they started delivering the track?",
"commonEvents.emilie-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Mon dieu.\\. Quite a lot of spiders here, don't you agree?",
"commonEvents.emilie-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.emilie-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "...??",
"commonEvents.ctron-meerkat-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Have you ever seen one of these Hillkats digging...\\. over a \\c[3]laser bridge\\c[0]?\\. Yes, they do that.",
"commonEvents.ctron-meerkat-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "This whole digging is really just simulated. They don't want to mess up the structure of the ground too much, obviously.",
"commonEvents.ctron-meerkat-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "Still, I wish they would have made them stop in front of the laser bridges.\\. It does break the illusion.",
"commonEvents.ctron-seahorses-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Those seahorses... why would they do this?",
"commonEvents.ctron-seahorses-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Taking a perfectly fine marine creature and...\\. crossing it with a fly?\\. Or a mosquito?\\. I don't know.",
"commonEvents.ctron-seahorses-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "What are these seahorses shooting exactly anyway?\\. Water bubbles?",
"commonEvents.ctron-seahorses-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "Where do they get all the excess water from?\\. You never see them in the water.",
"commonEvents.ctron-seahorses-end.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "I'm sorry, I have to talk about the seahorses again.\\. Did you notice they sound like actual horses?",
"commonEvents.ctron-seahorses-end.event.2.thenStep.1.message": "Seahorses are not related to horses.\\. I repeat.\\. Not related.\\. They just look similar, but that's it.",
"commonEvents.ctron-snowman-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Hm...Snowman... reminds me of ice cream~",
"commonEvents.ctron-snowman-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "You... like ice cream a lot, don't you?",
"commonEvents.ctron-snowman-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "I do!",
"commonEvents.ctron-snowman-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Ice cream~",
"commonEvents.ctron-snowman-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "Don't even think about licking those Snowmen, Tronny!",
"commonEvents.ctron-snowman-end.event.1.thenStep.2.message": "W-What? No! I'm sure they won't even taste like anything.",
"commonEvents.ctron-snowman-end.event.1.thenStep.3.message": "Well, you don't know that.",
"commonEvents.ctron-snowman-end.event.1.thenStep.4.message": "...\\. ...\\. That's a good point. Now I'm curious.",
"commonEvents.ctron-snowman-end.event.1.thenStep.5.message": "DON'T LICK THE SNOWMAN, TRONNY!",
"commonEvents.ctron-penguin-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Did you know? Penguins like to live in temperate areas too.",
"commonEvents.ctron-penguin-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "In fact, only few of them live in colder climates.",
"commonEvents.ctron-penguin-end.event.0.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.message": "And none of them lives on mountains, right?",
"commonEvents.ctron-penguin-end.event.0.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.message": "...Right.",
"commonEvents.ctron-scorpions-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Of course we can't have a desert without scorpions...",
"commonEvents.ctron-scorpions-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "At least I think these are scorpions.. with 4 legs instead of 8.",
"commonEvents.ctron-scorpions-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "They say smaller scorpions are more dangerous... Doesn't quite apply to those.",
"commonEvents.ctron-scorpions-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "...",
"commonEvents.ctron-scorpions-end.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "Scorpions are actually pretty amazing.\\. They can survive up to one year with just one meal.",
"commonEvents.ctron-scorpions-end.event.2.thenStep.1.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.ctron-sandshark-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Are those shark skeletons? That's funny.",
"commonEvents.ctron-sandshark-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Sharks don't even have proper bones. It's all cartilage.",
"commonEvents.ctron-sandshark-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.ctron-sandshark-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "These sharksters can be tricky to hit. Good thing I have homing VRPs!",
"commonEvents.ctron-sandshark-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "...",
"commonEvents.ctron-volturbine-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Vulturbines, huh? Must be inspired by vultures.",
"commonEvents.ctron-volturbine-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Vultures with... guns? Makes you wonder how they can still fly.",
"commonEvents.ctron-volturbine-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "There are a lot of interesting facts about vultures.",
"commonEvents.ctron-volturbine-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "Though a lot of them involve bodily fluids. I'd rather not mention those.",
"commonEvents.ctron-volturbine-end.event.1.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.message": "Oui, please don't. Merci.",
"commonEvents.ctron-volturbine-end.event.1.thenStep.2.elseStep.0.message": "...",
"commonEvents.ctron-drillertoise-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Drillertoise? I honestly have no idea what those are supposed to be.",
"commonEvents.ctron-drillertoise-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Earth digging tortoise?",
"commonEvents.ctron-blob-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Nope...\\. I got nothing. No scientific facts about blobs from me.",
"commonEvents.ctron-blob-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "They aren't exactly real...\\. fortunately.",
"commonEvents.ctron-blob-end.event.0.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.message": "Sure.\\. I know you'd have loved to share another disgusting fact about them.",
"commonEvents.ctron-blob-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Hm...\\. some people argue that \\c[3]algea\\c[0] is the \"slime\" of real life, but it's still a stretch.",
"commonEvents.ctron-blob-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "They certainly lack the bounciness of the blobs.",
"commonEvents.ctron-blob-end.event.1.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.message": "Oui.\\. Please no science facts about algae, merci.",
"commonEvents.ctron-shokats-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Shokats...\\. they are surprisingly active for cats, that's for sure.",
"commonEvents.ctron-shokats-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Did you know that on average cats spend 2/3 of the day sleeping?",
"commonEvents.ctron-shokats-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "You certainly don't ever see a shokat sleeping.",
"commonEvents.ctron-shokats-end.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "You know...\\. cats have been domesticated a long time ago, just like dogs.",
"commonEvents.ctron-shokats-end.event.2.thenStep.1.message": "Though in contrast to dogs they didn't really go through any major change during domestication.",
"commonEvents.ctron-shokats-end.event.2.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.message": "That's because they've never been domesticated.\\. They just chose to live with us humans.",
"commonEvents.ctron-plants-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Hm...\\. I suppose those plants are loosely inspired by the Venus Flytrap?",
"commonEvents.ctron-plants-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "They're obviously way more hostile...",
"commonEvents.ctron-plants-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "People tend to make big deal out of the Venus Flytrap.",
"commonEvents.ctron-plants-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "But did you know it can only bite about a half-dozen times in its lifespan?\\. After that the trap is kept shut forever.",
"commonEvents.ctron-plants-end.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "Venus Flytraps mostly eat insects, you know?\\. They can't just eat any kind of meat.",
"commonEvents.ctron-plants-end.event.2.thenStep.1.message": "Somebody actually tried to feed a hamburger to a flytrap.\\. The poor thing quickly withered.",
"commonEvents.ctron-plants-end.event.2.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.ctron-plants-end.event.2.thenStep.3.thenStep.0.message": "Well those plants here certainly have a taste for human flesh.",
"commonEvents.ctron-sloth-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Huh...\\. sloth enemies.\\. I think those are actually inspired by the prehistoric variant...\\. the Megatherium.",
"commonEvents.ctron-sloth-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Also known as the giant ground sloth.\\. They used to be the size of an elephant.",
"commonEvents.ctron-sloth-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "This Behesloth can be surprisingly fast...\\. Real sloth are known to be very slow animals.",
"commonEvents.ctron-sloth-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "They have a four-part stomach that can digest very tough leaves...\\. very, very slowly.",
"commonEvents.ctron-sloth-end.event.1.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.ctron-sloth-end.event.1.thenStep.3.thenStep.0.message": "Tronny is back with those science facts no one asked for...",
"commonEvents.ctron-fish-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Floating fishes, alright.\\. Pretty much the first marine enemy in the game.",
"commonEvents.ctron-fish-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Unless you count those jellyfish enemies of the Faj'ro Temple.",
"commonEvents.ctron-fish-end.event.0.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.message": "What about those seahorses?",
"commonEvents.ctron-fish-end.event.0.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.message": "No please...\\. let's ignore the seahorses.\\. They aren't...\\. fish.\\. They are nothing.\\. They don't make sense.",
"commonEvents.ctron-parrot-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Parrots...\\. they are among the most intelligent birds we know.",
"commonEvents.ctron-parrot-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Yet all they could come up with is yet another dumb, gun-wielding foe.",
"commonEvents.ctron-pandas-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Pandas...\\. Pandas are interesting.\\. Originally carnivores, they essentially evolved into bamboo eating machines.",
"commonEvents.ctron-pandas-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Really, everything about them is evolved to consume bamboo. A false-thumb, a good sense of smell, and an incredibly strong bite.",
"commonEvents.ctron-pandas-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Ironically, Pandas only absorb a small part of the bamboo's nutrition. That's why they have to eat all day long.",
"commonEvents.ctron-pandas-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "They barely have spare energy to struggle with fellow pandas...\\. let alone firing homing missiles.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-fish-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "You know, I've not once seen those fishes dive into the water.\\. Suspicious.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-fish-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Yeah...\\. good luck fighting those thingies underwater.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-fish-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "That might even be possible...\\. given the water is in fact simulated!",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-fish-end.event.0.thenStep.3.message": "Oh no.\\. Back to that theory.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-generic.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Tronny, you like to keep your distance in battle, don't you?",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-generic.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Well... I'm a Hexacast. I specialize in ranged attacks.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-generic.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "You should join me in punching the enemies up close! It's more fun!",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-generic.event.0.thenStep.3.message": "Punching? We Hexacast don't punch. We use a close-proximity magical impact.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-generic.event.0.thenStep.4.message": "So what? I can call my fist magical too, if you like.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-generic.event.0.thenStep.5.message": "Oh bother...",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-drillertoise-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "I don't like those earth turtles. They are hard to punch.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-drillertoise-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Very true. Also Emilie, those are tortoises. Turtles would mostly be in water.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-drillertoise-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "Are you sure? They do dive into the earth like it's water, non?",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-drillertoise-end.event.0.thenStep.3.message": "They are called Driller\\c[3]toise\\c[0]...",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-drillertoise-end.event.0.thenStep.4.message": "Oui, oui. Whatever.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Uhm...\\. Emilie?\\. I'm just wondering...\\. it seems like you don't mind the spiders.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Oui?\\. Why would I?\\. They're just spiders.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "But...\\. haven't you been afraid of bugs?\\. Like those samurai bugs drive you crazy.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.3.message": "Non non, Tronny.\\. Spiders are fine, they aren't insects.\\. You should know that...",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.4.message": "I do...\\. But still...\\. I don't get it.",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.5.message": "Why...",
"commonEvents.ctr-emil-spiders-end.event.0.thenStep.6.message": "You guys think too much.\\. Come on, let's punch more spiders!",
"commonEvents.joern-blobs-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "I was waiting for these kind of enemies to show up.",
"commonEvents.joern-blobs-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "You can't have an RPG without good-old blobs.",
"commonEvents.joern-blobs-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Green blobs hidden between the grass and plants. They blend in pretty well.",
"commonEvents.joern-blobs-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "Not unlike a certain somebody I know...",
"commonEvents.joern-blobs-end.event.1.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.joern-behesloth-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Poor sloth. I don't see why they can't just relax for some time.",
"commonEvents.joern-behesloth-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Man, these sloths are surprisingly fast for their size when angered.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "See this, Polly?\\. This is what happens when you forget to water your plants.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "They jump out of their pot, float on water bubbles, and bite you?",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "Exactly.\\. Don't forget to water the plants.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.0.thenStep.3.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Remember Polly, water the plants.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "I get it!\\. I just forgot it like...\\. that one time.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.1.thenStep.2.message": "One time...\\. about every month.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.1.thenStep.3.message": "How?",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.1.thenStep.4.message": "I know, right?",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-plants-end.event.1.thenStep.5.message": "...",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-shokats-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Do we really have to fight the poor kittens?\\. I feel so sorry for them.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-shokats-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Joern, don't be swayed by their cute appearance!\\. They're fierce opponents!",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-shokats-end.event.0.thenStep.2.message": "But they just wanted to have them cuddles...",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-shokats-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Hm...\\. this reminds me.\\. We still have to feed the cats later.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-shokats-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "Feeding cats?\\. What do you mean?\\. You can't feed the shokats.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-shokats-end.event.1.thenStep.2.message": "Our cats, Polly.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-shokats-end.event.1.thenStep.3.message": "Oh!\\. Right.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-papagun-end.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "So we have parrots in the jungle.\\. Neat.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-papagun-end.event.0.thenStep.1.message": "Indeed!\\. Gun-wielding parrots that are up to no good!",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-papagun-end.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "More Parrots.\\. I think I will call them \\c[3]Polly\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-papagun-end.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "What?\\. Why?",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-papagun-end.event.1.thenStep.2.message": "Polly is a common name for parrots. Don't you know, Polly?",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-papagun-end.event.1.thenStep.3.message": "I'm not a parrot, Joern!",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-papagun-end.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "Polly keeps fighting them Pollies.",
"commonEvents.joe-apo-papagun-end.event.2.thenStep.1.message": "Not this again...",
"commonEvents.test-level-up.event.0.thenStep.0.message": "Level Up 1",
"commonEvents.test-level-up.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "Level Up 2",
"commonEvents.test-level-up.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "Level Up 3",
"commonEvents.tutorial-melee-art.event.1.title": "Melee Arts",
"commonEvents.tutorial-melee-art.event.1.content": "Learn how to use \\c[3]Melee Arts\\c[0] in combat.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-melee-art.event.1.acceptStep.6.text": "Press and hold \\i[special] to charge the attack.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-melee-art.event.1.acceptStep.9.text": "You can change your \\c[3]direction\\c[0] while charging.\nRelease \\i[special] again to execute the attack.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-melee-art.event.1.acceptStep.18.text": "Repeat?",
"commonEvents.tutorial-melee-art.event.1.acceptStep.18.options.0.label": "Yes",
"commonEvents.tutorial-melee-art.event.1.acceptStep.18.options.1.label": "No",
"commonEvents.tutorial-throw-art.event.1.title": "Throw Arts",
"commonEvents.tutorial-throw-art.event.1.content": "Learn how to use \\c[3]Throw Arts\\c[0] in combat.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-throw-art.event.1.acceptStep.6.text": "Start by \\c[0]aiming\\c[0] at your enemy.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-throw-art.event.1.acceptStep.12.text": "While aiming press and hold \\i[special] to charge the attack.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-throw-art.event.1.acceptStep.15.text": "You can change the direction while charging.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-throw-art.event.1.acceptStep.19.text": "Release \\i[special] again to execute the attack.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-throw-art.event.1.acceptStep.26.text": "Repeat?",
"commonEvents.tutorial-throw-art.event.1.acceptStep.26.options.0.label": "Yes",
"commonEvents.tutorial-throw-art.event.1.acceptStep.26.options.1.label": "No",
"commonEvents.tutorial-dash-art.event.1.title": "Dash Arts",
"commonEvents.tutorial-dash-art.event.1.content": "Learn how to use \\c[3]Dash Arts\\c[0] in combat.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-dash-art.event.1.acceptStep.6.text": "\\c[0]Dash\\c[0] into a direction and press \\i[special] at the \\c[3]same time\\c[0] to charge a Dash Art.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-dash-art.event.1.acceptStep.15.text": "Release \\i[special] again to execute the attack.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-dash-art.event.1.acceptStep.22.text": "Repeat?",
"commonEvents.tutorial-dash-art.event.1.acceptStep.22.options.0.label": "Yes",
"commonEvents.tutorial-dash-art.event.1.acceptStep.22.options.1.label": "No",
"commonEvents.tutorial-guard-art.event.1.title": "Guard Arts",
"commonEvents.tutorial-guard-art.event.1.content": "Learn how to use \\c[3]Guard Arts\\c[0] in combat.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-guard-art.event.1.acceptStep.6.text": "Start by \\c[0]guarding\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-guard-art.event.1.acceptStep.10.text": "While you guard, press and hold \\i[special] to charge the Guard Art.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-guard-art.event.1.acceptStep.13.text": "Release \\i[special] again to execute the attack.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-guard-art.event.1.acceptStep.20.text": "Repeat?",
"commonEvents.tutorial-guard-art.event.1.acceptStep.20.options.0.label": "Yes",
"commonEvents.tutorial-guard-art.event.1.acceptStep.20.options.1.label": "No",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.title": "Quests",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.content": "Learn how to view and track your \\c[3]Quests\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.acceptStep.6.text": "You can see all your quests within the \\c[3]quest menu\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.acceptStep.12.text": "Focus a quest to see details on the left.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.acceptStep.16.text": "You can see more details by selecting a quest.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.acceptStep.20.text": "Press \\i[help2] to \\c[3]mark\\c[0] a quest as favorite. You can mark any number of quests!",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.acceptStep.30.thenStep.0.text": "You can circle through the tasks of marked quests outside the menu by \\c[3]pressing\\c[0] \\i[left-stick] and \\i[right-stick].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.acceptStep.30.elseStep.0.text": "You can circle through the tasks of marked quests outside the menu with \\i[circle-left] and \\i[circle-right].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.acceptStep.35.text": "Repeat?",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.acceptStep.35.options.0.label": "Yes",
"commonEvents.tutorial-quests.event.1.acceptStep.35.options.1.label": "No",
"commonEvents.tutorial-botanics.event.1.title": "Botanics",
"commonEvents.tutorial-botanics.event.1.content": "Learn how to view and track your progress in the\n\\c[3]Botanics Menu\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-botanics.event.1.acceptStep.14.text": "You can find the \\c[3]Botanics Menu\\c[0] within the \\c[3]Records Menu\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-botanics.event.1.acceptStep.22.text": "See how many drops you need to complete the entry.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-botanics.event.1.acceptStep.24.text": "Once progress reaches 50% you can find a more detailed location here.",
"commonEvents.tutorial-botanics.event.1.acceptStep.35.text": "Repeat?",
"commonEvents.tutorial-botanics.event.1.acceptStep.35.options.0.label": "Yes",
"commonEvents.tutorial-botanics.event.1.acceptStep.35.options.1.label": "No",
"commonEvents.tutorial-elite.event.1.title": "Elite Quests",
"commonEvents.tutorial-elite.event.1.content": "Learn more about \\c[3]Elite Quests\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-elite.event.1.acceptStep.10.text": "\\c[3]Elite Quests\\c[0] are difficult quests marked with an \\c[3]exclamation mark and red outlines\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-elite.event.1.acceptStep.12.text": "Even on the same levels, these quest can be \\c[3]very challenging\\c[0]. However, they often offer \\c[3]better loot as reward\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.tutorial-elite.event.1.acceptStep.21.text": "Repeat?",
"commonEvents.tutorial-elite.event.1.acceptStep.21.options.0.label": "Yes",
"commonEvents.tutorial-elite.event.1.acceptStep.21.options.1.label": "No",
"commonEvents.emilie-dies.event.0.0_0.0.message": "...Urgh, I couldn't handle this!",
"commonEvents.emilie-dies.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Sacrebleu! I'm out, Lea!",
"commonEvents.emilie-dies.event.0.0_2.0.message": "I'll be back.",
"commonEvents.emilie-dies.event.0.1_0.0.message": "Wha...What just happened?",
"commonEvents.emilie-dies.event.0.1_1.0.message": "Mon Dieu! What is going on?!",
"commonEvents.emilie-revived.event.0.0_0.0.message": "I'm back to kick some derrière!",
"commonEvents.emilie-revived.event.0.0_1.0.message": "I see there are still enemies left for me!",
"commonEvents.emilie-revived.event.0.1_0.0.message": "...Pardon. That was just too much for me to handle.",
"commonEvents.emilie-revived.event.0.1_1.0.message": "Hmpf... I gotta practice more.",
"commonEvents.emilie-equip-update.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Excellent! Got new gear to punch enemies even harder!",
"commonEvents.emilie-equip-update.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Lea, look at the new stuff I just bought!",
"commonEvents.emilie-equip-update.event.0.0_2.0.message": "Getting closer to the ultimate punching machine, one step at a time!",
"commonEvents.emilie-equip-update.event.0.0_3.0.message": "I got new gear! Too bad your appearance doesn't change, non?",
"commonEvents.glasses-dies.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Dang-it! That attack came out of nowhere!",
"commonEvents.glasses-dies.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Gosh...\\. I messed up, sorry!",
"commonEvents.glasses-dies.event.0.0_2.0.message": "Drat! I'm out, Lea!",
"commonEvents.glasses-dies.event.0.1_0.0.message": "Th... That was strange.",
"commonEvents.glasses-dies.event.0.1_1.0.message": "...You know that water can have 3 states. And this is the only deadly one.",
"commonEvents.glasses-revived.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Your mage is back!",
"commonEvents.glasses-revived.event.0.0_1.0.message": "I'm back! I see you're still going strong... right?",
"commonEvents.glasses-revived.event.0.1_0.0.message": "Looks like I wasn't quite up to the challenge, sorry.",
"commonEvents.glasses-revived.event.0.1_1.0.message": "Gosh... That didn't go too well... sorry.",
"commonEvents.glasses-equip.event.0.0_0.0.message": "I got some new gear. Yes, mages have gear, too.",
"commonEvents.glasses-equip.event.0.0_1.0.message": "I got my gear up-to-date now. It was about time.",
"commonEvents.glasses-equip.event.0.0_2.0.message": "I got some really cool gear this time!",
"commonEvents.glasses-equip.event.0.0_3.0.message": "Got new gear. Though I wonder how those edges and triggers are supposed to improve my magic...",
"commonEvents.apollo-dies.event.0.0_0.0.message": "I'm out!\\. Keep fighting for justice in my place!",
"commonEvents.apollo-dies.event.0.0_1.0.message": "I suffered defeat!\\. Keep fighting!\\. For the honor of Spheromancers!",
"commonEvents.apollo-dies.event.0.0_2.0.message": "I'm out, but don't give up!\\. One Spheromancer can handle any challenge!",
"commonEvents.apollo-dies.event.0.1_0.0.message": "This wasn't right!\\. Why was I defeated?!\\. This smells like cheating!!",
"commonEvents.apollo-dies.event.0.1_1.0.message": "Something is wrong here.\\. Suspicious!",
"commonEvents.apollo-revived.event.0.0_0.0.message": "A Spheromancer returns to the battlefield, all foes beware!",
"commonEvents.apollo-revived.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Justice still needs to be served!",
"commonEvents.apollo-revived.event.0.0_2.0.message": "In the name of Justice, I have returned!!",
"commonEvents.apollo-revived.event.0.1_0.0.message": "I see you handled this conflict without my help.\\. Well done, Spheromancer Lea.",
"commonEvents.apollo-revived.event.0.1_1.0.message": "Your fellow Spheromancer returned! Alas, a bit too late!",
"commonEvents.apollo-equip.event.0.message": "I just updated my gear, you should do so as well, Spheromancer Lea!",
"commonEvents.joern-dies.event.0.0_0.0.message": "Whoops, I'm out.",
"commonEvents.joern-dies.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Aaand I'm dead.\\. Sorry, your tank has fallen.",
"commonEvents.joern-dies.event.0.0_2.0.message": "Oh...\\. I'm dead.\\. Curses.",
"commonEvents.joern-dies.event.0.1_0.0.message": "Slippery edges...",
"commonEvents.joern-dies.event.0.1_1.0.message": "What.",
"commonEvents.joern-revived.event.0.0_0.0.message": "I'm back.",
"commonEvents.joern-revived.event.0.0_1.0.message": "Back.\\. Still fighting?",
"commonEvents.joern-revived.event.0.1_0.0.message": "Your tank returns.\\. Aaand it's already over.",
"commonEvents.joern-revived.event.0.1_1.0.message": "It looks like you handled things without me just fine.",
"commonEvents.joern-equip.event.0.message": "Got new gear, whoop whoop.",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.1.thenStep.1.0_0.0.message": "Lea? Where did you go? Did you just teleport into a dungeon or something?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.1.thenStep.1.1_0.0.message": "Lea? This is strange. You just teleported away but we couldn't follow you. Where are you?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.1.thenStep.1.2_0.0.message": "Spheromancer Lea! Where did you teleport to and why can't I follow?! Is this a cheat?!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.1.thenStep.1.3_0.0.message": "This is strange...\\. It seems I can't follow you to your new location.\\. Where are you, Lea?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.2.thenStep.0.message": "Let the race...\\. continue!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.3.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.message": "Hm... I think we have to enter the dungeon somewhere else to continue.",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.3.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, Lea. Taking your time to revisit previous dungeon rooms while the race is on hold, non?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.3.thenStep.0.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.3.thenStep.0.elseStep.0.0_0.0.message": "Let the race...\\. continue!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.3.thenStep.0.elseStep.0.0_1.0.message": "And back to the race! Gee, where did I leave off again?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.4.0_0.0.message": "Dungeon time, it is! See you again, soon!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.4.1_0.0.message": "Back in the dungeon? See you later!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.4.2_0.0.message": "Right! Dungeon crawling is an important part of becoming a true Spheromancer! Good luck!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-enter.event.4.3_0.0.message": "Dungeon time. So we're split up, I suppose?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.0.thenStep.1.0_0.0.message": "Huh...\\. back again.\\. What was up with that, Lea?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.0.thenStep.1.1_0.0.message": "Ah... there you are.\\. I was almost afraid we lost you.",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.0.thenStep.1.2_0.0.message": "Spheromancer Lea!\\. This was most suspicious!\\. Explain yourself!!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.0.thenStep.1.2_0.1.message": "...",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.0.thenStep.1.2_0.2.message": "Right...",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.0.thenStep.1.3_0.0.message": "Ah.\\. There you are again.\\. Was this some kind of bug?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.1.thenStep.0.message": "So you need a break from that gloomy mine? Alright.",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.1.thenStep.1.message": "But let's hurry. We still have to finish the race!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.2.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.message": "Need a break? Alright!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.2.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.thenStep.1.message": "Wait... If anybody needs a break, everybody leaves the dungeon?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.2.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.thenStep.2.message": "Oui! That's how it works.",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.2.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.thenStep.3.message": "That is... a very lax kind of race, isn't it?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.2.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.thenStep.4.message": "So? It's still a race!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.2.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.thenStep.5.message": "I-I guess....",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.2.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.0_0.0.message": "Sure, it's not like I was right in the middle of that one puzzle...",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.2.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.0_1.0.message": "No problem. I can simply redo that one battle I just had to cancel.",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.2.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.0_2.0.message": "And all the immersion is gone.",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.3.0_0.0.message": "Ahh, finally outside! It's just way too gloomy in those dungeons.",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.3.1_0.0.message": "Welcome back!",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.3.2_0.0.message": "I see you left the dungeon! Did you manage to further hone your Spheromancer abilities?",
"commonEvents.all-dng-leave.event.3.3_0.0.message": "Welcome back. It's more fun to run around together.",
"": "No Connection",
"": "Let's better not contact anyone from here to reduce suspicion.",
"commonEvents.join-blocked.event.2.text": "No Connection",
"commonEvents.join-blocked-area.event.0.text": "You should not invite any party members now.",
"commonEvents.join-blocked-finale.event.0.text": "You should not invite any party members now.",
"commonEvents.leave-blocked.event.2.text": "No Connection",
"commonEvents.leave-blocked-area.event.0.text": "You should not remove any party members now. That would be even more suspicious.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.0.thenStep.0.text": "Now is not a good time...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.5.thenStep.1.message": "Uhm, hey Lea. Why the DL? I'm in your party, non?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.5.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour, chérie!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.6.thenStep.2.message": "I wish you the best of luck with the tower dungeon! Though I'm confident you'll be fine!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.6.thenStep.3.message": "Show that Mr. Fancypants what you're made of!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.6.thenStep.4.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "No time for talking right now, chérie!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.8.thenStep.1.message": "I'm ready, Lea! Let's go to that \\c[3]Dojo\\c[0] and show that Sidwell guy he's messing with the wrong players!!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.9.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour, chérie!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.message": "Did you already hear the news from Tronny?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.9.thenStep.3.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.9.thenStep.4.message": "It really is a shame that he won't have time for CrossWorlds.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.9.thenStep.5.message": "We should all play the game together while he's still here.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.9.thenStep.6.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour, chérie!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.10.thenStep.2.message": "Mon dieu, \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0] is quite the city, isn't it?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.10.thenStep.3.message": "I love the fact that you can jump on those cars to cross the streets.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.message": "Totally should try that in real life some time...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.10.thenStep.5.message": "Wait!!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.10.thenStep.6.message": "[shakes head]",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.10.thenStep.7.message": "Hahaha! I'm just joking, chérie! I'd never do that!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.11.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, we're waiting right at \\c[3]CrossCentral\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.11.thenStep.2.message": "Let's enter \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0] together!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.12.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.12.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour, chérie!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.12.thenStep.2.message": "Why...\\. Why did they have to bring back the bugs?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.12.thenStep.3.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.12.thenStep.4.message": "I really enjoyed my time in Gaia's Garden, but this new Saphire area is the worst.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.12.thenStep.5.message": "Please don't let me go through all of this alone, chérie...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.12.thenStep.6.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.13.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.13.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.13.thenStep.2.message": "It really is a shame, that things didn't work out for the raid.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.13.thenStep.3.message": "Sorry...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.13.thenStep.4.message": "Non, non, it's alright, chérie.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.13.thenStep.5.message": "There will be many more opportunities.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.13.thenStep.6.message": "For now let's focus on Exploring \\c[3]Sapphire Ridge\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.13.thenStep.7.message": "Do you mind doing it together? I'm free!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.14.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.14.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour, chérie!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.14.thenStep.2.message": "Tronny told you already, non?\\. We plan to meet at the \\c[3]First Scholar HQ\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.14.thenStep.3.message": "We have great news!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.14.thenStep.4.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.15.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.15.thenStep.1.message": "Not now, chérie. I really need to focus here.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.15.thenStep.2.message": "I can't let Grasshead win this one, oui!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.15.thenStep.3.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.16.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.16.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour! Making good progress here on my side!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.16.thenStep.2.message": "I feel like this shock-themed dungeon is right up my alley!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.16.thenStep.3.message": "...!!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.16.thenStep.4.thenStep.0.message": "Though I have to admit that some of those Wave-ball puzzles make my head hurt.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.17.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.17.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour! Currently busy solving puzzles!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.17.thenStep.2.message": "Such an interesting place, isn't it?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.17.thenStep.3.message": "I've always heard horrible stories about water dungeons in games, but this one isn't really.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.17.thenStep.4.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.18.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.18.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour, chérie!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.18.thenStep.2.message": "I'm sooo ready for our next dungeon race!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.18.thenStep.3.message": "...!!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.18.thenStep.4.message": "Gaia's Garden is pretty neat in general, isn't it?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.18.thenStep.5.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.18.thenStep.6.message": "So colorful and... entirely bug free!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.18.thenStep.7.message": "Guess I really had the wrong idea about this place.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.18.thenStep.8.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.19.thenStep.1.message": "Hi...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.19.thenStep.2.message": "I'm waiting for you at the \\c[3]First Scholar HQ\\c[0]. Please hurry.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.20.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.20.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour Lea! Tronny and me are still waiting at the \\c[3]statue\\c[0] in \\c[3]Autumn's Fall - Ancient Center\\c[0]! Let's meet there!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.21.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.21.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, just meet me and Tronny at \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Center\\c[0]! We'll be waiting next to the \\c[3]fountain\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.22.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.22.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour Lea!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.22.thenStep.2.message": "Did you explore all of Autumn's Fall, yet?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.22.thenStep.3.message": "It's very much like Autumn's Rise, just ruins everywhere.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.22.thenStep.4.message": "Oh, and the cows are back! Yay for cows!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.22.thenStep.5.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.23.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.23.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour Lea!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.23.thenStep.2.message": "This Temple is interesting, non?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.23.thenStep.3.message": "I didn't expect there to be so much water in here.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.23.thenStep.4.message": "You know... for being right within a desert.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.23.thenStep.5.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.23.thenStep.6.message": "Anyway, I will not fall back! Let's go!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.24.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.24.thenStep.1.message": "Maroon Valley is pretty massive, isn't it?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.24.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.24.thenStep.3.message": "I'm not exactly a huge fan. A desert isn't exactly the most interesting location, non?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.24.thenStep.4.message": "Though the oasis is pretty nice, I suppose.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.25.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.25.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea! We should go back to the \\c[3]First Scholars\\c[0] and do that quiz already, non?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.25.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.26.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.26.thenStep.1.message": "What is it Lea?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.26.thenStep.2.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.26.thenStep.3.message": "Sorry, I'm really tense right now. ",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.26.thenStep.4.message": "There could be more of those horrible bugs around every corner, you know?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.26.thenStep.5.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.27.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.27.thenStep.1.message": "What is it Lea? Already tired from dungeon crawling?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.27.thenStep.2.message": "[shakes head]",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.27.thenStep.3.message": "Good! I sure hope you won't drop out of our race!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour Lea!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.2.message": "I'm currently climbing up \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.3.message": "Just now, I saw a group of \\c[3]penguins\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.4.message": "I'm preeeetty sure that penguins are usually not around mountains.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.5.message": "Very suspicious, non?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.6.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.7.message": "Aaaanyway, just tell me when you want to start a party!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.8.message": "And don't forget, no entering the next dungeon without me, d'accord?",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.9.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.28.thenStep.10.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.29.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.29.thenStep.1.message": "Bonjour! I'm currently in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] enjoying the landscape.",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.29.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.30.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.emilie-contact.event.31.message": "Hey Lea!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.0.thenStep.0.text": "Now is not a good time...",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Lea, we're waiting right at the \\c[3]Cross Central\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.5.thenStep.1.message": "Let's enter \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0] together!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Bonjour, chérie!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "Tronny told you already, non?\\. We plan to meet at the \\c[3]First Scholar HQ\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.6.thenStep.2.message": "We have great news!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.6.thenStep.3.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "No party yet.",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "I'm waiting for you at the \\c[3]First Scholar HQ\\c[0]. Please hurry.",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hm? It's getting a bit late Lea. I actually think I'll log off soon.",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.8.thenStep.1.message": "So no more party today, pardon.",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.8.thenStep.2.message": "Let's just chill a bit longer here on top of Faj'ro Temple.",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Bonjour Lea! Tronny and me are still waiting at the \\c[3]statue\\c[0] in \\c[3]Autumn's Fall - Ancient Center\\c[0]! Let's meet there!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Lea, just meet me and Tronny at \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Center\\c[0]! We'll be waiting next to the \\c[3]fountain\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Hey Lea! I'll just focus on finishing that quest myself, oui? See you later!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.12.0_0.0.message": "Yes! Party time! Une seconde, I'll be right there!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.12.0_1.0.message": "I see you're looking for a formidable punching force. I'm ready!",
"commonEvents.emilie-join.event.12.0_2.0.message": "It's time for chakrams and fists to roll over the field!",
"commonEvents.emilie-remove.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "So you want to do the Autumn's Fall Quest by yourself after all? D'accord!",
"commonEvents.emilie-remove.event.4.thenStep.1.message": "Just make sure to tell me once you collected the Shade!",
"commonEvents.emilie-remove.event.5.0_0.0.message": "D'accord! Until next time, Lea!",
"commonEvents.emilie-remove.event.5.0_1.0.message": "That was fun! Any time again!",
"commonEvents.emilie-remove.event.5.0_2.0.message": "Awww, already? Well...\\. see you soon!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.4.thenStep.1.message": "Hi, Lea! It's nice running around with you in CrossWorlds!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.4.thenStep.2.message": "Though... I think it's ok if we just talk normally, right? No need to use a Direct Link.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.4.thenStep.3.message": "...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.5.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.5.thenStep.2.message": "I'm still around and ready if you'd like to start the party. For now at least.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.5.thenStep.3.message": "...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.5.thenStep.4.message": "Really, I think I'm gonna miss CrossWorlds and strolling around with you... but there is hardly anything I can do about it.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.5.thenStep.5.message": "Why?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.5.thenStep.6.message": "It's a private matter. I told you, right? Sorry, I prefer to keep my real and virtual life separated.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.5.thenStep.7.message": "...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.6.thenStep.2.message": "Gosh... Rhombus Square is massive! And so much going on. Traffic and people everywhere.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.6.thenStep.3.message": "To honest... It's almost too much noise for my taste. I was never a huge fan of bustling cities.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.6.thenStep.4.message": "Still, so very exciting!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.6.thenStep.5.message": "Lea!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea! We're waiting in \\c[3]CrossCentral\\c[0] right in front of the entrance to \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.8.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.8.thenStep.2.message": "It's a shame that you don't want to participate in the raid. I was kind of looking forward to it....",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.8.thenStep.3.message": "Sorry...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.8.thenStep.4.message": "I mean... I understand that the last raid wasn't exactly the best experience for you...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.8.thenStep.5.message": "But that probably was just an odd coincidence that's unlikely to happen again...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.8.thenStep.6.message": "...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.8.thenStep.7.message": "Well, I suppose I can't change your mind.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.8.thenStep.8.message": "It's fine! We can still explore Sapphire Ridge together, if you like!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.9.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea! We're waiting at the \\c[3]First Scholar HQ\\c[0] for you! Are you on your way?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.message": "Still with the D-Link during the dungeon races...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.10.thenStep.2.message": "Lea!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.10.thenStep.3.message": "Shouldn't we all just focus on getting through those puzzles quickly?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.message": "Lea!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.10.thenStep.5.message": "What are you doing? Is this all a ploy to distract me?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.10.thenStep.6.message": "[shakes head]",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.10.thenStep.7.message": "Lea!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.10.thenStep.8.message": "It totally is...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.1.message": "Hello, Lea! Did you have time to explore Gaia's Garden some more?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.2.message": "There certainly is a lot to explore....",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.3.message": "By the way...\\. did you notice how it just rains in certain locations?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.4.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.5.message": "For instance it constantly rains in Basin Keep and in the western part of the jungle.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.6.message": "Yet not a single drop in the southeastern part.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.7.message": "Suspicious, isn't it?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.8.message": "...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.9.message": "I'm telling you, something is wrong with the water in this game!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.11.thenStep.10.message": "It's all simulated, it has to be!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.12.thenStep.0.message": "Hi...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.12.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea! Let's meet at the \\c[3]Peridot Approach landmark\\c[0]. The one in the north of \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0]. See you soon!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.13.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.13.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea! We are waiting for you at the \\c[3]statue\\c[0] in \\c[3]Autumn's Fall - Ancient Center\\c[0]! See you soon!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.14.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.14.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea! Emilie and I are waiting for you at \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Center\\c[0], right next to the \\c[3]fountain\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.15.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.15.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea! Having fun exploring Autumn's Fall?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.15.thenStep.2.message": "Apparently all these ruins are remains from the old civilization of the Ancients.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.15.thenStep.3.message": "And they conveniently deteriorated to perfectly shape all these neat little jumping puzzles. Lovely, isn't it?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.15.thenStep.4.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.16.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.16.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea...\\. don't you think that it's sort of weird to do D-Links during a dungeon race?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.16.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.16.thenStep.3.message": "Well... I'm busy over here... I have to get past this room and it's quite tricky so... Talk to you soon!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.16.thenStep.4.message": "Bye!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.17.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.17.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea!\\. Hope things are going well for you!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.17.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.17.thenStep.3.message": "Maroon Valley really is a fascinating place, isn't it?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.17.thenStep.4.message": "All these cliff structures and dunes... ",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.17.thenStep.5.message": "Almost makes me forget about the bizarre fauna... if you can even call it like that.",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.17.thenStep.6.message": "Jumping fish skeletons.\\. Really?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.17.thenStep.7.message": "...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.18.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.18.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea!\\. I'm waiting at the \\c[3]West Entrance\\c[0] Landmark. Just outside of \\c[3]Ba'kii Kum\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.18.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.19.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.20.message": "Hello, Lea!",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.21.message": "...",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.22.message": "... Well... Not much to talk about so far, right?",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.23.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.glasses-contact.event.24.message": "Small talk has never been my forte.",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "Hello Lea! We're waiting in the \\c[3]Cross Central\\c[0] right in front of the entrance to \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.5.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea! We're waiting at the \\c[3]First Scholar HQ\\c[0] for you!",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Uhm... it's getting rather late isn't it?",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "I'm also a bit tired right after beating Faj'ro Temple. Let's call it day, okay?",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Hey Lea! Let's meet at the \\c[3]Peridot Approach landmark\\c[0]. The one in the north of \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0]. See you soon!",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hello Lea! We are waiting for you at the \\c[3]statue\\c[0] in \\c[3]Autumn's Fall - Ancient Center\\c[0]! See you soon!",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Hello Lea! Emilie and me are waiting for you at \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Center\\c[0], right next to the \\c[3]fountain\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.10.0_0.0.message": "Are you in need of a mage? I'll be right there!",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.10.0_1.0.message": "Sure I'd gladly join if that bit of magic of mine is enough for you.",
"commonEvents.glasses-join.event.10.0_2.0.message": "Sure, it's always nice chillin' in CrossWorlds together, right?",
"commonEvents.glasses-remove.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "Oh, so you want to do the Quest yourself after all? That's fair.",
"commonEvents.glasses-remove.event.4.thenStep.1.message": "Please don't forget about the Raid though. Let us know when you collected the Shade!",
"commonEvents.glasses-remove.event.5.0_0.0.message": "I had a great time! See you soon!",
"commonEvents.glasses-remove.event.5.0_1.0.message": "Thanks for party! Glad to join you again!",
"commonEvents.glasses-remove.event.5.0_2.0.message": "I'm just glad I didn't bust up the wrong thing today. Until next time!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.4.thenStep.1.message": "Hold it!!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.4.thenStep.2.message": "...?!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.4.thenStep.3.message": "Why would you use a D-Link when we're in a party, standing right next to each other?",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.4.thenStep.4.message": "...",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.5.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea! It is now up to you to serve justice in that tower!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.5.thenStep.2.message": "I know you can do it! Make a fellow Spheromancer proud!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.5.thenStep.3.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "No time for chit-chat now, Spheromancer Lea!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea! Let's make haste and enter Vermillion Wasteland as soon as possible! There is justice that needs serving!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea! Do you enjoy exploring \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0]?",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.2.message": "I recommend checking out the \\c[3]Area Booster Store\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.3.message": "It's the key to further expand your Spheromancer potential!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.4.message": "....!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.5.message": "Now as for our next duel...",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.6.message": "...!!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.7.message": "Wait!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.8.message": "What? Yes, actually that is what I just wanted to say.",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.9.message": "I still need some time myself to prepare for our next duel.",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.10.message": "I will let you know when I'm ready.",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.8.thenStep.11.message": "...",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.9.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea! We're waiting for you inside of \\c[3]CrossCentral\\c[0]! Make haste!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea! Sapphire Ridge is quite the mysterious place, isn't it?",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.10.thenStep.2.message": "Covered by an eternal shadow, filled with mazes of bamboo.",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.10.thenStep.3.message": "Just barely touched by human civilization as well.",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.11.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea! Joern and I are planning to explore \\c[3]Sapphire Ridge\\c[0]! Let us know if you want to join us!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.11.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea, we are in the middle of a race! This is not time for chit-chat!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.2.message": "Why?",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.3.message": "Because our full attention should be on overcoming the trials of the Grand Krys'kajo!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.4.message": "Why?",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.5.message": "...",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.6.message": "Why?",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.7.message": "I heard you, Spheromancer.",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.8.message": "How?",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.12.thenStep.9.message": "Alright, enough. You're wasting my time!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.13.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.13.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea! I have to say this concept of \"dungeon races\" is interesting, indeed.",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.13.thenStep.2.message": "You don't meet a lot of players with this competitive spirit!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.13.thenStep.3.message": "...",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.13.thenStep.4.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.13.thenStep.5.message": "Why yes, I'd consider myself a competitive player as well!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.13.thenStep.6.message": "I am already looking forward to our next duel!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.13.thenStep.7.message": "...",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.14.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.14.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea! I assume you are still exploring the realms of Gaia's Garden.",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.14.thenStep.2.message": "Did you already tackle the dungeons in the north?",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.14.thenStep.3.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.14.thenStep.4.message": "Very good! Fulfilling your Seeker duties, mastering the challenges of the Ancients!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.14.thenStep.5.message": "Joern and I are doing the same at this very moment!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.14.thenStep.6.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.15.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.15.thenStep.1.message": "Spheromancer Lea! You're running through very obscure places right now!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.15.thenStep.2.message": "We should focus on resolving the conflict between humans and Shad, don't you agree?",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.15.thenStep.3.message": "...",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.16.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.apollo-contact.event.17.message": "Wat.",
"commonEvents.apollo-join.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "Spheromancer Lea! We're waiting for you inside the \\c[3]Cross Central\\c[0]! Make haste!",
"commonEvents.apollo-join.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Spheromancer Lea! I am currently exploring the dungeons of Gaia's Garden together with Joern! I'm afraid I can't join your party today.",
"commonEvents.apollo-join.event.5.thenStep.1.message": "...",
"commonEvents.apollo-join.event.6.0_0.0.message": "It is time for Spheromancers to once again join forces!",
"commonEvents.apollo-join.event.6.0_1.0.message": "Spheromancer Lea! Of course we can travel the wide lands of Shadoon together!",
"commonEvents.apollo-join.event.6.0_2.0.message": "Two Spheromancers teaming up are always a sight to behold!",
"commonEvents.apollo-remove.event.4.0_0.0.message": "If you are ever in need of a fellow Spheromancer, you know who to call!",
"commonEvents.apollo-remove.event.4.0_1.0.message": "And with this, the two Spheromancers part ways! Will they meet again on their journey? Only the future can tell!",
"commonEvents.apollo-remove.event.4.0_2.0.message": "This was a good round! You've become quite the capable Spheromancer, indeed!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.4.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea. No need to call me when I'm right next to you, right?",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.4.thenStep.2.message": "Let's talk like normal people.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.4.thenStep.3.message": "...",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.5.thenStep.1.message": "That tower seems very tall. Be careful in there, Lea.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.5.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "Not the right time to chat, Lea.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "Let's storm Vermillion Wasteland already.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.7.thenStep.2.message": "So I can still my shopping afterwards.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.7.thenStep.3.message": "...?!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.7.thenStep.4.message": "Still a joke.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.7.thenStep.5.message": "...",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.7.thenStep.6.message": "I liked that joke.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.8.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.8.thenStep.2.message": "Rhombus Square is nice. Almost like a proper city.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.8.thenStep.3.message": "So many shopping opportunities. It's a shame it's all for virtual in-game content.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.9.thenStep.1.message": "We're currently at \\c[3]CrossCentral\\c[0] waiting for you. I'm looking forward to seeing the city.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.message": "Are you strolling through Sapphire Ridge right now?",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.10.thenStep.2.message": "I appreciate the oriental flair, but the bugs are sort of annoying.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.10.thenStep.3.message": "I also tend to lose Polly when he's running into the bamboo. His hair really blends in too well.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.11.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea. Polly and I plan to explore Sapphire Ridge today. Care to join us?",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.11.thenStep.2.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.12.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.12.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea. Polly and I are currently running the dungeons in the north of the Jungle.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.12.thenStep.2.message": "Polly is way too quick and expects me to keep up with him.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.12.thenStep.3.message": "It's quite stressful, really.",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.12.thenStep.4.message": "...",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.13.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.13.thenStep.1.message": "What's up, Lea? We should finish that quest in the jungle, don't you agree?",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.14.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.joern-contact.event.15.message": "Hm?",
"commonEvents.joern-join.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "We're currently at \\c[3]Cross Central\\c[0] waiting for you. I'm looking forward to seeing the city.",
"commonEvents.joern-join.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Hey Lea. Polly and I are currently running the Jungle temples. We're both busy right now, sorry.",
"commonEvents.joern-join.event.5.thenStep.1.message": "...",
"commonEvents.joern-join.event.6.0_0.0.message": "Sure, I can join your party. Just a moment.",
"commonEvents.joern-join.event.6.0_1.0.message": "Sure! It's a nice change of pace playing with you compared to Polly.",
"commonEvents.joern-join.event.6.0_2.0.message": "I suppose having a tank in the party is quite useful. I'll be right there.",
"commonEvents.joern-remove.event.4.0_0.0.message": "That was fun. Call me when you want to play again.",
"commonEvents.joern-remove.event.4.0_1.0.message": "Sure let's call it a day. See you around.",
"commonEvents.joern-remove.event.4.0_2.0.message": "That was nice. Until next time.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.0.thenStep.0.text": "Now is not a good time...",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.1.thenStep.0.text": "Still feels too awkward contacting him now...",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "That is quite an impressive tower.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.6.thenStep.2.message": "Makes you wonder what Instatainment originally planned to do with that construction...",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.6.thenStep.3.message": "Anyway! For you it's just about taking on that blue avatar's challenge, right?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.6.thenStep.4.message": "Good luck!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.6.thenStep.5.message": "Thanks!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, why are you contacting me now out of all times?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.7.thenStep.2.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.7.thenStep.3.message": "Come on, let's focus on saving those Evotars!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.8.thenStep.1.message": "Hey...\\. I just came back from changing all my credentials...",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.8.thenStep.2.message": "It's a good thing we have tools prepared for situations like this...",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.8.thenStep.3.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.8.thenStep.4.message": "Oh...\\. just work related stuff, don't worry.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.8.thenStep.5.message": "More importantly, let's put an end to this mischievous memory-stealing business!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.8.thenStep.6.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.9.thenStep.1.message": "Hallihallo! Don't forget about the raid! We're waiting for you at \\c[3]Para Island\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.message": "Hello Lea! You've been gone for some time, haven't you?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.2.message": "Anyway, Tronny and Emilie have been looking for you.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.3.message": "Have you met them already?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.thenStep.0.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.thenStep.1.message": "I see! So you should know about the raid.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.thenStep.2.message": "Well then, make sure to quickly collect that \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.thenStep.3.message": "Also it would be worthwhile to upgrade your equipment before the raid.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.thenStep.4.message": "You should check the \\c[3]new offers\\c[0] in Rookie Harbor.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.thenStep.5.message": "If you have the time, you can go for the trading equipment, but just buying the Silver equipment from the store works, too.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.elseStep.0.message": "[shakes head]",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.elseStep.1.message": "Oh, then you definitely should meet up with them!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.elseStep.2.message": "I don't want to spoil the surprise.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.elseStep.3.message": "...?!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.11.thenStep.1.message": "Hallihallo!\\. So I heard you entered Maroon Valley?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.11.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.11.thenStep.3.message": "I see. Enemies in that area can be a bit if a pain, if I remember correctly.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.11.thenStep.4.message": "Most of them should have a weak point that makes it easy to defeat them, though.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.11.thenStep.5.message": "And when it's still too hard, just remember to \\c[3]upgrade your equipment\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.11.thenStep.6.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.11.thenStep.7.message": "That's all the advice I have for now. Good luck out there!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.12.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.12.thenStep.1.message": "Hi there, Lea! Already in the dungeon?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.12.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.12.thenStep.3.message": "Good luck, then! Hope you won't be overrun by all the machinery!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.12.thenStep.4.message": "...",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.12.thenStep.5.message": "Gyahahaha! I'm just joking.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.12.thenStep.6.message": "I'm sure you'll handle it fine!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.13.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.14.message": "Hallihallo! Trying out contacts via DL?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.15.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.16.message": "Japp. Modern communication as you'd expect it.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.17.message": "Voice with hologram representations - the full package.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.18.message": "It's weird if you think about it. A hologram of your avatar.",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.19.message": "So the player is hidden behind the avatar as well as the hologram. Pretty indirect, hm?",
"commonEvents.schneider-contact.event.20.message": "...",
"commonEvents.schneider-join.event.4.0_0.0.message": "Wanna stroll around with a good-old Triblader? Sure thing.",
"commonEvents.schneider-join.event.4.0_1.0.message": "I suppose we're with matching level now, so why not.",
"commonEvents.schneider-join.event.4.0_2.0.message": "Not sure I'll be as good a party member as my Evotar copy, but I'll try.",
"commonEvents.schneider-remove.event.4.0_0.0.message": "Fair enough. Until next time!",
"commonEvents.schneider-remove.event.4.0_1.0.message": "It seem like this Schneider has cut enough things for the day.",
"commonEvents.schneider-remove.event.4.0_2.0.message": "My work here is done!",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.4.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.4.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea...",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.4.thenStep.2.message": "It looks like the plan was a success so far...\\. kinda?",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.4.thenStep.3.message": "Now you just have to take on Gautham's challenge.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.4.thenStep.4.message": "Let's just hope he doesn't go entirely overboard with this. He tends to do that.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.4.thenStep.5.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.5.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.5.thenStep.1.message": "Hey there Lea, preparing for the final attack on Evotarground?",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.5.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.5.thenStep.3.message": "Enemies over there can go up to \\c[3]level 60\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.5.thenStep.4.message": "But don't worry too much about reaching that level.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.5.thenStep.5.message": "Just make sure you get the \\c[3]good equipment\\c[0] from \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0]. That will do.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.5.thenStep.6.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.6.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.7.message": "Hello Lea.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.8.message": "...",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.9.message": "...",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.10.message": "Well... looks like we're both at a loss for words.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.11.message": "I suppose...\\. I should thank you for bringing Sergey to us.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.12.message": "Let's hope we can find a way out of this situation.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-contact.event.13.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.shizuka-join.event.4.message": "Thanks for the offer, but I don't think I can be of much help.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-join.event.5.message": "I can't even enter most of the playground, you see?",
"commonEvents.shizuka-join.event.6.message": "...",
"commonEvents.shizuka-remove.event.4.0_0.0.message": "See you around.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-remove.event.4.0_1.0.message": "Until next time.",
"commonEvents.shizuka-remove.event.4.0_2.0.message": "Yeah, I think I played enough for today...",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.0.thenStep.0.text": "Now is not a good time...",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.1.thenStep.0.text": "Still feels too awkward contacting her now...",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "Lea dear, I hope you'll be fine in that tower.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.6.thenStep.2.message": "It looks so intimidating from down here.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.6.thenStep.3.message": "Now I really wonder about the background story for this tower and area in general.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.6.thenStep.4.message": "To be honest though, I can hardly see how it would fit into the current lore at all.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.6.thenStep.5.message": "Maybe that was part of reason why it was dropped?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "Now is not the right time for D-Links, dear!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.8.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, dear! We're waiting in Sapphire Ridge.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.8.thenStep.2.message": "I can't wait to see what this undisclosed area looks like!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, dear! So I heard you finally reached Rhombus Square?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.3.message": "Why?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.4.message": "Oh... are you surprised that the main story of the game ended so abruptly?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.5.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.6.message": "Yes, yes... A lot of players were very disappointed about it. There was quite an uproar.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.7.message": "But here's the way I see it: the developers have been working hard so far to bring us a great experience.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.8.message": "And of course, they're still working on it to make it better and complete.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.9.message": "We just have to be patient and will be rewarded eventually.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.10.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.9.thenStep.11.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, dear! Did you already arrive in Sapphire Ridge?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.10.thenStep.2.message": "It's such a striking place. All moody and mysterious, eh?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.10.thenStep.3.message": "Oh and the main quest of the area is something special!\\. It has so many implications on the lore.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.10.thenStep.4.message": "I just hope Emilie will be fine, considering the enemies of that area...",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.10.thenStep.5.message": "...",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.11.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, dear! We're currently having a little meeting in the \\c[3]First Scholar HQ\\c[0]! Come over and join us!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.11.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.12.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.12.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, dear! It's great to have you back!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.12.thenStep.2.message": "So... how much did you already explore in Gaia's Garden? Did you already complete the quest with the mayor and the shad village?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.12.thenStep.3.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.12.thenStep.4.message": "It really is a story as old as time. A conflict between different cultures, all of it connected to the Track of the Ancients.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.12.thenStep.5.message": "Oh and I especially loved the last dungeon of the area.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.12.thenStep.6.message": "I'm sure you'll like it too, Lea!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.13.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.13.thenStep.1.message": "Good morning, dear! The raid is about to start! We're waiting for you at \\c[3]Para Island\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.13.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.14.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.14.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, dear! It's nice to see you online again.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.14.thenStep.2.message": "Did you already arrive in Autumn's Fall? I remember that Emilie and Tronny finished the quest of the area recently.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.14.thenStep.3.message": "It's such a fascinating place, eh? Ruins from old constructions of the Ancients everywhere.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.14.thenStep.4.message": "You really get the feeling that there is a deep history to this place, when you walk through it.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.15.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.15.thenStep.1.message": "Good morning! You are online again, I see.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.15.thenStep.2.message": "When you logged in, you probably ended up in the empty headquarters, eh?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.15.thenStep.3.message": "Everybody is busy with other things right now, it seems.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.15.thenStep.4.message": "But you can still contact everybody with \\c[3]Direct Links\\c[0] if you have any questions or need help.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.15.thenStep.5.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.16.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.16.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, dear, is this really the time for a DL?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.16.thenStep.2.message": "I'm waiting with the others in the seminar room.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.16.thenStep.3.message": "Let's redo the quiz once you refreshed your knowledge about \\c[3]Di'aro\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.16.thenStep.4.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.1.message": "Lea, dear! How is it going with the dungeon?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.2.message": "It has been some time now. Then again, the Temple Mine is quite long.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.3.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.4.message": "Hm? What is it? Wait...\\. did you beat the boss already?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.5.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.6.message": "Oh! Wonderful! Then make sure to read all the information you get at the heritage site.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.7.message": "And come back to the \\c[3]First Scholars HQ\\c[0] afterwards.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.8.message": "I'm waiting with a nice \\c[3]quiz\\c[0] for you!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.17.thenStep.9.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.18.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.18.thenStep.1.message": "Hello, Lea! How is it going? Already exploring the dungeon?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.18.thenStep.2.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.18.thenStep.3.message": "Pretty dark and scary, right?",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.18.thenStep.4.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.18.thenStep.6.message": "Dear, just remember it's a game.",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.18.thenStep.7.message": "And with patience I'm sure you'll be able to get through it!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.18.thenStep.8.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.19.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.20.message": "Lea, dear! We just shared contacts and I already get a message, how sweet!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.21.message": "I'm really looking forward to your quiz!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.22.message": "I'll prepare the best questions for you two!",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.23.message": "...",
"commonEvents.hlin-contact.event.24.message": "Don't worry, dear! I'll keep it simple.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.0.thenStep.0.text": "Now is not a good time...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.1.thenStep.0.text": "Still feels too awkward contacting him now...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "Good day, Lea. Is something the matter?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.6.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.6.thenStep.3.message": "Are you by chance wondering about my \\c[3]favorite meal\\c[0]?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.6.thenStep.4.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.6.thenStep.5.message": "[shakes head]",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.6.thenStep.6.message": "Of course you're not. Right now it's time to take on the challenge in the tower.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.6.thenStep.7.message": "Good luck up there.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.6.thenStep.8.message": "Thanks!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "Now is not a good time.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.8.thenStep.1.message": "Good day, Lea. I still can't believe we are about to run through unofficial playground territory.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.8.thenStep.2.message": "This is going to be interesting.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.9.thenStep.1.message": "Good day, Lea.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.message": "It's good to know that Ivan seems to be convinced of Evotars.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.message": "Let's hope that things will work out in the future.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.thenStep.2.message": "Lea!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.elseStep.0.message": "I hope that your meeting with Ivan will have a positive impact on the future.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.elseStep.1.thenStep.0.message": "Even though things didn't seem to have worked out that well.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.elseStep.1.thenStep.1.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.elseStep.1.elseStep.0.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.message": "Good day, Lea. I'm waiting for you in \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0]. Better be quick, Ivan doesn't have a lot of free time.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.10.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.11.thenStep.1.message": "So you saw me together with \\c[3]Ivan\\c[0] in Rhombus Square, hm?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.11.thenStep.2.message": "Please promise me not to tell the meeting spot to the others, especially Buggy.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.11.thenStep.3.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.11.thenStep.4.message": "How?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.11.thenStep.5.message": "Oh...\\. right.\\. You can't tell them in the first place.\\. I forgot.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.12.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.12.thenStep.1.message": "Good day, Lea. Sorry but I am currently busy.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.12.thenStep.2.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.12.thenStep.3.message": "I am meeting an old friend in Rhombus Square.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.12.thenStep.4.message": "We can chat later, if you like.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.12.thenStep.5.message": "Bye!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.1.message": "Good day, Lea. Is something the matter?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.3.message": "Are you by chance wondering about my \\c[3]class\\c[0] choice?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.4.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.5.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.6.message": "It's a \\c[3]Hexacast\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.7.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.8.message": "Right, you already knew that.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.9.message": "I designed my appearance intentionally to break the stereotype.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.10.message": "That's why I look like a seasoned warrior rather than a traditional mage.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.11.message": "The downside is that a lot of players mistake my class, but that is fine by me.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.12.message": "I appreciate that this game gives you so many liberties in adapting your appearance.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.13.message": "Given you can afford it.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.14.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.13.thenStep.15.message": "Whyyyyy...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.1.message": "Good day, Lea. Is something the matter?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.3.message": "Are you by chance wondering about my \\c[3]temparature sense\\c[0] settings?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.4.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.5.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.6.message": "I've set it to max.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.7.message": "...?!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.8.message": "I feel this is the best way to experience the game.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.9.message": "You really feel the freezing cold of Bergen and the heat of Maroon Valley. It's the most immersive experience.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.10.message": "Plus, they put a lot of effort in developing the sense synchronization. I'd feel bad just disabling it.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.14.thenStep.11.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.1.message": "Good day. Is something the matter?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.3.message": "Right... You can't speak properly.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.4.message": "So why would you contact me?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.5.message": "Are you by chance wondering about my \\c[3]nickname\\c[0]?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.6.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.7.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.8.message": "Yes, it's \\c[3]Beowulf\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.9.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.10.message": "You may have noticed nobody calls me that.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.11.message": "I understand they find the name cheesy.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.12.message": "I mean it's the name of an old legendary hero.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.13.message": "But it seems it's rather overused. What a shame.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.14.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.15.message": "I probably should have gone with something simple like your name.",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.15.thenStep.16.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.16.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.17.message": "Good day. Is something the matter?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.18.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.19.message": "...",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.20.message": "It's rather strange to contact someone just to say \"Hi!\", isn't it?",
"commonEvents.grumpy-contact.event.21.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.0.thenStep.0.text": "Now is not a good time...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.1.thenStep.0.text": "Still feels too awkward contacting him now...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.6.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.6.thenStep.1.message": "That huge tower definitely looks like it's compensating for something, am I right?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.6.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.6.thenStep.3.message": "Man, I feel like I'm out of shape when it comes to jokes these days.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.6.thenStep.4.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.6.thenStep.5.message": "That's okay, this isn't the right time for jokes anyway. Good luck up there, Lea!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.6.thenStep.6.message": "Thanks!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.7.thenStep.1.message": "I'm busy right now, Lea! You should be, too.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.8.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.8.thenStep.1.message": "Man we're actually gonna storm that new area today, I still can't believe it!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.8.thenStep.2.message": "This is going to be awesome!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.1.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.2.message": "Hi?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.3.message": "Ah dang it, I can't think of any joke today.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.4.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.5.message": "Btw. I get the feeling that Albert is up to something today.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.6.message": "He was behaving really suspicious when I talked to him before...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.7.message": "You wouldn't happen to know anything?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.8.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.9.message": "Well, not like you could tell me the details anyway.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.9.thenStep.10.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.message": "Hey, Lea! I suppose I learned my lesson.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.thenStep.1.message": "Making fun of your speech limitation all the time wasn't the most decent thing to do.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.thenStep.2.message": "It also got old quickly, didn't it?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.thenStep.3.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.thenStep.4.message": "Yeah, I'll try to come up with better jokes from now.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.thenStep.5.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.message": "I wasn't joking this time, you know?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.message": "Just drop by at the First Scholar HQ and I'll give you a little reward.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.2.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.message": "Congratulations! You're the 1000th caller of this number!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.1.message": "As a reward you'll be given \\c[3]1 million credits\\c[0]!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.2.message": "...!!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.3.message": "Of course, we'll have to make sure you're not simply a bot calling this number.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.4.message": "So all you need to do to collect your prize is to answer one simple security question.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.5.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.6.message": "What fruit is yellow, usually curved and can be peeled from two sides, one arguably the \"correct\" one?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.7.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.8.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.9.message": "Why...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.10.message": "I am sorry, wrong answer!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.11.message": "Nyahahahahaha!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.12.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.13.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.14.message": "Oh...\\. I may have gone too far with that one.\\. I'm sorry, Lea.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.15.message": "Why...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.16.message": "L-Look, I'll make it up to you. Just drop by the \\c[3]First Scholar HQ\\c[0] and I'll give you a real reward.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.17.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.18.message": "Please don't expect 1 million credits though...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.10.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.19.message": "Wait!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.11.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.11.thenStep.1.message": "Hey Lea! We're currently chilling over here in the headquarters. You should definitely drop by for some great news!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.1.message": "Welcome to McBuggys. May I take your order?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.2.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.3.message": "How?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.4.message": "One How-Cow-Burger coming right up.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.5.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.6.message": "Do you wish to add any sides?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.7.message": "Why?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.8.message": "Of course, our world-famous Why-Fries. Anything to drink?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.9.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.10.message": "Lea!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.11.message": "I'm sorry, we're all out of Lea-monade.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.12.message": "How about some cool and refreshing Bye-ced tea?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.12.thenStep.13.message": "Bye.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.13.thenStep.0.message": "Hi...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.13.thenStep.1.message": "Oh, hi Lea!\\. Haven't seen you for quite some time!\\. What's up?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.13.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.13.thenStep.3.message": "Still not much of a talker, of course.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.1.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.2.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.3.message": "How?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.4.message": "How?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.5.message": "Why?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.6.message": "Why?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.7.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.8.message": "How why how bye Lea wait!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.9.message": "How why how bye Lea wait!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.10.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.11.message": "\\s[4]Howwhyleabyewhywaitlea\nwaitbyewhyhihihihihbye!!!\\.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.12.message": "Nyeeahahahahaha!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.13.message": "Man, I wish I could have recorded that!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.14.thenStep.14.message": "Bye.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.15.thenStep.1.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.15.thenStep.2.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.15.thenStep.4.message": "Boo!\\.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.15.thenStep.6.message": "...!!!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.15.thenStep.7.message": "Nyeeahahahahaha!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.15.thenStep.8.message": "Man, I love that prank. Absolutely everybody falls for it!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.15.thenStep.9.message": "How?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.15.thenStep.10.message": "That's a secret!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.15.thenStep.11.message": "Bye.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.0.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.1.message": "Hello! And how is it in the dungeon?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.2.message": "Did you already see the... \\c[3]non-mechanical\\c[0] enemies?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.3.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.4.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.5.message": "Niiice!\\. Those are \\c[3]awesome\\c[0], right?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.6.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.7.message": "Come on, bugs are awesome, right? Especially if there's a lot of them!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.8.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.16.thenStep.9.message": "No? Man, bugs are so underappreciated.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.17.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.18.message": "Hello. You reached the voice mail of First Scholars member \"Buggy\".",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.19.message": "Please leave a message after the beep.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.20.message": "Beep.",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.21.message": "...?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.22.message": "...Nnn...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.23.message": "Nyeeahahahahahaha!",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.24.message": "...",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.25.message": "You almost bought it, didn't you?",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.26.message": "[shakes head]",
"commonEvents.buggy-contact.event.27.message": "You totally did!",
"commonEvents.nobody-contact.event.2.text": "But nobody came.",
"": "Talatu Lips",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote.event.4.message": "Howdy Girl!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote.event.5.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote.event.6.message": "Ah've just got a beep from ma machine.",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote.event.7.message": "Ya'll already found 25% o' them plants.",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote.event.8.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote.event.9.message": "Now that's what Ah like to hear.",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote.event.10.message": "Ah have a li'l somethin' fer ya'll. Come meet me in \\c[3]\\v[] - Quest Hub\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote.event.11.message": "...!",
"": "Talatu Lips",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote50.event.4.message": "Howdy Girl!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote50.event.5.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote50.event.6.message": "Ah see ya'll jes' hit the 50% mark. Nice work!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote50.event.7.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote50.event.8.message": "Ah got a li'l sumthin' preped fer ya'll. Ya'll come find me at the \\c[3]\\v[] - Quest Hub\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote50.event.9.message": "...!",
"": "Talatu Lips",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote75.event.4.message": "Howdy, Lea!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote75.event.5.message": "Hi!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote75.event.6.message": "Ya'll been busy. Ma machine shows me you got 75% of the flora analyzed!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote75.event.7.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote75.event.8.message": "Ah've got another upgrade to celebrate! Ya'll come find me at the \\c[3]\\v[] - Quest Hub\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote75.event.9.message": "...!",
"": "Talatu Lips",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote100.event.4.message": "Well, Ah'll be darned. Y'all've gone an' done it all!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote100.event.5.message": "Y'all found all the plants, even them super rare ones!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote100.event.6.message": "Great job darlin'!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote100.event.7.thenStep.0.message": "Thanks!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote100.event.7.elseStep.0.message": "...!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote100.event.8.message": "Y'all deserve a big reward fer all yer hard work. ",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote100.event.9.message": "Ah've got a small place Ah call home in \\c[3]\\v[] - North\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote100.event.10.message": "Y'all come drop in, Ah'll be waitin'!",
"commonEvents.botanicsNote100.event.11.message": "[nods]",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateA.event.1.title": "Continue Story?",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateA.event.1.content": "You just loaded an \\c[3]old save file\\c[0].\n\\c[3]Things might be broken!\\c[0]\nHowever, we can try to continue the story from when things changed! You will keep your level and items.\n\nDo you want to continue the story?",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateB.event.1.title": "Continue Story?",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateB.event.1.content": "You just loaded an \\c[3]old save file\\c[0].\n\\c[3]Things might be broken!\\c[0]\nHowever, we can try to continue the story from when things changed! You will keep your level, items and quest/dungeon progress.\n\nDo you want to continue the story?",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateB.event.1.acceptStep.2.titleText": "\\c[1]WARNING ABOUT LANDMARKS\\c[0]",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateB.event.1.acceptStep.2.text": "Teleporting to Landmarks in \\c[3]Bergen and beyond\\c[0] will most likely lead to problems. Only teleport to landmarks you \\c[3]reached with the story\\c[0].",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateC.event.2.title": "Update Save File",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateC.event.2.content": "You just loaded an \\c[3]old save file\\c[0].\n\nYou now have the option to \\c[3]Update your savefile\\c[0].\nThis will allow you to \\c[3]continue the story\\c[0] while keeping all items, level, dungeon and quest progress.\n\nWarning: \\c[1]Not updating will effectively break your save file\\c[0].\n\nDo you want to \\c[3]Update your save\\c[0]?",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateC.event.2.cancelStep.2.titleText": "\\c[1]You just broke your savefile\\c[0]",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateC.event.2.cancelStep.2.text": "You decided \\c[3]not to update your save file\\c[0].\n\nBecause of this it's very likely that you'll encounter \\c[1]game breaking bugs\\c[0]. Please be aware, that we won't be able to fix those bugs.\n\nYou can still reload the save and select to update your save if you change your mind.",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateC.event.3.titleText": "\\c[3]Translation Note\\c[0]",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateC.event.3.text": "New Story content is still \\c[3]missing a proper German Translation\\c[0]! For now we recommend German players to play the new content in English.\n\nThe \\c[3]Chinese Translation\\c[0] should be up-to-date, but was updated in a hurry, so things might not be perfect\n\nTranslations will be extended and improved over the new few releases!",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateD.event.2.title": "Update Save File",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateD.event.2.content": "You just loaded an \\c[3]old save file\\c[0].\n\nYou now have the option to \\c[3]Update your savefile\\c[0].\nThis will allow you to \\c[3]continue the story\\c[0] while keeping all items, level, dungeon and quest progress.\n\nWarning: \\c[1]Not updating will effectively break your save file\\c[0].\n\nDo you want to \\c[3]Update your save\\c[0]?",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateD.event.2.cancelStep.2.titleText": "\\c[1]You just broke your savefile\\c[0]",
"commonEvents.storyUpdateD.event.2.cancelStep.2.text": "You decided \\c[3]not to update your save file\\c[0].\n\nBecause of this it's very likely that you'll encounter \\c[1]game breaking bugs\\c[0]. Please be aware, that we won't be able to fix those bugs.\n\nYou can still reload the save and select to update your save if you change your mind.",
"commonEvents.fixCombatRank.event.1.titleText": "COMBAT RANK ENABLED",
"commonEvents.fixCombatRank.event.1.text": "Enabled Combat Rank that should not be disabled at this point.",
"commonEvents.newSkills.event.1.thenStep.1.title": "Circuit Update",
"commonEvents.newSkills.event.1.thenStep.1.content": "This update introduces many new skills including \\c[3]all level two combat arts\\c[0]. In addition, some skills have been moved.\n\nThat's why we recommend you to reset your circuit to reassign your skill points.\n\n\\c[3]Do you want to reset all your circuits?\\c[0]",
"commonEvents.newSkills.event.1.thenStep.1.acceptStep.1.object": "Circuit Tree Assignment",
"commonEvents.circuitOverride.event.6.thenStep.2.object": "\\v[] x \\v[tmp.circuitOverrideCount]",
"commonEvents.circuitOverride.event.6.thenStep.4.titleText": "Circuit Reset Changed",
"commonEvents.circuitOverride.event.6.thenStep.4.text": "You can now spend \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] to reset \\c[3]individual circuits\\c[0]!\n\nYou can visit the \\c[3]Info Hub\\c[0] in Rookie Harbor to reset your circuits.",
"commonEvents.circuitOverride.event.7.thenStep.13.object": "SP Bar",
"": "Alpha Ball Plant",
"drops.Autumn-Ground-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere.",
"": "Beta Ball Plant",
"drops.Autumn-Ground-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere.",
"": "Omega Ball Plant",
"drops.Autumn-Ground-Rare.subArea": "Rarely found on high grounds.",
"": "Alpha Water Blades",
"drops.Autumn-Water-1.subArea": "Mostly found near Water.",
"": "Beta Water Blades",
"drops.Autumn-Water-2.subArea": "Mostly found near Water.",
"": "Omega Water Blades",
"drops.Autumn-Water-Rare.subArea": "Rarely found on hard to reach places near water.",
"": "Alpha Feather Bush",
"drops.BergenTrail-Grass-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere where no snow falls.",
"": "Beta Feather Bush",
"drops.BergenTrail-Grass-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere where no snow falls.",
"": "Omega Feather Bush",
"drops.BergenTrail-Grass-Rare.subArea": "Rarely found in lower parts where no snow falls.",
"": "Alpha Pike Shrub",
"drops.BergenTrail-Dry-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere where no snow falls.",
"": "Beta Pike Shrub",
"drops.BergenTrail-Dry-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere where no snow falls.",
"": "Omega Pike Shrub",
"drops.BergenTrail-Dry-Rare.subArea": "Rarely found in lower parts where no snow falls.",
"": "Alpha Plume Bush",
"drops.BergenTrail-Grass-Snow-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere where snow falls.",
"": "Beta Plume Bush",
"drops.BergenTrail-Grass-Snow-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere where snow falls.",
"": "Omega Plume Bush",
"drops.BergenTrail-Grass-Snow-Rare.subArea": "Rarely found on high grounds where snow falls.",
"": "Alpha Lance Shrub",
"drops.BergenTrail-Dry-Snow-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere where snow falls.",
"": "Beta Lance Shrub",
"drops.BergenTrail-Dry-Snow-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere where snow falls.",
"": "Omega Lance Shrub",
"drops.BergenTrail-Dry-Snow-Rare.subArea": "Rarely found on high grounds where snow falls.",
"": "Diamond Ice",
"drops.BergenTrail-IceCrystal.subArea": "Found sporadically in Rising Path 3.",
"": "Alpha Egg Pot",
"drops.Cold-Dng-1.subArea": "Commonly found all throughout the Temple Mine.",
"": "Beta Egg Pot",
"drops.Cold-Dng-2.subArea": "Commonly found all throughout the Temple Mine.",
"": "Gamma Egg Pot",
"drops.Cold-Dng-3.subArea": "Commonly found all throughout the Temple Mine.",
"": "Delta Egg Pot",
"drops.Cold-Dng-4.subArea": "Commonly found all throughout the Temple Mine.",
"": "Omega Egg Pot A",
"drops.Cold-Dng-Special-1.subArea": "Rarely found all throughout the Temple Mine.",
"": "Omega Egg Pot B",
"drops.Cold-Dng-Special-2.subArea": "Rarely found all throughout the Temple Mine.",
"": "Alpha Dry Cactone",
"drops.heat-common-cactus-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere but Oasis region.",
"": "Beta Dry Cactone",
"drops.heat-common-cactus-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere but Oasis region.",
"": "Alpha Dry Shrub",
"drops.heat-common-bush-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere but Oasis region.",
"": "Beta Dry Shrub",
"drops.heat-common-bush-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere but Oasis region.",
"": "Omega Dry Shrub",
"drops.heat-common-bush-special.subArea": "Rarely found everywhere but Oasis region.",
"": "Alpha Cactone",
"drops.heat-oasis-cactus-1.subArea": "Found only in the Oasis region.",
"": "Beta Cactone",
"drops.heat-oasis-cactus-2.subArea": "Found only in the Oasis region.",
"": "Omega Cactone",
"drops.heat-oasis-cactus-special.subArea": "Found rarely in the Oasis region.",
"": "Alpha Palmapple",
"drops.heat-oasis-palmapple-1.subArea": "Found only in the Oasis region.",
"": "Beta Palmapple",
"drops.heat-oasis-palmapple-2.subArea": "Found only in the Oasis region.",
"": "Omega Palmapple",
"drops.heat-oasis-palmapple-special.subArea": "Found rarely in the Oasis region.",
"": "Alpha Ant Hill",
"drops.heat-barren-hill-1.subArea": "Commonly found in regions with sand storms.",
"": "Beta Ant Hill",
"drops.heat-barren-hill-2.subArea": "Commonly found in regions with sand storms.",
"": "Omega Ant Hill",
"drops.heat-barren-hill-special.subArea": "Rarely Found in regions with sand storms.",
"": "Alpha Bone Pile",
"drops.heat-cliffs-bones-1.subArea": "Commonly found in the southern cliffs region.",
"": "Beta Bone Pile",
"drops.heat-cliffs-bones-2.subArea": "Commonly found in the southern cliffs region.",
"": "Omega Bone Pile",
"drops.heat-cliffs-bones-special.subArea": "Rarely found in the southern cliffs region.",
"": "Alpha Sphere Plant",
"drops.Autumn-Fall-Ground-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere.",
"": "Beta Sphere Plant",
"drops.Autumn-Fall-Ground-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere.",
"": "Omega Sphere Plant",
"drops.Autumn-Fall-Ground-Rare.subArea": "Rarely found on high grounds.",
"": "Alpha Water Cutlass",
"drops.Autumn-Fall-Water-1.subArea": "Mostly found near Water.",
"": "Beta Water Cutlass",
"drops.Autumn-Fall-Water-2.subArea": "Mostly found near Water.",
"": "Omega Water Cutlass",
"drops.Autumn-Fall-Water-Rare.subArea": "Rarely found on hard to reach places near water.",
"": "Alpha Puff Plant",
"drops.jungle-common-flower-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere but infested- and V'rda Vil region.",
"": "Beta Puff Plant",
"drops.jungle-common-flower-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere but infested- and V'rda Vil region.",
"": "Omega Puff Plant",
"drops.jungle-common-flower-special.subArea": "Rarely found on high grounds outside infested- and V'rda Vil region.",
"": "Alpha Closed Baraleles",
"drops.jungle-common-water-1.subArea": "Commonly found near water where its not raining.",
"": "Beta Closed Baraleles",
"drops.jungle-common-water-2.subArea": "Commonly found near water where its not raining.",
"": "Bee Hive",
"drops.jungle-bees-1.subArea": "Sporadically found everywhere up against walls and trees.",
"": "Alpha Open Baraleles",
"drops.jungle-rain-1.subArea": "Commonly found near water where it's raining.",
"": "Beta Open Baraleles",
"drops.jungle-rain-2.subArea": "Commonly found near water where it's raining.",
"": "Omega Open Baraleles",
"drops.jungle-rain-special.subArea": "Rarely found near water where it's raining.",
"": "Alpha Vivid Puff Plant",
"drops.jungle-clearing-1.subArea": "Commonly found in the V'rda Vil region.",
"": "Beta Vivid Puff Plant",
"drops.jungle-clearing-2.subArea": "Commonly found in the V'rda Vil region.",
"": "Omega Vivid Puff Plant",
"drops.jungle-clearing-special.subArea": "Rarely found in the V'rda Vil region.",
"": "Alpha Virus Shroom",
"drops.jungle-infested-1.subArea": "Commonly found in the infested region of the jungle.",
"": "Beta Virus Shroom",
"drops.jungle-infested-2.subArea": "Commonly found in the infested region of the jungle.",
"": "Omega Virus Shroom",
"drops.jungle-infested-special.subArea": "Rarely found in the infested region of the jungle.",
"": "Alpha Bamboo",
"drops.forest-bamboo-1.subArea": "Commonly found near larger bamboo.",
"": "Beta Bamboo",
"drops.forest-bamboo-2.subArea": "Commonly found near larger bamboo.",
"": "Omega Bamboo",
"drops.forest-bamboo-special.subArea": "Rarely found hidden near larger bamboo structures.",
"": "Alpha Ridge Flower",
"drops.forest-bush-1.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere in \\v[].",
"": "Beta Ridge Flower",
"drops.forest-bush-2.subArea": "Commonly found everywhere in \\v[].",
"": "Omega Ridge Flower",
"drops.forest-bush-special.subArea": "Rarely found everywhere in higher places. ",
"": "Alpha Crystal",
"drops.forest-crystal-1.subArea": "Commonly found in caves in \\v[].",
"": "Beta Crystal",
"drops.forest-crystal-2.subArea": "Commonly found in caves in \\v[].",
"": "Omega Crystal",
"drops.forest-crystal-special.subArea": "Rarely found in caves in \\v[].",
"": "Sprout of Valor",
"drops.STONE_VALOR.subArea": "Found on the top of a house in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Sprout of Space",
"drops.STONE_SPACE.subArea": "Found on top of a house in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Sprout of Truth",
"drops.STONE_TRUTH.subArea": "Found in an old storage room in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Sprout of Spirit",
"drops.STONE_SPIRIT.subArea": "Found on top of a building complex in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Sprout of Ages",
"drops.STONE_AGES.subArea": "Found in secluded garden area in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Alpha Egg Pot",
"drops.Cold-Dng-1-bug.subArea": "en_US",
"": "Gamma Egg Pott",
"drops.Cold-Dng-3-bug.subArea": "en_US",
"": "Beta Egg Pot",
"drops.Cold-Dng-2-bug.subArea": "en_US",
"": "Delta Egg Pot",
"drops.Cold-Dng-4-bug.subArea": "en_US",
"": "Omega Egg Pot A",
"drops.Cold-Dng-Special-1-bug.subArea": "en_US",
"": "Omega Egg Pot B",
"drops.Cold-Dng-Special-2-bug.subArea": "en_US",
"": "Bee Hive Right",
"drops.jungle-bees-2.subArea": "en_US",
"": "Bee Hive Left",
"drops.jungle-bees-3.subArea": "en_US",
"": "AA_TUTORIAL_2",
"": "AA_TUTORIAL_1",
"": "AutumnTestPlant",
"drops.AutumnPlantA.subArea": "en_US",
"": "Karotto",
"enemies.snowman.species": "Enchanted Snowman",
"enemies.snowman.descriptions.0.text": "It is said that this curious being was brought to life by a sorceress in a moment of loneliness but it got left behind which transformed it into a mean Gatling Gun wielding grump.\nIt doesn't really need to but will attack anything that comes close to it by disguising itself as a simple snowman.\nGetting close for too long is not a good idea as it will use a ground slam attack to deal a lot of damage.",
"": "Tourist Karotto",
"enemies.jungle.special.snowman-jungle-1.descriptions.0.text": "A \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that developed a somewhat higher intelligence and curiousity and thus wanted to leave its home of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] to visit warmer lands.\nUnfortunately the burning sun has caused some problems, so it usually stays \\c[3]in caves\\c[0] and tries to \\c[3]steal cooling devices\\c[0] to live in a more comfortable temperature.",
"enemies.jungle.special.snowman-jungle-1.species": "Snowman Tourist",
"": "Karotto Fruitseeker",
"enemies.jungle.special.snowman-jungle-boss.descriptions.0.text": "The fruit-obsessed leader of a rogue group of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that aspired to make the warm lands of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] their home.\nTo that end it led robberies to steal large quantities of \\c[3]cooling devices\\c[0] which were supposed to slowly turn the Jungle into a climate more comfortable for Snowmen to live in.\nDespite its exceptional intelligence, it could not grasp the irony of that entire plan.",
"enemies.jungle.special.snowman-jungle-boss.species": "Snowman Tourist",
"": "Trijelly",
"enemies.heat.jellyfish.descriptions.0.text": "Water was too cold and wet for this jellyfish so it made \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] its new home. Despite its warmer environment it can conjure forth homing bubbles and attack with a spinning attack that lifts its prey upwards.\nUse heat to shoot the bubbles and temporarily stun them. Using their attacks against them, truly a humiliating tactic!",
"enemies.heat.jellyfish.species": "Flying Jellyfish",
"": "Argeby",
"enemies.jungle.plant.descriptions.0.text": "Believe or not this plant is controlled by sentient water. Researchers believe that NANO-MACHINES have concentrated into a puddle of water which jumped to a plant to form this being. It may look vicious but will only attack when provoked. Using the embedded NANO-MACHINES it can use wave teleportation to trick its enemies and attack from behind. ",
"enemies.jungle.plant.species": "Water-Controlled Plant",
"": "Tunnel Argeby",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_plant_1.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nOne would think that a plant like this would have difficulties surviving without direct sunlight, but it gets compensated by a high concentration of Track energy and a diet of nutritious cave insects. \nAlso of note is it's ability to \\c[3]sense incoming turret-shots\\c[0] and \\c[3]evade them\\c[0] by teleporting. \\c[3]It can not uphold its shield while doing so\\c[0], though.",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_plant_1.species": "Water-Controlled Plant",
"": "Ampery",
"enemies.jungle.special.plant-hidden-shock.descriptions.0.text": "A \\v[] that somehow got infected and now radiates \\c[3]Shock-energy\\c[0]. Said energy empowers it's attack and also creates an almost impenetrable shield that can only be neutralized with an opposing element.\nIt seems like the infection spreads between its NANO-MACHINES, which also explains why they are polluting the water.",
"enemies.jungle.special.plant-hidden-shock.species": "Water-Polluting Plant",
"": "Gelleric",
"enemies.jungle.blob.descriptions.0.text": "Can't go without a slime enemy in an RPG, right? Well, this is not it! The actual core of this creature is a bright light inside the gelatin mass, totally different. \nDespite that it is pretty weak when fought alone and will not even attack if not startled. In larger groups however it can quickly overwhelm you with group attacks. Use Combat Arts to quickly dispatch them!",
"enemies.jungle.blob.species": "Gelatin Mass ",
"": "Jelleric",
"enemies.jungle.blob-wave.descriptions.0.text": "A stronger slime enemy? Really? Not really! Just like the \\v[] the actual enemy is the light inside the mass. But the mass is harder and a bit darker which makes it stronger! Other than that it behaves exactly like its weaker kind, yep. ",
"enemies.jungle.blob-wave.species": "Gelatin Mass +",
"": "Tunnel Gelleric",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_blob_1.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nSince it is more prone to traverse on strict paths one might think of it as very inflexible. It is, however, just as wobbly as its overworld relative.",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_blob_1.species": "Gelatin Mass ",
"": "Powerplant",
"enemies.jungle.powerplant.descriptions.0.text": "Once bullied in tree school for being a flower this plant swore to get revenge on the trees by training every day to become the strongest plant the jungle has ever seen. But time went on and it got a job at the local temple to test Seekers instead. \nNowadays it uses its strength to hurl itself onto Seekers or punches them with its bulky fists.",
"enemies.jungle.powerplant.species": "Plant with mysterious Intentions",
"": "Buff Bloomy",
"enemies.jungle.special.powerplant-quest-1.descriptions.0.text": "A \\v[] that seems to radiate an extraordinary excess of power, unusual even for its kind.\nInvestigation suggests that, in a desire to further improve the buffness of its well-toned roots, it turned to dangerous substances that were meant to power experimental generators. Its body and mind was not able to handle it, so it became a danger to itself and others.\nIt will serve as a reminder that improving one's body, no matter if root or flesh, should always be done responsibly!",
"enemies.jungle.special.powerplant-quest-1.species": "Floral Infector",
"": "Ectovolt",
"enemies.jungle.ghost.descriptions.0.text": "Born from nightmares the \\v[] will use shock elemental attacks to quickly attack and dodge away, seemingly phasing through your attacks. After using its bolt attack it will cage itself in walls. Use compressed wave balls to stun it, which reveals the actual enemy: A cursed stone that feeds on the bad dreams of the Shad.",
"enemies.jungle.ghost.species": "Phantastical Being",
"": "Ocubepus",
"enemies.jungle.octopus.descriptions.0.text": "This little cube shapes a mass of water into a body which roughly resembles an octopus. It enjoys long walks on the beach and spin-attacking its enemies and laughing about it. The only way to break its protective shell is using a magnet to disrupt the tension of the water surface. Science wins again!",
"enemies.jungle.octopus.species": "Just a Cube",
"": "Plasma Phantom",
"enemies.jungle.shockboss.descriptions.0.text": "This cursed stone contains the soul of a once great Ancient. It mastered the shock element and can use it in all kinds of manners to disorient and overwhelm its enemies. Similar to the \\v[] it will cage itself to rain down lightning strikes upon its enemies. Use this window to shoot a compressed wave ball at it and break the curse!",
"enemies.jungle.shockboss.species": "Phantastical Being",
"": "Sir Blobus Starnikus",
"enemies.jungle.waveboss.descriptions.0.text": "This starfish is the leader of both the \\v[] and the \\v[]. It can enter a strange synthesis with them to create a large mass that is almost impenetrable. Only by using compressed shock balls can the bond can be broken.",
"enemies.jungle.waveboss.species": "Starfish",
"": "Jack'On'Fire",
"enemies.jungle.pumpkin.descriptions.0.text": "When it's dark and spooky out in the night, the blazing pumpkin will come and eat you alive. \nOne wrong step, one loud noise, be afraid of the pumpkin in the night.",
"enemies.jungle.pumpkin.species": "Fiery Enchanted Pumpkin",
"": "ExeRepair(error++);",
"enemies.jungle.algorithm.descriptions.0.text": "This strange device is a physical representation of the track's debugging process. Each node a step in the call stack. A malfunction made it hostile against everything but the true cause. It can spew flames, shoot bolts of lightning, shield other nodes or revive them depending on its element mode. It may also spawn \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] which attack on sight. ",
"enemies.jungle.algorithm.species": "Ancient Debugger",
"": "Bamboo Fountain",
"enemies.forest.bamboo-fountain.descriptions.0.text": "Peace and Tranquility, my friend. The only way to defeat it is to sit and listen.",
"enemies.forest.bamboo-fountain.species": "Fountain",
"": "Neutral Virus",
"enemies.arid.virus-neutral.descriptions.0.text": "A strange being that roams the lands of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It randomly jumps on prey and attacks them multiple times. \nLuckily their defense is rather low and they can be disposed of quickly with any attack. ",
"enemies.arid.virus-neutral.species": "Unknown",
"": "Heat Virus",
"enemies.arid.virus-heat.descriptions.0.text": "A version of the \\v[] that uses Heat based attacks. It uses the neutral Viruses as pawns to attack its enemies. However this is also its weak spot. Once the neutral ones are stunned, push them into the Heat Virus to break their shield.",
"enemies.arid.virus-heat.species": "Unknown",
"": "Cold Virus",
"enemies.arid.virus-cold.descriptions.0.text": "A version of the \\v[] that uses Cold based attacks. It uses the neutral Viruses as pawns to attack its enemies. However this is also its weak spot. Once the neutral ones are stunned, push them into the Cold Virus to break their shield.",
"enemies.arid.virus-cold.species": "Unknown",
"": "Arengee",
"enemies.arid.dice-mage.descriptions.0.text": "This dice is a sentient robot. The core processor being able to use all elements based on the number it rolls. It seems to take enjoyment in the game of chance, even if it means it will be left open for attacks.",
"enemies.arid.dice-mage.species": "Dice",
"": "boss.elephant-core",
"enemies.boss.elephant-core.species": "Core",
"": "special.dummy",
"enemies.special.dummy.descriptions.0.text": "This training dummy is used for new players to test \\c[3]Combat Arts\\c[0] and other techniques without the fear of getting attacked.\n ",
"enemies.special.dummy.species": "Sandbag",
"": "Meister Karotto",
"enemies.snowman-xmas.species": "Enchanted Snowman",
"": "baggy-kun-test",
"enemies.baggy-kun-test.descriptions.0.text": "This training dummy is used for new players to test \\c[3]Combat Arts\\c[0] and other techniques without the fear of getting attacked.\n ",
"enemies.baggy-kun-test.species": "Sandbag",
"": "The Green Light",
"enemies.greenlight.species": "Machiene",
"": "Baggy",
"enemies.baggy-kun.descriptions.0.text": "This training dummy is used for new players to test \\c[3]Combat Arts\\c[0] and other techniques without the fear of getting attacked.\n ",
"enemies.baggy-kun.species": "Sandbag",
"": "Karotto Fruitseeker",
"enemies.jungle.special.snowman-jungle-boss-scene.descriptions.0.text": "The fruit-obsessed leader of a rogue group of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that aspired to make the warm lands of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] their home.\nTo that end it led robberies to steal large quantities of \\c[3]cooling devices\\c[0] which were supposed to slowly turn the Jungle into a climate more comfortable for Snowmen to live in.\nDespite its exceptional intelligence, it could not grasp the irony of that entire plan.",
"enemies.jungle.special.snowman-jungle-boss-scene.species": "Snowman Tourist",
"": "Icewall",
"enemies.jungle.special.iceWall.species": "Shaped Frozen Water",
"": "arid.laser-catcher",
"enemies.arid.laser-catcher.species": "en_US",
"": "special.sergey-hax",
"enemies.special.sergey-hax.species": "en_US",
"": "special.sergey-hax2",
"enemies.special.sergey-hax2.species": "en_US",
"": "Apollo",
"enemies.avatar.apollo.descriptions.0.text": "A self proclaimed warrior of justice who accuses Lea of cheating and thus challenges her to a duel. He is quite the fighter and gets more vicious the more desperate his situation.",
"enemies.avatar.apollo.species": "Warrior of Justice",
"": "Apollo 2",
"enemies.avatar.apollo-2.descriptions.0.text": "The self proclaimed warrior of justice returns and this time he has the heat element on his side! Just like last time he will get more creative with his attacks as you have more wins over him.",
"enemies.avatar.apollo-2.species": "Warrior of Justice",
"": "Apollo 3",
"enemies.avatar.apollo-3.descriptions.0.text": "Look who's back! Apollo wants to settle things and is ready to use both heat and cold against you to show you the \"true potential\" of a seeker. Just like you, he can use level 2 Combat Arts which can pack quite a punch and break your guard too if you're not careful.",
"enemies.avatar.apollo-3.species": "Warrior of Justice",
"": "Jungle Guard",
"enemies.jungle.special.guard.descriptions.0.text": "A guard patrolling the route used by the \\c[3]Calzone Family\\c[0] to smuggle mushrooms from the infested area to \\c[3]Basin Keep\\c[0]. Their job is to walk the corridors of the cave system and check for any suspicious entities, all day.",
"enemies.jungle.special.guard.species": "Underpayed Guard",
"": "Guard Billston",
"enemies.heat.special.guard-hostile-mustache.descriptions.0.text": "A corrupt guard that holds no respect for the Shad that are native on Shadoon. Did formerly hold a respectable position in the \\c[3]Maroon Baki Guard\\c[0], before his crimes were uncovered.\n\nWhile his sense of justice is warped, he is still a very capable fighter. He wields the standard issue Laserlance of the guards with great skill and always carries a few of his favorite sandwiches, in case the battle tires him.",
"enemies.heat.special.guard-hostile-mustache.species": "Human Guard",
"": "Shizuka",
"enemies.avatar.shizuka.descriptions.0.text": "It is Shizuka! And she is pissed.\nExpect her to use some of your favorite strategies against you!",
"enemies.avatar.shizuka.species": "Protective Sister",
"": "Henry",
"enemies.minibosses.henry.descriptions.0.text": "A clever \"hacker\" that was able to manipulate CrossWorlds to do his bidding after many players helped him in collecting enough data. He is actually pretty weak and will use other enemies to attack.\nIn the end he was basically just a troll NPC meant to confuse players. Which worked out great!",
"enemies.minibosses.henry.species": "Not really Human",
"": "???",
"enemies.boss.designer-1.descriptions.0.text": "The information has been redacted.",
"enemies.boss.designer-1.species": "???",
"": "Designer",
"enemies.boss.designer-2.descriptions.0.text": "This information has been redacted.\n\n\"I only ever wanted to create. That was the one thing I loved. The one thing that kept me going. I even moved to this stupid moon. But he caged us and my designs were used for things I don't even want to think about anymore. It all seems to... distant.\nUntil she arrived and gave me one last chance to create the ultimate experience.\"",
"enemies.boss.designer-2.species": "???",
"": "Carla Navigation Test",
"enemies.navi-carla.species": "Human",
"": "Linde",
"enemies.jungle.special.npc-escortee-greeny.descriptions.0.text": "A person that wants to be escorted, to not get mugged.",
"enemies.jungle.special.npc-escortee-greeny.species": "Escortee",
"": "Captain Jet",
"enemies.captain.species": "Human",
"": "player-copy",
"enemies.player-copy.species": "???",
"": "Hostage",
"enemies.jungle.special.hostage-1.descriptions.0.text": "A hostage. Not the best position to be in.",
"enemies.jungle.special.hostage-1.species": "Hostage",
"": "Default Guard",
"enemies.guard-hostile-default.descriptions.0.text": "An armed human, currently or formerly employed by one of the many city guards on Shadoon.\n\nWield a powerful type of weapon that is used by most guards, the Laserlance. Also usually carries a standard ration of Sandwiches to recover from tiresome battles.",
"enemies.guard-hostile-default.species": "Human Guard",
"": "arid.evotar",
"enemies.arid.evotar.species": "Evotar",
"": "Hedgehag",
"enemies.hedgehog.descriptions.0.text": "This large hedgehog creature can usually be found in packs of up to 20. Normally it is peaceful but when provoked it will use its sharp needles to attack its predator. \nNo one really knows why it was named \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Some say it was a typo when the enemy was first named. Others say it stirs from its violent nature when provoked in packs. It's a mystery.",
"enemies.hedgehog.descriptions.1.text": "According to some players defeating multiple \\v[]s in a certain area of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] will lead to a rare event. ",
"enemies.hedgehog.species": "Mammal",
"": "Old Hedgehag",
"enemies.hedgehog-alt.descriptions.0.text": "When a \\v[] becomes old, its needles acquire a red tint which strongly resembles rust. Much like its younger self it only attacks when threatened.\nHowever years of experience made it much more resilient and taught it to use its spinning attack to jump on aggressors.",
"enemies.hedgehog-alt.species": "Mammal",
"": "Radical Hedgehag",
"enemies.autumn-fall.hedgehog-fall.descriptions.0.text": "This sub-species of the common \\v[] can only be found in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Their needles are pitch black and the red patch on their back is meant to scare off potential predators since it looks like blood. \nDespite all this, these creature are passive and only attack when attacked. They will use the same attacks \\v[] and \\v[] use but will mix up the the dash attack by attacking twice in a row.",
"enemies.autumn-fall.hedgehog-fall.species": "Mammal",
"": "Blue Hedgehag",
"": "This rare \\v[] can only be found under certain conditions and is commonly theorized to be the leader of its patch. It is feared for its speedy attacks and its blue color and red eyes make it even more menacing. Usually mistaken for a third eye, the object on its forehead is actually a gem. If someone is brave enough to face it and defeat it, it often leaves behind a golden ring of unknown origin.",
"": "Mammal",
"": "Rockin' Hillkat",
"enemies.meerkat.descriptions.0.text": "This happy meerkat spends half of its life below ground where it listens to music on its headphones. It can burrow tunnels so fast that it can use them both to attack predators and escape from them. \nWhen threatened it will throw stones and use a fierce uppercut. Before doing so it will charge up for a short while. Use this window and stun it by throwing a charged ball at it.",
"enemies.meerkat.species": "Headbanging Mammal",
"": "Flamin' Hillkat",
"enemies.meerkat-alt.descriptions.0.text": "This sub-species of the \\v[] wears red headphones instead of green ones. It also shows a more aggressive behavior towards aggressors by throwing flaming stones at them instead of normal ones.\nContrary to popular belief the music it's listening to is smooth jazz.",
"enemies.meerkat-alt.species": "Headbanging Mammal",
"": "Hillkat Bandleader",
"enemies.meerkat-special-command-1.descriptions.0.text": "A \\c[3]Hillkat\\c[0] of unusual intelligence and charisma that was able to unite groups of lesser Hillkats for organized raids on humans.\nWhile it is already a threat by itself it will also call additional \\c[3]reinforcements\\c[0] when under attack.",
"enemies.meerkat-special-command-1.species": "Headbanging Leader",
"": "Chillin' Hillkat",
"enemies.autumn-fall.meerkat-fall.descriptions.0.text": "This meerkat shows the same characteristics as normal ones. However it has gained the ability to surround stones in a thick layer of ice and throw them at aggressors. Those hurt like hell, so you better watch out.\nIts name is quite misleading, as the music its listening to has been found to be heavy metal.",
"enemies.autumn-fall.meerkat-fall.species": "Headbanging Mammal",
"": "Mad Bovine",
"enemies.buffalo.descriptions.0.text": "This tanky buffalo creature looks like a mean meany but is actually a soft and fluffy fella. As long as you don't get on its wrong side. If you do you better get ready to feel the full wrath of its stomp and charge attacks. Its head is coated in a metal-like layer of skin that it uses to shield against attacks.\nYour only way out is to let it charge against a wall which will stun it for a short while, leaving it open for attacks from behind.",
"enemies.buffalo.species": "Buff Mammal",
"": "Red Eyed Bovine",
"enemies.buffalo-alt.descriptions.0.text": "Remember the \\v[]? And how it is a fluffy fella? Well this one is too! Despite its unfavorable name.\nBut it gets every bit as angry when attacked and packs a much stronger punch.\nIt gains its dark color and red eyes by age. When a \\v[] enters adulthood its color changes marking it as a potential mating partner.",
"enemies.buffalo-alt.species": "Buff Mammal",
"": "Ivory Bovine",
"enemies.autumn-fall.buffalo-fall.descriptions.0.text": "The \\v[] is the oldest of the bovines and gets its bright and blue colors once it reaches old age. This means it has become wise enough to rest and enjoy the rest of its life. It will spend most of its time away from its younger kind and eat grass. \nThis doesn't mean it is not strong however. It will attack even harder and emit strong shockwaves both when charging and stomping. Mindlessly rushing in will only get you hurt!",
"enemies.autumn-fall.buffalo-fall.species": "Mammal",
"": "Blazehoof",
"enemies.autumn-fall.buffalo-fire-quest.descriptions.0.text": "Formerly a peaceful \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this proud animal has been afflicted with a painful sickness that turned it into a highly aggressive flaming beast. It did, however still have enough self-control to hide in a remote cave as to not bring any more destruction to its homeland.\nIts terrifying heat somehow even forms a protective barrier, so defeat it one must face it with the power of \\c[3]Cold\\c[0] and extinguish its raging fire.",
"enemies.autumn-fall.buffalo-fire-quest.species": "Fiery Mammal",
"": "Tunnel Teslabovine",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_buffel_1.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]Teslabovine\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nThough it is currently unknown what a \"regular Teslabovine\" is, it is assumed that these are somewhat similar to it. In any case, they follow strict paths at a relaxed pace but sometimes feel compelled to charge forward. These charges will incite a powerful bolt of lightning on their trampled path!",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_buffel_1.species": "Mammal",
"": "Young Frobbit",
"enemies.gray-frobbit.descriptions.0.text": "This weird mixture between frog and rabbit calls the lower parts of Mount Bergen its home. Its cute demeanor quickly turns to evil killer beast when attacked. It will jump around its aggressor and use its strong legs for attacks. Watch out for its fake-outs! It will pretend to charge at you only to jump behind you and give you a boot to the head.",
"enemies.gray-frobbit.species": "Mammal",
"": "White Frobbit",
"enemies.frobbit.descriptions.0.text": "This white counterpart to the \\v[] lives in the higher places of Mount. Bergen and is every bit as cute... and evil. \nHowever it is stronger and can quickly whittle you down when encountered in big packs.",
"enemies.frobbit.species": "Mammal",
"": "Dirty Frobbit",
"enemies.cold.frobbit-quest-dirty.descriptions.0.text": "A \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that got dirty by hopping around mining machines.\nThe thick filth has not only made its fur become \\c[3]almost impervious to damage\\c[0], it also enraged the usually peaceful animal to \\c[3]attack any human\\c[0] it sees.\nOnly a \\c[3]forced bath\\c[0] will clean up their fur and make them vulnerable again.",
"enemies.cold.frobbit-quest-dirty.species": "Dirty Mammal",
"": "Legendary Frobbit",
"enemies.legend-frobbit.descriptions.0.text": "Despite its fancy name, this is just a normal \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"enemies.legend-frobbit.species": "Mammal",
"": "Hologram Frobbit",
"enemies.daft-frobbit.descriptions.0.text": "A mischievous variant of the common \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] created by the Ancients as part of a trial. It will jump around and make you chase it all around the area until finally engaging in combat. And boy does it pack a punch, combing both Heat and Cold for furious attacks.",
"enemies.daft-frobbit.species": "Mammal",
"": "Seafly",
"enemies.seahorse.descriptions.0.text": "This seahorse has transcended its sea life and grew wings that allow it be part of the busy fauna of the land. It usually spends its day eating plants and flying around. \nWhen attacked it will use its unique mouth to shoot bubbles at its enemies that contain a light poison that can damage the skin on contact. Pushed against a wall it can also use a volley of such bubbles that make it hard to just dodge. Better shield up!",
"enemies.seahorse.species": "Flying Seahorse",
"": "Fallfly",
"enemies.autumn-fall.seahorse-fall.descriptions.0.text": "Other than its orange color this seahorse has the same behavior as the \\v[]. Its bubble volley however is both faster and contains more bubbles, which can break shields if not careful.",
"enemies.autumn-fall.seahorse-fall.descriptions.1.text": "It is said that they also mysteriously developed the ability to spit bursts of fire. This is rarely seen, though, as their respect for their environment forbids the use of this ability on the surface.",
"enemies.autumn-fall.seahorse-fall.species": "Flying Seahorse",
"": "Pengpeng",
"enemies.penguin.descriptions.0.text": "A penguin on a mountain. How it made its way up here shall be forever unknown to mankind. It will throw snowballs at its enemies and slide at them. When pushed into the water they will jump out and attack with a fast divebomb, so watch out for your surroundings.",
"enemies.penguin.descriptions.1.text": "The \\v[] can use various forms of beatbox to animate it to attack in formation with other members of its kind.",
"enemies.penguin.species": "Bird",
"": "Peng King Dakara",
"enemies.minibosses.penguin-rapper.descriptions.0.text": "A rare type of \\c[3]Pengpeng\\c[0] that set up a den deep in the mountains of \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0]. When approached it immediately thinks that you want to steal its flow and jumps up to its \"stage\". It will summon Pengpengs and command them to do different attacks based on its temper. Anger it by defeating all Pengpengs to make it jump down.",
"enemies.minibosses.penguin-rapper.species": "Best Bird",
"": "Horny Goat",
"enemies.goat.descriptions.0.text": "The horned goat likes to make fun of its attackers by pointing its butt at them which is plated in armor for some reason. Attacking it while it is doing so will result in a quick kick so keep your distance. \nSometimes it will actually throw its horns in a large curve. Use this to stun it and deal some good damage. And don't get distracted by its laughing. It's laughing with you, not about you!",
"enemies.goat.species": "Mammal",
"": "Horny Cavegoat",
"enemies.goat-cave.descriptions.0.text": "This much more powerful and intelligent variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] has only been sighted very recently.\nReports suggest that it might not have developed naturally but was actually \\c[3]created by human influence\\c[0].\nIn any case it uses \\c[3]heat-based\\c[0] attacks and is even able to handle \\c[3]explosives\\c[0].",
"enemies.goat-cave.species": "Mammal",
"": "Fleazer",
"enemies.mine-coldbug.descriptions.0.text": "This strange bug hides inside rocks to lure its prey. It attacks everything without warning. Despite its short height it is capable of inflicting dangerous wounds by dashing towards its mark with great speed. The attacks are also cold based which makes them an even larger threat.",
"enemies.mine-coldbug.descriptions.1.text": "This little bugger is actually a cybernetic parasite capable of taking over mechanical systems. Once infested the machines are used to fight off hostiles and expand the colony. To fight them off your best bet is fire since these bugs are extremely vulnerable to heat. So basically like every bug. Kill it with fire.",
"enemies.mine-coldbug.species": "Insect, Bug",
"": "Experienced Fleazer",
"enemies.cold.mine-coldbug-quest.descriptions.0.text": "Almost indistinguishable from its lesser form this little bug is much, much stronger. Their collaboration attack can also do quite the large amount of damage as multiples of them will charge to follow their prey and create huge ice spikes that leave trails.",
"enemies.cold.mine-coldbug-quest.species": "Insect, Bug",
"": "Flintzer",
"enemies.cold.coldbug-quest-bombing-1.descriptions.0.text": "A variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] though less attuned to the element of Cold. Instead it evolved into having an even harder shell than their cousins. The only way to properly damage them would be by using \\c[3]heavy explosives\\c[0].",
"enemies.cold.coldbug-quest-bombing-1.species": "Insect, Bug",
"": "Flamezer",
"enemies.jungle.heatbug.descriptions.0.text": "A sub type of the \\v[]. Instead of combining powers to send a single bug against you, this variant creates a large fire cyclone. \nAgainst all instincts this enemy is very weak to Cold. So... kill it with ice!",
"enemies.jungle.heatbug.species": "Insect, Bug",
"": "Pinceron",
"enemies.heat.scorpion.descriptions.0.text": "This creepy looking guy is the most common inhabitant of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It usually poses no threat unless provoked and stays together with others of its kind.\nThey can use their big pincers to quickly attack. The big stinger apparently has some magical properties which allows it to follow you underground and attack from below. Nature is scary.",
"enemies.heat.scorpion.species": "Scorpion",
"": "Boss Pincer",
"enemies.heat.scorpion-alt.descriptions.0.text": "When a \\v[] gets older it acquires the rank of \"Big Boss\" among its kind. It is tradition that each \"Big Boss\" must offer an eye as tribute to gain this rank or be forever cast out. This cruel ritual has never been seen by anyone so it is hard to say how they obtain the eye patches.",
"enemies.heat.scorpion-alt.species": "Boss Scorpion",
"": "Sharkster",
"enemies.heat.sandshark.descriptions.0.text": "Fearsome creatures, these bony sharks attack on sight, or rather vibration as they are actually blind. Adventurers often struggle in dealing with this fast foe as it is hard to catch and invulnerable underground. However constantly aiming your shot and throwing balls at them as soon as they jump up stuns them for quite a while.",
"enemies.heat.sandshark.species": "Fish",
"": "Ghost Sharkster",
"enemies.minibosses.ghost-sandshark.descriptions.0.text": "A ghostly image formed by the \\v[]. They can't be hurt but you can interrupt their attacks to keep them off you for a while.",
"enemies.minibosses.ghost-sandshark.species": "Ghost Fish",
"": "Cursed Sharkster",
"enemies.minibosses.cursed-sandshark.descriptions.0.text": "A cursed beast that lurked below Maroon Valley. It once stole coins from a cursed chest and turned into an undying creature. The only way to defeat it is by finding the cursed content of the chest and returning it. \nIt can summon ghostly versions of itself that can not be defeated unless the chest is filled with coins.",
"enemies.minibosses.cursed-sandshark.species": "Cursed Fish",
"": "Drillertoise",
"enemies.heat.drillertoise.descriptions.0.text": "Is it a stone or not? When humans first arrived in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] these reptiles were hard to make out as they would burrow below ground and use their rocky back to pretend to be a stone. \nThat does not mean they don't fight! Getting too chummy with them will make them use a stomp attack or throw big stones. \nA good tactic is to look away from it and use walls to bounce your balls off and hit it as it will be above ground.",
"enemies.heat.drillertoise.species": "Reptile",
"": "Chillertoise",
"enemies.heat.special.drillertoise-quest-heatAdv-1.descriptions.0.text": "A more relaxed variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that is almost exclusively found in caves. They are usually completely immovable and answer threats by causing \\c[3]shockwaves\\c[0] from the safety of their shell. \nOnly \\c[3]explosive measures\\c[0] might cause them to show any weaknesses.",
"enemies.heat.special.drillertoise-quest-heatAdv-1.species": "Stoned Reptile",
"": "Tim",
"enemies.heat.sandworm.descriptions.0.text": "These slimy creatures spend most of their time halfway underground almost looking like a deformed stone. Their bodies are extremely flexible and can fit into holes the size of a hand. \nIronically they do not like overheating and will get extremely hostile when exposed to it for too long. In their enraged form they will spit out scorching hot rocks and move much faster.",
"enemies.heat.sandworm.descriptions.1.text": "According to some insight by C'tron worms posses 5 hearts. It's mystery how they fit into this elastic body.",
"enemies.heat.sandworm.species": "Worm",
"": "Ti'im",
"enemies.heat.sandworm-boss.descriptions.0.text": "A slightly mutated version of the common \\v[] which made the cave below the famous Maroon Tree in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] its home.\nIt seems to have some sort of control over the rock formations inside the cave, being able to to raise and lower parts of the cave system. \nIt uses this to attack intruders from higher ground without them being able to reach it. However disposing of other Tim can raise platforms to make it possible to reach it.",
"enemies.heat.sandworm-boss.species": "Boss Worm",
"": "Vulturbine",
"enemies.heat.volturbine.descriptions.0.text": "This bird is often described as the phoenix of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Until provoked they will usually just fly around and only prey on deceased animals. \nIf you however choose to attack them... get ready for all their flaming wrath. They can use their jet turbines to boost into a flaming dive attack. If you time your guard you can counter them and leave them open for big damage however! Otherwise you better keep your distance and use ranged attacks whenever you see an opening.",
"enemies.heat.volturbine.species": "Flaming Bird",
"": "Wowturbine",
"enemies.heat.special.volturbine-cave.descriptions.0.text": "A stronger variant of the more common \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], these fiery birds are usually found underground, protecting holy places of the Ancients.\nIn addition to the usual abilities of their species they can \\c[3]shoot explosive air-to-ground missiles\\c[0] and also \\c[3]use flames to regenerate\\c[0].",
"enemies.heat.special.volturbine-cave.species": "Flaming Bird",
"": "Pada Moth",
"enemies.heat.moth.descriptions.0.text": "Not only do these moths spew flames out of their eyes and live inside the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], they also are attracted to elemental poles when charged with heat! That's some serious dedication for fire right there. \nConsequently cold attacks work pretty well against them. Use this in combination with attracting them to poles charged with heat to stun them and get them on the ground!",
"enemies.heat.moth.species": "Moth",
"": "Darth Moth",
"enemies.heat.darth-moth.descriptions.0.text": "A mutation of the common \\v[] that has somehow gained the ability to shoot a laser from its eye. That's right, a laser. They're also not fooled easily by the same tricks you could use against its weaker kind. However it still is very vulnerable to cold attacks. Best wait for an opening to throw some icy balls at them.",
"enemies.heat.darth-moth.species": "Moth",
"": "Pinzo'jrahrrrn",
"enemies.heat.antlion.descriptions.0.text": "The stuff of nightmares right there. This a heavily mutated form of an... antlion, maybe? It's hard to say what happened to this creature, the only thing known is that it is mad and wants to eat you. It can turn the floor into quicksand, use its many pincers to attack you or throw flaming rocks at you if you somehow managed to reveal its weak belly. \nHopefully their is only one of these and not another when in different colors or something lazy like that.",
"enemies.heat.antlion.species": "Mutated Worm",
"": "Master Magmoth",
"enemies.heat.megamoth.descriptions.0.text": "The moths of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] call this gigantic beast their mother. And it's pretty mad you hurt so many of its children. The only weak spot on its whole body is the eye at the head part and only if it's open and not closed. It will only open it right before it uses one of its attacks. When weak it tries to get away from its foe and regenerate, creating bubbles to fend off any attacks. Conveniently those can be used to create platforms on the hot coals! What are the chances?",
"enemies.heat.megamoth.species": "Mother of Moths",
"": "Shokat",
"enemies.jungle.shockcat.descriptions.0.text": "How do you have this report? How could you defeat 10 of these fluffy but arguably shocking kitties? All they wanted is to be petted. I hope they left you with some cat scratches!",
"enemies.jungle.shockcat.species": "Mammal",
"": "Wiccat",
"enemies.minibosses.shockcat-black.descriptions.0.text": "These kitties are not cute at all. They will attack on sight and will dodge projectiles whenever they can. Thankfully they don't feature the \"attracting\" nature of their more calm kindred.\nJust what made them so aggressive?",
"enemies.minibosses.shockcat-black.descriptions.1.text": "Turns out that these fiends are part of the tracks attempt to fix itself. Something went wrong and the cats interpreted humans and shads as part of the problem. ",
"enemies.minibosses.shockcat-black.species": "Mammal",
"": "Tunnel Shockcat",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_shockcat_2.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nThough they are stubbornly following strict paths, unlike their less disciplined and decidedly more cuddly cousins, they still retain a Shokat's blinding agility. Expect them to \\c[3]dodge projectiles\\c[0] of automated turrets with ease!",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_shockcat_2.species": "Mammal",
"": "Tunnel Wiccat ",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_shockcat_1.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nBlack cats in dark caves are usually very hard to see. Thankfully these little devils still have a certain code of honor that inclines them to constantly give off a bit of light.",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_shockcat_1.species": "Mammal",
"": "Papagun",
"enemies.jungle.parrot.descriptions.0.text": "This slick looking parrot is the coolest bird in the jungle and not to be crossed. It uses other creatures to do favors for them in exchange for protection. What kind of protection. Well, next to spitting huge nuts at you from a distance it also carries a Gatling-Gun. A Gatling that will shoot sharp darts at you. Find cover or block them and close the gap to stun it!",
"enemies.jungle.parrot.species": "Trigger-Happy Bird",
"": "Papagangster Softhat",
"enemies.jungle.special.parrot-gangster-1.descriptions.0.text": "Slightly more civilized and refined variants of the regular \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] that are found in the wild, these winged criminals are the untested, bottom-rung henchbirds of a powerful criminal syndicate that plagues \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].\nThey usually responsible for swiftly storming buildings from the air to perform robberies or \\c[3]take hostages\\c[0]. Such missions are usually an opportunity to prove themselves, but untested as they are, the right words might just sway them.",
"enemies.jungle.special.parrot-gangster-1.species": "Lawless Bird",
"": "Papagangster Muscle",
"enemies.jungle.special.parrot-gangster-2.descriptions.0.text": "Slightly more civilized and refined variants of the regular Papaguns that are found in the wild, these winged criminals are the common footsoldiers of a powerful criminal syndicate that plagues \\v[].\nThey usually responsible for organized robberies, guard duty and for moving stolen goods.",
"enemies.jungle.special.parrot-gangster-2.species": "Lawless Bird",
"": "Behesloth",
"enemies.jungle.sloth.descriptions.0.text": "The embodiment of laziness itself. This huge sloth is a friendly fella, mostly moving around on its stomach and eating plants or mushrooms. If provoked it will stand on its feet to attack with a huge swing or spin extremely fast and dash at its aggressors. This attack can be counter blocked but it is very risky.",
"enemies.jungle.sloth.species": "Large Mammal",
"": "Sephisloth",
"enemies.minibosses.sloth-black.descriptions.0.text": "This is the true culprit behind the infestation of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Somehow it managed to snag at the track's system and gained some serious power in return. Not only can it communicate to some degree it also gained an appetite for everything electrical like the glowing plants. \nIt uses the same tactics as the normal sloth but varies it up by dodging around you and using a long sword to sweep the floor with you. Additionally it can trap you in a lightning cage and attack you with dashes multiple times.",
"enemies.minibosses.sloth-black.species": "Large Mammal",
"": "Angler",
"": "Coming right at you from the deep, this angler fish found its way into the jungle and lives primarily in the rainy part of it. It mostly stays passive unless provoked in which case it will try to stay away and shoot wave projectiles at you. Shoot at it until it becomes mad and charges at you to release a large scream. Dodge it and melee attack it to break its guard.",
"": "Floating Fish",
"": "Tunnel Angler",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_fish_1.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nLiving underground for most of its life has somewhat stunted this creature's ability to fly. Not for the lack of ability, but rather because constantly stubbing their sensible lantern on the ceiling at a young age has made them overly careful.",
"enemies.jungle.special.quest_td_fish_1.species": "Floating Fish",
"": "Tiefsee Angler",
"enemies.minibosses.deep-fish.descriptions.0.text": "This variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] lives in the abandoned ruins of the giant sea in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].\nIt can become near invisible and attacks its prey from the dark. Bright lights however can make it vulnerable for a short period of time.\nLegends say that this beast has not been seen for many centuries. However legends also tell that nobody ever lived to tell the tale...",
"enemies.minibosses.deep-fish.species": "Deepest Fish",
"": "Blue Ray",
"enemies.jungle.blueray.descriptions.0.text": "This fish is capable of diving into any surface by moving into a higher dimension. The only thing alerting of its presence is the looming shadow. It will attack with various wave-elemental attacks while hiding below ground. The only way to lure it out is by using dischargers. They will be stunned for a short while from the shock, use this window to deal as much damage as you can.",
"enemies.jungle.blueray.species": "5th Dimension Fish",
"": "Son of the East",
"enemies.jungle.ape-boss.descriptions.0.text": "Born atop a mountain from a magic stone, this wise ape serves as the caretaker of both the \\c[3]\\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]\\c[0] and the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. He will test each Seeker to make sure only the worthy acquire the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. He wields a long staff and flies around on a puffy little cloud. Although his job is to test Seekers, it seems he enjoys a good and honest fight.",
"enemies.jungle.ape-boss.species": "Handsome Ape",
"": "Ancient Guardian",
"enemies.jungle.whale-boss.descriptions.0.text": "Enlightened and aloof, this wise whale is the true guardian of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Together with the \\v[] it will combine wave and shock elemental attacks to test a Seeker. Shock balls will stun it, forcing the ape to try and heal it. Who you attack is your choice...",
"enemies.jungle.whale-boss.species": "Wisdom Bringer",
"": "Sun Beetle",
"enemies.forest.bug-samurai-heat.descriptions.0.text": "This bug is a true warrior and master of the hidden arts of the blade. Trained by a master since its birth it takes down enemies with powerful strikes. Strikes so powerful they combust the air around them and create flames.",
"enemies.forest.bug-samurai-heat.descriptions.1.text": "Its weapons of choice are dual swords known as \"Sun Blades\". When threatened it can summon a heat barrier and it uses an fake-out attack by jumping behind its enemies following up with a huge fire swirl.",
"enemies.forest.bug-samurai-heat.species": "Honorable Insect",
"": "Moon Beetle",
"enemies.forest.bug-samurai-shock.descriptions.0.text": "This bug is a true warrior and master of the hidden arts of the blade. Trained by a master since its birth it takes down enemies with swift strikes. It is said to be so fast that it can even dodge bullets.",
"enemies.forest.bug-samurai-shock.descriptions.1.text": "Its weapons of choice are dual swords known as \"Moon Blades\". When threatened it can summon a shock barrier and it uses an extremely fast attack that uses both swords to slice through its enemies.",
"enemies.forest.bug-samurai-shock.species": "Honorable Insect",
"": "Twilight Master",
"enemies.forest.samurai-boss.descriptions.0.text": "Once a boy was found by the beetle-folk of \\c[3]Sapphire Ridge\\c[0]. The master of the clan raised this boy as his own.\nHe became a strong and honorable warrior that protected the clan just as much as any other beetle. \nYears passed and the father's time to enter the afterlife drew close. On his deathbed the Father spoke to his son:\n\\c[3]\"You shall become the master of this clan, my son.\"\\c[0]\nWith tears the son nodded his head in agreement as the father dissipated into thousands of fireflies that flew into the night sky.",
"enemies.forest.samurai-boss.species": "Master of Old",
"": "Aranetarda",
"enemies.forest.spider.descriptions.0.text": "Mostly found in caves in \\v[], this supersized spider is the nightmare of many miners. It slows downs its prey and then attacks with a deafening scream. In groups it teams up with other \\v[]s. Watch out as it leaps up with ice cold power.",
"enemies.forest.spider.species": "Not a bug",
"": "Failed Rhino",
"enemies.arid.rhino.descriptions.0.text": "Seems like this enemy wasn't quite ready, as it is missing its backside. This left this poor being in permanent malfunction making it extremely aggressive. It will launch itself at you or jump on you, infused with various elements. Its backside is the only way to stun it. But be aware: to much pressure and it will leave a burst of particles. ",
"enemies.arid.rhino.species": "Failed Experiment",
"": "Gastropolis",
"enemies.arid.snail.descriptions.0.text": "A huge snail with an enormous amount of HP. It's slow but it can use its huge body to jump on top of you or spin around the arena leaving an icy trail. It will also spit out slugs that move towards its enemy and explode. Attack its tail to stun it and attack. \nHowever, this will not even leave a scratch. You need something better to have a chance at draining its HP pool.",
"enemies.arid.snail.species": "Not a sneg",
"": "Gallant Frobbit",
"enemies.frobbit-miniboss-gallant.species": "Mammal",
"": "autumn-rh.buffel-sick-1",
"enemies.autumn-rh.buffel-sick-1.species": "Mammal",
"": "heat.drillertoise-OLD",
"enemies.heat.drillertoise-OLD.species": "Reptile",
"": "heat.darth-moth-old",
"enemies.heat.darth-moth-old.species": "Flying Seahorse",
"": "Lady Frobbit",
"enemies.frobbit-miniboss-femme.species": "Mammal",
"": "autumn-rh.seahorse-river",
"enemies.autumn-rh.seahorse-river.species": "Flying Seahorse",
"": "cold.coldbug-quest-bombing-2",
"enemies.cold.coldbug-quest-bombing-2.descriptions.0.text": "A variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] though less attuned to the element of Cold. Instead it evolved into having an even harder shell than their cousins. The only way to properly damage them would be by using \\c[3]heavy explosives\\c[0].",
"enemies.cold.coldbug-quest-bombing-2.species": "Insect, Bug",
"": "hedgehog-dodge",
"enemies.hedgehog-dodge.species": "Mammal",
"enemies.jungle.special.parrot-gangster-": "jungle.special.parrot-gangster- boss-1",
"enemies.jungle.special.parrot-gangster- boss-1.species": "Lawless Bird",
"": "[OLD] Blue Hedgehag",
"enemies.hedgehog-boss.species": "Mammal",
"": "The Goatfather",
"enemies.cold.goat-father.descriptions.0.text": "It can make offers, you can not refuse.",
"enemies.cold.goat-father.species": "Boss Goat",
"": "Beta Mouse Bot",
"enemies.mouse-bot.descriptions.0.text": "A small mouse robot used by Carla to teach Lea how to throw at faster moving objects. They won't attack and just run away when you hit them.",
"enemies.mouse-bot.species": "Rookie Robot",
"": "Huge Hostile Crab",
"enemies.boss-test.descriptions.0.text": "A mechanical crab summoned by the mysterious blue avatar. Its stats conveniently match yours and its attack gets more ferocious the more damage you deal. When it charges up for a big jump it will get stunned on the last dive revealing the weak point on its back: a shiny crystal!",
"enemies.boss-test.species": "Unknown Mecha ",
"": "Rhombus Enforcer 1.0",
"enemies.simple-bot.descriptions.0.text": "This small robot is used as part of the official CrossWorlds tutorial. Carla also used this to teach you dodging and interrupting enemy attacks. It won't really do much damage and poses almost no threat. Use it to learn how to pummel enemies!",
"enemies.simple-bot.species": "Rookie Robot",
"": "Rhombus Enforcer 2.0",
"enemies.default.descriptions.0.text": "Often called \"Default-Bot\" by the developers of CrossWorlds this enemy is used in the official tutorial of the game as a more dangerous foe compared to a \\v[]. It will charge up and attack 3 times in a row but conveniently it will also tell you by both blinking red and via a message. Truly an enemy for a tutorial!",
"enemies.default.species": "Rookie Robot",
"": "Rhombus Turret 1.0",
"enemies.turret-rhombus.descriptions.0.text": "This stationary enemy can either shoot a single projectile at you or a triple shoot that spreads. Either way they are pretty easy to deal with. You can either dash in and quickly give them a good pummeling or dodge the projectiles and throw balls at them.",
"enemies.turret-rhombus.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"": "Illegal Rhombus Turret",
"enemies.turret-rhg-1.descriptions.0.text": "A illegally modified variant of the popular \\c[3]Rhombus Turret\\c[0], intended to be smuggled to the mainland for all kinds of nefarious schemes. Unlike the standard model this machine also comes with a shield.",
"enemies.turret-rhg-1.species": "Illegal Sentry",
"": "Rhombus Heavy Turret 1.0",
"enemies.turret-large.descriptions.0.text": "This larger turret was used by Carla and Captain Jet to showcase some advanced gameplay mechanics of CrossWorlds. You couldn't quite finish the final fight against it as a certain someone interrupted...",
"enemies.turret-large.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"": "Rhombus Heavy Turret 2.0",
"enemies.turret-boss.descriptions.0.text": "The return of the turret from the cargo ship! But this time nothing can interrupt you. The turret learned a few new tricks and will get more cheeky as the fight progresses. It also doesn't like when switches are turned on. It will immediately turn them off. So don't be rude? Unless it's charging its ball beam. Getting hit by that really hurts...",
"enemies.turret-boss.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"": "Illegal Floating Turret",
"enemies.autumn-rh.turret_float-quest_naval.descriptions.0.text": "Heavily modified turrets made in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and meant for illegal activities all over \\v[lore.title.planet]. They are equipped with \\c[3]floating devices\\c[0] to cross the ocean on their own and might even have their own \\c[3]shielding system\\c[0].\nIt is advised to only face them with the support of \\c[3]heavy artillery\\c[0].",
"enemies.autumn-rh.turret_float-quest_naval.species": "Floating Sentry",
"": "Illegal Floating Bomber",
"enemies.autumn-rh.suicider_float-quest_naval.descriptions.0.text": "Bombs made in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and meant for illegal activities all over \\v[lore.title.planet]. They are equipped with \\c[3]floating devices\\c[0] to cross the ocean on their own and might even have their own \\c[3]shielding system\\c[0].\nThough they can not attack, they will \\c[3]detonate themselves at close range\\c[0] with such a force that they might even be a danger to heavily armored military hardware.",
"enemies.autumn-rh.suicider_float-quest_naval.species": "Floating Bomb",
"": "Tr4in-0",
"": "A state-of-the-art bot used to train \\c[3]Seekers\\c[0] in various ways. Word has it, that in the developers based the design of real robots used in the early stages of the game.",
"": "Training Bot",
"": "Carritrich",
"enemies.mine-runbot.descriptions.0.text": "It's an ostrich. It's carrying things. However the track made sure that it won't be carrying any more ore for the humans, only pain for those who want to beat the temple or disrupt it. It charges similarly to the bovines of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] but instead of ramming against the wall it gets stunned by attacking it before hitting a wall.",
"enemies.mine-runbot.species": "Mine Robot",
"": "Kamikatze",
"enemies.mine-kamikatze.descriptions.0.text": "This bot was used to produce and carry highly explosive bombs into smaller tunnels inside the mine for controlled explosions. Thanks to the track it now uses said bombs against us and also uses a spinning flamethrower that it had built in for... reasons?",
"enemies.mine-kamikatze.species": "Mine Robot",
"": "Kamikater",
"enemies.forest.kamikater.descriptions.0.text": "This forgotten robot was once intended to be used as a mining tool to create new tunnels to gather the precious \\c[3]Sapphire Cobalt\\c[0] from. \nHowever, due to incidents in the \\c[3]\\v[] Mine\\c[0] the robots were disabled.\nSome of them however still lay dormant inside the tunnels and are highly volatile. Once charged with electricity they will initiate a target seeking self-destruction sequence powerful enough to clear loose boulders.",
"enemies.forest.kamikater.species": "Forgotten Robot",
"": "Digmo",
"enemies.mine-diggingbot.descriptions.0.text": "When bombs are too powerful this bot comes around and uses its wheel to dig deep. The track however makes it use its systems to hurl ice blocks at you, dash at you or shake the whole mine to let rocks fall on you. That's a lot of \"you\"s so be careful!",
"enemies.mine-diggingbot.species": "Mine Robot",
"": "Infected Digmo",
"enemies.mine-diggingbot-cold.descriptions.0.text": "While the other bots in the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] are infected by the \\v[] normally, this \\v[] is super infected. That means it can do super strong attacks that will make use of the cold element to even summon ice spikes that create even more ice spikes. Super terrifying indeed.",
"enemies.mine-diggingbot-cold.species": "Infected Mine Robot",
"": "Smelter Digmo",
"enemies.cold.mine-diggingbot-quest.descriptions.0.text": "An advanced version of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that fell victim to corruption by the resident \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]. Aside from the usual mining capabilities of the older model it can also use many \\c[3]heat-based\\c[0] abilities once it reaches a high-enough \\c[3]core-temperature\\c[0].",
"enemies.cold.mine-diggingbot-quest.species": "Infected Smelter Robot",
"": "X01 Driller H.F.S.",
"enemies.boss-driller.descriptions.0.text": "This enormous mine robot was infected too and is the final test for the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Originally its purpose was to drill deep into the ground using its right arm to crack the stone. To avoid the cold in the deeper sections it could also use a flamethrower to battle the freezing temperatures and bombs to destroy even the thickest of rocks.\nHow it even got in here you ask? Don't be silly, every good miner knows not to share their secrets.",
"enemies.boss-driller.species": "Infected Mecha",
"": "Legionary Turret v1",
"enemies.heat.special.baki-turret_1.descriptions.0.text": "An improved variant of the popular \\c[3]Rhombus Turret\\c[0], used by the law-enforcement of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It can fire \\c[3]mortars\\c[0] to attack targets behind cover or on different height layers and is often used in conjunction with a \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that supplies it with a \\c[3]shield\\c[0].",
"enemies.heat.special.baki-turret_1.species": "Desert Sentry",
"": "Legionary Leader v1",
"enemies.heat.special.baki-cmd_bot.descriptions.0.text": "An improved variant of the more basic \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], used by the law-enforcement of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It is usually accompanied by a squad of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that it will shield while acting defensively. When forced to alone it will switch into a more aggressive mode.",
"enemies.heat.special.baki-cmd_bot.species": "Desert Leaderbot",
"": "Legionary Turret v2",
"enemies.heat.special.baki-turret_2.descriptions.0.text": "An improved variant of the popular \\c[3]Rhombus Turret\\c[0], used by the law-enforcement of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. This type does not have an accompanying \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] for additional shielding but can still fire \\c[3]mortars\\c[0] at targets behind cover or on different height layers.",
"enemies.heat.special.baki-turret_2.species": "Desert Sentry",
"": "Magmanizer",
"enemies.heat.heat-golem.descriptions.0.text": "Brought to life by fire and old magic this golem bursts flames out of every part of its body. Getting too close means catching on fire so stay away and use ranged attacks to stun it with cold balls. But be aware that it will react much like a bubble and burst into hot steam so don't charge in immediately. Blocking also comes in handy when it's using its fire shots.",
"enemies.heat.heat-golem.species": "Magical Being",
"": "Baby Pillar",
"": "These small pillars are used to attack a \\v[]. Usually a group of them must be defeated to create a chain reaction that will hurt its bigger companion. \nTo defend themselves they will jump on their attacker leaving symbols on the ground that will summon elemental attacks.",
"": "Pillar",
"": "Big Pillar",
"": "This pillar is used as the main foe to fight during the \\c[3]\\v[] Raid\\c[0]. Attacking it directly is not possible, instead the smaller \\v[]s have to be attacked to reduce its HP. \nHowever the more HP it loses the more fierce it will become by using the element it was damaged with to conjure strong elemental attacks. These are only telegraphed by symbols on the ground.",
"": "Pillar",
"": "Rob0ck",
"enemies.jungle.chicken.descriptions.0.text": "Ancient texts describe this bi-pedal robot as one of the first creatures created for the track itself. It strongly resembles a chicken and the fact that the Ancients resemble birds too begs the question: Is this what the ancestors of the Ancients looked like? Or is this just too meta?\nAnyway, make sure to use wave teleporters to escape their lightning fast shock attack. This leaves them mighty confused and open for some pummeling.",
"enemies.jungle.chicken.species": "Mechanical Robot Chicken",
"": "Pandza",
"enemies.forest.panda.descriptions.0.text": "A metallized creature strongly resembling a Panda. The metal like skin is theorized to be a reaction to the immense Steel Bamboo the \\v[] eats on a daily basis. Machinery inside the body is capable of creating small drones that it uses to fend off enemies.",
"enemies.forest.panda.species": "Lazy Hover Panda",
"": "Furious Security Brute ",
"enemies.arid.shredder-heat.descriptions.0.text": "A heat-based variant of the Security Brute. In patrol mode it will act much like the other ones, only notifying the laser tower and all others brutes when a trespasser has been found.\nWhen fighting against it, it will attack with heat-based punch attacks or buff other brutes attack power.",
"enemies.arid.shredder-heat.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"": "Cool Security Brute ",
"enemies.arid.shredder-cold.descriptions.0.text": "A cold-based variant of the Security Brute. In patrol mode it will act much like the other ones, only notifying the laser tower and all other brutes when a trespasser has been found.\nWhen fighting against it, it will attack with cold-based punch attacks or shield other brutes.",
"enemies.arid.shredder-cold.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"": "Tense Security Brute ",
"enemies.arid.shredder-shock.descriptions.0.text": "A shock-based variant of the Security Brute. In patrol mode it will act much like the other ones, only notifying the laser tower and all other brutes when a trespasser has been found.\nWhen fighting against it, it will attack with shock-based punch attacks or buff other brutes movement speed.",
"enemies.arid.shredder-shock.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"": "Groovy Security Brute ",
"enemies.arid.shredder-wave.descriptions.0.text": "A wave-based variant of the Security Brute. In patrol mode it will act much like the other ones, only notifying the laser tower and all others brutes when a trespasser has been found.\nWhen fighting against it, it will attack with wave-based punch attacks or heal other brutes.",
"enemies.arid.shredder-wave.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"": "Final Turret IX",
"enemies.arid.element-turret-boss.descriptions.0.text": "Designed by Gautham these elemental turrets serve as the final test on each element in the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. They can't move but will use various projectiles to keep its foes at bay. ",
"enemies.arid.element-turret-boss.species": "CEO Sentry",
"": "The Creator",
"enemies.boss.elephant.descriptions.0.text": "The information has been redacted.\n\n\"The ultimate experience, my final challenge.\"",
"enemies.boss.elephant.species": "Ultimate",
"": "Final Turret Companion",
"enemies.arid.element-turret.descriptions.0.text": "These turrets serve as companions to the \\v[]. They shoot various elemental projectiles to disrupt enemies and create space for its big brother. ",
"enemies.arid.element-turret.species": "Senior Sentry",
"": "NPC",
"enemies.autumn-rh.big_turret-quest_naval_ally.species": "Naval Weapon",
"": "Defense Turret v2",
"enemies.jungle.special.turret-defense-2.species": "Legal Sentry",
"": "Cold Shredder",
"enemies.shredder-cold.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"": "Trial Guardians",
"enemies.cold.turret-monks-invinc.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"": "heat.kamikatze-helper",
"enemies.heat.kamikatze-helper.species": "Mine Robot",
"": "Laser of Doom",
"enemies.arid.mega-laser.descriptions.0.text": "Do not cross.",
"enemies.arid.mega-laser.species": "Death Machine",
"": "Cargo Boss Test 2",
"enemies.beat-bot.species": "Mecha Crab",
"": "Security Brute",
"enemies.shredder.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"": "heat.special.baki-cmd_bot_2",
"enemies.heat.special.baki-cmd_bot_2.species": "Rookie Robot",
"": "Blue Cargo Crab",
"enemies.boss-extra.species": "Unknown Mecha ",
"": "Cargo Boss Test 1",
"enemies.beat-boss.species": "Mecha Crab",
"": "Legionary Grunt v1",
"enemies.heat.special.baki-simple_bot.species": "Desert Robot",
"": "Uber Beta Mouse Bot",
"enemies.killer-mouse-bot.species": "Rookie Robot",
"": "Mirror Bot",
"enemies.reflector-bot.species": "Auto Sentry",
"": "Probe",
"enemies.autumn-fall.ball.species": "Mystery Device",
"": "autumn-rh.big_turret-quest_naval",
"enemies.autumn-rh.big_turret-quest_naval.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"": "Cat 4-PU17",
"enemies.heat.special.kamikatze-helper.species": "Mine Robot",
"": "Brewing Bubbler",
"enemies.heat.special.brew-bubbler.species": "Machinery",
"": "Alpha Shredder",
"enemies.shredder-alpha.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"": "Brewing Machine",
"enemies.heat.special.brew-machine.species": "Machinery",
"": "autumn-fall.ball-backup",
"enemies.autumn-fall.ball-backup.species": "Mystery Device",
"": "Alpha Shredder",
"enemies.shredder-alpha-challenge.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"": "Practice Bot",
"enemies.autumn-rh.practice-bot.species": "Practice Bot",
"": "Defense Turret",
"enemies.jungle.special.turret-defense-1.species": "Legal Sentry",
"": "Henry's Probe",
"enemies.minibosses.henry-probe.descriptions.0.text": "One of the probes used by Henry. Who knows where this thing was? A mystery never to be solved... or can it?",
"enemies.minibosses.henry-probe.species": "Probe",
"": "Target Bot",
"": "Rookie Robot",
"": "Navigation Mouse",
"enemies.navi-mouse.species": "Unknown",
"": "Ultra Cooler",
"enemies.jungle.special.aircon.species": "Machinery",
"": "Hyperforce Plasmaoven",
"enemies.jungle.special.heater.species": "Machinery",
"": "Freezing Shredder",
"enemies.shredder-challenge.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"": "Rhombus Turret 1.0",
"enemies.turret-bot.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"": "Ultra Mouse",
"enemies.troll-mouse-bot.species": "Rookie Robot",
"": "Rhombus Turret 1.5",
"enemies.turret-large-hard.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"lore.prologue.title": "Prologue: \\v[]",
"lore.prologue.content.para-1.content": "In an unknown area at an unknown time, a woman called \\c[3]Shizuka\\c[0] materialized. She demanded to know where her brother \\c[3]Satoshi\\c[0] was and why he was being held captive. \nAs she moved towards her destination, she was interrupted by an \\c[3]obfuscated man\\c[0] who summoned enemies that blocked Shizuka's way. As she was an experienced fighter, she quickly disposed of the enemies and pressed onward, until she eventually found herself in front of a large building.",
"lore.prologue.content.para-2.content": "At the end of a hallway she found her brother in front of a computer system. He seemed to be working on something as Shizuka was urging him to stop because of his poor health. \nHowever, Satoshi stated that it was already too late for him and as he finished his work he collapsed on the floor. Shocked, Shizuka ran to him, but Satoshi's words rang true, and he passed in her arms.",
"lore.chapter-01.title": "Chapter 01: \\v[]",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p1.content": "\\c[3]Lea\\c[0] awoke in a strange environment. She couldn't remember how she got there or who she was. She had no time to think about her situation, as she was greeted by a floating display in front of her. It showed \\c[3]Sergey\\c[0], who told her that her \\c[3]\"initialization\"\\c[0] was successful and asked if she could understand him.\nHowever, Lea \\c[3]couldn't talk\\c[0]. She wanted to, but her \\c[3]speech module\\c[0] seemed to be broken according to Sergey.\n\n",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p2.content": "Without delay, he asked her to perform some simple tasks to understand the \"gameplay\" mechanics. Lea mastered each task with ease, almost as if she already knew what to do.\nAfter finishing the final challenge she met \\c[3]Carla\\c[0], who welcomed her to the \"cargo hold\". ",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p3.content": "Without any explanation Lea had to fulfill several other challenges, none of them proving too difficult. But she also grew more restless, and once the final challenge was completed, Carla and Sergey promised to tell Lea everything as soon as they spoke with \\c[3]Captain Jet\\c[0].\nThe captain welcomed Lea to the ship, but stated that she had to leave as soon as possible, because an \\c[3]Avatar\\c[0] on board of his ship just \"calls for darn trouble\". Nevertheless he promised to teach her some tricks later.",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p4.content": "As Carla and Lea stepped outside, it became clear that they were aboard a ship called the \\c[3]M.S. Solar\\c[0]. They moved ahead to the bow of the boat and Sergey explained Lea's situation.",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p5.content": "As it turned out, Lea was actually inside a game called \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] which takes place on a real planet. Lea is inside the body of an \\c[3]Avatar\\c[0] which is tightly connected to all her senses. Sergey went on by saying that they hoped to recover her memory by letting her play the game since there is a high chance that it might help. \nCarla added that everyone on deck except her is actually human and belongs to the maintenance crew of the game. ",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p6.content": "After the explanation concluded, Sergey surprised Lea by giving her the ability to say certain words that he \"hardcoded\" into the system, (\\c[3]\"Hi\"\\c[0] in this case). They moved on and met the captain in the cabins, where he told Lea to get up to the balcony in order to start combat training.",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p7.content": "While the captain showed Lea special combat mechanics, they were interrupted by a \\c[3]mysterious man\\c[0]. As he floated in midair, he claimed that something was not right on this ship and quickly turned to Lea, identifying her as the source of the anomaly. He approached her and was about to \"erase\" her. However, he noticed something peculiar about Lea, and threw her on top of the cargo containers to \"test her abilities and see if he is right about her\".",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p8.content": "A \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] appeared out of thin air and prepared to attack Lea. Sergey dropped in and told Lea to take on the enemy as the crab's stats matched Lea's. \nLea took a deep breath, nodded, and prepared to fight the crab. After a tough fight, she came out on top and stared at the mysterious man floating in the air.",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p9.content": "He was overjoyed with the results of the battle, and was about to finally take Lea away with him. Thankfully, Captain Jet intervened and attacked using his \\c[3]Solar Fist\\c[0], which disrupted parts of the man's arm. \nThe captain quickly grabbed Lea and flew her back to the balcony, where she was told to escape back to the \\c[3]teleporter\\c[0] she awoke in.",
"lore.chapter-01.content.p10.content": "Together with Carla, Lea returned to the cargo hold, but was stopped by a display of the floating man who summoned enemies to stop her. The enemies were far above Lea's level, so Sergey told her to just run to the teleporter instead of fighting them. Just before the enemies caught up with Lea, she stepped into the teleporter and exchanged one last glance with Carla before the woman activated it.",
"lore.chapter-02.title": "Chapter 02: \\v[]",
"": "After narrowly escaping the \\c[3]mysterious blue man\\c[0] on the \\c[3]M.S. Solar\\c[0], Lea arrived at \\c[3]Newcomer's Bridge\\c[0] in \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0] via teleportation. Sergey explained the tight security measures of that location, relieved because the blue individual would be unable to interfere again. He was also worried, though, because Lea had to pass as a real player. He promised to unlock new words for her soon to make that task easier.",
"": "On the way to the \\c[3]Rhombus Dungeon\\c[0], a last test for new players before arriving at the mainland, Lea bumped into a \\c[3]feisty redhead\\c[0] who was also a fellow rookie. Being a competitive lass, she instantly challenged Lea to a race through the dungeon which they both promptly started. They did not notice the trouble that followed them...",
"": "Using the skills she learned on the ship and her own wits, Lea managed to beat the Dungeon while picking up \\c[3]new abilities\\c[0] along the way. In the meantime, Sergey was inquiring about the situation on the M.S. Solar and the identity of the blue man. While the crew of the ship was fine, he was unable to find anything about their mysterious attacker.",
"": "After unlocking the largest update, the \\c[3]Circuit\\c[0], Sergey finally added the second word to Lea's language: Her own name, \\c[3]\"Lea\"\\c[0]. Twice as eloquent but still disappointed, Lea left the dungeon to talk to the girl who had challenged her to the race before and just barely beaten her. She introduced herself as \\c[3]Emilie\\c[0], or \\c[3]Emilienator\\c[0] as her nickname, whereupon Lea used her newfound vocabulary to introduce herself in turn.",
"": "Their friendly conversation was cut short, though, as a fancy guy named \\c[3]Apollo\\c[0] entered the scene seeking \"justice\". He accused Lea of cheating because her level was higher than usual at that point (thanks to the unplanned fight against the crab), and wanted her to atone. The situation was defused, however, as his friend \\c[3]Joern\\c[0] appeared and apologized for Apollo before leaving with the protesting vigilante in tow.",
"": "Lea and Emilie moved on from the confusing scene by taking the \\c[3]Skyrails\\c[0] to \\c[3]CrossCentral\\c[0], the main teleportation HUB of CrossWorlds. There, they took the only way to the mainland that was available to new players: The teleporter to the coastal town \\c[3]Rookie Harbor\\c[0].",
"lore.chapter-03.title": "Chapter 03: \\v[]",
"": "Shortly after arriving in the cozy beginner's town \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] the two were surprised by a player called \\c[3]Schneider\\c[0], a friend of Emilie. He welcomed them to the mainland of CrossWorlds, also known as the \\c[3]Croissant\\c[0], and gave them a quick tour of the city. This quickly led them to the \\c[3]Seeker-HUB\\c[0] which is where new players get an introduction into the background lore and main story of the game.",
"": "As explained by the \\c[3]wise hologram\\c[0], the players are on the planet \\c[3]Shadoon\\c[0] and are supposed to follow the \\c[3]Track of the Ancients\\c[0] as part of \\c[3]Operation Trackwalker\\c[0]. This means that they have to visit \\c[3]various temples of the Ancients\\c[0], earn the power of the \\c[3]4 elements\\c[0] and finally solve the mystery of the planet itself via a final challenge.",
"": "After receiving permission to leave the town with the \\c[3]Green Leaf Shade\\c[0] and the option to consult the \\c[3]very informative lore-texts\\c[0] at any time, Lea and Emilie went outside to join up with Schneider again. The group then traveled to the town's exit, after which Schneider had to leave the two rookies because of his guild-duties. Thus, Emilie and Lea \\c[3]formed a party\\c[0] and took their first steps into CrossWorlds together.",
"": "Lea and Emilie started their exploration of CrossWorlds by travelling through \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and interacting with the local wildlife. Shortly after they began exploring, they were reunited with the honorable player Apollo, who challenged Lea to a PvP duel, in honor of the \\c[3]Spheromancer\\c[0]-class. Before he left, Apollo told Lea to meet him at the entrance of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "As they arrived at \\v[], Apollo made his presence known with another dramatic entrance and demanded his duel. After an uncertain outcome, he shared more of his wisdom and left. Emilie and Lea then decided to end the session and say their goodbyes, helped by the well-timed addition of another word to the latter's vocabulary: \\c[3]\"Bye\"\\c[0]!",
"lore.chapter-04.title": "Chapter 04: \\v[]",
"": "After logging back into CrossWorlds, Lea and Sergey decided to move on towards the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. But before Lea could even start to make her way up \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], she was already contacted by Emilie who offered to join her party at any time.",
"": "On the top of the mountain, Lea finally arrived in Bergen village and at the first real challenge of the Track: The \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. After receiving the key to it bundled with an explanation of its background, both Lea and Emilie were invited by Schneider to join his guild, the \\c[3]First Scholars\\c[0]. So they met their friend in \\v[] to gain entrance to the guild's headquarters.",
"": "In the small headquarters the two new players were greeted by the veterans of the guild, namely \\c[3]Buggy\\c[0], \\c[3]Beowulf\\c[0] and their leader, \\c[3]Hlin\\c[0] who was thrilled about the prospect of new members. Still, the guild takes the lore of CrossWorlds very seriously, so every new member has to pass a quiz about background information found at the end of the \\v[].",
"": "Emilie and Lea returned to \\v[] to finally visit the \\v[], learn more about the Ancients and progress in the game. The \\c[3]instanced system\\c[0] of Dungeons prevented them from solving the dungeon together, so Emilie once again decided to turn it into a \\c[3]race\\c[0]. Thus, armed with additional motivation and the warmth of friendship, the two players entered the icy mine.",
"": "For all its insects, machines, puzzles and insidious icy floors, in the end, the mine was no match for the two heroines. With the newly found \\c[3]Heat-element\\c[0] they were able to defeat their ferocious frosty foes and even the menacing mining machine at the end. As their reward (both the key to the next area and their needed information) awaited, so they returned to the First Scholars.",
"": "While waiting for Emilie to finish the quiz, Sergey correctly assumed that Lea's limited speech would make correctly answering difficult, so it was decided to tell the guild veterans about it during their turn. They were very sympathetic with Lea and so passing was no problem.",
"": "With the last hindrance out of the way, Lea and Emilie \\c[3]officially joined the First Scholars\\c[0]! And then, after a long and eventful session, they finally logged out.",
"lore.chapter-05.title": "Chapter 05: \\v[]",
"": "After logging back into CrossWorlds Lea and Sergey had a conversation about a \\c[3]mysterious dream\\c[0] that she had. It was seen as a potential sign of her memory returning and which would help to make sense of the convoluted situation. Lea went back to Bergen to take the elevator down to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Along the way she got an unexpected call by \\c[3]another member of the First Scholars\\c[0], the \\c[3]Hexacast C'tron\\c[0], who asked to join Lea the next day.",
"": "At the entrance of the desert that is \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], Lea was once again joined by Emilie. The usually carefree Pentafist was distraught about real-life events, because the thrilling adventures in CrossWorlds made her miss \\c[3]group assignments in college\\c[0] and thus brought down the wrath of her fellow students upon her. She continued to talk about her problems all the way to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Upon arriving in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] Lea and Emilie, feeling much better after talking about her worries, went to the local Quest HUB to accept the quest necessary for entering the next dungeon, the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. This quest was given by the Ba'Kii Kum Eldress and involved slaying a \\c[3]nefarious Sandworm\\c[0]. However, since Emilie still needs to catch up with her assignment, they decided to quit for the day. ",
"": "Sergey was preparing to log out Lea, before being interrupted by her, who demanded answers about her current condition. Reluctantly Sergey explained that she is \\c[3]in a coma\\c[0], to her shock and surprise. Despite the dire situation he ensures her that her condition is stable and that regaining her memories through continued playing might help her to wake up again. Then they agreed to log out. ",
"": "After logging in again, Lea invited her new Hexacast friend, \\c[3]C'tron\\c[0], to her party. Together they decided to solve the quest of the \\c[3]Maroon Tree\\c[0]. On their travels together Lea not only experiences his skills on combat, but also his \\c[3]fascinating knowledge of biology and other fields of science\\c[0]. ",
"": "After some hard-fought battles they were able to defeat the leader of the Earthworms, Ti'im, and collect it's valuable digestive essence that will nourish the precious tree. Upon leaving the cave they also ran into Emilie who, after a short introduction to C'tron, proceeded to solve the quest herself. Lea and C'tron meanwhile returned to \\v[], to finish the quest. ",
"": "After turning completing the quest, though, Lea was once again confronted by \\c[3]Apollo\\c[0], who was accompanied by his friend \\c[3]Joern\\c[0]. After an array of banter, and Emilie rejoining the fray, a new duel was agreed upon, right in front of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "After fighting that faithful duel, and earning enough of Apollo's respect to be called by her proper name, the challenge of the next dungeon was waiting for the group of three. Making their way through a flood of formidable foes and bothersome bubble-based braintwisters, they were able to acquire the \\c[3]element of cold\\c[0] and bring down the boss, a gigantic moth with lasers (much to Emilie's dismay).",
"": "After defeating the boss, the way was free to acquire \\c[3]more Ancient knowledge\\c[0] and have a \\c[3]well-deserved hug between the girls\\c[0] on the top of the temple. Then, before logging out, Emilie asked Lea about \\c[3]her life outside of the game\\c[0], which the latter was unable to answer. Thus \\c[3]Lea's speech issues\\c[0] were also finally revealed towards Emily, to her shock.",
"": "Emilie did, however, take it rather well and promised to try and get information out of Lea with yes-no-questions. Then the group of three logged out for the day.",
"lore.chapter-06.title": "Chapter 06: \\v[]",
"": "Following her return to CrossWorlds, Lea was instantly informed by Sergey about her \\c[3]three day long absence\\c[0] due to technical difficulties. He apologized but also implemented another useful word to her vocabulary: \\c[3]\"Wait\"\\c[0]. This was supposed to become useful for signaling new information for Lea to share and immediately used to clue Sergey in on another dream that Lea had.",
"": "Through an array of questions Sergey was able to deduct that Lea has dreamed of a thus unreached place, but a call from Emilie and C'tron interrupted further investigation. Worried about Lea's absence they ask her to meet them in \\v[] to continue their adventure together.",
"": "At the fountain in \\v[] Lea was met by her two friends and an exciting announcement: They will participate in a \\c[3]raid\\c[0] together with the rest of the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.first-scholars]\\c[0]! For that Lea will need to solve a \\c[3]mandatory quest\\c[0] on \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Despite having already solved it, Emilie and C'tron gladly agreed to accompany Lea again.",
"": "The group traveled through the vivid lands of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], received the quest from an Ancient statue and followed a \\c[3]colorful bunny\\c[0] to finally defeat it and receive the \\c[3]Green Seed Shade\\c[0]. Said Shade is needed to proceed towards the jungle area called \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], though of course their attendance was needed at the raid with their guild.",
"": "Lea, Emilie and C'tron reached the raid area called \\c[3]Para Island\\c[0] by going through an underwater cave in \\v[]. There they met up with their high-level guild-comrades Hlin, Buggy and Schneider, who explained the event to them.",
"": "The event was split between two paths, one for higher and one for lower levels. The teams on both paths had to destroy colored pillars in sync with each other to proceed and fight many enemies along the way. The raid was going well, when the group neared the final stage with excitement. Alas, a sinister force interrupted their enjoyment...",
"": "Instead of following her friends, Lea was forcefully pulled out of the raid by the malevolent machinations of the \\c[3]Blue Avatar\\c[0], who teleported her so a secluded mountaintop in \\v[]. There she was forced to face him in single combat to give Sergey time to somehow find a way out of that convoluted situation.",
"": "Escape was in sight after Sergey was able to create an exit portal but the mysterious Blue Avatar was able to yet again block Lea's way. Wary of Lea having outside support with control over the environment he stopped giving her a fighting chance and instead continued to capture her with his seemingly omnipotent abilities. Thus Lea was dragged away to an \\c[3]unknown location\\c[0]...",
"lore.chapter-07.title": "Chapter 07: \\v[]",
"": "After another dream Lea reawakened in an \\c[3]unfamiliar room\\c[0] and with Sergey as her only contact. After searching for a way out to no avail, she was visited by a man named \\c[3]Gautham\\c[0], seemingly an old acquaintance of Sergey. Though Lea was not able to remember him, he somehow recognized her from a long time ago. He offered her a way to pass the time by allowing her to go outside.",
"": "By leaving the room and building, Lea saw a completely \\c[3]unknown area\\c[0] of barren lands and crimson waters, only known as the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. The area is completely unknown in the \\c[3]official CrossWorlds release\\c[0] and Sergey only remembers it vaguely from the \\c[3]early production\\c[0] days and thus deduces it to \\c[3]not be part of the official playground\\c[0].",
"": "Before further assumptions could be made, however, \\c[3]Schneider\\c[0] appeared out of nowhere to greet Lea. He appeared to be stuck as well and was just as confused as Lea herself. No teleportation nor communication was possible to the outside of these wastelands. At a loss for alternatives, the two formed a party and decided to play along with the vague tasks they were given.",
"": "In the \\c[3]local Quest-HUB\\c[0] they received the task of visiting a certain \\c[3]Southern Trial Building\\c[0] after finding a way to opening. Said quest had a \\c[3]very lackluster lore\\c[0], only talking vaguely about an unexplained \\c[3]Project Red\\c[0], which the two snarkily remarked. They followed the instruction regardless, opening the building by \\c[3]activating cryptic devices\\c[0] around the region.",
"": "To their shock, however, they were faced with a \\c[3]high-level opponent\\c[0] inside the building which would have been way out of Lea's league. Thankfully with Schneider's help it was not an impossible task. After that fight, they entered a mysterious room that neither of them could clearly recognize, though Schneider noticed a vague familiarity. Not knowing what to make of this, they handed in their completed quest.",
"": "After getting a dissatisfying congratulation at the \\c[3]Quest-HUB\\c[0] Schneider decided to finally \\c[3]log out\\c[0] before realizing that he can't, neither normally nor by \\c[3]manually removing the \\v[lore.title.cross-gear]\\c[0]. Panicking he tried to get information by the \\c[3]other residents\\c[0] and the \\c[3]powerful guardian entities\\c[0] of the area before attacking the later in rage. His rampage however was short-lived, as even the high-level player was no match for the \\c[3]local laser of death\\c[0] that soon rained down upon him.",
"": "After \\c[3]respawning\\c[0] and musing about the benefits of respawning after death, Schneider admits that he \\c[3]lost all of his memories about the life outside of the game\\c[0], just like Lea. Determined to solve their situation they decide to \\c[3]return to their rooms\\c[0] for sleep.",
"": "After returning to her room Sergey admitted in being \\c[3]employed\\c[0] by \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], \\c[3]the company developing \\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]\\c[0], and thus having access to some of the \\c[3]development documents\\c[0]. He further explained that the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] is an area that was \\c[3]never finished\\c[0] and thus \\c[3]should not be available to normal players\\c[0]. Upon vaguely noting that the other players were \\c[3]not in a coma\\c[0], unlike Lea, she became \\c[3]suspicious\\c[0]. Instead of clarifying Sergey quickly rushed Lea to \\c[3]log out\\c[0].",
"": "Lea reawakened from \\c[3]another dream\\c[0], this time involving both \\c[3]Sergey and Gautham, among others\\c[0]. Upon learning this, Sergey explained that he, Gautham and a certain \\c[3]Satoshi\\c[0], allegedly \\c[3]Lea's brother\\c[0], were all \\c[3]working for \\v[] together 5 years ago\\c[0]. Everyone except Sergey \\c[3]vanished 4 years ago\\c[0], though, and \\c[3]only Lea reappeared\\c[0], but in a coma. After reiterating that \\c[3]learning the truth\\c[0] behind all the ongoing mysteries will be the secret to \\c[3]Lea's reawakening\\c[0], he urged Lea to \\c[3]reunite with Schneider\\c[0] outside.",
"": "Upon reuniting and visiting the \\c[3]Quest-HUB\\c[0] they were surprised to not even getting a proper quest. Instead they were supposed to \\c[3]wander the area\\c[0] that day. Schneider gave Lea \\c[3]a tour\\c[0] of all the interesting landmarks he found while exploring. The last was a \\c[3]mysterious tower\\c[0], that residents of the area supposedly \\c[3]enter without returning\\c[0]. With additional unease in their heart, they returned back to their rooms. As that uneventful day was about to end, Sergey explained that \\c[3]Lea's entire existence inside of \\v[lore.title.cross-worlds] is inofficial\\c[0] which why he can not work with the authorities to solve their problems.",
"": "\\c[3]The next day\\c[0], when they were about to head out, Lea got a surprising visitor, as \\c[3]an angry Shizuka\\c[0] appeared by violently storming the place. In a dramatic confrontation she revealed that Lea is, contrary to Sergey's previous explanations, \\c[3]not really human\\c[0] but instead a \\c[3]highly-advanced AI-copy of Shizuka\\c[0]. Shizuka then \\c[3]blames Lea\\c[0] for her bad situation before leaving. Traumatized and shaken over Sergey's past dishonesty, Lea \\c[3]cut off the connection with him\\c[0] and slowly went to reunite with Schneider.",
"": "Visibly shaken, Lea's inner turmoil was easy to notice for Schneider. They still continued by starting the next quest, which once again involved a \\c[3]Trial Buildinh\\c[0] they had to enter. After holding her despair inside during the quest, Lea finally collapsed, crying, when hey were about to enter the building. Schneider decided to \\c[3]take a break\\c[0] and instead talk about their circumstances and feeling. Upon calming down again, they decided to \\c[3]return to their rooms\\c[0] and leave the quest for another day. Lea, \\c[3]still angry at Sergey\\c[0], rejected his apologies and logged out.",
"": "On the \\c[3]fourth day\\c[0], Lea was waking to the sound of silence, as Sergey did not greet her. Instead she met up with Schneider to finish the quest from the day before. After facing another powerful foe inside of the Trial Building, they yet again entered a mysterious unknown room, that looked strikingly like a messy apartment. After some exceptional examination, Lea was able to deduce that it's in fact \\c[3]Schneider's real-life room\\c[0], much to his embarrassment.",
"": "To recover from the \\c[3]shocking experience\\c[0], Lea and Schneider took another break at the lake, where the latter started to talk about \\c[3]things he started to remember\\c[0], like working in an IT company. After more \\c[3]bonding\\c[0] over the meaning of life, gaming and interior design, they handed in the quest and returned to their rooms. Lea tried to \\c[3]reestablish contact\\c[0] with Sergey, but he didn't answer. So she ended the day as it started, in silence.",
"": "\\c[3]Day five\\c[0] started with another surprise, as Lea was interrogated by \\c[3]an unknown man in a business suit\\c[0], who asked about \\c[3]outside help\\c[0] before leaving without getting an answer. As Lea tried to regain her composure, frightened, \\c[3]Sergey\\c[0] suddenly started talking again and instructed her to quickly reunite with Schneider and make for the \\c[3]mysterious tower\\c[0]. Their plan to \\c[3]escape\\c[0] was finally beginning.",
"": "Together with Schneider, Lea managed to \\c[3]sneak past the guards\\c[0] of the tower and finally made it inside. Upon entering, though, they got split up again, because the it is actually an \\c[3]instanced dungeon\\c[0]. Sergey urged her to move on and since he \\c[3]devised a plan to reunite\\c[0] and \\c[3]leave together\\c[0]. By doing \\c[3]hacking magic\\c[0] he allowed her to \\c[3]break through the walls of the instances\\c[0] in search for Schneider.",
"": "On her way to find him, though, Lea came upon a \\c[3]threatening machine\\c[0] that seemed to \\c[3]torture\\c[0] one of the resident players. Any potential investigation was prevented by the \\c[3]reappearrance of the Blue Avatar\\c[0], however, who promptly started \\c[3]chasing her\\c[0] with powerful enemies. After passing a few rooms, Lea was finally confronted by a seemingly invincible Snail-boss that she was only able to overcome with more hacking help from Sergey.",
"": "Lea \\c[3]reunited with Schneider\\c[0] and, after breaking a few more walls, the two made their way outside to what looked like a \\c[3]rather mundane dock\\c[0]. However, before they could finally reach freedom, Schneider's movement was blocked entirely, \\c[3]preventing him to move on\\c[0]. Reluctantly, Lea left him behind to flee alone, but was again stopped by her persistent pursuer. At this point none other than \\c[3]Captain Jet\\c[0] entered the scene to blast the Blue Avatar with his weapon and carry Lea away with his Jetpack. Thus the \\c[3]escape was successful\\c[0], but only for Lea...",
"": "Being back on \\c[3]the cargo ship \\v[lore.title.cargo-ship]\\c[0] after a long time, Lea was finally reunited with people like \\c[3]her fanboy\\c[0], \\c[3]his colleague\\c[0] and, of course, \\c[3]Carla\\c[0]. She was not happy, however, knowing that \\c[3]Schneider\\c[0] was still \\c[3]trapped in the clutches of her former captor\\c[0].",
"": "Under the eyes of Jet and Carla, Sergey finally apologized for keeping Lea's situation a secret and started to \\c[3]describe the events that led to her journey\\c[0]. He explained how Shizuka's brother, Satoshi, developed a highly advanced A.I. while working on the \\c[3]player-avatar connection of \\v[lore.title.cross-worlds] (the CrossCode)\\c[0]. Said A.I., also called an \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.evotar]\\c[0], was supposedly so advanced that it could \\c[3]perfectly mimic a person's memory and feelings\\c[0], among other things. Lea is exactly that... An \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.evotar] of Shizuka\\c[0]. But since \\v[lore.title.evotar]s often \\c[3]permanently malfunctioned when confronted with the truth\\c[0], Sergey was \\c[3]reluctant to tell her the truth\\c[0] and instead made up that rather cliched coma-story. Lea, however, was able to \\c[3]accept her nature\\c[0] and \\c[3]remain stable\\c[0].",
"": "Sergey, however, reiterates that \\v[lore.title.evotar]s should not officially exists on the \\v[lore.title.playground] to his knowledge, because, while Satoshi was eager to continue the research on that topic, it was not something their employer, \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], was interested in. That is why, in frustration, \\c[3]he, Gautham and Shizuka left the company\\c[0] and \\c[3]broke off all contact to Sergey\\c[0]. He concluded that they must have found \\c[3]someone with administrative access who supported them\\c[0] with the means to \\c[3]continue behind the back of their former employers\\c[0].",
"": "After Sergey's \\c[3]long explanation\\c[0], Lea, with her ultimate fate still in question, \\c[3]went on a walk around the ship\\c[0]. There she was used for water-based avatar experiments and also met a charming young child called \\c[3]Isabelle\\c[0], who she played tag with. After that delightful diversion from the recent dramatic events, Sergey reappeared to talk to Lea about \\c[3]her future\\c[0]. He has a plan that will involve \\c[3]creating a place for Evotars to live\\c[0], as soon as they found \\c[3]Satoshi\\c[0]. With this goal on their mind he proceeded with the logout.",
"lore.chapter-08.title": "Chapter 08: \\v[]",
"": "Right after Lea logged back in on the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], Sergey instructed her to go back in the \\c[3]Cargo Hold\\c[0], the room where her journey began. There another \\c[3]teleporting landmark\\c[0] was erected that would allow Lea (but no one else) to \\c[3]freely travel between the \\v[lore.title.cargo-ship] and the official \\v[lore.title.playground]\\c[0]. Carla joined her to see her off on her way back to meet her friends again.",
"": "Right after arriving at \\c[3]CrossCentral\\c[0] Lea spoke with Emilie who seemed quite angry and wanted to meet \"in person\". So Lea went to the \\c[3]guild-HQ of the \"First Scholars\"\\c[0] to clear everything up. Emilie was very frustrated with Lea, though, who was unable to explain the convoluted events to her friend. Then the situation got even more complicated as Schneider suddenly came in and Lea suddenly hugged him, to the irritation both him and Emilie. Embarrassed and confused, Lea fled the scene.",
"": "As Lea was brooding by herself Sergey suggested that the Schneider in the Wastelands was most likely an \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.evotar]\\c[0], just like Lea, which would explain the confusion of the Schneider in the guild-HQ. Still embarrassed and unsure of how to set things right Lea was unwilling to return to her guild and so she rather travelled to the next location on her path: \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Arriving in the thick jungle Lea was immediatly confronted by an old acquaintance: \\c[3]Apollo\\c[0], who was dead-set on having another duel. Also, \\c[3]his friend Joern\\c[0] accompanied him. After another hard-fought battle between Spheromancers it was decided, mostly thanks to Joern's suggestion, to \\c[3]form a party of three\\c[0] to face the challenges of the jungle together. Thus, this new constellation of two Spheromancers and a Quadroguard continued their journey towards \\c[4]\\v[]\\c[0], the rising city between the trees.",
"": "In the bustlling city of \\v[] the group visited \\c[3]the mayor\\c[0] who was involved in a heated arguement with a \\c[3]Shad called K'tara\\c[0]. She was beseeching him for help against \\c[3]a horde of aggressive cats that invaded a part of the nearby Shad-village\\c[0] and warned him of the Shad-residents becoming angry at the human settlers, who they hold responsible, but to no avail. Seeing that she would not get help from the mayor, she left the office.",
"": "The seekers talked to her and agreed to help the Shad, in return for save passage to the next two \\c[3]Temples of the Ancients\\c[0], the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], which were blocked off by Shad protestors. And so the group followed K'tara to her village and took care of the feline pests that were seemingly corrupted by some Track-related force. With the obstacles to the next dungeons out of the way, the group decided to part ways again and log off for the day.",
"": "Lea returned to \\v[lore.title.cross-worlds] after another dream, that hinted at the location of Satoshi and Gautham. Immediatly she got a call from C'tron who wanted to meet with her to run the next dungeon together. Once the met up though, it became clear that it was a ploy to have Lea and Emilie talk again. Though Emilie was still frustrated about Lea's sudden disappearance, they were able to reconcile quickly after it became clear that Lea was not vanishing on purpose and missed her friends a lot.",
"": "Finally together again, the original group of three, Lea, Emilie and C'tron tackle the two dungeons of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] together, of course continuing their racing tradition. Those dungeons were again filled with perplexing puzzles and menacing monsters, but equipped with the newly acquired elements of \\c[3]Shock\\c[0] and \\c[3]Wave\\c[0], no challenge proved too much for the trio. Thus, with a small pause in-between to meet the \\c[3]rest of the First Scholars\\c[0] again, both dungeons have been solved.",
"": "Just as the group was about to enter the last dungeon of \\v[], the majestic \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], Shad protesters once again blocked their path. Thankfully, with the help of a friendly scientist, the root of the Shad's plight could be solves, which finally allowed passage towards the large tree.",
"": "Unfortunately, C'tron had to leave due to obligations in his life, so he would not joint Lea and Emilie during the race up the tree. Instead \\c[3]Apollo\\c[0], who's friend Joern wanted to take it slower himself, dropped in to show his skills. So the new group constellation raced and beat monsters, puzzles and even a \\c[3]cheeky ape riding a whale\\c[0] along the way, until they finally reached the top and claimed the Shade to finally enter the last area of the game: \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]!",
"lore.chapter-09.title": "Chapter 09: \\v[]",
"": "Directly after logging in, with Lea still standing in the spacey ending room of the \\v[], Sergey suggested to visit \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and explore the area until she remembers the way to \\c[3]the hidout of his former colleagues\\c[0]. Suddenly, though, Lea was greeted by C'tron, who just finished the dungeon himself. He asked her to join the First Scholars for an important meeting.",
"": "At the guild-HQ the first scholars were talking about going on \\c[3]another raid\\c[0] and also invited Lea. Though she wanted to join, she had to refuse the request on Sergey's advice, because a raid would bring \\c[3]the risk of being captured again\\c[0]. Though disappointed the guild was understanding and Emilie offered to explore \\v[] with her.",
"": "After travelling to the yet unknown are from \\v[], Emilie swiftly complained about the return of her most dreaded kind of foe: \\c[3]Bug-like creatures\\c[0]! Regardless Lea had to move on and travelled to the \\c[3]Cave Inn\\c[0] where she got hints on how to receive the \\c[3]Meteor Shade\\c[0], needed to finally enter \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Following the hints, Lea met up with a \\c[3]Vagabond\\c[0] south of the Cave Inn and received \\c[3]4 Trials\\c[0] to test her worth. After solving these, she met with the Vagabond to get tested in single-combat. A honorable victory later she was finally able to move on to the of the \\c[3]last shade\\c[0], where she also reunited with her friends, Emilie, C'tron, Apollo and Joern. Together they accepted the \\c[3]Meteor Shade\\c[0] and agreed to visit \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] together.",
"": "As Lea stayed behind, Sergey contacted her and said that they should take a look at the \\c[3]cave\\c[0] in the \\c[3]North of \\v[]\\c[0], because it is the last place they were unable to visit yet. And since their investigation is still \\c[3]unofficial\\c[0], it had to be done \\c[3]alone\\c[0].",
"": "Lea was able to recognize certain locations in said cave and, with Sergey's support, uncovered a hidden entrance to a location know as \\c[3]the \\v[]\\c[0]. Though it seemed abandoned at first Lea was quickly confronted by \\c[3]Shizuka\\c[0] who was determined to not let her pass. So a \\c[3]PvP-battle\\c[0] erupted between the original and the copy.",
"": "After many rounds of fighting, Shizuka's brother Satoshi noticed the noise and instructed her to let Lea inside. Reluctantly she followed his orders and so Lea was finally able to meet the genius who invented the \\c[3]CrossCode\\c[0].\n\n",
"": "Satoshi already expected that Lea was assisted by \\c[3]his old friend Sergey\\c[0] and prepared a \\c[3]holographic projector\\c[0] for him, so he can directly speak with everyone in the room. With communication established, and under the protection of some virtual anti-surveillance noise, Satoshi and Sergey started to share their information with each other. So Satoshi began explaining \\c[3]why he left \\v[]\\c[0] with Shizuka and Gautham and \\c[3]what happened afterwards\\c[0]:",
"": "After they were unable to convince the company to support their \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.evotar] research\\c[0] they were approached by a man who called himself \\c[3]Mr. Benedict Sidwell\\c[0]. He showed interest in their research and generously supported them with anything they needed, including \\c[3]testing environment\\c[0] directly on the \\v[lore.title.playground], first in the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and later also in the thus unused \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], which they later dubbed \\c[3]Evotarground\\c[0]. They made swift process and, after a short time, were able to develop the \\c[3]first functional \\v[lore.title.evotar]\\c[0], derived from Shizuka's avatar: \\c[3]Lea\\c[0].",
"": "As more and more advanced Evotars were developed, questions about their \\c[3]purpose and future\\c[0] arose, especially once it became clear that Sidwell really aimed for a system that would also \\c[3]replicate a person's memories to gather intelligence\\c[0] on the players of \\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]. This could be achieved by creating an \\v[lore.title.evotar] from the target and then allowing it to roam the Evotarground under supervision to \\c[3]regain their memories\\c[0]. Those can then be gained through \\c[3]interrogation\\c[0]... often involving \\c[3]torture\\c[0].",
"": "Satoshi, Gautham and Shizuka \\c[3]protested\\c[0] against this unethical misuse of their work and wanted to stop but Sidwell was able to effectively \\c[3]blackmail\\c[0] them into submission. \\c[3]Their lives were basically in his hand\\c[0], a fact that everyone realized. So instead Satoshi developed a plan to oppose Sidwell indirectly.",
"": "The Evotar Server, which hosts the memories of all Evotars except for Lea and keeps them in existance, can only be accessed directly and by Avatars with a special key. Because of that Satoshi was \\c[3]faking a critical malfunction on Lea\\c[0] and made Sidwell \\c[3]connect her with the server\\c[0] on the pretense of fixing her. Seemingly unable to fix her Satoshi was tasked to dispose of her, but instead he smuggled Lea, \\c[3]still in possession of the key she was given for the connection\\c[0], \\c[3]into the official servers\\c[0] and \\c[3]made sure that Sergey would find her\\c[0]. In the end these actions led to Lea entering \\v[lore.title.cross-worlds] and finding Satoshi, just as planned.",
"": "While Satoshi and Sergey were talking about a \\c[3]potential plan\\c[0] to foil Sidwell's plans, Lea and Shizuka spent some time together outside. Although Shizuka was still frustrated over her convoluted situation she realized that Lea was not at fault and so she apologized. Then the two grew closer by \\c[3]bonding\\c[0] over \\c[3]stupid horns\\c[0] and \\c[3]cool scars\\c[0].",
"": "Back inside, the group talked about involving \\c[3]Gautham\\c[0] in their plan, though Shizuka assumed that he would be too obsessed with shaping his own world to be reasoned with. It was also revealed to Sergey and Lea, that Gautham was in fact the one controlling the \\c[3]blue, orange-clad avatar\\c[0] that hunted Lea in the past. Still, Shizuka agreed to reach out to him.",
"": "Since Sergey and Satoshi have agreed on a plan, it was time for Lea to leave. It was agreed to meet again in the \\v[] once preparations were completed, since they \\c[3]will need a group\\c[0] to excecute their objective. After leaving, Lea went to the \\c[3]Old Dojo\\c[0] to uncover the \\c[3]secret path towards the \\v[]\\c[0]. Then she returned to the HQ of the \\c[3]First Scholars\\c[0] to log out.",
"lore.chapter-10.title": "Chapter 10: \\v[]",
"": "Waking up after a bad dream, Lea was about to begin her preparations for the \\c[3]final confrontation with Sidwell\\c[0], when she met \\c[3]C'tron\\c[0] in the HQ. He told her that he will \\c[3]not be able to play in the next few days\\c[0] because of real-life responsibilities, but also ensured her that they could still play together on that day.",
"": "Lea also learned that \\v[lore.title.beowulf] was \\c[3]meeting an old friend\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], who later turned out to be an \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] shareholder and \\c[3]huge enthusiast of A.I. technology\\c[0]. She was able to meet up with them and arrange a meeting with said friend, a man called \\c[3]Ivan Vestorvich\\c[0], to convince him of the worth of the \\v[lore.title.evotar] technology, so he could help them \\c[3]create a future for all \\v[lore.title.evotar]s\\c[0].",
"": "Lea also learned that \\v[lore.title.beowulf] was \\c[3]meeting an old friend\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], who later turned out to be an \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] shareholder and \\c[3]huge enthusiast of A.I. technology\\c[0]. Sadly Lea was not able to meet up with him. \\c[3]Talking to him might have shaped the future for the better\\c[0].",
"": "Upon meeting Ivan in his home in \\v[] \\c[3]he tested Lea in various ways\\c[0] to see how\\c[3] advanced and human-like\\c[0] she really was.\nLea was able to \\c[3]pass his tests\\c[0] and so he was convinced to \\c[3]lend his support\\c[0], when it would come to also \\c[3]convince \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Upon meeting Ivan in his home in \\v[] \\c[3]he tested Lea in various ways\\c[0] to see how\\c[3] advanced and human-like\\c[0] she really was.\nUnfortunately Lea was not able to \\c[3]convincingly pass his tests\\c[0] and so he was \\c[3]not willing to fully lend his support\\c[0], when it would come to also\\c[3] convince \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "After Lea was finished with her preparations, she met up with Shizuka and Satoshi again to discuss their plan to \\c[3]storm the \\v[]\\c[0]. Sergey and Satoshi divised a way to \\c[3]crash the Evotar server\\c[0] by subjecting \\c[3]all the resident Evotars\\c[0] to a certain field effect, which will result in a torrent of data that should overload the server. This would give Lea enough to to \\c[3]access it directly\\c[0], before Sidwell could do so and delete everything. However, the plan would require the help of a \\c[3]group of players\\c[0], which is why Sergey planned to involve Lea's guild and trusted friends, the \\c[3]First Scholars\\c[0]. \\c[3]Shizuka\\c[0], on the other hand, was instructed to \\c[3]relocate her actual real body\\c[0] to not become Sidwell's hostage.\nWith the course of action clear, Lea was logged out.",
"": "Reawoken and equipped with two more words, \\c[3]\"Meet\"\\c[0] and \\c[3]\"Thanks\"\\c[0], Lea called all the members of the \\c[3]\"First Scholars\"\\c[0], except for the \\c[3]absent C'tron\\c[0] but also including \\c[3]Apollo and Joern\\c[0], to the guild HQ's meeting room. There she \\c[3]connected Sergey\\c[0] to the Holo Projector so he could finally \\c[3]explain Lea's full situation\\c[0] to everyone. Though everyone was very surprised about Lea's revelation of being an A.I. it did not diminish \\c[3]their bonds\\c[0] and so they were \\c[3]eager to help\\c[0] with the plan.",
"": "After meeting up with everyone in front of the \\c[3]Old Dojo in \\v[]\\c[0], the group entered the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] through the secret tunnel and started their operation. After splitting into groups, they herded the scattered Evotars towards Lea, who used the power of the \\c[3]Orbital Deathlaser\\c[0] to subject them to the \\c[3]server-disturbing field effect\\c[0]. In the end, with the help of the \\c[3]dramatically appearing Shizuka\\c[0], even \\c[3]Schneider's Evotar\\c[0] was saved from the clutches of shady Sidwell's sinister schemes.",
"": "However, Sidwell still had an unexpected ace in the hole: Though he could not properly access the Evotar server itself, he was able to just \\c[3]destroy it by resetting all the \\v[lore.title.instant-matter] of the room it was in\\c[0], thus making it fall to certain destruction. In an unexpected twist, though, \\c[3]Gautham\\c[0] foiled Sidwell's failsafe method by \\c[3]hijacking the Environment server\\c[0] and taking control over all \\v[lore.title.instant-matter] for himself himself. Driven by own sense of honor and desire for competition, he offered Lea \\c[3]access to the server\\c[0]... if she was able to beat the \\c[3]final challenges\\c[0] he prepared for her.",
"": "After overcoming a final array of fierce fights and perplexing puzzles, Lea was able to \\c[3]fight Gautham's avatar forms and defeat them\\c[0]. With his thirst for challenge finally quenched, Gautham realized that the world he constructed for so many years has only brought misery to its inhabitants and will now finally disappear. Disillusioned, full of guilt and with seemingly nothing to live for, he committed suicide by \\c[3]jumping from the tower to his death\\c[0], to Lea's and Sergey's horror.",
"": "Still shocked by \\c[3]Gauthams demise\\c[0], Lea walks on to the \\c[3]Evotar server\\c[0] and has one final confrontation with \\c[3]Sidwell\\c[0]. He tried to pass of his motivation as mostly business and the intention of making large sums of money with the information gained from the interrogated Evotars. He did, however, display regret over Gautham's death and seemingly held fond memories over his time spent with Lea in the \\v[]. Expressing some joy over seeing Lea ultimately be free and succeed, he left the scene. \\c[3]Sergey was furious\\c[0] over Sidewell's actions, that took the happiness of his three friends and even the life of Gautham, but Sidwell was unable to hear. So Lea finally \\c[3]accessed the Evotar server and secured the data\\c[0].",
"": "After accomplishing their goal, Lea \\c[3]returned to the others\\c[0] and told them what happened. While everyone was glad that the plan succeeded, Shizuka was mourning the death of her old friend Gautham, despite of how deranged he had become. \nWith \\c[3]the situation solved\\c[0], it was time for Sergey to now \\c[3]contact Instatainment\\c[0] and fully explain the everything. However, for this to happen, \\c[3]Lea had to leave the game indefinitely\\c[0]. So everyone decided to \\c[3]play the game together with Lea one last time\\c[0], before saying goodbye. And thus Lea and her friends traveled to all the locations of \\v[lore.title.cross-worlds] they shared their adventures in. Then, in the end, they met again at the \\v[] to have a \\c[3]heartfelt goodbye\\c[0] with \\c[3]lots of hugs\\c[0].\nAfterwards Lea \\c[3]logged out for the final time\\c[0], leaving her fate in Sergey's hands.",
"": "\\c[3]In the following time\\c[0] Sergey worked tirelessly to try and convince his employer, \\v[], to allow the Evotar project to continue in an official manner and giving the Evotars a way to live. \\c[3]Several months after Lea logged out\\c[0], he was finally able to inform the guild about the \\c[3]situation of her absent friend\\c[0] and the \\c[3]fate of the Evotars\\c[0] as a whole. ",
"": "Thankfully, and in no small part thanks to the passionate support of \\c[3]Mr. Vestorvich\\c[0], Sergey was able to convince \\v[] of the merits that the Evotar technology brought. So it was officially approved for Evotars to live on the \\v[lore.title.playground] which means that \\c[3]Lea will return in the future\\c[0]! The members of the guild were overjoyed by the prospect of seeing their dear friend again.\n\n\\c[2]< THE END...? >\\c[0]",
"": "Sadly Sergey was unable to convince \\v[] of supporting the Evotar project. This resulted in the \\c[3]ban of Evotars\\c[0] and \\c[3]the confiscation of all related data\\c[0], which also \\c[3]destroyed all hope of Lea's return\\c[0], to the sorrow of her friends.\n\\c[3]If only our heroes were able to convince someone influential to support their goals, the decision might have turned in their favor!\\c[0]\n\n\\c[1]< THE END >\\c[0]",
"lore.lea.title": "Lea",
"": "Lea is a girl who lost her memory due to unknown reasons. As if that wasn't enough, she also lost the ability to speak thanks to a malfunction in her avatar's speech module. Determined to find out more about herself she agreed to play \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0].",
"lore.carla.title": "Carla",
"": "\\c[3]Name\\c[0]: Carla Salvatore\nCarla is a mechanic on board the cargo ship \\c[3]M.S. Solar\\c[0] belonging to the maintenance crew of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]\\c[0]. She is a cheerful and open-minded person who likes to play around with new technology. Also kinda lazy.",
"lore.sergey.title": "Sergey",
"": "\\c[3]Name\\c[0]: Sergey Asimov\nSergey is a skilled software engineer with no apparent occupation other than helping Lea. He likes to be rational and tends to be specific on technical terms which might leave the impression of a pragmatic personality.",
"lore.cap-jet.title": "Captain Jet",
"": "\\c[3]Name\\c[0]: Gerald \"Jet\" McFly\nJet is the captain of the cargo ship \\c[3]M.S. Solar\\c[0] belonging to the maintenance crew of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]\\c[0].\nHis stoic and tidy character makes him a respected man among his crew. His trusted jetpack Betty is always at his side.",
"lore.designer.title": "Blue Avatar",
"": "\\c[3]Name\\c[0]: ???\nA mysterious blue avatar who appeared on the cargo ship \\c[3]M.S. Solar\\c[0]. He sees himself as some kind of god and thus above all other beings. He seems to be a special kind of avatar, being able to fly and leave the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.playground]\\c[0].",
"lore.gautham.title": "Gautham",
"": "\\c[3]Name\\c[0]: Gautham Ranganathan\nThe actual player behind the \\c[3]Blue Avatar\\c[0], Gautham is an acquaintance of \\c[3]Satoshi\\c[0], \\c[3]Shizuka\\c[0] and \\c[3]Sergey\\c[0] and an extraordinary designer who always strives to deliver a challenging experience.",
"lore.satoshi.title": "Satoshi",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Satoshi Sakai\nA highly skilled developer formerly employed by \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and responsible for the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-code]\\c[0]. He mysteriously vanished from the company to further his research together with his sister \\c[3]Shizuka\\c[0] and friend \\c[3]Gautham\\c[0].\n",
"lore.satoshi.content.p2.content": "As it turns out the real Satoshi died due a congenital heart disease but he was able to create an \\c[3]Evotar\\c[0] of himself.",
"lore.shizuka.title": "Shizuka",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Shizuka Sakai\nShizuka was a developer employed by \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Together with her brother \\c[3]Satoshi\\c[0] and \\c[3]Gautham\\c[0] she left the company to further Satoshi's research. Her Avatar was used to create the first \\c[3]Evotar\\c[0]: \\c[3]Lea\\c[0].",
"lore.sidwell.title": "Sidwell",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Benedict Sidwell\nSidwell is an eccentric businessman with a cold and calculating personality. He is the one who financed the evotar research and the one who provided \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] for Satoshi, Shizuka and Gautham. Other than that, not much is known about him.",
"lore.emilie.title": "Emilienator",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Emilie-Sophie de Belmond\nEmilie is an energetic young \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] player who recently joined the game and seems to be quite enthusiastic about it. She has a very competitive nature and wants to prove her skill wherever she can. ",
"lore.schneider.title": "Schneider",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Lukas Fink\nSchneider is a seasoned \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] player who is friends with Emilie. Though he is very helpful he also enjoys teasing his friends. As a veteran in the game he knows almost every inch of it like his vest pocket.",
"lore.lukasEvo.title": "Evotar Lukas",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Lukas\nThe \\c[3]Evotar\\c[0] of the player \\c[3]Lukas Fink\\c[0] a.k.a. \\c[3]Schneider\\c[0]. He is trapped inside \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] much like \\c[3]Lea\\c[0]. His character is almost the same with the exception of the circumstantial problem. ",
"lore.hlin.title": "Hlin",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Linda Palmer\nHlin is a friendly, motherly player who created the \\c[3]First Scholars\\c[0] guild together with \\c[3]Beowulf\\c[0]. Manners, community and the lore of \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] are most dear to her and she welcomes everyone with open arms.",
"lore.beowulf.title": "Beowulf",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Albert Grumpesto\nBeowulf is a calm and silent player who created the \\c[3]First Scholars\\c[0] guild together with \\c[3]Hlin\\c[0]. Although he does not seem very talkative, his interest in the lore of \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] is just as great as Hlin's.",
"lore.glasses.title": "C'tron",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Toby Tremblay\nToby is a rather new member of the \\c[3]First Scholars\\c[0]. He appears to be highly knowledgeable when it comes to science which leads to a lot of displeasure whenever CrossWorlds does not hold up to his sense of realism.",
"lore.buggy.title": "Buggy",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Raphael Luiz Vega\nBuggy is a pun-loving player and one of the earliest members of the \\c[3]First Scholars\\c[0] guild. His cheerful nature stems mostly from bad puns and jokes and he almost always laughs about his own jests the most.",
"lore.apollo.title": "Apollo",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Apollo\nApollo is a justice-driven player of \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] who started around the same time as Lea and Emilie. His respect for the rules and disgust for cheaters are only matched by his outstanding sense of style. ",
"lore.joern.title": "Joern",
"": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Joern\nJoern is a laid-back player of \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] and friend of \\c[3]Apollo\\c[0]. Though they seem to be very close to each other, Apollo's vigilante antics often tend to annoy Joern, who then apologizes to everyone involved before moving on.",
"lore.investor.title": "Iroh (Mr. Vestorvich)",
"lore.investor.content.p1.content": "\\c[3]Name:\\c[0] Ivan Vestorovich\nIvan is one of the major investors of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and interested in everything related to AI. He is also a close friend of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.beowulf]\\c[0]. With his help the future of Evotars might be saved.",
"lore.planet.title": "Shadoon",
"": "Shadoon is a planet located near a giant gas planet. It's home to the \\c[3]Shad\\c[0] and was once inhabited by the \\c[3]Ancients\\c[0]. Most of the croissant shaped land is covered by marks of the \\c[3]Track of the Ancients\\c[0]. ",
"lore.ancients.title": "Ancients",
"": "The Ancients are a name given to an archaic race who supposedly once lived on the planet of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.planet]\\c[0]. It is assumed that they left to other worlds a long time before the humans arrived for unknown reasons.\nRemnants of their existence can be found in the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0] and various ruins all across the planet. ",
"lore.track-of-ancients.title": "Track of the Ancients",
"": "The Track of the Ancients is an over-10000-year-old large-scale parkour game which played a large role in the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.ancients]'\\c[0] Society. It is a self-sufficient system in which a contestant selects one of \\c[3]5 Virtues\\c[0] to collect 4 distinct \\c[3]Elements\\c[0] which will then be used to solve challenges of rising difficulty.",
"": "At first the human colonists were ignorant towards the Track when exploiting the planet for resources. Over time, though, it became apparent that it has some kind of mind or programming that uses its capabilities to defend against perceived intruders. To prevent further conflict with native creatures and the land itself, \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.operation-trackwalker]\\c[0] was conceived.",
"lore.operation-trackwalker.title": "Operation Trackwalker",
"": "Operation Trackwalker was brought to life by the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.human-government]\\c[0] to study and solve the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0]. That way, it was hoped, it would be possible to control and finally use it to humanity's advantage instead of simply trying to destroy it.",
"": "The project involves specially trained humans, called \\c[3]\"\\v[lore.title.seeker]s\"\\c[0], who are integrated into the Track. That way they can follow it and solve its challenges in harmony with the rules specified by the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.ancients]\\c[0].",
"lore.seeker.title": "Seeker",
"": "A \\v[lore.title.seeker] is a human who has undergone special training and has been allowed access to the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0]. Once they choose one of the \\c[3]5 Virtues\\c[0], their goal is to master all 4 elements and use them in a final challenge to solve the mysteries behind the track.",
"lore.shad.title": "Shad",
"": "Shad are the native people on \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.planet]\\c[0]. They live in small, tribe-like settlements all over the planet and keep a healthy relationship with the humans.\nAt first Shad were not fond of the humans as they tried to harvest resources from the planet and in doing so destroyed ruins and the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0].",
"": "After the humans started \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.operation-trackwalker]\\c[0] they became more friendly towards mankind, so far as to even provide resources for \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]s\\c[0] on their path through the track.",
"": "Despite being native to the planet and bearing a strong resemblance to images of the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.ancients]\\c[0], they possess no knowledge about the technology or any information regarding the track and its secrets.",
"lore.creation.title": "Creation of Heaven and Earth",
"": "In the beginning there was void. From the void the ethereal \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0] was born. An almighty being alone in an empty world. But his was the power of creation and, as such, after eons pondering in solitude, he created the gods of shape and shared his powers equally among them.",
"lore.gods.title": "Gods of the Ancients",
"": "The \\c[3]Ancients\\c[0] believed in a set of 5 deities which created all worlds and guide them through life. Representations of these gods can be found all over \\c[3]Shadoon\\c[0] in both architecture and symbolism. \nHowever, believing in the gods was not viewed as being part of a religion. The \\c[3]Ancients\\c[0] thought that the Gods did exist.\nThe Names of the gods are:\n",
"": "- \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0]: God of the Sphere",
"": "- \\c[3]E'nel\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]E'Nel\\c[0]: God of Triangle",
"": "- \\c[3]Di'aro\\c[0]: God of the Square",
"": "- \\c[3]???\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]K'win\\c[0]: God of the Pentagon",
"": "- \\c[3]???\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]G'oni\\c[0]: God of the Hexagon",
"lore.spheregod.title": "Di'orbis",
"": "\\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0] is the first of the \\c[3]Gods of the Ancients\\c[0] born into the void. It is said that he is the source of life. \nHe is also the one who shaped the other gods as brothers and sisters. His personality is commonly described as aloof. After he created his siblings he went on to explore the void where he birthed many worlds in his image.\nHis shape is the \\c[3]eternal circle\\c[0].",
"lore.trianglegod.title": "E'nel",
"": "\\c[3]E'nel\\c[0], the hot tempered wind, is one of the Gods of Shape. \nShe bears the power of fire and is able to create suns in unison with \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0]. Her flame is all-consuming which is why she initially grew jealous of the other gods.\n",
"": "In her restlessness she created millions of suns and at one point a sun so large it exploded in the most wonderful colors.",
"": "Her shape is the \\c[3]sharp triangle\\c[0].",
"lore.squaregod.title": "Di'aro",
"": "\\c[3]Di'aro\\c[0], the old stone at the shore, is one of the Gods of Shape. \nHe bears the power to create solid surfaces in unison with \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0]. His creations are majestic, but also motionless and without life. Together with \\c[3]E'nel\\c[0] he once built a world with a hot core to show her that even she can contribute to building worlds.",
"": "His shape is the \\c[3]towering square\\c[0].",
"lore.pentagod.title": "K'win",
"": "\\c[3]K'win\\c[0], the mesmerizing flower, is one of the Gods of Shape. ",
"": "Born a twin to \\c[3]G'oni\\c[0], she is has the power to conjure fourth the strongest winds and storms and even creating the very spark that bring life onto a planet. In her dancing meaner she once flooded vast amounts of land by creating enormous tidal waves. Thankfully her brother intervened and G'oni learned her lesson.",
"": "Her shape is \\c[3]dancing pentagon\\c[0].",
"lore.hexagod.title": "G'oni",
"": "\\c[3]G'oni\\c[0], the bold lightning, is one of the Gods of Shape. ",
"": "Born a twin to \\c[3]K'win\\c[0], he is the origin of the \\c[3]ever-flowing waters\\c[0]. By gifts are the oceans, lakes and rivers that stretch all throughout the land. With the help of his sister he also created the ever closing circle of clouds and rain.",
"lore.hexagod.content.p3.content": "His shape is \\c[3]calm hexagon\\c[0].",
"lore.godstories.title": "Stories of the Gods",
"": "The \\c[3]Gods of Shape\\c[0] shared many stories of both Harmony and Discord. Some of these have been lost but others have been recorded for all eternity. Here you can find all of them.",
"lore.godstories-diaro.title": "Di'aros Perception",
"": "It all started when \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0], the ethereal god of creation, was born into the emptiness of the void. After pondering for eons in solitude, his desire for company gave birth to the \\c[3]Gods of Shape\\c[0]. Di'aro is one of these gods. The God of the \\c[3]Square\\c[0] and the creator of \\c[3]solid surface\\c[0]. His powers could form the most \\c[3]majestic mountains\\c[0] and \\c[3]freeze\\c[0] the vastest of seas. Indeed, his creations are enduring and overwhelming sights to behold, yet motionless and without life. \n",
"": "\\c[3]E'nel\\c[0] is a God of Shape, the mistress of the flame, and creator of the sun. Yet she was envious of her fellow gods, who created fascinating shapes and worlds full of life and color. She longed to take part, adding a warming fire to these worlds, yet her flame was too mighty and consumed all in its path.\nIt was then when \\c[3]Di'aro\\c[0] had a proposal. He shaped a sphere with an empty core and several holes surrounded by high mountains. E'nel filled this shape with her flame, creating a world with a heated core and life on its surface. Today, every \\c[3]volcano\\c[0] is a record of \\c[3]E'nel\\c[0] and \\c[3]Di'aro\\c[0] working in unison.",
"": "Life on \\c[3]Shadoon\\c[0] has prospered and \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0] felt that the Ancients were ready to start their journey. Di'aro, however, did not agree. He still saw them as infants crawling over the majestic surface he created. Di'orbis then pointed to Shadoon and asked Di'aro to watch. Di'aro saw how the Ancients climbed the \\c[3]highest of mountains\\c[0] and reached the very \\c[3]bottom of the sea\\c[0]. Di'aro was shocked yet proud of their achievements. \nReluctantly he agreed that indeed they are ready to start their journey. Di'aro then prepared an \\c[3]envelope\\c[0] of solid rock and ice, used to send the \\c[3]Message of the Sky\\c[0].",
"lore.godstories-enel.title": "E'nels Radiance",
"": "It all started when \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0], the ethereal god of creation, was born into the emptiness of the void. After pondering for eons in solitude, his desire for company gave birth to the \\c[3]Gods of Shape\\c[0]. E'nel is one of these gods. The God of the \\c[3]Triangle\\c[0] and the creator of \\c[3]ever-burning flames\\c[0]. She made the sun with \\c[3]blinding light\\c[0] and filled the ground deep beneath our feet with a \\c[3]molten stone\\c[0]. Her creations spread warmth, yet consume life at the same time.",
"": "At first the world was dark. Hence, \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0] and \\c[3]E'nel\\c[0] created the first sun to spend light. Yet at night, when the sun was hidden, the world was as dark as ever. \\c[3]E'nel\\c[0] wanted to place many more suns closeby, creating a world of constant brightness. Yet this world was monotonous, lacking dusk, dawn and the coolness of the night.",
"": "The two gods then had a new idea. They were creating millions and millions of new suns far far away in all directions. Thanks to \\c[3]E'nel\\c[0] and \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0]' effort we can today enjoy the night with a beautiful starry sky. Not only are the stars beautiful, \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0] placed them in particular to stir our curiosity for other worlds out there.",
"": "After \\c[3]E'nel\\c[0] created millions of suns, she craved for a challenge. She wanted to create the largest, most majestic sun imaginable. Thus, she started adding her eternal flame, adding more and more as the sun was growing further and further. At some point, the sun had too much fire and couldn't hold it any longer. What followed was a most spectacular and colorful explosion. Even today, we very rarely witness these colorful explosions in the night sky as a testament of E'nel's boredom.",
"lore.godstories-kwin.title": "K'wins Judgement",
"": "It all started when \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0], the ethereal god of creation, was born into the emptiness of the void. After pondering for eons in solitude, his desire for company gave birth to the \\c[3]Gods of Shape\\c[0]. \\c[3]K'win\\c[0] is one of these gods. Born a twin to \\c[3]G'oni\\c[0], she is the God of the \\c[3]Pentagon\\c[0] and the creator of \\c[3]storms and lightning\\c[0].",
"": "Her strong winds keep our world in constant motion, her fierce thunderstorms are awe-inspiring, sparking curiosity within us. Finally, her little sparks also give life to every creature of this world. \\c[3]G'oni\\c[0], the creator of ever-flowing waters and twin-brother of \\c[3]K'win\\c[0], was busy filling our planet with oceans and lakes. The water overflowing from the lakes was slowly moving down the hills into the ocean. However, the water in the oceans was almost motionless. ",
"": "As K'win watched those boring, calm waters, she had an idea. She created light winds flying over the ocean, creating an abundance of dancing waves on its surface. At first G'oni did not like this change, as he preferred his waters calm and quietly. But as he saw creatures playing with the waves and using the winds to travel across the oceans, he reluctantly agreed to keep it. ",
"": "This made K'win very enthusiastic and so she decided to create stronger and stronger winds, making the waves go higher and higher. This led to the most fearsome storms and tidal waves, flooding vast amounts of land. G'oni quickly interfered. K'win understood that she made a terrible mistake. To make it up to her twin-brother, she created many creatures to live deep within the waters.",
"": "When \\c[3]Di'aro\\c[0] and \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0] witnessed the advancements of our kind, they decided to send the \\c[3]Message of the Sky\\c[0] wrapped in an \\c[3]Enveloped of solid rock and ice\\c[0]. As he send out the envelop, \\c[3]Di'aro\\c[0] was ever-so-carefuly, only giving it the slightest nudge. After all, he didn't want his creation, the earth and mountains, to be damaged when the message arrived. \\c[3]K'win\\c[0] watched the envelope fly towards us, ever so slowly. She watched and watched, growing more and more impatient. ",
"": "K'win then remember how our kind could withstand her most powerful thunderstorms and fierce hurricanes. She was confident, that we could receive a fast-approaching message just as well. Without hesitation, K'win reached back and gave the envelope a massive blow, launching it toward us at high speed. It is thanks to her confidence in our resilience that our kind received the Message of the Sky in time.",
"lore.godstories-goni.title": "G'onis Acceptance",
"": "It all started when \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0], the ethereal god of creation, was born into the emptiness of the void. After pondering for eons in solitude, his desire for company gave birth to the \\c[3]Gods of Shape\\c[0]. \\c[3]G'oni\\c[0] is one of these gods. Born a twin to \\c[3]K'win\\c[0], he is the God of the \\c[3]Hexagon\\c[0] and the creator of \\c[3]ever-flowing waters\\c[0].",
"": "He blessed our planet with vast oceans, strong currents, calm lakes, and long rivers stretching over every corner of this land. His creations also gave birth to an endless variety of plants, painting our lands in beautiful colors. As \\c[3]G'oni\\c[0] created oceans, lakes, and river spreading across the land, he was happy to see that plants flourished close to the water.",
"": "However, he was constantly busy refilling the lakes on the land as the water kept flowing down the hills back into the ocean. Then G'oni had an idea. He took the water from the oceans and moved it into clouds floating high in the sky. Then he asked \\c[3]K'win\\c[0], his twin-sister and creator of wind and thunder, to move the clouds back to the land. Once the clouds would reach the lakes, G'oni would let them rain down, refilling the lakes and making the water flow and circles.",
"": "K'win, however, thought this flow was boring. So instead she decided to move the clouds all over the place and let them rain right over the land. At first G'oni was furious watching the water being spread in this chaotic manner. However, he quickly noticed how rich plant life started to appear on every corner of land, far beyond the edges of his lakes and rivers. As he saw the planet covered in trees and flowers, he quickly accepted the chaotic nature of rain falling wherever it pleases.",
"": "When \\c[3]Di'aro\\c[0] and \\c[3]Di'orbis\\c[0] witnessed the advancements of our kind, they decided to send the \\c[3]Message of the Sky\\c[0] wrapped in an \\c[3]Envelope of solid rock and ice\\c[0]. However, Di'aro was concerned. His envelope was massive in size and it could lead to great disaster, if it landed in the wrong spot. Fortunately, \\c[3]G'oni\\c[0], being quiet and observative, detected the \\c[3]signal\\c[0] from our kind and determined the exact position where we expected the message to arrive. He told the others gods and together they aimed the envelope in the right direction so that our kind could receive it properly.",
"lore.virtues.title": "5 Virtues",
"": "The 5 Virtues mirror the foundation on which the Ancients' culture was built. Before a \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]\\c[0] can begin the \\c[3]Track of the Ancients\\c[0] he must choose a virtue which is connected to a \\c[3]class\\c[0]. \n- \\c[3]Virtue of Strength\\c[0]: Heat\n- \\c[3]Virtue of Endurance\\c[0]: Cold\n- \\c[3]Virtue of Agility\\c[0]: Shock\n- \\c[3]Virtue of Wisdom\\c[0]: Wave\n- \\c[3]Virtue of Balance\\c[0]: All",
"": "Each Virtue is also loosely connected to one of the \\c[3]4 Elements\\c[0] a Seeker can acquire on the Track.",
"lore.classes.title": "Classes",
"": "Classes are what a \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]\\c[0] chooses before entering the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0]. They are closely connected to the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.virtues]\\c[0] and shapes which the \\v[lore.title.ancients] lived by. These are the possible classes:\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.class-triblader]\\c[0]: Virtue of Strength\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.class-quadroguard]\\c[0]: Virtue of Endurance\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.class-pentafist]\\c[0]: Virtue of Agility\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.class-hexacast]\\c[0]: Virtue of Wisdom\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.class-spheromancer]\\c[0]: Virtue of Balance",
"": "Each class gives the Seeker a unique way to master the \\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients] to the person's liking by offering class specific traits and abilities.",
"lore.class-triblader.title": "Triblader",
"": "Tribladers follow the \\c[3]Virtue of Strength\\c[0]. Their focus lies on powerful sword attacks. They lack in defense and ranged capabilities but make up for it by having increased strength.\nThe element usually associated with Tribladers is \\c[3]Heat\\c[0].",
"lore.class-quadroguard.title": "Quadroguard",
"": "Quadroguards follow the \\c[3]Virtue of Endurance\\c[0]. They have a deficit in attack power and speed but have superior defense in comparison to all other classes. They can survive longer and can even take on multiple enemies at once with ease. \nTheir element of choice is \\c[3]Cold\\c[0].",
"lore.class-pentafist.title": "Pentafist",
"": "Pentafists follow the \\c[3]Virtue of Agility\\c[0]. Speed and quick attacks with their fist are the main tools of a Pentafist player. However, their HP is the lowest of all classes which basically makes them glass cannons.\nTheir favored element is \\c[3]Shock\\c[0].",
"lore.class-hexacast.title": "Hexacast",
"": "Hexacasts follow the \\c[3]Virtue of Wisdom\\c[0]. This class has the best ranged combat style, using quick throws and powerful ranged \\c[3]Arts\\c[0] to fend off enemies. They lack critical attack power and fall short in HP to compensate for the benefits.\nHexacasts primarily use the \\c[3]Wave\\c[0] Element.",
"lore.class-spheromancer.title": "Spheromancer",
"": "Spheromancers follow the \\c[3]Virtue of Balance\\c[0]. They are a jack of all trades, balancing each class's advantages and deficits to create a well-versed fighter. Spheromancers became quite rare since the class is not usually taken by a lot of players. Many consider the class as too weak or too challenging since players need to combine every tool in their arsenal to progress efficiently instead of having a clear focus.\nAdditionally, Spheromancers don't favor any element and instead try to keep a balance between them.",
"lore.rhombus-square.title": "Rhombus Square",
"": "Rhombus Square is the biggest city and capital of the human settlements on \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.planet]\\c[0]. It is located in the sea near \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and constructed entirely out of glass and advanced metal alloys.\nIn order for a \\c[3]Seeker\\c[0] to gain access to the city, he must first collect all elements on the Track of the Ancients.\n",
"lore.newcomers-bridge.title": "Newcomer's Bridge",
"": "The Newcomer's Bridge is located in the skyline of \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0] and serves as the basic training for new \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]s\\c[0]. Located near the end of the bridge is the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] where the new recruits face their final test before taking the skyrails to \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-central]\\c[0] and leaving for the mainland.",
"lore.rookie-dungeon.title": "Rookie Dungeon",
"": "The Rhombus Dungeon is located on \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.newcomers-bridge]\\c[0] and serves as the final test for new \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]s\\c[0].",
"lore.cross-central.title": "Cross Central",
"": "Cross Central is the primary teleportation HUB for the human civilization on \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.planet]\\c[0]. It is located on a large tower in the middle of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and offers instant teleportation to all human settlements.\n",
"": "New \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]s\\c[0] who just completed the training on \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.newcomers-bridge]\\c[0] first enter Cross Central to teleport to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and thus enter the main continent and start the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0].",
"lore.rookie-harbor.title": "Rookie Harbor",
"": "Rookie Harbor is the first true human settlement on \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.planet]\\c[0] and also serves as the beginning of every \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]'s\\c[0] journey on the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0].\nIt was founded directly after human arrival on the planet, even before the construction of the current capital Rhombus Square was started. Located at the coast in the middle of the continent it is also the main trading and travelling hotspot of the mainland. It is often seen as the most comfortable human settlement.",
"": "On the landside it is surrounded by a temperate area full of apple trees that always seems to be stuck in the autumn season. Thus different colored apples and fishes from the sea are the main ingredients of most dishes in the settlement.",
"lore.rookie-harbor.content.Page-02-01.content": "It was once called \\c[3]Port Harbor\\c[0], before \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.operation-trackwalker]\\c[0] was conceived.",
"lore.autumn-rise.title": "Autumn's Rise",
"": "Autumn's Rise is a temperate area that seems to be in a state of permanent autumn. It's the first area a \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]\\c[0] has to travel through. The Fauna mainly consists of \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] and \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] but the area also contains some rather nasty \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] to deal with. ",
"": "Going off-path in Autumn's Rise might lead to interesting places such as the \\c[3]Old Observatory\\c[0] in the south-west of the area.",
"lore.autumn-fall.title": "Autumn's Fall",
"": "The little sibling to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], \\v[] is filled with old ruins that are believed to have once been part of a large city that stretched all across the area up to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] in the north and \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] to the east.\n",
"lore.bergen-trail.title": "Bergen Trail",
"": "Bergen Trail is a way up \\c[3]Mount Bergen\\c[0] from \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], leading to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].\nAt the foot of the mountain, the path begins with a green, temperate forest of coniferous hardwood trees, though it will inevitably start to snow when moving towards the top.",
"": "It is home to a lot of \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] who can hide below snow to attack with a surprise attack. You might also find some \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] along the way. \nCloser to Bergen you can also find \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] and \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] which are tough foes if not prepared.",
"lore.bergen-hermit.title": "Hermit's House",
"": "The Hermit's House in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0] is a small pub located roughly in the middle of the climb. Before the path to the \\c[3]Temple Mine\\c[0] was established this house was the first built by human hands on Bergen Trail. \nIt was named after the owner, who ironically was called Hermit by everyone. He was a founding member of the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.faction-heat-main]\\c[0] faction and set out to explore the mountain all by himself. ",
"": "As \\c[3]Shadoon\\c[0] was explored more and more, he too ventured forth and left the house. In an effort to provide provisions to \\c[3]Seekers\\c[0] on their way to \\c[3]Bergen\\c[0] and the Temple Mine some villagers opened a pub inside the house which has never closed since its opening.",
"lore.bergen.title": "Bergen Village",
"": "Bergen is a small, snowy village near the top of \\c[3]Mount Bergen\\c[0]. It was founded next to a \\c[3]temple of the \\v[lore.title.ancients]\\c[0] to turn it into a mine and exploit the resources inside. The large building north of the village was once used as an inn but is now used as the town hall and place of reception.",
"lore.bergen-miners.title": "Bergen Mine",
"": "Before it was decided to use \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.operation-trackwalker]\\c[0] to find out more about the \\c[3]Ancients\\c[0], the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.temple-mine]\\c[0] was actually a mine farmed for its precious resources.\n",
"": "The mine was eventually overrun by the Ancients system used to keep the Track of the Ancient intact. Vicious little bugs appeared and took over any mechanical system in the mine driving out the miners and leaving them without a job. ",
"lore.temple-mine.title": "Temple Mine",
"lore.temple-mine.alternative": "Abandoned Crystal Mine",
"lore.temple-mine.content.first.content": "The Temple Mine is a Dungeon which holds the first element of the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0]. From here, a Seeker can obtain: \\c[3]Heat\\c[0].\nOnce a mine it was overrun by the Ancients technology as humans dug up a temple hidden inside the mountain.",
"lore.heat-area.title": "Maroon Valley",
"": "Maroon Valley is a dry and hot area located on the western side of the continent. The terrain is mostly eroded and some parts are under the constant grinding pressure of a sandstorm. The storm itself, however, is not a product of natural air movement. The scientists of \\c[3]Shadoon\\c[0] assume that some \\c[3]Ancient\\c[0] Technology causes it, as no other explanation could be found.\n",
"": "Despite the harsh nature of the area there are some parts that fight back, such as the \\c[3]Maroon Oasis\\c[0], which is filled with lush plantlife.\nTo the west of the area one can find the home of one of the \\c[3]Shad\\c[0] Tribes: \\c[3]Ba'kii Kum\\c[0].",
"lore.heat-oasis.title": "Maroon Oasis",
"": "The Maroon Oasis is a lush area found on the east side of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.heat-area]\\c[0]. It's filled with all sorts of plant and wild life and is crowned by a majestic tree which strongly resembles a maroon or cherry tree. \nBut it bears no fruits and blossoms all year, leaving petals on the ground for animals to eat or people to gather. \nIt is assumed that the tree itself is the reason the oasis still exists. Scientists who studied the tree found that it produces nutrients and channels them into the ground using the sunlight, something Maroon Valley has plenty of.",
"lore.heat-village.title": "Ba'kii Kum",
"": "Ba'kii Kum is the home of the native people of \\c[3]Shadoon\\c[0], the \\c[3]Shad\\c[0]. The name derives from the language the Shad speak and roughly translates to \\c[3]Burned Village\\c[0]. Quite fitting because a normal day in Ba'kii Kum has a temperature of 36° Celsius. \nThe greatest attraction of the village is its market and culture and a statue which \\c[3]Seekers\\c[0] must visit before they can enter \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.heat-dng]\\c[0].",
"": "Other than that, they live off what \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0] offers them. Water from cacti, meat from \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]s, and plants from the oasis. The Shad try to live a life close to nature and most technology found in Ba'kii Kum is a product of the humans' relationship with them or broken parts left behind by the \\c[3]Track of the Ancients\\c[0].",
"": "Originally the Shad did not understand the concept of \\c[3]Electricity\\c[0]. Instead they used devices scrambled together from broken parts found in Maroon Valley. Humans introduced them to the concept of solar energy, making more efficient use of their resources. Being a curious race, the Shad then quickly adapted their lifestyle and added a \\c[3]Solar Farm\\c[0] right outside the main village.\nWith the human arrival also came the trend of Shad to go outside the village itself. This is why in rare cases one might find a Shad wandering areas you normally wouldn't find them.",
"lore.heat-dng.title": "Faj'ro Temple",
"lore.heat-dng.alternative": "Hourglass",
"": "This temple stands in a large ravine right before \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and is the second challenge a \\c[3]Seeker\\c[0] has to overcome as part of the \\c[3]Track of the Ancients\\c[0]. In this Dungeon the Seeker can acquire the second element: \\c[3]Cold\\c[0].",
"": "To enter the dungeon, however, a Seeker must visit \\c[3]Ba'kii Kum\\c[0], home to the Shad. Only there can they find the key to gain access to the temple.",
"": "Its unique shape granted it the nickname: \\c[3]Hourglass\\c[0]. Steam-powered furnaces, water blocks, and poles that can hold elemental charges are what Seekers must use to overcome the puzzles inside. \nIn contrast to the infested \\c[3]Temple Mine\\c[0], Faj'ro Temple is home to moths, floating jellyfish, and fierce Golems. ",
"lore.jungle.title": "Gaia's Garden",
"": "Gaia's Garden is an enormous jungle and the largest area to be found on Shadoon. Its high trees stand towering beside the many rivers that stretch from the north-west to the south-east. In the center of the jungle a huge lake can be found with a small island that is home to the paradoxical \\c[3]Basin Keep\\c[0]. ",
"": "In the south-east a small Shad tribe calls the trees their home. They mostly keep to themselves and live in harmony with the jungle. However, tensions between humans and Shad have arisen ever since humans build a power plant at the entrance of the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple\\c[0]. A vile infestation has spread in the north-east of the jungle which seems to originate from the power plant.",
"": "In the north one can found the mighty \\c[3]Grand Krys'kajo\\c[0]. A tree that stand above all other trees. However to get close to it, A \\c[3]Seeker\\c[0] first need to to finish the trials of both the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple\\c[0] and \\c[3]So'najiz Temple\\c[0] which stand beside the tree.",
"lore.jungle-city.title": "Basin Keep",
"": "Basin Keep is a city build on a small island admits a huge lake in the center of \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0]. Its a technological wonder only possible by the through its location and many safety mechanisms. To make sure the jungle does not creep into the city, the outside walls are engulfed in a special alloy which fends of most plants. ",
"": "The city grew large very fast at it became the main supplier for clean electricity that meets the demands of humans on \\c[3]Shadoon\\c[0]. Many Bars and luxurious penthouses can be visited or rented respectively. Basin Keep is often viewed as gloomy since it is always raining and the high buildings leave the city in a permanent dark setting. Still many prefer the more urban nature of it compared to bright cities like \\c[3]Rhombus Square\\c[0].",
"lore.shock-dng.title": "Zir'vitar Temple",
"": "This temple is the third or fourth challenge a \\c[3]Seeker\\c[0] needs to master in order to progress on the Track of the Ancients. Other than the previous temples, both this one and the \\c[3]So'najiz Temple\\c[0] can be completed in any order. In this Temple the Seeker can acquire the element: \\c[3]Wave\\c[0].",
"": "Unique to this dungeon is the power plant right in front of it. It uses the outgoing energy to generate power for the humans. This however lead to tensions between the Shad living the to south-east and the humans as they accuse them of poisoning the jungle. ",
"lore.wave-dng.title": "So'najiz Temple",
"": "This temple is the third or fourth challenge a \\c[3]Seeker\\c[0] needs to master in order to progress on the Track of the Ancients. Other than the previous temples, both this one and the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple\\c[0] can be completed in any order. In this Temple the Seeker can acquire the element: \\c[3]Shock\\c[0].",
"lore.shockwave-dng.title": "Grand Krys'kajo",
"": "This temple is build right into the name giving tree at the heart of \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0]. It can only be accessed by first completing both the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple\\c[0] and \\c[3]So'najiz Temple\\c[0]. \nA \\c[3]Seeker\\c[0] needs to show that hey have mastered both elements acquired in the temples to prove their worthiness. It is said a guardian tests every Seeker personally at the top of the tree.",
"lore.forest.title": "Sapphire Ridge",
"": "Sapphire Ridge is a system of hills located to the east of Shadoon. It's covered in eternal night by a strange weather phenomenon that is currently researched by the \\c[3]United Voyager Nation\\c[0]. Many years ago miners miners carved deep into the hills to unearth the valuable \\c[3]Cobalt Ore\\c[0]. Although not much was found, the miners uncovered many hidden paths that lead to the north of the area. Otherwise Sapphire Ridge is rather rural as most paths lead through the cave-systems up \\c[3]Ascension Temple\\c[0].",
"lore.forest.content.p2.content": "The south houses a hostel called the \\c[3]Cave Inn\\c[0], which counts among the oldest structures build by humans on Shadoon.",
"lore.human-government.title": "United Voyager Nation",
"": "The \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.human-government]\\c[0] is the governing entity on planet \\c[3]Shadoon\\c[0]. They use a council of 10 high ranking military and political individuals to administer resources and provide support for the 4 \\c[3]Factions\\c[0] as part of \\c[3]Operation Trackwalker\\c[0].",
"lore.factions.title": "Factions",
"": "Factions are groups of humans who work together to secure the survival and further advancement of humanity on \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.planet]\\c[0].\nMost humans are part of one of 4 large factions with different fields of duties and core philosophies, each divided into regional subdivisions:\n- \\c[3]Venture Alliance (VA)\\c[0]\n- \\c[3]Human Preservation Department (HPD)\\c[0]\n- \\c[3]Association of Human Advancement (AHA)\\c[0]\n- \\c[3]Amity of Balance (AoB)\\c[0]\n\nWhile the factions are filled with highly resourceful experts of their field, they often need the support of the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]s\\c[0] because of their special connection to the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0].",
"lore.faction-heat-main.title": "Venture Alliance",
"": "The \\c[3]Venture Alliance (VA)\\c[0] is a faction mainly responsible for doing pioneer work by exploring and claiming new land, hunting and scavenging wildlife and mining natural resources. Thus it often attracts an individualistic, adventuring type of person who prefers active work in the field, even if it's dangerous.\n",
"": "Subdivisions include:\n- \\c[3]Falldivers (FD)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Bergen Digging Mates (BDM)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Arid Breeze (AB)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Woodland Vanguard (WV)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"lore.faction-heat-rookieharbor.title": "Falldivers",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Venture Alliance\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Falldivers (FD)\\c[0] are the primary recon force in the entire Autumn Area and the southern coast of the continent.\nAside from scouting for unexplored regions and monitoring any movements of the creatures connected to the \\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients] they also hunt and search for useful resources and Ancient artifacts.",
"": "The Falldivers are currently under the command of \\c[3]Elenya Volkewsky\\c[0], who holds the title of \\c[3]Forerunner\\c[0]. It should be noted, however, that the command structures in this Faction are very flexible.",
"lore.faction-heat-bergen.title": "Bergen Digging Mates",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Venture Alliance\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Bergen Digging Mates (BDM)\\c[0] explore Mt. Bergen to find precious resources and also manage all the mining operations done in that area.",
"": "The BDM are currently under the command of \\c[3]Turis McEdinthil\\c[0], who holds the title of \\c[3]Chief Miner\\c[0].",
"lore.faction-heat-baki.title": "Arid Breeze",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Venture Alliance\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Arid Breeze (AB)\\c[0] explores Maroon Valley to find ancient tombs and the artifacts that reside within them.",
"": "The AB are currently under the command of \\c[3]Jonathan Lorenzo Mahir el Valente Al-Nassar\\c[0] (also known as \\c[3]Joel Mahir\\c[0]), who holds the title of \\c[3]First Wind\\c[0].",
"lore.faction-heat-jungle.title": "Woodland Vanguard",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Venture Alliance\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Woodland Vanguard (WV)\\c[0] explores Gaia's Garden to find hints of Ancient culture and technology. They have a strong affinity to both vintage artifacts of the Ancients and technological advanced gadgets.\nThey are very proud in already doing explorations of the Ancients even before it became a prime directive.",
"": "The WV are currently under the command of \\c[3]Kacela Madaki\\c[0], who holds the title of \\c[3]Lead Pioneer\\c[0].",
"lore.faction-cold-main.title": "Human Preservation Department",
"": "The \\c[3]Human Preservation Department (HPD)\\c[0] is a faction mainly responsible for the protection and discipline of the human settlements on \\v[lore.title.planet]. Thus they both serve as the main standing army of the human forces and also as the police force. Also part of the HPD are doctors and all kinds of rescue service personnel.\n",
"": "Subdivisions include:\n- \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Guards (RHG)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Bergen Guards (BG)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Maroon Baki Guards (MBG)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Basin Police Force (BPF)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"lore.faction-cold-rookieharbor.title": "Rookie Harbor Guard",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Human Preservation Department\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Guard (RHG)\\c[0] is tasked to keep justice and order in \\v[] and the surrounding areas like \\v[]. This includes both defending against attacks from the track and solving crimes done by other humans. ",
"": "The guard is under the command of \\c[3]Sgt. Julius Brassler\\c[0].",
"lore.faction-cold-bergen.title": "Bergen Guard",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Human Preservation Department\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Bergen Guard (BG)\\c[0] are tasked to keep justice and order in \\v[] and the surrounding areas of \\v[]. This includes both defending against attacks from the track and solving crimes committed by other humans.",
"": "The guard is under the command of \\c[3]Sgt. Silvia Sterling\\c[0].",
"lore.faction-cold-baki.title": "Maroon Baki Guard",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Human Preservation Department\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Maroon Baki Guard (MBG)\\c[0] is tasked to keep justice and order in \\v[] and the surrounding areas of \\v[]. This includes both defending against attacks from the track and solving crimes committed by other humans.",
"": "The guard is under the command of the old veteran \\c[3]Sgt. Rainer Niellos\\c[0], who is know for his friendly relations with the local Shad.",
"lore.faction-cold-jungle.title": "Basin Police Force",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Human Preservation Department\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Basin Police Force (BPF)\\c[0] is tasked to keep justice and order in \\v[] and the surrounding areas of \\v[]. This includes both defending against attacks from the track and solving crimes committed by other humans.",
"": "The police is under the command of \\c[3]Sgt. Daz Bronzel\\c[0].",
"lore.faction-shock-main.title": "Assoc. of Human Advancement",
"": "The \\c[3]Association of Human Advancement (AHA)\\c[0] is a faction mainly responsible for trade, manufacturing and scientific research.\n",
"": "Subdivisions include:\n- \\c[3]Coastal Trading Coalition (CTC)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Bergen Trade & Metalwork (BTM)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Baki Bazaar Union (BBU)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Basin Trade Partnership (BTP)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"lore.faction-shock-rookieharbor.title": "Coastal Trading Coalition",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Association of Human Advancement\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Coastal Trading Coalition (CTC)\\c[0] serves as a parent organization to every trader and craftsperson in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. While their members usually act autonomously, the division can organize cooperations, mediate in disputes and also negotiate missions to outside forces with the backing of the entire organization.",
"": "The Coalition is controlled by a council that is regularly replaced by yearly elections.",
"lore.faction-shock-bergen.title": "Bergen Trade & Metalwork",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Association of Human Advancement\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Bergen Trade & Metalwork (BTM)\\c[0] serves as a parent organization to every trader and craftsperson in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "The BTM is controlled by a council that is regularly replaced by yearly elections. Currently \\c[3]Mrs Summers\\c[0] is the chairman and thus responsible for handling complaints brought up by Bergen traders.",
"lore.faction-shock-baki.title": "Baki Bazaar Union",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Association of Human Advancement\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Baki Bazaar Union (BBU)\\c[0] serves as a parent organization to every trader and craftsperson in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "The Union is controlled by a council of successful Shad merchants, highest among them the ambitious \\c[3]Kney'tehab\\c[0], who also prides himself a master of human proverbs and rhetorik.",
"lore.faction-shock-jungle.title": "Basin Trade Partnership",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Association of Human Advancement\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Basin Trade Partnership (BTP)\\c[0] serves as a parent organization to every trader and craftsperson in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "The Trade Partnership is controlled by a council that is made up of the most influential companies of the city. \\c[3]Esha Basu\\c[0] serves as one of the most prominent neutral spokespeople and responsible with assisting members with their problems.",
"lore.faction-wave-main.title": "Amity of Balance",
"": "The \\c[3]Amity of Balance (AoB)\\c[0] is a faction mainly responsible for farming, gathering and the research of native life and gaining an understanding of the inner workings of the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0].\n\n",
"": "Subdivisions include:\n- \\c[3]Fruits of Autumn (FoA)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Ascension Spirits (AS)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "- \\c[3]Gaia's Gardeners (GG)\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"lore.faction-wave-rookieharbor.title": "Fruits of Autumn",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Amity of Balance\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Fruits of Autumn (FoA)\\c[0] are responsible for supervising and researching the effects of the \\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients] on the local flora and fauna of the Autumn Area. \nThey are also in control of most of the agriculture needed to feed the population of both \\v[] and even the capital city \\v[lore.title.rhombus-square]. In particular, their rich harvest of many different kinds of apples is one of the major backbones of the human diet on \\v[lore.title.planet].",
"": "The faction is led by \\c[3]Manzana Sarbolev\\c[0], who holds the title of \\c[3]Chief Woodkeeper\\c[0].",
"lore.faction-wave-bergen.title": "Ascension Spirits",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Amity of Balance\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Ascension Spirits (AS)\\c[0] are responsible for supervising and researching the effects of the \\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients] on the local flora and fauna of Mt. Bergen.\nEven when compared to other Subdivisions of the AoB they take a very spiritual approach to their task, which is hard to grasp for outsiders. Their connection to the track and understanding of its behavior outweigh all scientific doubts, though.",
"": "The faction is led by \\c[3]Nemuh\\c[0], who holds the title of \\c[3]Ascended Wisdom\\c[0].",
"lore.faction-wave-jungle.title": "Gaia's Gardeners",
"": "As the subdivision of the \\c[3]Amity of Balance\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the \\c[3]Gaia's Gardeners (GG)\\c[0] are dedicated to monitoring and protecting the climate and stability of the environment in Gaia's Garden.",
"": "The faction is led by \\c[3]Claude Renyes\\c[0], who holds the title of \\c[3]Lead Gardener\\c[0].",
"lore.guilds.title": "Guilds",
"": "Guilds are organized companies of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]s\\c[0] who closely work together on a regular basis, even moreso than the usual groups of \\v[lore.title.seeker]s.\nGuilds often hand out tasks for other players to complete for them in order to further increase their reach.",
"lore.omni-gilders.title": "Omni Gilders",
"lore.omni-gilders.content.first.content": "\\c[3]Omni Gilders\\c[0] is the name of a guild in CrossWorlds. As one of the largest guilds, it has multiple bases in various towns and villages. Their main goal is to become a large trading guild which helps low level players with fetch quests and uses the income to build more bases.",
"lore.first-scholars.title": "First Scholar",
"lore.first-scholars.content.p1.content": "The First Scholars are a tiny guild dedicated to the lore of \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0]. Even though they're small in size they still own a small house in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].\n\nIts current members are:\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.hlin]\\c[0] (Leader)\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.beowulf]\\c[0] (Co-Leader)\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.schneider]\\c[0]\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.buggy]\\c[0]\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.lea]\\c[0]\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.emilie]\\c[0]\n- \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.glasses]\\c[0]",
"lore.cross-code.title": "CrossCode",
"": "The \\c[3]CrossCode\\c[0] is the central part of the \\c[3]avatar controlling module\\c[0] and developed by \\c[3]Satoshi\\c[0]. By using a neural network analyzing the player's neural oscillation, it allowed controlling avatars like your own body.",
"": "However the CrossCode went beyond just analyzing players' thoughts to control avatars. Using the same neural network as a foundation, it is possible to entirely simulate features of the brain. Perception, logical thinking, emotions and even memories. This means the CrossCode \\c[3]evolved into a fully fledged A.I.\\c[0], Running this on an Avatar is what was called an \\c[3]Evotar\\c[0]. \n",
"lore.cross-code-2.title": "CrossCode 2.0",
"": "A specialized version of the original \\c[3]CrossCode\\c[0] able to create a copy of the neural network resulting in the birth of an \\c[3]Evotar\\c[0].",
"lore.cross-worlds.title": "CrossWorlds",
"": "\\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] is a \\c[3]Massively Multiplayer Online Game\\c[0] created by \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It features a unique setting on a moon circling a giant gas planet in the eastern part of the galaxy. It is owned and terra-formed by \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It's current version is \\c[3]1.69-2\\c[0].",
"": "Players make use of the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-gear]\\c[0] to connect to special Avatars made out of \\v[lore.title.instant-matter]. The goal of the game is to beat the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0], a set of open areas and dungeons players have to overcome in order to get to the end.",
"lore.playground.title": "Playground",
"lore.playground.alternative": "Croissant",
"": "The \\c[3]Playground\\c[0] is the official location where \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]\\c[0] takes place. It is often called \\c[3]\"The Croissant\"\\c[0] by players because of its shape.",
"lore.player.title": "Player",
"": "The \\c[3]Players\\c[0] in \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] are actual real human players, playing the game. They control temporary physical bodies, called \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.avatars]\\c[0], that entirely consist of a formable material called \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.instant-matter]\\c[0]. In the game they play as a \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]\\c[0] who tries to solve the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.track-of-ancients]\\c[0].",
"lore.balls.title": "Virtual Ricochet Projectile",
"lore.balls.alternative": "Ball(s)",
"lore.balls.content.para-1.content": "VRPs, short for Virtual Ricochet Projectiles, are, as the name suggests, projectiles used as an offensive weapon in the world of \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0]. \nUnlike the Avatars themselves, VRPs are not made of \\c[3]Instant Matter\\c[0], but are virtual projections interacting with the game world. This means that people like the \\c[3]Maintenance Crew\\c[0] are not able to see them unless they wear special goggles.",
"lore.balls.content.para-2.content": "Since the term \"Virtual Ricochet Projectile\" is quite long, players started calling them simply \\c[3]\"Balls\"\\c[0]. Obviously jokes started to appear and quickly spiraled out of control.\nOver time, however, making joking about it became unpopular and nowadays even hinting at such a joke is sure to only earn disrespect and scorn from most players.",
"": "Credits Trading",
"": "Back in the early versions of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]\\c[0] it was possible for players to easily trade the in-game currency \\c[3]Credits\\c[0].\nHowever since that was used by players to gain money by trading real world cash it was removed. Instead a system was created to allow players to create custom quests. By building in restrictions based on game progression of a player a lot of low-level proxy accounts were effectively shut down.",
"": "Direct Link",
"": "DL for short",
"": "The \\c[3]Direct Link\\c[0] is a messaging system used to talk privately to players in your contact list. To contact a person, you just need to open the \\c[3]social menu\\c[0] and select the player you want to talk to. If the player is not online, you can leave a message. \nThe system works via voice only. This means there is actually no way to message another player via \"typing text\" in \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0].",
"": "According to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], the developers of CrossWorlds, this was done to increase the immersion. However, some players argue that it makes talking to friends occasionally difficult since the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-gear]\\c[0] is known to sometimes have issues with voice synchronization.",
"": "Instatainment ltd",
"": "\\c[3]Instatainment\\c[0] is a galaxy wide company focused on providing entertainment via \\c[3]Instant Matter\\c[0] technology. One of their biggest products is \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0], a \\c[3]Massively Multiplayer Online Game\\c[0] which takes place on an actual moon in the galaxy.",
"lore.avatars.title": "Avatars",
"": "\\c[3]Avatars\\c[0] are humanoid bodies made of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.instant-matter]\\c[0] that are controlled by human players of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]\\c[0].",
"": "The bodies of avatars are extremely light. This is because avatars are basically just shells controlled by a remote player. Simulating touch and mass makes it possible for players to still feel the weight of attacks or motions in general. \nThe low weight means that even a child can lift avatars!",
"lore.evotar.title": "Evotar",
"": "An Evotar is an A.I. run on an Avatar using the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-code]\\c[0] technology created by \\c[3]Satoshi\\c[0]. Evotars are fully able to feel, move and communicate just like a normal human being. \nHowever Evotars showcase a significant issue when being confronted with their origin, often plunging them into mental breakdown which ultimately leads to severe malfunctions. ",
"lore.milky-way.title": "Milky Way Galaxy",
"": "The \\c[3]Milky Way Galaxy\\c[0] is the home of the human race. At this point about half of the space has been explored and numerous colonies have been established working under the banner of the \\c[3]ACF\\c[0].",
"": "Thanks to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], communication between colonies and travel is almost instant, making the galaxy itself the home of the humans.",
"": "\\c[3]Trivia\\c[0]: To this date no other sentient life has been found in the galaxy. Only hospitable planets and animals.",
"lore.real-planet.title": "Raritan Gem",
"": "\\c[3]Raritan Gem\\c[0] is the name given to the moon on which \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] was built. Not the be confused with the \"in-game\" name of the moon which is \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.planet]\\c[0].\nThe diameter of the moon is roughly \\c[3]12.000 km\\c[0] and it's mostly covered by water with only one large patch of landmass. Researchers assume that the moon once had more landmass and some event led to the oceans rising.\n",
"": "Despite the moon's orbit around a gas giant, its unique position in its solar system makes the air breathable and the temperature consistent enough to be hospitable. That's at least what people believe.\n",
"lore.colony-federation.title": "Accord of Colony Founders",
"lore.colony-federation.alternative": "ACF",
"lore.colony-federation.content.p1.content": "The ACF is a council consisting of leaders of the largest colonies in the galaxy. Most colonies joined the ACF after the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.old-war]\\c[0] creating the largest peace seeking organization in the galaxy. Because of this the ACF works similarly to a federation. They operate from a System in the 1st galactic quadrant Perseus arm called \\c[3]Novus Terra\\c[0].\n",
"lore.old-war.title": "Old War",
"lore.old-war.content.p1.content": "The \\c[3]Old War\\c[0] is a term used to describe a dark time in the history of humankind roughly 1000 years ago. In the age of exploration when mankind started to chart galaxies all over the 1st quadrant, a war broke out. The cause of this war has never been fully understood. Most believe it to be resources while others believe ideological differences could have been the cause. \nHistorians tell us that more and more weapons were built, powerful enough to destroy worlds. But those were never used as their primary purpose was to be a deterrent. That is at least what children learn in school. History books are oddly spotty on the subject of the Old War and our ancestors involvement in it.",
"lore.cross-gear.title": "Cross Gear",
"": "The \\c[3]Cross Gear\\c[0] device is used to connect a human to the world of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]\\c[0]. Through the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] it is possible to control the character in-game with absolutely zero lag, resulting in great immersion as all senses are tightly connected to the device and thus the game, too.\nHowever, the technology used for the gear is still experimental and as such still has issues. A prominent example is the \\c[3]Speech Desynchronisation\\c[0] which happens because of interference between the gear and the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.avatars]\\c[0] in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Quantum Porting ",
"": "\\c[3]Quantum Porting\\c[0] is the technology used to transport matter and information instantly between end points. Around 1500 years ago, scientists first discovered a way to securely transport matter into a higher dimension and return it.\nThis gave way to many breakthroughs which resulted in humans starting to be able to explore the galaxy. ",
"": "The drawback to this technology is that in order to get from Point A to Point B, both points must have various devices installed to allow for the porting.",
"lore.instant-matter.title": "Instant Matter",
"": "\\c[3]Instant Matter\\c[0] is a low-density material that can easily be created and formed by a remote system. It serves as a core component of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]\\c[0] because all non-static entities, like \\c[3]Player-\\v[lore.title.avatars]\\c[0], \\c[3]Enemies\\c[0] and \\c[3]Non-Player Characters\\c[0] are created from it.\n",
"": "Objects made out of Instant Matter can barely have any effect on real objects of solid mass, because they are \\c[3]too light and unstable\\c[0] to actually apply noticeable force. \nIn the same sense, while they can be easily destroyed by physical force, structures of Instant Matter can be reformed just as quickly as long as the connection to the remote system persists.",
"": "Solar Fist",
"": "A bazooka-like weapon used by \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cap-jet]\\c[0] to prevent the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.designer]\\c[0] from taking Lea. \nIt seems to be capable of disrupting \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.instant-matter]\\c[0] temporarily.",
"lore.insta-matter-bomb.title": "IMF-Neutralizer",
"": "The \\c[3]\"Instant Matter Field Neutralizer\"\\c[0] is a bomb used on the \\c[3]M.S. Solar\\c[0] by \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cap-jet]\\c[0] to \"make sure that no traces of \\c[3]CrossWorlds\\c[0] are left on the ship\", as Jet put it.\nWhile it has no apparent effect on solid matter or organic lifeforms, it seems to completely disrupt and thus destroy anything made from \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.instant-matter]\\c[0] within its range.",
"lore.cargo-ship.title": "Cargo Ship M.S. Solar",
"": "The cargo ship of \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cap-jet]\\c[0], which served as a training area for \\c[3]Lea\\c[0] before entering \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.cross-worlds]\\c[0] for real. Its main task is shipping maintenance parts and personnel to the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.playground]\\c[0] to keep the real world technology of the game intact.\nThe ship is powered by solar energy, which is the reason for its huge solar panels on deck.",
"lore.hackerspace.title": "I.H.S.O.",
"lore.hackerspace.alternative": "International HackerSpace Organization",
"": "The \\c[3]I.H.S.O.\\c[0] is an organization dedicated to finding and eliminating any kind of exploits and bugs found in systems used by companies.\nIt's also one of the oldest groups in the galaxy, existing for almost 2000 years in one way or another. \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] is just one of many that received help from them.\nTo support the cause, many companies created \"Wanted Lists\" for potential bugs with large bounties for those you can find and fix them.",
"lore.logs-header.title": "Strange Logs",
"": "A collection of log entries of unknown origin that have found their way into CrossWorlds.",
"lore.log-1.title": "Log Entry #001",
"": "\\c[2]Log Entry #001 - Expedition to Sector SOS-03\\c[0]\n\nTomorrow is the day. The \\c[3]ACF\\c[0] sends us out for another big expedition to one of the\\c[3] SOS-Sectors\\c[0]. Apparently it's \\c[3]Old War\\c[0] territory. I don't know what they want us to find there but scrap metal and drained stones but whatever pays the bill, right? The official task is to \"chart the sector and scan planets when possible\". Standard ACF exploration.",
"lore.log-2.title": "Log Entry #020",
"": "\\c[2]Log Entry #020 - Expedition to Sector SOS-03\\c[0]\n\nIt has been roughly 3 weeks and we finally made it into \\c[3]Sector SOS-03\\c[0]. It's crazy to think that this is uncharted when 1000 years ago the colonies waged the largest war humankind has seen here. We're just outside the \\c[3]Orion Spur\\c[0] and it looks bad. You can see dead ships everywhere. It kinda gives me the creeps. All the lives lost in this battle? All over resources? It must have been pretty dark. History books don't do justice to the damage that has been done here.",
"lore.log-3.title": "Log Entry #042",
"": "\\c[2]Log Entry #042 - Expedition to Sector SOS-03\\c[0]\n\nSomething is off. There is no way we're just here to chart this area. The seniors are all riled up because they found an ancient signal. Like before the \\c[3]Old War\\c[0] ancient. Should be nothing special, we often find old signals, left by our ancestors floating in space and sending out binary signals. But this one made them very excited. Now our job is to find more signals like that in all directions. No more charting, no more scanning. I don't know what they're thinking but the whole team knows we're kept in the dark. \n",
"lore.log-4.title": "Log Entry #066",
"": "\\c[2]Log Entry #066 - Expedition to Sector SOS-03\\c[0]\n\nI found stray signals, which seemed to phase in and out. The signals were complete garbage, but the phasing was strangely... binary. So I tried recording the phase-intervals to see if I get something. \nWhat I found is a message from what I think was a captain of a war ship called \\c[3]Phoenix\\c[0]. The message is very broken and is missing a big chunk at the end. It will take some time to repair it... if that is even possible. ",
"lore.log-5.title": "Log Entry #104",
"": "\\c[2]Log Entry #104 - Expedition to Sector SOS-03\\c[0]\n\nToday two things happened. First, our ship is going home. Everyone is pretty exhausted and nothing new has been found. Well, except the strange signals. Which is the second thing that happened. The repair routine is finally done and it might not have recovered much, but here we go:",
"": "\\c[3]WH3RE...§$$.al\nl....began.. ..Planet.\n.A&$)HN....W3..()%)(§J\nFF§....Move....§§% %%\"/H.....Sin\ngularity.immin3nt...ON LY.....§\n%/(%HF...our....H 0m3....(§%HF.\n...PRotect....HU..../&%)(/%\\c[0]",
"": "Where it all began? Some Planet they called home? No wonder the seniors are all so interested in this. Are we close to finding a new inhabitable planet? In \\c[3]Old War\\c[0] territory? But what is this about a Singularity? I can't imagine them talking about a real one, that would be insane. But a new planet? After this message there's bound to be more expeditions into this \\c[3]SOS-Sector\\c[0].",
"": "NotASmurf",
"": "Lourdes",
"": "Ferania",
"": "Shiroe",
"": "JohnFreeman",
"": "MarauderShields",
"": "-FreeCreditsPlz-",
"": "ElderJoe",
"": "VanHellsing",
"": "Luna",
"": "Stella",
"": "Ellen",
"": "Ana",
"": "McCree",
"": "Sophia",
"": "Amelie",
"": "Iskra",
"": "2wei-3rei",
"": "kappunuderu15",
"": "Joel",
"": "Ellie",
"": "Janina",
"": "Shay",
"": "Lou",
"": "Tiffy",
"": "Linkle",
"": "Shrekt",
"": "Rektangle",
"": "MarieCurry",
"": "S.Hulk",
"": "Alex",
"": "Daisy",
"": "Sky",
"": "Fitz",
"": "Simions",
"": "Corrin",
"": "Elena",
"": "Kara",
"": "Pumparum",
"": "Nancy95",
"": "Pubbles",
"": "ShadoBoXXer",
"": "MontyAneem",
"": "Selina",
"": "WonderPink",
"": "Watman",
"": "MarriCurry",
"": "Jeanne",
"": "Jessie",
"": "Blurak",
"": "Splizzard2",
"": "Temmie",
"": "Toonces",
"": "EricGene",
"": "Ruby",
"": "JoJo",
"": "TandemTheSpoony",
"": "Melia",
"": "Reyn",
"": "Brian",
"": "OlaXel",
"": "TyrAnnie",
"": "Sashura",
"": "CheddarKnight",
"": "SioBubbles",
"": "Girlchan",
"": "Sitonmi",
"": "Mikitora",
"": "Seiba",
"": "Asuna",
"": "Rhue",
"": "ClaudeM",
"": "Erol",
"": "Hrist",
"": "MrZuho",
"": "PrinceLotus",
"": "Popoi",
"": "Purim",
"": "Randi",
"": "Jeezil",
"": "Sesoko",
"": "Chizea",
"": "DarknessBlade",
"": "FormerlyKnownS",
"": "NikRoT",
"": "ChrisT",
"": "Lao",
"": "Shan",
"": "Wash",
"": "River",
"": "Kaylee",
"": "Zoe",
"": "Mal",
"": "Mr.Wiggly",
"": "Zaboo",
"": "Vork",
"": "Tink",
"": "Clara",
"": "Bladezz",
"": "Codex",
"": "Trish",
"": "Groot",
"": "Crowfather",
"": "MikeRafone",
"": "Link",
"": "Joe Momma",
"": "Wronski",
"": "Shepard",
"": "Na-Chus",
"": "NotNario",
"": "Columball",
"": "Marie",
"": "Vergil",
"": "Dante",
"": "Irina",
"": "C.Loud.S",
"": "Xenia",
"": "Noah",
"": "Judie",
"": "Yuri",
"": "Lucies",
"": "Dr. Doctor",
"": "Haniball",
"": "Sokrates",
"": "Angel",
"": "Nemo",
"": "Dora",
"": "Luka",
"": "Marshmello",
"": "Lara",
"": "Lawrence",
"": "Mario",
"": "Peach",
"": "Nico",
"": "Korra",
"": "Aang",
"": "Undefined",
"": "Samus",
"": "Ness",
"": "Jockey",
"": "Ripper",
"": "Bubblegum",
"": "Finn",
"": "Gunther",
"": "Purrsalot",
"": "Zack",
"": "Dogmeat",
"": "Glory",
"": "Kirkwood",
"": "Gary",
"": "Darth Mall",
"": "DonFranco",
"": "Enel",
"": "SJFitsGoku99",
"": "Lel",
"": "Abrahammer",
"": "Manman",
"": "Josephine",
"": "Stefan",
"": "Popinski",
"": "Stranger",
"": "Anna",
"": "Patty",
"": "Felix",
"": "Sarah",
"": "Lefto",
"": "Manmayo",
"": "Duddley",
"": "Buttersandwich",
"": "Icetree",
"": "Henne",
"": "Tabby",
"": "Jens",
"": "V-King",
"": "Sui",
"": "Prof. B",
"": "Trollin",
"": "Back-/",
"": "Stabbity",
"": "Chucknourish",
"": "Nuggets",
"": "_xXxDemonxXx_",
"": "Radical",
"": "UserOne",
"": "Raptor",
"": "Fish",
"": "Bawkins",
"": "Frisk",
"": "T-Dawg",
"": "Freece",
"": "Intela",
"": "TeeKuh",
"": "Chibi",
"": "Cheese",
"": "Teflon",
"": "Airs",
"": "DandyMan",
"": "Rey",
"": "DarknessLord",
"": "Patches",
"": "Burgerma",
"": "The Southern Trial Building",
"quests.arid-quest1.person": "General",
"quests.arid-quest1.description": "Acquire access and inspect the first \\c[3]Trial Building\\c[0] in the \\c[3]southern\\c[0] region.",
"quests.arid-quest1.briefing": "You successfully inspected the southern \\c[3]Trial Building\\c[0].",
"quests.arid-quest1.tasks.0.task": "Activate the devices of the southern region.",
"quests.arid-quest1.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Device in \\c[3]Scarlet River\\c[0]",
"quests.arid-quest1.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Device in \\c[3]River Delta\\c[0]",
"quests.arid-quest1.tasks.1.task": "Inspect the Trial Building in \\c[3]River Delta\\c[0]",
"quests.arid-quest1.tasks.2.task": "Report back at the \\c[3]Quest Hub\\c[0]",
"": "The Northern Trial Building",
"quests.arid-quest2.person": "General",
"quests.arid-quest2.description": "Acquire access and inspect the second \\c[3]Trial Building\\c[0] in the \\c[3]northern\\c[0] region.",
"quests.arid-quest2.briefing": "You successfully inspected the northern \\c[3]Trial Building\\c[0].",
"quests.arid-quest2.tasks.0.task": "Activate the devices of the northern region.",
"quests.arid-quest2.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Device in \\c[3]Crimson Lake\\c[0]",
"quests.arid-quest2.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Device in \\c[3]Ebony Forest\\c[0]",
"quests.arid-quest2.tasks.1.task": "Inspect the Trial Building in \\c[3]Ebony Forest\\c[0]",
"quests.arid-quest2.tasks.2.task": "Report back at the \\c[3]Quest Hub\\c[0]",
"": "I'm a humble citizen looking to help our dear Seekers! \\c[3]- Entrance to \\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "First Steps",
"": "Humble Helper",
"": "A humble citizen has a quest for you! And it involves \\c[3]hitting things\\c[0]! Straightforward, isn't it?",
"": "The citizen watched you with joy as you pummeled those enemies.",
"": "Defeat 10 \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]",
"": "Talk to the citizen at the entrance of \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0] again",
"": "I'm a humble citizen looking to help our dear Seekers even more! \\c[3]- Entrance to \\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "A Few Steps More",
"": "Humble Helper",
"": "The humble citizen has another quest and this time you have to \\c[3]collect things\\c[0]. By \\c[3]hitting plants\\c[0]!",
"": "The citizen happily received the items you found.",
"": "Collect the items by destroying plants (different plants yield different items!)",
"": "Talk to the citizen at the entrance of \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0] again",
"": "The Old Observatory",
"quests.cap-quest.person": "Captain Jet",
"quests.cap-quest.description": "Captain Jet asked you to find to find two key pieces hidden in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0]. Find them and find out what's inside the observatory.",
"quests.cap-quest.briefing": "You found the two pieces! Now it is time to check out whats inside that Observatory.",
"quests.cap-quest.tasks.0.task": "Collect the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] hidden in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0]",
"quests.cap-quest.tasks.1.task": "Bring the Pieces back to the Captain at the \\c[3]Old Observatory\\c[0]",
"": "Autumn's Rise Trailblazing",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn.description": "Henry the Researcher asked you to help him with his analysis of \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0] by exploring and probing the area.",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn.briefing": "You explored \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0] and presented the data to Henry. He was very pleased and hopes to work with you again soon.",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn.tasks.0.task": "Finish the tasks Henry gave you",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Finish the Collect Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Finish the Defeat Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn.tasks.0.subtasks.2.text": "Finish the Landmark Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn.tasks.0.subtasks.3.text": "Finish the Data Probe Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn.tasks.1.task": "Return to Henry in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise - Pathway 1\\c[0] to show him your findings",
"": "Autumn's Rise Collect",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-1.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-1.description": "Collect the requested items for Henry in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-1.briefing": "You found the requested items in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0]",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-1.tasks.0.task": "Find the items in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Autumn's Rise Defeat",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-2.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-2.description": "Collect samples on different enemies by defeating them.",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-2.briefing": "You collected the data on the requested enemies.",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-2.tasks.0.task": "Defeat enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Autumn's Rise Landmarks",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-3.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-3.description": "Henry the Researcher asked you to find all the landmarks in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-3.briefing": "You found all Landmarks in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0] for Henry.",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-3.tasks.0.task": "Find all the landmarks in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Autumn's Rise Data Probe",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-4.person": "Henry the Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-4.description": "Retrieve the data from a probe Henry installed in \\c[3]Pathway 6\\c[0] of \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0]. ",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-4.briefing": "You found and retrieved the data probe.",
"quests.trailblaze-autumn-4.tasks.0.task": "Find the probe in \\c[3]Pathway 6\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] using your \\c[3]Seeker Senses\\c[0]",
"": "Round and Round",
"quests.round-and-round.person": "Game Tester",
"quests.round-and-round.description": "A game tester near the end of \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0] has asked you to take part in a game test. Help him verify this parkour course. However if you leave the map, your progress is lost!",
"quests.round-and-round.briefing": "The tester seemed pretty satisfied with your performance. He even told you that you can help him in the future! You can't decide if that is a good thing or not.",
"quests.round-and-round.tasks.0.task": "Test out the Parkour by stepping on the first marker in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0]",
"": "Crocus Pocus",
"quests.botanics.person": "Talatu Lips",
"quests.botanics.description": "Explorer and plant lover Talatu Lips asked you to help her analyze and take note of all environmental objects that can be harvested throughout CrossWorlds.",
"quests.botanics.briefing": "It took a long time but you did it. You found all environmental objects and completely analyzed them. This sure must be an achievement, right?",
"quests.botanics.tasks.0.task": "Analyze the \\c[3]Flora of CrossWorlds\\c[0] by hitting plants.",
"quests.botanics.tasks.1.task": "Meet Talatu Lips in \\c[3]\\v[] - Quest Hub\\c[0]",
"quests.botanics.tasks.2.task": "Continue analyzing the \\c[3]Flora of CrossWorlds\\c[0].",
"quests.botanics.tasks.3.task": "Meet Talatu Lips in \\c[3]\\v[] - Quest Hub\\c[0]",
"quests.botanics.tasks.4.task": "Continue analyzing the \\c[3]Flora of CrossWorlds\\c[0].",
"quests.botanics.tasks.5.task": "Meet Talatu Lips in \\c[3]\\v[] - Quest Hub\\c[0]",
"quests.botanics.tasks.6.task": "Continue analyzing the \\c[3]Flora of CrossWorlds\\c[0].",
"quests.botanics.tasks.7.task": "Meet Talatu Lips in \\c[3]\\v[] - North\\c[0]",
"quests.botanics.tasks.8.task": "Follow Talatu into home north of \\c[3]\\v[] - North\\c[0]",
"": "Subquest Test",
"quests.subquest-test.person": "Subquest Guy",
"quests.subquest-test.description": "Here's to you.",
"quests.subquest-test.briefing": "Awesome!",
"quests.subquest-test.tasks.0.task": "1.Task",
"quests.subquest-test.tasks.1.task": "2. Task",
"quests.subquest-test.tasks.2.task": "3. Task",
"": "SubQuest #1",
"quests.subquest-test-1.person": "en_US",
"quests.subquest-test-1.description": "subquest #1 collect",
"quests.subquest-test-1.briefing": "Nice #1",
"quests.subquest-test-1.tasks.0.task": "Collect Stuff",
"": "SubQuest #2",
"quests.subquest-test-2.person": "en_US",
"quests.subquest-test-2.description": "subquest #2 kill",
"quests.subquest-test-2.briefing": "Nice #2",
"quests.subquest-test-2.tasks.0.task": "Kill enemy",
"": "SubQuest #3",
"quests.subquest-test-3.person": "en_US",
"quests.subquest-test-3.description": "subquest #3 condition",
"quests.subquest-test-3.briefing": "Nice #3",
"quests.subquest-test-3.tasks.0.task": "Solve the Condition",
"": "Timer Test Countdown",
"quests.timer-test.person": "Test Gamer",
"quests.timer-test.description": "Test them timers yo.",
"quests.timer-test.briefing": "You tested them timers yo.",
"quests.timer-test.tasks.0.task": "Let the race begin!",
"quests.timer-test.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Go to the first marker to start the race!",
"quests.timer-test.tasks.0.subtasks.0.shortText": "Go to the first marker!",
"quests.timer-test.tasks.1.task": "Finish the parkour in under \\c[3]20 seconds\\c[0]",
"": "Chase of the Hologram Frobbit",
"quests.daft-frobbit.person": "Di'orbis",
"quests.daft-frobbit.description": "Follow the mysterious hologram Frobbit throughout Autumn's Fall\n\n",
"quests.daft-frobbit.briefing": "You followed the Hologram Frobbit and passed its final trial.",
"quests.daft-frobbit.tasks.0.task": "Follow the Frobbit in \\c[3]Ancient Center\\c[0]",
"quests.daft-frobbit.tasks.1.task": "Follow the Frobbit now around \\c[3]Ruined Path\\c[0]",
"quests.daft-frobbit.tasks.2.task": "Stupid Frobbit seems to be in \\c[3]Eastern Exit\\c[0] now. Keep following it",
"quests.daft-frobbit.tasks.3.task": "That annoying rodent now went north of \\c[3]Eastern Exit\\c[0]. Go after it",
"quests.daft-frobbit.tasks.4.task": "Go catch up with that jumping bastard around \\c[3]Great Lake\\c[0]",
"quests.daft-frobbit.tasks.5.task": "Got that furry mischief maker. Finally. Go get your reward from the statue in \\c[3]Ancient Center\\c[0]",
"": "Bergen Trailblazing",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen.description": "Henry the Researcher asked you again to help him with his analysis of \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0] by exploring and probing the area.",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen.briefing": "You explored \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0] and presented the data to Henry. This time he seemed a bit too happy that you helped him. Something is strange about this guy.",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen.tasks.0.task": "Finish the tasks Henry gave you",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Finish the Collect Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Finish the Defeat Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen.tasks.0.subtasks.2.text": "Finish the Landmark Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen.tasks.0.subtasks.3.text": "Finish the Data Probe Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen.tasks.1.task": "Return to Henry in \\c[3]Bergen Trail - Rising Path 1\\c[0] to show him your findings",
"": "Bergen Trail Collect",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-1.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-1.description": "Collect the requested items for Henry in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-1.briefing": "You found the requested items in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0]",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-1.tasks.0.task": "Find the items in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Bergen Trail Defeat",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-2.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-2.description": "Collect samples on different enemies by defeating them in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-2.briefing": "You collected the data on the requested enemies.",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-2.tasks.0.task": "Defeat enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Bergen Trail Landmarks",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-3.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-3.description": "Henry the Researcher asked you to find all the landmarks in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-3.briefing": "You found all Landmarks in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0] for Henry.",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-3.tasks.0.task": "Find all the landmarks in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Bergen Trail Data Probe",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-4.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-4.description": "Retrieve the data from a probe a player installed for Henry. It's in one of the caves located in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0]. ",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-4.briefing": "You found and retrieved the data probe.",
"quests.trailblaze-bergen-4.tasks.0.task": "Find the probe in a \\c[3]cave\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "You've Got Mail?",
"": "Megan98",
"": "A shy player wants you to buy a \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] for her in the Equipment Shop of \\c[3]Rookie Harbor\\c[0].",
"": "She got the mail. And seems very happy about it.",
"": "Buy a \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] in \\c[3]Rookie Harbor\\c[0]",
"": "Go back to the shy player in \\c[3]Bergen Trail - Entrance\\c[0]",
"quests.legend-bunny.hubSettings.location": "This is too much... I need help from another player... Find me at the \\c[3]Entrance of Bergen Trail\\c[0].",
"": "The Legendary Bunny",
"quests.legend-bunny.person": "Jean",
"quests.legend-bunny.description": "A scared player asked you to investigate on the matter of the vicious creature that attacked her. Find out more about this \"bunny\" and how to exact your revenge on it.",
"quests.legend-bunny.briefing": "You have captured the legendary bunny and brought it back to the scared player. Turns out the bunny was just a regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. At least you got some reward, right?",
"quests.legend-bunny.tasks.0.task": "Ask the friends about the \\c[3]Legendary Bunny\\c[0]",
"quests.legend-bunny.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Hexacast in \\c[3]Rookie Harbor\\c[0]",
"quests.legend-bunny.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Triblader at the Obelisk in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0]",
"quests.legend-bunny.tasks.0.subtasks.1.shortText": "Triblader in \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0]",
"quests.legend-bunny.tasks.1.task": "Return to Jean in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0]",
"quests.legend-bunny.tasks.2.task": "Collect 5 \\v[] from \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]",
"quests.legend-bunny.tasks.3.task": "Return to \\c[3]Jean\\c[0] in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0] again",
"quests.legend-bunny.tasks.4.task": "Capture \\c[3]Legendary Bunny\\c[0] in \\c[3]Bergen Trail Windy Climb\\c[0] by defeating it.",
"quests.legend-bunny.tasks.5.task": "Bring \\c[3]Jean\\c[0] the captured bunny in \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0] ",
"": "Round and Round 2",
"quests.round-and-round-2.person": "Game Tester",
"quests.round-and-round-2.description": "The game tester needs your help again. Complete his \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0] parkour course in the time limit to test if everything is working correctly.",
"quests.round-and-round-2.briefing": "You did it again. Seems like at this point you're doing his job. But there is loot, so everything is okay.",
"quests.round-and-round-2.tasks.0.task": "Start the parkour at the \\c[3]Spike Heights\\c[0] in Bergen Trail.",
"quests.round-and-round-2.tasks.1.task": "Finish the parkour in under \\c[3]35 seconds\\c[0]",
"quests.round-and-round-2.tasks.2.task": "Talk to Bob at \\c[3]Spike Heights\\c[0] again.",
"": "Digging Up the Past",
"quests.bergen-mining_tools.person": "Quest Advisor",
"quests.bergen-mining_tools.description": "Many valuable items have been lost after Bergen Mine had to be abandoned. Try to find them while traversing through the \\c[3]Temple Mine\\c[0]!",
"quests.bergen-mining_tools.briefing": "You have returned the lost equipment and helped \\v[] to finally recover.",
"quests.bergen-mining_tools.tasks.0.task": "Find the lost equipment in the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]!",
"quests.bergen-mining_tools.tasks.1.task": "Return the equipment back to the Quest Advisor in the \\v[] Quest Hub.",
"": "Gifting for Fun!",
"": "Holiday Man",
"": "\\c[3]Holiday Man\\c[0] who apparently likes to gift people for fun, asked you to help him giving presents to various players. Bring the presents to the players!",
"": "You helped \\c[3]Holiday Man\\c[0] give out the presents in time. He gave you his special hat, revealing his true form to you. You were blinded by light.",
"": "Give presents to players in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Triblader",
"": "Hexacast",
"": "Pentafist",
"": "Quadroguard",
"": "Give presents to players in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Triblader",
"": "Hexacast",
"": "Pentafist",
"": "Quadroguard",
"": "Give presents to players in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Triblader",
"": "Hexacast",
"": "Pentafist",
"": "Quadroguard",
"": "Give presents to players in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Triblader",
"": "Hexacast",
"": "Pentafist",
"": "Quadroguard",
"": "Go back to \\c[3]Holiday Man\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Defeat the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Return to \\c[3]Holiday Man\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] again ",
"quests.miners-1-dirtbunnies.hubSettings.location": "There has been an incident involving Frobbits and mining equipment. \\c[3]- Bergen Digging Mates HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Filthy Frobbits",
"quests.miners-1-dirtbunnies.person": "McEdinthil",
"quests.miners-1-dirtbunnies.description": "\\c[3]Frobbits\\c[0] broke into a mine and were contaminated before fleeing. Weaken them with \\c[3]forced baths\\c[0] and defeat them!",
"quests.miners-1-dirtbunnies.briefing": "You thoroughly cleaned up the mess caused by the miners.",
"quests.miners-1-dirtbunnies.tasks.0.task": "Go to \\c[3]Rising Path 2\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and look for \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]",
"quests.miners-1-dirtbunnies.tasks.1.task": "Defeat all the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] on \\c[3]Rising Path 2\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.miners-1-dirtbunnies.tasks.2.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Chief Miner Turis McEdinthil\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Bergen Digging Mates HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.hubSettings.location": "We need someone skilled with explosives to establish a new mine. \\c[3]- Bergen Digging Mates HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Explosive Debugging",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.person": "McEdinthil",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.description": "A nest of rock-hard \\c[3]bugs\\c[0] has been penetrated by a mining shaft of the \\v[lore.title.faction-heat-bergen]. Only \\c[3]explosive measures\\c[0] can save this operation!",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.briefing": "The well-placed detonations have properly debugged the mining shaft.",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.tasks.0.task": "Take the \\c[3]Miner's Elevator\\c[0] to the \\c[3]New Mine #1\\c[0] and talk to \\c[3]Darrel\\c[0]",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.tasks.1.task": "Enter the chamber and activate the \\c[3]explosives controls\\c[0]",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.tasks.2.task": "Clear out \\c[3]all the rocks in the chamber\\c[0] and defeat the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] that spawn from them",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.tasks.3.task": "Pick up \\c[3]the chest\\c[0] that spawned from the ceiling",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.tasks.4.task": "Defeat all the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]",
"quests.miners-2-mine_bombing_1.tasks.5.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Chief Miner Turis McEdinthil\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Bergen Digging Mates HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.miners-2-mine_challenge-1.hubSettings.location": "Those hardened bugs are still crawling about. We should go on the offensive! \\c[3]- New Mine #1\\c[0]",
"": "Preemptive Debugging",
"quests.miners-2-mine_challenge-1.person": "Darrel",
"quests.miners-2-mine_challenge-1.description": "Though the area has been cleared, the miner \\c[3]Darrel\\c[0] is worried that the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] might return. He thus suggested some preemptive measures.",
"quests.miners-2-mine_challenge-1.briefing": "Though lots of bugs were blasted, their numbers seem endless. Repetition of the the process will always be an option.",
"quests.miners-2-mine_challenge-1.tasks.0.task": "\\c[3]Enter the chamber of New Mine #1\\c[0] again and prepare for combat",
"quests.miners-2-mine_challenge-1.tasks.1.task": "Defeat all the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]",
"quests.miners-2-mine_challenge-1.tasks.2.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Darrel the Miner\\c[0] in the \\c[3]New Mine #1\\c[0]",
"": "A small goat is annoying the good citizens of Bergen. It needs to be stopped! \\c[3]- Bergen Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Kidding Around",
"": "Sgt. Sterling",
"": "A \\c[3]goat kid\\c[0] is jumping around \\c[3]on the roofs of \\v[]\\c[0], annoying the citizens. It is up to you to catch it!",
"": "Despite your best efforts, the impostor got away with the goat. That is a problem for another day, though.",
"": "Find the \\c[3]goat kid\\c[0] somewhere in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Follow \\c[3]the goat kid\\c[0] and catch it",
"": "You got it cornered in the \\c[3]\\v[] Storage Shed\\c[0]. Go catch it!",
"": "Bring the goat kid back to the \\c[3]Bergen Guard\\c[0]",
"": "Report back to \\c[3]Sgt. Sterling\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Bergen Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Find the \\c[3]false guardsman\\c[0] somewhere in \\c[3]northern \\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "He got away and left you without a trace. Report back to \\c[3]Sgt. Sterling\\c[0]... again",
"": "The trail of the goat criminal has narrowed down. Help us catch him! \\c[3]- Bergen Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "The Goatfather",
"": "Sgt. Sterling",
"": "Hints towards the \\c[3]hideout\\c[0] of the \\c[3]impostor guard\\c[0] and \\c[3]his goat kid\\c[0] have been found. Examine them and bring those criminals to justice!",
"": "The guard impostor turned out to be a goat scientist but literally fell victim to his own creation. Now the peace with the goats will hopefully persist!",
"": "Examine \\c[3]Rising Path 4\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and search for the hideout",
"": "Enter \\c[3]the cave\\c[0] on \\c[3]Rising Path 4\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Explore \\c[3]the cave\\c[0] and search for the \\c[3]goat kid\\c[0]",
"": "Open \\c[3]the chest\\c[0]",
"": "Report back to \\c[3]Sgt. Sterling\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Bergen Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Wrath of Goat WIP",
"": "Sgt. Sterling",
"": "ZOMFG Goats stealing salt, doing avalanches!",
"": "Despite your best efforts the scientist got away. That is a problem another day, though.",
"": "Find the pet somewhere in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Follow \\c[3]the pet\\c[0] and catch it",
"": "You got it cornered in the \\c[3]\\v[] Storage Shed\\c[0]. Go catch it!",
"": "Bring the pet back to the \\c[3]Bergen Guard\\c[0]",
"": "Follow the \\c[3]evil scientist\\c[0]",
"": "Defeat the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]",
"": "Report back to \\c[3]Sgt. Sterling\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Bergen Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.hubSettings.location": "Help with an irritating nuisance needed. Will require collecting of resources. \\c[3]- Trader's Den\\c[0]",
"": "Fancy Tophat",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.person": "Mrs. Summers",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.description": "A rather eccentric person in Bergen wants your help in search for a \\c[3]Tophat\\c[0] worthy of his refined taste. Find a suitable artisan who can help you with that task!",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.briefing": "You haven't been able to satisfy the guy's wishes, but you did what you could. Maybe you can help him again later?",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Jamie Twirlson\\c[0] in the \\c[3]\\v[] Shop\\c[0]",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.tasks.1.task": "Find a skilled \\c[3]hatmaker\\c[0]",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.tasks.2.task": "\\c[3]Gather materials\\c[0] for a presentable tophat (at least \\c[3]Combat Rank B\\c[0] is needed to get \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0])",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.tasks.3.task": "Bring the material to the \\c[3]hatmaker\\c[0]",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.tasks.4.task": "Get an \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.tasks.5.task": "Bring the \\v[] to \\c[3]Jamie Twirlson\\c[0] in the \\c[3]\\v[] Item-Shop\\c[0]",
"quests.bergen-fancy-tophat.tasks.6.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Mrs. Summers\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Trader's Den\\c[0]",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.hubSettings.location": "Assistance with a technical problem urgently needed! \\c[3]- Trader's Den\\c[0]",
"": "Heating the Hermit",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.person": "Mrs. Summers",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.description": "The heating system at the popular tavern \\c[3]Hermit's House\\c[0] in Bergen Trail has been damaged. Go there and help them out!",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.briefing": "You repaired the heating system. And you even get a nice discount in the Hermit's House now!",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.tasks.0.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Hermit's House at the Spike Heights on \\v[]\\c[0] and talk to the owner",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.tasks.1.task": "Gather \\c[3]materials\\c[0] for the repairs",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.tasks.2.task": "Bring the materials back to the \\c[3]Hermit's House\\c[0]",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.tasks.3.task": "Repair the \\c[3]generator\\c[0] in the basement",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.tasks.4.task": "Talk to the owner of the \\c[3]Hermit's House\\c[0] again",
"quests.bergtraders-2-hermit_materials.tasks.5.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Mrs. Summers\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Trader's Den\\c[0]",
"quests.monks-1-jump_challenge.hubSettings.location": "Wisdom can be gained through discipline. Let us guide you! \\c[3]- Bergen Monastery\\c[0]",
"": "Trial of Aspiration",
"quests.monks-1-jump_challenge.person": "Wise Nemuh",
"quests.monks-1-jump_challenge.description": "You have talked to the Monks of the \\c[3]Ascension Spirits\\c[0] in Bergen. To prove your harmonic connection with the Track, \\c[3]beating a trial\\c[0] shall be necessary.\n(\\c[1]Warning: No modifiers are active during the trial!\\c[0])",
"quests.monks-1-jump_challenge.briefing": "You beat the trial and are now deemed worthy by the monks.",
"quests.monks-1-jump_challenge.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Monk Hasouk\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Bergen Monastery\\c[0]",
"quests.monks-1-jump_challenge.tasks.1.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Cave of Aspiration\\c[0] and reach the \\c[3]eastern end\\c[0] to collect an artifact",
"quests.monks-1-jump_challenge.tasks.2.task": "Return to the \\c[3]Monastery\\c[0] and talk to \\c[3]Monk Hasouk\\c[0] again",
"quests.monks-1-jump_challenge.tasks.3.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Wise Nemuh\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Bergen Monastery\\c[0]",
"quests.monks-2-jump_challenge_2.hubSettings.location": "Reflect upon the cold and gain knowledge of the Track and yourself. \\c[3]- Bergen Monastery\\c[0]",
"": "Trial of Progression",
"quests.monks-2-jump_challenge_2.person": "Wise Nemuh",
"quests.monks-2-jump_challenge_2.description": "Another trial awaits to prove your connection with the Track to the \\c[3]Ascension Spirits\\c[0]. And this one will be served cold.",
"quests.monks-2-jump_challenge_2.briefing": "You have beaten the trial and proven your coolness.",
"quests.monks-2-jump_challenge_2.tasks.0.task": "Get \\c[3]Monk Aisy's\\c[0] attention at the \\c[3]Temple Mine Entrance\\c[0] and talk to her",
"quests.monks-2-jump_challenge_2.tasks.1.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Cave of Progression\\c[0] and reach the \\c[3]end of the path\\c[0] to collect an artifact",
"quests.monks-2-jump_challenge_2.tasks.2.task": "Return to the \\c[3]Temple Mine Entrance\\c[0] and talk to \\c[3]Monk Aisy\\c[0] again",
"quests.monks-2-jump_challenge_2.tasks.3.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Wise Nemuh\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Bergen Monastery\\c[0]",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.hubSettings.location": "Trials should not merely be solved but perfected. Thus is the path to wisdom. \\c[3]- Bergen Monastery\\c[0]",
"": "Challenge of Aspiration",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.person": "Monk Hasouk",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.description": "The Monk \\c[3]Hasouk\\c[0] has given you two additional challenges to beat in the \\c[3]Cave of Aspiration\\c[0].\n(\\c[1]Warning: No modifiers are active during the trial!\\c[0])",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.briefing": "You have beaten the additional challenges.",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.tasks.0.task": "Solve the two additional challenges in the \\c[3]Cave of Aspiration\\c[0]",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Timed Challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.tasks.0.subtasks.0.shortText": "Do the timed challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "No Shield Challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.tasks.0.subtasks.1.shortText": "Do the shieldless challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_1_bonus.tasks.1.task": "Return to the \\c[3]Bergen Monastery\\c[0] and talk to \\c[3]Monk Hasouk\\c[0] again",
"": "Timed Challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_1_time.person": "Monk Hasouk",
"quests.monks-jump_1_time.description": "Prove your fervor by beating the \\c[3]Cave of Aspiration\\c[0] in under \\c[3]2:00\\c[0]!",
"quests.monks-jump_1_time.briefing": "You beat the \"Timed\"-challenge.",
"quests.monks-jump_1_time.tasks.0.task": "Beat the \\c[3]Cave of Aspiration\\c[0] in under \\c[3]2:00\\c[0]",
"": "No Shield Challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_1_noShield.person": "Monk Hasouk",
"quests.monks-jump_1_noShield.description": "Prove your bravery by beating the \\c[3]Cave of Aspiration\\c[0] \\c[3]without Guarding\\c[0]!",
"quests.monks-jump_1_noShield.briefing": "You beat the \"No Shield\"-challenge.",
"quests.monks-jump_1_noShield.tasks.0.task": "\\c[3]Deactivate Guarding\\c[0] at the terminal in the \\c[3]Cave of Aspiration\\c[0]",
"quests.monks-jump_1_noShield.tasks.1.task": "Beat the \\c[3]Cave of Aspiration\\c[0] with \\c[3]deactivated Guarding\\c[0]",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.hubSettings.location": "Embrace the cold. Slide down the icy path towards enlightenment. \\c[3]- Temple Mine Entrance\\c[0]",
"": "Challenge of Progression",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.person": "Monk Aisy",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.description": "The Monk \\c[3]Aisy\\c[0] has given you two additional challenges to beat in the \\c[3]Cave of Progression\\c[0].\n(\\c[1]Warning: No modifiers are active during the trial!\\c[0])",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.briefing": "You have beaten the additional challenges.",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.tasks.0.task": "Solve the two additional challenges in the \\c[3]Cave of Progression\\c[0]",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Timed Challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.tasks.0.subtasks.0.shortText": "Do the timed challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Frosty Challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.tasks.0.subtasks.1.shortText": "Do the frosty challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_2_bonus.tasks.1.task": "Return to the \\c[3]Temple Mine Entrance\\c[0] and talk to \\c[3]Monk Aisy\\c[0] again",
"": "Timed Challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_2_time.person": "Monk Aisy",
"quests.monks-jump_2_time.description": "Prove your fervor by beating the \\c[3]Cave of Progression\\c[0] in under \\c[3]2:00\\c[0]!",
"quests.monks-jump_2_time.briefing": "You beat the \"Timed\"-challenge.",
"quests.monks-jump_2_time.tasks.0.task": "Beat the \\c[3]Cave of Progression\\c[0] in under \\c[3]2:00\\c[0]",
"": "Frosty Challenge",
"quests.monks-jump_2_frosty.person": "Monk Aisy",
"quests.monks-jump_2_frosty.description": "Prove your passion by beating the \\c[3]Cave of Progression\\c[0] with \\c[3]\"Extra Frosty\"\\c[0] being activated!",
"quests.monks-jump_2_frosty.briefing": "You beat the \"Frosty\"-challenge.",
"quests.monks-jump_2_frosty.tasks.0.task": "\\c[3]Activate \"Extra Frosty\"\\c[0] at the terminal in the \\c[3]Cave of Progression\\c[0]",
"quests.monks-jump_2_frosty.tasks.1.task": "Beat the \\c[3]Cave of Progression\\c[0] with \"Extra Frosty\" activated",
"quests.omni-1.hubSettings.location": "Need some quick money? Come find us in the\n\\c[3]Omni Gilders Base\\c[0].",
"": "Building a Base",
"quests.omni-1.person": "Omni Gilders General",
"quests.omni-1.description": "One of the generals of the \\c[3]Omni Gilders\\c[0] Guild has asked to obtain some materials for their base. You can find them in the \\c[3]Temple Mine\\c[0] and on \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0].",
"quests.omni-1.briefing": "You found the requested materials for the general. Maybe you can go back to him in \\c[3]Bergen\\c[0] later to get more quests.",
"quests.omni-1.tasks.0.task": "Find the items in the \\c[3]Temple Mine\\c[0] and on \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0]",
"quests.omni-2.hubSettings.location": "I never thought being part of a guild is so hard. Can somebody help? \\c[3]- Omni Guilder Base\\c[0]",
"": "Pushing Bases",
"quests.omni-2.person": "Jean",
"quests.omni-2.description": "Jean asked you to help her find a \\c[3]Storage Unit\\c[0] in the basement of the \\c[3]Omni Gilders\\c[0] Guild in \\c[3]Bergen Village\\c[0]. ",
"quests.omni-2.briefing": "Even though several boxes were in the way, you were able to locate the \\c[3]Storage Unit\\c[0]. You also overheard a conversion between Jeff and Jock, two friends of Jean. They seemed rather suspicious. Something is not quite right.",
"quests.omni-2.tasks.0.task": "Find the Storage Unit in \\c[3]Bergen - Omni Gilders Basement\\c[0]",
"quests.omni-2.tasks.1.task": "Go back to Jean in \\c[3]Omni Gilders Base\\c[0]",
"": "A Promise Is a Promise 2",
"quests.unkown-warrior-2.person": "Ketin D'Kar",
"quests.unkown-warrior-2.description": "D'Kar asks you to help him find the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Maybe finding this item will help to understand his multi-class attire!",
"quests.unkown-warrior-2.briefing": "You found the \\v[] and it seemed that D'Kar opened up more to you. He apparently does all of this for his kids. Still nothing about his multi-class looks.",
"quests.unkown-warrior-2.tasks.0.task": "Find the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.unkown-warrior-2.tasks.1.task": "Hand over the\\v[] to D'Kar in \\c[3]Bergen Village - House 2\\c[0]",
"": "Trials of the Golden Bugs",
"quests.bug-hunting.person": "Vagabond",
"quests.bug-hunting.description": "A strange vagabond knows how to gain access to the final shade. However, you first need to pass a series of trials to show that you are \"worthy\".",
"quests.bug-hunting.briefing": "You've overcome all trials put in front of you and bested even the Vagabond himself who turned out to be the final trial. As a reward you received the \\c[3]Meteor Shade\\c[0]!",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.0.task": "Finish the 4 trials in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Trial of Vigor",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Trial of Patience",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.0.subtasks.2.text": "Trial of Agility",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.0.subtasks.3.text": "Trial of Insight",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.1.task": "Report back to the Vagabond in \\c[3]Tranquil Bamboo\\c[0]",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.2.task": "Go to the \\c[3]Old Dojo\\c[0] north-east of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.3.task": "Survive the surprise attack by the beetles.",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.4.task": "Talk to the Vagabond and face the guardian in the \\c[3]Old Dojo\\c[0]",
"quests.bug-hunting.tasks.5.task": "Collect the Meteor Shade behind the \\c[3]Old Dojo\\c[0]",
"": "Trial of Vigor",
"quests.bug-hunting-heat.person": "Vagabond",
"quests.bug-hunting-heat.description": "Finish the \\c[3]Trial of Vigor\\c[0] found in the \\c[3]Nesting Grounds\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"quests.bug-hunting-heat.briefing": "You have passed the \\c[3]Trial of Vigor\\c[0] and received a \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] as token of your achievement.",
"quests.bug-hunting-heat.tasks.0.task": "Finish the Trial of Vigor in \\c[3]\\v[] - Nesting Grounds\\c[0]",
"": "Trial of Patience",
"quests.bug-hunting-cold.person": "Vagabond",
"quests.bug-hunting-cold.description": "Finish the \\c[3]Trial of Patience\\c[0] found in the \\c[3]Flower Lake\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"quests.bug-hunting-cold.briefing": "You have passed the \\c[3]Trial of Patience\\c[0] and received a \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] as token of your achievement.",
"quests.bug-hunting-cold.tasks.0.task": "Finish the Trial of Patience in \\c[3]\\v[] - Flower Lake\\c[0]",
"": "Trial of Agility",
"quests.bug-hunting-shock.person": "Vagabond",
"quests.bug-hunting-shock.description": "Finish the \\c[3]Trial of Agility\\c[0] found in the \\c[3]Carved Pathway\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"quests.bug-hunting-shock.briefing": "You have passed the \\c[3]Trial of Agility\\c[0] and received a \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] as token of your achievement.",
"quests.bug-hunting-shock.tasks.0.task": "Finish the Trial of Agility in \\c[3]\\v[] - Carved Pathway\\c[0]",
"": "Trial of Insight",
"quests.bug-hunting-wave.person": "Vagabond",
"quests.bug-hunting-wave.description": "Complete the \\c[3]Trial of Insight\\c[0] found in the \\c[3]Bamboo Thicket\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"quests.bug-hunting-wave.briefing": "You have passed the \\c[3]Trial of Insight\\c[0] and received a \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] as token of your achievement.",
"quests.bug-hunting-wave.tasks.0.task": "Finish the Trial of Insight in \\c[3]\\v[] - Bamboo Thicket\\c[0]",
"": "Henry Trailblazing",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.person": "Baxton Addi",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.description": "Help \\c[3]Baxton Addi\\c[0] find \\c[3]Henry the Researcher\\c[0] who seems to be involved in shady doings.",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.briefing": "You uncovered the plot of Henry! It turns out the whole quest line was a elaborate ruse created by the \\c[3]International HackerSpace Organization\\c[0] to fool players into thinking a hacker infiltrated the game. You fell for it, right?",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.0.task": "Check each landmark in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.1.task": "Return to Baxton in \\c[3]\\v[] - Cave Inn\\c[0]",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.2.task": "Collect clues in the Cave Inn in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.2.subtasks.0.text": "Clue \"Money\"",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.2.subtasks.1.text": "Clue \"Whereabouts\"",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.2.subtasks.2.text": "Clue \"Strange Device\"",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.2.subtasks.3.text": "Clue \"Hidden Path\"",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.3.task": "Return to Baxton in \\c[3]\\v[] - Cave Inn\\c[0]",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.4.task": "Find Henry in a hidden cave path east of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.trailblaze-forest.tasks.5.task": "Chase Henry in \\c[3]\\v[] - High Ground\\c[0]",
"": "Maroon Trailblazing",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon.description": "Another Area, another analysis requested by Henry the Researcher. This time you are tasked to survey \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon.briefing": "You explored \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0] and presented the data to Henry. Again something strange happened, a mysterious \\c[3]Advisor\\c[0] approached you and asked questions about Henry.",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon.tasks.0.task": "Finish the tasks Henry gave you",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Finish the Collect Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Finish the Defeat Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon.tasks.0.subtasks.2.text": "Finish the Landmark Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon.tasks.0.subtasks.3.text": "Finish the Data Probe Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon.tasks.1.task": "Return to Henry in \\c[3]Maroon Valley - Dusty Path\\c[0] to show him your findings",
"": "Maroon Valley Collect",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-1.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-1.description": "Collect the requested items for Henry in \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-1.briefing": "You found the requested items in \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0]",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-1.tasks.0.task": "Find the items in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Maroon Valley Defeat",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-2.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-2.description": "Collect samples on different enemies by defeating them in \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-2.briefing": "You collected the data on the requested enemies.",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-2.tasks.0.task": "Defeat enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Maroon Valley Landmarks",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-3.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-3.description": "Henry the Researcher asked you to find all the landmarks in \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-3.briefing": "You found all Landmarks in \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0] for Henry.",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-3.tasks.0.task": "Find all the landmarks in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Maroon Valley Data Probe",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-4.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-4.description": "Retrieve the data from a probe a player installed for Henry. It's in one of the caves located in \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0]. ",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-4.briefing": "You found and retrieved the data probe.",
"quests.trailblaze-maroon-4.tasks.0.task": "Find the probe in a \\c[3]cave\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Maroon Tree Defender",
"quests.maroon-tree-defend.person": "Eldress",
"quests.maroon-tree-defend.description": "Defend the Maroon Tree from the threat of the sandworms.\n\n",
"quests.maroon-tree-defend.briefing": "You successfully defended the tree!",
"quests.maroon-tree-defend.tasks.0.task": "Enter the cave below the pink-colored \\c[3]Maroon Tree\\c[0] in the east of \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0]",
"quests.maroon-tree-defend.tasks.1.task": "Defeat the \\c[3]red Sandworm\\c[0] inside \\c[3]Maroon Tree Cave\\c[0]",
"quests.maroon-tree-defend.tasks.2.task": "Show \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] to the guard of the Maroon Tree",
"quests.maroon-tree-defend.tasks.3.task": "Report back to the \\c[3]Eldress of Ba'kii Kum\\c[0]",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.hubSettings.location": "Seeker! The search for Ancient relics needs more heroes! Lend us your strength! \\c[3]- Arid Breeze HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Blasting Shells",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.person": "Joel Mahir",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-heat-baki] have lost an important item to some thieving shell-creatures. You must enter their lair and use an \\c[3]explosive helper\\c[0] to get it back!",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.briefing": "With the Ancient Travelguide retrieved, the search for the ruins can continue!",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.tasks.0.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Toisecave\\c[0] on \\c[3]Vivid Path\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.tasks.1.task": "Activate the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and use it to clear the cave",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.tasks.2.task": "Explore the cave and use the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] to remove obstacles",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.tasks.3.task": "Remove the boulders and pick up \\c[3]the chest\\c[0]",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.tasks.4.task": "Finally pick up \\c[3]the chest\\c[0]",
"quests.nomadAdv-1-turtle_bombing_1.tasks.5.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Joel Mahir\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Arid Breeze HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.nomadAdv-2-tomb_raiding_2.hubSettings.location": "Seeker! The location of a cave is near. Help us get a step closer to discovery. \\c[3]- Arid Breeze HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Hot Trail",
"quests.nomadAdv-2-tomb_raiding_2.person": "Joel Mahir",
"quests.nomadAdv-2-tomb_raiding_2.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-heat-baki] have studied the Ancient texts and found hints towards another thus undiscovered temple! You should find the entrance and explore it.",
"quests.nomadAdv-2-tomb_raiding_2.briefing": "You may not have uncovered the entire secret of the temple but you made important progress. And plucked a lot of feathers along the way.",
"quests.nomadAdv-2-tomb_raiding_2.tasks.0.task": "Go to \\c[3]Torn Road\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and meet explorer Hira",
"quests.nomadAdv-2-tomb_raiding_2.tasks.1.task": "Use your \\c[3]analysis\\c[0] to search the walls for \\c[3]the cave entrance\\c[0] and open it",
"quests.nomadAdv-2-tomb_raiding_2.tasks.2.task": "Explore \\c[3]the cave\\c[0]",
"quests.nomadAdv-2-tomb_raiding_2.tasks.3.task": "Examine what lies \\c[3]at the end of the last room\\c[0]",
"quests.nomadAdv-2-tomb_raiding_2.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Joel Mahir\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Arid Breeze HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.hubSettings.location": "Shad traders in our beautiful city are targeted by crime. Investigations needed. \\c[3]- Baki Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Shady Theft",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.person": "Sgt. Niellos",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-cold-baki] has trouble catching a thief who steals from the local \\v[lore.title.shad] merchants. An outsider's perspective might be helpful.",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.briefing": "Though the guard escaped, you have protected the Shad merchants from his crimes for the time being.",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.0.task": "Go to the \\c[3]Bazaar of \\v[]\\c[0] and talk to \\c[3]Guard Billston\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.1.task": "Talk to \\c[3]the other guard and resident Shad\\c[0] at the \\c[3]Bazaar of \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.1.subtasks.0.text": "Talk to \\c[3]Guard Zaida\\c[0] near the bridge",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.1.subtasks.0.shortText": "Meet \\c[3]Guard Zaida\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.1.subtasks.1.text": "Talk to \\c[3]Shad Pae'trow\\c[0] at his stand",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.1.subtasks.1.shortText": "Meet \\c[3]Shad Pae'trow\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.1.subtasks.2.text": "Talk to \\c[3]Shad Frou'quye\\c[0] at her stand",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.1.subtasks.2.shortText": "Meet \\c[3]Shad Frou'quye\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.2.task": "\\c[3]Guard Billston\\c[0] seems suspicious. Search the market with \\c[3]your analysis\\c[0] to find more specific clues",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.3.task": "Search for a suspicious person at the \\c[3]\\v[] Solarfarm\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-1-basar_thief_1.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Sgt. Niellos\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Baki Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-2-evil_guard.hubSettings.location": "The traitorous guard is terrorizing Shad traders again! He needs to be stopped. \\c[3]- Baki Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Just Deserts",
"quests.bakiGuard-2-evil_guard.person": "Sgt. Niellos",
"quests.bakiGuard-2-evil_guard.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-cold-baki] has gotten reports from Shad traders getting robbed near the settlement. You should investigate.",
"quests.bakiGuard-2-evil_guard.briefing": "You have confronted the guard Billston and finally brought him to justice. The Shad will be much safer now!",
"quests.bakiGuard-2-evil_guard.tasks.0.task": "Patrol through the main route through \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] near \\v[] and look for \\c[3]the traitorous guard\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-2-evil_guard.tasks.1.task": "Find out where \\c[3]Billston\\c[0] went by examining the surroundings with \\c[3]your analysis\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-2-evil_guard.tasks.2.task": "Defeat and capture \\c[3]Billston the Guard\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Brigand Cave\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiGuard-2-evil_guard.tasks.3.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Sgt. Niellos\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Baki Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-1-crate_defense_1.hubSettings.location": "Unreliable employees late and no sign of cargo! Outrage! Need help searching. \\c[3]- Market\\c[0]",
"": "Crate Hate",
"quests.bakiTrader-1-crate_defense_1.person": "Kney'tehab",
"quests.bakiTrader-1-crate_defense_1.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-shock-baki] has been long expecting a caravan to arrive from the foot of Mt Bergen. Investigate where it is. ",
"quests.bakiTrader-1-crate_defense_1.briefing": "You have helped the traders to safely deliver their cargo. Now their projects can progress smoothly.",
"quests.bakiTrader-1-crate_defense_1.tasks.0.task": "Search for the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.shad] transport\\c[0] on the \\c[3]main route through \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-1-crate_defense_1.tasks.1.task": "Get the \\c[3]needed materials\\c[0] to repair the transportation platform",
"quests.bakiTrader-1-crate_defense_1.tasks.2.task": "Bring the materials to the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.shad] traders\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-1-crate_defense_1.tasks.3.task": "\\c[3]Talk to the merchants again\\c[0] to start the repairs and \\c[3]defend the crate\\c[0] until they are finished",
"quests.bakiTrader-1-crate_defense_1.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Bazaarboss Kney'tehab\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Ba'kii Kum Market\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.hubSettings.location": "Help needed with machine of wonder. Drink samples will be served cold! \\c[3]- Ba'kii Kum Market\\c[0]",
"": "Steamy Booze",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.person": "Kney'tehab",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.description": "The crate you protected for the \\v[lore.title.faction-shock-baki] contained a machine to produce marvelous drinks. Now it needs proper testing!",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.briefing": "The brewing experiment has been a success! Now you can create empowered drinks to help on your journey.",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Ryda\\c[0] in the \\c[3]\\v[] Bazaar House\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.tasks.1.task": "Get the \\c[3]needed materials\\c[0] to begin brewing",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.tasks.2.task": "Bring the materials to \\c[3]Ryda\\c[0] in the \\c[3]\\v[] Bazaar House\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.tasks.3.task": "Go into \\c[3]the basement\\c[0] of the \\c[3]\\v[] Bazaar House\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.tasks.4.task": "Examine the \\c[3]brewing machine\\c[0] and start the \\c[3]brewing process\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_fun_1.tasks.5.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Bazaarboss Kney'tehab\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Ba'kii Kum Market\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_1.hubSettings.location": "The brewing was a success but we need more tests. You can keep the drinks! \\c[3]- Bazaar House\\c[0]",
"": "Steamy Challenge",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_1.person": "Ryda",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_1.description": "The Brewing Machine of the \\v[lore.title.faction-shock-baki] is running smoothly but its true potential is still unknown. You should try to aspire to new heights in quality.",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_1.briefing": "The quality you reached was enough to gauge the potential of the apparatus a bit better. Also, a new drink recipe has been unlocked!",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_1.tasks.0.task": "Start the \\c[3]brewing process\\c[0] and reach a \\c[3]quality-rating of at least 4.500\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_1.tasks.1.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Ryda\\c[0] in the \\c[3]\\v[] Bazaar House\\c[0]",
"": "For Fox Sake!",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_2.person": "Ryda",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_2.description": "Blabla, some quest in jungle!",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_2.briefing": "asdasdas. Most importantly the last drink recipe has been unlocked!",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_2.tasks.0.task": "Asdsadsa",
"quests.bakiTrader-2-brewing_challenge_2.tasks.1.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Ryda\\c[0] in the \\c[3]\\v[] Bazaar House\\c[0]",
"": "Boozeghosts",
"quests.bakiTrader-3-brewing_ghosts_1.person": "Kney'tehab",
"quests.bakiTrader-3-brewing_ghosts_1.description": "Blabla final \\v[lore.title.faction-shock-baki] quest. Upgrade the boozemachine, but oh no, ghosts appear?!",
"quests.bakiTrader-3-brewing_ghosts_1.briefing": "...",
"quests.bakiTrader-3-brewing_ghosts_1.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Ryda\\c[0] in the \\c[3]\\v[] Bazaar building\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-3-brewing_ghosts_1.tasks.1.task": "Get the \\c[3]needed materials\\c[0] to begin brewing",
"quests.bakiTrader-3-brewing_ghosts_1.tasks.2.task": "Bring the materials to \\c[3]Ryda\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-3-brewing_ghosts_1.tasks.3.task": "Go into \\c[3]the basement\\c[0] of the \\c[3]\\v[] Bazaar building\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-3-brewing_ghosts_1.tasks.4.task": "Examine the \\c[3]brewing machine\\c[0] and start the \\c[3]brewing process\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiTrader-3-brewing_ghosts_1.tasks.5.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Bazaarboss Kney'tehab\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Ba'kii Kum Market\\c[0]",
"": "Loan Sharks",
"quests.bakiShad-1-ancient_history_1.person": "Kney'tehab",
"quests.bakiShad-1-ancient_history_1.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-shock-baki] has been long expecting a caravan to arrive from the foot of Mt Bergen. Investigate where it is. ",
"quests.bakiShad-1-ancient_history_1.briefing": "You have helped the traders to safely deliver their cargo. Now their projects can progress smoothly.",
"quests.bakiShad-1-ancient_history_1.tasks.0.task": "Search for the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.shad] transport\\c[0] on the \\c[3]main route through \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiShad-1-ancient_history_1.tasks.1.task": "Get the \\c[3]needed materials\\c[0] to repair the transportation platform",
"quests.bakiShad-1-ancient_history_1.tasks.2.task": "Bring the materials to the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.shad] traders\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiShad-1-ancient_history_1.tasks.3.task": "Talk to the merchant again to start the repairs and defend them while they are finished",
"quests.bakiShad-1-ancient_history_1.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Bazaarboss Kney'tehab\\c[0]",
"": "Loan Sharks",
"quests.bakiShad-2-ancient_history_2.person": "Kney'tehab",
"quests.bakiShad-2-ancient_history_2.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-shock-baki] has been long expecting a caravan to arrive from the foot of Mt Bergen. Investigate where it is. ",
"quests.bakiShad-2-ancient_history_2.briefing": "You have helped the traders to safely deliver their cargo. Now their projects can progress smoothly.",
"quests.bakiShad-2-ancient_history_2.tasks.0.task": "Search for the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.shad] transport\\c[0] on the \\c[3]main route through \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiShad-2-ancient_history_2.tasks.1.task": "Get the \\c[3]needed materials\\c[0] to repair the transportation platform",
"quests.bakiShad-2-ancient_history_2.tasks.2.task": "Bring the materials to the \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.shad] traders\\c[0]",
"quests.bakiShad-2-ancient_history_2.tasks.3.task": "Talk to the merchant again to start the repairs and defend them while they are finished",
"quests.bakiShad-2-ancient_history_2.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Bazaarboss Kney'tehab\\c[0]",
"": "A Promise Is a Promise 3",
"quests.unknown-warrior-3.person": "Ketin D'Kar",
"quests.unknown-warrior-3.description": "D'Kar asks you to help him find the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Helping him might make him open up to you again!",
"quests.unknown-warrior-3.briefing": "You found the \\v[] and it seemed that D'Kar opened up to you again. He played CrossWorlds since its beta phase with his kids. But it seemed something bad happened...",
"quests.unknown-warrior-3.tasks.0.task": "Find the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.unknown-warrior-3.tasks.1.task": "Hand over the \\v[] to D'Kar in \\c[3]\\v[] - Shad Home\\c[0]",
"": "An Infested Village",
"quests.infestation-1.person": "K'tara",
"quests.infestation-1.description": "The Shad of the Village \\c[3]V'rda Vil\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] are getting attacked by strange cats and blaming the humans and their power plant. Solve the situation to avoid any further escalations.",
"quests.infestation-1.briefing": "You got rid of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] infestation in \\c[3]V'rda Vil\\c[0] and the Shad have calmed down. The path to the \\v[] is now open. However the strange devices that summoned the black cats are still a mystery.",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.0.task": "Meet the Shad in front of the Quest Hub in \\c[3]Basin Keep\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.1.task": "Meet K'tara at the landmark in \\c[3]V'rda Vil East\\c[0] in the \\c[3]south east of Gaia's Garden\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.2.task": "Follow K'tara to the left side of \\c[3]V'rda Vil North\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.3.task": "Get the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] from the tree house in \\c[3]V'rda Vil North\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.4.task": "Meet K'tara again at the landmark in \\c[3]V'rda Vil East\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.5.task": "Follow K'tara to the hidden passage at the \\c[3]Clinging River\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.6.task": "Find the source of the infection in \\c[3]Chief's Den\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.7.task": "Defeat the summoning enemies.",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.8.task": "Return to K'tara to the left side of \\c[3]Chief's Den\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-1.tasks.9.task": "Talk to K'tara in \\c[3]V'rda Vil West\\c[0] at the tree in the lake",
"quests.jungleAdv-1-turret_defense_1.hubSettings.location": "Need \\v[lore.title.seeker] to operate a semi-automated defense grid, asap. \\c[3]- Woodland Vanguard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Turret Defense",
"quests.jungleAdv-1-turret_defense_1.person": "Kacela Madaki",
"quests.jungleAdv-1-turret_defense_1.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-heat-jungle] are having an excavation in a cave and prepared some defensive devices to protect it against angry critters. Now they need a \\v[lore.title.seeker] to operate those!",
"quests.jungleAdv-1-turret_defense_1.briefing": "You defended the Pathhacker long enough for it to unlock the mysterious door. Thus the exploration can continue!",
"quests.jungleAdv-1-turret_defense_1.tasks.0.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Grubby Cave\\c[0] on \\c[3]Calm Backyard\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleAdv-1-turret_defense_1.tasks.1.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Mika the technician\\c[0] near the sealed door",
"quests.jungleAdv-1-turret_defense_1.tasks.2.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Mika\\c[0] again and \\c[3]defend her against the incoming enemies\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleAdv-1-turret_defense_1.tasks.3.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Mika\\c[0] again",
"quests.jungleAdv-1-turret_defense_1.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Madaki\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Woodland Vanguard HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleAdv-2-turret_defense_2.hubSettings.location": "\\v[lore.title.seeker] experienced with defense grids needed. You know who you are! \\c[3]- Woodland Vanguard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "An Original Idea",
"quests.jungleAdv-2-turret_defense_2.person": "Kacela Madaki",
"quests.jungleAdv-2-turret_defense_2.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-heat-jungle]'s excavation has finally progressed. Now they need help with operating those defensive devices again, so the secrets of the temple can be salvaged.",
"quests.jungleAdv-2-turret_defense_2.briefing": "You defended the operation and helped the exploration of the Track to take another large step!",
"quests.jungleAdv-2-turret_defense_2.tasks.0.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Grubby Cave\\c[0] on \\c[3]Calm Backyard\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and go through \\c[3]the door\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleAdv-2-turret_defense_2.tasks.1.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Mika the technician\\c[0] near the energy device",
"quests.jungleAdv-2-turret_defense_2.tasks.2.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Mika\\c[0] again and \\c[3]defend her against the incoming enemies\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleAdv-2-turret_defense_2.tasks.3.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Mika\\c[0] again",
"quests.jungleAdv-2-turret_defense_2.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Madaki\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Woodland Vanguard HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleAdv-turret_defense_challenge-1.hubSettings.location": "Need \\v[lore.title.seeker] to operate a semi-automated defense grid, asap. \\c[3]- Woodland Vanguard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Turret Defense Challenge",
"quests.jungleAdv-turret_defense_challenge-1.person": "Kacela Madaki",
"quests.jungleAdv-turret_defense_challenge-1.description": "The \\v[lore.title.faction-heat-jungle] are having an excavation in a cave and prepared some defensive devices to protect it against angry critters. Now they need a \\v[lore.title.seeker] to operate those!",
"quests.jungleAdv-turret_defense_challenge-1.briefing": "You defended the Pathhacker long enough for it to unlock the mysterious door. Thus the exploration can continue!",
"quests.jungleAdv-turret_defense_challenge-1.tasks.0.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Grubby Cave\\c[0] on \\c[3]Calm Backyard\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleAdv-turret_defense_challenge-1.tasks.1.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Mika the technician\\c[0] near the sealed door",
"quests.jungleAdv-turret_defense_challenge-1.tasks.2.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Mika\\c[0] again and \\c[3]defend her against the incoming enemies\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleAdv-turret_defense_challenge-1.tasks.3.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Mika\\c[0] again",
"quests.jungleAdv-turret_defense_challenge-1.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Madaki\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Woodland Vanguard HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGuard-1-hostage_1.hubSettings.location": "We have a hostage situation and need someone to handle it professionally. \\c[3]- Basin Police Force HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Hostage Situation",
"quests.jungleGuard-1-hostage_1.person": "Sgt. Bronzler",
"quests.jungleGuard-1-hostage_1.description": "An organized criminal group of Papagun, called the \"Papagang\", has stormed an office building and taken hostages. You have to save those civilians!",
"quests.jungleGuard-1-hostage_1.briefing": "Though you had to solve the hostage situation violently, success was on your side. Good job!",
"quests.jungleGuard-1-hostage_1.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Officer Nailson\\c[0] in the \\c[3]northern High Grounds\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGuard-1-hostage_1.tasks.1.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Clipson Tower Foyer\\c[0] on \\c[3]High Grounds\\c[0] and save the hostages",
"quests.jungleGuard-1-hostage_1.tasks.2.task": "Go to the \\c[3]second floor\\c[0] of the \\c[3]Clipson Tower Foyer\\c[0] and save the remaining hostages",
"quests.jungleGuard-1-hostage_1.tasks.3.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Officer Nailson\\c[0] in front of the \\c[3]Clipson Tower\\c[0] again",
"quests.jungleGuard-1-hostage_1.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Sergeant Bronzler\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Basin Police Force HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGuard-2-crate_rooftop_1.hubSettings.location": "Stolen crates on a rooftop. Someone get this madness under control! \\c[3]- Basin Police Force HQ\\c[0]",
"": "High Crating",
"quests.jungleGuard-2-crate_rooftop_1.person": "Sgt. Bronzler",
"quests.jungleGuard-2-crate_rooftop_1.description": "The \"Papagang\" has managed to \\c[3]rob several crates of precious fruits\\c[0] and are now \\c[3]hiding on a rooftop\\c[0]. You must return those stolen goods!",
"quests.jungleGuard-2-crate_rooftop_1.briefing": "The crates have been returned safely, ensuring precious vitamins for the city!",
"quests.jungleGuard-2-crate_rooftop_1.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Officer Nailson\\c[0] in the \\c[3]northern High Grounds\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGuard-2-crate_rooftop_1.tasks.1.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Clipson Tower\\c[0] on \\c[3]High Grounds\\c[0] and \\c[3]take the elevator to the highest floor\\c[0]!",
"quests.jungleGuard-2-crate_rooftop_1.tasks.2.task": "Reach the \\c[3]Clipson Tower Rooftop\\c[0] and \\c[3]secure the crates\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGuard-2-crate_rooftop_1.tasks.3.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Officer Nailson\\c[0] in front of the \\c[3]Clipson Tower\\c[0] again",
"quests.jungleGuard-2-crate_rooftop_1.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Sergeant Bronzler\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Basin Police Force HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleTrader-1-snowman_thief_1.hubSettings.location": "Valuable cooling devices were stolen. Need urgent investigation! \\c[3]- Basin Trade Partnership HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Tropical Chill",
"quests.jungleTrader-1-snowman_thief_1.person": "Mrs Basu",
"quests.jungleTrader-1-snowman_thief_1.description": "Cooling devices have been stolen from \\v[]. You are tasked to find the thief and bring them back.",
"quests.jungleTrader-1-snowman_thief_1.briefing": "You have found the thieves and retrieved a part of the stolen goods. An icy wall prevented you from catching the criminal mastermind though.",
"quests.jungleTrader-1-snowman_thief_1.tasks.0.task": "Search for \\c[3]a hideout\\c[0] on \\c[3]Old Timber\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleTrader-1-snowman_thief_1.tasks.1.task": "Find the \\c[3]thief of the cooling devices\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Chilled Cave\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleTrader-1-snowman_thief_1.tasks.2.task": "Break through \\c[3]the icy wall\\c[0] to catch \\c[3]the leader\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleTrader-1-snowman_thief_1.tasks.3.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Mrs Basu\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Basin Trader HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleTrader-2-snowman_thief_2.hubSettings.location": "We finished preparations to finally reclaim our stolen machinery! \\c[3]- Basin Trade Partnership HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Melting this Cold Fiend",
"quests.jungleTrader-2-snowman_thief_2.person": "Mrs Basu",
"quests.jungleTrader-2-snowman_thief_2.description": "A powerful heater has been constructed to break through the icy wall. Now it is your turn to finally bring back the stolen cooling devices.",
"quests.jungleTrader-2-snowman_thief_2.briefing": "You have retrieved the stolen air conditioners from the icy fiend. By melting him.",
"quests.jungleTrader-2-snowman_thief_2.tasks.0.task": "Go back into the \\c[3]Chilled Cave\\c[0] on \\c[3]Old Timber\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleTrader-2-snowman_thief_2.tasks.1.task": "Break through \\c[3]the icy wall\\c[0] by using the \\c[3]Hyperforce Plasmaoven\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleTrader-2-snowman_thief_2.tasks.2.task": "Find and defeat \\c[3]the Karotto Boss\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleTrader-2-snowman_thief_2.tasks.3.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Mrs Basu\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Basin Trader HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGreens-1-escort_1.hubSettings.location": "Escort in the wild needed for a lakeside investigation. \\c[3]- Gaia's Gardeners HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Lakeside Escort",
"quests.jungleGreens-1-escort_1.person": "Claude Reynes",
"quests.jungleGreens-1-escort_1.description": "Gaia's Gardeners needs to investigate the water quality of the Grove in \\v[]. You have to protect their specialist while she takes samples.",
"quests.jungleGreens-1-escort_1.briefing": "The samples have been safely taken while you were on guard.",
"quests.jungleGreens-1-escort_1.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Linde\\c[0] in \\c[3]Royal Grove\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGreens-1-escort_1.tasks.1.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Linde\\c[0] again and \\c[3]escort her while she inspects the area\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGreens-1-escort_1.tasks.2.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Claude Reynes\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Gaia's Gardeners HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGreens-2-plantSearch_1.hubSettings.location": "Corrupted plants are threatening \\v[]. Needs Gardening. \\c[3]- Gaia's Gardeners HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Rooting for Power",
"quests.jungleGreens-2-plantSearch_1.person": "Claude Reynes",
"quests.jungleGreens-2-plantSearch_1.description": "Water samples hint at some infection in the Western part of \\v[]. You will need to find infected plants to eradicate it. \\c[3]Remember your Analysis!\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGreens-2-plantSearch_1.briefing": "You found and destroyed all the infected plants and also the energized Powerplant that caused the problem. An ecological crisis has been averted!",
"quests.jungleGreens-2-plantSearch_1.tasks.0.task": "Find and defeat all the hidden \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] in \\c[3]Western \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGreens-2-plantSearch_1.tasks.1.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Claude Reynes\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Gaia's Gardeners HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGreens-2-plantSearch_1.tasks.2.task": "Defeat the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] on \\c[3]Wet Passage\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.jungleGreens-2-plantSearch_1.tasks.3.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Claude Reynes\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Gaia's Gardeners HQ\\c[0] again",
"": "The Book of an Old Man",
"quests.oldman-drill.person": "Old Man",
"quests.oldman-drill.personAfter": "Old Man",
"quests.oldman-drill.description": "You found the book the \\c[3]Old Man\\c[0] you traded with dropped. He mentions \\c[3]Sapphire Ridge\\c[0]. Go find him and return this book!",
"quests.oldman-drill.briefing": "You found the legendary stones and brought them to the \\c[3]Old Smith\\c[0] to forge the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. The old man then used a strange ritual with which he created the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. \nHowever, all that is left of the old man is a statue with closed eyes and a gentle smile.",
"quests.oldman-drill.tasks.0.task": "Find the \\c[3]Old Man\\c[0] somewhere in \\c[3]Sapphire Ridge\\c[0]",
"quests.oldman-drill.tasks.1.task": "Find the \\c[3]Stones of Origin\\c[0] hidden in the cities of CrossWorlds",
"quests.oldman-drill.tasks.2.task": "Return to the \\c[3]Old Man\\c[0] in \\c[3]Sapphire Ridge - Cave Inn\\c[0]",
"quests.oldman-drill.tasks.3.task": "Find the \\c[3]Old Smith\\c[0] in a cave on \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.oldman-drill.tasks.4.task": "Find the \\c[3]Old Smith\\c[0] in the residential district of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.oldman-drill.tasks.5.task": "Search for the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] located somewhere in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.oldman-drill.tasks.6.task": "Return to the \\c[3]Old Smith\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.oldman-drill.tasks.7.task": "Bring the Gem to the \\c[3]Old Man\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[] - Cave Inn 1F\\c[0]",
"": "Sprouting Business ",
"quests.basin-mush-1.person": "Mick Calzone",
"quests.basin-mush-1.description": "Mick Calzone is in need of help. His father tasked him with gathering \\c[3]Venom Mushrooms\\c[0] and \\c[3]Glowspheres\\c[0] from the infested part of the jungle. He is not a fighter and thus asked you for help.",
"quests.basin-mush-1.briefing": "You brought Mick the mushrooms and spheres. Now you are left to wonder why a father would ask his Son to bring him these goods in order to let him join his \"business\".",
"quests.basin-mush-1.tasks.0.task": "Collect \\c[3]Venom Shrooms\\c[0] and \\c[3]Glowing Spheres\\c[0] in the infested jungle region.",
"quests.basin-mush-1.tasks.1.task": "Return to Mick in \\c[3]Basin Keep - Pond Slums\\c[0] and give him the goods.",
"": "Mushroom Kingdom",
"quests.basin-mush-2.person": "Don Vita Calzone",
"quests.basin-mush-2.description": "Don Vita wants you to find a way past the guards on a special trading route below the city that goes all the way to the infested jungle. Help him and he will grant you a pass to the traders of \\c[3]Pond Slums\\c[0].",
"quests.basin-mush-2.briefing": "You found a valid route for Don Vita's Men to smuggle the mushroom into the city. As a token of his gratitude you have been granted access to the \\c[3]Pond Slums Traders\\c[0]. Also you are in good standing with Don Vita, which might come in handy at some point.",
"quests.basin-mush-2.tasks.0.task": "Find Mick Calzone in the \\c[3]Lost Lookout\\c[0]",
"quests.basin-mush-2.tasks.1.task": "Follow Mick into the cavern",
"quests.basin-mush-2.tasks.2.task": "Avoid all guards and find a path through the cavern",
"quests.basin-mush-2.tasks.3.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Don Vita\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Calzone Basement\\c[0] with the tracker chip",
"quests.halloween.hubSettings.location": "I'm building a fantastic new attraction. Find me at the \\c[3]Entrance of Basin Keep\\c[0].",
"": "Pumpkin Land Superfun",
"quests.halloween.person": "The Boosi Man",
"quests.halloween.description": "A huge businessman asked you for help to build a new attraction! Of course it boils down to items again.",
"quests.halloween.briefing": "Turns out it was just a ghost wanting your attention. It seemed satisfied enough!",
"quests.halloween.tasks.0.task": "Collect decorative flames from \\c[3]Jack'on'Fire\\c[0] within the \\c[3]infested jungle\\c[0]",
"quests.halloween.tasks.1.task": "Talk again to the \\c[3]huge businessman\\c[0] in the \\c[3]\\v[] Centrum\\c[0]",
"quests.halloween.tasks.2.task": "Conduct a test run of the new attraction",
"": "A Promise Is a Promise 4",
"quests.unknown-warrior-4.person": "Ketin D'Kar",
"quests.unknown-warrior-4.description": "D'Kar asks you to help him find the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. If you help him, you apparently also help his children. Go find that Deck!",
"quests.unknown-warrior-4.briefing": "You found the \\v[] and D'Kar finally found out that you can't talk. He also mentioned his hopes for bringing his children together so he can \"explain\" himself. He left without telling you what he meant however...",
"quests.unknown-warrior-4.tasks.0.task": "Find the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.unknown-warrior-4.tasks.1.task": "Hand over the \\v[] to D'Kar in \\c[3]\\v[] - Echelon Tower\\c[0]",
"": "The Root Cause",
"quests.infestation-2.person": "Dr. Lou Cretia",
"quests.infestation-2.description": "The Shad are ready to fight! But Dr. Lou Cretia thinks she can resolve the ongoing tension by finding the true cause for the infestation of the jungle. Help her!",
"quests.infestation-2.briefing": "You found the actual cause for the infestation and the black cats. A rather gloomy looking beast destroyed part of the \\v[] which caused the track to start a process that was trying to fix the damaged part but was running haywire. ",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.0.task": "Follow Dr. Cretia to the power plant at the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple Entrance\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.1.task": "Follow Dr. Cretia to her office at the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple Entrance\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.2.task": "Talk to Dr. Cretia at the \\c[3]Zir'vitar temple Entrance\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.3.task": "Defeat the \\c[3]strange pole\\c[0] and the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.4.task": "Talk to Dr. Cretia at the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple Entrance\\c[0] again",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.5.task": "Find a way to defeat the pole at the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple Entrance\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.6.task": "Defeat the other pole at the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple Entrance\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.7.task": "Talk to Dr. Cretia at the \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple Entrance\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.8.task": "Follow the trail of poles south of \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple Entrance\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.9.task": "Defeat the \\v[] at the \\c[3]Old Timber\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.10.task": "Follow the poles to the east of \\c[3]Old Timber\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.11.task": "Defeat the \\v[] at the \\c[3]Lost Lookout\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.12.task": "Follow the poles to the north of \\c[3]Lost Lookout\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.13.task": "Defeat the \\v[] at the \\c[3]Infested Marches South\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.14.task": "Follow the poles to the north of \\c[3]Infested Marshes South\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.15.task": "Defeat the \\v[] at the \\c[3]Infested Marches North\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.16.task": "Follow the poles north of \\c[3]Infested Marshes North\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.17.task": "Follow the creature into the cave at \\c[3]Infested Heart\\c[0]",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.18.task": "Defeat Sephisloth, the root of all evil.",
"quests.infestation-2.tasks.19.task": "Report back to Dr. Cretia in her lab at \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple Entrance\\c[0]",
"": "Gaia's Garden Trailblazing",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle.description": "Another Area, another analysis requested by Henry the Researcher. This time you are tasked to survey \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle.briefing": "You explored \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0] but Henry was nowhere to be found. Instead \\c[3]Baxton Addi\\c[0] appeared and informed you that Henry could be involved in an unauthorized activity. ",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle.tasks.0.task": "Finish the tasks Henry gave you",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Finish the Collect Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Finish the Defeat Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle.tasks.0.subtasks.2.text": "Finish the Landmark Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle.tasks.0.subtasks.3.text": "Finish the Data Probe Quest",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle.tasks.1.task": "Return to Henry in \\c[3]Gaia's Garden - Crossroad\\c[0] to show him your findings",
"": "Gaia's Garden Collect",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-1.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-1.description": "Collect the requested items for Henry in \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-1.briefing": "You found the requested items in \\c[3]Gaia's Garden \\c[0]",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-1.tasks.0.task": "Find the items in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Gaia's Garden Defeat",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-2.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-2.description": "Collect samples on different enemies by defeating them in \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-2.briefing": "You collected the data on the requested enemies.",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-2.tasks.0.task": "Defeat enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Gaia's Garden Landmarks",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-3.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-3.description": "Henry the Researcher asked you to find all the landmarks in \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0].",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-3.briefing": "You found all Landmarks in \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0] for Henry.",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-3.tasks.0.task": "Find all the landmarks in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Gaia's Garden Data Probe",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-4.person": "Henry The Researcher",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-4.description": "Retrieve the data from a probe a player installed for Henry. It's in one of the caves located in \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0]. ",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-4.briefing": "You found and retrieved the data probe.",
"quests.trailblaze-jungle-4.tasks.0.task": "Find the probe in a \\c[3]cave\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.railing-rider-1.hubSettings.location": "Do you like rails? If ya do hit me up at the pub in \\c[3]Rookie Harbor - Beginners Arc\\c[0].",
"": "Railing Rider",
"quests.railing-rider-1.person": "SkaterBoi",
"quests.railing-rider-1.description": "A Man in \\c[3]Rookie Harbor\\c[0] challenged you to beat his challenge. Go ride those railings and show him what you got!",
"quests.railing-rider-1.briefing": "You rode those railings like a pro, man! ",
"quests.railing-rider-1.tasks.0.task": "Ride the railings near the \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Teleporter\\c[0]",
"quests.railing-rider-1.tasks.1.task": "Talk to that Rad Dude at \\c[3]Beginners Arc\\c[0]",
"": "I would like to sell Ice Cream... If I had any ice that is! Please help! \\c[3]- Rookie Harbor Marketplace\\c[0]",
"": "All Hail the Ice Cream",
"": "Frosty Arnold",
"": "The respectable Ice Cream Dealer \\c[3]Frosty Arnold\\c[0] in Rookie Harbor wants you to collect some Bergen Ice from Bergen Trails for him. \n",
"": "You brought the cool ingredients needed for the Ice Cream!",
"": "Collect Bergen Ice high up on \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0]",
"": "Talk to the Ice Cream Dealer in the \\c[3]\\v[] Marketplace\\c[0]",
"": "Training you seek, is it? Come to \\c[3]\\v[] - Info Hub Dojo\\c[0] you must!",
"": "Training with the Master",
"": "Master Sensei",
"": "The Rookie Harbor Teacher \\c[3]Master Sensei\\c[0] is famous for training the best Seekers. Take his 2 lessons in \\c[3]\\v[] - Info Hub Dojo\\c[0].",
"": "You have completed all of \\c[3]Master Sensei's\\c[0] Training. There is nothing more to teach. Except when you forget and need a reminder. Talk to Master Sensei again to repeat a training course.",
"": "Train with \\c[3]Master Sensei\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[] - Info Hub Dojo\\c[0]",
"": "Training: VRP",
"": "Training: VPI",
"": "Speak to \\c[3]Master Sensei\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[] - Info Hub Dojo\\c[0] once more",
"": "Training: VRP",
"": "Master Sensei",
"": "Participate in the \\c[3]VRP Training Course\\c[0] with \\c[3]Master Sensei\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[] - Info Hub Dojo\\c[0].",
"": "You have completed the \\c[3]VRP Training Course\\c[0].",
"": "Go to \\c[3]Master Sensei\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[] - Info Hub Dojo\\c[0]",
"": "Successfully finish the VRP Training course.",
"": "Training: VPI",
"": "Master Sensei",
"": "Participate in the \\c[3]VPI Training Course\\c[0] with \\c[3]Master Sensei\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[] - Info Hub Dojo\\c[0].",
"": "You have completed the \\c[3]VPI Training Course\\c[0].",
"": "Go to \\c[3]Master Sensei\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[] - Info Hub Dojo\\c[0]",
"": "Successfully finish the VPI Training course.",
"quests.faction-tutorial.hubSettings.location": "Get the authorization to assist the factions of Rookie Harbor. \\c[3]- Seeker Hub\\c[0]",
"": "Faction Introduction",
"quests.faction-tutorial.person": "Faction Advisor",
"quests.faction-tutorial.description": "Each of the \\c[3]4 Factions\\c[0] has a local subdivision in \\v[]: \\c[3]Falldivers\\c[0], \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Guard\\c[0], \\c[3]Coastal Trading Coalition\\c[0] and \\c[3]Fruits of Autumn\\c[0].\nIntroduce yourself to the representatives!",
"quests.faction-tutorial.briefing": "You visited all the factions in \\v[] and talked to all the representatives. Now you know where to offer your help!",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.0.task": "Visit the \\c[3]4 factions\\c[0] in \\v[]",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Visit the \\c[3]FD\\c[0] HQ southwest of the \\c[3]Market\\c[0]",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.0.subtasks.0.shortText": "Visit the \\c[3]FD\\c[0] HQ",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Visit the \\c[3]RHG\\c[0] HQ near the \\c[3]western exit\\c[0]",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.0.subtasks.1.shortText": "Visit the \\c[3]RHG\\c[0] HQ",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.0.subtasks.2.text": "Visit the \\c[3]CTC\\c[0] ambassador at the \\c[3]Seeker HUB\\c[0]",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.0.subtasks.2.shortText": "Visit the \\c[3]CTC\\c[0] ambassador",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.0.subtasks.3.text": "Visit the \\c[3]FoA\\c[0] HQ at the \\c[3]Market\\c[0]",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.0.subtasks.3.shortText": "Visit the \\c[3]FoA\\c[0] HQ",
"quests.faction-tutorial.tasks.1.task": "Report back to the \\c[3]Faction Advisor\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Seeker HUB\\c[0]",
"quests.wa-1-digging.hubSettings.location": "An important data storage has been lost after an ambush. It needs to be retrieved! \\c[3]- Falldivers HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Digging for Data",
"quests.wa-1-digging.person": "Forerunner Elenya",
"quests.wa-1-digging.description": "\\c[3]Pioneer Tucos\\c[0] of the \\c[3]Falldivers\\c[0] has lost a \\c[3]data storage device\\c[0] while fleeing from aggressive wildlife. Use your \\c[3]Analysis\\c[0] to find it and retrieve it.",
"quests.wa-1-digging.briefing": "You found the data, brought it back and whooped some naughty Hillkats as a bonus.",
"quests.wa-1-digging.tasks.0.task": "Find and examine the location of the data on \\c[3]Off Road 1\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] (use your \\c[3]Analysis\\c[0] to search)",
"quests.wa-1-digging.tasks.1.task": "Defeat all the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]",
"quests.wa-1-digging.tasks.2.task": "Open the \\c[3]chest\\c[0] and get the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.wa-1-digging.tasks.3.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Forerunner Elenya\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Falldivers HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.hubSettings.location": "A surprisingly organized band of dangerous Hillkats requires a beating. \\c[3]- Falldivers HQ\\c[0]",
"": "It Can Dig, but It Can't Hide!",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.person": "Forerunner Elenya",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.description": "The \\c[3]data storage\\c[0] and reports from Tucos talk of an organized group of Hillkats. Meet up with him to confront the threat.",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.briefing": "You defeated the leader of the dangerous Hillkat group and also discovered a mysterious item for the Falldivers to examine.",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.tasks.0.task": "Meet up with \\c[3]Pioneer Tucos\\c[0] at \\c[3]Pathway 5\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.tasks.1.task": "Follow Tucos to the \\c[3]entrance of the cave\\c[0]",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.tasks.2.task": "Explore \\c[3]the cave\\c[0] and search for enemies",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.tasks.3.task": "Defeat the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.tasks.4.task": "Open the mysterious \\c[3]chest\\c[0]",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.tasks.5.task": "\\c[3]Leave the cave\\c[0] and talk to \\c[3]Tucos\\c[0] again",
"quests.fd-2-meerkat-cave.tasks.6.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Forerunner Elenya\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Falldivers HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.fd-3-ball_egg_1.hubSettings.location": "We need help with collecting data on an area. Fun times with tech. \\c[3]- Falldivers HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Points of Power",
"quests.fd-3-ball_egg_1.person": "Forerunner Elenya",
"quests.fd-3-ball_egg_1.description": "The \\c[3]device you took from the Hillkats\\c[0] has been used to create a probe that can extract energy and information directly from the Track. And you are chosen to assist!",
"quests.fd-3-ball_egg_1.briefing": "You used the probe to extract data from the Track and also defeated another band of Hillkats. Good job!",
"quests.fd-3-ball_egg_1.tasks.0.task": "Meet up with \\c[3]Pioneer Deggart\\c[0] at the landmark of \\c[3]Village Remains\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.fd-3-ball_egg_1.tasks.1.task": "Activate \\c[3]the Probe\\c[0] in \\c[3]Village Remains\\c[0] and guide it along the path",
"quests.fd-3-ball_egg_1.tasks.2.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Pioneer Deggart\\c[0] again in \\c[3]Normal Clearing\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.fd-3-ball_egg_1.tasks.3.task": "Take \\c[3]the Probe\\c[0] to the \\c[3]lone regular tree\\c[0] in \\c[3]Normal Clearing\\c[0]",
"quests.fd-3-ball_egg_1.tasks.4.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Forerunner Elenya\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Falldivers HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.hubSettings.location": "There have been problems with pickpockets on the market. \\c[3]- Rookie Harbor Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Petty Crime Hunter",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.person": "Sgt. Brassler",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.description": "You talked with the captain of the \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Guard\\c[0] and decided to help them out a bit. One of the city guards \\c[3]needs some reinforcements\\c[0].",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.briefing": "You were finally able to catch the elusive thief after rescuing him from the wildlife. Hopefully he learnt his lesson by now.",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.tasks.0.task": "Talk to the \\c[3]guard\\c[0] near \\c[3]\\v[lore.title.seeker]-HUB\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.tasks.1.task": "Find the \\c[3]thief\\c[0] near the \\c[3]park in central \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.tasks.2.task": "Find out where the \\c[3]thief\\c[0] went. Maybe someone saw him?",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.tasks.3.task": "Find the \\c[3]thief\\c[0] in the \\c[3]dead-end in southern \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.tasks.4.task": "Find out where the \\c[3]thief\\c[0] went... again",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.tasks.5.task": "Find the \\c[3]thief\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.tasks.6.task": "Defeat the two \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.tasks.7.task": "Talk to the \\c[3]thief\\c[0] again",
"quests.rhg-1-pickpocket.tasks.8.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Sgt. Brassler\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.hubSettings.location": "Illegal shipments going through our harbor need to be found and stopped! \\c[3]- Rookie Harbor Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Smuggle Trouble",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.person": "Sgt. Brassler",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.description": "Unauthorized shipments of illegal weaponry have been arriving in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] lately! Go to \\c[3]Beginners Arc\\c[0] and investigate!",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.briefing": "You solved the case, caught the evildoer and prevented the turrets from being used for evil deeds.",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Guard Officer Cedric\\c[0] at \\c[3]Beginners Arc\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.tasks.1.task": "Find a \\c[3]suspicious crate\\c[0] at the \\c[3]Beginners Arc\\c[0] and check its contents",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.tasks.2.task": "Defeat the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.tasks.3.task": "Find the \\c[3]shady looking dockworker\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.tasks.4.task": "Defeat the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] and go after \\c[3]Sober Frank\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.tasks.5.task": "Defeat the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] and go after \\c[3]Sober Frank\\c[0] again",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.tasks.6.task": "Defeat the \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] and finally catch \\c[3]Sober Frank\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-2-crate_smuggle.tasks.7.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Sgt. Brassler\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-3-maritime_smuggle.hubSettings.location": "More illegal shipments are reaching the continent and must be stopped! \\c[3]- Rookie Harbor Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Wet Work",
"quests.rhg-3-maritime_smuggle.person": "Sgt. Brassler",
"quests.rhg-3-maritime_smuggle.description": "More unauthorized shipments of illegal weaponry are reaching the continent over the ocean! You must go on a patrol and intercept them.",
"quests.rhg-3-maritime_smuggle.briefing": "You prevented the latest batch of illegal weapons from reaching the continent by sinking them into the ocean.",
"quests.rhg-3-maritime_smuggle.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Captain Turbine\\c[0] in Southern \\c[3]Beginners Arc\\c[0]",
"quests.rhg-3-maritime_smuggle.tasks.1.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Captain Turbine\\c[0] in \\c[3]Beginners Arc\\c[0] again and start the patrol",
"quests.rhg-3-maritime_smuggle.tasks.2.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Sgt. Brassler\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Rookie Harbor Guard HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.rftc-1-collect_trade.hubSettings.location": "Assistance is needed for a simple delivery task. \n\\c[3]- Rookie Harbor Marketplace\\c[0]",
"": "Small Time Delivery",
"quests.rftc-1-collect_trade.person": "Mr. Nomsworth",
"quests.rftc-1-collect_trade.description": "\\c[3]Mr. Nomsworth\\c[0], an employee of the trading association of \\v[], commissioned you to acquire certain items from the market and deliver them to his client.",
"quests.rftc-1-collect_trade.briefing": "You've acquired the needed items, delivered them to the barkeep and got your reward.",
"quests.rftc-1-collect_trade.tasks.0.task": "Get several trade items from the trader at the \\c[3]Market\\c[0]",
"quests.rftc-1-collect_trade.tasks.1.task": "Bring the items to \\c[3]the barkeeper\\c[0] of the pub \\c[3]Gut Punch\\c[0] at the sea",
"quests.rftc-1-collect_trade.tasks.2.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Mr. Nomsworth\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Marketplace\\c[0]",
"quests.bull-arena-1.hubSettings.location": "An overdue delivery from \\v[] needs to be tracked. \\c[3]- Rookie Harbor Marketplace\\c[0]",
"": "Bull Grab",
"quests.bull-arena-1.person": "Mr. Nomsworth",
"quests.bull-arena-1.description": "Business people are in danger of doing business without eating! Search for the \\c[3]food collector in \\v[]\\c[0] and find out what happened to her and the delivery.",
"quests.bull-arena-1.briefing": "You have saved the food delivery. Now business can be conducted properly with full stomachs!",
"quests.bull-arena-1.tasks.0.task": "Find the \\c[3]food collector\\c[0] along the \\c[3]main route through \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.bull-arena-1.tasks.1.task": "\\c[3]Clear out the pit on Pathway 5\\c[0] to get the package back",
"quests.bull-arena-1.tasks.2.task": "Pick up the \\c[3]Lunch Delivery Package\\c[0]",
"quests.bull-arena-1.tasks.3.task": "Talk to \\c[3]the collector on Pathway 5\\c[0] again",
"quests.bull-arena-1.tasks.4.task": "Go back to \\c[3]Mr Nomsworth\\c[0] on the \\c[3]Marketplace\\c[0]",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.hubSettings.location": "Need support for a high-priority mission from the higher ups. \\c[3]- Rookie Harbor Marketplace\\c[0]",
"": "New Metal",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.person": "Mr. Nomsworth",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.personAfter": "Chairman Steward",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.description": "\\c[3]Mr. Nomsworth\\c[0] has sent you to the \\c[3]main headquarters of the Coastal Trading Coalition\\c[0] for another assignment. It must be very important!",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.briefing": "You have helped the metal production in \\v[] to advance and also introduced yourself to the board of the CTC in the process!",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.tasks.0.task": "Talk to the \\c[3]Guard\\c[0] in \\c[3]Traders Kontor\\c[0] at the \\c[3]Alley Quarters\\c[0].",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.tasks.1.task": "Talk to the \\c[3]Chairman of the RTFC\\c[0] in the \\c[3]upper Traders Kontor\\c[0]",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.tasks.2.task": "Talk to the \\c[3]metal trader\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Trader's Den\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.tasks.3.task": "Find the smelter parts in \\c[3]a room that harbors heat\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.tasks.4.task": "Report back to the \\c[3]metal trader\\c[0] in \\c[3]Trader's Den\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.rftc-3-metalstuff.tasks.5.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Chairman Steward\\c[0] in the \\c[3]upper Traders Kontor\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.hubSettings.location": "Some precious trees have become sick and need treatment. \\c[3]- Fruits of Autumn HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Sickly Trees",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.person": "Chief Manzana",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.description": "\\c[3]Four trees in \\v[]\\c[0] have been infected with a disease and endanger the harmony of the Track. Find them with your \\c[3]Analysis\\c[0] and cure the sickness with the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.briefing": "You have healed the sick trees and preserved the balance of the Track.",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.0.task": "Heal the \\c[3]4 sick trees\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.0.subtasks.0.text": "Heal the tree in \\c[3]Pathway 2\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.0.subtasks.0.shortText": "In \\c[3]Pathway 2\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.0.subtasks.1.text": "Heal the tree in \\c[3]Pathway 3\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.0.subtasks.1.shortText": "In \\c[3]Pathway 3\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.0.subtasks.2.text": "Heal the tree in \\c[3]Off Road 2\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.0.subtasks.2.shortText": "In \\c[3]Off Road 2\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.0.subtasks.3.text": "Heal the tree east of \\c[3]Obelisk Lake\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.0.subtasks.3.shortText": "East of \\c[3]Obelisk Lake\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-1-treedoc.tasks.1.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Chief Woodkeeper Manzana\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Fruits of Autumn HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-2-tree_defense.hubSettings.location": "A very important tree has become sick and needs intensive treatment! \\c[3]- Fruits of Autumn HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Intensive Tree Care",
"quests.foa-2-tree_defense.person": "Chief Manzana",
"quests.foa-2-tree_defense.description": "\\c[3]A sacred tree in \\v[]\\c[0] has been infected with a disease that endangers the harmony of the Track. Cure the sickness with the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"quests.foa-2-tree_defense.briefing": "You have healed the sick tree and preserved the balance of the Track.",
"quests.foa-2-tree_defense.tasks.0.task": "Cure a \\c[3]sick special tree\\c[0] in \\c[3]Pathway 3\\c[0] of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] with \\v[]",
"quests.foa-2-tree_defense.tasks.1.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Chief Woodkeeper Manzana\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Fruits of Autumn HQ\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-3-buffel_cave.hubSettings.location": "A Bovine is burning with sickness and must be released from its pain. \\c[3]- Fruits of Autumn HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Bull on Fire",
"quests.foa-3-buffel_cave.person": "Chief Manzana",
"quests.foa-3-buffel_cave.description": "\\c[3]A once proud Bovine\\c[0] has fallen ill with a burning disease which set the beast ablaze in both body and rage. Find its hiding spot and lay it to rest!",
"quests.foa-3-buffel_cave.briefing": "The bovine has been delivered from its pain. It will do no more harm to the lands of Autumn.",
"quests.foa-3-buffel_cave.tasks.0.task": "Enter the \\c[3]Densewater Caverns\\c[0] on \\c[3]Secluded Path\\c[0] in the northeast of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-3-buffel_cave.tasks.1.task": "Search for \\c[3]the raging Bovine\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Densewater Caverns\\c[0] and lay it to rest",
"quests.foa-3-buffel_cave.tasks.2.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Chief Woodkeeper Manzana\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Fruits of Autumn HQ\\c[0]",
"": "Maybe \"Sick Bovine\" maybe not, is Optional",
"quests.foa-4-sick_bovine.person": "Chief Manzana",
"quests.foa-4-sick_bovine.description": "\\c[3]A sacred tree in \\v[]\\c[0] has been infected with a disease that endangers the harmony of the Track. Cure the sickness with the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"quests.foa-4-sick_bovine.briefing": "You have healed the sick tree and preserved the balance of the Track.",
"quests.foa-4-sick_bovine.tasks.0.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Herbalist Helen\\c[0] in \\c[3]Pathway 3\\c[0] and wait for the \\c[3]sick buffel\\c[0]",
"quests.foa-4-sick_bovine.tasks.1.task": "Lure the buffel to the \\c[3]sacred tree\\c[0], cleanse it in the water and lay it to rest",
"quests.foa-4-sick_bovine.tasks.2.task": "Talk to \\c[3]Herbalist Helen\\c[0] again",
"quests.foa-4-sick_bovine.tasks.3.task": "Report back to \\c[3]Chief Woodkeeper Manzana\\c[0] in the \\c[3]Fruits of Autumn HQ\\c[0]",
"": "A Promise Is a Promise",
"quests.unknown-warrior-1.person": "???",
"quests.unknown-warrior-1.personAfter": "Ketin D'Kar",
"quests.unknown-warrior-1.description": "You found a weird player wearing armor from all classes trying to find a \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. He said you can find it in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] in an area where it rains and you have to defeat lots of \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0].",
"quests.unknown-warrior-1.briefing": "You found the weapon and returned it to the player, learning nothing but his name: \\c[3]Ketin D'Kar\\c[0]",
"quests.unknown-warrior-1.tasks.0.task": "Find the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.unknown-warrior-1.tasks.1.task": "Hand over the \\v[] to the strange player at the \\c[3]\\v[] Market\\c[0]",
"quests.steaks_1.hubSettings.location": "Howdy! Much is at steak so I need some brave help! Hope to meat you soon. \\c[3]- Rising Exit\\c[0]",
"": "Wood 'n Steaks",
"quests.steaks_1.person": "Ms. Teak",
"quests.steaks_1.description": "\\c[3]Ms. Selena Teak\\c[0] wants to create the best steaks in all of \\v[] and needs someone to deliver the ingredients. A worthy task indeed!",
"quests.steaks_1.briefing": "You have acquired the requested items, but the result was not satisfying. Maybe different types of wood will do the trick?",
"quests.steaks_1.tasks.0.task": "Collect \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and both \\c[3]light wood\\c[0] and \\c[3]sharp wood\\c[0]",
"quests.steaks_1.tasks.1.task": "Deliver the items to \\c[3]Ms. Teak\\c[0] \\c[3]near the Weaponstore of \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.steaks_2.hubSettings.location": "The first try was a failure, but the next steaks will be perfect! Come and see! \\c[3]- Rising Exit\\c[0]",
"": "Meating Expectations",
"quests.steaks_2.person": "Ms. Teak",
"quests.steaks_2.description": "Despite the disappointing first try, \\c[3]Ms. Teak\\c[0] is still determined to find the perfect preparation for steak. This time you should search for a different combination of wood!",
"quests.steaks_2.briefing": "This time the wood has done the job perfectly! Now you can acquire delicious \\c[3]Rare Steaks\\c[0] from Ms. Teak's booth!",
"quests.steaks_2.tasks.0.task": "Collect \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and both \\c[3]regal wood\\c[0] and \\c[3]dry wood\\c[0]",
"quests.steaks_2.tasks.1.task": "Deliver the items to \\c[3]Ms. Teak\\c[0] \\c[3]near the Weaponstore of \\v[]\\c[0]",
"quests.steaks_3.hubSettings.location": "Now is the time to take my steaks even further and taste perfection! \\c[3]- Rising Exit\\c[0]",
"": "Raising the Steaks",
"quests.steaks_3.person": "Ms. Teak",
"quests.steaks_3.description": "\\c[3]Ms. Teak\\c[0] wants to improve her steaks even further. This time you should search for a different variety of ingredients for a proper marinade!",
"quests.steaks_3.briefing": "The pinnacle of steak has been reached! Now you can acquire even \\c[3]Gourmet Steaks\\c[0] from Ms. Teak's booth!",
"quests.steaks_3.tasks.0.task": "Collect some \\c[3]old wood\\c[0], \\c[3]honey\\c[0] and \\c[3]apples from the East\\c[0]",
"quests.steaks_3.tasks.1.task": "Deliver the items to \\c[3]Ms. Teak\\c[0] \\c[3]near the Weaponstore of \\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "The Testing Barbeque",
"shops.testshop.pages.0.title": "Items",
"shops.testshop.pages.1.title": "Equipment",
"shops.testshop.pages.2.title": "Various",
"": "Rookie's Best",
"shops.rookieHarborItems.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Rookie's Starter",
"shops.rookieHarborWeapons.pages.0.title": "Equipment",
"": "Rookie's Advanced",
"shops.rookieHarborWeaponsNorth.pages.0.title": "Equipment",
"": "Tara's Shop",
"shops.rookieHarborTara.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Chef Backer Goods",
"shops.rookieBacker.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Vermillion Consumables",
"shops.aridItems.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Vermillion Equipment",
"shops.aridWeapons.pages.0.title": "Equipment",
"": "Bergen Provisions",
"shops.bergenVillageItems.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Bergen Weaponry",
"shops.bergenVillageWeapons.pages.0.title": "Equipment",
"": "Hermit's House",
"shops.bergenHermit.pages.0.title": "Hot Beverages",
"": "Baki Oasis",
"shops.bakiItems.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Baki Arsenal",
"shops.bakiWeapons.pages.0.title": "Equipment",
"": "Vending Machine",
"shops.basinVendingMachines.pages.0.title": "Snacks",
"": "Items N' Goods",
"shops.basinItems.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Basin Arsenal",
"shops.basinWeapons.pages.0.title": "Equipment",
"": "Calzone Shop",
"shops.basinMushroom.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Sapphire Arsenal",
"shops.sapphireWeapons.pages.0.title": "Equipment",
"": "Good Items",
"shops.sapphireItems.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Rhombus Arsenal",
"shops.rhombusWeapons1.pages.0.title": "Equipment",
"": "Rhombus Items",
"shops.rhombusItems1.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Curios & More",
"shops.rhombusCurios.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Chef Backer Goods",
"shops.rhombusBacker.pages.0.title": "General Goods",
"": "Vermillion Heals",
"": "Vermillion Buffs",
"": "Vermillion Weapons",
"": "Vermillion Torso",
"": "Vermillion Head",
"": "Vermillion Legs",
"": "Vermillion Sets & Metal",
"": "Trade The Trader",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Sandwiches",
"": "Tea",
"": "Buffs",
"": "Mixed Buffs",
"": "Allround Buffs",
"": "Wraps & Rolls",
"": "Metal",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Bergen Heals",
"": "Bergen Buffs",
"": "Bergen Weapons",
"": "Bergen Head",
"": "Bergen Torso",
"": "Bergen Legs",
"": "Bergen Loot",
"": "Bergen Mine Loot \\c[1]UNUSED\\c[0]",
"": "Bergen Metals",
"": "Bergen Metals",
"": "Bergen Sets",
"": "Gem Dealer",
"": "Hatmaker",
"": "Digging Mates Helmet",
"": "Sapphire Sandwiches",
"": "Sapphire Tea",
"": "Sapphire Buffs 1",
"": "Sapphire Buffs 2",
"": "Sapphire Mixed Buffs",
"": "Sapphire Allround Buffs",
"": "Sapphire Wraps & Rolls",
"": "Sapphire Weapons",
"": "Sapphire Head",
"": "Sapphire Torso",
"": "Sapphire Legs",
"": "Sapphire Metals",
"": "Sapphire Sets",
"": "Sapphire Loot",
"": "Rusty",
"": "Player Trader",
"": "Maroon Buffs",
"": "Maroon Equipment",
"": "Maroon Loot",
"": "Maroon Metals",
"": "Maroon Trade Sets",
"": "Bracerboy",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Heals",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Buffs",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Discount",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Weapons",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Head",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Torso",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Legs",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Maroon Loot",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Temple Loot",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Metal",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Trade Sets",
"": "Ba'kii Kum Refreshments",
"": "The Digger",
"": "Brewing",
"": "Brewing",
"": "Brewing",
"": "Brewing: Auto",
"": "Basin Heals",
"": "Basin Buffs 1",
"": "Basin Buffs 2",
"": "Basin Mixed Buffs",
"": "Basin Mixed Buffs",
"": "Basin Allround Buffs",
"": "Basin Wraps & Rolls",
"": "Basin Weapons",
"": "Basin Head",
"": "Basin Torso",
"": "Basin Legs",
"": "Basin Metals",
"": "Basin Sets",
"": "Loot Gaia's Garden West",
"": "Loot Gaia's Garden East",
"": "Loot So'najiz",
"": "Loot Zir'vitar",
"": "Basin Discount A",
"": "Basin Discount B",
"": "Backstreet Buffs",
"": "Basin Weapon Supreme",
"": "Old Man",
"": "The Huckleberry ",
"": "Aladdin's Turf",
"": "Big Stick Rikh",
"": "Edgy Salesman",
"": "V'rda Vil Sets",
"": "V'rda Vil Metals",
"": "\\v[] Master",
"": "\\v[] Master",
"": "\\v[] Master",
"": "\\v[] Master",
"": "\\v[] Master",
"": "\\v[] Master",
"": "Rhombus Weapons",
"": "Rhombus Head",
"": "Rhombus Torso",
"": "Rhombus Legs",
"": "Antique Gear",
"": "Antique+ UNUSED",
"": "Special Gear #1",
"": "Chester Boxman",
"": "Rhombus Epic Metal",
"": "Rhombus Sandwiches",
"": "Rhombus Tea",
"": "Rhombus Buffs",
"": "Rhombus Mixed Buffs",
"": "Rhombus Allround Buffs",
"": "Rhombus Wraps & Rolls",
"": "Rookie Sandwiches",
"": "Rookie Sandwiches",
"": "Rookie Sandwiches",
"": "Rookie Tea",
"": "Rookie Tea",
"": "Rookie Mixed Buffs",
"": "Rookie Mixed Buffs",
"": "Rookina Buffs",
"": "Rookina Buffs",
"": "Buffies Buffs",
"": "Buffies Buffs",
"": "Rookie Weapons",
"": "Rookie Weapons Plus",
"": "Rookie Head",
"": "Rookie Head Plus",
"": "Rookie Torso",
"": "Rookie Torso Plus",
"": "Rookie Legs",
"": "Rookie Legs Plus",
"": "Rookie Loot",
"": "Rookie Sets",
"": "Kontor Trader",
"": "Bracer Trader",
"": "Bracer Trader",
"": "Bracer Trader",
"": "Milfa Baggins",
"": "Milfa Baggins",
"": "Boom & Drill",
"": "Ms. Teak's Steaks",
"": "Ms. Teak's Steaks",
"": "Rookie Elite A",
"": "Rookie Elite B",
"": "Rookie Fall Sets",
"": "Rookie Elite Heals",
"": "Rookie Elite Buffs",
"": "Rookie Mixed Buffs",
"": "Rookie Mixed Buffs",
"": "Rookie Allround Buffs",
"": "Rookie Allround Buffs",
"": "Rookie Wraps & Rolls",
"": "Rookie Wraps & Rolls",
"": "Rookie Rise Metal",
"": "Rookie Rise Metal",
"": "Rookie Rise Metal",
"": "Rookie Fall Metal",
"": "Rookie Fall Metal",
"": "Rookie Fall Metal",
"": "Rookie Loot",
"": "Rookie Gem Dealer",
"": "Reset Monger",
"": "Reset Monger",
"": "Supporter's Snacks",
"": "Thankful Trades",
"": "Backer's Breakfast",
"": "Generous Meals",
"": "Detectors",
"": "Skins",
"": "Step Effects",
"": "Area Boosters"
"assets/data/enemies/arid/dice-mage.json": {
"actions.TrapActivate.0.text": "Escape Roll!",
"meta.species": "Dice",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This dice is a sentient robot. The core processor being able to use all elements based on the number it rolls. It seems to take enjoyment in the game of chance, even if it means it will be left open for attacks."
"assets/data/enemies/arid/element-turret-boss.json": {
"actions.ShootShieldBall.4.thenStep.0.text": "Elemental Shift",
"meta.species": "CEO Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Designed by Gautham these elemental turrets serve as the final test on each element in the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. They can't move but will use various projectiles to keep its foes at bay. "
"assets/data/enemies/arid/element-turret.json": {
"meta.species": "Senior Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "These turrets serve as companions to the \\v[]. They shoot various elemental projectiles to disrupt enemies and create space for its big brother. "
"assets/data/enemies/arid/evotar.json": {
"meta.species": "Evotar"
"assets/data/enemies/arid/laser-catcher.json": {
"proxies.detector.action.3.elseStep.0.text": "No Evotars found.",
"meta.species": "en_US"
"assets/data/enemies/arid/mega-laser.json": {
"meta.species": "Death Machine",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Do not cross."
"assets/data/enemies/arid/rhino.json": {
"meta.species": "Failed Experiment",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Seems like this enemy wasn't quite ready, as it is missing its backside. This left this poor being in permanent malfunction making it extremely aggressive. It will launch itself at you or jump on you, infused with various elements. Its backside is the only way to stun it. But be aware: to much pressure and it will leave a burst of particles. "
"assets/data/enemies/arid/shredder-cold.json": {
"actions.NotifyArea.2.text": "Notify Area",
"actions.HackStart.3.text": "Fixation routine",
"meta.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A cold-based variant of the Security Brute. In patrol mode it will act much like the other ones, only notifying the laser tower and all other brutes when a trespasser has been found.\nWhen fighting against it, it will attack with cold-based punch attacks or shield other brutes."
"assets/data/enemies/arid/shredder-heat.json": {
"actions.NotifyArea.2.text": "Notify Area",
"actions.HackStart.3.text": "Fixation routine",
"meta.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A heat-based variant of the Security Brute. In patrol mode it will act much like the other ones, only notifying the laser tower and all others brutes when a trespasser has been found.\nWhen fighting against it, it will attack with heat-based punch attacks or buff other brutes attack power."
"assets/data/enemies/arid/shredder-shock.json": {
"actions.NotifyArea.2.text": "Notify Area",
"actions.HackStart.3.text": "Fixation routine",
"meta.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A shock-based variant of the Security Brute. In patrol mode it will act much like the other ones, only notifying the laser tower and all other brutes when a trespasser has been found.\nWhen fighting against it, it will attack with shock-based punch attacks or buff other brutes movement speed."
"assets/data/enemies/arid/shredder-wave.json": {
"actions.NotifyArea.2.text": "Notify Area",
"actions.HackStart.3.text": "Fixation routine",
"meta.species": "Guardian Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A wave-based variant of the Security Brute. In patrol mode it will act much like the other ones, only notifying the laser tower and all others brutes when a trespasser has been found.\nWhen fighting against it, it will attack with wave-based punch attacks or heal other brutes."
"assets/data/enemies/arid/snail.json": {
"proxies.playerHack.action.4.text": "Mod",
"proxies.playerHack.action.8.text": "Attached",
"proxies.playerHack.action.13.thenStep.2.text": "Send",
"proxies.playerHack.action.13.thenStep.9.text": "Attack++",
"meta.species": "Not a sneg",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A huge snail with an enormous amount of HP. It's slow but it can use its huge body to jump on top of you or spin around the arena leaving an icy trail. It will also spit out slugs that move towards its enemy and explode. Attack its tail to stun it and attack. \nHowever, this will not even leave a scratch. You need something better to have a chance at draining its HP pool."
"assets/data/enemies/arid/virus-cold.json": {
"actions.SpawnVirus.4.text": "Multiplying",
"meta.species": "Unknown",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A version of the \\v[] that uses Cold based attacks. It uses the neutral Viruses as pawns to attack its enemies. However this is also its weak spot. Once the neutral ones are stunned, push them into the Cold Virus to break their shield."
"assets/data/enemies/arid/virus-heat.json": {
"actions.SpawnVirus.4.text": "Multiplying",
"meta.species": "Unknown",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A version of the \\v[] that uses Heat based attacks. It uses the neutral Viruses as pawns to attack its enemies. However this is also its weak spot. Once the neutral ones are stunned, push them into the Heat Virus to break their shield."
"assets/data/enemies/arid/virus-neutral.json": {
"actions.EnchantBreak.0.text": "Anti-Virus",
"actions.EnchanterMerge.1.text": "Neutralizing!",
"meta.species": "Unknown",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A strange being that roams the lands of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It randomly jumps on prey and attacks them multiple times. \nLuckily their defense is rather low and they can be disposed of quickly with any attack. "
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-fall/ball.json": {
"actions.Init.0.thenStep.0.text": "<INIT IDLE>",
"actions.Idle.0.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "<ReturnPos Changed>",
"actions.ReturnPlayer.1.text": "[Returning]",
"actions.OnMarker.7.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "<ON MARK> \\v[tmp.markerName] = \\v[tmp.stringCheck]",
"actions.OnMarker.7.thenStep.0.elseStep.0.text": "[Connected to Power]",
"actions.OffMarker.2.thenStep.0.text": "<OFF MARK \\v[tmp.questBall-markerActive]>",
"actions.OffMarker.2.elseStep.0.text": "[Disconnected from Power]",
"actions.ChargeHeat.0.text": "[HEAT CHARGE]",
"actions.ChargeCold.0.text": "[STABLE]",
"actions.DisCharge.0.thenStep.0.text": "<DISCHARGE>",
"actions.Thawing.3.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "<THAW>",
"actions.HitParty.0.thenStep.0.text": "PARTY",
"actions.AdjustZ.1.thenStep.0.text": "<Z ADJUST>",
"meta.species": "Mystery Device"
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-fall/buffalo-fall.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The \\v[] is the oldest of the bovines and gets its bright and blue colors once it reaches old age. This means it has become wise enough to rest and enjoy the rest of its life. It will spend most of its time away from its younger kind and eat grass. \nThis doesn't mean it is not strong however. It will attack even harder and emit strong shockwaves both when charging and stomping. Mindlessly rushing in will only get you hurt!"
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-fall/buffalo-fire-quest.json": {
"actions.HPBreak.0.thenStep.0.text": "<HPBreak>",
"actions.MoveCenter.0.thenStep.0.text": "<MoveCenter>",
"meta.species": "Fiery Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Formerly a peaceful \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this proud animal has been afflicted with a painful sickness that turned it into a highly aggressive flaming beast. It did, however still have enough self-control to hide in a remote cave as to not bring any more destruction to its homeland.\nIts terrifying heat somehow even forms a protective barrier, so defeat it one must face it with the power of \\c[3]Cold\\c[0] and extinguish its raging fire."
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-fall/hedgehog-fall.json": {
"actions.Quest-MoveToTree.2.text": "[Hungry noises]",
"actions.Quest-LickTree.5.text": "[Licking Tree]",
"actions.Quest-AddShield.1.thenStep.0.text": "<SHIELD ON>",
"actions.Quest-RemoveShield.2.thenStep.0.text": "<SHIELD OFF>",
"actions.Quest-SwitchMarker.1.thenStep.0.text": "<SWITCH MARKER>",
"actions.Quest-AttackBall.8.text": "[Focussing Probe]",
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This sub-species of the common \\v[] can only be found in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Their needles are pitch black and the red patch on their back is meant to scare off potential predators since it looks like blood. \nDespite all this, these creature are passive and only attack when attacked. They will use the same attacks \\v[] and \\v[] use but will mix up the the dash attack by attacking twice in a row."
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-fall/meerkat-fall.json": {
"actions.Quest-AddShield.1.thenStep.0.text": "<SHIELD ON>",
"actions.Quest-RemoveShield.2.thenStep.0.text": "<SHIELD OFF>",
"actions.Quest-SwitchMarker.1.thenStep.0.text": "<SWITCH MARKER>",
"actions.Quest-AttackBall.8.text": "[Focussing Probe]",
"meta.species": "Headbanging Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This meerkat shows the same characteristics as normal ones. However it has gained the ability to surround stones in a thick layer of ice and throw them at aggressors. Those hurt like hell, so you better watch out.\nIts name is quite misleading, as the music its listening to has been found to be heavy metal."
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-fall/raid-pillar-large.json": {
"actions.SwitchElement.1.thenStep.1.text": "Heat Attacked",
"actions.SwitchElement.2.thenStep.1.text": "Cold Attacked",
"actions.SwitchElement.3.thenStep.1.text": "Shock Attacked",
"actions.SwitchElement.4.thenStep.1.text": "Wave Attacked",
"actions.StartReady.2.thenStep.1.text": "Heat Critical",
"actions.StartReady.3.thenStep.1.text": "Cold Critical",
"actions.StartReady.4.thenStep.1.text": "Shock Critical",
"actions.StartReady.5.thenStep.1.text": "Wave Critical",
"meta.species": "Pillar",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This pillar is used as the main foe to fight during the \\c[3]\\v[] Raid\\c[0]. Attacking it directly is not possible, instead the smaller \\v[]s have to be attacked to reduce its HP. \nHowever the more HP it loses the more fierce it will become by using the element it was damaged with to conjure strong elemental attacks. These are only telegraphed by symbols on the ground."
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-fall/raid-pillar-small.json": {
"actions.StunEnd.3.text": "Color Conflict",
"meta.species": "Pillar",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "These small pillars are used to attack a \\v[]. Usually a group of them must be defeated to create a chain reaction that will hurt its bigger companion. \nTo defend themselves they will jump on their attacker leaving symbols on the ground that will summon elemental attacks."
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-fall/seahorse-fall.json": {
"actions.Flamethrower.5.text": "[Charging Flame]",
"actions.Quest-AddShield.1.thenStep.0.text": "<SHIELD ON>",
"actions.Quest-RemoveShield.2.thenStep.0.text": "<SHIELD OFF>",
"actions.Quest-SwitchMarker.1.thenStep.0.text": "<SWITCH MARKER>",
"meta.species": "Flying Seahorse",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Other than its orange color this seahorse has the same behavior as the \\v[]. Its bubble volley however is both faster and contains more bubbles, which can break shields if not careful.",
"meta.descriptions.1.text": "It is said that they also mysteriously developed the ability to spit bursts of fire. This is rarely seen, though, as their respect for their environment forbids the use of this ability on the surface."
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-rh/big_turret-quest_naval_ally.json": {
"actions.StartFullShield.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.StartPartShield.0.text": "FrontShield On",
"actions.StartAllShields.0.text": "DoubleShield On",
"actions.StunStart.1.text": "[Stunned]",
"actions.TurnOn.1.text": "[Charging Shot]",
"actions.AntiTurret.7.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "HEAT",
"actions.AntiTurret.7.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "COLD",
"actions.AntiTurret.7.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "NEUTRAL",
"actions.AntiTurret.11.text": "[Charging Shot]",
"actions.ShotRdy.0.text": "[Cannon Ready!]",
"meta.species": "Naval Weapon"
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-rh/buffel-sick-1.json": {
"actions.getClean.3.text": "Contamination cleaned",
"meta.species": "Mammal"
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-rh/practice-bot.json": {
"meta.species": "Practice Bot"
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-rh/suicider_float-quest_naval.json": {
"actions.InitMove.1.thenStep.0.text": "MOVE",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.Target.4.text": "[TARGET]",
"actions.NoTargetMinistun.0.thenStep.0.text": "STOP",
"actions.MarkTarget.4.text": "[TARGET!]",
"actions.SelfExplode.11.text": "[Gonna Blow]",
"actions.ReachGoal.0.text": "[WEAPON ESCAPED!]",
"meta.species": "Floating Bomb",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Bombs made in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and meant for illegal activities all over \\v[lore.title.planet]. They are equipped with \\c[3]floating devices\\c[0] to cross the ocean on their own and might even have their own \\c[3]shielding system\\c[0].\nThough they can not attack, they will \\c[3]detonate themselves at close range\\c[0] with such a force that they might even be a danger to heavily armored military hardware."
"assets/data/enemies/autumn-rh/turret_float-quest_naval.json": {
"actions.InitMove.1.thenStep.0.text": "MOVE",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.Target.4.text": "[TARGET]",
"actions.NoTargetMinistun.0.thenStep.0.text": "STOP",
"actions.MarkTarget.4.text": "[TARGET]",
"actions.AntiTurretShot.12.text": "[Targetting Turret]",
"actions.ReachGoal.0.text": "[WEAPON ESCAPED!]",
"meta.species": "Floating Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Heavily modified turrets made in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and meant for illegal activities all over \\v[lore.title.planet]. They are equipped with \\c[3]floating devices\\c[0] to cross the ocean on their own and might even have their own \\c[3]shielding system\\c[0].\nIt is advised to only face them with the support of \\c[3]heavy artillery\\c[0]."
"assets/data/enemies/avatar/apollo-2.json": {
"meta.species": "Warrior of Justice",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The self proclaimed warrior of justice returns and this time he has the heat element on his side! Just like last time he will get more creative with his attacks as you have more wins over him."
"assets/data/enemies/avatar/apollo-3.json": {
"meta.species": "Warrior of Justice",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Look who's back! Apollo wants to settle things and is ready to use both heat and cold against you to show you the \"true potential\" of a seeker. Just like you, he can use level 2 Combat Arts which can pack quite a punch and break your guard too if you're not careful."
"assets/data/enemies/avatar/apollo.json": {
"meta.species": "Warrior of Justice",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A self proclaimed warrior of justice who accuses Lea of cheating and thus challenges her to a duel. He is quite the fighter and gets more vicious the more desperate his situation."
"assets/data/enemies/avatar/shizuka.json": {
"meta.species": "Protective Sister",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "It is Shizuka! And she is pissed.\nExpect her to use some of your favorite strategies against you!"
"assets/data/enemies/baggy-kun-test.json": {
"meta.species": "Sandbag",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This training dummy is used for new players to test \\c[3]Combat Arts\\c[0] and other techniques without the fear of getting attacked.\n "
"assets/data/enemies/baggy-kun.json": {
"meta.species": "Sandbag",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This training dummy is used for new players to test \\c[3]Combat Arts\\c[0] and other techniques without the fear of getting attacked.\n "
"assets/data/enemies/beat-boss.json": {
"meta.species": "Mecha Crab"
"assets/data/enemies/beat-bot.json": {
"meta.species": "Mecha Crab"
"assets/data/enemies/boss/designer-1.json": {
"meta.species": "???",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The information has been redacted."
"assets/data/enemies/boss/designer-2.json": {
"meta.species": "???",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This information has been redacted.\n\n\"I only ever wanted to create. That was the one thing I loved. The one thing that kept me going. I even moved to this stupid moon. But he caged us and my designs were used for things I don't even want to think about anymore. It all seems to... distant.\nUntil she arrived and gave me one last chance to create the ultimate experience.\""
"assets/data/enemies/boss/elephant-core.json": {
"actions.idle.2.text": "Charging",
"actions.destroy.15.text": "Strength \\c[3]\\v[tmp.specialStrength]/5\\c[0]",
"actions.absorb.7.text": "Full Strength!",
"meta.species": "Core"
"assets/data/enemies/boss/elephant.json": {
"proxies.playerHack.action.4.text": "Mod",
"proxies.playerHack.action.8.text": "Attached",
"proxies.playerHack.action.13.thenStep.2.text": "Send",
"proxies.playerHack.action.13.thenStep.9.text": "Attack++",
"meta.species": "Ultimate",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The information has been redacted.\n\n\"The ultimate experience, my final challenge.\""
"assets/data/enemies/boss-driller.json": {
"actions.RegenShield.4.text": "Shield Recovered",
"meta.species": "Infected Mecha",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This enormous mine robot was infected too and is the final test for the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Originally its purpose was to drill deep into the ground using its right arm to crack the stone. To avoid the cold in the deeper sections it could also use a flamethrower to battle the freezing temperatures and bombs to destroy even the thickest of rocks.\nHow it even got in here you ask? Don't be silly, every good miner knows not to share their secrets."
"assets/data/enemies/boss-extra.json": {
"meta.species": "Unknown Mecha "
"assets/data/enemies/boss-test.json": {
"meta.species": "Unknown Mecha ",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A mechanical crab summoned by the mysterious blue avatar. Its stats conveniently match yours and its attack gets more ferocious the more damage you deal. When it charges up for a big jump it will get stunned on the last dive revealing the weak point on its back: a shiny crystal!"
"assets/data/enemies/buffalo-alt.json": {
"actions.Quest-MoveToTree.2.text": "[Hungry noises]",
"actions.Quest-LickTree.5.text": "[Licking Tree]",
"meta.species": "Buff Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Remember the \\v[]? And how it is a fluffy fella? Well this one is too! Despite its unfavorable name.\nBut it gets every bit as angry when attacked and packs a much stronger punch.\nIt gains its dark color and red eyes by age. When a \\v[] enters adulthood its color changes marking it as a potential mating partner."
"assets/data/enemies/buffalo.json": {
"meta.species": "Buff Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This tanky buffalo creature looks like a mean meany but is actually a soft and fluffy fella. As long as you don't get on its wrong side. If you do you better get ready to feel the full wrath of its stomp and charge attacks. Its head is coated in a metal-like layer of skin that it uses to shield against attacks.\nYour only way out is to let it charge against a wall which will stun it for a short while, leaving it open for attacks from behind."
"assets/data/enemies/captain.json": {
"meta.species": "Human"
"assets/data/enemies/cold/coldbug-quest-bombing-1.json": {
"actions.Quest-MoveToBarrier1.0.thenStep.0.text": "<Goto Barrier 1>",
"actions.Quest-MoveToBarrier2.0.thenStep.0.text": "<Goto Barrier 2>",
"actions.Quest-BarrierDmg.2.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "<Dmg Barrier 1>",
"actions.Quest-BarrierDmg.3.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "<Dmg Barrier 2>",
"meta.species": "Insect, Bug",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] though less attuned to the element of Cold. Instead it evolved into having an even harder shell than their cousins. The only way to properly damage them would be by using \\c[3]heavy explosives\\c[0]."
"assets/data/enemies/cold/coldbug-quest-bombing-2.json": {
"actions.Quest-MoveToBarrier1.0.thenStep.0.text": "<Goto Barrier 1>",
"actions.Quest-MoveToBarrier2.0.thenStep.0.text": "<Goto Barrier 2>",
"actions.Quest-BarrierDmg.2.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "<Dmg Barrier 1>",
"actions.Quest-BarrierDmg.3.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "<Dmg Barrier 2>",
"meta.species": "Insect, Bug",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] though less attuned to the element of Cold. Instead it evolved into having an even harder shell than their cousins. The only way to properly damage them would be by using \\c[3]heavy explosives\\c[0]."
"assets/data/enemies/cold/frobbit-quest-dirty.json": {
"actions.UberKick.28.thenStep.1.text": "Dizzy",
"actions.getClean.3.text": "Contamination cleaned",
"meta.species": "Dirty Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that got dirty by hopping around mining machines.\nThe thick filth has not only made its fur become \\c[3]almost impervious to damage\\c[0], it also enraged the usually peaceful animal to \\c[3]attack any human\\c[0] it sees.\nOnly a \\c[3]forced bath\\c[0] will clean up their fur and make them vulnerable again."
"assets/data/enemies/cold/goat-father.json": {
"actions.moveBomb.1.thenStep.0.text": "BOMB!",
"actions.bombKick.1.thenStep.0.text": "KICK!",
"actions.bombDaze.4.text": "Off Balance",
"actions.bombKickPassive.0.thenStep.0.text": "KICK!",
"actions.bombKickPassive.1.text": "Preparing bomb...",
"actions.sceneKick.0.thenStep.0.text": "KICK!",
"meta.species": "Boss Goat",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "It can make offers, you can not refuse."
"assets/data/enemies/cold/mine-coldbug-quest.json": {
"meta.species": "Insect, Bug",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Almost indistinguishable from its lesser form this little bug is much, much stronger. Their collaboration attack can also do quite the large amount of damage as multiples of them will charge to follow their prey and create huge ice spikes that leave trails."
"assets/data/enemies/cold/mine-diggingbot-quest.json": {
"actions.Activate.1.text": "Threat detected",
"actions.ZeroDegreeSpawn.0.text": "Zero Degree Counter",
"actions.HeatExplosion.10.text": "[Overheat! Initiating Burst]",
"actions.HeatExplosion_old.4.text": "[Overheat! Initiating Burst]",
"actions.test.0.text": "<TEST>",
"meta.species": "Infected Smelter Robot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "An advanced version of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that fell victim to corruption by the resident \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0]. Aside from the usual mining capabilities of the older model it can also use many \\c[3]heat-based\\c[0] abilities once it reaches a high-enough \\c[3]core-temperature\\c[0]."
"assets/data/enemies/cold/turret-monks-invinc.json": {
"actions.GoOn.0.text": "Activated!",
"actions.GoOff.0.thenStep.0.text": "Deactivated",
"actions.GoUltra.0.text": "Next gear!",
"meta.species": "Rookie Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/daft-frobbit.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A mischievous variant of the common \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] created by the Ancients as part of a trial. It will jump around and make you chase it all around the area until finally engaging in combat. And boy does it pack a punch, combing both Heat and Cold for furious attacks."
"assets/data/enemies/default.json": {
"actions.ChargeAttack.9.text": "Charging!",
"actions.ShowWeakAR.0.text": "Weak!",
"meta.species": "Rookie Robot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Often called \"Default-Bot\" by the developers of CrossWorlds this enemy is used in the official tutorial of the game as a more dangerous foe compared to a \\v[]. It will charge up and attack 3 times in a row but conveniently it will also tell you by both blinking red and via a message. Truly an enemy for a tutorial!"
"assets/data/enemies/forest/bamboo-fountain.json": {
"meta.species": "Fountain",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Peace and Tranquility, my friend. The only way to defeat it is to sit and listen."
"assets/data/enemies/forest/bug-samurai-heat.json": {
"meta.species": "Honorable Insect",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This bug is a true warrior and master of the hidden arts of the blade. Trained by a master since its birth it takes down enemies with powerful strikes. Strikes so powerful they combust the air around them and create flames.",
"meta.descriptions.1.text": "Its weapons of choice are dual swords known as \"Sun Blades\". When threatened it can summon a heat barrier and it uses an fake-out attack by jumping behind its enemies following up with a huge fire swirl."
"assets/data/enemies/forest/bug-samurai-shock.json": {
"meta.species": "Honorable Insect",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This bug is a true warrior and master of the hidden arts of the blade. Trained by a master since its birth it takes down enemies with swift strikes. It is said to be so fast that it can even dodge bullets.",
"meta.descriptions.1.text": "Its weapons of choice are dual swords known as \"Moon Blades\". When threatened it can summon a shock barrier and it uses an extremely fast attack that uses both swords to slice through its enemies."
"assets/data/enemies/forest/kamikater.json": {
"actions.Activate.1.text": "Threat detected",
"actions.SelfDestructStart.0.text": "Init self destruct",
"actions.SelfDestruct.8.text": "3",
"actions.SelfDestruct.12.text": "2",
"actions.SelfDestruct.16.text": "1",
"actions.WakeUp.0.0_0.0.text": "Malfunction detected",
"actions.WakeUp.0.1_0.0.text": "System overheating",
"actions.WakeUp.0.2_0.0.text": "This cannot stand",
"meta.species": "Forgotten Robot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This forgotten robot was once intended to be used as a mining tool to create new tunnels to gather the precious \\c[3]Sapphire Cobalt\\c[0] from. \nHowever, due to incidents in the \\c[3]\\v[] Mine\\c[0] the robots were disabled.\nSome of them however still lay dormant inside the tunnels and are highly volatile. Once charged with electricity they will initiate a target seeking self-destruction sequence powerful enough to clear loose boulders."
"assets/data/enemies/forest/panda.json": {
"meta.species": "Lazy Hover Panda",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A metallized creature strongly resembling a Panda. The metal like skin is theorized to be a reaction to the immense Steel Bamboo the \\v[] eats on a daily basis. Machinery inside the body is capable of creating small drones that it uses to fend off enemies."
"assets/data/enemies/forest/samurai-boss.json": {
"meta.species": "Master of Old",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Once a boy was found by the beetle-folk of \\c[3]Sapphire Ridge\\c[0]. The master of the clan raised this boy as his own.\nHe became a strong and honorable warrior that protected the clan just as much as any other beetle. \nYears passed and the father's time to enter the afterlife drew close. On his deathbed the Father spoke to his son:\n\\c[3]\"You shall become the master of this clan, my son.\"\\c[0]\nWith tears the son nodded his head in agreement as the father dissipated into thousands of fireflies that flew into the night sky."
"assets/data/enemies/forest/spider.json": {
"meta.species": "Not a bug",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Mostly found in caves in \\v[], this supersized spider is the nightmare of many miners. It slows downs its prey and then attacks with a deafening scream. In groups it teams up with other \\v[]s. Watch out as it leaps up with ice cold power."
"assets/data/enemies/frobbit-miniboss-femme.json": {
"actions.summonGallants.1.text": "Summoning Bunnies...",
"meta.species": "Mammal"
"assets/data/enemies/frobbit-miniboss-gallant.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal"
"assets/data/enemies/frobbit.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This white counterpart to the \\v[] lives in the higher places of Mount. Bergen and is every bit as cute... and evil. \nHowever it is stronger and can quickly whittle you down when encountered in big packs."
"assets/data/enemies/goat-cave.json": {
"actions.moveBomb.1.thenStep.0.text": "BOMB!",
"actions.bombKick.1.thenStep.0.text": "KICK!",
"actions.bombDaze.6.text": "Off Balance",
"actions.bombKickPassive.0.thenStep.0.text": "KICK!",
"actions.bombKickPassive.1.text": "Preparing bomb...",
"actions.sceneKick.0.thenStep.0.text": "KICK!",
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This much more powerful and intelligent variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] has only been sighted very recently.\nReports suggest that it might not have developed naturally but was actually \\c[3]created by human influence\\c[0].\nIn any case it uses \\c[3]heat-based\\c[0] attacks and is even able to handle \\c[3]explosives\\c[0]."
"assets/data/enemies/goat.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The horned goat likes to make fun of its attackers by pointing its butt at them which is plated in armor for some reason. Attacking it while it is doing so will result in a quick kick so keep your distance. \nSometimes it will actually throw its horns in a large curve. Use this to stun it and deal some good damage. And don't get distracted by its laughing. It's laughing with you, not about you!"
"assets/data/enemies/gray-frobbit.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This weird mixture between frog and rabbit calls the lower parts of Mount Bergen its home. Its cute demeanor quickly turns to evil killer beast when attacked. It will jump around its aggressor and use its strong legs for attacks. Watch out for its fake-outs! It will pretend to charge at you only to jump behind you and give you a boot to the head."
"assets/data/enemies/greenlight.json": {
"meta.species": "Machiene"
"assets/data/enemies/guard-hostile-default.json": {
"actions.Init.0.thenStep.0.text": "Init",
"actions.Attack_Stab_Triple.7.text": "\"En garde!\"",
"actions.Blindside.4.text": "\"Too easy!\"",
"actions.Blindside.33.hit.0.thenStep.0.text": "HIT",
"actions.Blindside.33.missed.0.thenStep.0.text": "MISS",
"actions.HealSandwich.3.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "RETREAT",
"actions.HealSandwich.8.thenStep.0.text": "[Eating] #\\v[entity.attrib.sandwichUse]",
"actions.HealSandwich.8.elseStep.0.text": "[Eating]",
"actions.HealCancel.2.text": "\"My sandwich! You'll pay!\"",
"actions.summonTurrets.3.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "RETREAT",
"actions.summonTurrets.5.thenStep.0.text": "TURRETS",
"actions.summonTurrets.10.text": "[Getting Reinforcements]",
"meta.species": "Human Guard",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "An armed human, currently or formerly employed by one of the many city guards on Shadoon.\n\nWield a powerful type of weapon that is used by most guards, the Laserlance. Also usually carries a standard ration of Sandwiches to recover from tiresome battles."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/antlion.json": {
"meta.species": "Mutated Worm",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The stuff of nightmares right there. This a heavily mutated form of an... antlion, maybe? It's hard to say what happened to this creature, the only thing known is that it is mad and wants to eat you. It can turn the floor into quicksand, use its many pincers to attack you or throw flaming rocks at you if you somehow managed to reveal its weak belly. \nHopefully their is only one of these and not another when in different colors or something lazy like that."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/darth-moth-old.json": {
"meta.species": "Flying Seahorse"
"assets/data/enemies/heat/darth-moth.json": {
"meta.species": "Moth",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A mutation of the common \\v[] that has somehow gained the ability to shoot a laser from its eye. That's right, a laser. They're also not fooled easily by the same tricks you could use against its weaker kind. However it still is very vulnerable to cold attacks. Best wait for an opening to throw some icy balls at them."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/drillertoise-OLD.json": {
"meta.species": "Reptile"
"assets/data/enemies/heat/drillertoise.json": {
"meta.species": "Reptile",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Is it a stone or not? When humans first arrived in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] these reptiles were hard to make out as they would burrow below ground and use their rocky back to pretend to be a stone. \nThat does not mean they don't fight! Getting too chummy with them will make them use a stomp attack or throw big stones. \nA good tactic is to look away from it and use walls to bounce your balls off and hit it as it will be above ground."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/heat-golem.json": {
"meta.species": "Magical Being",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Brought to life by fire and old magic this golem bursts flames out of every part of its body. Getting too close means catching on fire so stay away and use ranged attacks to stun it with cold balls. But be aware that it will react much like a bubble and burst into hot steam so don't charge in immediately. Blocking also comes in handy when it's using its fire shots."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/jellyfish.json": {
"meta.species": "Flying Jellyfish",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Water was too cold and wet for this jellyfish so it made \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] its new home. Despite its warmer environment it can conjure forth homing bubbles and attack with a spinning attack that lifts its prey upwards.\nUse heat to shoot the bubbles and temporarily stun them. Using their attacks against them, truly a humiliating tactic!"
"assets/data/enemies/heat/megamoth.json": {
"actions.WeakShoot.0.text": "Regenerating",
"meta.species": "Mother of Moths",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The moths of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] call this gigantic beast their mother. And it's pretty mad you hurt so many of its children. The only weak spot on its whole body is the eye at the head part and only if it's open and not closed. It will only open it right before it uses one of its attacks. When weak it tries to get away from its foe and regenerate, creating bubbles to fend off any attacks. Conveniently those can be used to create platforms on the hot coals! What are the chances?"
"assets/data/enemies/heat/moth.json": {
"meta.species": "Moth",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Not only do these moths spew flames out of their eyes and live inside the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], they also are attracted to elemental poles when charged with heat! That's some serious dedication for fire right there. \nConsequently cold attacks work pretty well against them. Use this in combination with attracting them to poles charged with heat to stun them and get them on the ground!"
"assets/data/enemies/heat/sandshark.json": {
"actions.Quest-MoveToCrate.0.text": "[hateful bone noises]",
"actions.Quest-MoveToCrate.7.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "<ESCAPE>",
"actions.Quest-MoveToCrate.8.thenStep.1.text": "<GOTO>",
"actions.Quest-MoveToCrate.10.thenStep.1.text": "<SIDE>",
"actions.Quest-MoveToCrate.13.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.text": "<TACKLE>",
"actions.Quest-MoveToCrate.13.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "<ADJUST>",
"actions.Quest-TackleCrate.5.thenStep.1.text": "<1 START>",
"actions.Quest-TackleCrate.9.thenStep.1.text": "<2 JUMP>",
"actions.Quest-TackleCrate.11.text": "!!!",
"actions.Quest-TackleCrate.60.thenStep.1.text": "<3 TACKLE>",
"actions.Quest-TackleCrate.66.thenStep.1.text": "<4 MISSED>",
"actions.Quest-HitCrate.9.thenStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "<4 HIT>",
"actions.Quest-HitCrate.15.thenStep.1.text": "<5 LAND>",
"actions.Quest-Deflect.12.thenStep.1.text": "<DEFLECT>",
"actions.Quest-CircleCrate.5.thenStep.1.text": "<CIRCLE>",
"meta.species": "Fish",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Fearsome creatures, these bony sharks attack on sight, or rather vibration as they are actually blind. Adventurers often struggle in dealing with this fast foe as it is hard to catch and invulnerable underground. However constantly aiming your shot and throwing balls at them as soon as they jump up stuns them for quite a while."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/sandworm-boss.json": {
"meta.species": "Boss Worm",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A slightly mutated version of the common \\v[] which made the cave below the famous Maroon Tree in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] its home.\nIt seems to have some sort of control over the rock formations inside the cave, being able to to raise and lower parts of the cave system. \nIt uses this to attack intruders from higher ground without them being able to reach it. However disposing of other Tim can raise platforms to make it possible to reach it."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/sandworm.json": {
"meta.species": "Worm",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "These slimy creatures spend most of their time halfway underground almost looking like a deformed stone. Their bodies are extremely flexible and can fit into holes the size of a hand. \nIronically they do not like overheating and will get extremely hostile when exposed to it for too long. In their enraged form they will spit out scorching hot rocks and move much faster.",
"meta.descriptions.1.text": "According to some insight by C'tron worms posses 5 hearts. It's mystery how they fit into this elastic body."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/scorpion-alt.json": {
"meta.species": "Boss Scorpion",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "When a \\v[] gets older it acquires the rank of \"Big Boss\" among its kind. It is tradition that each \"Big Boss\" must offer an eye as tribute to gain this rank or be forever cast out. This cruel ritual has never been seen by anyone so it is hard to say how they obtain the eye patches."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/scorpion.json": {
"meta.species": "Scorpion",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This creepy looking guy is the most common inhabitant of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It usually poses no threat unless provoked and stays together with others of its kind.\nThey can use their big pincers to quickly attack. The big stinger apparently has some magical properties which allows it to follow you underground and attack from below. Nature is scary."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/baki-cmd_bot.json": {
"actions.ChargeAttack.10.text": "Charging!",
"actions.ShieldsOn.3.text": "[Turret-shields online]",
"actions.ShieldsOff.1.text": "[Turret-shields offline]",
"actions.ShowWeakAR.0.text": "Weak!",
"actions.StartCmd.2.text": "[Engaging Command-Mode. Turret-shields online]",
"actions.GoSolo.4.text": "[Engaging Assault-Mode]",
"actions.summonBots.3.text": "[Synthesizing reinforcements]",
"meta.species": "Desert Leaderbot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "An improved variant of the more basic \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], used by the law-enforcement of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It is usually accompanied by a squad of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that it will shield while acting defensively. When forced to alone it will switch into a more aggressive mode."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/baki-simple_bot.json": {
"meta.species": "Desert Robot"
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/baki-turret_1.json": {
"actions.SingleMortar.4.text": "[Firing Mortar]",
"actions.StartFullShield.1.text": "[Shield On]",
"actions.EndFullShield.1.text": "[Shield Off]",
"meta.species": "Desert Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "An improved variant of the popular \\c[3]Rhombus Turret\\c[0], used by the law-enforcement of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It can fire \\c[3]mortars\\c[0] to attack targets behind cover or on different height layers and is often used in conjunction with a \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that supplies it with a \\c[3]shield\\c[0]."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/baki-turret_2.json": {
"actions.SingleMortar.4.text": "[Firing Mortar]",
"actions.StartFullShield.1.text": "[Shield On]",
"actions.EndFullShield.1.text": "[Shield Off]",
"meta.species": "Desert Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "An improved variant of the popular \\c[3]Rhombus Turret\\c[0], used by the law-enforcement of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. This type does not have an accompanying \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] for additional shielding but can still fire \\c[3]mortars\\c[0] at targets behind cover or on different height layers."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/brew-bubbler.json": {
"actions.BubbleSingle.4.text": "[Preparing Bubble]",
"actions.TurnOn.0.thenStep.0.text": "<ON>",
"meta.species": "Machinery"
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/brew-machine.json": {
"actions.iceDisc-Hit.2.text": "[Cooling down]",
"meta.species": "Machinery"
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/drillertoise-quest-heatAdv-1.json": {
"actions.StompHidden.4.text": "Hiding intensifies...",
"actions.StartHide.7.thenStep.0.text": "<SHIELD ON>",
"meta.species": "Stoned Reptile",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A more relaxed variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that is almost exclusively found in caves. They are usually completely immovable and answer threats by causing \\c[3]shockwaves\\c[0] from the safety of their shell. \nOnly \\c[3]explosive measures\\c[0] might cause them to show any weaknesses."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/guard-hostile-mustache.json": {
"actions.Init.0.thenStep.0.text": "<INIT>",
"actions.Attack_Stab_Triple.7.text": "\"En garde!\"",
"actions.Blindside.4.text": "\"Too easy!\"",
"actions.Blindside.33.hit.0.thenStep.0.text": "<HIT>",
"actions.Blindside.33.missed.0.thenStep.0.text": "<MISS>",
"actions.HealSandwich.3.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "<RETREAT>",
"actions.HealSandwich.8.thenStep.0.text": "[Eating] #\\v[entity.attrib.sandwichUse]",
"actions.HealSandwich.8.elseStep.0.text": "[Eating]",
"actions.HealCancel.2.text": "\"My sandwich! You'll pay!\"",
"actions.summonTurrets.3.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "<RETREAT>",
"actions.summonTurrets.5.thenStep.0.text": "<TURRETS>",
"actions.summonTurrets.10.text": "[Getting Reinforcements]",
"actions.MakeWay.4.thenStep.0.text": "<MAKE WAY>",
"meta.species": "Human Guard",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A corrupt guard that holds no respect for the Shad that are native on Shadoon. Did formerly hold a respectable position in the \\c[3]Maroon Baki Guard\\c[0], before his crimes were uncovered.\n\nWhile his sense of justice is warped, he is still a very capable fighter. He wields the standard issue Laserlance of the guards with great skill and always carries a few of his favorite sandwiches, in case the battle tires him."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/kamikatze-helper.json": {
"actions.Activate.1.text": "Activated... loading Bomb!",
"actions.ShootBomb.19.text": "Reloading Bomb!",
"actions.PlayerFocusFace.1.thenStep.0.text": "<FOCUS ME, SENPAI!>",
"actions.MakeWay.8.thenStep.0.text": "<OUTTA WAY>",
"actions.sceneReset.4.thenStep.0.text": "<SCENE RESET>",
"meta.species": "Mine Robot"
"assets/data/enemies/heat/special/volturbine-cave.json": {
"actions.AirSurfaceShot.7.text": "[heated wing noises]",
"actions.moveFlame.1.thenStep.0.text": "<FIRE REGEN>",
"actions.moveFlame.7.thenStep.2.text": "[absorbing heat]",
"actions.flameRegen.2.thenStep.0.text": "<REGEN>",
"meta.species": "Flaming Bird",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A stronger variant of the more common \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], these fiery birds are usually found underground, protecting holy places of the Ancients.\nIn addition to the usual abilities of their species they can \\c[3]shoot explosive air-to-ground missiles\\c[0] and also \\c[3]use flames to regenerate\\c[0]."
"assets/data/enemies/heat/volturbine.json": {
"meta.species": "Flaming Bird",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This bird is often described as the phoenix of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Until provoked they will usually just fly around and only prey on deceased animals. \nIf you however choose to attack them... get ready for all their flaming wrath. They can use their jet turbines to boost into a flaming dive attack. If you time your guard you can counter them and leave them open for big damage however! Otherwise you better keep your distance and use ranged attacks whenever you see an opening."
"assets/data/enemies/hedgehog-alt.json": {
"actions.Quest-MoveToTree.2.text": "[Hungry noises]",
"actions.Quest-LickTree.5.text": "[Licking Tree]",
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "When a \\v[] becomes old, its needles acquire a red tint which strongly resembles rust. Much like its younger self it only attacks when threatened.\nHowever years of experience made it much more resilient and taught it to use its spinning attack to jump on aggressors."
"assets/data/enemies/hedgehog-boss.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal"
"assets/data/enemies/hedgehog-dodge.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal"
"assets/data/enemies/hedgehog.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This large hedgehog creature can usually be found in packs of up to 20. Normally it is peaceful but when provoked it will use its sharp needles to attack its predator. \nNo one really knows why it was named \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Some say it was a typo when the enemy was first named. Others say it stirs from its violent nature when provoked in packs. It's a mystery.",
"meta.descriptions.1.text": "According to some players defeating multiple \\v[]s in a certain area of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] will lead to a rare event. "
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/algorithm.json": {
"proxies.healing.action.3.thenStep.0.text": "Revive",
"proxies.healing.action.3.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.text": "Revive (retry)",
"actions.StartRegen.3.text": "Regen",
"meta.species": "Ancient Debugger",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This strange device is a physical representation of the track's debugging process. Each node a step in the call stack. A malfunction made it hostile against everything but the true cause. It can spew flames, shoot bolts of lightning, shield other nodes or revive them depending on its element mode. It may also spawn \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] which attack on sight. "
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/ape-boss.json": {
"bossLabel": "Ape",
"actions.WhaleStablize.8.text": "Stablizing",
"meta.species": "Handsome Ape",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Born atop a mountain from a magic stone, this wise ape serves as the caretaker of both the \\c[3]\\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]\\c[0] and the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. He will test each Seeker to make sure only the worthy acquire the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. He wields a long staff and flies around on a puffy little cloud. Although his job is to test Seekers, it seems he enjoys a good and honest fight."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/blob-wave.json": {
"meta.species": "Gelatin Mass +",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A stronger slime enemy? Really? Not really! Just like the \\v[] the actual enemy is the light inside the mass. But the mass is harder and a bit darker which makes it stronger! Other than that it behaves exactly like its weaker kind, yep. "
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/blob.json": {
"actions.QuestEscort-TargetEscortee.11.text": "!!!",
"actions.QuestEscort-ReTarget-UNUSED.1.thenStep.0.text": "RETARGET",
"meta.species": "Gelatin Mass ",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Can't go without a slime enemy in an RPG, right? Well, this is not it! The actual core of this creature is a bright light inside the gelatin mass, totally different. \nDespite that it is pretty weak when fought alone and will not even attack if not startled. In larger groups however it can quickly overwhelm you with group attacks. Use Combat Arts to quickly dispatch them!"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/blueray.json": {
"meta.species": "5th Dimension Fish",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This fish is capable of diving into any surface by moving into a higher dimension. The only thing alerting of its presence is the looming shadow. It will attack with various wave-elemental attacks while hiding below ground. The only way to lure it out is by using dischargers. They will be stunned for a short while from the shock, use this window to deal as much damage as you can."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/chicken.json": {
"meta.species": "Mechanical Robot Chicken",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Ancient texts describe this bi-pedal robot as one of the first creatures created for the track itself. It strongly resembles a chicken and the fact that the Ancients resemble birds too begs the question: Is this what the ancestors of the Ancients looked like? Or is this just too meta?\nAnyway, make sure to use wave teleporters to escape their lightning fast shock attack. This leaves them mighty confused and open for some pummeling."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/fish.json": {
"actions.QuestEscort-TargetEscortee.12.text": "!!!",
"meta.species": "Floating Fish",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Coming right at you from the deep, this angler fish found its way into the jungle and lives primarily in the rainy part of it. It mostly stays passive unless provoked in which case it will try to stay away and shoot wave projectiles at you. Shoot at it until it becomes mad and charges at you to release a large scream. Dodge it and melee attack it to break its guard."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/ghost.json": {
"meta.species": "Phantastical Being",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Born from nightmares the \\v[] will use shock elemental attacks to quickly attack and dodge away, seemingly phasing through your attacks. After using its bolt attack it will cage itself in walls. Use compressed wave balls to stun it, which reveals the actual enemy: A cursed stone that feeds on the bad dreams of the Shad."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/heatbug.json": {
"meta.species": "Insect, Bug",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A sub type of the \\v[]. Instead of combining powers to send a single bug against you, this variant creates a large fire cyclone. \nAgainst all instincts this enemy is very weak to Cold. So... kill it with ice!"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/octopus.json": {
"meta.species": "Just a Cube",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This little cube shapes a mass of water into a body which roughly resembles an octopus. It enjoys long walks on the beach and spin-attacking its enemies and laughing about it. The only way to break its protective shell is using a magnet to disrupt the tension of the water surface. Science wins again!"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/parrot.json": {
"meta.species": "Trigger-Happy Bird",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This slick looking parrot is the coolest bird in the jungle and not to be crossed. It uses other creatures to do favors for them in exchange for protection. What kind of protection. Well, next to spitting huge nuts at you from a distance it also carries a Gatling-Gun. A Gatling that will shoot sharp darts at you. Find cover or block them and close the gap to stun it!"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/plant.json": {
"meta.species": "Water-Controlled Plant",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Believe or not this plant is controlled by sentient water. Researchers believe that NANO-MACHINES have concentrated into a puddle of water which jumped to a plant to form this being. It may look vicious but will only attack when provoked. Using the embedded NANO-MACHINES it can use wave teleportation to trick its enemies and attack from behind. "
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/powerplant.json": {
"meta.species": "Plant with mysterious Intentions",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Once bullied in tree school for being a flower this plant swore to get revenge on the trees by training every day to become the strongest plant the jungle has ever seen. But time went on and it got a job at the local temple to test Seekers instead. \nNowadays it uses its strength to hurl itself onto Seekers or punches them with its bulky fists."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/pumpkin.json": {
"meta.species": "Fiery Enchanted Pumpkin",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "When it's dark and spooky out in the night, the blazing pumpkin will come and eat you alive. \nOne wrong step, one loud noise, be afraid of the pumpkin in the night."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/shockboss.json": {
"meta.species": "Phantastical Being",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This cursed stone contains the soul of a once great Ancient. It mastered the shock element and can use it in all kinds of manners to disorient and overwhelm its enemies. Similar to the \\v[] it will cage itself to rain down lightning strikes upon its enemies. Use this window to shoot a compressed wave ball at it and break the curse!"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/shockcat.json": {
"actions.AttackSnowman.5.thenStep.0.text": "(ATK SNOWMAN)",
"actions.AdjustSnowman.2.thenStep.0.text": "(ADJUST SNOWMAN)",
"actions.AirconHit.6.thenStep.0.text": "(AIRCON)",
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "How do you have this report? How could you defeat 10 of these fluffy but arguably shocking kitties? All they wanted is to be petted. I hope they left you with some cat scratches!"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/sloth.json": {
"meta.species": "Large Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The embodiment of laziness itself. This huge sloth is a friendly fella, mostly moving around on its stomach and eating plants or mushrooms. If provoked it will stand on its feet to attack with a huge swing or spin extremely fast and dash at its aggressors. This attack can be counter blocked but it is very risky."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/aircon.json": {
"actions.heatHitDeactivate.10.text": "[Deactivate]",
"actions.coldHitActivate.10.text": "[Activate]",
"actions.ColdWave.1.text": "[Releasing Cold]",
"meta.species": "Machinery"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/guard.json": {
"meta.species": "Underpayed Guard",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A guard patrolling the route used by the \\c[3]Calzone Family\\c[0] to smuggle mushrooms from the infested area to \\c[3]Basin Keep\\c[0]. Their job is to walk the corridors of the cave system and check for any suspicious entities, all day."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/heater.json": {
"actions.waveHitTeleport.9.text": "[Teleporting]",
"actions.cooldownStart.1.text": "[Overheated]",
"actions.reactivate.1.text": "[Reactivated]",
"actions.Freezing.4.thenStep.0.text": "(Frozen)",
"meta.species": "Machinery"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/hostage-1.json": {
"actions.HostageHit.4.text": "[HOSTAGE UNCONSCIOUS!!]",
"actions.HostageFree.4.text": "[ESCAPE!]",
"meta.species": "Hostage",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A hostage. Not the best position to be in."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/iceWall.json": {
"meta.species": "Shaped Frozen Water"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/npc-escortee-greeny.json": {
"actions.EscortMovePoint.0.thenStep.0.text": "[MOVE]",
"actions.EscortInspect.0.thenStep.0.text": "[Inspect]",
"actions.EscortHit.1.text": "[DANGER!]",
"actions.EscortDead.1.text": "[Linde is unconscious!]",
"meta.species": "Escortee",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A person that wants to be escorted, to not get mugged."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/parrot-gangster-1.json": {
"actions.GangsterShootCover.15.text": "[Shooting...]",
"actions.GangsterReactCharged.7.text": "[Lost control!]",
"actions.GangsterWarning.1.text": "[WARNING BIRDNOISES!]",
"actions.GangsterShootHostage.0.text": "[Shooting Hostage...]",
"actions.OLD_GangsterReactCharged.6.text": "[Hit to free hostage!]",
"meta.species": "Lawless Bird",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Slightly more civilized and refined variants of the regular \\c[3]\\v[]s\\c[0] that are found in the wild, these winged criminals are the untested, bottom-rung henchbirds of a powerful criminal syndicate that plagues \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].\nThey usually responsible for swiftly storming buildings from the air to perform robberies or \\c[3]take hostages\\c[0]. Such missions are usually an opportunity to prove themselves, but untested as they are, the right words might just sway them."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/parrot-gangster-2.json": {
"actions.Init.0.thenStep.0.text": "\\v[]",
"actions.GangsterShootCover.15.text": "[Shooting...]",
"actions.GangsterReactCharged.7.text": "[Lost control!]",
"actions.GangsterWarning.1.text": "[WARNING BIRDNOISES!]",
"actions.GangsterShootHostage.0.text": "[Shooting Hostage...]",
"actions.GangsterRetreat.2.text": "RETREATING",
"actions.OLD_GangsterReactCharged.6.text": "[Hit to free hostage!]",
"meta.species": "Lawless Bird",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Slightly more civilized and refined variants of the regular Papaguns that are found in the wild, these winged criminals are the common footsoldiers of a powerful criminal syndicate that plagues \\v[].\nThey usually responsible for organized robberies, guard duty and for moving stolen goods."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/plant-hidden-shock.json": {
"actions.init.0.thenStep.0.text": "[Charging Power]",
"actions.init.0.thenStep.1.text": "[Shield neutralized]",
"actions.init.0.thenStep.2.text": "[Restore Shield]",
"actions.init.0.thenStep.3.text": "[Restored Shield]",
"actions.ShockRecharge.0.text": "[Restored Shield]",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.text": "[Restored Shield]",
"actions.EndFullShield.9.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"meta.species": "Water-Polluting Plant",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A \\v[] that somehow got infected and now radiates \\c[3]Shock-energy\\c[0]. Said energy empowers it's attack and also creates an almost impenetrable shield that can only be neutralized with an opposing element.\nIt seems like the infection spreads between its NANO-MACHINES, which also explains why they are polluting the water."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/powerplant-quest-1.json": {
"actions.CenterSuperJump.5.thenStep.0.text": "SUPER",
"meta.species": "Floral Infector",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A \\v[] that seems to radiate an extraordinary excess of power, unusual even for its kind.\nInvestigation suggests that, in a desire to further improve the buffness of its well-toned roots, it turned to dangerous substances that were meant to power experimental generators. Its body and mind was not able to handle it, so it became a danger to itself and others.\nIt will serve as a reminder that improving one's body, no matter if root or flesh, should always be done responsibly!"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/quest_td_blob_1.json": {
"actions.Init.0.thenStep.3.text": "\\v[entity.attrib.goalID] side incoming",
"actions.Init.0.elseStep.1.text": "Incoming",
"actions.Init.1.thenStep.0.text": "(SPAWN \\v[])",
"actions.TDReachGoal.0.text": "[INFILTRATION!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED \\v[entity.attrib.goalID] DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDWarning.0.text": "[DANGER!]",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.thenStep.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.EndFullShield.1.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"meta.species": "Gelatin Mass ",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nSince it is more prone to traverse on strict paths one might think of it as very inflexible. It is, however, just as wobbly as its overworld relative."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/quest_td_buffel_1.json": {
"actions.Init.2.thenStep.3.text": "\\v[entity.attrib.goalID] side incoming",
"actions.Init.2.elseStep.1.text": "Incoming",
"actions.Init.4.thenStep.0.text": "(SPAWN \\v[])",
"actions.TDReachGoal.0.text": "[INFILTRATION!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED \\v[entity.attrib.goalID] DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDWarning.0.text": "[DANGER!]",
"actions.TDDash.4.text": "(CORNER)",
"actions.TDDash.9.thenStep.33.thenStep.3.text": "[Recover Shield...]",
"actions.TDStun.15.text": "[Stunned]",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.thenStep.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.StartFullShield.1.thenStep.0.text": "[Regain Shield]",
"actions.EndFullShield.0.thenStep.1.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"actions.EndFullShieldDizzy.1.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"actions.TEST.0.text": "WALKING",
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]Teslabovine\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nThough it is currently unknown what a \"regular Teslabovine\" is, it is assumed that these are somewhat similar to it. In any case, they follow strict paths at a relaxed pace but sometimes feel compelled to charge forward. These charges will incite a powerful bolt of lightning on their trampled path!"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/quest_td_fish_1.json": {
"actions.Init.0.thenStep.3.text": "\\v[entity.attrib.goalID] side incoming",
"actions.Init.0.elseStep.1.text": "Incoming",
"actions.Init.1.thenStep.0.text": "(SPAWN \\v[])",
"actions.TDReachGoal.0.text": "[INFILTRATION!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED \\v[entity.attrib.goalID] DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDWarning.0.text": "[DANGER!]",
"actions.TDShootStrafe.20.thenStep.1.text": "[Recover Shield...]",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.thenStep.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.EndFullShield.0.thenStep.1.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"meta.species": "Floating Fish",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nLiving underground for most of its life has somewhat stunted this creature's ability to fly. Not for the lack of ability, but rather because constantly stubbing their sensible lantern on the ceiling at a young age has made them overly careful."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/quest_td_plant_1.json": {
"actions.Init.0.thenStep.3.text": "\\v[entity.attrib.goalID] side incoming",
"actions.Init.0.elseStep.1.text": "Incoming",
"actions.Init.2.thenStep.0.text": "(SPAWN \\v[])",
"actions.TDReachGoal.0.text": "[INFILTRATION!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED \\v[entity.attrib.goalID] DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDWarning.0.text": "[DANGER!]",
"actions.TDEvade.12.thenStep.4.text": "[Recover Shield...]",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.thenStep.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.EndFullShield.1.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"meta.species": "Water-Controlled Plant",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nOne would think that a plant like this would have difficulties surviving without direct sunlight, but it gets compensated by a high concentration of Track energy and a diet of nutritious cave insects. \nAlso of note is it's ability to \\c[3]sense incoming turret-shots\\c[0] and \\c[3]evade them\\c[0] by teleporting. \\c[3]It can not uphold its shield while doing so\\c[0], though."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/quest_td_shockcat_1.json": {
"actions.Init.2.thenStep.3.text": "\\v[entity.attrib.goalID] side incoming",
"actions.Init.2.elseStep.1.text": "Incoming",
"actions.Init.4.thenStep.0.text": "(SPAWN \\v[])",
"actions.TDReachGoal.0.text": "[INFILTRATION!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED \\v[entity.attrib.goalID] DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDWarning.0.text": "[DANGER!]",
"actions.TDEvade.19.thenStep.4.text": "[Recover Shield...]",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.thenStep.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.EndFullShield.1.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"actions.EndFullShieldDizzy.1.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nBlack cats in dark caves are usually very hard to see. Thankfully these little devils still have a certain code of honor that inclines them to constantly give off a bit of light."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/quest_td_shockcat_2.json": {
"actions.Init.2.thenStep.3.text": "\\v[entity.attrib.goalID] side incoming",
"actions.Init.2.elseStep.1.text": "Incoming",
"actions.Init.4.thenStep.0.text": "(SPAWN \\v[])",
"actions.TDReachGoal.0.text": "[INFILTRATION!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.thenStep.2.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED \\v[entity.attrib.goalID] DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDAlert.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[WAVE REACHED DEFENSES!]",
"actions.TDWarning.0.text": "[DANGER!]",
"actions.TDEvade.19.thenStep.4.text": "[Recover Shield...]",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.thenStep.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.EndFullShield.1.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"actions.EndFullShieldDizzy.1.text": "[Shield neutralized!]",
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A close relative to the regular \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0], this specimen prefers to live underground. Usually they have a close connection to intensive points of Ancient power that they are eager to protect.\nThough they are stubbornly following strict paths, unlike their less disciplined and decidedly more cuddly cousins, they still retain a Shokat's blinding agility. Expect them to \\c[3]dodge projectiles\\c[0] of automated turrets with ease!"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/snowman-jungle-1.json": {
"actions.AdjustEnemy.0.thenStep.0.text": "(Adjust Enemy)",
"actions.RegenAircon.3.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "(Goto AirCon)",
"actions.ShootAircon.2.thenStep.0.text": "!!!",
"actions.ShootAircon.4.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "(Shoot AirCon)",
"meta.species": "Snowman Tourist",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that developed a somewhat higher intelligence and curiousity and thus wanted to leave its home of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] to visit warmer lands.\nUnfortunately the burning sun has caused some problems, so it usually stays \\c[3]in caves\\c[0] and tries to \\c[3]steal cooling devices\\c[0] to live in a more comfortable temperature."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/snowman-jungle-boss-scene.json": {
"actions.AdjustEnemy.0.text": "ADJUST ENEMY",
"actions.RegenAircon.3.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "(Goto AirCon)",
"actions.ShootAircon.2.thenStep.0.text": "!!!",
"actions.ShootAircon.4.thenStep.0.text": "222",
"actions.ShootAircon.4.thenStep.2.thenStep.0.text": "(Shoot AirCon)",
"meta.species": "Snowman Tourist",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The fruit-obsessed leader of a rogue group of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that aspired to make the warm lands of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] their home.\nTo that end it led robberies to steal large quantities of \\c[3]cooling devices\\c[0] which were supposed to slowly turn the Jungle into a climate more comfortable for Snowmen to live in.\nDespite its exceptional intelligence, it could not grasp the irony of that entire plan."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/snowman-jungle-boss.json": {
"actions.MegaShoot_Aircon.2.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "(Goto AirCon)",
"actions.ShootAircon.3.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "!!!",
"actions.ShootAircon.3.thenStep.1.thenStep.0.text": "(Shoot AirCon)",
"meta.species": "Snowman Tourist",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The fruit-obsessed leader of a rogue group of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] that aspired to make the warm lands of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] their home.\nTo that end it led robberies to steal large quantities of \\c[3]cooling devices\\c[0] which were supposed to slowly turn the Jungle into a climate more comfortable for Snowmen to live in.\nDespite its exceptional intelligence, it could not grasp the irony of that entire plan."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/turret-defense-1.json": {
"actions.Init.0.thenStep.0.text": "[NEW TURRET]",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.ActivationWait.6.text": "[ACTIVATE WITH CHARGED]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.thenStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, HEAT]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, COLD]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, SHOCK]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, WAVE]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, NEUTRAL]",
"actions.Activate.1.elseStep.0.text": "[NOT ENOUGH ENERGY]",
"actions.LacksEnergy.1.text": "[NOT ENOUGH ENERGY]",
"actions.ShotNeutral.1.thenStep.0.text": "<SHOOT NEUTRAL>",
"actions.ShotHeat.1.thenStep.0.text": "<SHOOT HEAT>",
"actions.ShotCold.1.thenStep.0.text": "<SHOOT COLD>",
"actions.AntiTurret.7.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "HEAT",
"actions.AntiTurret.7.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "COLD",
"actions.AntiTurret.7.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "NEUTRAL",
"actions.AntiTurret.11.text": "[Charging Shot]",
"meta.species": "Legal Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/special/turret-defense-2.json": {
"actions.Init.0.thenStep.0.text": "[NEW TURRET]",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.ActivationWait.8.text": "[ACTIVATE WITH CHARGED]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.thenStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, HEAT]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, COLD]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, SHOCK]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, WAVE]",
"actions.Activate.1.thenStep.1.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.1.text": "[ACTIVATED, NEUTRAL]",
"actions.Activate.1.elseStep.0.text": "[NOT ENOUGH ENERGY]",
"actions.LacksEnergy.1.text": "[NOT ENOUGH ENERGY]",
"actions.ShotNeutral.1.thenStep.0.text": "(SHOOT NEUTRAL)",
"actions.ShotHeat.1.thenStep.0.text": "(SHOOT HEAT)",
"actions.ShotCold.1.thenStep.0.text": "(SHOOT COLD)",
"actions.ShotShock.1.thenStep.0.text": "(SHOOT SHOCK)",
"actions.ShotWave.1.thenStep.0.text": "(SHOOT WAVE)",
"actions.AntiTurret.7.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "HEAT",
"actions.AntiTurret.7.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "COLD",
"actions.AntiTurret.7.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "NEUTRAL",
"actions.AntiTurret.11.text": "[Charging Shot]",
"meta.species": "Legal Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/waveboss.json": {
"meta.species": "Starfish",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This starfish is the leader of both the \\v[] and the \\v[]. It can enter a strange synthesis with them to create a large mass that is almost impenetrable. Only by using compressed shock balls can the bond can be broken."
"assets/data/enemies/jungle/whale-boss.json": {
"bossLabel": "Whale",
"meta.species": "Wisdom Bringer",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Enlightened and aloof, this wise whale is the true guardian of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Together with the \\v[] it will combine wave and shock elemental attacks to test a Seeker. Shock balls will stun it, forcing the ape to try and heal it. Who you attack is your choice..."
"assets/data/enemies/killer-mouse-bot.json": {
"actions.Attack.5.text": "DIE!",
"meta.species": "Rookie Robot"
"assets/data/enemies/legend-frobbit.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "Despite its fancy name, this is just a normal \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]."
"assets/data/enemies/meerkat-alt.json": {
"meta.species": "Headbanging Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This sub-species of the \\v[] wears red headphones instead of green ones. It also shows a more aggressive behavior towards aggressors by throwing flaming stones at them instead of normal ones.\nContrary to popular belief the music it's listening to is smooth jazz."
"assets/data/enemies/meerkat-special-command-1.json": {
"actions.Reinforcements.6.text": "[angry Hillkat noises]",
"actions.Reinforcements.12.thenStep.1.text": "But nobody came.\\. [furious Hillkat noises]",
"meta.species": "Headbanging Leader",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A \\c[3]Hillkat\\c[0] of unusual intelligence and charisma that was able to unite groups of lesser Hillkats for organized raids on humans.\nWhile it is already a threat by itself it will also call additional \\c[3]reinforcements\\c[0] when under attack."
"assets/data/enemies/meerkat.json": {
"meta.species": "Headbanging Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This happy meerkat spends half of its life below ground where it listens to music on its headphones. It can burrow tunnels so fast that it can use them both to attack predators and escape from them. \nWhen threatened it will throw stones and use a fierce uppercut. Before doing so it will charge up for a short while. Use this window and stun it by throwing a charged ball at it."
"assets/data/enemies/mine-coldbug.json": {
"meta.species": "Insect, Bug",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This strange bug hides inside rocks to lure its prey. It attacks everything without warning. Despite its short height it is capable of inflicting dangerous wounds by dashing towards its mark with great speed. The attacks are also cold based which makes them an even larger threat.",
"meta.descriptions.1.text": "This little bugger is actually a cybernetic parasite capable of taking over mechanical systems. Once infested the machines are used to fight off hostiles and expand the colony. To fight them off your best bet is fire since these bugs are extremely vulnerable to heat. So basically like every bug. Kill it with fire."
"assets/data/enemies/mine-diggingbot-cold.json": {
"actions.Activate.1.text": "Threat detected",
"meta.species": "Infected Mine Robot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "While the other bots in the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] are infected by the \\v[] normally, this \\v[] is super infected. That means it can do super strong attacks that will make use of the cold element to even summon ice spikes that create even more ice spikes. Super terrifying indeed."
"assets/data/enemies/mine-diggingbot.json": {
"actions.Activate.1.text": "Threat detected",
"meta.species": "Mine Robot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "When bombs are too powerful this bot comes around and uses its wheel to dig deep. The track however makes it use its systems to hurl ice blocks at you, dash at you or shake the whole mine to let rocks fall on you. That's a lot of \"you\"s so be careful!"
"assets/data/enemies/mine-kamikatze.json": {
"actions.Activate.1.text": "Threat detected",
"meta.species": "Mine Robot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This bot was used to produce and carry highly explosive bombs into smaller tunnels inside the mine for controlled explosions. Thanks to the track it now uses said bombs against us and also uses a spinning flamethrower that it had built in for... reasons?"
"assets/data/enemies/mine-runbot.json": {
"actions.Activate.0.text": "Threat detected",
"meta.species": "Mine Robot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "It's an ostrich. It's carrying things. However the track made sure that it won't be carrying any more ore for the humans, only pain for those who want to beat the temple or disrupt it. It charges similarly to the bovines of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] but instead of ramming against the wall it gets stunned by attacking it before hitting a wall."
"assets/data/enemies/minibosses/blue-hedge.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This rare \\v[] can only be found under certain conditions and is commonly theorized to be the leader of its patch. It is feared for its speedy attacks and its blue color and red eyes make it even more menacing. Usually mistaken for a third eye, the object on its forehead is actually a gem. If someone is brave enough to face it and defeat it, it often leaves behind a golden ring of unknown origin."
"assets/data/enemies/minibosses/cursed-sandshark.json": {
"meta.species": "Cursed Fish",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A cursed beast that lurked below Maroon Valley. It once stole coins from a cursed chest and turned into an undying creature. The only way to defeat it is by finding the cursed content of the chest and returning it. \nIt can summon ghostly versions of itself that can not be defeated unless the chest is filled with coins."
"assets/data/enemies/minibosses/deep-fish.json": {
"actions.ExBulbShoot.19.thenStep.0.text": "DIE DIE DIE",
"actions.ExBulbShoot.19.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "DIE DIE DIE",
"meta.species": "Deepest Fish",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This variant of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] lives in the abandoned ruins of the giant sea in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].\nIt can become near invisible and attacks its prey from the dark. Bright lights however can make it vulnerable for a short period of time.\nLegends say that this beast has not been seen for many centuries. However legends also tell that nobody ever lived to tell the tale..."
"assets/data/enemies/minibosses/ghost-sandshark.json": {
"meta.species": "Ghost Fish",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A ghostly image formed by the \\v[]. They can't be hurt but you can interrupt their attacks to keep them off you for a while."
"assets/data/enemies/minibosses/henry-probe.json": {
"actions.Overload.2.text": "Power Surge detected",
"actions.Overload.8.text": "Rerouting energy",
"actions.Overload.17.text": "Temp shield engaged",
"actions.RemoveShield.2.text": "Disengaging Shields",
"meta.species": "Probe",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "One of the probes used by Henry. Who knows where this thing was? A mystery never to be solved... or can it?"
"assets/data/enemies/minibosses/henry.json": {
"meta.species": "Not really Human",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A clever \"hacker\" that was able to manipulate CrossWorlds to do his bidding after many players helped him in collecting enough data. He is actually pretty weak and will use other enemies to attack.\nIn the end he was basically just a troll NPC meant to confuse players. Which worked out great!"
"assets/data/enemies/minibosses/penguin-rapper.json": {
"actions.jumpWater.5.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-0",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-1",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-2",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-3",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-4",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-5+",
"meta.species": "Best Bird",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A rare type of \\c[3]Pengpeng\\c[0] that set up a den deep in the mountains of \\c[3]Bergen Trail\\c[0]. When approached it immediately thinks that you want to steal its flow and jumps up to its \"stage\". It will summon Pengpengs and command them to do different attacks based on its temper. Anger it by defeating all Pengpengs to make it jump down."
"assets/data/enemies/minibosses/shockcat-black.json": {
"meta.species": "Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "These kitties are not cute at all. They will attack on sight and will dodge projectiles whenever they can. Thankfully they don't feature the \"attracting\" nature of their more calm kindred.\nJust what made them so aggressive?",
"meta.descriptions.1.text": "Turns out that these fiends are part of the tracks attempt to fix itself. Something went wrong and the cats interpreted humans and shads as part of the problem. "
"assets/data/enemies/minibosses/sloth-black.json": {
"meta.species": "Large Mammal",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This is the true culprit behind the infestation of \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. Somehow it managed to snag at the track's system and gained some serious power in return. Not only can it communicate to some degree it also gained an appetite for everything electrical like the glowing plants. \nIt uses the same tactics as the normal sloth but varies it up by dodging around you and using a long sword to sweep the floor with you. Additionally it can trap you in a lightning cage and attack you with dashes multiple times."
"assets/data/enemies/mouse-bot.json": {
"meta.species": "Rookie Robot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A small mouse robot used by Carla to teach Lea how to throw at faster moving objects. They won't attack and just run away when you hit them."
"assets/data/enemies/navi-carla.json": {
"meta.species": "Human"
"assets/data/enemies/navi-mouse.json": {
"meta.species": "Unknown"
"assets/data/enemies/penguin.json": {
"actions.jumpWater.5.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-0",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-1",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-2",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-3",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-4",
"actions.jumpWater.5.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.elseStep.0.thenStep.0.text": "Z-5+",
"meta.species": "Bird",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A penguin on a mountain. How it made its way up here shall be forever unknown to mankind. It will throw snowballs at its enemies and slide at them. When pushed into the water they will jump out and attack with a fast divebomb, so watch out for your surroundings.",
"meta.descriptions.1.text": "The \\v[] can use various forms of beatbox to animate it to attack in formation with other members of its kind."
"assets/data/enemies/player-copy.json": {
"meta.species": "???"
"assets/data/enemies/reflector-bot.json": {
"meta.species": "Auto Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/seahorse.json": {
"meta.species": "Flying Seahorse",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This seahorse has transcended its sea life and grew wings that allow it be part of the busy fauna of the land. It usually spends its day eating plants and flying around. \nWhen attacked it will use its unique mouth to shoot bubbles at its enemies that contain a light poison that can damage the skin on contact. Pushed against a wall it can also use a volley of such bubbles that make it hard to just dodge. Better shield up!"
"assets/data/enemies/shredder-alpha-challenge.json": {
"meta.species": "Guardian Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/shredder-alpha.json": {
"meta.species": "Guardian Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/shredder-challenge.json": {
"meta.species": "Guardian Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/shredder-cold.json": {
"meta.species": "Guardian Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/shredder.json": {
"meta.species": "Guardian Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/simple-bot.json": {
"meta.species": "Rookie Robot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This small robot is used as part of the official CrossWorlds tutorial. Carla also used this to teach you dodging and interrupting enemy attacks. It won't really do much damage and poses almost no threat. Use it to learn how to pummel enemies!"
"assets/data/enemies/snowman-xmas.json": {
"meta.species": "Enchanted Snowman"
"assets/data/enemies/snowman.json": {
"meta.species": "Enchanted Snowman",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "It is said that this curious being was brought to life by a sorceress in a moment of loneliness but it got left behind which transformed it into a mean Gatling Gun wielding grump.\nIt doesn't really need to but will attack anything that comes close to it by disguising itself as a simple snowman.\nGetting close for too long is not a good idea as it will use a ground slam attack to deal a lot of damage."
"assets/data/enemies/special/dummy.json": {
"meta.species": "Sandbag",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This training dummy is used for new players to test \\c[3]Combat Arts\\c[0] and other techniques without the fear of getting attacked.\n "
"assets/data/enemies/special/sergey-hax.json": {
"proxies.playerHack.action.4.text": "Atk Buff",
"meta.species": "en_US"
"assets/data/enemies/special/sergey-hax2.json": {
"proxies.shredderHack.action.12.thenStep.0.thenStep.11.text": "Fixated",
"proxies.shredderShieldHack.action.3.text": "Hack",
"meta.species": "en_US"
"assets/data/enemies/special/target-bot.json": {
"meta.species": "Training Bot",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A state-of-the-art bot used to train \\c[3]Seekers\\c[0] in various ways. Word has it, that in the developers based the design of real robots used in the early stages of the game."
"assets/data/enemies/target-bot.json": {
"meta.species": "Rookie Robot"
"assets/data/enemies/troll-mouse-bot.json": {
"actions.AddShield.1.text": "Come at me!",
"actions.RemoveShield.1.text": "Nope!",
"actions.MaybeAttack.3.text": "Uber Charge.",
"meta.species": "Rookie Robot"
"assets/data/enemies/turret-boss.json": {
"actions.StartFullShield.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.StartPartShield.0.text": "FrontShield On",
"actions.StartAllShields.0.text": "DoubleShield On",
"actions.StartSecondPhase.7.text": "Start Range Mode",
"actions.StartThirdPhase.5.text": "Start Shield Mode",
"actions.StunStart.0.text": "Shield Break",
"meta.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "The return of the turret from the cargo ship! But this time nothing can interrupt you. The turret learned a few new tricks and will get more cheeky as the fight progresses. It also doesn't like when switches are turned on. It will immediately turn them off. So don't be rude? Unless it's charging its ball beam. Getting hit by that really hurts..."
"assets/data/enemies/turret-bot.json": {
"meta.species": "Rookie Sentry"
"assets/data/enemies/turret-large.json": {
"actions.InitShield.1.text": "Initializing Shield",
"actions.StartFullShield.0.text": "FullShield On",
"actions.StartPartShield.0.text": "FrontShield On",
"actions.StartAllShields.0.text": "DoubleShield On",
"actions.StunStart.2.text": "Overheat",
"meta.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This larger turret was used by Carla and Captain Jet to showcase some advanced gameplay mechanics of CrossWorlds. You couldn't quite finish the final fight against it as a certain someone interrupted..."
"assets/data/enemies/turret-rhg-1.json": {
"actions.StartFullShield.0.text": "FullShield On",
"meta.species": "Illegal Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "A illegally modified variant of the popular \\c[3]Rhombus Turret\\c[0], intended to be smuggled to the mainland for all kinds of nefarious schemes. Unlike the standard model this machine also comes with a shield."
"assets/data/enemies/turret-rhombus.json": {
"meta.species": "Rookie Sentry",
"meta.descriptions.0.text": "This stationary enemy can either shoot a single projectile at you or a triple shoot that spreads. Either way they are pretty easy to deal with. You can either dash in and quickly give them a good pummeling or dodge the projectiles and throw balls at them."
"assets/data/events/puzzle.json": {
"events.barrierReset.steps.1.text": "Access denied"
"assets/data/item-database.json": {
"": "Golden Triangle",
"items.0.description": "A yellow triangle. Seems to be rather useless.",
"": "Sandwich",
"items.1.description": "A simple lunch for travels. \\c[2]Heals 15% of max HP\\c[0].",
"": "Green Leaf Tea",
"items.2.description": "A tad bitter but incredibly heartwarming nonetheless.",
"": "Sweet Berry Tea",
"items.3.description": "Sweet and fruity tea. Keeps you warm for a long time.",
"": "-Thunfischbrötchen",
"items.4.description": "Will f§=k you up.",
"": "-Thunfischsalat",
"items.5.description": "Can contain traces of nuts.",
"": "Masterball",
"items.6.description": "Heroes once used this device to capture legendary fiends.",
"": "Blue Shell",
"items.7.description": "Is fabled to be the bane of many a conqueror.",
"": "Hardwood Stave",
"items.8.description": "A trusty friend, both in combat and when wandering the world.",
"": "Miner's Helmet",
"items.9.description": "Robust helmet that's often used in caves. Equipped with a bright lamp.",
"": "-Grind Board",
"items.10.description": "Once used by the careless youth to perform an \"Olli\".",
"": "Timeworn Belt",
"items.11.description": "An adorned belt that must have been the latest fashion at some point in Ancient times.",
"": "-Rauser",
"items.12.description": "A cross-shaped weapon to fight enemies in the sky.",
"": "Humming Razor",
"items.13.description": "A sharp tool that constantly vibrates weakly, emitting a soft sound.",
"": "-Monster Shell",
"items.14.description": "Always sometimes protects you from Monsters.",
"": "Scarecrown",
"items.15.description": "The floppy hat of the Boosi Man. Not really a crown, but don't let that haunt you.",
"": "Holiday Boots",
"items.16.description": "Take out the presents before putting in feet!",
"": "-Sirian Key",
"items.17.description": "Uses a strange whip like laser to slowly damage enemies.",
"": "Dungeon Heart",
"items.18.description": "A strange artifact used to banish monsters in caves.",
"": "-Testhat",
"items.19.description": "A fashionable hat for testing. STARTER-STANDIN!",
"": "-Testarms",
"items.20.description": "A sometimes deadly weapon for testing. STARTER-STANDIN!",
"": "-Testbelt",
"items.21.description": "A trousers-holding belt for testing. STARTER-STANDIN!",
"": "-Testboots",
"items.22.description": "Some comfortable boots for testing. STARTER-STANDIN!",
"": "Rookiehat",
"items.23.description": "Starting Equipment. Let the Adventure begin!",
"": "Rookieblade",
"items.24.description": "Starting Equipment. Let the Adventure begin!",
"": "Rookieboots",
"items.25.description": "Starting Equipment. Let the Adventure begin!",
"": "Rookiebelt",
"items.26.description": "Starting Equipment. Let the Adventure begin!",
"": "Hi-Sandwich",
"items.27.description": "A larger Sandwich, to properly greet the hunger. \\c[2]Heals 25% of max HP\\c[0].",
"": "Chef Sandwich",
"items.28.description": "A delicious meal for fine adventurers. \\c[1]Slow\\c[0], but \\c[2]heals 50% of max HP\\c[0].",
"": "Bronze Edge",
"items.29.description": "All-purpose weapon made from a simple alloy of copper and tin. Just like old times.",
"": "Bronze Mail",
"items.30.description": "Mass-produced, pretty sturdy and shining in the sun. A soldier's cheap bread and butter.",
"": "Bronze Goggles",
"items.31.description": "Goggles with frames of bronze and glasses of... glass. ",
"": "Bronze Boots",
"items.32.description": "Durable footwear made from durable material. Nothing special but keeps thorns out.",
"": "Grasswalkers",
"items.33.description": "Comfortable boots for comfortable terrain.",
"": "Explorer's Cap",
"items.34.description": "Typical headgear for beginners. May keep out the rain, at least.",
"": "Edge o' All",
"items.35.description": "A weak yet practical weapon for self-defense.",
"": "Second Hide",
"items.36.description": "A simple and light protective garb for adventurers.",
"": "Civilian Trigger",
"items.37.description": "Light ranged weapon, ideal for warning shots and small skirmishes.",
"": "Winterclaw",
"items.38.description": "A stark reminder of a colder season yet to come.",
"": "Winner's Pride",
"items.39.description": "A small bracelet to celebrate the defeat of many.",
"": "Mega-Sandwich",
"items.40.description": "A sandwich family pack made for long journeys. \\c[1]Slow\\c[0], but \\c[2]heals 70% of max HP\\c[0].",
"": "Bovine Armor",
"items.41.description": "Soft armor infused with the lifeforce of headstrong bovines.",
"": "Swiftspike",
"items.42.description": "Piercing weapon that is low in power but offers a surprisingly deadly potential.",
"": "Weird Skates",
"items.43.description": "Footwear with some mysterious, thus unrealized power.",
"": "Rusty Anchors",
"items.44.description": "Heavy boots with additional weight. Reinforces the stability of whoever wears them.",
"": "Fleety Sandals",
"items.45.description": "Comfortable sandals which offer little protection but grant a liberating feeling.",
"": "Feline Paws",
"items.46.description": "Symbolize agility, surefootedness and a weakness for moving lights.",
"": "Leaf Cape",
"items.47.description": "Revitalizing garment of living material. It's gnawed on one side.",
"": "Assault Vest",
"items.48.description": "Ferocious vest forged for fearless front-line fighters. Friggin' fantastic.",
"": "Recruit's Scope",
"items.49.description": "Cap with a simple scope attached that allows for a faster aim.",
"": "Shady Monocle",
"items.50.description": "What seems like a desperate attempt at class can reveal a foe's weak spots.",
"": "Key Piece",
"items.51.description": "Actually looks like a key, fitting into a triangle-shaped hole.",
"": "-Observatory Key",
"items.52.description": "A rather odd looking key. The key bit is shaped like a triangle.",
"": "Winner's Proof",
"items.53.description": "Looks like a heart. Stands for the will of an old kingdom.",
"": "Dented Crown",
"items.54.description": "Though in bad shape now, it was once a regalia of an Ancient civilization in the desert.",
"": "Student's Bandana",
"items.55.description": "Keeps sweat out of the eyes and supposedly helps to concentrate.",
"": "Mugger's Blade",
"items.56.description": "Small, rusty blade for close quarters. Cheap, yet dangerous.",
"": "Daikon",
"items.57.description": "A huge radish that can be both a fearsome weapon and a healthy meal.",
"": "Hydra Fang",
"items.58.description": "Based on a mythical beast, this weapon grants regeneration and additional attacks.",
"": "Scrappy Plate",
"items.59.description": "Heavy plate made from spare metal parts. Offers good protection but limits mobility.",
"": "Bull Stompers",
"items.60.description": "Shaped like a bull's hooves. Infuses their wearer with obstinacy.",
"": "Perfect Karrot",
"items.61.description": "It's perfect.",
"": "Precursor Shard",
"items.62.description": "An old shard used as a template in the beta phase of CrossWorlds.",
"": "Cross Sandwich",
"items.63.description": "The ultimate sandwich made by a legendary cook. \\c[2]Heals 80% of max HP\\c[0].",
"": "Spicy Bun",
"items.64.description": "A well seasoned loaf for heated battles.",
"": "Flaming Bun",
"items.65.description": "Bread made with zesty hot sauce. ",
"": "Blazing Bun",
"items.66.description": "Brings the eternal inferno right to your mouth.",
"": "Veggie Sticks",
"items.67.description": "Various vegetables cut into sticks.",
"": "Veggie Wraps",
"items.68.description": "Fresh wraps made with grilled tofu.",
"": "Veggie Burger",
"items.69.description": "Hits your body with pure joy on every bite.",
"": "Fruit Drink",
"items.70.description": "A refreshing beverage for sunny days.",
"": "Fruit Salad",
"items.71.description": "Healthy salad. Does not contain any tomatoes.",
"": "Fruit Pie",
"items.72.description": "An exquisite pastry topped with exotic fruits.",
"": "Rice Cracker",
"items.73.description": "A cracker made of rice. It's a bit salty. ",
"": "Tofu Cracker",
"items.74.description": "Perfect with a tiny bit of soy milk.",
"": "Cheese Cracker",
"items.75.description": "The classic cheese cracker. Never gets old. Never.",
"": "Salty Ice Cream",
"items.76.description": "Best enjoyed at sunset on top of a clocktower.",
"": "Chili Con Carne",
"items.77.description": "Prepare for mild to severe discomfort.",
"": "Ginger Tom. Salad",
"items.78.description": "A rare type of tomato salad seasoned with some ginger and salt. ",
"": "Pepper Night Tea",
"items.79.description": "Perfect to shortly keep you warm on a cold winter night.",
"": "Headphone Scraps",
"items.80.description": "Someone must have hit it with a blunt object at high velocity.",
"": "Metal Needles",
"items.81.description": "Pointy needles plucked from a \\v[]. Ouch! Told you so.",
"": "Bovine Skin",
"items.82.description": "Actual skin from Bovines which feel almost like leather.",
"": "Edgy Headphones",
"items.83.description": "Nobody really knows where hillkats get them but they sound amazing.",
"": "Climbing Pick",
"items.84.description": "Useful to have when traveling the mountains and fighting snowbeasts.",
"": "Boom Walkers",
"items.85.description": "Ideal for those who aspire to move at high velocities.",
"": "Golden Ring",
"items.86.description": "If you don't have one, you might get yourself killed.",
"": "Chili Dog",
"items.87.description": "Chili Con Carne in a bun. The favorite food of blue hedgehogs.",
"": "Raw Meat",
"items.88.description": "Meat from animals brutally butchered in the wild.",
"": "Core Drill",
"items.89.description": "Almost tiny drill whose strength depends on the willpower of the user.",
"": "Giga Spiral Drill",
"items.90.description": "Said to be able to pierce through the heaven itself.",
"": "Autumn Leaves",
"items.91.description": "Simple leaves commonly found in Autumn's Rise.",
"": "Season Apples",
"items.92.description": "Eating them apparently helps to keep the doctor away for one day.",
"": "Gold Beetle",
"items.93.description": "These little bugs hide on plants near rivers and only come out to search for food.",
"": "Twilight Dew",
"items.94.description": "Used to grow rare plants that need pure and clean water.",
"": "Bear Cicada",
"items.95.description": "A rare autumn bug who only chants his melody in bright moonlight.",
"": "Azure Dragonfly",
"items.96.description": "These beautiful creatures sparkle azure blue at dawn until the sun sets.",
"": "Veggie Set",
"items.97.description": "Mostly obtained from traders. Contains everything from beans to sweet potatoes. ",
"items.97.sources.0.value.text": "\\c[3]Traders\\c[0] in Major Cities",
"items.97.sources.1.value.text": "\\c[3]Player Traders\\c[0] in all Areas",
"": "Fruit Set",
"items.98.description": "Mostly obtained from traders. Contains everything from bananas to strawberries.",
"items.98.sources.0.value.text": "\\c[3]Traders\\c[0] in Major Cities",
"items.98.sources.1.value.text": "\\c[3]Player Traders\\c[0] in all Areas",
"": "Junk Metal",
"items.99.description": "Various metal parts. Might look old but could be used to create new equipment.",
"items.99.sources.0.value.text": "\\c[3]Traders\\c[0] in Major Cities",
"items.99.sources.1.value.text": "\\c[3]Player Traders\\c[0] all over CrossWorlds",
"": "Spiral Gem",
"items.100.description": "A rare gem which forms a strange helix spiral.",
"": "Sparkly Boots",
"items.101.description": "They will make you sparkle with every step. Literally.",
"": "Gunner's Trigger",
"items.102.description": "Ranged weapon, ideal to defend a fortified border against hostile neighbors.",
"": "Feather Leaf",
"items.103.description": "A single leaf from the infamous Feather Trees only found on Bergen Trail.",
"": "Rusty Bits",
"items.104.description": "Nuts and Bolts. Ancient history says they were once used as currency.",
"items.104.sources.8.value.text": "\\c[3]Egg Pots\\c[0] in \\v[]",
"": "Frozen Tear",
"items.105.description": "Dropped by solitary conifer trees. Could this crystal cone be a sign of their loneliness?",
"": "Pike Wood",
"items.106.description": "Falling butt first on these sure must hurt. So you better watch out!",
"": "Purple Ore Lump",
"items.107.description": "Common metal ore probably found in one of the many mining shafts. ",
"": "Winter Thorn",
"items.108.description": "Once used as material for nobility furniture. But who wants to sit on a spiky throne?",
"": "Bergen Ice",
"items.109.description": "Ice fresh from Bergen Trail.",
"": "Bergen Ice Cream",
"items.110.description": "Makes you feel incredibly cool inside.",
"": "Battered Fist",
"items.111.description": "This gauntlet may have seen better days but can still take and dish out a solid beating.",
"": "Copper Gull",
"items.112.description": "This long-ranged weapon is often used by soldiers at sea.",
"": "Iron Edge",
"items.113.description": "A sharp and reliable classic of warfare.",
"": "Rocksplitter",
"items.114.description": "A robust tool, often used to dig through mountain and monster alike.",
"": "Silver Hawk",
"items.115.description": "A shining weapon that was once even used to battle among the stars.",
"": "Cooling Veil",
"items.116.description": "A headscarf drenched in cooling liquid that protects against heat and sunburns.",
"": "Longears",
"items.117.description": "A headband with long, fluffy ears that resemble those of a bunny. ",
"": "Iron Goggles",
"items.118.description": "Very robust goggles. Frames are iron. Glasses are glass. ",
"": "Furry Cap",
"items.119.description": "The ideal headgear for cold climates. Very hard to keep clean though.",
"": "Icewalkers",
"items.120.description": "High boots with spiked soles. Useful on slippery ground.",
"": "Iron Boots",
"items.121.description": "Well-crafted footgear that ensures both mobility and safe feet.",
"": "Iron Mail",
"items.122.description": "Very reliable body armor. Also the standard equipment of an elite delivery service.",
"": "Hardrock Plate",
"items.123.description": "Heavy plate made out of almost unbreakable rock. Emits distinctive sounds on hit.",
"": "Spiky Jacket",
"items.124.description": "Made from needles and bug shells to create a natural protection. Be careful in crowds!",
"": "Bubblebelt",
"items.125.description": "A mysterious belt that constantly covers the owner in protective bubbles.",
"": "Fluffy Fur",
"items.126.description": "People often burst in sheer joy when touching this soft fur.",
"": "Rock Beak",
"items.127.description": "An absurdly hard beak. It can actually be melted into a rare type of metal.",
"": "Solid Bubble",
"items.128.description": "Yes, this is a bubble. It simply won't pop and some people like that.",
"": "Dropped Mic",
"items.129.description": "Someone dropped this mic hard. It's shattered and unusable.",
"": "Spice Set",
"items.130.description": "Mostly obtained from traders. Contains everything from black pepper to saffron.",
"items.130.sources.1.value.text": "\\c[3]Traders\\c[0] in Major Cities",
"items.130.sources.2.value.text": "\\c[3]Player Traders\\c[0] in all Areas",
"": "The End",
"items.131.description": "It's the end. But patience will be rewarded.",
"": "Echo Roll",
"items.132.description": "While eating it emits a strange echo mimicking chewing sounds.",
"": "Broken Gauntlet",
"items.133.description": "Rusty and broken. This weapon is as useful as it looks. A true waste of metal.",
"": "-Disc of UNUSED",
"items.134.description": "IS NOT USED ANYMORE",
"": "Disc of Insight",
"items.135.description": "Grants insight into the mysteries of the world.",
"": "Disc of Treasure",
"items.136.description": "An old artifact used to catch a fleeting glimpse of a vast treasure.",
"": "Broken Shield",
"items.137.description": "Another example of a useless piece of equipment.",
"": "Autumn Ingredients",
"items.138.description": "A package of freshly picked ingredients from Autumn's Rise for a crucial business lunch.",
"": "Frosted Carrot",
"items.139.description": "A carrot preserved with a thin coating of ice. It's full of precious vitamins!",
"": "Perforated Tophat",
"items.140.description": "A really fancy type of hat. Sadly this hasn't protected it from some vicious holes.",
"": "Diabolic Horns",
"items.141.description": "Long, slightly curved horns, made from shiny metal. They also have a distinct smell.",
"": "Captured Bunny",
"items.142.description": "The legendary bunny captured in what looks like a ball-shaped capture device.",
"": "Disciple Gloves",
"items.143.description": "Scarcely used gloves belonging to a young martial artist, learning an ancient art.",
"": "Capture Device",
"items.144.description": "A roundish-shaped device. It can absorb the soul of defeated enemies.",
"": "Green Leaf Shade",
"items.145.description": "Provides passage to \\c[3]Autumn's Rise\\c[0].",
"": "Faj'ro Key",
"items.146.description": "A regular key for \\c[3]Faj'ro Temple\\c[0].",
"": "Faj'ro Master Key",
"items.147.description": "The Master Key of the \\c[3]Faj'ro Temple\\c[0].",
"": "Yellow Sand Shade",
"items.148.description": "Provides access to \\c[3]Faj'ro Temple\\c[0].",
"": "Mine Pass",
"items.149.description": "The pass for \\c[3]Temple Mine\\c[0]. Acquired after extensive amounts of forced exposition.",
"": "Neutral Stone",
"items.150.description": "A conventionally shaped rock that emits neutrality. Might one day empower your circuit?",
"": "Hermit Repairkit",
"items.151.description": "A repair kit for the generator in the basement of the Hermit's House.",
"": "Mine Key",
"items.152.description": "A regular key for the \\c[3]Temple Mine\\c[0].",
"": "Mine Master Key",
"items.153.description": "The master key for \\c[3]Temple Mine\\c[0].",
"": "Thief's Key",
"items.154.description": "A rusty but astoundingly sturdy key. Opens bronze chests.",
"": "White Key",
"items.155.description": "A silver key so bright it appears white. Opens silver chests.",
"": "Radiant Key",
"items.156.description": "A golden key emitting a mesmerizing pulse. Opens golden chests.",
"": "Ye dirty 'ol cheater",
"items.157.description": "You can't have that.",
"": "Stone of Valor",
"items.158.description": "One of the \\c[3]Origin Stones\\c[0]. Shifting smoothly between orange and red colors.",
"": "Bug Shell",
"items.159.description": "A shell shaped like a bug. It emits a blue aura, pulsating almost like a heartbeat.",
"": "Blue Orb",
"items.160.description": "You can hear something buzzing inside.",
"": "Proper Tophat",
"items.161.description": "An expertly patched tophat. It's not uniquely impressive but at least without holes.",
"": "- Devillish Tophat",
"items.162.description": "Decorated with goat horns and a pink flower. It really shows that you mean business!",
"": "Metal Gears",
"items.163.description": "Just gears made out of metal, yepp.",
"": "Ancient Sandals",
"items.164.description": "Worn out sandals, probably of Ancient origin. Still emit some residual aura.",
"": "Sweet Lemonjuice",
"items.165.description": "Still quite sour despite lots of sugar, but filled with precious vitamins.",
"": "Hotsauce",
"items.166.description": "So hot, you will stop feeling cold for quite some time.",
"": "Vanilla Ice Cream",
"items.167.description": "The best flavor of ice cream, everyone knows that!",
"": "Holiday Hat",
"items.168.description": "A special hat you got from \\c[3]Holiday Man\\c[0] for helping him. Wear it proudly!",
"": "Holiday Present",
"items.169.description": "A present from \\c[3]Holiday Man\\c[0]. Give it to other players!",
"": "Guild Pass",
"items.170.description": "Grants access to the \\c[3]guild village\\c[0] and \\c[3]First Scholars home\\c[0] in Autumn's Rise.",
"": "Pure Autumn Cider",
"items.171.description": "A liquid extracted from the fruits of the \\v[]. Allegedly heals sick trees.",
"": "Geo-Data #3469",
"items.172.description": "Geographical data collected by the explorer Tucos, stored on a small data storage.",
"": "Autumn Probe",
"items.173.description": "A lost and found data probe installed by Henry the Researcher.",
"": "Tough Sand",
"items.174.description": "Special sand used to forge extremely sturdy glass.",
"": "Glaring Rock",
"items.175.description": "A rock that shimmers brightly when held against the sunlight.",
"": "Rainbow Gem",
"items.176.description": "This unique gem only forms at cliffsides during the rare rainfalls.",
"": "Vivid Water",
"items.177.description": "Sweet water, rich in minerals. Found in the rivers of Maroon Valley.",
"": "Palmapple Seed",
"items.178.description": "A mix between a palm tree and a pineapple. It might sting when eaten.",
"": "Cactone Fruit",
"items.179.description": "A hybrid between a water melon and a cactus. Both juicy and sweet!",
"": "Old Bones",
"items.180.description": "Fossilized bones with engraved symbols on them.",
"": "Helix Relic",
"items.181.description": "This tremendous fossil is colored in shades of red and yellow.",
"": "Lucid Shard",
"items.182.description": "It's almost transparent, making it appear as ordinary glass to most people.",
"": "Everlasting Amber",
"items.183.description": "A gem so old that it precedes the time of the Ancients themselves.",
"items.183.sources.0.value.text": "Found in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Weird Hillkat Tech",
"items.184.description": "A mysterious piece of tech dropped by the \\c[3]Hillkat Bandleader\\c[0]. It might store data?",
"": "Crystal Leek",
"items.185.description": "This salty crystal is shaped like a leek and is used in local cuisine.",
"": "Arid Lumber",
"items.186.description": "A piece of wood so sturdy that it can survive without water for centuries.",
"": "Ancient Earth",
"items.187.description": "This inconspicuous rock holds the most durable ore on all of Shadoon.",
"": "Maroon Chestnut",
"items.188.description": "A rare chestnut found only close to the old maroon tree in Maroon Valley.",
"": "Autumn Salve",
"items.189.description": "A highly concentrated healing ointment made from the fruits of the \\v[].",
"": "Refined Metal",
"items.190.description": "Polished yet still used metal parts. Created from old metal parts.",
"items.190.sources.0.value.text": "\\c[3]Traders\\c[0] in Major Cities",
"items.190.sources.1.value.text": "\\c[3]Player Traders\\c[0] all over CrossWorlds",
"": "Precious Metal",
"items.191.description": "High quality metal created by melting refined metal parts.",
"items.191.sources.0.value.text": "\\c[3]Traders\\c[0] in Major Cities",
"": "Epic Metal",
"items.192.description": "Metal popular among the Ancients. Extracted from precious metal parts.",
"items.192.sources.0.value.text": "\\c[3]Traders\\c[0] in \\v[]",
"": "Gourmet Steak",
"items.193.description": "An outstanding steak with the perfect marinade.",
"": "Poison Stinger",
"items.194.description": "A stinger from the tail of a \\v[]. Still full of poison.",
"": "Drill Stone",
"items.195.description": "An incredibly sharp stone in the shape of a drilling head.",
"": "Dry Fin",
"items.196.description": "Tail bone of a \\v[] which is more fragile than one might think.",
"": "Squishy Teeth",
"items.197.description": "A tooth that is soft to the touch. Truly uncanny.",
"": "Hardened Liver",
"items.198.description": "Despite its name this liver is free of any strange substances. ",
"": "Phoenix Feather",
"items.199.description": "Does not cure death despite popular belief. But it does look nice.",
"": "Butter Silk",
"items.200.description": "Yellow silk used to craft nigh-impenetrable yarn.",
"": "Jelly Extract",
"items.201.description": "No matter how you stretch it, the shape of a triangle persists.",
"": "Magma Residue",
"items.202.description": "Left by the extreme heat a \\v[] creates when attacking.",
"": "Laser Eyes",
"items.203.description": "A crystal ball that is said to grant the feat to shoot rays of light.",
"": "Steel Goggles",
"items.204.description": "Steel frames with reinforced glasses allow for an excellent protection of the eyes.",
"": "Steel Edge",
"items.205.description": "A powerful weapon crafted from a highly tempered alloy of iron and carbon.",
"": "Steel Mail",
"items.206.description": "Fine body armor from reinforced steel. Sadly also popular with criminals.",
"": "Steel Boots",
"items.207.description": "Very robust but still as light as possible. Even blisters are a rare occurrence.",
"": "Fin Cap",
"items.208.description": "A huge fin attached to a cap. Helps to keep balance and grants a predatory aura.",
"": "Rapier Carrot",
"items.209.description": "A long, self-regrowing carrot. Its vitamins give life, the pointy end takes it away.",
"": "Dessert Vest",
"items.210.description": "A lacquered vest, often worn in dry regions. Was named for its sweet smell.",
"": "Desert Sandals",
"items.211.description": "Can't be made without Sand, so they're obviously ideal for the desert.",
"": "Nomadic Turban",
"items.212.description": "Typical headdress of hunters in the desert who are said to be excellent marksmen.",
"": "Chilling Veil",
"items.213.description": "A fine headscarf blessed with cooling protection to withstand even scorching heat.",
"": "Shiny Glasses",
"items.214.description": "Polished glasses that give off a threatening glare. In need of regular readjustment.",
"": "Magic Robe",
"items.215.description": "Shad-crafted flowing robes, blessed by the Ancient power of the elements.",
"": "Assassin Garb",
"items.216.description": "Light clothes for covert operations that are made to look strikingly inconspicuous.",
"": "Crystal Plate",
"items.217.description": "Heavy plate, reinforced with crystals and gems that actively defend against harm.",
"": "Curly Slippers",
"items.218.description": "Amazingly soft and comfortable footwear that somehow also manages to be curly.",
"": "Lavish Anchors",
"items.219.description": "Heavy boots with extravagant decorations. Reinforce both stance and self-esteem.",
"": "Carpet Runners",
"items.220.description": "Feel almost alive on your feet. The soles are crafted from real magic carpets.",
"": "Hidden Blade",
"items.221.description": "Small, surprising and deadly. The preferred weapon of spies and assassins.",
"": "Maverick Edge",
"items.222.description": "Once wielded by a young hero of great courage but little sense.",
"": "Western Starfist",
"items.223.description": "Gauntlets with excellent armor. Many owners would already be dead without them.",
"": "Bergen Probe",
"items.224.description": "A lost and found data probe installed by Henry the Researcher.",
"": "Blue Ice Shade",
"items.225.description": "Opens the passage to \\c[3]Maroon Valley\\c[0] and activates \\c[3]Neutral Level 2 Circuits\\c[0].",
"": "Steak, rare",
"items.226.description": "A fine, lightly cooked piece of meat that is supposedly not very common.",
"": "Stone of Space",
"items.227.description": "One of the \\c[3]Origin Stones\\c[0]. Emits strange sparks when touched.",
"": "Thief's Band",
"items.228.description": "Just wearing this band will make enemies drop more Credits in fear.",
"": "Mighty Strand",
"items.229.description": "Once used to train a young warrior aiming to be an all mighty hero.",
"": "Red Flame Shade",
"items.230.description": "Opens the path to \\c[3]Autumn's Fall\\c[0] and activates \\c[3]Elemental Level 2 Circuits\\c[0].",
"": "Purple Bolt Shade",
"items.231.description": "Grants passage to \\c[3]Grand Krys'kajo\\c[0] together with the Azure Drop Shade.",
"": "-ModifierTester",
"items.232.description": "Used to test modifiers.",
"": "Meister Gloves",
"items.233.description": "Worn and old gloves once belonging to a master of parries.",
"": "Aspiration Proof",
"items.234.description": "Some old looking image of a Frobbit, hewn into stone from Mt. Bergen. ",
"": "Wooly Socks",
"items.235.description": "Soft and warming socks, hand-knitted from healthy goat-wool by very patient monks.",
"": "Maroon Cave Pass",
"items.236.description": "Pass to access the sacred cave below the \\c[3]Maroon Tree\\c[0].",
"": "Shiny Orb",
"items.237.description": "A shiny orb that is indeed very shiny. The statue in \\c[3]Ba'kii Kum\\c[0] should react to it.",
"": "Laser Pickaxe",
"items.238.description": "A highly advanced mining tool based on an age old classic.",
"": "Laser TNT",
"items.239.description": "Conventional chemical explosives combined with lasers. What could be stronger?",
"": "Mining Docs",
"items.240.description": "A long documentation describing the workings of the mine, complete in 70 languages.",
"": "Parched Leaves",
"items.241.description": "Leaves covered with strange markings resembling animals.",
"": "Ripe Apples",
"items.242.description": "These sweet apples are commonly used in juicy fruit salads.",
"": "White Grain",
"items.243.description": "Pure grain found near ruins all over Autumn's Fall.",
"": "Sunset Dew",
"items.244.description": "Minerals found inside this dew make it appear orange when held against light.",
"": "Wolf Cicada",
"items.245.description": "A legendary autumn bug. Its melody resembles that of a howling wolf.",
"": "Crimson Dragonfly",
"items.246.description": "These creatures only appear at night, sparkling dark red.",
"": "-Nirustein",
"items.247.description": "The ultimate speedrunning item. Aim to become the fastest thing alive!",
"": "Flintzer Excretions",
"items.248.description": "Weird lump of mass secreted by Flintzer. Is usually very soft but hardens on touch.",
"": "Curly Farn",
"items.249.description": "This leaf fell from a jungle plant and curled up on the ground.",
"": "Steel Comb",
"items.250.description": "The honeycomb is so sturdy that it is used to craft armor.",
"": "Elder Wood",
"items.251.description": "A piece of wood from the oldest trees found in the jungle.",
"": "Venom Shroom",
"items.252.description": "Poisoned mushroom used to brew oils for weapons.",
"": "Glowing Sphere",
"items.253.description": "A luminescent sphere glowing because of chemical reactions inside it.",
"": "Virus Root",
"items.254.description": "One of the roots responsible for the Infestation of a part of \\v[].",
"": "Blue Mango",
"items.255.description": "The bluish color of this fruit makes it look inedible despite its sweet taste.",
"": "Exotic Resin",
"items.256.description": "This colorful resin is commonly used to harden wood constructions.",
"": "Star Fruit",
"items.257.description": "Star-shaped fruit. Its origin dates back to a small island in the ocean.",
"": "Common Planter",
"items.258.description": "This fish jumps out of rivers into plants to absorb healthy nutrients.",
"": "Spiky Nut",
"items.259.description": "\\v[]s store these in nearby water plants in case they need food.",
"": "Moon Fruit",
"items.260.description": "A yellow bent fruit only found in rainy parts of \\v[].",
"": "Galaxy Berry",
"items.261.description": "Strange shimmering fruit. The inside seems to magically spin.",
"items.261.sources.0.value.text": "Found in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Royal Hive",
"items.262.description": "A special bee hive with the same density as a diamond.",
"": "Progression Proof",
"items.263.description": "Some old looking image of a PengPeng, hewn into ice-coated stone from Mt. Bergen. ",
"": "Silver Goggles",
"items.264.description": "Both silver frames and the flawless glass are giving off an impressive shine.",
"": "Titan Goggles",
"items.265.description": "Very durable goggles that also offer visual augmentation.",
"": "Silver Edge",
"items.266.description": "Said to be effective against the unnatural. Works just fine against everything though.",
"": "Titan Edge",
"items.267.description": "With two of these powerful weapons you could slay even the largest of foes.",
"": "Silver Mail",
"items.268.description": "A sturdy mail, made from silver. Perfect when sleeping in a haunted castle.",
"": "Titan Mail",
"items.269.description": "Made from titanium, one of the strongest materials known to man.",
"": "Silver Boots",
"items.270.description": "The quality of these boots almost makes up for all the polishing they need.",
"": "Titan Boots",
"items.271.description": "While extremely robust, they are not actually made for titans, so they will fit just fine.",
"": "Zir'vitar Key",
"items.272.description": "A regular key for \\c[3]Zir'vitar Temple\\c[0].",
"": "GIT",
"items.273.description": "Goat Interspecies Translator. Allows for communication with intelligent goats.",
"": "Static Furball",
"items.274.description": "A really soft ball of fur close to the critical mass.",
"": "Slime Drop",
"items.275.description": "The classic. Probably want to keep that in a jar.",
"": "Palette Blossom",
"items.276.description": "This leaf can be used to create all possible colors. In a range of 0-255 that is.",
"": "Huge Nut",
"items.277.description": "Spit out by Papaguns as defensive measures. Can only be busted with strong pliers.",
"": "Lazy Claw",
"items.278.description": "This callous claw is in need of a thorough manicure. ",
"": "Stout Backplate",
"items.279.description": "Impenetrable plate used by Behesloths to protect most of their body.",
"": "Power Spinach",
"items.280.description": "A vegetable of mythical power. Greatly increases the flexibility of fellow plants.",
"": "Living Bolt",
"items.281.description": "A mass of electricity with something that some describe as a \"soul\".",
"": "Metal Down",
"items.282.description": "Are 100 grams of them as heavy as 100 grams of regular feathers? It's a mystery.",
"": "Plain Cube",
"items.283.description": "Perfectly rectangular shaped cube. There is nothing unusual about it.",
"": "Glow Pear",
"items.284.description": "A glowing bulb in the form of a pear. Yepp.",
"": "Disc of Flora",
"items.285.description": "A truly perfect guide for the exquisite plant lover.",
"": "Azure Drop Shade",
"items.286.description": "Grants passage to \\c[3]Grand Krys'kajo\\c[0] together with the Purple Bolt Shade.",
"": "Strawhat",
"items.287.description": "This inconspicuous hat enables the wearer to find even the rarest materials.",
"": "Gaia Temple Pass",
"items.288.description": "Pass to provide access to the \\c[3]temple complex within \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Prime Pistachios",
"items.289.description": "Surprisingly big variant of a tasty nut. Opening the shell is half of the fun!",
"": "Salted Peanuts",
"items.290.description": "Small, tasty plant seeds that are popular as a relaxing snack.",
"": "Cup o' Coffee",
"items.291.description": "A classic wake-up drink. Drink it black to also feel more mature!",
"": "Energy Espresso",
"items.292.description": "Highly-concentrated coffee with a distinct taste. Will eliminate all sleepiness.",
"": "Nifty Grey Shades",
"items.293.description": "Highly advanced, sharp looking shades. Don't throw them, though.",
"": "Red Bandana",
"items.294.description": "A rather tattered red Bandana once worn by a wandering warrior.",
"": "Electrician's Cap",
"items.295.description": "Construction helmet that creates a static field which disperses incoming voltage.",
"": "Faedora",
"items.296.description": "A classic hat, popular in cities. This version, though, emits a strange aura.",
"": "Mystic Mohawk",
"items.297.description": "Headdress made by a famous Shad-Designer, modelled after a popular hairstyle.",
"": "Hunter's Bolt",
"items.298.description": "Ranged weapon with high precision, used to bring down game with few attacks.",
"": "Lawkeeper's Fist",
"items.299.description": "Highly advanced gauntlet associated with hands-on approaches in law enforcement.",
"": "Aehre",
"items.300.description": "According to a translator it means \"honor\". In any case it keeps the wielder healthy.",
"": "Twitching Slicer",
"items.301.description": "Vicious looking weapon that always seems to be restless and unpredictable.",
"": "Sunset Claw",
"items.302.description": "This savage tool was inspired by the weapons of nature and sharpens your instincts.",
"": "Sneaky Shiv",
"items.303.description": "Small weapon that is easy to hide, especially in an opponent's weak-spots.",
"": "Ramming Shell",
"items.304.description": "Ferocious armor made from the hardest parts of wild Bovines.",
"": "Survival Plate",
"items.305.description": "Heavy plate with built-in life support system that protects against the elements.",
"": "Rootweave",
"items.306.description": "Weird looking clothes made from a mass of finely intertwined roots.",
"": "Petal Cloak",
"items.307.description": "Countless petals that somehow stick together naturally. Still emits a strong lifeforce.",
"": "Loose Trenchcoat",
"items.308.description": "Always looks slightly too big for your body. Still a favorite of clever investigators.",
"": "Stable Footguard",
"items.309.description": "They protect both the feet and lower legs. The natural foes of kicks to the shin.",
"": "Hydraulic Anchors",
"items.310.description": "Heavy boots that are still very mobile thanks to internal hydraulics.",
"": "Shinkickers",
"items.311.description": "Reinforced combat boots for martial artists that prefer pragmatism over honor.",
"": "Urban Sneakers",
"items.312.description": "Classy looking shoes of the highest quality and extremely comfy to boot!",
"": "Pathfinders",
"items.313.description": "Solid boots, made to explore even the deepest part of an unknown world.",
"": "Sea Disc",
"items.314.description": "Sadly you have no means to access the mass of information stored on this weird object.",
"": "Maultasche",
"items.315.description": "The favorite dish of poets and philosophers.",
"": "Werewolf Stick",
"items.316.description": "A Popsicle depicting a werewolf on a stick. \\c[1]Slow\\c[0].",
"": "Food Temp #3",
"items.317.description": "Will turn into something tasty in the future! #notabug",
"": "Food Temp #4",
"items.318.description": "Will turn into something tasty in the future! #notabug",
"": "So'najiz Key",
"items.319.description": "A regular key for \\c[3]So'najiz Temple\\c[0].",
"": "Jack's Flame",
"items.320.description": "A cold flame which naturally forms inside \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It looks nice.",
"": "Aged Travelguide",
"items.321.description": "An ancient guide to important Ancient places was engraved into this old stone.",
"": "Galaxy Spiral Drill",
"items.322.description": "This weapon holds the power of a small micro-cosmos inside itself.",
"": "Infinity Spiral Drill",
"items.323.description": "Infused with infinite power this weapon grows ever stronger with its user.",
"": "Stone of Truth",
"items.324.description": "One of the \\c[3]Origin Stones\\c[0]. Its pulsing green light is almost surreal. ",
"": "Creation Gem",
"items.325.description": "Created only once when a galaxy is formed.",
"": "King's Ring",
"items.326.description": "It took 10 years to make this ring and it is only bestowed on worthy rulers.",
"": "Golden Revolver",
"items.327.description": "Something is engraved here: \"It's \\v[misc.time]\". Whatever that means.",
"": "Bandit's Scarf",
"items.328.description": "Once owned by an eastern prince, it's now old and has lost all color.",
"": "Burglars Rope",
"items.329.description": "According to lore wrapping this around your head will bring you fortune.",
"": "Excalibro",
"items.330.description": "Mass-market knockoff of a legendary weapon. It promises victory, but...",
"": "Snack Mix",
"items.331.description": "A small but well mixed package of different snacks for handfood on the go.",
"": "Rough Branch",
"items.332.description": "It's a branch from a tree! Truly the treasure of legends.",
"": "Bigger Stick",
"items.333.description": "Large weapon of massive size. It is very huge and packs an immensely gigantic punch.",
"": "Goddess Plume",
"items.334.description": "VP-reference, unused.",
"": "Cold Platter",
"items.335.description": "A great variety of dishes, served cold on a large plate. \\c[1]Slow\\c[0].",
"": "Full Course",
"items.336.description": "A complete dinner, consisting of several courses. \\c[1]Slow\\c[0].",
"": "Bronze Chest Plate",
"items.337.description": "Armor crafted from bronze chests. Offers no extra storage room, though.",
"": "Silver Chest Plate",
"items.338.description": "Armor crafted from silver chests. Strong against werewolves, weak against keys.",
"": "Golden Chest Plate",
"items.339.description": "Armor crafted from golden chests. Stronger than it has any right to be.",
"": "Hungry Salmon",
"items.340.description": "The innate power of this small fish seems to be sealed by a need for food. ",
"": "Plate of Chests",
"items.341.description": "Armor crafted from chests of any kind. Precious valuables naturally radiate towards it.",
"": "Billston's Com",
"items.342.description": "A simple, rectangular communicator, supposedly belonging to Billston. Waterproof.",
"": "Smokaway",
"items.343.description": "A most convenient bomb emitting a dense smoke. Use to escape bothersome guards.",
"": "Tracker Chip",
"items.344.description": "A chip tracking your movement. Includes a parental control manual.",
"": "Pond Slums Pass",
"items.345.description": "This pass grant its owner access to the \\c[3]trader hubs in Basin Keep's Pond Slums\\c[0].",
"": "One Up",
"items.346.description": "This peculiar remedy soothes the pain of whoever takes it. \\c[1]Slow\\c[0].",
"": "Maroon Probe",
"items.347.description": "A lost and found data probe installed by Henry the Researcher.",
"": "Polished Mic",
"items.348.description": "It looks almost new but scratches show it was used for many years.",
"": "Krys'kajo Key",
"items.349.description": "A regular key for the \\c[3]Grand Krys'kajo\\c[0].",
"": "Kajo Master Key",
"items.350.description": "Master Key of \\c[3]Grand Krys'kajo\\c[0].",
"": "Warkeeper",
"items.351.description": "A blade made out of thick sheets of metal. Used by blood hungry warmongers.",
"": "Ambiguous Rod",
"items.352.description": "A long and flexible rod. Has a good grip but you can't quite determine it's potential use.",
"": "Kebab Roll",
"items.353.description": "A flat roll filled with meat and vegetables.",
"": "Wrap Roll",
"items.354.description": "A wrap inside a roll which is a wrap too. Confusing but tasty nonetheless.",
"": "Meaty Risotto",
"items.355.description": "A hot-steaming batch of risotto with chunky meat pieces.",
"": "Shrimp Risotto",
"items.356.description": "This risotto has been spiced up with chili and shrimp.",
"": "Green Risotto",
"items.357.description": "A healthy risotto served with roasted vegetables.",
"": "Final Dinner",
"items.358.description": "This is the ultimate dish. Nothing compares. \\c[1]Slow\\c[0].",
"": "Tattered Satchel",
"items.359.description": "A pretty beat-up satchel used to store medicine and herbs.",
"": "Prism Pouch",
"items.360.description": "A neatly stitched belt featuring multiple pouches in different colors.",
"": "Infinite Bag",
"items.361.description": "This bag is seemingly infinitely deep. Many Adventures used them on their journeys.",
"": "Ti'im Residue",
"items.362.description": "Unique Residue left behind by a Ti'im.",
"": "Adept Gloves",
"items.363.description": "The torn pieces of these gloves tell the tale of a great warrior.",
"": "Storage Unit #1",
"items.364.description": "A storage unit used by the \\c[3]Omni Gilders\\c[0] to hold trade materials.",
"": "Scouting Visor",
"items.365.description": "An enhanced visor that allows for quick analysis even at a distance.",
"": "Just Water",
"items.366.description": "Molten ice, held in some sort of container. Dangerous in large volumes! \\c[3]Fast\\c[0].",
"": "Bear Beer",
"items.367.description": "Drink evoking the strength of bears, the most unstoppable of forces. \\c[3]Fast\\c[0].",
"": "Crab Mead",
"items.368.description": "Drink evoking the sturdiness of crabs that can resist massive damage. \\c[3]Fast\\c[0].",
"": "Fox Sake",
"items.369.description": "Drink evoking the cleverness of foxes that always catch their prey. \\c[3]Fast\\c[0].",
"": "Whale Wine",
"items.370.description": "Drink evoking the vitality of whales, giant rulers of the oceans. \\c[3]Fast\\c[0].",
"": "Brewing Kit",
"items.371.description": "Stuff to Brew!",
"": "Brewing Kit: Bear",
"items.372.description": "Ingredients to brew \"Bear Beer\". Use at the Brewing Machine in Ba'kii Kum.",
"": "Brewing Kit: Crab",
"items.373.description": "Ingredients to brew \"Crab Mead\". Use at the Brewing Machine in Ba'kii Kum.",
"": "Brewing Kit: Fox",
"items.374.description": "Ingredients to brew \"Fox Sake\". Use at the Brewing Machine in Ba'kii Kum.",
"": "Brewing Kit: Whale",
"items.375.description": "Ingredients to brew \"Whale Wine\". Use at the Brewing Machine in Ba'kii Kum.",
"": "Green Seed Shade",
"items.376.description": "Opens the passage to \\c[3]Gaia's Garden\\c[0].",
"": "Gaia Probe",
"items.377.description": "A lost and found data probe installed by Henry the Researcher.",
"": "Old Man's Book",
"items.378.description": "A book belonging to an old man you traded with. It mentions \\c[3]Sapphire Ridge\\c[0].",
"": "Crystal Water",
"items.379.description": "A transparent liquid from the purest of sources. \\c[3]Fast\\c[0].",
"": "Mysterious Box",
"items.380.description": "A sturdy box of ever-changing size. Very popular with artists in Ancient times.",
"": "Tremor Engine",
"items.381.description": "An unpowered mechanical device. Shaking it will make a rattling sound.",
"": "Rising Super Star",
"items.382.description": "A delicious sandwich snack for every Kawaii Gun Jumper.",
"": "Blue Grass",
"items.383.description": "This grass obtains its blue tint thanks to the rare nutrients found in \\v[].",
"": "Pink Petal",
"items.384.description": "These petals never lose color as long as they are kept away from direct sunlight.",
"": "Mystery Grape",
"items.385.description": "How does it taste? Only one way to find out!",
"": "Green Arbor",
"items.386.description": "Sharp Spikes used as an alternative to metal on pikes by the Shad.",
"": "Catalop Pellet",
"items.387.description": "A spiky orb that is used by \\v[]s to trap prey.",
"": "Steel Bamboo",
"items.388.description": "A rare bamboo breed said to be able to pierce even the hardest defense.",
"": "Dirty Rubble",
"items.389.description": "Despite its name this rubble can be used to sharpen weapons.",
"": "Spark Tin",
"items.390.description": "A metal that emits a light electric spark when touched. ",
"": "Cobalt Crystal",
"items.391.description": "This ore is the name giver of Sapphire Ridge and is extremely durable.",
"": "Dream Globe",
"items.392.description": "A sphere whose surface mimics the one of Shadoon.",
"items.392.sources.0.value.text": "Found in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Cobalt Goggles",
"items.393.description": "Futuristic looking goggles that enhance sight. Even help while reading in the dark!",
"": "Cobalt Edge",
"items.394.description": "A weapon that is as beautiful as it is dangerous. Swings create a satisfying blur.",
"": "Cobalt Mail",
"items.395.description": "Extremely powerful armor. Surprisingly not letters from small, naughty creatures.",
"": "Cobalt Boots",
"items.396.description": "These extravagant boots prevent tripping by shining blue with every step.",
"": "Laser Goggles",
"items.397.description": "Empowers your sight with lasers! Not as deadly as it sounds but still very effective.",
"": "Laser Edge",
"items.398.description": "Powered by deadly energy, these weapons are truly a force to be reckoned with.",
"": "Laser Mail",
"items.399.description": "Surrounds the body with energy that constantly circulates with the speed of light.",
"": "Laser Boots",
"items.400.description": "These shiny boots keep your feet as indestructible as the bridges they walk on!",
"": "Infected Cell",
"items.401.description": "It looks like a piece of metal overgrown by pulsating vines.",
"": "Elemental DNA",
"items.402.description": "A DNA shaped spiral that cycles slowly through the color spectrum.",
"": "Cursed Coin",
"items.403.description": "A coin with a skull engraving. ",
"": "Broken Sword",
"items.404.description": "Rusty and dented in various spots. ",
"": "Ronin Shell",
"items.405.description": "This shell is used as metal coating to enhance a weapon's durability.",
"": "Samurai Shell",
"items.406.description": "This shell is used as metal coating to enhance a weapon's sharpness.",
"": "Sharp Splitter",
"items.407.description": "A piece from a broken blade. Even in this state it can cut through anything.",
"": "Hoverpad",
"items.408.description": "This mysterious object magically enables the \\v[] to hover above the ground.",
"": "Sticky Web",
"items.409.description": "This web is so sticky that it can be used as an all-purpose glue.",
"": "Star Shade",
"items.410.description": "Grants passage to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Hardhead Hat",
"items.411.description": "It's a hardened hat for your head. Not the most refined design but nigh indestructible.",
"": "Survivor's Blade",
"items.412.description": "A versatile tool used for cutting, cooking, killing... a true lifesaver and -taker!",
"": "Marksmen Trigger",
"items.413.description": "Exceptional ranged weapon, originally used under the command of a certain \"Mark\".",
"": "Panzer Fist",
"items.414.description": "An armored fist that is very reliable. Might be the reason for Pandza's lack of arms.",
"": "Shadowy Cloak",
"items.415.description": "Dark cloak of uncertain form. Very useful for covert operations.",
"": "Plated Plate",
"items.416.description": "Extremely heavy body armor with twice the expected plating. Almost impenetrable.",
"": "Bamboots",
"items.417.description": "Footwear sewn together from some of the sturdiest plants of nature.",
"": "Brave Anchors",
"items.418.description": "Heavy boots worn by warriors that conquered their fear and embraced the danger.",
"": "Shuddering Cleaver",
"items.419.description": "An unstable weapon that seems to purely follow wild, aggressive instincts.",
"": "Tengu Mask",
"items.420.description": "A red mask with an extraordinarily long nose. Supposedly contains Ancient wisdom.",
"": "Sonic Spike",
"items.421.description": "Incredibly thin and flexible weapon than can penetrate at the speed of sound.",
"": "Lead Boots",
"items.422.description": "Heavy Boots which are often used during windy days.",
"": "Omni Lock",
"items.423.description": "Highly-advanced lock that can be opened by every key in existence! Impressive!",
"": "Shining Bracer",
"items.424.description": "Arm protection preferred by sages and philosophers that saw a life of conflict.",
"": "Bluefiber Robe",
"items.425.description": "An old robe made from empowered plant fiber. It's shimmering in a light blue.",
"": "Toggle Test",
"items.426.description": "This toggles something, what? I'm not sure, I guess a var.",
"": "Stone Key",
"items.427.description": "This is literally just a stone carved to look like a key.",
"": "Circuit Override",
"items.428.description": "Can be used to reset \\c[3]one Circuit-Tree\\c[0] in \\c[3]Rookie Harbor - Training Arena\\c[0].",
"": "F.A.I.R. Device",
"items.429.description": "The \\c[3]Frequency And Impulse Rattler\\c[0] used to find the source of the Gaia's Garden Infection.",
"": "Smelter Parts",
"items.430.description": "Hot parts of a generator that was presumably even hotter. Vital for advanced metalwork.",
"": "Marinated Meat",
"items.431.description": "Raw meat, prepared with honey, fruits and spices. Now it just needs a bit of heat.",
"": "Bright Bracer",
"items.432.description": "Polished arm protection that was traditionally used by young heroes of legend.",
"": "Prickly Bracer",
"items.433.description": "Light protective gear for the lower arms that is studded with nasty thorns.",
"": "Meteor Shade",
"items.434.description": "Grants passage to \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and \\c[3]Northern \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Golden Bug",
"items.435.description": "A token given to you by a golden bug. It's a golden bug, just smaller... and golden.",
"": "Sparkling Bracer",
"items.436.description": "Precious arm protection that engulfs your arm in a powerful aura.",
"": "- Pig Mask",
"items.437.description": "Once owned by a mysterious hero from a forgotten sunny land at the sea.",
"": "Brostick of Force",
"items.438.description": "An extremely rare weapon created by a paramilitary organization of unknown origin.",
"": "Old Dojo Key",
"items.439.description": "A roundish plate that serves as a key to open \\c[3]the Dojo in \\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Twilight Shard",
"items.440.description": "A piece from the armor of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0].",
"": "Old Geta",
"items.441.description": "Old and worn clogs with an elevated wood base.",
"": "-Sage Geta",
"items.442.description": "Repaired clogs with an even higher elevated wood base.",
"": "Broken Deck",
"items.443.description": "A set of heavily used spell cards. It has been long since they lost all magic.",
"": "Stone of Spirit",
"items.444.description": "One of the \\c[3]Origin Stones\\c[0]. Ever shifting between the realms.",
"": "Infinity Gem",
"items.445.description": "The combination of the origin stones. Said to be the origin of creation.",
"items.445.sources.0.value.text": "Created by the Old Smith",
"": "Stone of Ages",
"items.446.description": "One of the \\c[3]Origin Stones\\c[0]. Often used to read the future or the past.",
"": "Heaven's Seed",
"items.447.description": "A seed from an ever-green tree that floats above the sky.",
"items.447.sources.0.value.text": "Found in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Rise Booster",
"items.448.description": "Increases the levels of enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and unlocks new loot drops.",
"": "Fall Booster",
"items.449.description": "Increases the levels of enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and unlocks new loot drops.",
"": "Trail Booster",
"items.450.description": "Increases the levels of enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and unlocks new loot drops.",
"": "Valley Booster",
"items.451.description": "Increases the levels of enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and unlocks new loot drops.",
"": "Garden Booster",
"items.452.description": "Increases the levels of enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and unlocks new loot drops.",
"": "Ridge Booster",
"items.453.description": "Increases the levels of enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0] and unlocks new loot drops.",
"": "Halcyon Droplet",
"items.454.description": "Drops of pure water that is said to cure any disease.",
"items.454.sources.0.value.text": "Found in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Portrait of Ruin",
"items.455.description": "A portrait that portrays a man that seems to magically grow older.",
"items.455.sources.0.value.text": "Found in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Very Large Ember",
"items.456.description": "Huge ember of highest quality. Handled by the blacksmiths of [Redacted].",
"": "Ruby",
"items.457.description": "A rare red gem only found when fighting strong adversaries.",
"items.457.sources.0.value.text": "Boosted Enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Garnet",
"items.458.description": "A rare dark-red gem only found when fighting strong adversaries.",
"items.458.sources.0.value.text": "Boosted Enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Diamond",
"items.459.description": "A rare white gem only found when fighting strong adversaries.",
"items.459.sources.0.value.text": "Boosted Enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Moonstone",
"items.460.description": "A rare light-blue gem only found when fighting strong adversaries.",
"items.460.sources.0.value.text": "Boosted Enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Citrine",
"items.461.description": "A rare orange gem only found when fighting strong adversaries.",
"items.461.sources.0.value.text": "Boosted Enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Topaz",
"items.462.description": "A rare yellow gem only found when fighting strong adversaries.",
"items.462.sources.0.value.text": "Boosted Enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Amethyst",
"items.463.description": "A rare purple gem only found when fighting strong adversaries.",
"items.463.sources.0.value.text": "Boosted Enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Emerald",
"items.464.description": "A rare green gem only found when fighting strong adversaries.",
"items.464.sources.0.value.text": "Boosted Enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Lapis Lazuli",
"items.465.description": "A rare blue gem only found when fighting strong adversaries.",
"items.465.sources.0.value.text": "Boosted Enemies in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Mine Detector",
"items.466.description": "Emits an impulse when entering a room that contains missing mine equipment. ",
"": "Dried Grass Hat",
"items.467.description": "An upgraded version of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It's bigger and better.",
"": "Strawberry Hat",
"items.468.description": "An upgraded version of the \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]. It's red and smells sweet.",
"": "The Last Strawhat",
"items.469.description": "The last upgrade. The ultimate strawhat, vastly increasing your focus.",
"": "Climate Cowl",
"items.470.description": "Protective headgear of thick fabric with highly advanced heating regulators.",
"": "Serene Bubble",
"items.471.description": "A forcefield generator encases the head in a protective and relaxing bubble.",
"": "Furious Hothead",
"items.472.description": "Headgear that empowers its user with powerful generators while creating heat.",
"": "Trackwalker Visor",
"items.473.description": "State-of-the-art visor that was custom-tailored to the needs of Trackwalker expeditions.",
"": "Skirmisher",
"items.474.description": "Fast weapon that performs exceptionally with hit and run tactics.",
"": "Unbreaking Fist",
"items.475.description": "This huge fist was created from the hardest materials and is said to be indestructible.",
"": "Golden Falcon",
"items.476.description": "A long-ranged weapon, perfectly refined to destroy targets far, far away.",
"": "Zealous Lamellar ",
"items.477.description": "Light armor, composed of various materials, each representing a warrior's virtue.",
"": "Pioneer Vest",
"items.478.description": "Recently developed vest for elite explorers, equipped with high-grade survival features.",
"": "Reactive Plate",
"items.479.description": "Highly advanced heavy plate armor that repels hits with explosive force.",
"": "Vermillion Mantle",
"items.480.description": "Wide garment, dyed in an unsettling reddish color. Emits a weird kind of energy.",
"": "Deadly Dancers",
"items.481.description": "Elegant shoes favored by agile gunslingers. Allow for fast movement in firefights.",
"": "Praetorian Anchors",
"items.482.description": "Heavy boots used by high-class bodyguards that allow no passing nor harm.",
"": "Mistwalkers",
"items.483.description": "Almost weightless boots that are often used by skilled agents, only known from stories.",
"": "Geta Wood",
"items.484.description": "Wood from an ancient tree.",
"": "Geta Straps",
"items.485.description": "Straps made from jungle vines. They withstand everything.",
"": "Geta Glue",
"items.486.description": "A strange mixture made from honey and tree sap.",
"": "Golden Satchel",
"items.487.description": "A satchel with golden coins in it. It should be worth something.",
"items.487.sources.0.value.text": "All round CrossWorlds",
"": "Golden Bars",
"items.488.description": "A stack of golden bars. They should be worth quite a lot.",
"items.488.sources.0.value.text": "All round CrossWorlds",
"": "Golden Ticket",
"items.489.description": "A golden ticket to some good company. It fetches a very high price.",
"items.489.sources.0.value.text": "All round CrossWorlds",
"": "Dk Pepper",
"items.490.description": "A mad scientist's ambrosia. ",
"": "Cheese Spaetzle",
"items.491.description": "Traditional Swabian \"Spaetzle\" noodles with fried onions and grated cheese.",
"": "- Maultasche OLD",
"items.492.description": "The favorite dish of poets and philosophers. \\c[1]UNUSED\\c[0]",
"": "Durian",
"items.493.description": "The One True King of the Fruits! \\c[2]Heals 50% of max HP\\c[0].",
"": "PengoPop",
"items.494.description": "Something that looks vaguely like a blue penguin.",
"": "Spicy Beat-0-Type",
"items.495.description": "A tiny pulsing globe. Be careful not to \"go faster than the music\".",
"": "- Werewolf Stick OLD",
"items.496.description": "A Popsicle depicting a werewolf on a stick. \\c[1]UNUSED\\c[0]",
"": "Old Blueprint",
"items.497.description": "A blueprint of something that looks like a... shoe?",
"": "Kunoichi",
"items.498.description": "Run like a Ninja? Now you can look like one too!",
"": "Antique Token",
"items.499.description": "An ancient coin-like token that bears images of primitive humans from old times.",
"": "Radiant Bracer",
"items.500.description": "Highly empowered arm protection that can manipulate the aura of everything around it.",
"": "Chest Detector",
"items.501.description": "Emits an impulse when entering a room that contains an unopened chest. ",
"": "Moistured Line",
"items.502.description": "A long, resilient line that shows signs of watery influence.",
"": "Trash",
"items.503.description": "Why did you pick that up?",
"items.503.sources.0.value.text": "Trashbags in \\c[3]\\v[]\\c[0]",
"": "Thrashing Ripper",
"items.504.description": "Barely controllable, formless weapon that seems to exist in several places at once.",
"": "Rusty Hook",
"items.505.description": "A long, jagged hook that is covered in rust. Is it treasure or just bait?",
"": "Gorgon Veil",
"items.506.description": "Based on a mythical beast, this veil grants adeptness in slowly weakening foes.",
"": "Centaur Vest",
"items.507.description": "Based on a mythical beast, this vest grants exceptional aim on the move.",
"": "Unicorn Greaves",
"items.508.description": "Based on a mythical beast, these boots grant inhuman speed and endurance.",
"": "Chestlink",
"items.509.description": "Used to unify chests of all different material, forms and sizes into multi-purpose chests.",
"": "Lifefiber Uniform",
"items.510.description": "Dress spun from living thread that forms a nigh symbiontic relationship with its wearer.",
"": "Infinity+1 Bag",
"items.511.description": "This container transcends infinity and can preserve anything until the end of time.",
"": "Mantis Whip",
"items.512.description": "Long, flexible blade that is nigh-invisible and can lash out in an instant.",
"": "- Nanopoint Needle",
"items.513.description": "Pierces everything on a good hit. \\c[1]UNUSED in 1.0.\\c[0]"
"assets/data/lang/sc/gimmick.${LANG}.json": {
"feature": "sc.gimmick",
"labels.unknown": "Unsupported Bonus Code!",
"labels.sparklingShoes": "Sparkling Shoes enabled! Check your item list.",
"labels.holidayQuest": "Holiday Quest unlocked! Look for it in Bergen Village.",
"labels.voiceActing": "High Quality Voice Acting is now \\c[3]enabled\\c[0]! Enter the code again to disable it.",
"labels.voiceActingRemove": "High Quality Voice Acting is now \\c[3]disabled\\c[0]! Enter the code again to enable it."
"assets/data/lang/sc/gui.${LANG}.json": {
"feature": "sc.gui",
"labels.area.other": "Other",
"labels.feats.hud-title": "Trophies",
"labels.feats.unlocked": "Unlocked",
"": "\\c[3]Trader\\c[0]",
"": "\\c[3]Shop\\c[0]",
"": "\\c[3]Event\\c[0]",
"": "Trade Offers",
"": "Stats",
"": "Modifier",
"": "Trade",
"": "select equipment to compare",
"": "For",
"": "(owned)",
"": "Offer",
"": "Compare To Equip",
"": "Show Stats",
"": "Toggle to display the difference to the current equip or see the raw stats.",
"": "Press to initiate the trade!",
"": "One or more items you need are currently equipped! Unequip and proceed with the trade?",
"": "End Trade.",
"": "Credits:",
"": "Rest:",
"": "Fee:",
"": "compared to",
"": "Head",
"": "Right Arm",
"": "Left Arm",
"": "Torso",
"": "Feet",
"": "Base Stats",
"labels.botanics.rate": "Drop Rate",
"labels.botanics.locText": "Find [[x]] more to unlock locations.",
"labels.botanics.infoLocked": "- Info Locked -",
"labels.botanics.collect": "Collected Drops [[x]] / [[y]]",
"labels.status-hud.maxhp": "MAXHP",
"labels.status-hud.atk": "ATK",
"labels.status-hud.def": "DEF",
"labels.status-hud.foc": "FOC",
"labels.status-hud.lvl": "LVL",
"labels.msg.private": "Direct Link",
"labels.msg.outgoing": "Requesting Direct Link",
"labels.msg.incoming": "Direct Link Request",
"labels.get-msg.ACTIVATED": "[!] activated",
"labels.get-msg.OBTAINED": "[!] obtained",
"labels.get-msg.REMOVED": "[!] removed",
"labels.get-msg.ENEMY": "[!] added to Monster Fibula",
"labels.get-msg.EXTENDED": "[!] extended",
"labels.get-msg.WORD": "New word embedded: [!]",
"labels.get-msg.FRIENDSHIP": "Contacts shared with [!]",
"labels.get-msg.PARTY": "[!] joined your party!",
"labels.get-msg.USED": "[!] used!",
"labels.get-msg.HAND_OVER": "Handed over [!]",
"labels.get-msg.RESET": "[!] has been reset",
"labels.dialogs.slotsOverflow": "Reached maximum number of slots! Delete some to create new save files.",
"labels.dialogs.newConfirm": "Create new save file?",
"labels.dialogs.loadConfirm": "Load this save file?",
"labels.dialogs.deleteConfirm": "Do you really want to delete this save file?",
"labels.dialogs.titleConfirm": "Return to title screen?",
"labels.dialogs.cancelConfirm": "Do you really want to cancel?",
"labels.dialogs.overrideConfirm": "Override this save file?",
"labels.dialogs.skipConfirm": "Do you want to skip this scene?",
"labels.dialogs.skipAsk": "Press \\i[skip-cutscene] again to skip!",
"labels.dialogs.resetAsk": "Reset all settings to default?",
"labels.dialogs.sellRare": "One or more items you are trying to sell are of legendary rarity or higher. Still sale?",
"labels.dialogs.yes": "Yes",
"": "No",
"labels.bigChoice.tutorial.title": "Tutorial",
"labels.bigChoice.tutorial.yes": "Show Tutorial",
"": "Skip",
"labels.bigChoice.generic.title": "Option",
"labels.bigChoice.generic.yes": "Yes",
"": "No",
"labels.stats.stats": "Stats - Autumn's Rise",
"labels.stats.time": "Total Time",
"labels.stats.chests": "Chests",
"labels.stats.level": "Level",
"labels.stats.exp": "Total EXP",
"labels.stats.kills": "Enemies Killed",
"labels.stats.deaths": "Deaths",
"": "Money",
"labels.highscore.header": "Crabby Redux - Best Time",
"labels.highscore.header2": "Enemy Rush - Best Time",
"labels.highscore.last-time": "Crabby Redux - Your Time",
"labels.highscore.last-time2": "Enemy Rush - Your Time",
"": "New Record!",
"labels.combat.heat": "Heat",
"labels.combat.cold": "Cold",
"labels.combat.wave": "Wave",
"labels.combat.shock": "Shock",
"labels.combat.aim": "Aim",
"labels.combat.hp": "Hp",
"labels.combat.atk": "Atk",
"labels.combat.def": "Def",
"labels.combat.foc": "Foc",
"labels.combat.burn": "Burn",
"labels.combat.chill": "Chill",
"labels.combat.jolt": "Jolt",
"labels.combat.mark": "Mark",
"labels.combat.stun": "Stun",
"": "NO SP",
"labels.combat.element-overload": "Elemental Overload",
"labels.combat-hud.skip": "skip",
"labels.combat-msg.break": "\\i[break]Break",
"labels.combat-msg.guard-counter": "\\i[break]Counter",
"labels.combat-msg.guard-break": "Guard Break",
"labels.combat-msg.once-more": "Once More!",
"labels.combat-msg.hp-break": "HP Break",
"labels.combat-msg.rank-up": "\\i[rank-up]Rank",
"labels.detector.mine-equip": "Equipment detected: \\c[3][[x]]\\c[0]",
"labels.detector.chest": "Chest detected: \\c[3][[x]]\\c[0]",
"labels.title-screen.preset-title": "Select a Preset Save",
"labels.title-screen.pressStart": "Press to start",
"labels.title-screen.start": "New Game",
"labels.title-screen.continue": "Continue",
"labels.title-screen.preset": "Start with Preset",
"labels.title-screen.story": "Story",
"labels.title-screen.grind": "Exploration",
"labels.title-screen.puzzle": "Puzzle",
"": "Select a demo mode to try out!",
"labels.title-screen.load": "Load Game",
"labels.title-screen.options": "Options",
"labels.title-screen.close": "Exit",
"labels.title-screen.gamecode": "Enter Bonus Code",
"labels.hit-task.title": "Task",
"labels.information.title": "Info",
"labels.levelup.title": "Stats",
"labels.levelup.level": "Level",
"labels.levelup.cp": "CP",
"labels.levelup.hp": "MaxHP",
"labels.levelup.attack": "Attack",
"labels.levelup.defense": "Defense",
"labels.levelup.focus": "Focus",
"labels.button.skip": "skip",
"": "Credit",
"labels.item-hud.title": "Item",
"labels.lore-hud.title": "Encyclopedia",
"labels.lore-hud.updated": "Updated",
"labels.lore-hud.unlocked": "Unlocked",
"": "Encyclopedia",
"": "Records Updates",
"": "\\c[3]Encyclopedia\\c[0], \\c[3]Statistics\\c[0] & \\c[3]Monster Fibula\\c[0] unlocked",
"labels.drop-hud.title": "Botanics",
"labels.drop-hud.completed": "Analyzed",
"labels.timer-hud.counter": "Passed Time",
"labels.timer-hud.countdown": "Remaining Time",
"labels.counter-hud.title": "Counter",
"labels.task-hud.title": "Task",
"": "Quest: Next Task",
"": "Quest: Task Done",
"": "Marked Quest",
"": "Task Updates",
"": "Task",
"": "Done",
"": "Next",
"labels.landmark-hud.title-new": "Landmark discovered",
"labels.landmark-hud.title": "Landmarks",
"labels.landmark-hud.landmark": "Landmark",
"labels.landmark-hud.unlocked": "unlocked",
"": "Return to Title",
"labels.pause-screen.resume": "Resume Game",
"labels.pause-screen.skip": "Skip Cutscene",
"": "Save Game",
"": "Press ESC or P to return to the Game",
"labels.pause-screen.lang-fix": "Found a typo? Press \\c[3]F7 to open the Lang Editor\\c[0] and send us the fix!",
"labels.lang-edit.title": "Language Edit",
"": "Map",
"labels.lang-edit.recent": "Recent",
"labels.lang-edit.user-prefix": "User: ",
"labels.lang-edit.user-edit": "edit",
"labels.lang-edit.user-credentials": "User Credentials",
"labels.lang-edit.user-name": "Name",
"labels.lang-edit.user-email": "E-Mail",
"labels.lang-edit.comment": "Additional Comments here, edit text in field above",
"labels.lang-edit.submit": "Submit",
"labels.lang-edit.send-report": "Send Report",
"labels.lang-edit.cancel": "Cancel",
"labels.lang-edit.sending": "Sending Report...",
"labels.lang-edit.error": "Error",
"labels.credits.note": "Note",
"labels.credits.ideaConcept": "Idea and Concept",
"labels.credits.programming": "Programming",
"labels.credits.spriteart": "Sprite Art",
"labels.credits.conceptart": "Concept Art",
"labels.credits.leveldesign": "Level Design",
"": "Music",
"labels.credits.sound": "Sound",
"labels.credits.betatesters": "Beta Testers",
"labels.credits.thanks": "Special Thanks to",
"labels.gamepad-box.not-connected": "Press any button",
"labels.gamepad-box.connected": "Connected!",
"": "How to use your gamepad",
"": "You can play CrossCode with any X-Input compatible gamepad.\nWhat to do:\n1. Connect your gamepad\n2. Press any button (not the analogue sticks)\nIf you read 'connected' next to the gamepad symbol, your gamepad should work!",
"": "Select Strategy",
"labels.quick-menu.current": "Current",
"labels.quick-menu.description.items": "Use Healing and Buff Items.",
"": "Access the Map.",
"labels.quick-menu.description.analyze": "Analyze the the enemies on the field.",
"": "Give your party members orders.",
"": "Target",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.headers.behaviour": "Behaviour",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.headers.arts": "Combat Arts",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.names.TARGET.0": "You Decide",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.names.TARGET.1": "My Enemy",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.names.TARGET.2": "Others",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.names.BEHAVIOUR.0": "Offensive",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.names.BEHAVIOUR.1": "Defensive",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.names.BEHAVIOUR.2": "Do Nothing",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.names.ARTS.0": "Normal",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.names.ARTS.1": "Use Often",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.names.ARTS.2": "Never",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.description.TARGET.0": "Party members will focus enemies as they please.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.description.TARGET.1": "Party members will focus the same enemy as you.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.description.TARGET.2": "Party members will focus enemies you are not attacking.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.description.BEHAVIOUR.0": "Party members will use an aggressive playstyle.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.description.BEHAVIOUR.1": "Party members will stay back and focus defensive maneuvers.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.description.BEHAVIOUR.2": "Party members will stay far away and do nothing.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.description.ARTS.0": "Party members will use combat arts at a normal interval.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.description.ARTS.1": "Party members will use combat arts as much as possible.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.description.ARTS.2": "Party members will never use any combat arts.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.buttons.FREE": "Do as you please!",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.buttons.FOCUS_ENEMY": "Focus my enemy!",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.buttons.FOCUS_DEFENSE": "Focus defense!",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.buttons.NOTHING": "Stay out of combat!",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.descriptions.FREE": "Your party members will take action as they see fit.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.descriptions.FOCUS_ENEMY": "Your party members will focus the same enemy as you.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.descriptions.FOCUS_DEFENSE": "Your party members will stay back and focus on defending/evading attacks.",
"labels.quick-menu.strategy.descriptions.NOTHING": "Your Party members will do absolutely nothing and stay back.",
"labels.quick-menu.noData": "Insufficient Data! Fight against this enemy to reveal more information.",
"": "Buy",
"": "Sell",
"": "Cancel",
"": "Checkout",
"": "Credits",
"": "Sell Price",
"": "Profit",
"": "Cost",
"": "Rest",
"": "Total",
"": "Items are in your cart. Still return?",
"": "Buy the selected Items?",
"": "Sell the selected Items?",
"": "Owned",
"": "Select",
"": "Cart",
"": "Set Quantity",
"": "Submit",
"": "Items",
"": "----------------------",
"": "Select Category",
"": "Consumables",
"": "Arm Equipment",
"": "Head Equipment",
"": "Torso Equipment",
"": "Foot Equipment",
"": "Trade",
"": "Valuables",
"": "\\i[help-icon]Select a location on the map you like to travel too!",
"": "Completion Rate",
"": "Available Quests",
"": "Shows how much of the quests available at this Bulletin Board have been finished. This does not count hidden quests.",
"": "Shows the number of quests currently available in the surrounding areas. Come back from time to time to find new quests.",
"": "Completion Rate",
"": "Trophy Points",
"": "Shows how much trophies are unlocked as a percentage.",
"": "Shows the total number of trophy points acquired.",
"": "Green",
"": "White",
"": "Orange",
"": "Red",
"": "Indicates that the levels are well aligned.",
"": "Indicates that the levels are aligned good enough.",
"": "Indicates that the levels are not well aligned.",
"": "Indicates that the levels are badly aligned, which could lead to problems when fighting enemies of a similiar level.",
"": "HP Bar",
"": "SP Bar",
"": "EXP Bar",
"": "Current Buffs",
"": "Favorite Consumables",
"": "Availability",
"": "Shows you your current and Max HP.",
"": "Shows you your current and Max SP.",
"": "Shows how much more experience you need for a level up.",
"": "A list of all your active buffs.",
"": "You favorite consumables. Add one to see its name and description here.",
"": "Shows where your commonly find a trade item.",
"": "Current Element",
"": "Current Page",
"": "Values below are displayed for the element shown here. See the manual to see how to switch between elements.",
"": "Name of the current Page. See the manual to see how to switch between pages.",
"": "Quest Level",
"": "Quest Type",
"": "Quest Tasks",
"": "Quest Location",
"": "Quest Owner",
"": "Quest Rewards",
"": "Shows the suggested level for you to be to do this quest. ",
"": "Quests with a red exclamation mark are much more difficult but reap better rewards and challenges.",
"": "Display the tasks you have already finished and the one you currently have to completed. The 3 dots show that more tasks have been finished and can be checked int the detailed view.",
"": "Displays all tasks for the quest in a scrollable view.",
"": "This shows where you started the quest.",
"": "Shows you the name and image of the quest giver.",
"": "A list of rewards you can obtain for finishing the quest. Entries with a question mark are revealed once the the quest is completed too.",
"": "Circuit Points",
"": "Circuit Branch",
"": "An overview over the points you have available for each element tree.",
"": "Shows the skills on one side of a skill branch. The arrows shows which skills are swapped.",
"": "Friend Equipment",
"": "The equipment of the selected friend. They will automatically upgrade when visiting shops.",
"": "Current Objective",
"": "Marked Quest",
"": "Latest Activities",
"": "You current objective. This is tied to your story progress. Check back if you ever get lost.",
"": "Shows the current marked quest and the current task for the quest.",
"": "Displays your latest activities, such as quest tasks, new encyclopedia entries and more.",
"": "Chests in Area",
"": "Custom Stamps",
"": "Shows you the amount of chests left to find in this area.",
"": "Shows you the amount of stamps set by yourself as well the maximum per area.",
"": "Lore Type",
"": "Lore Content",
"": "This displays the type of the lore entry. Note that some entries can still be uncompleted as indicated by the percentage.",
"": "The content of the entry. Unlocked more pages for an entry by exploring the world!",
"": "Trader Info",
"": "Trade Requirements",
"": "Trade Fee",
"": "Displays the trader and the location to find him.",
"": "Shows what items are needed to acquire this item. Current owned items are shown in brackets.",
"": "Find the fee you need to pay for the trade here.",
"": "Enemy Type",
"": "Enemy Level",
"": "Enemy Resistance",
"": "Enemy Display & Rewards",
"": "Enemy Drops",
"": "The type of the enemy as indicated by the tab. Golden ones are bosses and have a special tab.",
"": "Level of the selected enemy.",
"": "Shows the elemental resistance of the selected enemy. The lower the value the more damage you do with the shown element.",
"": "Displays the enemy. Maybe if you wait, you can see them do something special? Below the display you can find the EXP and Credit gained be defeating an enemy.",
"": "Shows you the items you can get by defeating this enemy, including the rank needed. To unveil the name of the item you only need to have at least found one of it.",
"": "Maximum amount of Health Points for the selected enemy.",
"": "Attack power of the selected enemy.",
"": "Defensive power of the selected enemy.",
"": "Focus of the selected enemy. Determines how often it deals critical hits.",
"": "Object Info",
"": "After analyzing an object long enough by collecting its drop you find the location and drop chances for them here.",
"": "Auto",
"": "Name",
"": "Found",
"": "Amount",
"": "Rarity",
"": "Date",
"": "Level",
"": "HP",
"": "Level",
"": "Attack",
"": "Defense",
"": "Focus",
"": "Area",
"": "Level",
"": "Status",
"": "Level",
"": "Invite",
"": "Invite [Full]",
"": "[Locked]",
"": "Remove",
"": "Contact",
"": "Found",
"": "Found",
"": "Name",
"": "Unlocked",
"": "Name",
"": "Points",
"": "Sorty the list by item level. Highest first.",
"": "Sorts the list by a natural order.",
"": "Sorts the list by the area the enemy is found in.",
"": "Sorts the list based on the level of the enemies.",
"": "Sorts the list by unlocked entries. Unlocked Entries are sorted by \\c[3]Auto\\c[0].",
"": "Sorts the list by the item's names.",
"": "Sorts the list based on the amount of each item.",
"": "Sorts the list based on the rarity of each item.",
"": "Sorts the list based on the level of the quest.",
"": "Sorts the list based on the time or date you accepted the quest.",
"": "Sorts the list by the hp stat of the equipment.",
"": "Sorts the list by the attack stat of the equipment.",
"": "Sorts the list by the defense stat of the equipment.",
"": "Sorts the list by the focus stat of the equipment.",
"": "Sorts the list by the online status and if the player is in your party.",
"": "Sorts the list by the level of the contacts.",
"": "Invite the player to join your party.",
"": "Can't invite because party is full.",
"": "Cannot be added or removed right now.",
"": "Remove the player from your current party.",
"": "Contact or leave a voice message for the player via Direct Link.",
"": "Sorts the traders by the order you found them. Newest first.",
"": "Sorts the plants by the order you found them. Newest first.",
"": "Sorts the list by the plant's names.",
"": "Sorts the list by unlocked trophies first.",
"": "Sorts the list by the name of the Trophies.",
"": "Sorts the list by the amount of points you can get, highest first.",
"": "Main Menu",
"": "Inventory",
"": "Circuits",
"": "Equipment",
"": "Status",
"": "Records",
"": "Map",
"": "Save",
"": "Load",
"": "Options",
"": "Shop",
"": "Quests",
"": "Encyclopedia",
"": "Trophies",
"": "Statistics",
"": "Almanac",
"": "Monster Fibula",
"": "Museum",
"": "Help Screen",
"": "Botanics",
"": "Bulletin Board",
"": "Party",
"": "Trader Book",
"": "Manual",
"": "Back",
"": "Credit",
"": "Play Time",
"": "Browse through your items and use consumables.",
"": "Upgrade your abilities by activating nodes on the circuit boards.",
"": "Equip items to enhance your battle stats.",
"": "Check your Status, including all Skills, Modifiers and Equipment.",
"": "See all the things you found and experienced in CrossWorlds.",
"": "Take a look at your current location and use the Teleport-System.",
"": "Take a look at all active and completed quests.",
"": "Party! Whooo",
"": "Save your current Progress.",
"": "Change the options to fit your play style.",
"": "Add, remove or just interact with your friends and contacts.",
"": "Return to the previous menu.",
"": "\\i[help4] More",
"": "\\i[help4] Less",
"": "Hidden",
"": "head",
"": "left arm",
"": "right arm",
"": "torso",
"": "legs",
"": "MaxHp",
"": "Player",
"": "Attack",
"": "Defense",
"": "Focus",
"": "resistance",
"": "Heat Resistance",
"": "Cold Resistance",
"": "Shock Resistance",
"": "Wave Resistance",
"": "Parameter",
"": "Base",
"": "Equip",
"": "Skills",
"": "Info",
"": "Modifiers",
"": "Modifier",
"": "- Nothing -",
"": "- Discard - ",
"": "Take off your current equipment.",
"": "Player & Equip Level",
"": "Leaf Bracer",
"": "SP Regen",
"": "Scope",
"": "Trainer",
"": "Zero XP",
"": "Shooter",
"": "Bulk Calibre",
"": "Brawler",
"": "Assault",
"": "Bullseye",
"": "Flash Step",
"": "Iron Stance",
"": "HP Regen",
"": "Lucky Lucky",
"": "Solid Guard",
"": "Item Booster",
"": "Balance",
"": "Steady Shot",
"": "Pin Body",
"": "Legwork",
"": "Extra Dash",
"": "Keeper",
"": "X Counter",
"": "Once More",
"": "Riposte",
"": "Royal Guard",
"": "Avenger",
"": "Botanist",
"": "Bouncer",
"": "Berserker",
"": "Bastion",
"": "Appetite",
"": "Nimble Feet",
"": "Burn Rush",
"": "Chill Rush",
"": "Jolt Rush",
"": "Mark Rush",
"": "Status Rush",
"": "Burn Guard",
"": "Chill Guard",
"": "Jolt Guard",
"": "Mark Protect",
"": "Status Mend",
"": "Ice Skater",
"": "Displays the current player- and average equipment level.\n - Green: Levels are aligned.\n -White: Levels are okay",
"": "Maximum amount of Health Points. Determines the damage you can survive and the efficiency of regeneration.",
"": "Increases the damage of your attacks. The higher the number, the more damage can be inflicted.",
"": "Reduces the damage you take from hostile attacks and increases the power of your shield.",
"": "Determines the probability of critical hits, your SP gain, status conditions rate and invincibility while dashing.",
"": "Resistance against the heat element. The higher the number the less damage you take from heat attacks.",
"": "Resistance against the cold element. The higher the number the less damage you take from cold attacks.",
"": "Resistance against the shock element. The higher the number the less damage you take from shock attacks.",
"": "Resistance against the wave element. The higher the number the less damage you take from wave attacks.",
"": "Using Items cannot be stopped by any attacks. However you can still suffer damage.",
"": "Increases SP regeneration of any form.",
"": "Increases damage done by close combat attacks, including Melee Combat Arts.",
"": "Increases the speed of getting precise aiming.",
"": "Disables exp gain from quests or defeating enemies.",
"": "Increases amount of experience gained from defeating enemies",
"": "Increases damage done by ranged attacks, including Throw Combat Arts.",
"": "Increases knockback from charged shots on enemies.",
"": "Fires additional projectiles when using melee attacks with a fraction of the attacks strength.",
"": "Increases critical hit damage.",
"": "Increases the duration of invincibility when dashing.",
"": "Increases knockback resistance to weak attacks, depending on your MaxHP.",
"": "Regenerates given percentage of HP over 10 seconds of combat. Healing frequency increases with higher percentage.",
"": "Increases drop rate for items from enemies and environmental objects.",
"": "Strengthens your shield and decreases the damage taken while guarding.",
"": "Increases the effect of healing items and duration of buff items.",
"": "Slows down Overload while using an element.",
"": "Decreases the loss of aim from quick aim movement and dashes.",
"": "Damages enemies that hit your shield, based on the absorbed damage and defense.",
"": "Increases your movement speed while aiming.",
"": "Grants an additional dash.",
"": "Increases the amount of credits you get from defeating enemies.",
"": "Increases damage on attacking or charging enemies.",
"": "Survive exactly one attack that would normally kill you.",
"": "Resets your perfect guard when landing a successful perfect guard.",
"": "Increases the time window for a perfect guard.",
"": "Restores SP on guard based on the power of the attack. Double that for a perfect guard.",
"": "Combat Rank also increases the drop rate of items from environment objects.",
"": "Increase damage on enemies that are in stunned, weak or in break state.",
"": "Increases damage dealt when at critical HP. (Below 33% of Max HP)",
"": "Allows to guard against attacks from the side. Activate twice to shield attacks from above too.",
"": "Increases numbers of available buff slots. Every step of 100 unlocks another one.",
"": "Increases the speed of inflicting the \\c[3]Burn\\c[0] Condition and its effect. \n\\c[3]Burn\\c[0] causes damage over time, depending on the MaxHP of the victim.",
"": "Increases the speed of inflicting the \\c[3]Chill\\c[0] Condition and its effect. \n\\c[3]Chill\\c[0] decreases the overall speed of the victim.",
"": "Increases the speed of inflicting the \\c[3]Jolt\\c[0] Condition and its effect. \n\\c[3]Jolt\\c[0] causes damage and stuns in short intervals.",
"": "Increases the speed of inflicting the \\c[3]Mark\\c[0] Condition and its effect. \n\\c[3]Mark\\c[0] increases the received ranged damage by 50%.",
"": "Increases the speed of inflicting a \\c[3]Status Condition\\c[0] and its effect.",
"": "Increases the resistance against the \\c[3]Burn\\c[0] Condition and reduces its effect. \n\\c[3]Burn\\c[0] causes damage over time, depending on the MaxHP of the victim.",
"": "Increases the resistance against the \\c[3]Chill\\c[0] Condition and reduces its effect. \n\\c[3]Chill\\c[0] decreases the overall speed of the victim.",
"": "Increases the resistance against the \\c[3]Jolt\\c[0] Condition and reduces its effect. \n\\c[3]Jolt\\c[0] causes damage and stuns in short intervals.",
"": "Increases the resistance against the \\c[3]Mark\\c[0] Condition and reduces its effect. \n\\c[3]Mark\\c[0] increases the received ranged damage by 50%.",
"": "Increases the recovery speed from negative status conditions.",
"": "Makes it possible to freely walk on the sticky webs created by the \\v[].",
"": "Makes it possible to run and perform actions on ice without slipping.",
"": "Find the [xyz] to break the chains and unlock more skills.",
"": "Cost:",
"": "Activate",
"": "Cancel",
"": "Activated!",
"": "Switch",
"": "Activate All",
"": "Use \\c[3]Activate All\\c[0] to activate all previous skills and this one with sufficient CP.",
"": "Swappable",
"": "Activate previous nodes to see this one!",
"": "Help for details",
"": "New",
"": "Consumables",
"": "Arms",
"": "Head",
"": "Torso",
"": "Legs",
"": "Valuables",
"": "Trade",
"": "Availability",
"": "Add-Ons",
"": "Current Buffs",
"": "Favorites",
"": "Set Favorite",
"": "Sort",
"": "Chance",
"": "General",
"": "Interface",
"": "Video",
"": "Audio",
"": "Gamepad",
"": "Controls",
"": "Delete",
"": "Exit Delete",
"": "New Save",
"": "Load",
"": "Save",
"": "Time",
"": "Chapter",
"": "Prologue",
"": "Epilogue",
"": "lvl",
"": "play time",
"": "credit",
"": "- No Auto Save file yet -",
"": "- Create new save file -",
"": "\\c[3]Deleting Save Files\\c[0]",
"": "Hover over a slot (except the auto save slot and the new save file slot) and press \\i[help2] to delete the slot.",
"": "Select a slot to save to.",
"": "Select a slot to load from.",
"": "Quests",
"": "Map",
"": "Trophies",
"": "Encyclopedia",
"": "Statistics",
"": "Almanac",
"": "Monster Fibula",
"": "Museum",
"": "Help",
"": "Trader Book",
"": "Botanics",
"": "Unlocked Landmark ",
"": "Found Trader ",
"": "Updated Trader ",
"": "in ",
"": "Updated Quest ",
"": "Task done: ",
"": "Started Quest ",
"": "Solved Quest ",
"": "Unlocked Encyclopedia ",
"": "Updated Encyclopedia ",
"": "Completely Analyzed ",
"": "Unlocked Trophy",
"": "Take a look at your current location and use the Teleport-System.",
"": "Take a look at all active and completed quests.",
"": "View a synopsis of the story so far or read about the lore of the game.",
"": "Bask in the glory of your trophies and find new ones to accomplish.",
"": "Admire a detailed record of your various stats and activities.",
"": "Here you can find a detailed list of all items and where to find them.",
"": "Look up the locations and offers of every trader you found so far.",
"": "Find detailed information about all the enemies you have come across on your journey.",
"": "Enjoy the things you have unlocked.",
"": "Missed a description or a helpful hint? Find it in this section.",
"": "Look up all environment objects of CrossWorlds and what kind of items they can drop.",
"": "Current Objective",
"": "Activity Log",
"": "\\c[1]No Objective\\c[0]",
"": "Current Highlighted Quest",
"": "\\c[1]No Highlighted Quest\\c[0]",
"": "Latest Trophies",
"": "First Task",
"": "Tasks",
"": "Set Favorites",
"": "Back",
"": "Solved",
"": "*at current Level",
"": "Accept",
"": "Collect Rewards",
"": "Continue",
"": "Decline",
"": "ACCEPTED!",
"": "Active",
"": "Solved",
"": "All",
"": "No Quest selected",
"": "Story",
"": "People",
"": "CrossWorlds",
"": "General",
"": "Memories",
"": "Others",
"": "\\c[3]Other Terms:\\c[0] ",
"": "No Lore Entry selected",
"": "\\c[1]Entry locked\\c[0]",
"": "Completion %",
"": "Summary",
"": "Parameters",
"": "Modifiers",
"": "Combat Arts",
"": "Throw Arts",
"": "Melee Arts",
"": "Dash Arts",
"": "Guard Arts",
"": "LVL",
"": "SP",
"": "DMG",
"": "Melee",
"": "Ranged",
"": "None",
"": "Mixed",
"": "EFFECTS",
"": "Interrupt",
"": "Lock",
"": "Inflicts",
"": "This should never be displayed",
"": "Burn",
"": "Chill",
"": "Jolt",
"": "Mark",
"": "Humanoid",
"": "Organic",
"": "Mechanical",
"": "Abstract",
"": "Bosses",
"": "Unknown",
"": "\\c[3]Special\\c[0]",
"": "\\c[3]Report:\\c[0] ",
"": "\\c[3]Sub Type:\\c[0] ",
"": "Defeat \\c[3][x]\\c[0] more [y] to unlock this page!",
"": "Defeated: ",
"": "resistance",
"": "Drops",
"": "rank",
"": "Chance",
"": "\\c[3]Found in:\\c[0] ",
"": "No Enemy Selected",
"": "No Report found",
"": "Friends",
"": "Contacts",
"": "All",
"": "Status",
"": "Name",
"": "Class",
"": "Equipment",
"": "No Player selected",
"": "Current Party",
"": "Spheromancer",
"": "Triblader",
"": "Quadroguard",
"": "Pentafist",
"": "Hexacast",
"": "Unknown",
"": "Open",
"": "Active",
"": "Finished",
"": "Rewards",
"": "Completion Rate",
"": "Quests Available",
"": "General",
"": "Combat",
"": "Exploration",
"": "Special",
"": "Progression",
"": "Player",
"": "Special",
"": "Inventory",
"": "Cumulative",
"": "Actions",
"": "Circuits",
"": "Enemies",
"": "Areas",
"": "Chests",
"": "Quests",
"": "Discovery",
"": "General",
"": "Combat",
"": "Toggle Stats",
"": "Category",
"": "Section",
"": "Total Trophies",
"": "???",
"": "??????",
"": "Sections",
"": "Trophy Points",
"": "Completion Rate",
"": "General",
"": "Combat",
"": "Collection",
"": "Quests",
"": "Exploration",
"": "Misc",
"": "Activity Log",
"": "Play Time",
"": "Current Level",
"": "Total Amount of Exp Gained",
"": "Total Amount of Credits Collected",
"": "Overall Completion",
"": "Story",
"": "Trophies",
"": "Collection",
"": "Enemies",
"": "Quests",
"": "Exploration",
"": "Total Defeated",
"": "Through Environment",
"": "Boosted",
"": "In one Hit",
"": "\\i[enemy-animals]Organic",
"": "\\i[enemy-mecha]Mechanical",
"": "\\i[enemy-avatars]Avatars",
"": "\\i[enemy-abstract]Abstract",
"": "Enemy Completion",
"": "Total Damage Dealt",
"": "Time spent in Combat",
"": "Total Hits Taken",
"": "Total Damage Taken",
"": "Total Balls Thrown",
"": "Normal Throws",
"": "Charged Throws",
"": "Time spent Aiming",
"": "Time spent Charging",
"": "Time spent Guarding",
"": "Attacks Guarded",
"": "Perfect Guards",
"": "Guard Counters",
"": "Normal / Perfect Guard Ratio",
"": "Total Combat Arts Executed",
"": "Level 1",
"": "Level 2",
"": "Level 3",
"": "Melee Arts",
"": "Throw Arts",
"": "Dash Arts",
"": "Guard Arts",
"": "Total Critical Hits",
"": "Ranged",
"": "Melee",
"": "Total Dashes",
"": "Dash Cancels",
"": "Most Enemies Defeated in one Streak",
"": "Longest Combat Streak",
"": "Total Number of Overloads",
"": "Time Spent in Element Modes",
"": "\\i[element-heat]Heat Mode",
"": "\\i[element-cold]Cold Mode",
"": "\\i[element-shock]Shock Mode",
"": "\\i[element-wave]Wave Mode",
"": "Total Number of Element Switches",
"": "\\i[element-neutral]Neutral Mode",
"": "\\i[element-heat]Heat Mode",
"": "\\i[element-cold]Cold Mode",
"": "\\i[element-shock]Shock Mode",
"": "\\i[element-wave]Wave Mode",
"": "Total Hits with Projectiles",
"": "Throw / Hit Ratio",
"": "Time Spent Dashing",
"": "Perfect Dodges",
"": "Total Amount of HP Healed",
"": "Max Damage in one Hit",
"": "Melee Attacks",
"": "Melee Hits",
"": "Item Completion",
"": "Consumables",
"": "Equipment",
"": "Head",
"": "Arms",
"": "Torso",
"": "Feet",
"": "Trade",
"": "Valuables",
"": "Total Number of Items Collected",
"": "Consumables Used",
"": "Total Number of Drops",
"": "Environment",
"": "Enemies",
"": "Items Bought",
"": "Items Sold",
"": "Chests Found",
"": "Botanics",
"": "Total Amount of Trades",
"": "Items Obtained through Trading",
"": "Items Lost through Trading",
"": "Area Completion",
"": "Landmark Completion",
"": "Encyclopedia Completion",
"": "\\i[lore-story]Story",
"": "\\i[lore-memories]Memories",
"": "\\i[lore-people]People",
"": "\\i[lore-cross-lore]CrossWorlds",
"": "\\i[lore-earth-lore]World",
"": "\\i[lore-others]Others",
"": "Enemy Reports Completion",
"": "Areas Found",
"": "Landmarks Found",
"": "Encyclopedia Entries Found",
"": "Encyclopedia Paragraphs Found",
"": "Total Number of Stats in this Menu",
"": "Chests Completion",
"": "Total Number of Times Lea said \"Hi\"",
"": "Total Number of Times Lea was bored",
"": "Quest Completion",
"": "Total Quests Solved",
"": "Total Generic Quests Solved",
"": "Total Tasks Finished",
"": "Total Subtasks Finished",
"": "Defeat Enemies",
"": "Collect Items",
"": "Interactions",
"": "Quests",
"": "Landmarks",
"": "Max Number of Simultaneous Active Quests",
"": "Total Exp gained through Quests",
"": "Total Credits gained through Quests",
"": "Total Items gained through Quests",
"": "Total Circuit Points gained through Quests",
"": "Total Number Game Saves",
"": "Total Number of Steps",
"": "Meters Run",
"": "Total Number of Self-Destructs",
"": "By Water",
"": "By Sand",
"": "By Coals",
"": "By Holes",
"": "By Highway",
"": "Total Number of Words Acquired",
"": "Teleports using the Map Menu",
"": "Environment Objects Destroyed",
"": "Number of Jumps",
"": "Number of Skills Learned",
"": "Passive",
"": "Combat Arts",
"": "Number of Branches Switched",
"": "Total Number of Skill Points Used",
"": "\\i[element-neutral]Neutral Tree",
"": "\\i[element-heat]Heat Tree",
"": "\\i[element-cold]Cold Tree",
"": "\\i[element-shock]Shock Tree",
"": "\\i[element-wave]Wave Tree",
"": "Enemies",
"": "Quests",
"": "Events / Others",
"": "Total EXP gained through Enemies",
"": "Total Credits gained through Enemies",
"": "Enemies",
"": "Money",
"": "Selling Items",
"": "Events / Others",
"": "Total Log Entries accumulated",
"": "Total Game Boots",
"": "Here is a Random Number for you",
"": "Shield Breaks Suffered",
"": "Trader Completion",
"": "Traders Found",
"": "Environment Objects Found",
"": "Completely Analyzed",
"": "Circuits",
"": "Quest Completion by Area",
"": "Trades",
"": "Chests",
"": "Overview",
"": "Elements",
"": "Balls and Melee",
"": "Dash and Guard",
"": "Combat Arts",
"": "Progress",
"": "Defeated by Category",
"": "Found by Category",
"": "Botanics",
"": "Traders",
"": "Equipment",
"": "Help",
"": "Status",
"": "Show Difference",
"": "Hide Difference",
"": "Swap Branches",
"": "Exit Swap",
"": "Reset Settings",
"": "Set Stamp",
"": "World Map",
"": "Delete Slot",
"": "New Slot",
"": "GF",
"": "F",
"": "U",
"": "Current Location",
"": "Teleport to [!]?",
"": "Area: ",
"": "Delete",
"": "Blocked",
"": "Stamp",
"": "Chest",
"": "Enemy",
"": "Collectible",
"": "Secret",
"": "Quest",
"": "Unknown",
"": "Spot",
"": "East",
"": "West",
"": "North",
"": "South",
"": "South East",
"": "South West",
"": "North East",
"": "North West",
"": "\\c[3]Settings Stamps\\c[0]",
"": "Hover over any place you like to set a Stamp and press \\i[help3] to set it. Stamps cannot be set close to other Stamps or Landmarks.",
"": "sec",
"": "Select",
"": "Quantity",
"": "Welcome to the Inventory!",
"": "......",
"": "This is where you can take a look at all your collected items or set certain consumables as your favorites.",
"": "Use \\i[circle-left] and \\i[circle-right] to cycle through the categories or press on the tabs if you use the mouse.",
"": "The first tab shows the last items you have collected to keep an eye on all your loot!",
"": "\\c[3]Inventory Menu\\c[0] - Consumables",
"": "Most consumables are \\c[3]buffs used to aid you in battle\\c[0]. Hovering over a consumable that is also a buff shows a little interface telling you what the item does in the \\c[3]bottom left corner\\c[0].",
"": "..",
"": "The symbols you see tell you what stat or modifier changes and how strong the stat is increased. While in the Help Screen, select the \\c[3]UI in the bottom-left\\c[0] to see what each of the symbols mean.",
"": "\\c[3]Inventory Menu\\c[0] - Add-Ons",
"": "Add-Ons are helpful items or visual effects you can toggle on and off as your please!",
"": "..",
"": "Items in this category are grouped in \\c[3]Sets\\c[0]. In Sets with \\c[3]round checkboxes, only one\\c[0] of the items in the set can be active at the same time. \\c[3]Square-shaped checkboxes\\c[0] indicated a set where you can \\c[3]toggle any item\\c[0].",
"": "player.hasAnyToggleItems",
"": "\\c[3]Inventory Menu\\c[0]",
"": "\\c[3]Adding Favorite Items\\c[0]",
"": "Hover over an item in the Consumables Section and press \\i[help2] to add it as a favorite",
"": "\\c[3]Equipment Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Equipment Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can equip your collected gear into 5 different slots.",
"": "These are \\c[3]Head\\c[0], \\c[3]Right Arm\\c[0], \\c[3]Left Arm\\c[0], \\c[3]Torso\\c[0] and \\c[3]Legs\\c[0].",
"": "..",
"": "Select a body part by clicking on one of the buttons. You can also use the mouse to click on the buttons in the center.",
"": "Additionally you can cycle through the body parts using \\i[circle-right] and \\i[circle-left] or \\i[left] and \\i[right].",
"": "Press \\i[help2] to go directly to the status menu.",
"": "\\c[3]Equipment Menu\\c[0] - Stats & Modifiers",
"": "Hovering over a piece of equipment shows the changes to your \\c[3]status\\c[0] on the left. Having already equipped an item will show how your parameters change when switching to another piece of gear.",
"": "\\c[3]Modifiers\\c[0] are shown below the status parameters. Press \\i[help4] to expand the list if more modifiers are equipped or shown then fit into the list.",
"": "Use the \\c[3]Status Menu's \"Modifier\"-List\\c[0] to get a detailed description for each equipped modifier.",
"": "\\c[3]Circuit Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Circuit Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can spend your collected \\c[3]Cross Points (CP)\\c[0] to unlock skills on the skill trees.",
"": "select one of the unlocked trees and press on it to enter the detailed view of the associated tree.",
"": "Scroll right to get more info on the detailed view that appears once you press on one of the trees.",
"": "\\c[3]Circuit Menu\\c[0] - Detail View",
"": "Use \\i[key-up]\\i[key-left]\\i[key-down]\\i[key-right] or drag the mouse to move around the skill tree.",
"": "With the gamepad you can use \\i[left-stick] to move the cursor around and \\i[right-stick] to just move the camera.",
"": "......",
"": "Hover over a skill to see what it does and how many CP you need to activate it.",
"": "Note that in order to activate a skill you must first unlock its parent. Alternatively you can activate all parent skills provided you have enough CP. In that case the button will display the text \\c[3]Activate All\\c[0].",
"": "\\c[3]Circuit Menu\\c[0] - Branches",
"": "Notice the branches on some paths along the skill tree? Those always offer 2 ways and you can only walk on one of them.",
"": "However you can \\c[3]switch between both paths at any time without spending any additional points\\c[0] as long as you have a skill activated on one of the branch paths.",
"": "By pressing \\i[help2] you can enter a special swap mode in the overview where you can quickly swap branches. Just select a panel and press it to swap the skills!",
"": "\\c[3]Circuit Menu\\c[0] - Combat Arts",
"": "The aforementioned branches always contain at least one \\c[3]Combat Art\\c[0] on each way, which you can recognize by their \\c[3]light-grey background\\c[0].",
"": "......",
"": "Those Combat Arts are skills that don't increase your parameters but instead allow you to perform special abilities during combat, in exchange for \\c[3]Special Points (SP)\\c[0].",
"": "......",
"": "Combat Arts can greatly increase your chances in battle, so it is advised that you learn at least one of them as quickly as possible!",
"": "\\c[3]Map Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Map Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "Here you can check out your current location displayed as a \\c[3]red box and white dotted lines\\c[0], see how many treasures you have found and use the teleport system.",
"": "..",
"": "Use \\i[key-up]\\i[key-left]\\i[key-down]\\i[key-right] to move the camera or drag with the mouse. You can also use \\i[left-stick] to move or \\i[right-stick] to pan the camera with the gamepad.",
"": "..",
"": "Pressing \\i[help3] places a custom \\c[3]Stamp\\c[0]. You can update the stamp by clicking on it or creating one.",
"": "\\c[3]Map Menu\\c[0] - Teleport System",
"": "Once a \\c[3]Landmark\\c[0] is activated it can be selected by hovering over the symbol \\i[landmark] with the mouse or the gamepad cursor.",
"": "Clicking or pressing \\i[gamepad-a] on the gamepad opens a confirmation dialog.",
"": "Selecting yes closes the menu and teleports Lea to the location of the landmark",
"": "....",
"": "If a landmark is greyed out it means it was blocked. (eg. because of Story progression) To access them, simply find them gain. ",
"": "\\c[3]Map Menu\\c[0] - Worldmap",
"": "Pressing \\i[help2] opens or closes the worldmap of CrossWorlds. In this menu you can select an area you have already visited.",
"": "Hovering over an area reveals the name, a short description and the chests found in the area.",
"": "Clicking or pressing \\i[gamepad-a] on the gamepad displays the maps of the area. Here you can use the teleport system to warp you to landmarks you activated in the selected area.",
"": "\\c[3]Options Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Options Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can change various settings to customize your game experience. Use \\i[circle-right] and \\i[circle-left] to navigate through the tabs.",
"": "Some options might require a restart. Options like these are \\c[3]marked with a red information text.\\c[0]",
"": "Options are saved as soon as you leave the main menu. ",
"": "Use \\i[help2] to reset all settings back to default. This will also reset all your key bindings.",
"": "\\c[3]Records Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Records Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "This menu features a wide array of information about all your quests, stats and achievements!",
"": "On the left side you can a see a quick summary including your \\c[3]current task\\c[0] and your \\c[3]latest activities.\\c[0]",
"": "To see more activities go the \\c[3]Activity Log\\c[0] Tab in the Statistics Menu.",
"": "\\c[3]Quest Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Quest Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can watch all your active and finished quests.",
"": "Cycle through the tabs using \\i[circle-left] and \\i[circle-right].",
"": "Selecting a quest shows you a quick summary including the latest fulfilled tasks and description.",
"": "....",
"": "Pressing on a quest opens the \\c[3]Detail View\\c[0]. This menu gives you a more precise look at a quest.",
"": "\\c[3]Quest Menu\\c[0] - Favorites",
"": "Pressing \\i[help2] while hovering over a quest in the active section marks it as favorite quest. Pressing \\i[help2] on a marked quest un-favorites it.",
"": "......",
"": "Favorite quests are highlighted outside the menu in the top-right corner of the screen.",
"": "You can change between them outside the menu by using \\i[circle-left] and \\i[circle-right] on the keyboard or by pressing \\i[left-stick] and \\i[right-stick] on the gamepad.",
"": "You will only cycle through the ones you marked as favorite.",
"": "\\c[3]Quest Menu\\c[0] - Sub Quest",
"": "A quest can have up to 4 sub quests.",
"": "In case such a quests is activated, all sub quests are indented below the parent quest when the \\c[3]Data\\c[0] or \\c[3]Auto\\c[0] Sorting is active. This way you always know where a sub quest belongs.",
"": "\\c[3]Setting Favorite Quests\\c[0]",
"": "Hover over a quest in the Active Quest Section and press \\i[help2] to set it as a favorite! \n\nDo the same on a faved quest to un-favorite it.",
"": "\\c[3]Shop Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Shop Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can buy items or sell them if you don't need them.",
"": "Use \\i[circle-left] and \\i[circle-right] to cycle through the categories or press on the tabs if you use the mouse.",
"": "Press on an item to select the quantity you want to buy. You can use the \\i[up]\\i[left]\\i[down]\\i[right] to change the amount.",
"": "Press \\i[help2] to open the checkout view when you have at least one item in your cart. Once you sure you want to buy or sell the selected items, press Buy/Sell to confirm.",
"": "\\c[3]Shop Menu\\c[0] - Additional Info",
"": "When an item is selected you can use \\i[left] and \\i[right] to de- or increase the number by one directly.",
"": "Some vendors might only have one category from which you can buy items. This is indicated by the grey buttons next to the category name.",
"": "\\c[3]Save Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Save Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can save your progress and see all the save files you have created.",
"": "Scroll through the save slots using \\i[mousewheel] with the mouse or the direction buttons on the gamepad.",
"": "Click on a slot or press \\i[gamepad-a] on the gamepad to save the game on the selected slot.",
"": "Press \\i[help3] to create \\c[3]a new save file\\c[0] or \\i[help2] to \\c[3]delte a save file\\c[0] by hovering over a slot.",
"": "You can also use the first entry in the list to create a new save file.",
"": "\\c[3]Save Menu\\c[0] - Save Files",
"": "A single save file displays some basic information about you progress:",
"": "!!min=66",
"": "--\\c[3]Chapter\\c[0]:-- Reflects your story progress via the chapter you are in and a small graphic.",
"": "--\\c[3]Level\\c[0]:-- The level you have on this save file.",
"": "--\\c[3]Location\\c[0]:-- The area and map you saved in.",
"": "--\\c[3]Element\\c[0]:-- The elements you have on this save file.",
"": "--\\c[3]Version\\c[0]:-- Displayed next to Leas head. Reflects the version of the save file in contrast to the current game version.",
"": "--\\c[3]Playtime\\c[0]:-- The play time of this save file.",
"": "--\\c[3]Credit\\c[0]:-- The money you accumulated.",
"": "!!min=-1",
"": "\\c[3]Load Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Load Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can load a save file and start where you left.",
"": "Scroll through the save slots using \\i[mousewheel] with the mouse or the direction buttons on the gamepad.",
"": "Click on a slot or press \\i[gamepad-a] on the gamepad to load the save file on the selected slot.",
"": "Press \\i[help2] to \\c[3] delete a save file\\c[0] by hovering over a slot.",
"": "\\c[3]Load Menu\\c[0] - Save Files",
"": "A single save file displays some basic information about you progress:",
"": "!!min=66",
"": "--\\c[3]Chapter\\c[0]:-- Reflects your story progress via the chapter you are in and a small graphic.",
"": "--\\c[3]Level\\c[0]:-- The level you have on this save file.",
"": "--\\c[3]Element\\c[0]:-- The elements you have on this save file.",
"": "--\\c[3]Location\\c[0]:-- The area and map you saved in.",
"": "--\\c[3]Version\\c[0]:-- Displayed next to Leas head. Reflects the version of the save file in contrast to the current game version.",
"": "--\\c[3]Playtime\\c[0]:-- The play time of this save file.",
"": "--\\c[3]Credit\\c[0]:-- The money you accumulated.",
"": "!!min=-1",
"": "\\c[3]Encyclopedia\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Encyclopedia!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can read about all the interesting topics you come across while exploring CrossWorlds.",
"": "Cycle through the tabs using \\i[circle-left] and \\i[circle-right].",
"": "Select an entry to to highlight and scroll through its content.",
"": "....",
"": "You can also use \\i[left] or \\i[right] while hovering an entry to scroll through it directly. On gamepad using \\i[right-stick] does the same.",
"": "\\c[3]Encyclopedia\\c[0] - Unlocking Lore Entries",
"": "There are multiple ways to unlock lore entries. You can either just talk to people or find more information about a topic by progressing the \\c[3]Track of the Ancients\\c[0].",
"": "......",
"": "\\c[3][Sergey Note]\\c[0]",
"": "I added some extra code here for you, Lea. Next to the in-game categories I added one for your progress and one for characters.",
"": "I will insert those entries for you when they come along!",
"": "\\c[3]Monster Fibula\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Monster Fibula!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can find detailed information about every enemy you encounter.",
"": "Cycle through the tabs using \\i[circle-left] and \\i[circle-right].",
"": "Select an entry to reveal the first page of the enemy and use \\i[page-left] or \\i[page-right] to switch pages.",
"": "....",
"": "If you find the tag \"special\" above the enemy view than that means you unlocked an enemy through a \\c[3]special event or a quest\\c[0].",
"": "\\c[3]Monster Fibula\\c[0] - Reports",
"": "Reports are unlocked by first defeating an enemy a certain amount of times.",
"": "....",
"": "They show useful information or trivia about the selected enemy.",
"": "This first page, including the species of the enemy, will always be unlocked.",
"": "....",
"": "Additional reports are unlocked through various tasks, such as defeating even more of enemy, solving quest, progressing the story and so on.",
"": "\\c[3]Trader Book\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Trader Book!",
"": "......",
"": "This menu offers a log of every trader you met in each area.",
"": "Cycle through the tabs using \\i[circle-left] and \\i[circle-right].",
"": "Select an entry to reveal a detailed overview over what items you need and how much it will cost you.",
"": "....",
"": "While the detail view is open you can still switch through tabs and select different items.",
"": "\\c[3]Status Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Status Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "This menu gives you a detailed look at all your stats and parameters for all available elements.",
"": "Use \\i[page-left] and \\i[page-right] to switch through your elements.",
"": "To switch between the different views, use \\i[circle-left] and \\i[circle-right]. Available views are:",
"": "!!min=64",
"": "--\\c[3]Summary\\c[0]",
"": "--\\c[3]Parameters\\c[0]",
"": "--\\c[3]Modifiers\\c[0]",
"": "--\\c[3]Combat Arts\\c[0]",
"": "!!min=-1",
"": "\\c[3]Status Menu\\c[0] - Summary",
"": "As the name suggests the summary services as an overview over your equipment and stats.",
"": "....",
"": "The parameters shown on the left are your final parameters for the currently selected element, including equipment and skills.",
"": "\\c[3]Status Menu\\c[0] - Parameters",
"": "This views displays your base parameters for the currently selected element.",
"": "....",
"": "For each parameter you can see how the final value comes together based of the \\c[3]Base Value\\c[0], the \\c[3]Equipment\\c[0] and finally the \\c[3]Skill Additions\\c[0] from the Circuits. The description shows the purpose of each parameter.",
"": "To see the absolute values of each step for the final value of a parameter press \\i[help3].",
"": "\\c[3]Status Menu\\c[0] - Modifiers",
"": "This views displays all modifiers from your equipment and the currently selected element.",
"": "....",
"": "For each modifier you can see how the final value comes together based of your \\c[3]Equipment\\c[0] and the \\c[3]Skill Additions\\c[0] from the Circuits. The description shows the function of each modifier.",
"": "To see the absolute values of each step for the final value of a modifier press \\i[help3].",
"": "\\c[3]Status Menu\\c[0] - Combat Arts",
"": "This views displays all currently active combat arts seperated by type. (\\c[3]Throw\\c[0], \\c[3]Melee\\c[0], \\c[3]Dash\\c[0], \\c[3]Guard\\c[0])",
"": "....",
"": "Next to the name and description, each Art shows how many \\c[3]SP\\c[0] are consumed, the damage modifier and additional effects.",
"": "The damage type (displayed as DMG) highlights if the damage is either \\c[3]Melee\\c[0], \\c[3]Ranged\\c[0], \\c[3]Mixed\\c[0] or \\c[3]None\\c[0].",
"": "....",
"": "Effects show both the \\c[3]Stun Type\\c[0] and if the Art inflict a status condition. Stun Types can be the following:",
"": "!!min=82",
"": "--\\c[3]\\i[status-stun-1]Interrupt\\c[0]:-- These Arts can interrupt enemy attacks.",
"": "--\\c[3]\\i[status-stun-2]Lock\\c[0]:-- These Arts lock enemies in place until its finished.",
"": "!!min=-1",
"": "\\c[3]Party Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Party Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "In this menu you can invite/remove other players into your party or contact them.",
"": "Hover over a contact to get a closer look at the stats and equipment of the player.",
"": "....",
"": "Click on a slot or press \\i[gamepad-a] on the gamepad to invite/remove the player.",
"": "This way you can also contact the player. Note that some players might not answer if they are not online.",
"": "\\c[3]Statistics Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Statistics Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "This menu is a compilation of all your progress in numbers. Use \\i[circle-right] and \\i[circle-left] to navigate through the categories. To scroll through a category use the mouse wheel or \\i[down] and \\i[up].",
"": "\\c[3]Botanics Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Botanics Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "This menus lists all destructible environmental objects found in CrossWorlds. Use \\i[circle-right] and \\i[circle-left] to navigate through the areas.",
"": "....",
"": "Each object first needs to be analyzed, which is done by simply destroying them and collecting the drops.",
"": "Once \\c[3]50% are analyzed\\c[0] you can see the location of the object and once \\c[3]100% is reach, all items the object can drop are revealed\\c[0].",
"": "\\c[3]Trade Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Trade Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "Here you can trade your items against other items as long as you fulfil the requirements and have enough credits.",
"": "....",
"": "A trader can have multiple offers. Use \\i[circle-right] and \\i[circle-left] to navigate through them.",
"": "The values in \\c[3]brackets show how many of the required items you have\\c[0]. If the offer is a piece of equipment you can check the parameters on the left side.",
"": "\\c[3]Bulletion Board\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Bulletin Board!",
"": "......",
"": "This menus lists all quests \\c[3]available in the surrounding areas\\c[0].",
"": "....",
"": "The 3 tabs show open, active and finished quests in that order. Use \\i[circle-right] and \\i[circle-left] to navigate through the tabs.",
"": "At the bottom you can see how many quests are currently available and your completion rate on this Bulletin Board.",
"": "\\c[3]Trophy Menu\\c[0]",
"": "Welcome to the Trophy Menu!",
"": "......",
"": "This menus showcases all your accomplishments. You can also see what you need to do for to unlock a trophy, at least for most of them.",
"": "....",
"": "Trophies are separated by 3 categories: \\c[3]General\\c[0], \\c[3]Combat\\c[0] and \\c[3]Exploration\\c[0]. Use \\i[circle-right] and \\i[circle-left] to navigate through the tabs.",
"": "Each tab can have multiple sections. Click on one or use \\i[left] or \\i[right] to show the trophies within them.",
"labels.skills.special-types.THROW": "Throw Art",
"labels.skills.special-types.ATTACK": "Melee Art",
"labels.skills.special-types.GUARD": "Guard Art",
"labels.skills.special-types.DASH": "Dash Art",
"": "???",
"labels.skills.specials.wip.desc": "\\c[1]Not implemented!",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_THROW_1_A": "Throw Special 1 A",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_THROW_1_B": "Throw Special 1 B",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_THROW_2_A": "Throw Special 2 A",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_THROW_2_B": "Throw Special 2 B",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_ATTACK_1_A": "Melee Special 1 A",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_ATTACK_1_B": "Melee Special 1 B",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_ATTACK_2_A": "Melee Special 2 A",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_ATTACK_2_B": "Melee Special 2 B",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_GUARD_1_A": "Guard Special 1 A",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_GUARD_1_B": "Guard Special 1 B",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_GUARD_2_A": "Guard Special 2 A",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_GUARD_2_B": "Guard Special 2 B",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_DASH_1_A": "Dash Special 1 A",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_DASH_1_B": "Dash Special 1 B",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_DASH_2_A": "Dash Special 2 A",
"labels.skills.names.specials.NEUTRAL_DASH_2_B": "Dash Special 2 B",
"labels.skills.names.MAXHP": "MaxHP +",
"labels.skills.names.ATK": "Attack +",
"labels.skills.names.DEF": "Defense +",
"labels.skills.names.FOC": "Focus +",
"labels.skills.names.OWN_ELEMENT_RES_HEAT": "Heat Armor",
"labels.skills.names.COUNTER_ELEMENT_RES_HEAT": "Cold Armor",
"labels.skills.names.OWN_ELEMENT_RES_COLD": "Cold Armor",
"labels.skills.names.COUNTER_ELEMENT_RES_COLD": "Heat Armor",
"labels.skills.names.OWN_ELEMENT_RES_SHOCK": "Shock Armor",
"labels.skills.names.COUNTER_ELEMENT_RES_SHOCK": "Wave Armor",
"labels.skills.names.OWN_ELEMENT_RES_WAVE": "Wave Armor",
"labels.skills.names.COUNTER_ELEMENT_RES_WAVE": "Shock Armor",
"labels.skills.names.ALL_ELEMENT_RES": "Elemental Armor",
"labels.skills.names.RANGED_DAMAGE": "Shooter",
"labels.skills.names.CHARGED_KNOCKBACK": "Bulk Calibre",
"labels.skills.names.MELEE_DAMAGE": "Brawler",
"labels.skills.names.ASSAULT": "Assault",
"labels.skills.names.CRITICAL_DAMAGE": "Bullseye",
"labels.skills.names.AIMING_SPEED": "Scope",
"labels.skills.names.AIMING_STABILITY": "Steady Shot",
"labels.skills.names.AIMING_MOVEMENT_SPEED": "Legwork",
"labels.skills.names.DASH_DISTANCE": "Flash Step",
"labels.skills.names.ADDITIONAL_DASH_STEP": "Extra Dash",
"labels.skills.names.GUARD_STRENGTH": "Solid Guard",
"labels.skills.names.ADDITIONAL_GUARD_AREA": "Bastion",
"labels.skills.names.STUN_THRESHOLD": "Iron Stance",
"labels.skills.names.STATUS_CONDITION_EFFECT_HEAT": "Burn Rush",
"labels.skills.names.STATUS_CONDITION_EFFECT_COLD": "Chill Rush",
"labels.skills.names.STATUS_CONDITION_EFFECT_SHOCK": "Jolt Rush",
"labels.skills.names.STATUS_CONDITION_EFFECT_WAVE": "Mark Rush",
"labels.skills.names.STATUS_CONDITION_GUARD_HEAT": "Burn Protect",
"labels.skills.names.STATUS_CONDITION_GUARD_COLD": "Chill Protect",
"labels.skills.names.STATUS_CONDITION_GUARD_SHOCK": "Jolt Protect",
"labels.skills.names.STATUS_CONDITION_GUARD_WAVE": "Mark Protect",
"labels.skills.names.STATUS_CONDITION_HEALING": "Status Mend",
"labels.skills.names.HP_REGENERATION": "HP Regen",
"labels.skills.names.OVERHEAT_REDUCTION": "Balance",
"labels.skills.names.ITEM_BOOST": "Item Booster",
"labels.skills.names.APPETITE": "Appetite",
"labels.skills.names.SPIKE_DAMAGE": "Pin Body",
"labels.skills.names.CROSS_COUNTER": "X Counter",
"labels.skills.names.BERSERKER": "Berserker",
"labels.skills.names.ONCE_MORE": "Once More",
"labels.skills.names.GUARD_SP": "Avenger",
"labels.skills.names.ACTIVE_PLACEHOLDER": "Placeholder",
"labels.skills.descriptions.MAXHP": "Increases MaxHP by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \nDetermines how much HP you can have to survive damage.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.ATK": "Increases Attack by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \nIncreases the damage you can deal with your attacks.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.DEF": "Increases Defense by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \nDecreases the damage you take and improves guarding.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.FOC": "Increases Focus by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \nDetermines frequency of critical hits and status effects, the time window for parry and dash invincibility and your SP Gain.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.OWN_ELEMENT_RES_HEAT": "Increases resistance to Heat by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.COUNTER_ELEMENT_RES_HEAT": "Increases resistance to Cold by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.OWN_ELEMENT_RES_COLD": "Increases resistance to Cold by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.COUNTER_ELEMENT_RES_COLD": "Increases resistance to Heat by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.OWN_ELEMENT_RES_SHOCK": "Increases resistance to Shock by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.COUNTER_ELEMENT_RES_SHOCK": "Increases resistance to Wave by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.OWN_ELEMENT_RES_WAVE": "Increases resistance to Wave by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.COUNTER_ELEMENT_RES_WAVE": "Increases resistance to Shock by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.ALL_ELEMENT_RES": "Increases resistance to all Elements by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.RANGED_DAMAGE": "Increases the damage of Ranged Attacks by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.CHARGED_KNOCKBACK": "Increases the knockback distance of charged projectiles by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.MELEE_DAMAGE": "Increases the damage of Melee Attacks by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.ASSAULT": "Melee attacks fire additional small projectiles for \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0] of the base damage.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.CRITICAL_DAMAGE": "Increases the damage of Critical Strikes by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.AIMING_SPEED": "Decreases time needed to aim by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.AIMING_STABILITY": "Decreases the loss of aim from quick aim movement and dashes by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.AIMING_MOVEMENT_SPEED": "Increases your movement speed while aiming by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.DASH_DISTANCE": "Prolongs the invincibility when dashing by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.ADDITIONAL_DASH_STEP": "Grants \\c[3]one\\c[0] additional dash step.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.GUARD_STRENGTH": "Strengthens your shield and decreases the damage taken when guarding by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.ADDITIONAL_GUARD_AREA": "Allows to guard against attacks \\c[3]from the side\\c[0]. Activate twice to guard attacks \\c[3]from above\\c[0] too.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.ADDITIONAL_GUARD_AREA_2": "Allows to guard against attacks \\c[3]from above\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STUN_THRESHOLD": "Increases the immunity to knockback from attacks by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0], depending on MaxHP.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STATUS_CONDITION_EFFECT_HEAT": "Increases the speed of inflicting the \\c[3]Burn\\c[0] Condition and its effect by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \n\\c[3]Burn\\c[0] causes damage over time, depending on the MaxHP of the victim.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STATUS_CONDITION_EFFECT_COLD": "Increases the speed of inflicting the \\c[3]Chill\\c[0] Condition and its effect by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \n\\c[3]Chill\\c[0] decreases the overall speed of the victim.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STATUS_CONDITION_EFFECT_SHOCK": "Increases the speed of inflicting the \\c[3]Jolt\\c[0] Condition and its effect by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \n\\c[3]Jolt\\c[0] causes damage and stuns in short intervals.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STATUS_CONDITION_EFFECT_WAVE": "Increases the speed of inflicting the \\c[3]Mark\\c[0] Condition and its effect by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \n\\c[3]Mark\\c[0] increases the received ranged damage by 50%.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STATUS_CONDITION_GUARD_HEAT": "Increases the resistance against the \\c[3]Burn\\c[0] Condition and reduces its effect by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \n\\c[3]Burn\\c[0] causes damage over time, depending on the MaxHP of the victim.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STATUS_CONDITION_GUARD_COLD": "Increases the resistance against the \\c[3]Chill\\c[0] Condition and reduces its effect by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \n\\c[3]Chill\\c[0] decreases the overall speed of the victim.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STATUS_CONDITION_GUARD_SHOCK": "Increases the resistance against the \\c[3]Jolt\\c[0] Condition and reduces its effect by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \n\\c[3]Jolt\\c[0] causes damage and stuns in short intervals.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STATUS_CONDITION_GUARD_WAVE": "Increases the resistance against the \\c[3]Mark\\c[0] Condition and reduces its effect by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0]. \n\\c[3]Mark\\c[0] increases the received ranged damage by 50%.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.STATUS_CONDITION_HEALING": "Increases the recovery speed from all negative status conditions by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.HP_REGENERATION": "Regenerates \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0] of HP over 10 seconds of combat. Healing frequency increases with higher percentage.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.OVERHEAT_REDUCTION": "Slows down the Elemental Overload by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.ITEM_BOOST": "Increases the effect of healing and the duration of buffs from items by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.APPETITE": "Unlocks \\c[3]one\\c[0] additional buff slot.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.SPIKE_DAMAGE": "When guarding, reflects \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0] of the total absorbed damage back on the attacker.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.CROSS_COUNTER": "Increases damage on enemies that are attacking or charging by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.BERSERKER": "Increases Damage by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0] when at critical HP. (Below 33% of MaxHP)",
"labels.skills.descriptions.BREAK_DMG": "Increases Damage on enemies that are stunned, weak or in break state by \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0].",
"labels.skills.descriptions.ONCE_MORE": "Survive exactly \\c[3]one attack\\c[0] that would normally kill you.",
"labels.skills.descriptions.GUARD_SP": "Restores SP on guard based on \\c[3][xyz]%\\c[0] of the attack's power. (\\c[3]Double\\c[0] for perfect guard)",
"labels.skills.descriptions.ACTIVE_PLACEHOLDER": "\\c[3]Placeholder\\c[0] for a Special Attack that can be learned in future versions.",
"labels.options.headers.sound": "Audio",
"": "Menu",
"labels.options.headers.gameplay": "Gameplay",
"labels.options.headers.debug": "Debug",
"labels.options.headers.main": "Main Menu",
"labels.options.headers.field": "Gameplay",
"labels.options.headers.quick": "Quick Menu",
"labels.options.headers.quests": "Quests",
"labels.options.headers.cutscenes": "Cutscenes",
"labels.options.headers.updates": "HUD Updates",
"": "Party",
"labels.options.headers.combat": "Combat",
"": "Item HUD Size",
"labels.options.item-hud-size.description": "Changes the size of the item notification window.",
"": "Normal",
"": "Small",
"": "Task Updates",
"labels.options.update-quest-style.description": "Changes how completed tasks in quests are displayed. ",
"": "Normal",
"": "Minimal",
"": "Off",
"": "Landmark Updates",
"labels.options.update-landmark-style.description": "Changes how new landmarks are displayed when found.",
"": "Normal",
"": "Minimal",
"": "Off",
"": "Encyclopedia Updates",
"labels.options.update-lore-style.description": "Changes how new Encyclopedia entries are displayed when found.",
"": "Normal",
"": "Minimal",
"": "Off",
"": "Botanics Updates",
"labels.options.update-drop-style.description": "Changes how new Botanics completion is displayed when achieved.",
"": "Normal",
"": "Minimal",
"": "Off",
"": "Trophy Updates",
"labels.options.update-trophy-style.description": "Changes how new trophies are displayed when achieved.",
"": "Normal",
"": "Minimal",
"": "Off",
"": "Party Status Bars",
"labels.options.hp-bars.description": "Change under which party members status bars are shown.",
"": "All",
"": "All but Lea",
"": "None",
"": "Party Combat Arts",
"": "Change how Combat Arts execution is shown for party members.",
"": "Full",
"": "Just Name",
"": "None",
"": "Quick Menu Access",
"": "Hold",
"": "Press",
"labels.options.quick-menu-access.description": "The access style to toggle the quick menu.",
"": "Confirm Cutscene Skip",
"labels.options.skip-confirm.description": "Tick if skipping cutscenes should be confirmed.",
"": "Show Levels in Equipment",
"labels.options.equip-level-display.description": "Enables the display in the equip menu which shows the player- and average equip level.",
"": "Show Level Symbol",
"labels.options.level-letter-display.description": "Shows the Level Symbol next to the level of an equipment item.",
"": "Show Buff Help",
"labels.options.buff-help.description": "Shows a small help text when hovering consumables in the inventory.",
"": "Skip Tutorials",
"labels.options.skip-tutorials.description": "Tick if all optional tutorials should be skipped. \\c[1]Not recommended for first playthrough!\\c[0]",
"": "Show Finished Tasks",
"": "Tick to show the task that was finished when a quest updates instead of the next task.",
"": "Small Right Sidebars",
"labels.options.min-sidebar.description": "Tick to make right sidebar smaller. Only works with a \\c[3]Pixel Size\\c[0] of 2 or higher.",
"": "Show Dialog Pointer",
"labels.options.xeno-pointer.description": "Tick to show an effect if an NPC can be talked while text is above it.",
"": "Difficulty",
"": "Casual",
"": "Normal",
"": "Hard",
"": "Ultra",
"labels.options.difficulty.description": "The difficulty of the game. TODO add better text",
"": "Screen shake",
"": "Off",
"": "Weak",
"": "Normal",
"": "Strong",
"labels.options.rumble-strength.description": "Changes the strength of screen shake effects.",
"": "Message Padding",
"": "Normal",
"": "Wide",
"labels.options.message-padding.description": "Changes the padding around texts in dialog bubbles/boxes.",
"": "Text Speed ",
"labels.options.text-speed.example": "\\c[3]Example Text",
"labels.options.text-speed.description": "The speed at which text appears in dialogs and side messages.",
"": "Circuit Info Box Size",
"": "Small",
"": "Medium",
"": "Large",
"labels.options.circuit-text-size.description": "The size of the info box when hovering over a skill node in the circuit menu.",
"": "Circuit Info Display Time",
"": "Short",
"": "Long",
"labels.options.circuit-display-time.description": "The time the info box stays after leaving focus on a node in the circuit menu.",
"": "Minimize Quest Window",
"labels.options.min-quest.description": "Displays only the name and progress of the quest in the favorite quest window. ",
"": "Circuit Chain Activation",
"labels.options.circuit-quick-change.description": "Allows to chain activate nodes in the circuit menu when selecting a node.",
"": "Display HUD",
"labels.options.hud-display.description": "Toggles the status display in the top left corner.",
"": "Show Melee Indicator",
"labels.options.close-circle.description": "Toggles the circle indicating the close combat range for mouse input.",
"": "Show Element on Lea",
"labels.options.element-select.description": "Toggles the current element display when switching elements on Lea.",
"": "Show Element Overload",
"labels.options.element-overload.description": "Toggles the corner graphics indicating element overload.",
"": "Language",
"": "English",
"": "German",
"": "Chinese",
"": "Japanese",
"": "Korean",
"labels.options.language.description": "The language of the game. \\c[1]Parts of the game only in English right now! Needs a restart!",
"": "Show Low Health Warning",
"labels.options.low-health-warning.description": "Toggles the corner graphics for low health.",
"": "Show Combat Art Name",
"labels.options.combat-art-name.description": "Toggles if the name of a combat art should be displayed above Lea when executed.",
"": "Show SP Bar",
"labels.options.sp-bar.description": "Toggles if the SP bar should be shown when using Arts or recovering SP.",
"": "Show Damage Numbers",
"labels.options.damage-numbers.description": "Toggles the damage numbers. This applies to healing numbers too.",
"": "Show Only Criticals",
"labels.options.damage-numbers-crit.description": "If selected only shows critical hit numbers. (Healing numbers are still displayed)",
"": "Show Item Notification",
"": "Toggles the item notification window when obtaining an item.",
"": "Show Money Notification",
"": "Toggles the money notification window when obtaining money.",
"": "Save Cursor Position",
"labels.options.quick-cursor.description": "If on, saves the cursor position in the quick item menu.",
"": "Allow Element Switch",
"labels.options.quick-element.description": "If on, allow to use \\i[up]\\i[left]\\i[down]\\i[right] to change element in quick menu.",
"": "Location Display",
"": "Quick",
"": "Map",
"": "Disable",
"labels.options.quick-location.description": "\\c[3]Quick\\c[0]: Show when in Quick menu. \\c[3]Map\\c[0]: Show when entering map. \\c[3]Disable\\c[0]: Never show.",
"": "Display Type",
"": "Original",
"": "Double",
"": "Fit",
"": "Stretch",
"labels.options.display-type.description": "Changes the Scaling used for the box the game runs in.",
"": "Attack / Charge",
"": "\\i[gamepad-r1] / \\i[gamepad-r2]",
"": "\\i[gamepad-r2] / \\i[gamepad-r1]",
"labels.options.gamepad-attack.description": "Button for attack and throwing. The other button will be used for special attacks.",
"": "Dash / Quick Menu",
"": "\\i[gamepad-l1] / \\i[gamepad-l2]",
"": "\\i[gamepad-l2] / \\i[gamepad-l1]",
"labels.options.gamepad-dash.description": "Button for dashing and guarding. The other button will be used for the quick menu.",
"": "Gamepad Icons",
"": "Xbox",
"": "Dualshock",
"labels.options.gamepad-icons.description": "Icons displayed for Gamepad Buttons.",
"": "Enable Fullscreen",
"labels.options.fullscreen.description": "Toggles fullscreen view.",
"": "Double Pixel Size",
"labels.options.double-pixels.description": "Increases the pixel size resulting in less blurry graphics. \\c[1]Needs a restart!",
"": "Pixel Size",
"": "1",
"": "2",
"": "3",
"": "4",
"labels.options.pixel-size.description": "Higher size means sharper image. May reduce FPS. \\c[1]Needs a restart!",
"": "Overlay Particles",
"labels.options.env-particles.description": "Toggles the environment particles.",
"": "Weather Effects",
"": "Toggles the weather effects like rain and snow.",
"": "Lighting",
"": "Toggles the ambient lighting.",
"": "Effect Details",
"": "Low",
"": "Medium",
"": "High",
"labels.options.effects.description": "Sets the details on overall effects.",
"": "Master Volume",
"labels.options.volume-master.description": "Sets the overall volume of the game.",
"": "Music Volume",
"labels.options.volume-music.description": "Sets the volume of the music in the game.",
"": "Sound Volume",
"labels.options.volume-sound.description": "Sets the volume of the sounds in the game.",
"": "Use Web Audio",
"labels.options.web-audio.description": "Enables WebAudio for better sound quality and positioned sounds. \\c[1]Needs a restart!",
"": "Melee Mouse Input",
"labels.options.close-combat-input.description": "Enables being able to click close to Lea to execute a melee attack.",
"": "Element Mouse Wheel",
"labels.options.element-wheel.description": "If on you can use the mouse wheel to change the element mode.",
"labels.options.controls.keys.left": "Move Left",
"labels.options.controls.keys.right": "Move Right",
"labels.options.controls.keys.up": "Move Up",
"labels.options.controls.keys.down": "Move Down",
"": "Enter/Exit Menu",
"labels.options.controls.keys.pause": "Pause",
"labels.options.controls.keys.confirm": "Confirm",
"labels.options.controls.keys.dash2": "Dash",
"labels.options.controls.keys.back": "Return",
"labels.options.controls.keys.melee": "Execute Melee",
"labels.options.controls.keys.guard": "Execute Guard",
"labels.options.controls.keys.special": "Charge Special",
"labels.options.controls.keys.cold": "Cold Mode",
"labels.options.controls.keys.heat": "Heat Mode",
"labels.options.controls.keys.shock": "Shock Mode",
"labels.options.controls.keys.wave": "Wave Mode",
"labels.options.controls.keys.neutral": "Neutral Mode",
"": "Open Help Menu",
"labels.options.controls.keys.help2": "Shortcut 1",
"labels.options.controls.keys.help3": "Shortcut 2",
"labels.options.controls.keys.skip-cutscene": "Shortcut 3/Skip Scenes",
"": "Change Tabs/Circle Left",
"": "Change Tabs/Circle Right",
"labels.options.controls.keys.quick": "Enter/Exit Quick Menu",
"labels.options.controls.anykey": "\\c[3]- Press any key - \\c[0]",
"labels.options.controls.unbind": "Unbind",
"labels.options.controls.back": "Return",
"labels.options.controls.none": "- None -",
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