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Starting right into the film, the two main characters Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid are at the beginning of plotting another bank robbery. Being famously known as the leaders of the infamous gang Hole in the Wall, both Cassidy and Kid return to their gang’s hideout after being gone for some time. After long days of house riding, they finally make it back safe and sound; however, a new leader was appointed by the name of Harvey Logan. Since Cassidy was the main figure for forming the gang, Logan challenges him to a knife fight since he was confident he could win. Although, Cassidy had simple mind tricks up his sleeve and won the fight instead without swinging a knife to him. After properly greeting everyone afterwards, Cassidy learns of Logan’s plan of looting the train Union Pacific Flyer for its massive amount of loot. Logan had even seen that it would so safe, that they could rob from train twice in a row without any harm. Seeing in the success behind the operation, Cassidy takes Logan’s plan for himself and initiates it as his own idea.
Beginning the plan in the morning, their first attempt for robbing the train went very successful without any trouble for them at all. Meanwhile later in town, word gets out of what the Hole in the Wall gang did and it forces the Mayor to reach out to the civilians for support. Telling attempts on how to catch them, Cassidy and Kid listen secretly along laughing on what they would be trying. With the mayor being unsuccessful to rally up the civilians for help, Cassidy’s lover Etta Place enters the film and convinces him to take her on a nice long bike ride around the town.
Following the next day, the gang attempts to rob the train a second time the moment it appeared in their sights. However, their second attempt results in massive failure and causes major faults to appear. While robbing the cargo within, a second train appears out of the blue right behind containing six armed men with horseback. Forcing the gang to run, everyone flees as fast as they can away from them. The six armed men although, were a special batch that had been chosen to hunt down Cassidy and Kid persistently until they were dead. Cassidy and Kid try staying at a place in a nearby town to get away, though they are unsuccessful doing so and forced back on their way running.
Realizing later that the armed men were still continuing to search for them right on their trail, Cassidy and Kid try riding on the same horse in an attempt to split the group after them, finding out later though that it would not work at all. After a long day of riding, they then arrive in another nearby town and try meeting up with a friendly sheriff of who was in charge of the county for some help. The sheriff tells them both although, that the group chasing behind their trail was a type of group that wouldn't stop until their goal was completed. Later the next day, Cassidy and Kid arrive at Etta’s household. While staying over to relax, they discuss on how they were going to deal with the situation. Thinking about it, they realized that anywhere in the country, nothing was going to stop the armed men after them. After a long conversation, everyone agrees that the only way to stop this was to leave the country, so they decide their next destination was Bolivia. Bolivia was seen from their eyes as the best place for a more successful criminal career, with easy money to be taken with many benefits.
After a long travel for the group, taking many days and requiring to go to New York, Cassidy, Kid, and Place finally arrive at a Bolivian village to begin their “new” career. However, everything does not start well when they encounter problems in their way. When Cassidy and Kid attempt their first bank robbery, it fails miserably. Since they are in a new country too, Etta is forced to teach spanish to the both of them so that they can communicate with the civilians there. Bit by bit, they begin succeeding in their bank robberies and building up their new reputation as the Los Bandidos Yanquis with law enforcement across Bolivia. Everything although, changes against their favor. While everyone is eating dinner outside one day, they notice a man wearing a white straw hat near them communicating with a few others. Leaving their dinner abruptly, they rush back home as fast as they could without being seen. Thinking about what they had saw, they come to the conclusion that the armed men from before were still after them and that they needed to find a way to not attract their attention towards themselves. After discussing their next game plan, they come to the reasoning that both Cassidy and Kid were going to get their first job that wasn't related to any crimes. Led by man named Percy Garris, the duo decide becoming payroll guards under his name for a mine. Being their first day, Cassidy and Kid were excited since it was a peaceful job without any illegal actions needed to be taken. Later in the day, they find out that their job was far from being peaceful and more violent than they ever would have imagined.
A mob of armed robbers appear out of the blue and attempt stealing all of Garis’ money. Beginning to hide and shoot the trio, Garris is caught in the middle of the action and falls dead instantly from his fatal wounds. Playing another mind trick, Cassidy and Kid lure out the bandits by leaving the money and hiding until they came out, baiting them. Initiating then into a full-out gun fight, Cassidy and Kid kill all of the bandits within seconds one by one. After the fight ends, the duo look at the battle ground with misery, with a long silence deciding what was going to be next for them. Returning to Etta, they tell her that wherever they wanted to go in life, violence was always going to be behind it all. Cassidy and Kid then state their decision for the return of their lives as being criminals and robbers. Etta however, then leaves the duo since her feelings for them were to strong and that she could not handle seeing them die in front of her eyes.
A couple of days sooner or later, Cassidy and Kid ambush a mule train in the nearby jungle, taking all money and a mule as well to help load their supplies. Feeling successful behind their act, they head towards the nearest town in their way and stop for some food. While arriving, a boy by the name San Vicente recognizes the brand on the mule’s back. Thinking about it, Vicente connects it to realizing the brand belonged to the criminals Bandidos Yanquis where he then contacts the police to their location. Finding themselves an emptied out household as a shield, Cassidy and Kid hide from the police and they then realize the low amount of ammunition they had left on them.
Butch makes a quick dash to the mule outside to bring in whatever ammunition was left while Sundance covered him, even being able to shoot a couple of the policemen. With the amount of policemen though, they were unable to dodge all the bullets and found themselves injured once back inside the household. Cassidy and Kid, while trying to recover from the wounds, begin discussing where they would be going next. Cassidy proposes Australia since they could easily talk in English, plenty of space for hiding, and easy banks to rob. With that in agreement between them, they run outside the house to make it to their horses with confidence, however, encounter gunshots by many more policemen outside. Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid ends when both characters are frozen on the screen while hearing only the voice “Fire!”, followed by many rapid gunshots.
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